gary johnson said on 10/Jun/07
so Glenn would you say he`s in the 5`3 and a half to 5`4 and a half range?
I agree with Alex, nice picture, you live in NY by the way?
glenn said on 10/Jun/07
thanks alex.taken 2 months ago.
Alex said on 9/Jun/07
Glenn, nice photo. Which year was it taken?
Alex said on 9/Jun/07
Are we allowed to talk anything else about our beloved little fellow other than his height? By the way, it's his birthday today. Happy birthday, Michael, 5'4" or not
sf said on 4/Jun/07
Yes, with shoes on, 5'4" and 1/2. Even in movies, they find it hard to hide his height, and that's saying something. Never actually 5'4" and 1/2 and probably, at most, almost 5'4". I believe Glenns and Fabs' estimates are probably pretty close.
TJ said on 3/Jun/07
Parker, I don't buy that he scrapes 5'5 first thing even with military posture. I can't see him above 5'4. Has Rob added 0.5 to his height in the last couple of days, as I thought he had him at 5'4?

Editor Rob
I just give him what his claim is now, I think he looks like he never stands totally upright nowadays though.
Parker said on 2/Jun/07
I don't think you can start debating 1/4 or 1/2 inches when it comes to height. Posture and time of day at measuring all come into play. I think 5'4 is reasonable for Michael. May be slightly above that first thing, and slightly below last thing at night. Maybe he scrapes 5'5 with military posture first thing in the morning hence his 5'5 claim?
His parents were advised to administer growth hormones when he was younger, so it is highly unlikely that he is any taller than 5'4. Think there are enough sightings and estimates on this site to put him at 5'4.
JWalker said on 1/Jun/07
This is from SF in 2006...
sf says on 10/Sep/06
I'm not trying to put Fox down, I really like him, but I do believe he is very short. I just can't buy 5'4". I really do think only 5'3" or so, but he sure has done well for himself.
JWalker said on 1/Jun/07
This corresponds with what TJ said (his girlfriends) that MJF was 5`3 to 5`4, meaning, at least one or some of them definitely thought he was 5`3" which goes against Fabs recollection. Whatever, some people think that a 5`4 person is 5`5" or 5`3" depending on who you ask....
TJ said on 1/Jun/07
Well Glenn did once say 5'4 tops for Fox and I think on another thread said that he has appeared 5'3 before. You could be right JWalker - he might be just a little under 5'4, but I don't think as short as 5'3. 5'4 is probable and 5'3 1/2 or 3/4 is possible.
JWalker said on 1/Jun/07
He could be 5`3" and a 1/2 or 3/4. No way is he a full 5`4"
Fab said on 31/May/07
I don't need a tape measure, Walker. I was standing right in front of him and it's pretty easy to tell someone's height when you're that close measuring it up to your own. There's no way he's 5'3". Sorry, buddy.
glenn said on 31/May/07
i met him alot.a few times were in the last month alone.he is 5-4.i dont need a measuring tape.
JWalker said on 30/May/07
He is 5`3". Fab did you have a measuring tape with you. How the heck do you know he is 5`4" by just looking at him.
TJ said on 28/May/07
Nice story Fab. That confirms what others who have met him say.
Fab said on 28/May/07
Hi guys! This is actually my first post, but I have been a frequent visitor to this site. It's cool to read about celebrity heights and where you compare. For myself, I am 29 years old and I am not a tall guy (5'5" and yes without shoes). However, I felt I had to post on this wall reqarding Michael J. Fox considering he is my idol and I want to put all the height questions to rest because I have actually met him and stood face to fact with him chatting. I grew up on Family Ties and Back to the Future and dressed like Marty McFly and Alex P. Keaton (Yes, I was nuts) and I still follow his career very closely to this day. But getting to the point, in 2002 I was in New York and I freaked when I saw him! Without hesitation I went up to him and I introduced myself and told him about what a huge fan I was and also put in the fact that I am Canadian too, which went over great! He was extremelly pleasant and friendly and we chatted for about 5 minutes. Anyways, I want you all to know, that he is 100% 5'4" tall. We were both wearing running shoes, on flat surface and he was just under me in height. I wish I had a camera with me that day, which is my one regret, but the memory will last a lifetime. I hope this helps you guys in putting an end to the wondering on his height. He's a fantastic actor and a great person. I am, along with others, are very proud of him!
glenn said on 28/May/07
like i said,didnt see it.i figured it might be what you say.not a show of his illness.
