How tall was Matthew Perry - Page 2

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Average Guess (150 Votes)
5ft 11.62in (181.9cm)
jennifer said on 27/Jul/08
I think he's 5'"11" or close to that he's taller than Matt Leblanc who is kind of short , average ( 5'"9") but he is smaller than David Shwimmer who is 5'"1", and did he had weight problems during Friends 'cause he looked really thin during season 1-4 in season he gained pounds ( but it was ok , he didn't became fat) and in season 7 he became all slim again before going back to his weight during season 5 for season 8-9-10
Anonymous said on 10/Jul/08
great vid..le blanc is 5'9 perry about 5'10 shwimmer 5'11.5 all barefoot. with shoes add 1 inch or 2 becasue of big heels.
Rob G said on 28/Jun/08
Now that's interesting Click Here look at around 1.01 min in this video. Schwimmer,Perry and LeBlack all barefeet, I know that only Le Blanck has great posture there, but still it seems that they are all close in height
ishan said on 24/Jun/08
5` 11`` i guess.................not 6` at all
bangalore said on 22/Jun/08
perry is not standing straight in tis pic,..,he should be more tan 6ft
Matt said on 2/Jun/08
I've been saying for ages that the Friends cast have been overrated for height. There are people out there saying Schwimmer is 6'2", which is preposterous (because he gets so convincingly beaten by genuine tallies like Selleck). I also stated that I knew for a fact that Perry is 5'10.5", although it is fair enough not to believe me on that (as I can't provide the just have to take my word on it).

Here is another photo of Perry: Click Here

Look at him standing side by side with 5'11" Bradley Whitford. Perry is at full reach there, whereas Whitford is very slack. If Whitford stood tall he'd easily have Perry by a half inch, or even a touch more. There are really two factors at play here: the first is that we continually undervalue just how tall a genuine six footer is. The second is that a guy like Perry has a physical frame and posture to give him every conceivable advantage in perceived height. I don't doubt for a moment that the guy can give the illusion of being a six footer, but all the evidence says to me that he is 5'10.5", maybe a shaaaade more, but not north of 5'11".

For what it's worth, I used to room with a friend who was 5'10.5". I was 5'10". Now he always had me by that half inch, but he always gave the illusion of being significantly taller. Like Perry, he had a very thin, lean build, whereas I had broader shoulders and hips. That half inch and body frame really can make all the difference when we are in the "golden height" area of 5'10" - 5'11". A mere half inch can be the difference between somebody being perceived as tall or average.
clark said on 24/May/08
..that you tube video is priceless.....he def looks taller and dave schwimmer does not look AS tall. makes you go hmmmm
clark said on 24/May/08
His father who played on the tv series "Two Forty Robert" is listed at 6'2' and was always a few inches taller than six footer, Mark Harmon. I think Matt is very close to six feet, a bit more than .25-- closer to .50 or very close and maybe a "weak" six feet, but none the less 6 feet.
Davey said on 21/May/08
hes looks taller then 180 to me.
Bret Harts height said on 12/May/08
i think perry needs to be taken down a little bit to be honest with you he looks 5'11 tops he is no 6'1 like he was listed before 6'1 is tall i think perry is 5'11 on a good day for him on a bad day a little less?
Vampiric said on 6/May/08
I'd have to say 5'10 or 5'11 tops.
john said on 2/May/08
i used to think he was taller but looking at gold friends shows he looks even lower then this maybe 5'11 flat and i also hav e a question some one on here posted perrys drivers licence which said 6'0 why would it have said that do they messure you with shoes on??? they cant do theat can they?
jonny said on 23/Apr/08
he is 5'11 flat! met him...he was a bit shorter than me and he was on seneakers and I was ind ress shoes and I was a bit taller I'm 5'11 too but I had foot advantage he is 5'11 flat!
A.J. said on 13/Apr/08
Looks more like 5'10'' at least but his body size gives the impression of a much taller guy.
anonymous said on 27/Mar/08
he is 38 years old height tracker. I don't think he has lost any height.
JackieTreehorn said on 27/Mar/08
in the old friends underwear commercial on youtube, he looks tall. i think he could pass for 183 but probably 182. makes joey look tiny. maybe is is smaller now for some reason.
Height Tracker said on 23/Mar/08
Perry looks quite tall in that video Rob G posted; looks like a six footer actually. I think that back when he was skinny like in that video he was prob a little taller. Now that he's put on some weight it's kinda weighing him down
anonymous said on 23/Mar/08
rob, i still dont see how you figure that perry is only 5`11.25. He was almost and inch taller than bruce willis. not to mention he had about an inch on brad pitt. how do you justify 5`11.25?
dmeyer said on 23/Mar/08
i am convinced perry is 5'11.75 and i am convinced that perry is slightly taller tham willis 181 is too low
Jasper said on 21/Mar/08
He might be 6ft2, look at his left shoulder, it's way higher than Glenns
anonymous said on 21/Mar/08
nice rob g. Perry looks 2-2.5 inches on leblanc. It is impossible to tell with schwimmer since he is leaning back, but he is definetely taller than perry.
Rob G said on 15/Mar/08
Hey guys check this out: Click Here
Here we have Friends cast standing next to each other, maybe it would help to figure out their height, well it's not the best video but pretty much the only one I found where they are all barefoot, enjoy :-)
Bosco said on 12/Mar/08
rob has him leblanc gotta be 5'9 flat
BING-A-LING said on 7/Mar/08
Click Here

