Jake Is Back said on 14/Apr/08
Well if Dwayne Wade is taller than him, he's 6'3.5" max. He's barely taller than Will Ferrell too.
Bobby said on 3/Mar/08
Michael Clarke Duncan is a way shorter compared with Tiny Lister Jr. Duncan is 6'4".
Kid-Icarus said on 6/Feb/08
Um yeah he's definitly not 7ft. He is probably 6'4" even.
Anonymous said on 28/Jan/08
How do you know he isn't 6'5". In The Green Mile, he looked very tall (even thinking about boots and platforms).
Ronno said on 19/Jan/08
I'm betting he's in the 6'3-6'4 range
Carnival said on 10/Jan/08
MCD is 6-3.5 i saw him barefoot. i'm the same height and we were eye to eye
Duhon said on 6/Jan/08
yeah he defenetly looks taller than djimon hounson
Viper said on 5/Jan/08
I meant, looks 6-2 with 6-4 David Hasselhoff.
Viper said on 5/Jan/08
Thing is, he looks 6-2 with 6-2 David Hasselhoff. Looks 6-3 in multiple pictues with 6-4 Dwayne Wade.
Viper said on 22/Oct/07
I beleive hes struggling with 6-3.
iamtall said on 21/Oct/07
he look exactly 6'5 why need wearing shoe lift if u already above 6' unless you are around 5'8.
Matthew said on 12/Oct/07
He is taller than Will Ferrel in Talledega nights, Will i beleive is listed as 6'3 here? he looks an inch taller, so i say the listed hieght for him is spot on.
robbie h said on 12/Oct/07
he looked a bit shorter than the rock in the scorpion king
Gonzalo said on 11/Oct/07
This guy is tricky. Looks shorter than Seagal or Dwayne Wade but looks the same height as Bryant who is around 1`95.
By the way Shaq looks huge next Wade and Duncan
qwerty said on 10/Oct/07
If MCD is over 6'4", then why has he looked noticeably shorter than 6'3.75" Dwayne Wade in every picture they've had together? The guy's 6'3", maybe 6'3.25", but no more.
liilo thomas said on 6/Sep/07
maybe your brother is 6-4 if michael clarke duncan is 6-3.But sometimes he can look 6-4 .
Chiabone said on 6/Sep/07
I have a picture of him standing with my 6'5 brother. They are almost exactly the same height.
mohd said on 7/Aug/07
Duncan's height is too exaggerated for when he was wuth bruce willis, he did not look that tall especially ifwe know that willis does not reach 5.9"
Alex said on 3/Jul/07
In his movies, not talking about just the Green Mile. He appears at least around 6'5 too. Green Mile he appeared 7'1-7'2 when I saw it. I think minimum 6'3 and max 6'4.
Viper said on 28/Jun/07
Id give him 6-2 3/4.
Alex said on 27/Jun/07
Jason, it was amazing how they made him look 7'1-7'2 in the Green Mile though. I actually thought he was that tall then one day I saw him at WM 16 in the front row and Big Show just towered over him and he was only a little taller than 6'2 Shane. I could agree with 6'3 but could be closer to 6'4 at the most though. He gives me that impression though.
Jason said on 21/Jun/07
I think bang on 6'3''.
ER. said on 21/Jun/07
The problem is that the picture with Wade is useless for juding any of their heights since you can't see their feet.
Viper said on 20/Jun/07
Wow, looks like I could be right with an exact height estimate of 6-2 3/4.
anonymous said on 20/Jun/07
i think this will make viper very happy. i was attending a party my friend was hosting, and low and behold, there he was. i walked over to him, thinking he was going to be massive, and i found myself looking him right in the eye. i am almost 6`3 (6`2.75) and he was certainly no taller than me. he is not 6`5, or anywhere near it for that matter.
Viper said on 6/Jun/07
I give Duncan 6-2 3/4 - 6-3. He looked 6-2 with 6-4 David Hasselhoff as well.
Alex said on 5/Jun/07
If you seen DareDevil you'd think this guy is a legit 6'5 and he looks it in that movie while really he's around 6'3.5. He def was around 300lbs at least.
BigBen said on 2/Jun/07
Wade is 6-3 3/4 in his barefeet, Viper is right. In that picture of Wade, Shaq and Duncan, Duncan looks no more than 6'2. Maybe the photo is taking from poor angle. And yes, Wade is closer to the camera.
