How tall is Monica Potter

Monica Potter's Height

5ft 7 (170.2 cm)

American Actress best known for films such as Patch Adams, Con Air, Along Came a Spider, Saw and The Last House on the Left. On TV, she appeared in series such as Boston Legal and Parenthood. Somebody a few years back mentioned that she wasn't tall enough to be a fashion model, although described her as 5ft 9, a height that she did get described at prior to Patch Adams.

How tall is Monica Potter
Photo by Joe Seer/

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Average Guess (7 Votes)
5ft 6.5in (168.9cm)
Sandy C said on 29/Jul/22
With her long hair, Monica looked a dead ringer for MyAnna Buring.

Last night I saw ‘The Last House on the Left’, which is a shocking film. I noticed that she was nearly as tall as Aaron Paul, who is just under 5ft8, and plays one despicable piece of work, as does his brother. Then I suddenly remembered that I bought this film because I thought MyAnna was in it, but I was mistaken then just as I was last night. This isn’t the sort of film one can watch time and time again because it’s too cruel, but I had to see it to the end to see the evil attackers of the two young girls get their comeuppance. 👅

5ft7 for the stunning Monica. 👸🌹
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Jul/15
@Arch: Con Air and Patch Adams 😍
Arch Stanton said on 26/Jul/15
Gorgeous in the 90s, still looking pretty good!
Arch Stanton said on 14/Aug/14
Then in other scenes she looks 2 inches taller than Robin with lowish footwear!
Arch Stanton said on 14/Aug/14
In heels. Without heels she actually looked an inch shorter than Robin.
Arch Stanton said on 14/Aug/14
Rob can you update with American actress best known from roles in films such as Patch Adams, Con Air, Along Came a Spider, Saw, The Last House on the Left, and TV series such as Boston Legal and Parenthood.

Oddly did look 5 ft 9 next to Robin Williams in Patch Adams and looked pretty tall in Last House too.
Mike said on 3/Jan/09
Monica Potter should be upgraded to 5ft 8in.

In Patch Adams she consistently appears at least an inch taller than Robin Williams, despite the director's best efforts to make the guy look taller than the girl.
anonymous said on 21/Jan/08
Judging from Boston Legal, i think it is possible that she may be closer to 171-172. She does usually have 1.5 inches on rhona mitra. Plus, she was usually very close to lake bell.
Anonymous said on 5/Aug/06
I think she's taller than 5'7. She was Prefontaine's (Billy Crudup) girlfriend in the movie, and even though she did the back slump, hip sway to make herself look shorter, it was clear in several scenes that she was taller even when she was wearing flats. I don't think 5'9 is out of the question. As for not tall enough to be a fashion model, they mean runway work where 5'10 is the preferred minimum. 5'8 Carolyn Murphy had a hard time breaking into the business because she was deemed too short.
Anonymous said on 25/May/06
Have just seen patch adams, and she is approxemately 3 cm taller than robin williams. so if he is 170, Ill guess she will be around 173-74 cm.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

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