Open that link. Scroll down to the second picture and look at the drivers license. I think that it says 6`0.
Matt said on 30/Jan/08
Believe he is six foot if you wish. No skin off my nose!
anonymous said on 23/Jan/08
whatever matt. in this shot, he looks like he could be 6`0 (especially if he is in converse shoes like glenn says)
anonymous said on 1/Jan/08
matt, please for the love of god elaborate. If you dont tell us what it is, than whatever you have to say is completely useless. For now, i think he is 5`11.25-5`11.75, a strong 5`11, or a weak 6`0.
hi said on 7/Dec/07
oh my, don't do this Matt.I wanna know! Doc measurement I'm assuming. I'll trust you with the 5ft10.5 measurement. Which makes him a lift wearer as a friend of mine met him and swore he was between 6ft1 and 6ft2.
Matt said on 28/Nov/07
FAO Hi: Think about the one place where measured stats would be irrefutably true; then think about why an actor would have to be there in the first place. You may have your answer. Hypothetically, of course. :)
bam said on 26/Nov/07
im with dmeyer, he seems tall next to the 6'1 guy on friends.
Pete said on 21/Nov/07
so then Brad pitt must be 5-10 after watching that friends show
hi said on 20/Nov/07
Matt, what is that evidence you have that makes Perry 5ft10.5 ? if you elaborated a bit more, that would help...
dmeyer said on 19/Nov/07
for some reason i have a hard time to see perry under 5'11.5 ,to me he could even be 5'11.75
Rob G said on 20/Oct/07
True, if Perry is 5'11.25" then Willis is 5'10.25 there is noticeable difference in height between theese gentelmen, but Willis being under 5'11" is just hard to believe, so maybe Bruce 5'11"" Matthew 5'11.5"-6'0"
dmeyer said on 16/Oct/07
if someone who is just shy of 6' says perry is 180 then maybe but willis is defenetly shorter than perry
dmeyer said on 14/Oct/07
rob are you sure he is that short on many occasion he looks taller than willis looks not that far fron 185.5 schwimmer i think this guy is 5'11.5 minimum and mybe 5'11.75

