Go boy said on 8/Mar/22
It funny how some 179.1 cm guy like Topher can appear taller and opposite for Matthew Rhys
Adrianoo said on 13/Nov/18
looks max 5'9 in The Americans so that's my bet
wouldn't say he is anything lower than that and no higher than 5'10
Lordain said on 29/Sep/18
He looks quite short, he claimed ginerley go be 5 10 ish...on Craig Fufguson. There is also a programme made for UK tV with Welsh rugby icon Johnathan Davies who's 5 7. He looks a shade taller than him. I'm personally just under 5 10 but always say I'm 5 10 as saying your 5.9 3/4 and a fag paper seems childlike.

Editor Rob
he said 5'10 and a half
ana said on 6/May/18
to me he looks 175 cms tops. He has either a really bad posture or he has shortened with age. Can you also add the hright of Costa Ronin too? He is also at the Americans and claims 6’4’ 193 cms
MD said on 2/May/18
This can't be right. He was just on Late Night with Seth Meyers last night, and when they did a mid-commercial cut in of him standing in front of his desk facing a standing Meyers, Rhys was visibly shorter. It wasn't a huge difference, but if Seth Meyers is 5'-10.75" (I actually think he's slightly shorter, but whatever), it looked about an inch difference at least.
Esme said on 19/Apr/18
Based on last night's S6E4 episode of "The Americans," in which we got to see plenty of side-by-sides of Matthew with 6'4" Costa Ronin, I'm guessing 5'9.5". He's adding an inch, which is pretty typical for men.
Jafarss said on 8/Apr/18
Seriously? I've been watching The Americans for years and guessed Rhys at 5'9 MAX. Wow.
In the latest episode he was wearing really big heels, which the camera focused on for a few seconds. He doesn't need them...
MM said on 28/Apr/17
In his dreams is Matthew 5'10". I think Keri Russell is less than 5'4" and when they are standing next to each other in flats, Matthew doesn't look like he is drastically taller than Keri. I'd say he's 5'7"-5'8" tops. Sometimes when you see Matthew at events or premieres he looks taller. He may wear lifts on those occasions.
Bellabelle said on 27/Sep/16
He def looks shorter than 5'10" next to Matthew Good on The Wine Show! Also in pictures standing next to Keri Russell 5'4" on a cycling date in Brooklyn when both are in athletic shoes. 5'8" looks more accurate.
Bains said on 21/Aug/16
Rhys looks a lot shorter on The Americans, he looks more like 5 foot 9. I often compare actor by seeing how they stand next to those generic white wood doors 2 squars on the bottom and the top of the door and in te middle they have the 2 rectangles. Based on that, i can say that he is at least 5ft 8 but looks mor elike a 5ft 9 inches.
MD said on 2/Jun/16
He's one of the rare ones that actually looks thinner to me at premieres than he appears in shows. Here he is by himself with those "little guy" porportions you were talkig about, Short Guy. Kind of low-slung, wider at the hip and thinner in the chest:
Click Here
And, even 5'10.5" seems to much. Here is Bradly Cooper just towering him:
Click Here
Click Here
Short Guy said on 30/May/16
I'd buy that he's 5'10.5... while wearing a decently chunky shoe. He's another one with the "little guy" proportions. I think he'd be lucky to measure 5'9 flat after waking up from a perfect night of sleep.
joenobody0 said on 24/Jun/15
If Keri Russell is 5'4, as listed on this site, there's no way this guy is 5"10.5. He makes Keri look supermodel tall. I think 5'8-5'9' is way more likely than 5'8. It's rare for a male actor to look short on TV, and this guy looks downright tiny.
Tim said on 19/Oct/14
Was also watching The Americans and there is no way he's 5'11/5'10.5. He looks pretty short there, max 5'9.
Sam said on 18/Jul/14
He looks something close to 5'10" near Matthew Goode in a promo photo from an upcoming miniseries where I think Rhys plays Mr. Darcy as a private detective (?)
Bran said on 9/Aug/13
I've seen him in the Americans and after seeing this listing I am surprised how short he looks, come on it wouldn't be uncommon for a 5ft9 guy to claim 5ft10 and a half and to be also listed two inches taller would it ?, Rob I would consider taking a closer look at this guy.
Paul said on 14/Mar/09
He said he was 5'10.5" when on Craig Ferguson in Jan/09
MD said on 4/Dec/08
Ooo! Just found a very good pic with both Annable and Rhys barefoot and it does show the difference:
Click HereI guess Annabele is a lifts wearer.
MD said on 4/Dec/08
More with Annable:
Click HereIs it really a full 2" difference?
Realme2008 said on 3/Jul/08
Well, I think he looks 5'10" in the pictures below.
MD said on 5/May/08
What do you think of this? Too high for Rhys, right?

Editor Rob
I will in the future look again. I'm unfamiliar with who the Bear guy is, I've never heard of him before.
MD said on 4/May/08
I'm really not sure he's this tall. Here he is with castmate Dave Annable, who may not even be the full 5'9" he's currently listed at.
Click Here2.
Click HereDoesn't look anything over 5'-9.25", to me.
Meg said on 4/May/06
Click HereNevermind! He just may be 5'11"! This photo escaped my viewings before. Hmmmm...
Meg said on 4/May/06
Well I am shocked by this one. In every photo I ahve ever seen with him and best mate Ioan Gruffudd, he appears to be a good 3" shorter than Gruffudd - also listed at 5'11"!