TJ said on 27/May/07
Glenn, the vid does just that, ie focusses on his persona and achievements. It's not about getting morbid over his physical condition, it's about respecting and admiring how he is rising above it to try to make a difference with his foundation and his advocacy. If you want an example of his persona and character, there is perhaps no better example. He took the high road on the Limbaugh outburst and showed himself to be eloquent, determined, intelligent and a class act.
TheJerk said on 27/May/07
Oh yea, he's Canadian.
TJ said on 26/May/07
Great vid. I'd seen it before and the guy shows an enormous amount of class. How obvious his symptoms are will vary of course, depending on the meds. Hard to get an idea of height based on the above pic as Glenn is clearly leaning in.
glenn said on 26/May/07
i dont understand the point of the video? i didnt see it.nor do i want to.we know he is ill for this news? if he just got hit with it,thats a little different.whats the point on dwelling on it? id rather focus on his persona and achievments.same goes for ali.i brush aside blemishes in life and get on with it.same goes for peoples
Anthony said on 26/May/07
God Bless MJF. That video Danimal posted is heartugging.
glenn said on 26/May/07
he seemed fine.not the first time ive seen him.
Danimal said on 26/May/07
BTW Rob, he is NOT a U.S. actor. Michael is born and raised in Canada and moved to the U.S. to do Family Ties in the early 80's.
Danimal said on 26/May/07
Very Sad and Hard to watch:
Click Here
The Horse of FUNK said on 26/May/07
How was his health when you confronted him, Glenn? No offense to him or anything, but everything I've seen of him lately he looks like he's dancing. It'll be a shame when this guy goes. He had so much potential and future, but was cut short. God I hate how religion has been intertwined with our politics. Thanks, Jerry Falwell :/
By the way, the 5'4.5" is interesting. Not discounting the 5'4", but he's usually listed 5'3" everywhere I've seen.
Alex said on 25/May/07
Yea, 5'4 he looks.
Danius said on 25/May/07
If he says 5'4.5 I believe him, he's one of the most truthful actors out there
l0ck n l0ad said on 25/May/07
omg michael j fox was one of my favorite actors when i was a kid, im sure everyone knows back to the future... i feel so sad for him people give him 5'3" max lolz... rob, have some mercy on his soul and leave him at 5'4.5" ;-)
D. Ray Morton said on 25/May/07
Cool. How does he seem to be doing lately?
Anthony said on 25/May/07
Great photo, Glenn. MJF rules.
glenn said on 25/May/07
5-4.always nice.
JohnP said on 25/May/07
Maybe the Parkinsons decease has made him shrink? As far as I know, people on the Muhammed Ali site always talk about Parkinsons made him shorter.
Jordan said on 25/May/07
Was he a nice Guy Glenn? My Aunt had met him in the mid 90's and said he was very polite.
Drew said on 25/May/07
Looks like Glenn is leaning quite a bit. 5'4.5" seems about right. How tall did he look, Glenn?
TJ said on 16/May/07
Hi Sophie. What do you mean by you appearing taller than him? Did you meet him? If you just mean generally appear taller, maybe heels play a role in that? :-)
Sophie14 said on 16/May/07
I love Michael J. Fox. He's a brilliant actor. The back to the future trilogy is and always will be my favourite film. I'd say 5"4 looks the right height for him, although I'm 5"2 and I appear even taller than him which is a bit odd!
Franco said on 24/Apr/07
doesn't look taller than 5'4
X said on 19/Apr/07
I've never heard anything but 5 ft. 4 for him. I've heard 5 ft. 5 for his wife who has appeared about an inch taller than him.
TheJerk said on 11/Apr/07
I really do like Michael J. I still watch Back to the Future when its on TBS.