Editor Rob
someone swore to me he was 5ft 11 flat, this guy being a little shy of 6ft, having met him at charity tennis event.
dmeyer said on 29/Sep/07
rob there isnt only 0.25 in between him and willis aleast 0.5 to 0.75 in so either give willis 5'10.75 or give perry 5'11.5
Rob G said on 13/Sep/07
Hmm..hard to tell might as well be 5'11" or 5'11.5"-6'0" he seems to grow a little during Friends , as well as other guys (check out Schwimmer) well strange but listening here mightb be correct
radio_man said on 31/Aug/07
John stamos is listed here at 182 and he was shorter than perry on the episode he was a guest in FRIENDS..for me
Stamos is 5'11..and like 180 and perry 182cm
dmeyer said on 20/Aug/07
rob are you sure he is than short he is max 1.5 shorter than david and just about 2 in on leblanc are you sure 181 is not too low for hin he alwais seems 0.75 in taller than willis then willis is max 5'10.5 wish is very possible matthew is always a bit taller
dmeyer said on 30/Jul/07
dont forget this guy is only 1 to 1.5 shorter than 6'1 schwimmer taller than willis aleast 1 to 2 cm 2 in on about 5'10 leblanc maybe riddick is taller than wath he say and i agree with glenn no less than 5'11.5 and he dost wear lifts at all also he is the samew or a hair taller than 182 hazaria
AA said on 30/Jul/07
In Studio 60 he and Bradley Whitford look the same height. Sometimes Matthew looks the shorter of both.
glenn said on 17/Jul/07
converse.he looked tall in the day and shorter at night in the same converse.kept bumping into him.from 5-11.5 to 5-11 flar.he is at least 5-11.5 to me.
Matt said on 17/Jul/07
I'd keep my home, Glenn. I can't say too much, but it is based on hard, irrefutable evidence a friend passed to me. Not dodgy guesswork based on photos. For what it's worth, I'd have gone with 5'11+ up until a couple of weeks ago. Viper was correct all along.
Viper said on 16/Jul/07
5-10.5, maybe. Hes really looked more 5-9.5-5-10 as well. Maybe he wears big shoes? Glenn, what was his footwear?
glenn said on 16/Jul/07
matt,youll be homeless.
Matt said on 16/Jul/07
Perry is 5'10.5". Official. Concrete. I'd stake my mortgage on it...
Viper said on 14/Jul/07
Did Matthew Perry grow a little? I swear he looked 5-9-5-10 in his earlier days. And some guy on Federer's page says he has met Roddick and was no taller than 6-0.
Anonymous said on 13/Jul/07
The listing here is about right, he clearly is in 5'11-'11 1/2 range, but surely nothing under 5'11 :-) great actor and comic :-D

Editor Rob
if Andy Roddick was closer to 6ft 1 flat, this guy could be struggling to clear 5ft 11
dmeyer said on 12/Jul/07
perry is aleast 5'11.5 that must be is before bed height
kevin said on 12/Jul/07
ok if u see matt is on a slant, if he stood up straight he'd be like 6' - 6'1
titch said on 20/Jun/07
i had him pegged at 6'1. didn't he look taller than brad pitt, who's about 5'11 on friends?
Leung said on 13/Jun/07
I had Mathew Perry pegged at 6ā€™ but after watching The Ron Clark Story last night Iā€™m thinking he is closer to 5ā€™11ā€.
Cat Stevens said on 6/Jun/07
He is as tall as Bruce Willis, i'd say 5'11
hi said on 29/May/07
i agree, he must be something around 5 ft 11. but his height can be deceiving too, he probably wears lifts sometimes. a 5ft9 friend met him and his eyes were at his chin's height more or less, which would mean approximately 6ft2 or something. he's tall, but not that much!
anonymous said on 27/May/07
still think he is only 5`10 viper? looks a good deal taller than that to me.
glenn said on 20/May/07
what was john doin on here in the first place? doesnt that make im a weirdo too?
glenn said on 19/May/07
stangely he did look 6-1 at first.then when i got closer this i wonder if there is some truth to it.i have 6-1 friends that look 5-11.
Viper said on 18/May/07
I'll eat my shoes If Perry is 6-1.
TheJerk said on 17/May/07
Weirdos on the internet would include yourself in that case john, and what do us weirdos know about the actors heights as you said? That doesn't make him 6-1.
Josh said on 13/May/07
In that pic he looks no more than 5'11 even standing straight.
Brad said on 13/May/07
6' he's got Glenn by 4" if he stands straight.
AA said on 12/May/07
Always looked 5'11" to me... but it makes some sense that he might be barely 6'0".
Chris said on 11/May/07
Perry and Amanda Peet
Click Here
Chris said on 11/May/07
Perry and Le blanc
Matthew Perry and Le Blanc Click Here
Other Glenn said on 10/May/07
Le Blanc: 5'9.5

