shoelifts said on 23/Mar/23
Just give this dude atleast the rounded 150cm, 149,9 is pretty harsh lol
Jackie Lee said on 3/Aug/22
This guy is definitely under 5'0 tall. Made 5'3 Jason Earles look normal height and towered over by 5'4 Miley Cyrus.
Wehrmacht180 said on 23/May/22
150 cm
Jackie Lee said on 6/Jan/22
Having been to the Philippines, trust me I felt tallish as a 5'5, 5'6 on a good day guy. The men seem to average about 5'2-5'4 and women 4'8-5'1. There's many who are even below the average I listed. My college had a Filipino guy who's 4'11 max as he looked same height as my 4'11 female friend and another Filipina girl who can't be more than 4'6 as she was half a head shorter than my 4'11 friend
Mike V said on 22/Mar/21
I live in northern Italy but my hometown is in southern Italy, I haven’t noticed that much difference it’s still Italy, the only region with noticeable lower average height is Sardinia, I don’t know why but there’s always this thing that Sardinians are shorter.
I’d say average in Italy is 5’9 probably dead 5’9 in southern Italy, while in northern Italy more like 5’9.5
Sulu2020 said on 22/Oct/20
4ft 11 is even under the 0.4th percentile for adult males.
GTB173cm said on 24/Sep/20
5ft flat, no less
Leesheff85 said on 9/Sep/20
Asg I dont think his brother is 5ft 7 he looks a good few inches shorter than wilmer valderrama could be 5ft 5 a good 6 inches on his brother
Hayden said on 3/Sep/20
Poor kid got it bad. Being 5'5-5'6 sucks already i can't even imagine being 4'11 as a dude.
JohnMoore-162cm said on 11/May/20
I think he has height complex ..
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 4/Mar/20
I'll give him a boost. Maybe fraction over 4'11.
ASG said on 20/Sep/19
Rob, I always thought this kid would hit a growth spurt and be around his brothers height at around 5’7. Does this guy have dwarfism or is he just a normal guy who reached a really low adult height.

Editor Rob
Just a very short guy.
Myself said on 5/Nov/18
I think the average could be about 173 cm, maybe up to 175-176, but i'm not sure...In the University maybe it could reach 177-178, but the claimed average of the yellow regions in this map
Click Here is 175-177 and i live in one of those on top, in a city with 150k inhabitants.
Normally i rarely meet people too close to my eyelevel. The tallest guys that i generally see, both on the streets and University are about my eyelevel or some centimeters above...179-184 cm.
There are some that are in the 185-188 range sometimes, but above 190 it's like 1 every 100-200, could be even more rare. Out of hundreds of guys in our University i saw like 10-15 max guys (on total) from 188 to my height, and 2 or 3 taller than me, but in the last months i only saw one of the latter ones once.
A height like 185 cm feels very comfortably tall, even in the Uni, where you would pretty much tower a decent amount of guys and edge out the others.
You should consider that there may be a decent margin of error in my estimations, since i'm not probably as expert as you or some other guys on this site on height guessing as i've been into it for only about 2.5 years, but i don't think to be too far off truth.
Nevertheless you can see 167-171 cm guys quite often, but I haven't thought too much about the overall average though, usually guys near my eyelevel and above catch my attention easier...i think i will try to guess a little better the average and report back if i think my estimate could be realistic enough.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 5/Nov/18
How tall would you say northern Italy is, from your experience?
Littlelee168cm said on 3/Nov/18
5ft 9 is average height in most countries try being 4ft 11 for a day like this guy and see if you still feel so bad being 5ft 9 no-one I've known at 5ft 9 has ever felt insecure about it
Myself said on 3/Nov/18
I agree with Christian. 5'9 should be pretty much bang on average for males in every developed country. My friend that is usually exacly 5'8 7/8 feels above average here in Northern Italy, and he often wears pretty low converse.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Nov/18
5'9" for a guy isn't short by any means. I think you just have a complex. Most girls aren't 5'9"+ BTW. It's only a small handful.
khaled taban said on 1/Nov/18
No , I am sure that I am 5'9" (or 175cm) but this height is a horrible for a guy nowadays especially that many girls are 5'9" or even taller .
To be honest , I hate myself for being short but I can't do anything !
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 31/Oct/18
If you feel that short at 5'9", then you're probably not 5'9".
khaled taban said on 30/Oct/18
I call myself very very short because I am only 5'9" but this guy has changed my thoughts about how short am I.
I still feel insecure about my height though !
Norman Stewart said on 15/Aug/18
4'11 Yikes
Norman Stewart said on 15/Aug/18
4'11 Yikes
khaled taban said on 5/Aug/18
5 feet , I feel sorry for him
Littlelee168cm said on 30/Jul/18
He looks 5ft 1 next to Nick Robinson in the kings of summer not a full foot or more shorter
Ronia said on 29/Jul/18
He's 5'1"....
Calum Stewart said on 16/Jun/18
@Brendon it is not his fault that he is 4'11 respect the man.
Calum Stewart said on 16/Jun/18
@Editor Rob I feel sorry for him to be under 5ft and I am complaining that I am 5Ft 3
Calum Stewart said on 16/Jun/18
He should be in the under 5ft men list because he is 4'11
Brendon said on 19/May/18
@Yht Well it does make me happy to know he might be shorter than me haha. I believe he has nice proportions, legs aren't too short and his hands and arms look alright, I think it's the shirt he is wearing in that photo that isn't doing him any favor, when you're this short you know not to wear long tops.
Yht said on 12/May/18
@Brendon Don't know about you but this guy has very bad proportions and you are probably taller than him as he is shorter than his listed height so be happy
Brendon said on 11/May/18
I'm the same height as him unfortunately, but he seems to own it and he doesn't look that bad. I wonder where does he shop for clothes tho.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 29/Apr/18
Saying a 4'11" man has dwarfism is like saying a 6'7" man has gigantism. He's not a dwarf, he just probably inherited short genes or had very poor nutrition or maybe a kidney/liver related disease as a child.
6ftSlim said on 28/Apr/18
4'10 in my opinion.He is modest.
Yht said on 14/Apr/18
He definitely looks below 150 cm
ItsGreg said on 7/Apr/18
@Mo_adam really you don't like being 5'10? why if you don't mind me asking and what kind of 5'10 are you? weak/flat or strong?
Nik said on 6/Apr/18
He us probably about the listed height. I do see a few men out and about who are this height or smaller.
ReallyShortRussianDude said on 4/Apr/18
Is the dwarf experience a euphemism?
Anyway, I can't say I agree as being a dwarf I'm sure would be harder from a physical standpoint & at 4'11 he's extremely short, but he is at a height where there is still plenty of women around his height.
Michel Welling 178cm said on 4/Apr/18
Come on give him that 0,1 cm to 150 cm