TJ said on 16/Feb/07
It's funny though Parker. Throughout the whole of the 80s, he was listed at 5'4 everywhere - presumably the height his publicist put out? And then suddenly he started dropping in 5'5 references, which frankly aren't believable. It's also hard to believe that he would have ever called himself 5'4 if really 5'5. What short guy shaves an inch off? :-) I don't believe he was under 5'4 at his peak, but he may be more like 5'3.5 now. I've also thought about Julie Warner in the past when considering his height, but of course we only have her word that she's 5'2.
Parker said on 16/Feb/07
I think 5'4 give or take 0.5 inch in his twenties. Not so sure anymore as he looks shorter than that in recent photos. If you read the Julie Warner quote of her being 5'2 and hence won the role in Doc Hollywood - Fox looked a couple of inches taller in that film. I've also seen quotes from himself of 5'4,5'4.5 and 5'5.
leonari said on 15/Feb/07
British gal: fox is a great actor no doubt but he never reaches 5'5''I even say this guy is below 5'3...was my favourite actor as a kid...
British Gal said on 14/Feb/07
If 5'4/5'5 is fine for Michael J. Fox, it's awesome for me! I don't care about height in anyone really, he's a quality actor and his height may set him back a bit, but it never bothered me!
Alex said on 21/Jan/07
I think he's 5'4. He was seriously towered over by 6'0-6'1 Christopher Lloyd in Back to the Future.
Glenn said on 7/Nov/06
The laugh is on you mighty.he can look that next to Hogan.
Polska said on 7/Nov/06
How is any reason for coming here any less dull than taking time out of your day to make fun of people for their height (or lack thereof), Jenny?
Clearly you yourself are insecure and you're just trying to validate your reasoning for coming here and cast yourself as better than others who also frequent this site.
Miiiiiiighty said on 6/Nov/06
Stallone looking 6'2 ...? LOOOOOOOOOL
Anonymous said on 21/Oct/06
I think that 5'4"-4.5" (or 5'5" if you really stretch it) sounds about right. But, 5'3", I don' think he's that short. I still love him, great actor.
Anonymous said on 10/Oct/06
ive been looking at some photos of MJF with his wife and im starting to believe he is 5-3 max
Editor Rob said on 17/Sep/06
"When you're a short actor, you stand on apple boxes, you walk on a ramp. When you're a short star, everybody else walks in a ditch", 1991.
Glenn said on 17/Sep/06
Cause their heights can vary drastically.Stallone can look 5-7 to 6-2,depending on who you ask and what you see.its a mystery.
Jenny said on 16/Sep/06
ok my friends and I look at these heights to make fun of people, but why do you guys? Do you actually care about their heights? I'm not trying to be mean or anything but it just strikes me as a dull topic of conversation.
Viper652 said on 11/Sep/06
5-3 is probably right for Fox. Great actor
sf said on 10/Sep/06
I'm not trying to put Fox down, I really like him, but I do believe he is very short. I just can't buy 5'4". I really do think only 5'3" or so, but he sure has done well for himself.
Glenn said on 8/Sep/06
True SF.I think it worstened a bit,and now its somewhat under control D.
Parker said on 8/Sep/06
The average shoe gives about 4cm, so if MJF is 5'41/2 in shoes, that's about 5'3 barefoot - yet he looked a good 2 ins taller than 5'2 Julie Warner in Doc Hollywood. I'd believe 5'4.
Danimal said on 7/Sep/06
How's he doing these days btw? Is his disease under control?
Danimal said on 7/Sep/06
I believe him.
sf said on 7/Sep/06
Yes, I'll believe 5'4 and 1/2 with shoes on. No way he is that height, otherwise.
Editor Rob said on 6/Sep/06
He said in 1993:
"I'm 5 feet 4 1/2 inches tall. Don't forget the one-half inch"
TJ said on 4/Sep/06
I don't think the pic with Tracy Pollan is very conclusive anonymous, as she almost certainly had on shoes with a larger heel. But he does always looks shorter than her, even if both wearing similar footwear, and always has, even on Family Ties 20 years ago. I'm not sure she is really 5'6 though. I think it's more likely that she is 5'5 and he is 5'4 or a touch under now. He was always shorter than Courtney Cox in Family Ties too and there's doubt that she's even as tall as 5'5.
trueheight said on 4/Sep/06
'5' 3". The guy is really short. He must have had horrible casting calls when he walked into the casting director's offices. I'm sure he has on 3" heels even to get a paper.'