Perry: 5'11.5

Schwimmer: 6'1

Its easy.
Viper said on 10/May/07
Actually Perry looked shorter than Agassi.
Viper said on 10/May/07
The remember he looked no taller than 5-10 with 5-6 Jason Priestley in a Beverly Hills 90210 episode.
goldfinger said on 10/May/07
Same height as Agassi. Agassi is 180 cm tall. So Perry is too.
Anonymous said on 10/May/07
I've always thought he was right around this height.
dmeyer said on 10/May/07
he never looks 5'10 more like 5'11+
dmeyer said on 10/May/07
even with major sloushing he is 2 in on glenn it means 4 in so 5'11.5 possibly 6
Viper said on 10/May/07
Maybe, but he usually looks 5-10 otherwise.
TheJerk said on 10/May/07
He looks like he could have 4 inches on Glenn if straight.
glenn said on 10/May/07
yeah,i dont know if i was confusing him with leblanc.i saw both of them at the same time to make it more confusing.10 years ago.i was walking by and notice him to going inside a hotel for a movie one around.i got another later that evening at another screeing at a movie theatre.
OutBenchThis said on 10/May/07
It's so hard to tell with that lean..he always gave me the impression of a 5'10"-5'11" guy
glenn said on 10/May/07
had lifts.

Editor Rob
so lately you thought more 5ft 11, but in past had thought he could have been shorter, to be fair he does look to have a more obvious lean, well I'm guessing near 2 inches, although only you could tell, this was outside a hotel?
glenn said on 10/May/07
he was 5-11.5.i agree with rob.
dmeyer said on 16/Apr/07
now that david is only 6'1 then perry is 5'11.5 to 5'11.75 i thaught david was 6'1.5 to 6'2 by that mark perry would have been 6'0.25 to 6'0.75 one thing about him he weared 0.75 to 1.25 in heels normal footwear 5'11.5 is bang on buthe is 0.5 to 1 in taller than willis bruce could be 5'10.75 and perry 5'11.5
Macgyver said on 30/Mar/07
I am going to have to say no way on this one. From a comparison to ross on that show deffinitely atleast 6'.
Viper said on 29/Mar/07
5-11 in shoes I can beleive. 5-10 barefoot.
Maccahon said on 28/Mar/07
Just met him again 2 days ago. He looked only 5`11. Strange, about 2 inches shorter than what i originally saw him as.
anonymous said on 26/Mar/07
That's true, they both wore flats so its not like we have to worry about lifts or anything.
dmeyer said on 18/Mar/07
it is true i met kudrow she was 174 no less and perry is easy 3 inches on her
Brad said on 18/Mar/07
Lisa Kudrow is 5' 9"....just judge from that in every episode. He's 6' easy.
Realme said on 6/Mar/07
mouse says on 27/Dec/06
"hmm. i am watching Scrubs right now, and there is a segment where Zach Braff and Matt Perry are walking down the hallway. Perry is noticably shorter by an inch. Braff is a 6 footer. "

Yeah, I noticed that too. He was shorter than Braff and John C. McGinley too. Must be 5'11.

Editor Rob
did you see the segment where perry is *standing* with braff...
Viper said on 26/Feb/07
I think they are both 2 inches smaller than what you said Collie.
colliej said on 25/Feb/07
i don't know why this matters, nor why it is the sujbect of a chatroom. but matthew is 6 feet all because in an interview it states "At one point the 6 foot tall matthew weighed a mere 140 pounds" he was on vicodin thats why he was so thin. yeah david schwimmer is taller i think aroung 6"2. :)
bmrp said on 14/Feb/07
he is 6'1" , i've met him, i had to take a photo of him, he is definitely 6'1", if not at least 6'0" , david schwimmer is 6'2.5"
C-Dawg said on 9/Feb/07
he's at the very least 5'11.5", I'd even say 6ft
dmeyer said on 19/Jan/07
i think willis is 180 cm and perry 182 cm a friend of mine told me perry was taller than willis by a lidl he met them both on 9 yards
dmeyer said on 19/Jan/07
to me perry is at the very least 182 or 5'11.75 he looks easy 0.5 to 0.75 in on willis
hb45 said on 15/Jan/07
Matthew Perry is for sure between 5'11.5" and 6' (182cm/183cm). He's the same height as Bruce Willis and about 2 inches shorter than David Schwimmer (6'2")
mouse said on 27/Dec/06
hmm. i am watching Scrubs right now, and there is a segment where Zach Braff and Matt Perry are walking down the hallway. Perry is noticably shorter by an inch. Braff is a 6 footer.
TJ said on 20/Dec/06
Maybe the same height as Willis, rather than taller, but Rob has Willis at 5'11.5 and Glenn has seen him as a solid 6 footer.
Viper said on 18/Dec/06
Just because he was taller than Bruce in a movie doesnt make it so. This guy has l ooked 5-9-5-10 earlier in his career. I think he wears lifts at times.
TJ said on 17/Dec/06
In that case, Bruce Willis is 5'9 (and we know he's not). Perry is around an inch taller.
J.J.F said on 17/Dec/06
Schwimmer is 1.85m (he looked slightly taller than 1.83m, six foot-even Damien Lewis in Band of Brothers), Perry is 1.80m (same as Andre on that pic - he is standing closer to the camera than Perry thus APPEARS taller, follow the line you'll see what I mean), LeBlanc 1.77m, but he often wore BIG boots on Friends and seemed same height as Perry quite a lot.