I'd say Duncan is 6'4 to 6'4.5
anonymous said on 26/May/07
considering his spelling, viper, you may be right. and was wade measured at that?
Viper said on 15/Apr/07
Colton, I hope you are drunk. Wade was measured at 6-3 3/4 in his barefeet. Hes listed at 6-4.
Colton said on 13/Apr/07
lol if ur talkin about dwayne wade hes 6 foot 6 he said on jimmy kimmel he was and his nba profile says so. mciheal calrk duncan is most definetely 6 foot 5 for sure hes a bit taller than ferrell and wills 6 foot 3.
Duhon said on 9/Apr/07
In the wade pic wade is standing alot closer to the camera making him look bigger in general than MCD (even though duncan has a good 100 pounds on wade).
ed said on 5/Apr/07
He appeared in a episode of 'Married with Children' and he played a bouncer. A wrestler named King Kong Bundy (6'4'') appeared in the episode too and this wrestler looked a little bit taller than him.
Viper said on 3/Apr/07
If hes a half an inch shorter than Wade that puts him at 6-3 and some loose change.
BellybuttonLint said on 2/Apr/07
Click Here
He's standing next to Dwayne Wade, who is a legit 6'4" since he does not wear lifts (not like he needs to anyways). He's probably half an inch shorter than D-Wade.
vicman said on 14/Mar/07
He's heaver than either Hasselhoff or Dwayne Wade so he look shorter.
tank said on 3/Mar/07
6'3", 6'4", 6'5"...the dude's a monster which ever height he is. he's not the tallest guy i've ever seen but he's one of the biggest.
Jake said on 27/Feb/07
He wasn't much taller than 6'3" Will Ferrell in Talladega Knights. Its hard to gage this guy though... 194 cm max. Likely between 6'3" and 6'4".
Antron said on 5/Feb/07
He's tall, I think the 6'3.5 range. A little taller than the Rock who I put at 6'2.5" max 6'3".
Viper said on 5/Feb/07
It possible he wears a small lift at some events. How does it explain why he looks 6-2-6-3 with normal posture? I mean, he blatantly looked shorter than 6-4 Hasselhoff and 6-4 Dwayne Wade.
dmeyer said on 4/Feb/07
i think he is 6'4.5
Scar42o said on 4/Feb/07
Certainly looks 6'5 with Matt Leinart.
Click Here
dmeyer said on 15/Jan/07
he does look taller than will so will might be only 6'2.75
Alex said on 31/Dec/06
He's only 6'2 in that picture with Caine. There's no more than an inch difference there.

Editor Rob
the prem photographer is probably standing about 9 foot high, i.e. on a chair, thus with a looking down angle and caine slightly further away its gonna reduce difference a little
Viper said on 30/Dec/06
Well, he looks shorter in just about every other picture.
Gonzalo said on 29/Dec/06
Looks taller than 6`3 next to 6`6 with shoes on Kobe Bryant (now someone will say Kobe Bryant is 6`4; people love to downgrade basketball players...)
Jason said on 28/Dec/06
I've been saying 6-3 for MCD for over a year.
Anthony said on 27/Dec/06
Great pic, Litalien. MCD seriously needs to be brought down to 6'3.
Alex said on 11/Dec/06
I think its pretty possible he could be a legit 6'4. Shortest I could see him at is 6'3 1/2.
Aussie Bloke said on 16/Nov/06
Funny Pic with Shaq, He looks short! I was in shock when I saw the Pic, coz I honestly thought he was one of the biggest men on the planet, then next to Shaq he's TINY!
anonymous said on 14/Nov/06
Next to 6'3 Will Ferrell, I give him 6'5. It's obvious he has him by two inches.
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/06
affleck freeman and hartnet are close to 190 cm slightly les or slightly more
Anthony said on 12/Oct/06
He can look that big, but if you really look at the evidence, he's closer to 6'3 in reality. I think the fact that he's so massively built gives people the impression he might be taller, because he towers over people in terms of both build AND height.
Korben said on 9/Oct/06
hes massive defianltly, 6-4 6-5 id say
Viper652 said on 5/Oct/06
Conan's show is a terrible way to judge height.
sf said on 4/Oct/06
Said he was 6'5" last night on Conan and did look it. He looked slightly taller than Conan.
