Leesheff85 said on 17/Oct/20
Pudden theres an early episode of will and grace when grace is in flipflops and karen in platforms and I think megan actually was a bit taller than debra so that's how I can estimate megan at 5ft 4 peak and 5ft 2.5 to 3 now she is in her 60s
Pudden Tane said on 19/Sep/20
5'4"? On WHAT planet? LMAO!!! I doubt she was EVER 5'4". More like 5'2". You can take one look at her body proportions and tell she was NEVER 5'4". What a joke.
Littlelee5ft6 said on 29/Feb/20
I can believe she was 5ft 4 when younger and may have shrunk to 5ft 3 by 60 maybe add a current and peak height
Littlelee5ft6 said on 27/Feb/20
She may have been 5ft 4 peak but is likely closer to 5ft 2 at 61 and shes a few inches shorter than jenna fischer and a few inches shorter than samira Wiley in heels who is barely 5ft 2 herself

Editor Rob
A few folk think she might be nearer 5ft 3
Brandon said on 12/Jul/11
i don't think she is 5'2", but i also don't think she's 5'4". she may be 5'3", or just a hair shorter. still, i love her, she's a fantastic comedienne.
Anonymous said on 2/May/09
She's so SEXY. I think she might be 5'2" though.
Anonymous said on 5/Nov/08
hmmm...she seems shorter. she wore heels all the time on W&G, and she was was still shorter than Debra Messing
theheightguru said on 31/Oct/08
She isn't 5'4. She was noticeably shorter than Tina Fey (who's listed here @ 5'4), on yesterday's episode of '30 Rock'.
shorty said on 10/Dec/07
When Jamie Lee Curtis Was On Tmms She Said Megan Was Diminutive. Megan Took Off Her Heels And Stood Next To Jamie Who Is 5 7 And Jamie Could Rest Her Chin On Top Of Megans Head. Jamie Was In Flats Too. Megan Is Def Shorter Than 5'4
Ozzy said on 5/Dec/07
She and Madonna who worked together when M guested on 'Will & Grace' looked about the same height, 5'3.5 is Madonna's reported height, but Megan's heels were a bit higher perhaps than M's on that episode. I'd say about 5'3 at the most, she usually wears 3-4in. pumps on the show, if not 4.5in. heels to look taller! If she were to wear a 4in. heel then at 5'3 + 4in. heel= 5'7ft.5in tall. That makes sense..
stephanie said on 16/Nov/07
On Her Talk Show She Was Standing Next To Trista Sutter Who Is 5 Feet 2 Inches. Both Of Them Were Wearing Tennis Shoes Because They Were Doing An Obstacle Course. They Looked The Exact Same Height. Maybe Half An Inch Taller At The Most.
stephanie said on 13/Nov/07
On Her Talk Show She Was Standing Next To Trista Sutter Who Is 5 Feet 2 Inches. Both Of Them Were Wearing Tennis Shoes Because They Were Doing An Obstacle Course. They Looked The Exact Same Height. Maybe Half An Inch Taller At The Most.
Drew said on 2/May/07
She looks about this height on Will and Grace.