Ian Biles said on 22/Mar/21
Just watching Michael on classic EastEnders directly in front of Ross Kemp. If Ross is 5'10" Michael is a strong 6'2".
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Oct/20
Michael looks right down to Michelle Collins' Cindy Beale in high heels. I can believe 6ft1 for him.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/May/20
Michael has just joined the Classic EastEnders cast and he looks very tall! Please, Rob, could you add him to the EE page?
A good, strong 6ft1. Bianca looks tiny next to him, or at least she will do. I remember these things! 😉
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Dec/19
Disagree James, I think this guy could look 6ft1½ range on EE. No less than 6ft1
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Aug/18
I'm sure Al Murray would agree with you! 😉
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Aug/18
@ Rob - I see she has taken his place! 😁👍

Editor Rob
One French was enough!
James B 172cm said on 19/Aug/18
didnt look over 6'1 compared too ross kemp
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Aug/18
@ Rob - I have been bursting to ask why Michael French is on the same page as the Mr French from 'The Little House on the Prairie', Merlin Olsen and Michael Landon, also famously from the long-running series Is there a connection other then the surname and tall height? Surely they aren't related... are they? 😯
This Sunday morning, I would like to offer Michael 6ft1.25, just the same as last time!

Editor Rob
Melissa should have been there.
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Apr/18
Michael made Bianca look like a shrimp - and for a Soap Queen, she's quite a sizeable height! Unlike last time, I will compromise and settle for 6ft1. 25!
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Aug/17
I don't think Michael French was 6ft1 when he was in 'EastEnders' . I expected to see way over that - 6ft2.5 or even 6ft3!
I hardly watched 'Casualty' when he was in it, but I still took in his appearance because my Mum would be watching it; she liked him! 😋
He still looked much taller than 6ft1 in that, but then again, it wasn't that long after 'Enders'!
I'm going to settle at 6ft2!👍
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Nov/16
Strong 6ft1 maybe
James B said on 17/Mar/14
Could be 6'0.5-6'1 range these days.
teej said on 5/Mar/14
I though he was also 6'3 the rest of the cast must be shorter than I expected
Corky said on 25/Jul/13
I thought this guy was more six three.
Arch Stanton said on 11/Nov/12
Actually looked 6'2 in Eastenders I thought.
James said on 15/Oct/12
A bit above average so 6'1 seems right
Small dude :( said on 15/Jan/12
yeah he looks huge on Eastenders because the other actors are all fairly average in height.
somedude said on 13/Jan/12
SAK says on 8/Jan/12
On EE looked taller then 6ft1
yeah i agree he looks at least 6'3 ish but i think the actors/actresses are fairly small in general.
SAK said on 8/Jan/12
On EE looked taller then 6ft1
EJ Smith said on 28/Feb/06
He is a very tall man but when you meet him he does not seem that tall until you get the picture printed and you feel tiny! but he has a BIG heart of gold!!