How tall is Michael Keaton - Page 2

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Average Guess (100 Votes)
Peak: 5ft 9.17in (175.7cm)
Current: 5ft 8.51in (174cm)
TELLEM said on 18/Dec/08
oh and leonari 5'8 is average so u saying 5'8 is laughable for him to play batman is dead wrong. if he was 5'6 then i'd be laughing with u but no. and lets not forget that the year before that he played beetlejuice directed by tim burton, batman a year later, directed by tim burton. i'm sure i'm sure size didn't matter to burton since he knew who he wanted for batman either way.
TELLEM said on 18/Dec/08
exactly leonari. robert downey jr. is a perfect example that a 5'8 man can play a superheroe. so, what u said didn't make no sense and i firmly believe keaton is about 5'8
glenn said on 18/Dec/08
5-10 everytime i saw him.he must always wear lifts.which i doubt.people seem to forget robs listings here.look above.
leonari said on 17/Dec/08
Tellem: you don't have to be tll but for certain superheroes you have to be at least average and for Superman you had to be tall. Batman at least average. Iron man is the exception and they used enormous lifts and camera trickery to make Downey appear over average. But you know what Tellem? You are the man. you are right. happy?
TELLEM said on 16/Dec/08
leonari just watch the movie "pacific heights" way is he 5'10 or even 5'9. hes shorter than melanie griffith...and how do u know he wouldn't have gotten the batman role? since when do u have to be tall to be in movies? lol
leonari said on 16/Dec/08
5'8" is laughable for Keaton. He ain't tall but at a flat 5'8" he wouldn't have gotten the Batman role. I hate saying that but it's true
TELLEM said on 15/Dec/08
keaton looked 5'8 in "pacific heights"...he looked half inch to an inch shorter than 5'8.5-5'9 melanie griffith...although his license in that movie had him at 5'10...he was nxt to a height charter and looked clearly under the 5'10 mark, and he could have been in shoes...5'8ish
cb said on 10/Dec/08
I believe u Katwa, Micheal did always look shorter than the 5'10" he was listed in his peak. But compare him with Kim Basinger and Christopher Walken in the BATMAN movies. 5'8" to a very weak 5'9" is very possible.(but not more than this)
Great actor though, and a very good Bruce Wayne.
katwa said on 28/Nov/08
he is at the most 5'7". I passed by him at a horse event where he was in
the "celebrity" class. I couldn't believe how small he was.
Midget said on 17/Nov/08
max peak was 5'9.5" in his younger days. Now, probably closer to 5'9" exact or 175cm.
Lenad said on 16/Nov/08
Doesnt come across as being short but when I watched Multiplicity I became very aware he was shorter than most other men. In some cases by quite a margin.
Judge said on 30/Oct/08
I have heard the evidence and I have ruled that defendant Michael Keaton is 5'8". You may appeal my verdict to the Supreme Court if you wish.
Frank2 said on 7/Sep/08
Well, I doubt he was ever taller than 5'9".
Frank2 said on 31/Aug/08
Never. Never more than 5'9". Just look how short he is in BEETLE JUICE when next to 5'11" Alec Baldwin and 6' Geena Davis.
Frank2 said on 26/Aug/08
Keaten isn't anywhere near being 6' but he's not 5'6" either. I'd say from what I saw he's around 5'8-1/2", maybe 5'9" when he gets out of bed. In BATMAN he looked short. I mean, Jack Nicholson was as tall as Keaton.
Tom said on 25/Aug/08
my brother met him at a convention in washington D.C. my brother is 5'9 and he said he had to look down at michael keaton. he said michael keaton couldn't have been more than 5'6.
Lenad said on 30/Jul/08
Whats funny is that in Batman Returns at one minute he looked a solid 6ft0 and the next minute hes struggling to hit 5'8
runt said on 31/Mar/08
thanx Rob for the clarification
runt said on 30/Mar/08
Guys with long foreheads look shorter than they are because of their low eye level and they probably feel shorter too because they look eye to eye with people that are shorter.

