Mimi said on 11/Feb/21
Happy 41st birthday to Matt Lawrence!🎉🎂 A year has passed since he turned decade 4
Littlelee5ft6 said on 6/Jan/20
He looks several inches taller than cheryl burke in the above picture and shes 5ft 4 barefoot maybe shes closer to 5ft 3 she was shorter than drew lachey in her heels and hes barely 5ft 5
elroy said on 30/Mar/17
hilarious. look at his elevator boots in BMW. no one sees his ridiculous shoes? 5'6 maybe but he wears huge lifts that put him near Friedle or taller than Strong or Savage.
linke said on 9/Jan/13
Rob, whats your guess for Joey Lawrence? 5'7-5'7.25?

Editor Rob
the other one Andrew claims 5ft 8...
as for Joey, I don't know, sometimes Joey can look taller than 5ft 8, other times barely 5ft 8
Marc said on 1/Feb/12
yeah maybe.. hes a little bit shorter than will friedle who is said to be 5ft9
stoodnext2 said on 21/Oct/11
Would have guessed 6 ft barefoot at night
Ezio said on 21/Feb/11
Wow I thought he would be at least 5-11, he looks it when he's not standing around anyone for comparison.
asfd said on 23/Jun/09
he can't be anything more than 5-7 because rachael who is 5-11 towered over him!!!
Veronica said on 25/May/09
I'm not sure about the other brothers but Andy Lawrence said in a recent interview with kiwibox.com that he was 5'8 and he was talking about his latest movie for Hallmark 'Chasing a dream' so that means he did NOT have a growth spurt to 6' which was stated in almost every website I checked. There's also another picture of Andy's 21st birthday in Las Vegas where the pictures of him and Matt are there, they are about the same height so yeah, 5 ft 7 something seems alright for Matt's height cause he looked a little shorter than andy. The interview is on youtube, titled 'Interview with Andrew lawrence' by kiwibox. Ok then gurls I guess that put all the assumptions to rest. By the way I heart Andy Lawrence!! And his music is awesome!! Just had to add that!! =)
Maribel said on 25/Jan/09
More like around 174cm.
SerStrong said on 22/Jan/09
I used to come down to the set of boy meets world to watch my cousin rider. I have been around Matthew alot, he is 5'7" at the least and 5'9" at the very most.
Anonymous said on 14/Jan/09
Anyone see the movie "the combacks"? If people believe he's 6', that would make David Koechner around 6'7", which isn't the case...
Brent said on 4/Jan/09
Mathew was recently at a club for my friends birthday party, he has a private picture which I cannot post because its not mine but my friend is 5'8 and he is about 0.5 inches shorter so 5'7.5 is very accurate
Davey said on 21/Jul/08
WTF!!! I thought this guy was atleast 5`10.
Antonio said on 9/Mar/08
In the comebacks, he looked short, but never thought he'd be less than 174cm atleast..
Paul said on 19/Sep/07
JK, you should've taken the time to actually read what was written above that picture. First off, that doesn't look anything like Andy Lawrence, and second, that's Jason Davis.
Turks said on 11/Jun/07
Watched Cheats last night. There is a scene where Matthew is driving a Jeep Wrangler and he looks like a little kid sitting in their Dad's car. I'd say 5'7 is pretty realistic estimate.
Cpt. Crunch said on 3/Jun/07
we need a Maitland Ward page. They claim she's 6' and she was the tallest cast member on Boy Meets World. But I remember her from the soap operas where she seemed 5-10.
random said on 31/May/07
he was way shorter than maitlan ward (if thats how u spell it not sure) atleast 4
random said on 31/May/07
and plus rachael is 5-11
random said on 31/May/07
how can he be that tall when rachael (that hott red head that was on the show) towered over him!...he has to be 5-7 or 5-8 at the most
MD said on 11/Sep/06
They are all about the same height give or take an inch or two between the three:
Click Here
MP said on 10/Sep/06
I've heard that Joey Lawrence is the shortest at 5'6" and wears platform boots in everything to look taller.
Keith M said on 24/Jul/06
Andy Lawrence is definately not 6'. I was just an extra in a TV series called "Runaway" which will be on the WB. It was filmed in Toronto. I was a football player. I am 5'9" and standing next to him he is at least 2 inches shorter.
JK said on 23/Jul/06
Andrew lawrence isnt even near 6ft, he is 5'8'' the same height as his brother.
if you dont belive me go to getty images editorial entertainment, type in matthew lawrence, scroll down till you see image number 56893783, then youll see the truth unfold.
sebastian said on 22/Jul/06
JRS they use camera tricks. He was smaller then everyone in that movie.
JRS said on 21/Jul/06
I recently watched The Hot Chick and he did look pretty tall in that to me, like pushing 6'0", yet he has never looked that tall to me on Boy Meets World.
anonymous said on 12/Jul/06
I found a pick with MAtthew and Andy Lawrence, and apparently they appear to be the same height. Is Andy 6ft?
Click Here
Anon said on 28/Feb/06
I don't know that I believe that Matt is over 5'10". I find that difficult to believe. While I've also heard that the youngest Lawrence brother is the closest to 6' (but is not quite there), I think all three's heights may be skewed to the taller end. They've never appear tall in any of their films or TV series, so I would hestitate to say that any of them are over 5'11". Thoughts anyone?
175cm17andgrowing said on 27/Feb/06
Matt is said to be between 5'!0'' and 5'11'' while Joey is 5'8'' or 5'9''. God am I tall and just 17 :D. The youngest Lawrence brother is 6' or something.
ramus said on 3/Feb/06
does any one know how tall his older brother Joey is? There doesn't seem to be a listing for him. He looked tiny on screen especially in "Run of the House". Matt is around the same height in the photos.
tybor said on 16/Jan/06
he is below chin level to maitland ward in boy meets world. to be fair she looks exceptionally tall. but 5'8 isn't likely because that would make her in the 6'3 range.
175cm16andgrowing said on 15/Jan/06
@makdaddy: You're 14, I'm nearly 17 :D. I'll get it I guess. My Dad's 5'10'', My Mom's 5'8'', one of my uncles is 6'4'' and the other 6'1'' - 6'2''.
Speaking of family, all Lawrence-brothers aren't that tall. I think the youngest is still growing but taller than his 2 siblings. Matthew always looked taller because he was older and leaner. I havn't seen a recent pic of him, does anyone have one?
There was this movie with him and his very little brother, the farm movie if you know what I mean. The 2nd part of it was this boat-movie in that all three brothers were in. The point is that in the farm-movie he was heavy, had broad shoulders, skinny legs, a very long face and could look a legit 5'11'' to me. To be real, he looked like George Stults from 7th heaven, 184cm tall, in some shots.
makdaddy said on 4/Jan/06
hey 175cm16andgrowing ur short dude but i bet u havent had ur growth spurt
me neither but still im 174 and 14 and still growing
175cm16andgrowing said on 2/Jan/06
He looks taller... he's heavy, he'S muscle... Does anyone have a current pic of him? He always seemed to be tall and I'd have said 6' or something... he can't be smaller than me, can he? That's cool :D.