Ola said on 17/Sep/06
rob! iam not basing my guesses on ONE single pic. iam basing them from several pics. AND, i have ofcourse take in mind that Lou HAVE alot of hair. but he is not shorter than duncan anyway. duncan should be listed at 6'3.75 - 6'4 at absolutely topps imo. Lou should be listed at atleast 6'4 .. like he told you by himself! you just dont lose 1/2 inch in 3 years... thats a ridiculous claim!
"didn't look that big" well... like you said, he clould "appear" shorter.
Lou is 6'4 to me - atleast.

Editor Rob
yes, in that one pic he doesn't appear shorter than ferrigno, if you're using lots of pics for your guesses then sure, that's better.
losing 1/2 inch in 3 years is not ridiculous...hell, President Bush has lost 1/4 inch in one year since his last medical ;-)
Ola said on 17/Sep/06
we all know that Duncan is not taller than lou ferrigno. still duncan is STILL listed at 1.94? LOL... hard to take this site seriously!

Editor Rob
you are basing your assumption on a singluar picture from 2003...which may I remind you, I actually posted - this was to illustrate that duncan can 'appear' shorter in some photos.
This doesn't actually mean he is, because he is leaning slightly, ferrigno has 1cm of hair to consider, we have no idea if he's in thin soles, and you have no idea of the camber of the road, whether it favors duncan or ferrigno and you have no idea if 3 years from that pic he has lost 1/2 inch
The simple point was that yes, Duncan can 'appear' shorter in photos...
As for ferrigno, he claims in 2006 (to me) "about 6ft 4", although as was discussed back in march/april he really didn't look that big
Viper652 said on 15/Sep/06
How accurate are Nascar heights?
Viper652 said on 14/Sep/06
Well how in the world does he look at least an inch shorter to 6-4 David Hasselhoff, and 6-4 Dwayne Wade?
stan said on 13/Sep/06
Will ferrell is for sure 6'3 and claims 6'3.5, therefore duncan is almost an inch taller which would put him right at his listed height on here.
Anthony said on 12/Sep/06
In that second pic they almost see eye to eye with Duncan maybe having a very slight advantage.
ed said on 12/Sep/06
From this photos I would say Michael Clarke Duncan is at least 6'4'' if not, then Will Ferrell is shorter than 6'3''.
Click HereClick Here
Viper652 said on 12/Sep/06
I agree. Hes 6-3 and no taller. He looked 6-3 Max next to 6-4 Dwayne Wade too.
Anthony said on 11/Sep/06
Thank you, Viper652. It's not too hard to see. It's not too big a drop if he we downsize him to 6'3. 6'3 is still quite tall. I myself would love to be 6'3 (I'm about 5'6.25).
Viper652 said on 11/Sep/06
You are correct Anthony. Duncan is no more than 6-3 next to 6-4 Hasselhoff.
thelasttiger said on 11/Sep/06
He doesn't strike me as a really tall person. He is definitely over 6ft but he isn't 6'4" or more.
Anthony said on 9/Sep/06
Seagal is 6'4. And yes, you could argue that Seagal may have boots on, but still doesn't explain the Hasslehoff shot, in which you can see both actors' footwear and even if the angle favors the Hoff he's still at least an inch taller than Duncan.
stan said on 7/Sep/06
Segal is a full 6'5 plus the boots and the camera angle does favor him, thats why he looks so much taller in that picture
Anthony said on 5/Sep/06
The pic with Hasslehoff defintely shows MCD may very well be below 6'5. It is especially good since we saw their footwear.
Viper652 said on 3/Sep/06
You could argue that Seagal is wearing huge Cowboy boots. But the picture with Hasselhoff really tells the tale Id say.
Richard said on 2/Sep/06
Thet still doesn't explain how he looked som much shorter than both Seagal and Hasselhoff.
Aussie Bloke said on 1/Sep/06
Yeah, this height is right on the money, but NONE of us Aussies would have ever believed it after watching the green mile. He looks around 7ft7 in that movie, thats just plain crazy. It's in that terrible movie SEE spot Run that he looks around the 6ft4.5 height that he truly is, but not many of us Aussies have seen it.
stan said on 30/Aug/06
richard, kobe is a legit 6'5-6'5.5 .... therefore that would put duncan anywhere from 6'3 7/8 - 6'4.5
Richard said on 29/Aug/06
Stan, on page 10 look at pics 7-10 Bryant has AT LEAST an inch on Duncan.
stan said on 28/Aug/06
Here he is next to Kobe Bryant looking about 6'4.25
Click Here
(Second row from the bottom of the page)
Rob i think youve got this guy listed perfect
Val said on 28/Aug/06
yes...he definetly isnt no 194cm..that's for sure.
besides,it's not like were making him 181 or smthing..it's 191,which is still real tall.
