Canson said on 15/Feb/18
@Jordan87: if he’s below 5’10 it’s maybe 5’9.75 and to be perfectly honest he looked a good 2” taller than my wife next to her and wouldn’t hesitate to put him at 5’10
Jordan87 said on 14/Feb/18
Tyson really does look a Pretty Solid 5'10" with ROb. I do not think he is at all under 5'10. Keep in mind He is wide, short arms, stocky build and large head. Could make people believe he was shorter. Plus he was always in the ring with 6'2 and 6'3" guys on Average.
Canson said on 13/Feb/18
@Adnan: I think he’s still near 5’10. If he’s under it it’s not by much. He had my wife by a clear 2” at least standing right next to her and she’s 5’7.75 at a low. I measured her once a mm below 5’7.75 and once the other day at the mark or a mm above (she has thick hair so was hard to see tell but she’s for lack of a better phrase close enough to 5’8”. Now we met him close to a decade ago and Rob even more recent and he looks 5’10 with Rob still
Junior Hernandez said on 1/Feb/18
Rob, i think Tyson deserved a 1/8 upgrade he really don't look under 178cm with everyone since 5'10 is only 177.8cm that don't add up.
Canson said on 29/Jan/18
@Gracian: when I met Tyson it was probably 2009ish and he looked a good 2” than my wife so no lower than 5’9.75 my wife is 5’7.75. Then again he’s also bald and my wife has long hair to this day so I could easily given him the full 5’10 as I didn’t really pay much attention to cm. There is a chance he’s under but it’s nothing noticeable if he is at all
Gracian said on 29/Jan/18
Rob, I agree that Tyson should receive a peak of 5'10.25" and the current height of 5'9.75". In the picture with you he looks like at least 5'10.25" although in the last time Mike seem to have lost some... I believe that he and Harold Perrineau will look the same, I think that Harold should also peak height of 5'10.25" and the current height of 5'9.75".
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 25/Jan/18
I agree. If anything, it might be getting a bit shorter for the younger generation, since the tallest age group is the 40's according to stats. Average for all ages is about 5'9" but for white/black men in their 40's maybe 5'9.75"
Jake94 (5'9 said on 24/Jan/18
@Christian-6'5 3/8 Americans pretty much stopped growing a while ago. Some parts of Europe and Asia are getting taller. I think the average is pretty much 5'9.5" across the board. Maybe just over that if you're white or black. As for Tyson, he looks a strong 5'10" here, so slightly above average. Definitely not a dwarf.
Canson said on 18/Jan/18
He’s still around 5’10 as of 7-8 years ago
JJStyles said on 14/Jan/18
well he's 51 so hasn't shrunk? i mean he could be 5'9 by now don't you think rob?

Editor Rob
Today he might have lost a tiny amount, but he still seems to look 5ft 10 with many people.
c-mo said on 2/Jan/18
Rob . James Toney can not be 5'9 flat . it is impossible unless he had big extra lifts in his shoes when he met you . toney could be 176.5cm or so at night as you listed him but even that seems too low imo . he looks only a bit shorter than randy couture and is exactly as tall as dana white basically and I am suspecting dana white to be 178-179cm
datguy said on 30/Dec/17
if James Toney is 5'9.5 should mike tyson get a little downgrade too?