Editor Rob
there isn't that much variation. Keaton is slightly closer than Glenn here.
Anonymous said on 24/Mar/08
Looks 5' 10" in that pic above.
Chris said on 26/Feb/08
He was about 1.5 inches taller than Andie MacDowell in Multiplicity, so he's probably a little under 5'10".
Ronno said on 16/Jan/08
He's 5'9-5'10. would be 5'9-ish without shoes on.
leonari said on 16/Jan/08
correct Shredder. This who say 5'8" for Keaton are fools.
the shredder said on 16/Jan/08
Ok , I think we are getting closer to Keaton's real height ... I was watching Multiplicity the other day and Notice that Glenn Shadix ( who Rob saw and thought at best 5'10 ) was in a scene with Keaton and look slightly taller then Keaton ... not much , but he was taller ! ... Also , Keaton had some GOOD barefoot Scenes with Andie MacDowell who is 5'8 ! ... Keaton was around 1 inch or 1.5 inch taller her ! Keaton being slightly shorter then 5'10 Shadix + him being taller then 5'8 MacDowell = 5'9 to 5'9.5

That I think is his true height !
GSP said on 12/Jan/08
looks no more than an inch over glenn there.
redrum said on 11/Jan/08
With 5-9 Chris O'Donnel
Click Here
leonari said on 9/Jan/08
absolutey accurate. Average height. Looks pretty good lately...turning 57 this year.
Mac said on 17/Dec/07
Saw desperate measures last night. Footwear looked funny. 5'9.
Cpt. Crunch said on 6/Nov/07
A head taller than 5-3.5 Winona Ryder in Beetlejuice
Click Here
AshnarLynx said on 5/Nov/07
He has always looked a solid 5ft10 to me.
dmeyer said on 3/Nov/07
looks 5'10 in the pic
Alex said on 3/Nov/07
Looks a weak 5'10 with Glenn. I think the 5'9.75 here looks percise.
Anonymous said on 2/Nov/07
He looks 1.5-2 inches taller than glenn. The truth lies somewhere between 5'9"-5'10" probably.
Anonymous said on 2/Nov/07
looks a good 5'10 there
ras said on 30/Sep/07
Rob, is Glenn 172 or 173? Why do you have him listed here at 172?
James said on 11/Sep/07
Although those pictures down there with Mcnabb really make me fricken tall is this guy? Its confusing me!
Anonymous said on 6/Sep/07
Also, in Night Shift, the scene where Kevin Costner is briefly shown...Keaton looks a good 5 inches shorter. I'd say 5'8"-5'9".
James said on 4/Sep/07
In night shift when he stood in for his Mug shot his height looked about 5'10, if he WAS wearing any sort of lifts in that scene then id say hes about 5'9.
Melvin said on 9/Jul/07
I read 16 years ago he is 5ft 8 and wears lifts. This was from Fantasmagoria magazine whatever it was called. They said the Batman suit was made for a 5ft 8 guy. The stuntman David something was also 5ft 8. Then they said Keaton wore lifts when he was not in the Batsuit.
KingNick said on 12/Apr/07
Antron, good pic. I think though that his hair is making him 6' plus I'm sure he's wearing shoes, probably even a dress shoe. I think 5'10" is fair.

And with Batman Returns and Christopher Walken, camera angles are very very deceiving. I'd have to watch the movie again, but it may have been angles.
anonymous said on 3/Apr/07
check out the saturday night live episodes he used to star in. that should give a good idea.
the shredder said on 23/Feb/07
I use to think Keaton was shorter , but 5'10ish is pretty fair !
Chris said on 21/Feb/07
Looks a bit like Tom Jones in that pic.
Jordan said on 12/Feb/07
Kevin T, Walken did tower him but it is also because Walken had crazy hair that was all up in the air.
Antron said on 9/Feb/07
I just found this picture, weird:
Click Here

No way is he close to 6, I peg him around 5'9.5", more like this pick with 5'6ish Martin Short (Short with slight lean):
Click Here
16and5'7.25'' said on 9/Feb/07
rob, why does it say glenn is only 172 cm below the pic? isn't 172 cm about 5'7.5''? i thought glenn was 173 cm (or 5'8'')

Editor Rob
there are a few remnants of 172cm around, I give the glenn his 173cm usually, but thanks for pointing out, my mind half the time is thinking in cm and then feet
kevin t said on 15/Jan/07
I've noticed that the more people like an actor and/or associate him with heroic film roles, the taller they make him in their minds. Whereas the more they perceive an actor as egoistic and vain, the shorter they cut him from his publicized height.