Richard said on 28/Aug/06
I think you're right Viper.
Maybe it's time to pull this guy down a notch?
Viper652 said on 28/Aug/06
Duncan is 6-3 Richard. Even with the angle David is an inch taller.
Ola said on 27/Aug/06
Viper652 does duncan have 1 inch to the rock?
not in the pics i have seen
Val said on 26/Aug/06
no...the angle is just fine...and the fact that his legs are in the position that they are,wont make up for that rather big difference.190 barefoot I say...and you know that's kind.So down he should go Rob.There's enough proof.
Starwars23 said on 26/Aug/06
In that hasselhoff picture the angle favors hoff. and MCD is not standign up straight where as hoff is. I reckon there both the same height (6'4")
Richard said on 26/Aug/06
Val... another interesting Photo... 6'4 David Hasselhoff next to Duncan, making Dunkan look mor like a 6'1-6'2 guy. Strange...
Click Here
Val said on 24/Aug/06
you meant ferrell..cause fArrell is 178cm
Moira said on 17/Aug/06
Farrell is 6'3". He looked more like an inch taller than him in Talladega nights.
Viper652 said on 17/Aug/06
He isnt 6-2, but he does look 6-3 in many pictures already posted. Plus looks that next to 2 actual measured NBA players.
Danimal said on 17/Aug/06
Guys, he's not a wrestler for crying out loud. If the guy claims 6'5", he's not 6'2" or 6'3". He at least 6'4". I give him the benefit of the doubt. It's not like he's 5'7" or 5'6", where he needs to come off as being taller than his real height. It's probably all that weight he carried around that has made him appear shorter.
I love people on here who would LOVE to see him as being 6'2". It gives them a sense of power. It's weird, but it's true.
Viper652 said on 17/Aug/06
But thats a movie. He sure doesnt look that tall in most pictures.
J-Dog said on 17/Aug/06
Come on guys, did anyone see Talladaga Nights with him and Will Ferrell, he was 2" taller than 6'3.5" Ferrell the whole time.
Anthony said on 11/Aug/06
In the latest issue of People, he is described as being 6'5. They werw talking about how he successfully managed to drop a good amount pounds of his 315 lb. frame. Good for him.
That being said, I agree with everyone who is saying that in actuality he is closer to 6'3 going by the pic with Shaq and Wade.
Viper652 said on 9/Aug/06
Duncan looks to be 6-3.
villageidiot said on 8/Aug/06
I think if I met him in real life, he would only be 6'2" 6'3" at the most.
Louie John Buluran said on 8/Aug/06
Wade is a legit 6 ft 4.......
Alex said on 30/May/06
I think he's 6'3 flat now, 6'3.5 tops. But like Rob said he can look 6'4-6'5. In Daredevil the man looked an easy 6'5 though then at times he'll look 6'3 or 6'4.
Alex said on 29/May/06
Duncan only looks barely 6'3 with 6'4 Dwayne Wade. In the Green Mile I thought he was like 7'2-7'4 before I found out he was standing on a huge platform that was at least a foot to make him seem like a giant.
hero said on 6/May/06
big guy,cant buy anything under 6'4...he really looks tall
Anonymous said on 4/May/06
I think he is 6'4" flat.
Anshelm said on 29/Apr/06
Clearly taller than Conan O'Brien.
kenny said on 27/Apr/06
i met him 1999 i'm 6'2,he was about 10 ft away from me,but i can tell you this,he is one big guy he looks a good 6'4-6'5 and 300ish pounds
Jason said on 24/Apr/06
The thing is, Duncan isn't slouching in the pics he appears shorter. The most likely explanation for when he appears taller is bigger footware. This is a guy who claims to be 6'5'' and has a larger than life image to maintain after all. I reckon he's 6'3''.
sing said on 19/Apr/06
why is duncan still listed as 6-4.5??
sing said on 17/Apr/06
stevo, take a look this pic before you utter more nonsense and tell me if he's 6-4. Dwayne wade from miami heat is 6-4, duncan standing straight as a soldier. Yeh looks like my man is 6-2 to me.
steve said on 17/Apr/06
duncan at 6'3? rob you shouldnt allow this kind of comments in your page, i mean we all know that michael is over 6'4 for sure..
sing said on 14/Apr/06
well editor rob, the klitscho pic is really dubious because all you can see are their heads, I mean you question the Dwayne Wade pic, and yet you don't question the Klitscho pic?? MCD could be standing on a box for all you know. Rick Fox is about 6-6, his NBA listed height, MCD there could be wearing lifts, Rick Fox is leaning to one side, and still MCD looks 2 inches shorter. In the Michael Ervin pic, Ervin is seriously leaning to one side, so that's hard to judge.