Editor Rob
actually Toney is insisting he's only 5ft 9.
Was he 5ft 9.25-5 range in be as low as 5ft 9?
Canson said on 29/Dec/17
@Bobby: he may have been a 5’10.25 at his lowest peak. He claimed 5’10.5 before. Today tho looks nothing more than 5’10 when I met him years back. It didn’t look over 2” with my wife when they were next to each other and she’s not even a true 5’8. More like 5’7 3/4 at night. She looked similar to how Rob does with him honestly. Maybe different footwear between the pics. I could’ve even said he’s 5’9.75 today honestly but 5’10 is fair
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 28/Dec/17
Average for US isn't weak 5'8" but it's not as tall as 5'10" like many think it is. I would say 5'9"-ish. For young white/black guys maybe weak 5'10"
Bobby said on 28/Dec/17
Is over 5'10 possible for him? I'd peg him at 5'10.25, to be honest. His eye level is in the middle of Rob's forehead, if he was a flat 5'10 guy, his eye level would be above the eyebrows and around the lower forehead.
gregory said on 26/Dec/17
the average guy overrates his height by at least 2 inches. A 5'10 man would be commonly mistaken for a 6 footer. the american average is actually a weak 5'8, not 5'10.
Jordan87 said on 22/Dec/17
@ James B,
If that 5'10 man is in his 20's nowadays he will be shorter than a good portion of his male friends. The average height for white and Black Males is going up and has for awhile. The average height in the US may be only slightly higher than it was in the past b/c of the shorter Immigrants coming here.
Honestly take a look at the teens and men from say 17-25 nowadays. More than half are taller than 5'10. They are around 5'11 to 5'11.5 usually.
Johno said on 20/Dec/17
Saw mate's photo again, it was one of them meet and greet photo-shoots and the difference did not seem much more than an inch. Tyson is likely a weak-5'10 or strong 5'9.
James B said on 19/Dec/17
A legit 5ft10 would be viewed by many as tall actually.
A 5ft10 man would only look short if a lot of his friends are 6ft or over.
Real Cavill said on 16/Dec/17
@Peter181cm.......I recently read that Bosnia or one of the small Eastern Bloc countries had 6'1" as the average height.
john said on 12/Dec/17
A bit shorter becaus of shoes
Johno said on 28/Nov/17
Saw a mate's FB picture the otherday with Mike Tyson and the difference between them in height was 1.5-inches, which is odd because this mate is shorter than me and Tyson was suited so was probably in dress shoes. My mate usually wears trainers.
Peter181cm said on 27/Nov/17
- North Europe average male height is between 6' - 5'11
-The tallest countries: German, Czechia, Finland, Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway
The others are under 5'11 ;)
Click Here:
C'mon the tallest country is 6' for males!
Peter181cm said on 27/Nov/17
Hey! Average male height in German
Is offiacially 5'11.25 (1.81m)
Not 5'9 👿👿
I'm from German, And people are tall!
I'm 5'11.25 tall, And sometimes I feel short! :/
c-mo said on 24/Nov/17
I am rather 5'9.25 btw . a very weak 5'9.5 maybe
c-mo said on 24/Nov/17
@Lynx according to statistic lists that I have seen young german men are 181cm measured . I think they were measured in the military if I am not wrong
and I live in germany . 5'11 for young ethnic germans makes sense trust me . they are tall people
but I dont feel short here at 5'9.5 tbh
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 24/Nov/17
I'm not sure if Germany's average is as low as 5'9", even in US it's around 5'9" or a hair under. Maybe 177cm for Germany and 179cm for young men.
Lynx said on 23/Nov/17
Actually average height in Germany is 5'9, like it is in most countries, the ''5'11'' mark is self reported, not measured (like the 5'9 mark) that doesn't really count, most people say they're 1 or 2 inches taller than they really are.
Maybe the young men average is 1 inch above 5'9, but 5'11 common for women and 6'2 for men? common lol, i've been on London for 2 weeks and i didn't see any woman taller than me, and i'm under 5'11, maybe 6' on shoes.
But well this is the internet, where everybody is 7 ft tall and 6ft is considerated short on their countries lol, and thats funny cause for most people in the real world 5'10 is already the start of tall.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 23/Nov/17
But still, no university in Germany is gonna have an average of 6'2". That's pretty ridiculous.
Lulu said on 21/Nov/17
the average measured young german is 5'10.5, 6'2 for average is crazy, god.
c-mo said on 21/Nov/17
the average measured young german male is 181cm - 5'11.25
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 20/Nov/17
I'd have to doubt that. The average measured young German male is 5'10.5" according to statistics, even in urban Germany it's 5'11". To have a 6'2" average in any area would be insanely tall. Even the average young Dutch guy is no taller than 6'0"
Jonas said on 19/Nov/17
It seems nowadayws Europeans are far Taller than Americans. I happen to be in an University in the North of Germany and 5'9-5'11 is way more common height for women than for men. Most men in my university are 6'0 - 6'4. 6'2 being average. I know far more women than men around 5'10, that is specially truth for people born 90's and later..
Canson said on 19/Nov/17
@Christian: that’s exactly how i see it too! 6’0” is where tall really begins but a true 5’10” guy esp when they claim it and are honest or even if they throw on some heeled shoes can look a bit tall.
@Nik: people throw the 1/2 or 3/4 on all the time. That happens with guys who claim their shoes as i called someone out on it once. Say a 6’3 guy claims 6’4 and know they’re really 6’3 at best and will look 6’3 they may try to throw the change on to make it roundabke when in reality they’re claiming shoes. Now you could argue Morning height but with some it’s not possible. They inflate. One guy i know claims 6’3.75. Really 6’2.5-6’3. He’s been called out many times esp because he inflated others people. Some say he looks as low as 6’2” which he can at times if he’s in flip flops. He even told me once that he saw a guy “my height” that told him he himself was 6’4” and this 6’3.75 didn’t believe him and tried to inflate him. I even said well you do know that I’m also 6’4” and change myself and he said he thought i was 6’5. Not to mention i was at a shoe disadvantage to him and pointed that out. I put him out of his misery and said I’m “about” 6’4 1/2 when technically it’s a bit lower than that at night can be 6’4.25. It then became you have to be at least 6’5. Until a 6’3” friend was there and next to me and him and my 6’3” friend was just as tall as he was if not taller (the latter was hard to tell that time). He either believed it at that point or didn’t want to argue but i watched the guy another time do it to a friend of mine Christians size as well who is 6’5.25 at night. He was in casual shoes i think and was told he’s at least 6’6”. My buddy is different tho he won’t claim any change his standard answer is “he is exactly 6’5” lol. I’ve know the guy for about 10 years now and his response has always been that way. I only know what he actually is because i have two other friends who are taller than both of us and all of us measured one night at one of their houses when we were playing cards this as a result of someone else who’s friends with one of them lying about his height and inflating all of us. Not to mention the guy knows about Morning and afternoon as he told us in a medical he was measured at 6’5 1/2 before as well as 6’5 3/8 but has always rounded down
Luke Casey Walsh said on 18/Nov/17
Not too long ago, I was reading about his amateur career & his height was 176 CM when he was 17
Canson said on 18/Nov/17
@Vince: Rob has never claimed 5’8.5. He has maintained since he started this site that he’s 5’8 1/8. That is not some random opinion it’s a fact.
Vince said on 17/Nov/17
Mike does look 5'11 with 5'8.5 Rob
Nik said on 17/Nov/17
@ Canson
I think it is exactly the same in the UK as it is in America in that guys lie about their height and claim shoe sizes, things are no different! I know men who are not that much taller than me (5'7.3") at 5'9" who claim to be 5'11.5" - 6'0" range, they also inflate other people's heights in order to make their own claims justifiable! Women are at it too, I have known women of 5'3" at most who claim 5'6". A women I know recently thought that I was 5'10", I mean I do sometimes wear a shoe with a large heel, but I am nowhere near 5'10"! I also think that people overestimate the average heights of people in the UK, true there a lot of tall people in the UK, but there are just as many smaller people too. I agree with you and Christian in that the average for men is 5'9" or fractionally under, and similar to what it is in the USA, there are a lot of older men and people from foreign backgrounds living in the UK and this pushes the average down.
I come from a good country, like you do, but if truth be told things are the same as they are in your country, many people are just as deluded over height, it is not the worst fault for people to have but I wish more people would tell the truth!
Finally, when you tell me that people, who are and look say 6'2", add 1/2 an inch or 3/4 of an inch to their height to make their claims more convincing, why does this work?
Have a great weekend!
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 17/Nov/17
Yeah, legit 5'10" is above average, may even be low end of tall depending on some parts of the country, but proper "tall" in my definition starts at about 6'0"
Canson said on 16/Nov/17
@Christian: i mentioned surprisingly tall to me but only because of how a 5’10 claim usually is 5’8/5’9 barefoot. Probably didn’t say it properly. Meant to say a legit 5’10 that claims it you can immediately tell
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 16/Nov/17
@Slim 185
Canson never said that 5'10" was tall. He was just implying that average isn't 5'10", he said 5'9" tops. 177cm average may be for young white/black men in US but not for all races of all ages.
Canson said on 15/Nov/17
Mike has always been a 5’10-5’10.25/.5 max
Canson said on 15/Nov/17
Lol Anonymous. At least he should claim exactly 6’0” if he’s gonna lie. That’s a lot closer than 6’1”
Canson said on 15/Nov/17
@Slim185: i said they can appear tall to me and that is because so many other guys lie about their height. A legit 5’10 who claims 5’10” is getting there esp when you are used to hearing 5’10 guys say 6’0”. For the longest time i thought it was my shoes or that i was wrong but I’m not they lie. Now Even in flats and casual shoes I’m only 6’4.75-6’5 1/8 depending on how flat and whether i dip to 6’4.25 barefoot or 6’4.33. To let you know I’m still guessed as 6’5” even in the casual shoes and this is people who should know better because they claim to be 6’2 or 6’3 and are off an inch or so when i actually come all the way down to 6’4.25. Either way if it’s a casual shoe and i assessed someone who is exactly 6’4 in shoes i would blindly assume in my head they are 6’3” unless I looked at the shoe then i add or deduct based on how much shoe they have on. I even got guessed 6’5/6’6 a few weeks back even tho i had been sleeping before my wife and i went out. Those two guys tho we’re both adding 2” tho so i just finally walked away.
My definition of tall is a legit 5’11-6’ and above. Tall officially 6’0-6’2 but a 5’11.5 can pass too. 6’3-6’6 very tall above 6’6 is extremely tall imho. But i stand by my avg height of 5’9” or less. Not just from appearances but common sense. How many people actually report their height correctly on a drivers license? Not many in the US. I actually had 6’5” on mine for a while even tho when someone asked me i claimed 6’4”. It now says 6’4” on it as well as i changed it a while back. But when we are talking legit heights like at their lowest you have a fair amount that A. Claim shoes B. Claim a morning height (get measured in the early morning say 6’1.75 will say 6’2 when they’re 6’1.25 possibly even), C. Claim a completely made up height 2-3” taller. High school and college athletes are famous for this. And pro. My former teammate is a solid 197 guy (right in between my 6’5.25 and 6’6 friend is maybe a cm in between both and to this day his license says 6’7” (was actually listed 6’8” at one point I high school). I was listed 6’5 in high school and 6’6 from some point freshman year onward until the end of my career when i graduated (undergrad). He still calls me 6’6 or calls me 6’5/6’6 and calls a former teammate (one of my best friends and neighbors as well) 6’8” when he’s 6’7” at his lowest all because the university listed him 6’8 and even 6’9 his freshman year before we were there. He sometimes even says 6’8/6’9 to him. He calls him out every time and tells him “dude you’re 6’5 and change stop lying or you’re 6’5/6’6 stop lying because I’m 6’7”. While me along with the other three all are listed 6’4, 6’5, 6’6, and 6’7 on our licenses this odd ball listed himself 6’7” and still claims it. I also have a friend who’s 5’10 and change who (he is honest about it) listed himself 6’1” for the longest time now it’s 6’0”. He admitted finally he’s 5’11 or a bit under but to his credit he doesn’t inflate people (at least now) because he knows how tall he is and that it isn’t cool doing that
Canson said on 15/Nov/17