I'd put good money on these numbers being correct :)
Viper said on 17/Dec/06
Yeah, Id say 5-10 at the absolute best for him, or even 5-9 1/2.
Glenn said on 17/Dec/06
Oh,I agree Viper.he looked 5-10ish to me.
Viper said on 17/Dec/06
There is no way hes 6-0, or anywhere close to it.`
Jon said on 13/Dec/06
Mondlerlover - I think your perception may have been slightly skewed when you met him. Assuming the average male head is 9 inches long, and your are standing at 5'9" in your heels that would mean Perry was standing around 6'6" in his shoes.
To put it another way - you would be roughly the same height as Glenn (in shoes) with your 3 inch heels on, and there are very few of Glenn's photos on this site where any celebrity is taller than him by a head (the only one I can think of is the 6'7" listed Kris Novolesic).
If this were true the chain reaction of height upgrades would be fairly extreme. personally I can't see David Schwimmer at 6'7".
Viper said on 13/Dec/06
I also remember Perry looking no taller than 5-10 or marginally under it in a 90210 episode. He certaintly looked that next to 5-6 Jason Priestley.
mondlerlove said on 12/Dec/06
I believe Perry is definitely 6'1. I met him, I'm 5'6 and was wearing three inch heals and he was at least a head taller than me.
KingCobra said on 12/Dec/06
I would give Schwimmer 6'1 or just under. Matthew Perry is definatley not 6'1, or even 6'0 for that matter. I saw him on Scrubs next to 6'0 Zach Braff. I would give him 5'11 1/2 or maybe 5'11 1/4.
Viper652 said on 15/Nov/06
See, I think Schwimmer is 6-0 1/2 at best, but more of a flat 6-0. I give Perry 5-10 and it wouldnt shock me If he was 5-9 and change to tell you the truth.
Viper652 said on 10/Nov/06
"He is definetely not shorter than 5`11 1/2 Viper."

Are you kidding? He looks shorter than Agassi on the top of this page!!!
Viper652 said on 9/Nov/06
I dont think hes 5-11 1/2 either.
Chris said on 8/Nov/06
Viper652-It is a half inch to 6, not impossible.
Viper652 said on 8/Nov/06
6-0-6-1 for Perry is pretty ridiculous.
Chris said on 7/Nov/06
Matthew Perry was on Scrubs and he was the same height as Zach Braff. He is 6-6'1'', Schwimmer closer to 6'2''.
Anonymous said on 31/Oct/06
does look 2 inches on leblanc sometimes and 1.25 smaller than 186 cm david so 6 feet is possible his shoes arnt suspicious at all convese puma ..... on the show
Maccahon said on 21/Oct/06
i once met matthew perry at a bar (i wonder what he was doing there?). Anyway, i am 6`4. When i got to talking to him, he was clearly not that much shorter than me. I would guess 6`1/2-6`1, but defineltely not taller.
dmeyer said on 3/Oct/06
i just saw a pic of perry and 188 cm rob reiner i met reiner he is about 188 no less perry looks shokingly shorter like 10 cm lets say omly 7 cm thats steel 5'11 so if perry is 180 then willis is 178

Editor Rob
willis when he met the president looked the same though, it is true perry could look taller than willis.
dmeyer said on 20/Sep/06
perry is taller than willis by 1 to 2.5 cm