-he's got a lifetime worth of charm
Parker said on 10/Aug/06
5'3 is too short for Michael. Julie Warner has admitted that being 5'2 got her the part in Doc Hollywood - Michael was min 2 inches taller than Julie in that film. He is not 4 inches shorter than Spielberg in the photo below. 5'4 is most realistic. Maybe 5'5 with military posture straight out of bed.

Editor Rob
with parkinson's he's not standing 'tall' in many pics these days.
Brad said on 8/Aug/06
5' 3". The guy is really short. He must have had horrible casting calls when he walked into the casting director's offices. I'm sure he has on 3" heels even to get a paper.
Anthony said on 9/Jul/06
Okay, the height difference isn't as big as I said it was, vut I still think that his Parkinson's has taken away some height from him.
Parker said on 6/Jul/06
Have to disagree with Anthony on this one - If you get a rule the top of MJF's head is level with the bottom of the chins of these guys. If Nealy is 6'3 it puts Michael at 5'5/5'6 in his shoes.
Anthony said on 5/Jul/06
I took a look at the pics with Leary and Kerry, and in my eyes Fox looks 5'1. He's over a foot shorter than Leay, who I think is about 6'2 - 6'3. Fox comes up to his chest. I personally think that Parkinson's Disease are starting to take control of his health, and have stolen a few inches from him.
Mike K said on 23/Jun/06
I think MJF really is one of the best, but there is no way he's 5'5" or even 5'4."
I'm 5'5", but when I look at pictures next to some of my best friends who are both an easy 6'2," I really just don't look THAT small. I certainly look short next to them but not tiny the way MJF does in those pics with Leary. I do have a better build than MJF so that might help, but honestly he can't be 5'4" and look that tiny. Anyway, MJF is awesome.
Glenn said on 9/Jun/06
I have photos with all those guys.
Parker said on 7/Jun/06
I agree with you sf - I think below 5'5 you've 'cooked your goose' - your never going to look tall - MJF,Dudley Moore,Danny DeVito,Mickey Rooney etc Your never going to look tall so I thimk they go with it in terms of movies - At 5'6/5'7/5'8 your starting to hit the 'cusp' of average Cruise,Ladd,Bogart etc and thus I think the studios try to go for the height boosters - lifts,camera angles,platforms,height ramps, ditches..........
sf said on 6/Jun/06
That's a good quote, Parker. My personal believe is that Fox is probably 5'3" and 1/2 or so. This means with shoes he gets to 5'5" or close to it, thus justifying all of those 5'4" and 1/2 to 5'5" reports. He just always looks too, too small to be a legit 5'5". He's at a height that's it's very hard to disguise how short he is, even when they try, if you ask me. And, no, I don't think they alwasy try as hard with Fox as with other, possibly more vain, stars..
Parker said on 6/Jun/06
Just saw a clip on TV of Mohammed Ali and Fox in a promtional add for Parkinsons research. Fox claimed he was 5'5 and Ali 6'2 trying to get across Parkinsons did not discriminate on height or race, anyone can contact it.
At the end of the ad, Ali pats the Top of Michaels head and says '5'5? wish!!'
TJ said on 25/Apr/06
Glenn, you said recently that you thought he was 5'3. Which is it?

Editor Rob
maybe mjf posture these days makes him look 5ft 3, he looks that in some recent pics
Frank2 said on 23/Apr/06
Back in the early 1990's I met him at the MGM Grand Air terminal at LAX and flew on the same plane with him to NYC. He's 5'4".
Glenn said on 23/Apr/06
He's 5-4.I used to see him everyday.