@Anonymous: i still believe 5’9” and because you get the guys who are 5’10 then see a 5’7” guy. If i had a nickel for every time someone lied about their height I’d be a rich man. I see it all the time. 5’10 guys claiming 6’0” 5’11 claiming 6’1 etc. it’s a plague honestly. I even had one at a bar all but tell me i didn’t know how tall i was or wasn’t measured right and said well this and that until i said well we have a tape measure we can grab it. A buddy of mine has one in the toolbox in his truck and he was with us. He is a handyman on the side. it was when he stood up and went to get it that he asked him how tall he was too. He himself is 6’5 1/4 legit (6’6 out of bed) and claims 6’5” no more no less is what he told him and our 6’6 friend stood next to him and proved it. It’s a 2cm diff but nobody can really tell without looking closely that it’s not a full inch. Because the 6’6” has such poor posture at times (both actually don’t have as good a posture as me) they figured i was lying until both stood straight and told them how tall they were. At that stage it was 3 of us and a tape measure. The guy finally shut his mouth and didn’t say a word because he actually grabbed the tape measure and the guy was nervous you could tell
Anonymous said on 15/Nov/17
Men certainly lie about their heights, it's actually pretty sad since I belive its a pretty high number. I happen to know someone who I personally measured at 5'10.75" , and he still claims 6'1" when he meets girls.
As Far as the average height though, Younger men in my age group I would pin at 5'11 on average, or close to it. My Father is still 5'11-1/4" as measured by myself at 12:10pm just about a year ago. The last Boxing PPV Get together at the house Featured My Father along with a mixture of My friends and friends of Friends. Ages ranged from 22 to 41, with most in their late 20's like myself. Anyway, My Father was shorter than about half of the males at the house, and again he is a very solid 5'11 still at his age.
FYI My Father always reported 5'11, he never needed to crank on an extra 1.5" like most men do. He is a very secure guy I will at least give him that. Now as far as my Friends, yes most of them edged my father out, but only by around an inch but of course report they are 6'2" lol.
Slim 185 said on 15/Nov/17
Lmao @canson, 5’10” doesn’t even begin to resemble tall. 177-179 CM/5’10” is 50th percentile in the West. (1 in 2 men will edge you out,)
Canson said on 15/Nov/17
@Nik: that’s how it is here. I have seen some real winners over the years. Even last week i went to the grocery store one night and a guy saw me walk out and ask me how tall i was. I told him 6’4. He thought I was taller than that from a distance but even close up said he figured 6’5”. I told him 6’4 and that i don’t claim my shoes. He just said Oh. So i knew he was doing that and called him out in a subtle way without saying he did. He claimed 6’2/6’3 yet i was 2-3” taller than he was. Couldn’t have been more than maybe 6’1.5 at that time being he was in sneaks. I also know someone who hangs at a local bar my friends and i frequent (among others there that lie) say he is 6’0/6’1. Not only do i have a 6’0 friend who is clearly taller if I stood in front of both but i have the guy by 5” easy and that’s with him in sneakers me in casual shoes. He isn’t more than 5’11” max. I can go on but there’s just too many examples. When I’m in a casual shoe at night and have been on my feet for an hour or two at a bar im probably down to 6’4.25 no higher and esp if I’ve been to the gym and that’s gonna put me anywhere from 6’4 7/8-6’5 in a casual shoe and yet at times i still get guessed at 6’5”. One guy was honest once and asked what are you 6’5? I told him 6’4. And i asked what are you 5’11? He said he’s 5’11 but claims 6’0”. So i left it at that. But it’s a lot of people And not to mention a bartender I’ve mentioned before who inflates everyone. There’s a guy who is 6’0 that’s a buddy of mine who the bartender thought was 6’2” because he claims 6’4”. The bartender is 6’2.5 prob (best case 6’3) but his go to is 6’3 3/4 which is typical of a shoe claimer to say they’re 1/2” or 3/4” over just to make their lie believable. I’ve noticed that a lot. They know they’re closer to 6’3” and will look it so they throw the change on just to cover it up
Canson said on 15/Nov/17
@Nik: that’s how it is here. I have seen some real winners over the years. Even last week i went to the grocery store one night and a guy saw me walk out and ask me how tall i was. I told him 6’4. He thought I was taller than that from a distance but even close up said he figured 6’5”. I told him 6’4 and that i don’t claim my shoes. He just said Oh. So i knew he was doing that and called him out in a subtle way without saying he did. He claimed 6’2/6’3 yet i was 2-3” taller than he was. Couldn’t have been more than maybe 6’1.5 at that time being he was in sneaks. I also know someone who hangs at a local bar my friends and i frequent (among others there that lie) say he is 6’0/6’1. Not only do i have a 6’0 friend who is clearly taller if I stood in front of both but i have the guy by 5” easy and that’s with him in sneakers me in casual shoes. He isn’t more than 5’11” max. I can go on but there’s just too many examples. When I’m in a casual shoe at night and have been on my feet for an hour or two at a bar im probably down to 6’4.25 no higher and esp if I’ve been to the gym and that’s gonna put me anywhere from 6’4 7/8-6’5 in a casual shoe and yet at times i still get guessed at 6’5”. One guy was honest once and asked what are you 6’5? I told him 6’4. And i asked what are you 5’11? He said he’s 5’11 but claims 6’0”. So i left it at that. But it’s a lot of people And not to mention a bartender I’ve mentioned before who inflates everyone. There’s a guy who is 5’11-6’0 that’s a buddy of mine who the bartender thought was 6’2” because he claims 6’4”. The bartender is 6’2.5 prob (best case 6’3) but his go to is 6’3 3/4 which is typical of a shoe claimer to say they’re 1/2” or 3/4” over just to make their lie believable. I’ve noticed that a lot. They know they’re closer to 6’3” and will look it so they throw the change on just to cover it up
Canson said on 15/Nov/17
@Truth: I respectfully disagree. Like Christian said you need to live in the US which I have for over 35 years. Most people claim their shoes. I’d be highly surprised if it’s over 5’9”. People lie more than anything. Don’t know as much for the UK and doubt they lie as regularly but i still don’t see the average above 5’9”.
I will say as i mentioned that the lying in the US is rampant and i see people who are measured here or claim to be measured at least completely miss the mark. I honestly used to think people lied and i essentially confirmed it when I switch shoes and go to one with less of a heel and still edge someone claiming 6’0 or 6’1 by 4-5”. Someone who is exactly 6’5” in casual shoes shouldn’t be 4-5” shorter than someone who is a legit 6’0” or 6’1” barefoot.
Canson said on 15/Nov/17
@Truth: I respectfully disagree. Like Christian said you need to live in the US which I have for over 30 years. Most people claim their shoes. I’d be highly surprised if it’s over 5’9”. People lie more than anything. Don’t know as much for the UK and doubt they lie as regularly but i still don’t see the average above 5’9”.
I will say as i mentioned that the lying in the US is rampant and i see people who are measured here or claim to be measured at least completely miss the mark. I honestly used to think people lied and i essentially confirmed it when I switch shoes and go to one with less of a heel and still edge someone claiming 6’0 or 6’1 by 4-5”. Someone who is exactly 6’5” in casual shoes shouldn’t be 4-5” shorter than someone who is a legit 6’0” or 6’1” barefoot.
Anonymous said on 15/Nov/17
Joe said on 14/Nov/17
I agree with Vince, Mike is 5'11.
No, he is 5'10".
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 14/Nov/17
How can you "confidently tell" when you don't even live in the US or UK? You have to exprience it by living in US/UK first, you can't just determine the average height by how you feel.
Nik said on 14/Nov/17
@ Canson
You couldn't be more true in what you say! I also agree with your national average for the USA, it's similar in the UK but slightly less. People lie about height plus people do not count older people either, probably because they don't come into contact with them much, being of a different age group.
Truth said on 14/Nov/17
@Canson Still, I am not convinced that 5ft 9 is the average height. IF I was just a 5ft9 guy living in US/UK, I can confidently tell that 70-80% of men would edge me out by my own 5ft 10 height experience.
Joe said on 14/Nov/17
I agree with Vince, Mike is 5'11.
Jordan87 said on 13/Nov/17
Guys, most young men in the 18 to say 30 year range are taller than 5'10. Really they are. Yes I know most men inflate their height up to an inch or more, but I am very well away what a real 5'10", 5'11" looks like and to be honest most young white men I see are closer to 5'11 the 5'10". 5'10" is in the average range, but slightly below what I believe most young white men will measure. I remember when my sister ( Age 22) was in high school. 6/10 kids were 5'11 or taller in her band.
Canson said on 12/Nov/17
Thanks Nik! It’s refreshing for all guys (not just tall) to not overstate heights of anyone. My awareness has gone up since being on this site and I look a lot more closely than I once did. All I can say is it’s amazing to see how many people claim shoes or flat out lie. I would’ve figured it was solely not knowing for some but it’s not. I’ve changed my shoes many times and have worn flats or casual shoes and some even close in height with me still inflate me saying I’m 6’5” when that’s my exact shoe height in a casual shoe at night esp if I get down to 6’4.25. This half the time without even looking at my footwear either. I once thought maybe ignorance but now I’m seeing it’s that people inflate
Xen-oh said on 12/Nov/17
5'10 is not a "F****** dwarf" it's above average in the USA. IMO he's trying to make his wins seem more impressive. In reality there have been lots of notable heavyweight boxers under 6 foot. Tysons peak height was probably 5'10.5, Rocky Marciano was also 5'10.5, Tyson isn't a "small guy".
Nik said on 11/Nov/17
@ even
I like your style!
Nik said on 11/Nov/17
@ Canson @ Christian
It's refreshing for tall guys not to overstate people's heights!
Nik said on 11/Nov/17
@ Truth
I agree with Christian and Canson, no way is 5'10" average in the UK or the USA.
Canson said on 11/Nov/17
@Truth: it’s lower even for men only. We have to take into account that a lot of people are listed at shoe heights in medical driver’s licenses etc. even when people shrink they don’t change their height on their license often and many even are in denial about it happening. They use Census (I believe) medicals drivers license info etc. the average is slightly less than 5’9 like Christian said for a male. A 5’10 at their lowest looks surprisingly tall to me. An honest 5’10 is 6’-6’.5 inches shorter than I am and I can still firmly say they look tall
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 11/Nov/17
Canson is right, average isn't 5'10", it's more like 5'9". Average measured in US is 5'9.25" but it might even be a tad lower.
Truth said on 10/Nov/17
@Canson Believe it or not,181-185cm is the "above average" range of height for Caucasian in US/UK, and Mike Tyson is obviously an average 5ft10 guy
Truth said on 10/Nov/17
@Canson If you were talking about men' height in US/UK, I believe 5ft10 is an average height for men.
Canson said on 10/Nov/17
@C-amp: that’s essentially what I said that people lie about their height which is why 5’10 looks 6’0 to some. It’s more prevalent in that range as well. And what you said is also true some will not only not know they will gauge what they are off of another persons lie or could be a domino effect where one person lied or shrunk if they’re older and trickled down but most times it’s due to lying at least what I see
James B said on 9/Nov/17
I think just over 5ft10 in the 1980s and creeping a fraction under 5ft10 now is very plausible.
Decades of training must have knocked a bit of height off him.
Canson said on 9/Nov/17
5’10 is slightly above average actually.
c-mo said on 9/Nov/17
Canson said on 1/Nov/17
@c-mo: 5’10 is slightly above average which is why proper 5’10 guys often get mistaken for 5’11-6’0”. Average is slightly inflated as drivers licenses and census stats are widely used where people of course lie and claim shoes etc. Christian 6’5 3/8 said it best average height for a male at least in most parts of America is 5’8.5 or 5’9. Not over 5’9.
I dont think the reason that 5'10 guys get mistaken as 6'0 has anything to do with it . I am 5'9.25 and get mistaken as 5'11 often . the reason for it is that many men lie about their height . and many people dont know their real height and just claim what they guess themselves as .
the average height for young caucasian men is right around 178cm . I read that the average height for young european men is 177.5cm or something . check out several sites on the web and you will see it
if you want to include southeast asians or other ethnicities with lower averages and also elders well yeah then it would be lower
James B said on 8/Nov/17
Rob 5ft9.75 today and 5ft10.25 peak?
All those years of boxing/hard training must have knocked some height of him surely?
Not impossible on his best day in his 20s could have been close too 5ft10 1/2.

