Sandy Cowell said on 30/May/23
⚡️🍦 Mitch’s movie Shocker is well worth investigating if you haven’t already seen it. I have a ‘craving’ to watch it right now, but I’ll have to wait for my new TV to arrive today!
Mitch would never have won the lead in Shocker if
he was short. He gets ‘power roles’ because he’s tall with a big build.
6ft1 peak and 6ft0.25 today. He showed up in Medium 🔮and, of course, was a regular in The ‘X’ Files.
Jolapizza 6'0 1/2 said on 2/Dec/22
He's slouching a little bit but he looks like a solid 6'0 1/2 guy in this picture. I have the feeling that he has a high eye level for his height and a bit smaller than average forehead
ChristianPerkins said on 15/Mar/22
Darksol64 said on 3/Jan/22
I think he's dropping a little height in pic but look at high his shoulder opposite of Rob is. It's obvious he's a big guy and I can easily see at minimum the listed 6'0.5 and a peak 6'1.
Spot on listing.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Dec/21
Mitch, Gillian and David D are just three stars from the 'X' Files who immediately spring to mind for making some truly thrilling films apart from their 'X' Files episodes.
Mitch gets 6ft1 for his peak and three-quarters of an inch less for today. The above picture is, after all, 9 years old!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Feb/21
Had a good 2cm on Duchovny so at least 6ft1 peak
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 4/Feb/21
He looks like Wolverine and Goldberg had a bad child
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Sep/20
I was very excited to see Mitch showing up in 'Medium' the other night. He only stars in really good stuff, certainly according to my way of thinking. 😉
Peak - 6ft1.25
Today - 6ft0.5
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Aug/20
I observed the height difference between Mitch and Robert Patrick the other night, and it was indeed a noticeable one. I'd say a strong two inches, so it's six foot one from me. He shows us how tall six one really is in his film entitled 'Shocker'. ⚡🤯⚡ When I first saw it, I reckoned on six two or more.
Peak - 6ft1.25
Now - 6ft0.5
Nice friendly, cheerful picture of Mitch 'n' Rob! 😁🤝😆
Ronaldo 185.5cm said on 31/May/20
185.5cm peak and around 184 now
berta said on 9/May/20
i think close to 186 peak and 184,5 now. very big boned guy. duchovny didn look under 184 to me but rob thought 183 in person so i believe that.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Mar/20
I don’t think less than 6ft1 peak
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Mar/20
Rob, how likely is a fraction over 6ft1 peak?

Editor Rob
Against the other guys on X-Files I think around 6ft 1...I wouldn't go with 1.25 though, although he could look taller in person because he had a cowboy boot on - but still, michael madsen had a cowboy boot on and looked taller than Mitch comfortably...before he then lost height. Mitch I think has held up reasonably well.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Mar/20
Still edged out
Charlie Hunnam and Ron Perlman in SOA. No less than 184cm today. Peak I think 185.5-186cm. Clearly taller than Duchovny in the early years of X-Files.
6ft2 is a bit of a stretch though. Probably a shoe claim
Bob da cob. said on 16/Jan/20
So many Hollywood 6-0/6-1 claim 6-2/6-3 or above. Infamous now.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Sep/19
No! The young girl was perfectly innocent, thank goodness, and helped by the lovely Allison Dubois! ❤️👱♀️
However, I saw Mitch in an 'X' File just now and he looked taller than Robert Patrick. Well, let's face it, he is!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 11/Sep/19
I couldn't have been more wrong!
The killer, it would seem, is a young girl. How on Earth does a girl that young have the knowledge to drain the blood from the bodies of people? Is there a twist in this? Allison, played by Patricia Arquette, has been dreaming about this girl too!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 11/Sep/19
Urghhh! Mitch isn't half in some freaky stuff! His part in the 'X' Files seems to be the most savoury; then he is in 'Shocker', which is thoroughly nasty, and I have just noticed his name pop up at the beginning of an episode of 'Medium', called 'There Will Be Blood'. A family of four has been found dead and arranged in such a way that they are sitting down in their living room as though they were alive. One more gory thing - they have been completely drained of blood and there is no sign of the red fluid on the premises.
My suspicions point to Pileggi as the weirdo who is responsible for this atrocity. I'll have to see if I'm right....
6ft1.25 peak;
6ft0.25 now.
Yang (5 footer 8, 172-173) said on 10/Sep/19
Agreed with this listing cause you were standing around his eye level with 4.25 inch height differences...
Nik Ashton said on 1/Sep/19
6’0.5” is fine!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Aug/19
Around 183cm
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Feb/19
There's no getting away from it, Rob! You have met many, many members of The 'X' Files! I just counted 10!
Gillian Anderson is incredible, as is Robert Patrick. I really felt my luck was in the day I found he'd be taking over from Mulder, because if anyone could fit the bill, it was Robert. He was ace in 'T2' and a film called 'Fire In The Sky', which was very 'X' Files-like and supposedly based on fact.
As for Mitch Pileggi's noteworthy film work, has anyone seen 'Shocker'? It's a Wes Craven film going back some years now, and Mitch looks a STRONG 6ft1 in that. I'd even have believed more at the time I first saw it.
I'd like to go for 6ft1.25 for Mitch's peak and 6ft0.5 now.
Bobby said on 11/Jan/18
He and Jensen were eye to eye on Supernatural from what I recall. Solid 6footers, the both of them.
MIncer said on 26/Oct/17
Rob, how much do you think he weighed during the X Files series because he looked quite beefy?