Editor Rob
putting willis back to 180cm?....*duck and cover*
Devansh said on 9/Sep/06
i think matty perry is 5ft11.5 cos david schwimmer is nearly 6ft1.5 and matt leblanc is 5ft10 according to photographs and other sources .... matty is also equal to john stamos who is 5ft11.5 ... we should apparently ask matt perry , david schwimmer and john stamos abt their heights ... but i strongly doubt matt perry is 6ft1 .... he is 5ft11 .5
Viper652 said on 7/Sep/06
He only looks 5-10 to me. We all know Agassi is just below 5-11.
Anonymous said on 6/Sep/06
i cant see less than 183 for perry but 182 is close and his shoes are not suspicious at all
indian hunk said on 5/Sep/06
u know what perry is 5 feet 10 inches max .cause even agassi is struggling with 5 feet 10.5. heer he look bout 1 or 2 cms less than agassi,so do ur thing playa.hell no wait look look. agassi has his feet in air,they are not firm on ground again.seems like agassi does a lot in all his pics to get his feet probably 2-3 cms in air so even many wont notice like all of you.
sounds_cliche said on 10/Aug/06
dear editor rob if u look at the pic of matthew perry and andre aggasi u can clearly see agassi is taller than him even though by a whisker.agassi as we all know is 5 foot 11so there is no way this guy is 5 foot 11 let alone 5 feet 11.5 .and plz do downgrade matt le blanc to 5 feet 8.5 coz theres no way hes taller than that besides he always wears shoes that can accomodate lifts .i wud guess his shoe heels come around 2.5 to 3 inches.he never wears trainers nor sneakers .why u think he does this ,its so obvious.dont know why u dont downgrade both of for david schwimmer .that bloke is no more than 6 foot i can bet on it
Stefan said on 29/Jul/06
I think he's 6'0 (183cm). He looks 2in shorter than 6'2'' Schwimmer.
Besides, in one episode he says something like ''if you see a rope six feet long, give it to me''.
Charlotte said on 5/Jul/06
in that photo his legs are open a lil bit, and when you stand with your legs open (even just a lil bit) it alters how tall you look, so he may be a lil bit bigger than Agassi, not much though
Height Tracker said on 29/May/06
Height Detective,
I've seen the Whole Ten Yards and in that scene Matthew is wearing dress shoes and Bruce Willis is wearing bunny slippers that don't add anything to his height.
Height Detective said on 24/May/06
Click Here Matthew and Bruce Willis

Click Here Friends Cast

Click Here

Perry and Matt Le Blanc Click Here
Editor Rob said on 22/May/06
Caught a scene he had in friends with tucker smallwood (on a good day 5ft 10) smallwood...still looks this height, even with the camera angles they tried...
rick said on 14/May/06
Viper 652 was right. Hulk too. He looks smaller than Agassi who's 179/180. And with Capriati I'd say a very small 5'10".
Anonymous said on 10/May/06
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about, muta. Schwimmer's not even 6'2".
muta said on 6/May/06
Matthew Perry is 6'1". He is barely shorter than David Schwimmer and sometimes looks exactly the same height as Schwimmer who is 6'2".
hulk said on 20/Apr/06
yes, Rob . I think that Perry is not taller than 181, he even looks shorter than Agassi , by my opinion.
rick said on 19/Apr/06
Rob could you put this intersting pic of Jennifer Capriati with Amelie Mauresmo ? As I said Capriati looks 171 near Mauresmo who's 174. What do you thinck ? And How Perry could be 182 ?
Click Here
rick said on 18/Apr/06
Yes Rob you put my pic. Just to say to you I did'n't find any very good pictures of Capriati with other stars. But if I would give an height for her, I'd say 171.
rick said on 18/Apr/06
Matthew Perry 182 ??? I had to trust you but look at him with Jennifer Capriati. I know official height of Jennifer is 170 and she sometimes looks 171/172 but not more.
Click Here
Viper652 said on 9/Apr/06
Perry has never looked tall to me at all. I think he is 5-10 at best. I also just saw an old Beverly Hills 90210 episode where he was only 3 inches taller then the 5-6 Jason Priestley.
dmeyer said on 5/Apr/06
i cant buy under 5'11.75 or 6'
Anonymous said on 27/Mar/06
Rob, can you finally adjust Perry's height to 5'11?
dmeyer said on 15/Mar/06
i aint suspicious about his footwear he wear the lowest heeld shoes in friends leblanc has boot often david wears oftenly 1.25" to 1.5" but perry wears about 1 inch max
dmeyer said on 12/Mar/06
i saw a scene in friends were mathew is barefoot and he is steel taller than leblanc in shoes i dont think perry is under six feet sometimes they look similer height but leblanc wear boot a lot
Ted said on 5/Mar/06
He seems roughly the same height as Grammar in that picture. Not quite, but almost. And since Grammar is listed at 6'1", Perry could indeed be a solid six-footer.
Anonymous said on 1/Feb/06
thanks phil
Phil said on 31/Jan/06
I give Perry a strong six feet. The 6' 1" is probably an exaggeration, but 6' sounds fair.
dmeyer said on 27/Jan/06
i dont know whi but i cant see perry being less than 183 cm
Max said on 24/Jan/06
I just saw "Serving Sara", and Perry was max. an inch taller than Vincent Pastore (who is listed here 5'9.5. He also didn't look like a 6'0 compared to 5'8 Elizabeth Hurley.
dmeyer said on 18/Jan/06
it is true that perry is no taller than macpherson so 6 feet os right
Bakane said on 17/Jan/06
When you watch Jeopardy celebrities SNL with Perry as Michael Keaton.
He looks a very small 5'11" compares to Will Ferrel and his 6'3".
A very small one...
dmeyer said on 8/Jan/06
from that pics he looks shorter than agassi but i would like to know how tall is the guy near him also i would like to see a pics were they are realy next to each other
dane said on 2/Jan/06
he's at least 6'0.5...he cant be under that.
dmeyer said on 1/Jan/06
in friends he alais look 2" on leblanc i think perry is a strong 6 footer
316 said on 23/Dec/05
Though mathew perry lukes under 6', wht amazes me is that he always managed to luk jus arnd 1" shorter than the apparent 6ft2" David schwimmer, n this sighting more or less remains the same throughout the friends seasons.
J.J.F said on 22/Dec/05