Editor Rob
I think a guy like Holyfield still looked a decent 6ft 1 in person I doubt he lost anything noticeable! Tyson might have reached his age without anything beyond 2-3mm loss.
Junior said on 7/Nov/17
5'10 is average not a small guy in america. Tyson make me wonder he wear lift with Rob.

Editor Rob
for a big Heavyweight fighter, Tyson is right to class himself as a short fella in comparison to the rest of the boxers who fight in that division.
he's a solid average range height in America today.
a non-lift wearer.
Sam said on 2/Nov/17
Obviusly a person with 5'10 is not a small guy, is a solid height for a man (5'7.75"-5'9.25" average for male). I think he refers to height in professional boxers, they normally around in the 6'0-6'2 area, tall people of curse.
Dingus said on 1/Nov/17
I think he was 5'10.25" at his peak and is an even 5'10.00" these days.
James said on 1/Nov/17
How is the average for a Caucasian man relevant at all? The US is like 40% non-white. Also Tyson is black, you fool
Slim 6' said on 1/Nov/17
@canson, I think more 175-181 is average, for men of English/German descent, No offence to foreigners but Indians and Indonesians bring down the average dramatically.
randomuser said on 1/Nov/17
@ c-mo show me one statistic that says the average American (of all ages and ethnicities) is 5'10? It is 5'9.25, no more.
andre said on 1/Nov/17
rob watch the video of ufc game they list mike tyson 175cm with shoes maby tyson used lifts in the picture you take with him see it and tell me your opinion
Click Here

Editor Rob
I don't think Tyson looks a guy who would use lifts, just got an extra cm in a photo.
5ft 9 really seems impossible to believe, but I can understand how some folk would estimate Mike as short as that, because for a celebrity he has a very big head which overall can make him look shorter!
Randomuser said on 1/Nov/17
@slim 6’ Tyson is clearly not white. Nor did I mention anything about Caucasian males. Your comment is irrelevant.
Canson said on 1/Nov/17
@c-mo: 5’10 is slightly above average which is why proper 5’10 guys often get mistaken for 5’11-6’0”. Average is slightly inflated as drivers licenses and census stats are widely used where people of course lie and claim shoes etc. Christian 6’5 3/8 said it best average height for a male at least in most parts of America is 5’8.5 or 5’9. Not over 5’9.
Slim 6' said on 31/Oct/17
Nah sorry randomuser, 177-179.5 is average for a Caucasian man these days.
c-mo said on 31/Oct/17
randomuser said on 30/Oct/17
Ridiculous to call yourself a "small guy" when 5'10 is clearly above average
5'10 is not above average . it is average
randomuser said on 30/Oct/17
Ridiculous to call yourself a "small guy" when 5'10 is clearly above average
Johnson said on 28/Oct/17
@Rob my head is 9.25 inches long. I think it is pretty standard

Editor Rob
yeah a common head size is 9-9.25 inches for a man, 10 inch is big, 8.5 very small.
But a smaller head definitely gives an illusion of being taller to others, so it's a benefit as most people will think of you taller than you really are...
Tyson has a very big head for his height, so he looks shorter, one guy I know thought he was 5ft 7!
Canson said on 27/Oct/17
@Rob: of course I agree with you. I met him myself and he’s 2” taller than my wife. I’ll widen the range to 1.75-2.25 only because I wasn’t paying attention to footwear or to their diff enough. So he could be 5’10 flat which a 5’10.5 measurement is a morning height.
I was just highlighting to Vick tho that one I have never seen a 5’11 video of him and two that the “morning” height debate is his opinion. I doubt a lot of people get measured frequently like we do many I know measure once maybe every 10. Many don’t bother to make a morning appointment just to be 1/2” taller either. So that rule he is claiming is designed to suit him
Canson said on 26/Oct/17
@Vick: not sure if my last post went through but I’ve never seen that video. As far as Tyson if he wakes up at 5’11 and claims 5’10.5 then that’s fine that’s his height. You’re the only one here making a silly rule about morning height being your true height. I guarantee rhat people who aren’t familiar with this site likely will claim what the doctor tells them whether it be 7 am or 7pm. So if that’s what Tyson claims then that’s fine. You’re now making a rule about others having to claim their morning height presumably because you want to be taller or are unhappy or insecure about your height. And that’s no disrespect but it’s true as there is no science saying that. In fact I’ve heard that your true height is actually 7-8 hours on your feet along with what Rob mentioned as he is an expert saying 5-7 hours. Yes some say morning but that’s just your tallest doesn’t mean it is your true height. As far as me I don’t need anything extra thank you. I’m content with who I am and I measure a height that I walk around at on a daily basis so I claim 6’4” or 6’4 and change. If I had never come to this site I prob wouldn’t even know or even care about wha I wake up at. As mentioned I could see someone like Christian wake up at his height and be a full 1-1.5” shorter if that’s how much he lost and only be 1/2” or less taller than me and not even know or care that he wakes up to 6’6”. I could have someone my exact height who wakes up taller or shorter than me we would just be 6’4” or 6’4” and change. Morning height is irrelevant and if you didn’t want to be taller you prob wouldn’t care about yours either

Editor Rob
Tyson was just standing in front of a board and it 'appeared' he was 5ft 11 range, you can see the clip
Because Tyson is in front of the board and the camera is well below the top of his head (he is looking down at the lens), height is added in the image, so it didn't quite help show him as being 5ft 11...
actually just looking again, the camera might be around his chin, so 4ft 10.5 + 10.5 inch head...Mike is 5ft 9 beside the chart...let's be generous, give him an 11 inch head and he can be 5ft 9.5 🤛
CelebHeights did a better job of showing Mike over 5ft 10 than the height board 😲 Of course CelebHeights is an entertainment site after all 👌 👍
Canson said on 26/Oct/17
@Vick: not sure if my last post went through but I’ve never seen that video. As far as Tyson if he wakes up at 5’11 and claims 5’10.5 then that’s fine that’s his height. You’re the only one here making a silly rule about morning height being your true height. I guarantee rhat people who aren’t familiar with this site likely will claim what the doctors
Vick said on 25/Oct/17
Did you watch the video where he was measured at 5'11 in his prime. Some advice for you canson, reread my posts. I said Tyson was 5'11 at peak (morning measurement), now he is 5'10.5 (in morning). Those measurements are his true height, because you wake up in the morning starting your day, that is the height start with. Canson hit me up. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
Peter175 said on 24/Oct/17
Looks like he would be 2 1/2 inch taller than you. Can you give him a 1/4 inch? Looks it TBH
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 23/Oct/17
If Mike was really a legit peak 5'11", then he would've been listed 5'11" during his career not 5'10". Like Canson said, you make excuses to try to make Mike taller with the "height loss" and "insecure" stuff (btw if he was insecure, he would've exaggerated his height but he didn't). He claimed 5'10.5" once so a peak 5'10.5" for him might be somewhat understandable, but 5'11" is definitely pushing it.
Canson said on 22/Oct/17
@Dreampuff5’9.5: doubt its that much maybe 1/2” max. You’re a strong 5’9.5. He only had my wife by 2 or so and she’s 5’7.75
Canson said on 22/Oct/17
@Vick: some advice for you. Say you think. You haven’t met him before so don’t use those words case closed because you make it sound definitive and it isn’t. That is speculation. Both Rob and I have met him and say he’s 5’10. Sure maybe he did load a fraction but he claimed 5’10 as well. So if all three claims are similar then I think he’s 5’10
Slim 6' said on 21/Oct/17
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 20/Oct/17
He beats me out easily
Claim 5'10" now dude, I think you grew taller, or you weren't measureing yourself correctly. I'm 183-184 area incase you're wondering.
Vick said on 21/Oct/17
I remember you said that Mike wasn't that much shorter than Kristinna Lokan was. You said she had .4 less footwear while Mike had 1 inch sneaker. Since Mike is 5'10.25-5'10.5 (shrinkage due to age) he should be a solid 5'11 with footwear, with Lokan being only slightly taller. We can argue all day, one thing is true, mike would kill any of us with a solid jab. 5'11 during his youth, holds around 5'10.5 before evening than he drops to .25. Inches.

