American adult film actress. On twitter she mentioned her height, saying she stood "5'2" but my attitude 6'4""
rlheight5'11 said on 2/Dec/21
I remember she was in a ricegum video before. Some people back home didn't like that she joined the business.
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Sep/17
@ Nik - I have just found your weekend wishes - on Monday morning! Isn't that typical?
Well, the weekend went as well as can be expected! My brother and I watched more Frank Spencer episodes, which he thoroughly enjoyed; I knew he would! I told Jim that I wrote and told you on the website about how the troubled man had escaped being thrown before the Civil Court because of his efforts! I also asked Jim the height of the man! He thought it was quite a superfluous question, but I retaliated that taller people can often feel more conspicuous, adding that I had done so in high heels! His answer was a little on the unprintable side, but he said the man was a couple of inches taller than him!
Here's to a great week, Nik! ๐ป
Nik said on 3/Sep/17
@ Sandy Cowell
And this lady does look impish like you said!
I hope that you, Jim, and all your family have had a great weekend!
Nik said on 3/Sep/17
Hi mate!
I fully agree with everything g you have said. The right hand mustn't know what the left hand is doing if the male police officers were saying a different thing to the police girl. Your boyfriend Jim and the police girl were right and I am so glad that no action was taken against the troubled man, he will be given the professional help that he needs.
The police force can be a great service if everyone was singing from the same hymn sheet and all the staff were the right ones, unfortunately this is not totally the case. I fully admire Jim for standing up for what he believes in and it is a shame I do not live nearer to where you both live.
Cheers Sandy!
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Sep/17
@ Nik ๐ป!
Well, mate, the story has a good ending, but the proceedings were more than a little marred by certain members of the Police force, who tried to inconvenience Jim for getting in the way of their 'fun'!
A couple of officers came round to see him at his home yesterday because they wanted a statement from him as to what happened. They know where he lives, as this is far from the first time Jim has intervened in their investigations if he thinks something is amiss.
He suggested that they took his statement while at his flat instead of leaving him stranded in Bromley (again!), having to get home on foot. He is disabled with a spine injury, amongst other things.
They insisted that the interview went on at the Police Station but Jim made sure he was allowed to drive there in his own car or not at all. They even wanted to nick him for not co-operating so he said, "put me in handcuffs then!"
He knows the law very well and they would be in trouble for such behaviour of course.
When they arrived at the Station, Jim found out that the man had gone into Green Parks psychiatric hospital, where he is known very well. He has many bad problems, and one of them is that he doesn't know how to act in enclosed public spaces. Jim had spotted him on a bus before, screaming 'like a little girl', while others looked on and laughed - until Jim stuck his size 9's in!
Anyway, the Police girl who took notice of what Jim had to say in Sainsbury's, where the incident happened, was furious with how he'd been treated by her colleagues. It was because she stood up and took notice of what Jim had said that the man wasn't up in Court for indecency. Jim said to her, "It only takes one of you guys to make a difference for the better!"
So this shows us that if we stand up for those less well equipped to deal with everyday goings on, it can and does make a difference. It's just a shame that the efforts of one brave ex-soldier should be met with opposition by two male members of the Police. None of this should have gone so far in the first place and perhaps it would pay dividends to Society if only the most dedicated of applicants should be taken on for such an important job. I mean, where would we - Society - be without a Police force?
Have a great weekend Nik๐, Rob
๐, Jenny๐, and you Gladstone๐, and everyone else as well! ๐๐๐ ๐ง๐ฎ๐ง
Nik said on 1/Sep/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi mate!
I think that speaks volumes for the sort of man that Jim is, I take my hat off to him for encouraging the police not lock this man up. It would have been so easy to lock this man up but it wouldn't have done him any good, he needs help of a different kind rather than being locked up in a police cell. It's great when someone can make somebody take notice of them and a big ๐ goes to Jim for doing that!
Now onto the funny part, lord alone knows what this guy would have done if he had seen a cake he liked, my mind boggles!
Thanks for that Sandy!
Sandy Cowell said on 31/Aug/17
To Gladstone and Nik and anyone who fancies a giggle:
I thought what with all these double meanings and naughty stories flitting about, I will jump in at the deep end and tell you about a little incident that happened to my boyfriend yesterday while he was shopping, which, upon arriving home, he phoned to tell me about!
Well, while out shopping in the supermarket, he spotted a man staring at the cakes with his trousers round his ankles, jumping around with enthusiasm! It didn't take long before the Police were there to take the oddball away, but as is his way, my boyfriend (Jim) intervened and told them that he doesn't need locking up - he needs help, and it would be terribly wrong to nick him for that. The man was miles away, and seemed completely unaware that he was doing anything remotely wrong!
Jim has this way about him that makes even the Police take notice, and it would seem that the man was in for an easier afternoon than he'd have had if Jim hadn't been there.
Jim's last thought to me before the telephone conversation ended? "I wonder what his reaction would have been like if he'd seen a cake he really, REALLY fancied?"
๐๐พ๐ฉ ๐๐ฝ๐ฐ ๐ซ๐๐ช
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Aug/17
@ Gladstone Screwer - I think you need a nice cold shower, my boy!๐บ๐ธ๐ ๐ฝ๐๐ฟ
Work? What work? Where can you get hold of it? ๐
Anyhow, she can have 5ft2! She looks nice and friendly, if a bit impish!
Doom said on 4/Jun/17
In her instagram videos and pics she looks 5'0
sam said on 22/Oct/16
rob she's claim 5'2 ?? or just you guess sh'es that SHORT ?

Editor Rob
I thought the quote was there, but it's missing...I will get it up now.