Anonymous said on 22/Apr/06
Leonari is right. No way 5'5. In recent years he has described himself as that, but throughout the 80s he was listed everywhere as 5'4, which was presumably the height is publicist put out. I can't imagine why his height would have been downgraded at the peak of his popularity. Most pictures suggest he is max 5'4 and possibly slightly under. 5'5 with shoes maybe.
leonari said on 22/Apr/06
The guy is so not 5'5"!!! SkyDome don't believe this crap! Even if he said it himself this guy is tiny tiny tiny...5'4" max in the morning!
SkyDome said on 21/Apr/06
I remember seeing an interview with him on the "The View". He was asked how tall he was by Meredith Vieira, he replied Im 5'5.
clad-in-black said on 8/Apr/06
always thought he was 165
but after looking at this page , i think he's 163-164
he's one of the best actors of all -time
Charles said on 12/Feb/06
the first time i saw back to the future it didn't occur to me that the guy woz a head shorter than me and that he woz 24. he looked about 17 and 5'8 lol. i guess it woz his talented acting and all the main female actors that were shorter than him that shrouded the truth
Joel said on 9/Dec/05
strange, after watching Mars Attacks! Somehow they make Fox out to look almost average, while jack black looks very short (even though in real life black is taller than fox). Anyway, this guy is one of my favorite all-time actors. Its a shame he got parkinson's (nothing a little stem cell research couldn't help)
TJ said on 10/Nov/05
Heather's height may not be 5'5 though Parker. Didn't she say 5'4.75 once? If she does round up a little (and hardly surprising when talking about one quarter of an inch), and MJF's shoes gave him an inch or more, we are back to him being between 5'3 and 5'4. He's hard to pin down accurately, but I'm confident that 5'4 is the absolute max.
Parker said on 7/Nov/05
I just watched a re-run of the final MJF starring role in Spin City. In it, in one scene he arrives home to a barefoot Heather Locklear - Fox in shoes. They were the same height,maybe Fox marginally taller. So if Heather Locklear is 5'5, then Fox certainly is not shorter than 5'3. I think 163 could be right on the nail, maybe 164 first thing in the morning, then as the editor has said in his comments, creative rounding making his 'official' height 5'5.
TJ said on 27/Oct/05
Rob, I'm not sure about the losing height point. This link has the recent pic with Spielberg as well as one from the mid-eighties.
He looked no taller back in the 80s against Spielberg and, again, 5'4 absolute max.
Parker said on 18/Oct/05
I've seen a photo on Getty of Martin Scorcese with Joe Pesci - They look exactly the same height. Pesci is listed at 5'4 on this site so according to TJ, this puts Michael back at 5'5, having an inch on Scorcese?
TJ said on 18/Oct/05
Anonymous, perhaps you are talking about the pic with Dennis Leary and Cam Neely. "Up to their hands" is overstating it, lol, but yes he does look very short and certainly below their chins. I've seen another pic where Michael is almost the same height as Scorsese - perhaps 0.5 - 1 inch taller. Having seen pics of Scorcese with De Niro, I'd guess he is 5'2 at most, putting Michael at around 5'3.
Anonymous said on 17/Oct/05
5'4 you gotta be friggen kidding me! I saw a picture of michael with three other guy's who had to be about 6'2 or something and um......he was up to there hands!.
DG said on 15/Aug/05
I'm also a big fan of Michael J Fox and I'll say without question, he is (or was since his medical problems) THEE greatest shortest actor of our time. The way he oozes confidence, how well spoken he was, and the fact he never let his height get in the way of his greatness sets him apart from so many actors. When anyone watches the all the Back to the Future movies, Spin City and Family Ties as Alex P. Keaton, you never once thought of his height. Women flocked around this guy and he was a hunk at 5'-4" because he was so incredible. His role as Alex P. Keaton showed how a guy at his height can dream big and attain a position as a CEO or a company or an owner of a mult-billion start-up company regardless of heightism in our society.
A truley amazing person and it's sad to see the disease starting to zap his energy.