If Keaton is 5' 10", why does 6' 0"-Christopher Walken tower over him in Batman Returns? There seems to be at least a 3" differential, even disregarding
Walken's ridiculous pompadour hairdo.
Brad said on 8/Dec/06
5' 9". The photo with Justin Long proves it. Wears lifts.
Glenn said on 8/Dec/06
I always thought Keaton was 5-8,5-9.and did look 5-9ish when I met him 14 years,he appeared 5-10.5 or so.I think he might be 5-10.his footwear did look funny.but then again,so do mine sometimes.
anonymous2 said on 7/Dec/06
sleuth says on 2/Dec/06
Everybody needs to watch "My LIfe" where Keaton is in many scenes with 5'10.5" Nicole Kidman

I've wondered about that too. Explanation is either lifts or Kidman isn't really 5'10.5".
Glenn said on 6/Dec/06
Thats a big 5-8 man over here.and I was wearing boots.only a handful of photos I have boots on.the boots dont account for as much height as one thinks though.
Kevin T said on 6/Dec/06
Five feet eight inches, no question. Keaton is a very likable man...I find it interesting that most posters consider him much taller than Tom Cruise, who is about the same size.
sleuth said on 2/Dec/06
Everybody needs to watch "My LIfe" where Keaton is in many scenes with 5'10.5" Nicole Kidman
Glenn said on 3/Nov/06
Thanks Jordan and RWfender.Frank2 is LONG gone.
Jordan said on 2/Nov/06
For the record Glenn is no 5'6. In almost all his pictures he looks the 5'8 he says he is . Why the hell would he lie about it. Glenn is really is trying to help us out here, so chill with the 5'6 nonsense. Glenn if this Frank 2 guy is really pissiin you off maybe you should stand in front of a height chart just to prove him wrong and shut him up.
MHouillon said on 6/Oct/06
Yeha, Rut. I think a 177cm (5'9.5") is a more honest height for Michael Keaton.
Glenn said on 3/Oct/06
Thanks Rwfender.
Rut said on 1/Oct/06
Keaton is 5 9 and a half..I think...
Thee are still to many bizar and ridicoulous comments on this site that should be left out, I think.
Chris said on 18/Sep/06
When Michael was on Dr Phil, he looked 6-7 inches shorter. Dr Phil is 6'4''.
rwfender said on 29/Aug/06
Glenn, i believe you're 5' dont look like you have the build of someone 5'6...i also tend to agree with most of your estimates
Glenn said on 28/Aug/06
I even heard 5-8.
Rut said on 27/Aug/06
Glenn is satnding further anyway, so...
Kaeton could be 5 foot 10, but comes over sometimes as a five foot niner..
Rut said on 15/Aug/06
Keaton could be only five nine.. but it's not accurate, who cares anyway, he's a great actor!!
Glenn said on 14/Aug/06
There not threats Frank.youd love to know Frank Im wearing boots here too.I only wear boots on occasion.2 inches Im 5-5.Rob warned me you have pulled this 5-6 shrinking stunt on me before too.but wouldnt let your bile through.maybe keatons wearing litfs.maybe not.what does the height say at top of page.accept it Frank.again your wrong.
Frank2 said on 14/Aug/06
Maybe Glenn's 5'6". Anything's possible.

Keaton is not 5'10". I know since I met him as well as the fact that a good friend who's an actor appeared with him in a film and they were the same size. My friend is about 5'8".