The Dwayne wade and Hoff pics are really indisputable, i.e. he's standing straigh up and right next to them both. I doubt he's even 6-3. Obviously this guy uses lifts on occasions and in the photos with Hassellhoff and Wade, I guess he left them at home. Haha.
Bring him down to 6-3.
Jason said on 14/Apr/06
Haven't been following this board, but really, even just pics of Duncan looking 2 inches shorter than Kobe Bryant (who 6'5'' is being optimistic for), that we now have in addition to him looking shorter than Dwayne Wade and Lisa Leslie and being utterly dwarfed in height by Shaq, that should just be enough to bring Duncan down to 6'3''. But if that wasn't enough, there's now also a pic of him looking considerably shorter than ~ 6'4'' David Hassellhoff and even a suspicious one with Lou Ferrigno. If all this isn't enough to knock him down to 6'3'' I dunno what is. Fair enough you could wonder about the ground in one pic, or Lisa Leslie's footware, but all of them? I'm just wondering mate, why does it take so incredibly long to downgrade anyone the slightest amount here? Are you concerned about getting sued by a celebrity for listing them shorter than they are or something?

Editor Rob
hey, I don't wanna piss MCD off, he could crush me with his pinky!
seriously, you know me...I try to look at things as a whole. Of course he can look 6ft 3 on some occasions, as he can look 6ft 4 on many occasions, and 6ft 5 on other occasions. What's the truth then, the shortest 6ft 3 is his actual height?
I mean
Look at the pics of him with Eric Davis and Mike Irvin...2 nfl guys, or
Beside Klitscho or
Rick Fox...6ft 3 there?
Viper652 said on 13/Apr/06
Sing, Wade isnt even a real 6-4 either. Hes in the 6-3 range. Lou is really between 6-2 to 6-3 at the very best now.
bob1 said on 13/Apr/06
There are a few photos I saw recently of him standing next to Will Ferrell who's about 6'3"-4"...MCD looked a good inch to inch and a half taller. I'll try to find them.
sing said on 13/Apr/06
look editor rob, he's standing straight as a soldier next to 6-4 Dwayne Wade, what other evidence do you need? your defense that they might be standing on a slope is pure hypothetical BS: well what if Duncan is doing a half squat in that photo, COME ON!!!! Why does he appear taller in other photos, well why does he appear 7 feet in Green Mile??? lifts, trick photography my man.
let me ask you this, if he were standing on stilts that make him 10 feet tall, would you take that into consideration??? well look, he appears 10 feet in some photos and 6-2 in other photos, hmmm, let's make him 8 feet tall. COME ON editor Rob, what planet are you from?? If a guy is 6-2 in some photos, 6-4 in others, his real height is obviously 6-2 unless he is slouching, bending legs etc. in that Dwayne Wade photo, look at how straight his back is!!! In that David Hassellhoff photo, you can see his legs and shoes, Hassellhoff is 6-4, how can you still insist Duncan is 6-4??? Hassellhoff's got him by at least 2 inches. YOU ARE NOT SEEING FACTS DEAR EDITOR ROB.
sing said on 13/Apr/06
now you are completely nuts, you list Ferrigno at 6-3, David Hassellhoff at 6-4.5, and both are taller than Duncan in the photos you posted, and yet you still list Duncan as 6-4.5???
In the photo with Kobe, yes he looks 6-3, obviously not 6-5 or 6-4.5 or else he would be virtually eye to eye with Kobe, who's 6-6.
I doubt he's even 6-3, probably 6-2 is more like it, with lifts and shoes, he's probably close to 6-4...

Editor Rob
no dear Sing, I'm simply illustrating how Duncan can appear different heights, he can go from looking 6ft 3 to sometimes 6ft 4.5...but always remember posture. Check out all of his pics on wireimage...you could come to the conclusion 6ft 4 is possible. Look at him near rick fox and kobe bryant for instance. Is he looking 6ft 3 there?