Editor Rob
but he did look shorter than her, enough for me to notice it.
Vick said on 21/Oct/17
He was 5'11 in his younger days. No way is he just 5'10. Guy looks like he hunches allot and insecure about his height. Scroll down to comments below from a couple years back, Rob said he would step on his tippy toes with taller guests, with the 6'4 guy, Mike looked around 6'0. Bottom line in my opinion Mike is 5'11. You are well over 6 feet of course you will lose more height compared to someone like me. 1/2 is not noticeable with the general populace. The man is 5'11 case closed. He definitely has 2.5 inches on Rob in this photo with the same footwear. Also, back to the height range topic... even Rob would agree that height fluctuates and it varies person to person. In the case with both guys Vick and Mike, at my age mike would of measure 5'11 in morning and would be at 5'10.5 at night. The man is 51 and he has shrunk by 1/2 inch. Case Closed
Canson said on 21/Oct/17
I don’t get why people are making up stuff like “he’d be this in the morning” or he was “this at his peak”. Rob met him as did I. He is 5’10. I don’t get why people use every excuse in the book to find a reason to add height to celebs. Makes no sense
Puma said on 21/Oct/17
Rob, Mike is 51 years old now.
Yeah, he says I am 178.
Neberthless, I think he was 179 at peak.
Did Mike lost a cm?
In Rob, we trust.

Editor Rob
wouldn't have thought he's lost a cm, a few mm's maybe?
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 20/Oct/17
He beats me out easily
Canson said on 19/Oct/17
@vick: meant the pencil is a poor example
Canson said on 18/Oct/17
@Vick: see Rob’s post below in response to you.
Canson said on 18/Oct/17
@Vick: I firmly disagree. And The pencil is not a poor example. That is more to someone losing “true” height from aging or back or neck surgery not daily loss because you come back to it in the AM. Not to mention if you don’t sleep laying down you won’t wake up at that max. Try sleeping in a chair sitting up and you won’t. Just because it is your max doesn’t mean it’s your true height. If it were your true height doctor’s would mandate you sleeping In their office as a part of your physical exam. They don’t do that instead they just take whatever measurement you are when you are in their presence. People saying it’s teue height is an excuse to make themselves taller really.
Guinness book of records uses 3 supine measurements spread over 8 hours of the day. That is more reliable than if someone said something based on an opinion. It is not your true height because you can’t measure it during the day. You lose 1cm in the first hour you’re awake (at worst 1/4”). It is irrelevant if you ask me because two people could both be 6’4.5 one could wake up 6’5.25 the other maybe a longer spine 6’5.5 then a third 6’5 flat yet all are the same in the evening. Unless you measure in the morning out of bed which we here (at least most of us) do for reference not a claim you wouldn’t even know that you are 3/4” taller in the AM on average or whatever you are. I myself wake up at 195.8 and go to bed at 193.9 most days. I average out for site purposes and say I’m 6’4.5 or 194cm. On medical records however I am listed at 6’4 3/8 which is 6’4 on paper so I just claim 6’4. I don’t have any added value claiming 6’5” really as my basketball playing days are long gone.
As far as my wife she is 5’7.717 at her lowest so not sure what out of bed. We just say she is 5’7.75 and Tyson is 5’10 like Rob has him.
Canson said on 18/Oct/17
@Vick: I firmly disagree. And The pencil is not a poor example. That is more to someone losing “true” height from aging or back or neck surgery not daily loss because you come back to it in the AM. Not to mention if you don’t sleep laying down you won’t wake up at that max. Try sleeping in a chair sitting up and you won’t. Just because it is your max doesn’t mean it’s your true height. If it were your true height doctor’s would mandate you sleeping In their office as a part of your physical exam. They don’t do that instead they just take whatever measurement you are when you are in their presence. People saying it’s teue height is an excuse to make themselves taller really.
Guinness book of records uses 3 supine measurements spread over 8 hours of the day. It is not your true height because you can’t measure it during the day. You lose 1cm in the first hour you’re awake (at worst 1/4”). It is irrelevant if you ask me because two people could both be 6’4.5 one could wake up 6’5.25 the other maybe a longer spine 6’5.5 then a third 6’5 flat yet all are the same in the evening. Unless you measure in the morning out of bed which we here (at least most of us) do for reference not a claim you wouldn’t even know that you are 3/4” taller in the AM on average or whatever you are. I myself wake up at 195.8 and go to bed at 193.9 most days. I average out for site purposes and say I’m 6’4.5 or 194cm. On medical records however I am listed at 6’4 3/8 which is 6’4 on paper so I just claim 6’4. I don’t have any added value claiming 6’5” really as my basketball playing days are long gone.
As far as my wife she is 5’7.717 at her lowest so not sure what out of bed. We just say she is 5’7.75 and Tyson is 5’10 like Rob has him.
Vick said on 17/Oct/17
@ Canson
I disagree. Our morning heights are our true measurements. The disk in ours spines are fully compatible in the morning than in the evening. Would you measure an original pencil at its original size? Yes before being put into a sharpener (metaphoric for height decrease) you would still go off the original height. What is your wife's morning height? Sounds like she is 5'8.25 in morning.
Canson said on 16/Oct/17
@Vick: I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Tyson in person and had a reliable measuring stick with me (my wife who is 5’7 3/4). Tyson looked 2 inches taller than her (2.25 is also within realm as it looks like very little difference from 2 flat. Bottom line he is worst case maybe a hair under 5’10 or flat 5’10 and accurately listed like Rob has him. Now this was years back when he was around 40 or so I believe but either way doubt he’s lost that much height. He imho has never looked 5’10.5 with a guy such as Holyfield who is 6’1.
As far as your comment about morning height how is that so that it is your true height? Because it’s the higher of the two and makes you taller because feeling taller is better? It’s not about quantity and volume it’s quality and Accuracy. If anything the height that you measure the most consistently is your true height. Guinness Book of records uses 3 solid measurements all within an 8 hour time frame. So being you usually reach your lowest around the 7th or 8th worst case, that number would be included in the equation. It’s likely that the morning height (out of bed) would not even be one of the numbers used as very few people even know it varies to the degree it does nor would the waste their time measuring out of bed. Almost anyone here or outside of celebheights has to perform routine daily tasks before even being measured by a doctor for an appointment. So that said it would likely be at least 1 hour before you are measured which will yield a cm (best case is 1/4”) difference in height from when you wake up at say 6 am and get measured in the 7 o’clock hour. So really it isn’t your true height if going off averages etc
Harris said on 16/Oct/17
Rob, I drop 1.5" throughout the day, yet I'm at a mere average that normal?

Editor Rob
it's at the extreme end of height shrinkage range. 0.75 is more common, 0.25 and 1.5 might be what you'd call the upper and lower edge of the range.
Vick said on 14/Oct/17
I'm 5'11 in the morning and 5'10.5 at night. Maybe this is the case with Mike Tyson. Strange, that would claim 5'10.5 when in fact our true heights are in the morning. I'm 5'11.

Editor Rob
I don't like to say a morning or evening is true. I like to think we all have a range. Some of us have a smaller range (1/3rd to 5/8ths variation), others a very big range (1.25-1.5)
Slim 6' said on 11/Oct/17
Lmao @robin. At prime he could slaughter men that were a full head taller than him, this is iron mike we're talking about!!!!!! 😱😨🤐😂😳
5'10.25" is a great listing.178.4 cms.
Jack The Smackhead said on 9/Oct/17
@Slim: A clear 179 back in the day. Yeah he may not be tall, but his boxing ability was certainly impressive, and I'm pretty sure most people didn't even notice his height compared to his ability.
Robin said on 8/Oct/17
What was impressive was about his height, he was slaughtering 6'2-6'4 guys in his prime.
Slim 6' said on 7/Oct/17
Needs a 5'10.25" upgrade, he could of stretched up that high in the 80's and 90's with a quarter inch loss today at approximately 51 years old.
Slim said on 1/Oct/17
177/178, nothing impressive about his height tbh, no offence 5'10" guys.
Danimal said on 24/Sep/17
Ziggie said on 18/Sep/17
by 5'9" Michael Jackson Click Here I don't see an inch
Look how tall Clint Eastwood was back then! He would be barely 1" taller than Mike today, but had at least 5" on him back then.
Danimal said on 24/Sep/17
Claudio said on 19/Sep/17
Mike looks atleast 2" - 2 1/2" inches taller here and Rob would be around 5' 8 1/4" here? So there's no more way he is just 5' 10" flat. I think 5' 10 1/2".
Mike himself claims he is only 5'10". He is NOT taller than that.
Danimal said on 24/Sep/17
yo said on 21/Sep/17
In all his fights (check youtube) is listed by the official boxing competition with: 5'11 , 5'11.5 , or even 6,0.
Yet the boxing commentators were claiming he was legit 5'9"/5'10" during many of his 80's and 90's fights.
Clay said on 21/Sep/17
Rob he have a footwear advantage or was he standing in a way which makes him look taller? Because he looks a really solid 5'10 like a 178cm