And Glenn, the threats really are getting old. If you want to prove something to the world, stand in front of a height chart when you're next photographed. And barefoot.
Glenn said on 12/Aug/06
Your right your world Im 5-6.come up with more stabs as I proove the world your wrong.
Frank2 said on 10/Aug/06
Maybe Glenn is shorter than he claims to be.

I've seen Keaton and no way is he 5'10". If so then I'm 6'.
Jordan said on 9/Aug/06
Dunno keaton just looks a solid 5'10. If Gleen is 5'8, 5'10 for keaton looks good in the pic. Defninetly not shorter then 5'9, since he has glenn by it looks 3 inches.
MD said on 8/Aug/06
Here he is with 5'9" Justin Long (who may be a half-and-inch shorter than that, but no less):

1. Click Here

2. Click Here

I'm seeing 5'9" for him.
vienna said on 30/Jun/06
I watched an entire concert looking over his shoulder, I'm 5'9" with shoes on and he wasn't any taller than I am...we were oddly wearing the same shoes, too. So, he didn't have an avantage. I'd say he's probably 5'8 1/2" barefoot.
Glenn said on 11/May/06
I agree the man might be wearing lifts in my photo.
Shane said on 9/May/06
Frank2, maybe the reason he was so much shprter than you was that he was standing quite a ways in front of the chart on The Dream Team.
Frank2 said on 27/Apr/06
George H said on 27/Apr/06
Frank2: using your own line of deduction (like you did in the infamous Elvis section of this forum haha) I'd have to say that Annette is 5'8" and Beatty 6'2". If not, then my wife could not be the solid barefoot 5'9" and I could not be the solid, barefoot 6'1" that we are, and we might have to eat our keyboard! :)
Frank2 said on 26/Apr/06
Going back and looking at the shot of Colin standing there I noticed her heels aren't even one inch high! They're just little tiny spikes that the carpet mostly covers up. On the other hand, Keaton's shoes are definitely of the height-increasing variety.
Frank2 said on 26/Apr/06
I've seen Bening and she looks no more than 5'7" to me. Also in that photo with her husband, Warren, he's a good five inches taller and Beatty is 6'1". I guess she was wearing either flats or shoes with two inch heels. With Keaton she could have been wearing higher heels.
George H said on 26/Apr/06
Frank2: my wife (who's 5'9") and I estimated Annette Bening at 5'8" when we saw her and Warren Beatty at the Toronto Film Festival. She was wearing about 2" heels and looked 1 inch taller than my wife in flats.
Frank2 said on 25/Apr/06
Keaton wasn't slouching. He's just not that tall.
Shane said on 25/Apr/06
Maybe Michael just has really bad posture, and alot is sort of a perspective, or maybe he was wearing small shoes, maybe he had a slouchy posture or maybe you're a little taller than you think, you were as tall as David Strathairn you maybe 5'11.5 inches. PS i was the guy who was obnoxious on the Walt Disney page, I apologize if you didn't know it was me.
Frank2 said on 24/Apr/06
Then explain why Keaton is a lot shorter than me while Jeff is taller by about an inch to two inches?
Stiffelio said on 24/Apr/06
Frank2, then explain why he's nearly as tall as Jeff Bridges.
Shane said on 24/Apr/06
I apologize for being so obnoxious and immature, Frank 2. It was uncalled for. Maybe they made they faked the chart and he is 5'10" with sneakers on.
Frank2 said on 22/Apr/06
Then explain why he was so short next to me?
Shane said on 21/Apr/06
In The Dream Team with standard neakers 1.25 unches he is a little over '6" flat when his jail picture is taken, so I would say he is a bout 5'11"
Stiffelio said on 21/Apr/06
Up to now I was convinced Keaton was 5ft 10in or shorter but the last two pictures posted lead me to think he might be even taller than that. In the picture with Glen, Keaton looks more than 2 in taller: waht kind of shoes were you both wearing Glen? And in the picture with McNabb, Keaton looks less than 3 inches shorter. Therefore, either Keaton is in the 5ft 11in range OR Glen is shorter than 5ft 8in aand MacNabb is shorter than 6ft 2in OR Keaton wears lifts.