Anonymous said on 12/Apr/06
looks about an inch shorter than steven segal, so i'd pin him at 6'3"
sing said on 12/Apr/06
Ok, check out the photo i just posted below, Duncan is standing right next to Shaq and 6-4 Dwayne Wade of Miami Heat, listed as 6-4. Wade looks like he's got at least 2 inches on Duncan, so Duncan is probably 6-2 at the most.
sing said on 12/Apr/06
he's not 6-5, or even 6-4 for that matter. If I can post here, which I have failed the last 3 times I tried for reason, then I can show the photo.

Editor Rob
Maxi said on 26/Mar/06
This is very debatable. He sometimes looks 6'5 and sometimes doesn't. he was quite a bit taller than
Ben Affleck in DareDevil.
Glenn said on 13/Mar/06
Just saw willis again 2 weeks ago,and he always looked 6-1,6-2 to me.
paul said on 13/Mar/06
this man is one big guy i mean he really is a 6'5 and 300++ the guycant see him under that
Anonymous said on 12/Mar/06
i was just watching the whole nine yards today and if matthew perry and bruce willis are about 5/11 and half to 6 feet than michael clarke duncan is only 6ft2 - 6'3 max because he only looks a few incehs taller unless there are lifts
Alex said on 28/Feb/06
Def somewhere 6'3-6'4 Viper, he could be 6'3.5 though. If you saw the movie Daredevil he looked tall there. Far as this guys weight, he may not be 315lbs now but I can bet he was in Daredevil and the Scorpian King.
Viper652 said on 16/Feb/06
In most of the pics Ive seen of the man, he is between 6-3 and 6-4. There is no doubt he is in the 6-3 range.
Mario said on 14/Feb/06
Uh you see two pictures in wich he looks shorter than ussual and take the conclusion that he is 6 ft 3.5. I have hunderds of pictures in wich I look 2/3 inches shorter than my height due camera angles or bad posture.
@About Seagal and Duncan pic
Seagal could be wearing big-heeled boots, he is closer to camera, Duncan is slighty down etc.
Jason said on 14/Feb/06
The majority of people at this site think celebrities etc. are taller than they are because the majority of people in general over-estimate height - their own height and that of others, Viper. So, they have a skewed and unrealistic spin on things.
Viper652 said on 14/Feb/06
tgri, the evidence on this page shows he is no more then 6-3.5.
tgri said on 13/Feb/06
who ever thinks this guy is under 6'4/6'5 is a jackass.
Alex said on 10/Feb/06
CoolJ, I think Rob should bring him down to 6'4 at least for right now as it appears hes not 6'5.

Editor Rob
I've threatened to take this guy down, but I was trying to find more pics beside the nfl guys
CoolJ said on 23/Jan/06
Is this guy really still at 6'5 on here?
cantstop25 said on 12/Jan/06
and another thing MCD was slightly taller then Conan when he was on his show but probably not a whole inch maybe .5 inch
cantstop25 said on 12/Jan/06
that dwayne wade picture I would say he and MCD are the same height notice thatt dwayne is closer to the camera which makes him look a little bit taller. adn yeah shaq is a big dude lol , he towers over MCD big time but I wonder if he is taller than John Coffee?
Viper652 said on 10/Jan/06
Duncan is about an inch taller then the Rock
CoolJ said on 6/Jan/06
Dwyane Wade is a shade under 6'4" not 6'3".. Nevertheless Duncan is not 6'5"
Duncan looks about 6'3.5"
Viper652 said on 2/Jan/06
Dane, have you looked at the pics?? Your delusional If you think he is 6-5.
dane said on 2/Jan/06
this guy really looks about 6'5 cant be under that....probably sometimes he doesnt look that height becuase of his massive body(310-320).One big dude for sure.
Jason said on 16/Dec/05
Yeah, Viper - I do indeed believe Seagal to be no more than 6'3'' flat. I think Duncan is probably the exact same height, it's just Seagal is wearing big boots like Rob suggested. I mean this is a guy who wears a ponytailed wig and when he did one of those shoe imprint things he had an assistant rush out and buy him a pair of size 14 shoes (his real size is 12) first, so ... if he knew he was gonna be at an event Duncan was at and likely be photographed with him, you think he wouldn't have worn them? ;)
Viper652 said on 11/Dec/05
And Jason, didnt you say you think Segal was really 6-3, and not 6-4?? That would make Duncan probably no more then 6-2.5 If that is true.