Roddick is more like 6'1" and change (Always looks same height as Federer when they stand side by side, see Roger Federer's page on here) and definitely NOT 6'2" - so perry here looks quite simply the 5'11" most people know he is.
Gramps said on 26/Nov/05
FYI - Ashton was at least one inch taller than Triple H when he "Punk'd" HHH on his TV show. Ashton was typically wearing his sneakers. I think he's an honest 6'2". (Triple H is listed here as 6'3" but that's only a dream!)
MD said on 26/Nov/05
But, just after saying that, there is no way to tell they are on level ground. Actually, takking into regard the terrain, they probably are not on the same level.
MD said on 26/Nov/05
Which helps support my point that Ashton is really not 6'2", as well. Like I said, he was only marginally taller than Jay Leno by maybe 2-3" but no more.
Anonymous said on 25/Nov/05
McDermott may be listed as 6'0", but he sure looks a lot taller here compared to the 6'2" Ashton Kutcher (both in cowboy boots I'm sure).
Anonymous said on 10/Nov/05
schwimmer is more than 186 cm more like 187 188 cm
perry said on 3/Nov/05
if Schwimmer is 6'1 then Perry aint 184cm (dmeyer) ... hes bit taller then that ... 5'11"ish sounds right for Perry .. but with good Boots on maybe 184cm seems more realistic ... just like 188 for Schwimmer as he gets listed ...
dmeyer said on 30/Oct/05
i think he is 184 cm
Anonymous said on 25/Oct/05
I met Matthew Perry in person at Boston Logan Airport back in the late 90's. He looked about 5'11" or 6' max. I'm about 5'6" only.
Gramps said on 25/Oct/05
I think youre right on, TJ!
TJ said on 23/Oct/05
I just watched The Whole Ten Yards (sequel to The Whole Nine Yards) and Matthew Perry looked at least an inch taller than Bruce Willis in every scene - perhaps as much as 2 inches. If Bruce Willis is 5'11.5, Matthew Perry is around 6'1. He could have been wearing lifts, but would Willis really have been happy with Perry looking artificially taller than him throughout the whole movie? I can't see Willis not also wearing lifts if Perry was.
Gramps said on 23/Oct/05
Two thoughts about that Agassi photo:
1) Perry looks to be a little further back from the camera such that the angle is a bit deceiving;
2) Perry looks very close to the 6'1" Kelsey Grammer, who is standing right next to him.
I think 6'0" to 6'0.5" is a fair estimate.
smokeblower said on 17/Oct/05
"Bruno says on 15/Sep/05
I'm sure Matthew Perry is about 6'1" compared to Lisa Kudrow who is 5'9". When standing next to each other, Perry looks about 4 inches taller."