Editor Rob
or possibly, McNabb's posture doesn't quite match up, but yeah there are some occasions when he can pull of 'looking' taller. But check getty images for him beside the 182cm david beckham
the shredder said on 19/Apr/06
frank2 , i think jack is the one that wears lifts . if you ever notice keaton looks roughly the same just about ever movie that hes in and nicholson don't ? the only movie that keaton comes off as being short is beetle juice . also in the movie pacific heights some card stated 5'10 155lbs . he also looks nothing else but 5'10 there with glenn . i think he could be as low as 5'8 , but i do doubt that he wears lifts.
Frank2 said on 15/Apr/06
If you watch the film you'll notice he's not lifting him in the entire scene and Jack is slightly taller.
Dominic said on 15/Apr/06
Frank 2, isn't Keaton kind of lifting Nicholson off of his feet a bit?
Frank2 said on 14/Apr/06
Keaton is about 5'9" on his best day.
175-77cm17andgrowing said on 14/Apr/06
I think Keaton has a very large face... or at least had it in his Batman movies when he was in shape... not in perfect shape though (He is no Shawn Michaels) but in good shape. I can't imagine him smaller than 5'10'', before I originally qould have given him 5'10.5'' or 5'11'' but he isn't that tall. Maybe 5'9.5'', maybe shorter. Don't forget the guy got older. If he played Bruce Wayne in the 3rd movie, alongside Nicole Kidman, we could estimate his height way better.
Glenn said on 14/Apr/06
I was surprised he looked 5-10.lifts?
Glenn said on 19/Mar/06
I agree Frank.
Frank2 said on 18/Mar/06
No way is Keaton 5'10'. And Nicholson the last time I saw him was no more than 5'8".
Glenn said on 18/Mar/06
possibly 5-9 in bare feet.
KingNick said on 17/Mar/06
I think Michael Keaton is a legitmate 5'10". In regards to BATMAN, Jack Nicholson is supposedly somewhere around the 5'9" area, I've even read 5'9.5". If you look closely at the BATMAN movie, his shoes are maybe 1/2 an inch high. An example of this is right in the beginning where he's holding the thug over the roof, they get a good shot of his feet. Any seen with Jack Nicholson, before or after he transforms into The Joker, he wears a dress shoe that looks to be an inch and a half to maybe two inches higher. One example of this is also in the beginning, when Napier has his feet on the magazines, you see a great shot of his shoes. It's real simple things like this that make everything complicated
tgri said on 5/Mar/06
my cuzin did't get a photo him , but he did get one with steven seagal.
Frank2 said on 26/Feb/06
Michael is around five feet eight. I mean Jack Nicholson was taller than him in Batman!

Editor Rob
since there was another Frank who posts a lot, can you please add another initial to your name, so folk don't confuse the two of you :-) FrankD or something...
tgri said on 21/Feb/06
my cuzin met michael keaton about 2 weeks ago at his job. i asked my cuzin how tall did he look. my cuzin said .. i don't know . he was setting down eating . my cuzin also met howard stern and he said .. dude hes huge , iam 6'1 and he was like 5 inches taller then me . i say he was about 6'6 dude .
MTed said on 15/Feb/06
I don't know about 5'10". See the frat party scene in Night Shift. he looked about 5'8" next to Kevin Costner
Anonymous said on 4/Feb/06
he might be under 5`10". About 5`9"
Raymond_u_k said on 21/Jan/06
No speculation required. Michael Keaton is definitely 5ft 10 in. I work at Heathrow Airport escorting the VIPs and that clot Keaton lost his passport and spent 2 hours with me at UK immigration filling out the intensive forms including his height, which is definitely 5 ft 10. And before you ask, he most certainly couldn't lie to UK immigration. Hence proved.
Zas said on 5/Oct/05
Keaton is 5-9 1/2. watch the film with Henry Winkler many years ago, and Batman with Jack Nicholson and Kim Basinger.
bernar said on 4/Oct/05
he looks to be the same height as Nicole Kidman maybe 1 cm shorter so 178 makes sens if Kidman is 179.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.