Editor Rob
could be 210-15 range
Mickey said on 20/May/17
he does look 6ft0.5 in that photo
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Apr/17
6ft1¼(186cm) peak is arguable. He was 1in taller than Duchovny
Jordan87 said on 15/Feb/17
I the Pic Not over 6'1" with Rob.
musket said on 19/Apr/16
doesn't look much taller than kurtwood smith
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Jul/15
Looked a strong 6ft1 in early X-Files.
Near 1in taller than Duchovny.
Mike said on 24/Jan/15
Looked a legit 6ft 1 during The X-Files days.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Dec/14
No less than 6ft1 in The X-Files
judd said on 13/Sep/14
D. Duchovny 6'0.25"
G. Anderson 5'2.5"
M. Pillegi 6'0.5" (6'0.75" peak)
W.B. Davis 6'1" (6'2" in x-files series)
M. Rogers 5'8"
N. Lea 6'0.25-0.5"
R. Patrick 5'11"
A. Gish 5'7.5"
J. Hardin 6'0-0.25" in x-files series (maybe close to 6'1 peak)
C. Owens 5'11"
L. Holden 5'5"
Kostas said on 25/Aug/14
Is 6' flat possible Rob? Didn't look that much taller than Jensen in Supernatural.

Editor Rob
I think he'd still measure over 6ft mark, Jensen in SPN I thought had decent posture and maybe a fraction thicker boots than Mitch?
SaveUsY2J said on 16/Aug/14
Danimal, Pileggi looked taller 99% of the time.
Danimal said on 3/Aug/14
Mitch always appeared shorter next to David Duchovny on The X-Files to me. In fact, I remember having seen 6'0" listings for Mitch years ago. Duchovny was closer to 6'1" in the 1990's.
kevin said on 14/May/14
duchovny often looks 5,11" to me
John said on 7/Apr/14
Looks like a solid six foot guy. Bet he was 6'1" at his peak. Not sure Duchovony was ever 6'1", more like a flat 6', which is still quite tall.

Editor Rob
on x-files early seasons 6ft 1 for Mitch looked fair enough, I believe he looked taller than Duchovny
Alex 6ft 0 said on 31/Mar/14
Looks 6'0 with Rob
TNTinCA said on 14/Jan/14
For some reason, I thought he was taller. Around 6'2" or so. He seemed quite a bit taller than most of the cast on Atlantis, except for Ronin.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Dec/13
"Peak height was 6ft 1.25in (186cm)"
"Mitch Pileggi's height is 6ft 0.75in (185cm)"
Looks tall in early X-Files. Right between Duchovny and William B. Davis. He is also still listed at 6ft1.5/187cm in most places. I think he was near that at some point in his 30s. Looks a fraction below 6ft1 today, but most likely still edges Duchovny.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Dec/13
Virtually unrecognizable LOL!!! Looks more like Marc Cohn now!!
Sam said on 1/Nov/13
The fact that Pileggi was never more than 6'1" indicates that David Duchovny was never over 183 cm. The latter can look a bit over 6 foot even but was consistently shorter than Pileggi.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Oct/13
If Ackles is 6ft, then Pileggi is still 6ft1
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Sep/13
186-187cm range peak.
Alex 6ft 0 1/8 said on 7/Sep/13
Id say he's more 6'0-6'0.25 considering his footwear advantage
Sam173cm said on 15/Aug/13
Looks like your father, Rob! ^^
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Aug/13
Rob, could he have been 186cm peak?
Was 1in than David Duchovny
ish said on 25/Jul/13
Why does he appear to be looking UP at Jensen Ackles in some episodes of Supernatural? When he was the resurrected Grandpa Samuel, he looked to be at least three inches shorter than Ackles when standing next to him. What gives?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Jul/13
Looked 186-187cm in the early seasons of X-Files
Arch Stanton said on 27/Apr/13
Weak 6'1"/strong 6' guy as listed.
Dave said on 3/Feb/13
He is over 6ft tall, no kidding. You can see that Mitch stands 6'0 1/2".
Trent said on 28/Jan/13
6'0 - 6'0.25.
Stephen said on 8/Jan/13
tall guy 184 at night is bang on
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Dec/12
186-187cm peak. Easily 1in taller than Duchovny in X-Files
Larc-186.7cm-188.6cm said on 8/Dec/12
He's bending a bit in the pic, he's 6'1.

Editor Rob
I thought 'this guy is maybe 185cm' when I saw him, then looked at his footwear and saw he was in cowboy boots, so I'd be very surprised if he was over 184cm today.
nice guy said on 27/Jan/12
6'1 in shoes 6ft flat..maybe slightly over 6ft at his peak
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Apr/11
186cm is nearer
Hugh 190cm said on 1/Jul/09
Was taller than Jensen Ackles in Supernatural by what looked like 2 inches.
Hugh said on 7/Jan/09
By guess I'd say 200-210lbs. He's a solid, muscular guy. Strong as a bull I'd say. Also quite tall. 6ft1.5-6ft2 maybe?
Flaw said on 2/Jan/09
Do you know his weight i know he is a tall guy at 6'1 im 5'10 but i seen him shirtless in the x fles and he has a solid back and chest me 1'm 182p he would be big
Hugh said on 29/Dec/08
His loss of hair has revealed his true height. 6ft1. But he was at least 1 inch taller than Duchovny. I think it's a safe bet that he was 6ft2 say 20 years ago.
Mari said on 8/Mar/07
I agree with you, he looks to be 185cm He guest stars in Stargate Atlantis sometimes and he is taller than the other actors....and he even looks a bit taller than David Duchovny.
Mitch and Gillian Anderson looked so cute together in The X Files, because she is small.