Editor Rob
no footwear difference there, but he looks taller in photo than in person.
yo said on 21/Sep/17
In all his fights (check youtube) is listed by the official boxing competition with: 5'11 , 5'11.5 , or even 6,0.
Canson said on 20/Sep/17
@Claudio: rob may not be standing his tallest there and we don't see anything about footwear if Tyson had more on. Rob is actually 5'8 1/8. Tyson could be a strong 5'10 like Rob is at best. He really only edged my wife by 2". I'd give him a solid 5'10 like rob did. I can live with that and say it's spot on
Claudio said on 19/Sep/17
Mike looks atleast 2" - 2 1/2" inches taller here and Rob would be around 5' 8 1/4" here? So there's no more way he is just 5' 10" flat. I think 5' 10 1/2".
Canson said on 18/Sep/17
@Kad Tyzon: no chance. He looks 5'10 with rob and looked about that next to my wife when we met him. Worst case he's 5'9.75 maybe best 5'10 solid
Ziggie said on 18/Sep/17
by 5'9" Michael Jackson
Click Here I don't see an inch
Ziggie said on 18/Sep/17
could be more like 5'9" 1/2 as someone mentioned
Kad Tyzon said on 15/Sep/17
Idk. I had people who seen mike tyson in real life said that he is exactly my height. Except a bit more musclualr. I'm 17 years old 240lbs 5,11-5,11.5
Anonymous said on 14/Sep/17
I'm only 5.8 myself everybody else seems to be taller than me.I walk down the street there is people taller than me. A lot of college people are taller.In the 1990s nobody cared about height.It was something that was never mentioned not like these days.
feez said on 12/Sep/17
I correct myself. Tyson looks the same than Quavo, Quavo have shoes advantage but he always look taller on the video. That's probably because he knows how to look taller.
feez said on 12/Sep/17
There is a video with him with Migos. He is shorter than both Takeoff and 5'10 listed Quavo. And Quavo is about 4 or maybe 5 cm over him. So he is no way above 5'8
Stacey said on 5/Sep/17
I stood shoulder to shoulder with him in Las Vegas (the Alfred Dunhill shop at the forum ) I'm 5'10"...I had on flat shoes, I had to look down to make eye contact...I'd guess him closer to 5'8.5 or 5'9"..
hardguy said on 2/Sep/17
Stronger version of his own height imo
PPPeter said on 31/Aug/17
Yep, he is 5ft 10in 😉
Look 2 Inches taller than Big Rob 😊
Canson said on 27/Aug/17
@Phoenix: maybe he's lost height or has poor posture.. I have little doubt peak that he was less than 5'10 flat. I also met him in DC area back maybe 8-9 years ago and he was at least 2" taller than my wife (5'7.75 at her lowest). We both had him at 5'10 back then
Danimal said on 24/Aug/17
Ar2mA2 said on 23/Aug/17
I believe 5ft10.25 peak and now 5ft10 flat
He's never been above 5'10".
insomniak said on 24/Aug/17
He better watch out if you call yourself short at 5'10 in this site you'll be crucified, then again he'd wipe the floor on anyone on this site so he'll be fine.
ReallyShortRussianDude said on 23/Aug/17
5'10 is of course not a dwarf, but from the perspective of a heavyweight boxer it's small, & would be VERY short in today's heavyweight scene. I mean most 5'10 fighters tend to be middleweight & super middleweights!
Ar2mA2 said on 23/Aug/17
I believe 5ft10.25 peak and now 5ft10 flat
mrtguy said on 18/Aug/17
Rob, you think OJ and Mike could be the same height today??
Rob III said on 13/Aug/17
I do not seea 5´10 dude as dwarf.
Phoenix said on 12/Aug/17
Met and know Mike through one of his entourage Crocodile. He's around 5-9 and half. He looks deceptively short like 5-8 because of his physique. Up close I couldn't believe how all that power could fit into such a tiny package and use to put 250 pound pro fighters out like nothing. I thought he would be thick bone build like Flintstone but hes more like a light heavyweight or heavy middle weight. Hes got some powerfully built looking hips and thighs still tho like he can knock you on your bottom still.
Doooooon't said on 9/Aug/17
What's all the obsession about height? It's something you can't do anything to change it, it's in your genes. Mike Tyson is 179 cm
Canson said on 8/Aug/17
He for sure would measure in his peak at 5'10 at his lowest. He still looked 5'10 a few years back when I met him in person. My 5'7.75" wife stood next to him and was a good 2" shorter. At worst he's weak 5'10 still today and that's maybe taking into account he may have had a footwear advantage on her if he did. I don't remember that being the case but otherwise that could've been a solid 5'10 just as easily
5'12 said on 3/Aug/17
I believe heavyweight was anything above 190 lbs in his days.
Slim 182 cm said on 31/Jul/17
Dem forearm muscles tho...
Guys, big rob Paul = 173.5
Mike Tyson = 5 cm taller than big rob, so mike Tyson = 178.5. What else? He holds his own against 6' and even 6'1 guys.
ryan said on 27/Jul/17
How did he bulk up to heavy weight is my question
Reece said on 27/Jul/17
Looks more 5-10 1/2 imo
Jdawg said on 23/Jul/17
in this picture, without any info on footwear, the tip of his head looks more than 2 inches taller than yours. I'd say he's around 5'10.25 in the evening
c-mo said on 19/Jul/17
even said on 16/Jul/17
hes arm span is not impressing compared to his height ( height : 178 cm - arm span : 180 cm ) . no body can call this guy short at 178 cm
i myself stand 176 cm but my arms can extend to a length of 190 cm . you can call me short but my arm span is quite good to be honest .
so 178cm is not short but 176cm is ? stop with this nonsense
SL9 said on 16/Jul/17
Regarding comments on the photo above and Mike's perceived height, especially based on that photo and also his boxing career.....Mike wears lifts, and he had specially made boxing boots which offered a lift
G-Man said on 16/Jul/17
I read he used to have 1 and a half inch lifts in his boxing boots to make him 5'11 1/2. He was always 5'10in and I believe that. Absolute beast though, no matter what. He also had a short reach for a boxer at only 71in.
even said on 16/Jul/17
hes arm span is not impressing compared to his height ( height : 178 cm - arm span : 180 cm ) . no body can call this guy short at 178 cm
i myself stand 176 cm but my arms can extend to a length of 190 cm . you can call me short but my arm span is quite good to be honest .
5'9 1/2 said on 14/Jul/17
Hello Rob, here in this video at 2:25 says that mike was 21 yo and his height was 5'11 1/2".
You think that that measure was accurate?
May be his peak hight was that one.
Click Here

Editor Rob
with camera lower than his eyes, anybody 5ft 10 range would look at least an inch taller like that.
I do think the man measured himself at 5ft 10, like he said.
Harris said on 13/Jul/17
If Rob didn't take this pic with Tyson, I guarantee a lot of people on here would be arguing between 5'8", 5'9" and 5'10"! I remember before this pic was uploaded to the page, a lot of people (well, a considerable amount anyway) were firm with their 5'8"-5'9" estimates!
even said on 12/Jul/17
5 foot 10 inches , 70 inches , 177.8 cm , 5.8333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 feet
is the real height of mike tyson
c-mo said on 11/Jul/17
handsome guy said on 2/Jul/17
Slim 181 cm said on 11/Jul/17
Mike looks 5.5 cm taller than big rob, placing him a strong 5'10, not. Bad height for a man of his generation.
Reece said on 9/Jul/17
Looks more 179cm here. 5-10 1/2
jackrus said on 2/Jul/17
From that photo with 5'8 rob, an inch and 1.5 to 2 inches seems more like it. It's possible Tyson is in high 5'9 range, closer to 5'9.5 or 5'9.75. Though he does appear to be a bit hunched over.
Mickey said on 1/Jul/17
he's might be more than 5ft10 according to this photo
Animus said on 30/Jun/17
I might be wrong, but I don't think he started weight lifting until he went to prison. Tyson was naturally 215-220 lb in his prime.
Nelo said on 25/Jun/17
He is 51 now so I think he shrunken down to 5 ft 9 or 176 cm
Guest66 said on 23/Jun/17
Solid 5'10 guy, nothing under it for sure. Rob, maybe he wasn't quite a 5'10.5, even though I think it's a possibility at his peak, but I definitely feel that he is a bit over 5'10 flat. Why don't you give him 5'10.25 ?
Harris said on 19/Jun/17
I'm surprised he hasn't lost noticeable height given all that weight lifting he'd done for years! Rob, what do you think Tyson measures today?
Original said on 18/Jun/17
178 or 179.
berta said on 14/Jun/17
i think he is somewhre in the range of 5`10 -5?10 1/4
mrtguy said on 13/Jun/17
Rob, you think today OJ Simpson and Mike Tyson would be identical in height, OJ has the head of 7 footer which is why he can give a taller impression in person??