Parker said on 9/Aug/05
In the photo with Spielberg he looks like he's struggling with 5'4, but in a number of his films I've seen with 5'2 listed women,he looks to have a couple of inches on them - either he was wearing lifts (don't think so - in doc holiday he was in pumps), or they were not 5'2 (Julie Warner,Gabrielle Anwar)
Shane said on 8/Aug/05
Spielberg is 5'7.5 and he hits about his forehead, maybe barely below, so I guess he is 5'4"
TJ said on 22/Jul/05
British guy, he's too tall against Gabrielle Anwar in For Love or Money to be 5'2. In the shots where they are both in flats he looks a couple of inches taller and when she has heels they look a similar height. She's listed as 5'2, so I'd give him 2 inches above that.
British Guy said on 13/Jul/05
As I Have Stated Before,
I Believe This Guy Is Max 5ft 3in...
Parker I Too Think He Could Be 5ft 2in, Maybe...
Parker said on 12/Jul/05
Well lets say she is 5'5, 5'8/5'9 in heels in the photo. That makes Michael 5'4/5'5 in shoes - in other words 5'3/5'4 in barefeet?
Rob - Beginning to think he's 161/162.........
McFan said on 11/Jul/05
Wasn't Tracey Pollan 5'5, Parker? She only looked an inch taller than Fox in the show. I do see her with him and she skies over him with but this is with 3-4 inch heels.
TJ said on 10/Jul/05
I'm a big fan of this guy and have a lot of respect for him. His height has always intrigued me. I think 5'5 is definitely wrong. He's too short against Nathan Lane in Life With Mikey for that to be the case. He's also shorter than 5'5 Heather Locklear in Spin City, even when heels are taken into account. The Spielberg photo suggests 5'4 at the most and this concurs with evidence from a couple of girls I know that have met him. They said that 5'3-5'4 seemed about right and certainly no more. McFan, I recall that episode of Family Ties and you are right, but of course the scriptwriters came up with that line and it's unlikely they actually measured either MJF or Justine Bateman. Incidentally, Bateman is usually listed as 5'5.
He was always listed as 5'4 until recent years, so I'd say that's right unless positive proof of him being shorter shows up.
McFan said on 8/Jul/05
He's 5'3, not 5'4. In one of the episodes they say Mallory is 5'4 and she was clearly an inch taller than him in the episode and this was without heels.
Parker said on 3/Jul/05
Hi Rob - Although Michael has bad posture in the photograph with Spielberg, Spielberg is leaning in so that should compensate. He really looks about 5'3 in the photograph, but I'm certain looked a good two inches taller than Julie Warner in Doc Hollywood although I've not seen it recently - could he have lost some height over the last 10 years?
British Guy said on 3/Jul/05
Thanks Parker,
I Too Watched The Film,
Nearly Everyone Was Bigger Than Him,
He Looked Like A Little Boy!! Still A Good Actor.
Rob, I Believe You Should Change His Height To Nearer 5ft 3in...
Parker said on 21/Jun/05
I've never said he is taller than 5'4 in barefeet. However, confess from Rob's photograph he looks like he is struggling to make 5'3 - but again cannot see their footwear - Spielberg may be wearing elevator shoes?
leonari said on 20/Jun/05
great pic Rob . It proves my point. I see almost a 4 inch difference between them and I believe Steven Spielberg is around 5'7". Great Job.
Parker said on 20/Jun/05
Casper - Agreed and point taken. I do however think Michael can be 5'5" in standard shoes. In his book, he gives his height at 5'5", but I remember some years back him saying he was 5'4. I think the truth lies somewhere berween those two, and I don't think your going to get better than that without asking him to stand barefoot against a wall and be there with a tape,book and spirit level to measure him.
CasperUK said on 18/Jun/05
Parker, you have to bear in mind that the Mayor is a big guy, so has a bigger head and longer neck than most people. The average male from shoulder tip to head tip is 30cm (for a 5'8 man) but look at the head, neck, shoulders difference Fox and the major and you can see the extra size he has on him. I would place the Mayor at 6'4 easily but Fox below 5'5 simply because the Mayor has larger features than Fox and over the average male, as well as having a clear foot+ over him.
Parker said on 7/Apr/05
This looks about right - somewhere between 5'4-5'5. You have Nathan Lane listed at 5'5. If you watch the film 'life with Mikey' you will see Michael is shorter than Nathan.