xhamlliku said on 26/Sep/05
6'1 my ass, I know for a fact that Agassi is 180-181cm guranteed. And from that picture of them together it appears they're the same height.
Anonymous said on 16/Sep/05
Lisa Kudrow is not 5'9"
Bruno said on 15/Sep/05
I'm sure Matthew Perry is about 6'1" compared to Lisa Kudrow who is 5'9". When standing next to each other, Perry looks about 4 inches taller.
Anonymous said on 6/Sep/05
matthew perry is no less than 6 feet is alwais wearing flat shoes on friends and he is steel close to schwimmer he is maybe 184
Anonymous said on 30/Aug/05
OK Brad Pitt is a self confessed 5'10.5 according to the 21st August post on his page. Perry was about 1cm taller than Pitt in that Friends episode, making him 5'11 or 180cm which looks feasible when you see him in that photo with 5'11 Agassi, and in the other photo looking at least 7cm shorter than 187cm Andy Roddick. I think Perry is 5'11 (180cm) at best, Le Blanc, who just doesn't look tall and appears of distinctly average height, and who is always at least two inches shorter than Perry, is 5'8.5-5'9 (174-175cm) at best and Schwimmer looks about 6'0.5(184cm), about 1.5 inches taller than Perry. The three male Friends and Pitt all need to be downgraded, no way in hell is Le Blanc the 5'10.5 that he claims,maybe he's clutching at straws and alluding to the fact that in 1- 1.5 inch shoes he technically is that height.
Mr. Awesome said on 8/Jul/05
problem is, Monica, Schwimmer is NOT 6'2''. In fact I'd be generous to give him a shade above 6'0''. Good job on this height, Rob. Way to see through the obvious inflation. This height is indeed accurate from all that I can gather.
Monica said on 8/Jul/05
I would say Matthew Perry is about 6'1" compared to David Schwimmer (6'2"), it is almost indistinguishable to seperate their heights.
J. said on 21/Apr/05
To answer your question, there are a fair amount of male models who are listed as 5'10" or 5'11". A couple of modeling agencies require the male models to be atleast 5'10". So it surely does happen. Hence, why LeBlanc's comment seems odd to me.
J. said on 20/Apr/05
You know what? I said the same exact thing as the previous poster, 5'10.5" is too short for modeling?! That's BS. There's many male models whose height is listed as 5'10" or 5'11". That's how I know that LeBlanc is fudging his height.
Issheuhboy said on 20/Apr/05
Perry's always seemed about 2in taller that Matt LeBlanc, right?

I'm always obsessed with their height on friends. Schwimmer and Perry are obviously both taller than LeBlanc by 2-3inches. I'd say 5'9 for LeBlanc, he doesn't seem too tall in the series, he looks average/short, in that kind of Stallone stature way. And surely, as in the famous quote of his, he couldn't be way to short to model at 5'10.25? I think he's too short to model at 5'8/9.
tommy said on 7/Mar/05
forgot to add that Gustavo Keurten is 191cm (6 3"). Dr Phil is definitely much shorter than him and he claims to be 6 4". He looks more like 6 1.5". Michael Bolton looks like he's 5 7". Kelsey Grammer looks 5 11.5. Dennis Miller looks 5 8".
tommy said on 6/Mar/05
In that Agassi and Perry pic, Agassi is around 1 - 1.5cm taller than Perry (eye level). Agassi is 180cm. So Perry is around 178-179cm.
dmeyer said on 27/Feb/05
perry is taller than willis at least by 1 inch that would make him 185 cm
Mr. Hollywood said on 14/Feb/05
Perhaps if we can get matthew perry's height down, then we could also compare pictures of brad pitt when he was on "friends". If I remember correctly, they both appeared about the same height, with Perry maybe an inch taller or so.
Mr. R said on 11/Feb/05
There are many articles which listed Matt Perry's height as 5'11" after Friends hit big. In the last several years, suddenly he went up to 6'1", as he was trying to transition from tv to film. My guess is that 5'11" is right, and they made him bigger as he tried to be a movie star!
J. said on 10/Feb/05
An article that appeared in The National Inquiror had him as 5'11" in reference to his ongoing weight problems. And he and Matt LeBlanc are the same height. I think that sometimes when you list their height, you list their height with shoes on.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.