Editor Rob
If I stored heights in the database in cm I could, but unfortunately it's feet/inches and just the cm is displayed (after converting) beside it.
Idkman223 said on 4/Apr/18
and i thought 5ft6 was bad 😂
Tunman said on 3/Apr/18
Sounds like it would be among the worst heights to be for a man.very small but yet not a dwarf.I feel that if I had to choose between Moises height and Dinklage it would be the latter.Some women are interested by the dwarf experience when you think about Verne and others.But very few would be interested in a borderline dwarf experience.I feel the exceptionally tall and exceptionally small have a 50-50 chance when it comes to dating but the closer you get to average the more the taller will be preferred(6'2 vs 5'4 or even 6'7 vs 4'11).
That said,if you're enough charming you could manage to pick up some girls no matter your height.
ALEXANDRE ALVES BR said on 1/Apr/18
being a strong 5'7 already sucks a little ... imagine a life will be that he leads a normal life rob ???

Editor Rob
You can go through life worrying about things like a lack of height, looks, money, skills etc...
Maybe Moises has some worries himself, but he's managed to make a good career and become relatively famous even at barely 5 feet.
sulu2018 said on 29/Mar/18
He has been on TV since around 2006, but how come this celeb height was just posted only a few days ago?

Editor Rob
Well he was still growing back then and I don't add that many 13-16 year olds, just a few really. Even at 18 I wondered if he might still grow, but I'm not sure he did.
M.E said on 29/Mar/18
Wow really!? I've wondered about it him for a long time as well as the Stanley character from Corey in the house
ReallyShortRussianDude said on 29/Mar/18
Look at him with 5'8ish Van Damme and 5'6.5 listed Kat foster..he's no way near 5'1.
2MeterPeter said on 29/Mar/18
Honestly I think he could be 5' or 5'1. Obviously a very short guy but wouldn't go under 5 foot.
Johnson said on 29/Mar/18
Atticus and other people shorter than him have some kind of illnesses.
He looks healthy right? Just short by genes
lee168cm said on 29/Mar/18
I like this guy for his honesty and he seems comfortable with his size. The listing is accurate 4'11 it is. And 5'2 on tiptoes
mo_adam said on 29/Mar/18
poor guy,life must truly suck.And here i am complaining about being 5,10 smh
Robby G said on 29/Mar/18
Wow, he's really that short, looks like he could pass for a teenager or even a middle schooler
Johan said on 28/Mar/18
WOW, is this the shortest guy without dwarfism you've listed Rob?

Editor Rob
He might not be the shortest, there are not a lot of men under 5ft listed.