Editor Rob
no idea how prison has treat OJ, but if he gets out soon then he may well be looking under six foot.
mrtguy said on 2/Jun/17
Rob, you think Mike Tyson and OJ are close in height??
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
not really sure if they have photos together?
Canson said on 31/May/17
Yes he is still full 5'10" likely
World Citizen said on 26/May/17
Click Here:
Hey Rob, how tall looks the guy beside Mike Tyson?

Editor Rob
could be 6ft 6
RisingForce said on 12/May/17
Mike did say he WAS 5'10.5". It's possible he had lost a small fraction by mid 40s when he met Rob or even age 39 when he said he measured 5'10" and had been something like 5'10 3/8" peak or even got a 5'10.5" late morning measurement and added an inch for his boxing listing or took a height in shoes.
Dmeyer said on 10/May/17
Rob 5 FT 10 looks right but it wouldnt shock me if hé was 5 FT 10,25 boxing days

Editor Rob
it's certainly not impossible for him.
RichardSpain said on 9/May/17
Rob; good photo with this veteran. Yes he seems range 178-180cm
Thanks for sharing us
Jake said on 26/Apr/17
Tyson is looking 5-11 in this pic. maybe 5-10 1/2 is accurate too. i think he was measured 5,11.5 with boxing shoes or trainers. i go with 5-10 1/2 to 5-11.
Canson said on 20/Apr/17
@Christian: agreed prime he was a good 5'10" im sure. Even 5-10 years ago he looked nothing Lower than maybe 5'9.75 I'd say. He looked a good full 2" over my wife and she's 172 flat at her lowest (5'7.717) normal low for her. She claims 5'8" and I say she's 5'8" when someone asks. I wouldn't put Tyson under 177cm peob even 177-177.5
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 9/Apr/17
Peak wise, Tyson was the full 5ft10 IMO, but I wouldn't rule out a slight height loss for him. After all, he's over 50 years old, and athletes tend to lose height at a younger age than average people, primarily due to constant weightlifting which slowly compresses the spine over the years. Maybe he's 5ft9.5-.75 today like Canson said.
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 9/Apr/17
Michael R said on 5/Apr/17
Why does he say 5'10 is small?
Because he used to fight as a Heavyweight, and 5ft10 is considered short for a Heavyweight boxer.
Ice said on 9/Apr/17
ROB did Mike have a massive skull in person?

Editor Rob
Ice, yes big Mike has a pretty large head for being 5ft 10!
Canson said on 8/Apr/17
He's 5'10. Whether full or a little under he's close enough to it
oscar 5'9 said on 5/Apr/17
in this pic he looks very close to 5ft 11
Michael R said on 5/Apr/17
Why does he say 5'10 is small?
John said on 26/Mar/17
To me, he looks like 5'9.75 at worst. Probably a legit 5'10 though.
c-mo said on 23/Mar/17
@Mitch Green . it looks like that because he is closer to the camera and the chart behind him is pretty far away . if he would go to the chart and stand there in measuring position he would be around 5'10 maybe 5'10.5 I think
Canson said on 20/Mar/17
About 5'10 is totally accurate. No lower than maybe 5'9.75ish no kore than 5'10ish. He had my wife by around 2" and she's 5'7.7 at her lowest
ACF said on 20/Mar/17
Click Here
Mike Tyson next to Errol Spence Jr.
Errol is 5.9 1/2 according to several sources.
Mitch Green said on 20/Mar/17
Mike is shown barefoot next to a measurement and state he is exactly 5'11 and 1/2. See 4:41.
Click Here
Undertaker Frank said on 13/Mar/17
He clearly has Rob by 2 inches so 5ft 10 is accurate
DruceLee said on 10/Mar/17
Versus Colay speaker said that tyson is 5'10... But on most of fights he was described as 5'11, 5'11/5, 5'11 3/4....
Darryl178 said on 10/Mar/17
Rob, what's the minimum and maximum estimate you'd say Tyson is, based on meeting him? Is he a guy who looked like he doesn't drop under 5'10"?

Editor Rob
I feel he's so close to 5ft 10 that you could say he has a chance of being under or over a little fraction...maybe the odds on him being a little over are stronger than under.
Canson said on 5/Mar/17
He looked 6-7" shorter than me in person when I met him. I'd go with something close to 5'10 as he was also about 2" shorter than my 5'7 3/4 wife. He isn't below 5'9.5-.75 at least not 7 to 8 years ago when I met him
JJTOM95 said on 4/Mar/17
Mike with 5'9-5'10 Khabib Nurmagomedov . Mike is for sure wearing thick sole shoes, so he is not 5'11 for sure😉
Click Here
Free said on 28/Feb/17
An honest 5-10 in shoes maybe.
He easily looks an inch shorter than 5-10.1 Antonio Brown. And we know that 5-10.1 measurement is in the morning.
produce said on 26/Feb/17
why does he look 5-9 in this Picture?
And in the Picture with Torrey Smith he could also look 5-10 if hed stand straight.
firecracker said on 25/Feb/17
pro debut, 1985:
Click Here
tyson was 19. Once again he looks in the 5'9" range.
(so you understand holyfield was in the 6ft range, nothing more).
ACF said on 25/Feb/17
According to this HBO video from late 1987 they insisted that he was a legit 5/11,5
Click Here

Editor Rob
Mike said on 20/Feb/17
Legit and honest 5ft 10.
Free said on 18/Feb/17
I show evidence with measured athletes.
How is that downgrading. Don't be like rampage clover
Face it, sometimes one picture or one meeting with a guy may not show his true height.
Why does he look 5-9 with all these athletes. Because he is
c-mo said on 17/Feb/17
lol Viper . you try to downgrade everybody . anything less than 177cm is impossible for tyson . bigger chance he is 5'10.5 than 5'9
Free said on 17/Feb/17
6-0.5 Torrey Smith with Tyson.
The guy is 5-9.
Click Here
Reece said on 16/Feb/17
Tyson looks a bit more than 5,10 even though he doesnt in the RING.he looks closer to 5,11 here
Jordan87 said on 16/Feb/17
Even going by Eye Levels, Tyson is 2" Taller than Big Rob in the picture.
Free said on 15/Feb/17
He looks 5-9 too much of the time with perfect posture
Free said on 14/Feb/17
Tyson is 5-9 max with 5-10 Randall Cobb and 6-1 Barry Bonds.
Just can't see how he can be 5-10

Editor Rob
Viper, tyson is never as short as 5ft 9.
produce said on 7/Feb/17
trump was taller than 6 F. He was about 6-2 i think
firecracker said on 6/Feb/17
a young tyson with president donald trump in the 80ies:
Click Here
trump is (was) in the 6ft(183cm) range.
tyson looks in the 5'9" range with trump, like i said he was a full 5'9", 5'9.5" (176cm) barefoot.
Arthur said on 5/Feb/17
Rob, do you think that after a boxing match he still held 5'10 at his peak?

Editor Rob
after a really tough match, always a chance of a tiny bit under.
Ejel Khan said on 1/Feb/17
Rob mentioned something about Tyson having neck surgery. This could answer for height loss.
c-mo said on 24/Jan/17
@CreepX . dont forget that mike tyson had some hair back then . also it is possible that they measured him rather early in the day . I also think he is peak 179cm but probably noon height or something . my guess would be :
in the past (I will be trying to be as precise as possible with my guess) :
out of bed ~ 180.3cm
noon ~ 179cm
afternoon ~ 178.4cm
night ~ 178cm
today :
out of bed ~ 179.8cm
noon ~ 178.5cm
afternoon ~ 177.9cm
night ~ 177.5 - 177.7cm as rob said
piazo said on 23/Jan/17
If hes 5'10, why does he always look 5'9 with measured athletes.
Sam said on 21/Jan/17
His 5'10.5 peak height is possible. Doesn't look under 5'10 with Rob but its still questionable if he even lost any height before the picture was taken in 2010.
CreepX said on 18/Jan/17
I found the quote supporting Tyson's 5"10' 1/2 claim during his career peak:
Click Here
The user "Bigcat" claims here that they measured him multiple times barefeet.
cwmmm said on 12/Jan/17
doesnt matter due to his muscular weight. expected a 193 cm reach atleast though
Canson said on 29/Dec/16
Met him in person. He's "about 5'10" weak is possible too
Francisco J Olalde said on 29/Dec/16
I'm about 5'9 with shoes on, I have a picture with tyson also and he is about 2 inches taller than me, so I say he is 5'11 but 5'10 1/2 could also be
mrtguy said on 22/Dec/16
Mike Tyson has a very Wide Head
firecracker said on 25/Nov/16
For his first title fight against berbick, he was listed 5'9.5"(176cm) on a boxing magazine. i think it is correct. tyson barefoot is 5'9.5"(176cm). He was clearly shorter than 6'1"-6'3"(185-190cm) guys he used to fight. Holyfield stated tyson is 5'9"(175cm). Tyson looked 4 inches shorter than 6'1"(185cm) holyfield.
tyson and holyfield:
Click Here
tyson in the gym with a young floyd mayweather jr:
Click Here
last tyson fight, with 6'5"-6'6"(195-198cm) irish boxer kevin mcbride:
Click Here
by the way, tyson was a better boxer than holyfield. no doubt.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Nov/16
@c-mo: Yeah, around that range. 179-180cm straight out of bed and 178cm flat or just under before. A legit 5ft10 guy overall.
I think in his fighting prime he could have been a stronger 5ft10 though
c-mo said on 24/Nov/16
Editor Rob: c-mo, you could argue Tyson doesn't really fall under 5ft 10, or if he did it is a tiny amount, those figures could be believable.
but if you say "doesnt really fall under 5ft 10" do you take 178cm as reference or 177.8cm ?
like : is 177.5cm at night a possibility ?