Editor Rob
Seagal, is a tame version of Wayne...he does wear Cowboy Boots a few times making him look even taller, but yes Duncan's 6ft 5 is looking shaky...
Jason said on 11/Dec/05
I've not heard of him wearing lifts. He only does for movie roles that require him to appear taller than he is.
Mario Nariano said on 10/Dec/05
Michael Clarke Duncan has said that he isn't that big and that he only an inch taller than Danny Glover. Clarke Duncan doesn't want that poeple think that he is Giant, so why would a guy who doesn't want that poeple think he is damm tall wore lifts?
Jason said on 10/Dec/05
Well, Dwayne Wade would have to be in bigger shoes, too. Not to mention Shaq, as well. I've got a feeling that if you found more pics of Duncan with professional athletes of confirmed height you'd see the same pattern...
Leo is Tall! said on 9/Dec/05
Mario, how can MCD be 6'5" when he's cleary shorter than 6'3" Dwayne Wade and 6'5" Lisa Leslie?

Editor Rob
her shoes are bigger than Duncan's. Her trousers kind of cover them though. It is quite reasonable to think duncan might be a tad under, but not much
Mario Nariano said on 8/Dec/05
Ow god you guys wheren't joking?
Viper652 said on 8/Dec/05
Why are the 6-3 comments silly?? Have you seen the pic with Duncan and 6-3 Dwayne Wade??
Jason said on 8/Dec/05
Also, I've been watching the Rock for close to 10 years (I'm a wrestling fan) and I don't believe he's over 6'3''. He is no more than 6'2 1/2'' IMO.
Jason said on 8/Dec/05
I don't think 6'3'' for Duncan is silly at all, he looks no more than that next to NBA player Dwayne Wade and with WNBA player Lisa Leslie.
Mario Nariano said on 7/Dec/05
Viper, I think that your are the one who wants to believe that the Rock is 6 ft 2, everyone can clearly see that the rock is over the 6 ft 3 mark.
Anyway in Daredevil, Duncan wore special boots to tower a lot over Ben affleck.
Again I agree with this 6 ft 5 listening, the 6 ft 2 and 6 ft 3 comments are silly.
Viper652 said on 6/Dec/05
Rock is 6-2, though a lot here dont want to beleive it.
Jason said on 6/Dec/05
The Rock is more like 189cm. Which is Why Duncan was a tad taller than him.
john said on 5/Dec/05
mmm the guy is really tall,so if scorpion king(rock) is only 190-92,this guy is for sure 195-96max.
Viper652 said on 2/Dec/05
The Rock looked a tad shorter then Duncan, I beleive. Hard to tell from that pic because I dont think they are standing straight.
Jason said on 2/Dec/05
Well, it says Dwayne was measured at 6'3 3/4'' without shoes ... so that puts Duncan at 6'3'' flat, not a solid 6'3'' like I thought. He looks at least 2 1/2'' shorter than 6'5'' Lisa Leslie next to her. It's amazing how tall they made him appear in The Green Mile.
BTW, Viper ... where's that pic of Duncan with the Rock? ;)
price said on 1/Dec/05
i met duncan 3 years ago,he's really a nice guy,and talking about the height,well,i'm only 5'11(180) and mike really towered me by goog 5-6 inches,so yeah the guy really could be 6'5.
CoolJ said on 1/Dec/05
Wade was measured at 6'4 3/4" with shoes before he was drafted... so yeah, Duncan isn't looking 6'5"
Viper652 said on 1/Dec/05
Dwayne Wade is 6-3. http://www.geocities.com/nbarookies/measurements.htm So yeah, that would put Duncan around 6-2 to 6-3.
Bigg E said on 30/Nov/05
He is tall but he's not 6'5". He's about 6'2" or 6'3"
Ball-A-Hallic said on 10/Jun/05
Mike's gotta be 6'5 I'd agree yea in G-Mile he was pretty big and thats probally camera effects but if he's not 6'5 than 6'6 or 6'7 hes jus HUGE!
Jess B said on 6/Mar/05
I had to find out Michael's height because i was amazed in the Green Mile at how tall he was. I wasn't sure if that was camera effects, or if he was really that tall. Now i can rest in peace! He's not actually a giant! lol, but he is still pretty tall.