Editor Rob
177.7-177.9 range I think around there is probably his low mark.
c-mo said on 24/Nov/16
Rob would this be correct (roughly) :
out of bed : 179.8cm
night/before bed : 177.7cm

Editor Rob
c-mo, you could argue Tyson doesn't really fall under 5ft 10, or if he did it is a tiny amount, those figures could be believable.
josef said on 21/Nov/16
Hi rob!
Can someone call himself a legit 5ft 10 if he wakes up with 179.4 and goes to bed with 177?

Editor Rob
josef, he can certainly call himself 5ft 10, it's a fraction under it at his low, but not uncommon to round to the nearest whole inch.
K jamieson said on 21/Nov/16
Conflicting information here, official stats say mike is or was 5'11 1/2".

Editor Rob
Tyson measured himself at 5ft 10, I think that is as official as you can get.
hijopotamus said on 19/Nov/16
He looks a solid 5'11" guy beside Rob but if Mike says hes 5'10" he surely is!
Joe said on 17/Nov/16
Good listing Rob. I wake up at 5'11 and I'm 5'10.5 at night, wound't Mike be the same for peak height? Since I'm 5'11 he should be to
Slon said on 10/Nov/16
Rob, in the photo comparison Mike Tyson looks taller than Josh, but that's not the case in person??

Editor Rob
big Josh falls into the solid 5f 10 range, more than Tyson seemd to do up close.
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 4/Nov/16
Editor Rob:
Not all photos reveal the truth, for instance 5ft 8 Rob and 5ft 8 Jenny...
I will say that a chap like Big Josh from this site who measures 178cm range looks taller in person than Tyson.
For me, absolutely zero chance Tyson is 179cm.
Tyson looks 5ft10.25 here with you, Rob. Is there any chance that he's a little more than just 5ft10 flat?

Editor Rob
From what I've seen I would say I believe his own measurement was right around 5ft 10.
Anybody can look taller/shorter in photos, unfortunately you can't control a photographer's position or at times how they shoot.
This con buddy with Mike
Here is around 5ft 4.5-5 range.
Marc said on 3/Nov/16
5ft10 is not even short it's a solid male height
Aaron Zamora said on 3/Nov/16
Clearly this is more than a 2 inch difference especially since rob 5'8 1/4 at times

Editor Rob
Not all photos reveal the truth, for instance
5ft 8 Rob and 5ft 8 Jenny...
I will say that a chap like Big Josh from this site who measures 178cm range looks taller in person than Tyson.
For me, absolutely zero chance Tyson is 179cm.
Johno said on 20/Oct/16
Some users are saying Tyson wore lifts in that photoshoot; do you suspect he did? In alot of his fights he could look 5'11 but i don't know.

Editor Rob
what photo, the one I got?
I know he went on tip toes with a few people, he did it with a big 6ft 5 guy. His sneakers didn't look dodgy or bulky though, neither did I think he appeared nearer 179 than 178.
The photographer was a decent yardstick because legit six foot guys looked taller than him...and Tyson's top of his head looked over an inch under Malcolm's top of head - they were 4 feet apart and I'm in the queue coming from the right side of the photo.
JJTOM said on 17/Oct/16
We all know That 5'10 for Mike is reasonable estimation, but on the photo with Rob, he looks closer to 5'11.5 than 5'10. That photo has always been arguable for me ... .
abcd said on 16/Oct/16
perfect, 178 like me :)
the Slav said on 13/Oct/16
He seems to be pushing you down quite a bit. Looks dead on 5'10 in the picture but wouldnt surprise me if he really is 5'9.5-5'9.75 in fact.
However, I think a 5'10.25-5'10.5 peak height would be fair
the Slav said on 13/Oct/16
@ray @S.J.H
I think he's slouching quite a lot and therefore gives the impression of being significantly under 5'10 (I dont think he's far off when fully straighten - I'd peg him at 5'9.5 at the lowest)
Danimal said on 12/Oct/16
martin said on 5/Oct/16
Tyson with 5'9 Arthur Abraham
Click Here
If that guy is a full 5'9", then Tyson looks close to that 5'10" mark. If that guy is under 5'9", Tyson is under 5'10" today.
S.J.H said on 12/Oct/16
He is at most 5'9 in person. I had knew someone 5'10 who just met him and took a close up picture and they had similar nike footwear and tyson look an easy inch lower even look just 5'8.5 , up here he wore lifts
ray said on 10/Oct/16
I don't understand this pic. When I saw him in person I thought he was 5'9, but no more. Intimidating none the less! I wonder if he had boots on..or a small lift for this pic with Rob.
Josh Jeffords said on 9/Oct/16
Sorry to argue he is photographed often looks short and skinny now.
Younger he looked short and thicker he's way unDer 510 now.
He's also crazy as a loon heard a few interviews.
He looks under 5 8 next to 6 footers I'm guessing he had lifts in photo.
Kareem said on 9/Oct/16
I'm slightly below 5'10, I'm 5'9.5 or 5'9.6, my height in centimeters is around 176 or 177 cm, so the difference between him and I isn't even a noticeable difference. Rob, would you feel short next to someone my height?
mrtguy said on 8/Oct/16
Rob, are you not convinced with 5'10.5'' for Tyson??

Editor Rob
I personally wouldn't guess him that tall.
martin said on 5/Oct/16
Tyson with 5'9 Arthur Abraham
Click Here
Animus said on 1/Oct/16
He has claimed 5'10.5" many times, including on the Howard Stern Show.
I'd say he is a strong 5'10". It would probably be more exact to give him 5'10.25", but I don't think Rob is willing to do that. Once a celebrity has claimed a low, Rob usually won't list them any higher.
Canson said on 1/Oct/16
Danimal is right 5'10
Danimal said on 1/Oct/16
manny said on 30/Sep/16
He is five ten and a half
He himself claims he's 5'10", so that is the MAX he is.
manny said on 30/Sep/16
He is five ten and a half
Jordan87 said on 30/Sep/16
Solid 5'10. He fought guys who were 6'2-6'3 but in today's game the height has certainly increased on average for heavyweights. I still think the man, despite his 5'10 frame would do very well with the modern fighters who are taller, but also heavier and get winded easier from what I can see.
PhysicsEnemy said on 27/Sep/16
You could say Mike is 5' 10.25" and Rob is 5' 8.25", this would be spot on imo for both. 5' 10" and 5' 8" is harsh for them, might be near accurate on 'bad days'.
Pierre said on 26/Sep/16
He has a strong forehead imo,Mike is looking easily 5"10' next to strong 5"8' Rob in my opinion.With this picture ,by looking at the peak of their head ,i would give him around 5"10.5'
Peter175 said on 25/Sep/16
I Tyson is closer to 5ft10.25. He looks a full inch taller than tupac shakur at 176. Even before bed I think he's closer to 179
Animus said on 16/Sep/16
It's hard to be 200 lbs at age 13, if you are not big-boned. However, his wrists don't look that wide. He may just have had a large amount of muscle mass.
If you take a look at this picture of a young a Mike, he does look quite broad and thick:
Click Here
Oanh said on 16/Sep/16
tony said on 2/Jun/16
Hes shorter than 5'10 measured guys.
5'9 Max
If he's 5'9" than that would make Rob 5'7"
Rob is 5'8", so Mike has to be 5'10"
Pierre said on 16/Sep/16
Mike is looking a little more than 5"10' in this picture in my opinion,his eyes seem easily 2 inches higher than strong 5"8' Rob's eyes and Mike seem have a strong head and forehead.When i look at this picture and the peak of their heads,i see Mike around 5"10.75' (if same shoes).

Editor Rob
you could argue he looks nearer 5ft 10.5, but in reality we all know height can be lost or gained in photos.
Shredder said on 7/Sep/16
Just because somebody is 200 lbs at 13or overweigh on BMI doesn't mean they are big boned. I was 172 at 13 and I'm medium boned.
jensen said on 7/Sep/16
you also look height as you get older, so if he's slightly shorter it's understandable, so he might be slightly under 5-10
Animus said on 5/Sep/16
@James B
Well, he has 200 lbs at age 13. So, yeah, I guess you could call him large-framed...
Jackson said on 18/Aug/16
Rob, do you feel short next 5'10 guys?

Editor Rob
for me it becomes more a noticeable difference when someone is 5ft 11 because then I am typically looking around their mouth, rather than end of their nose.