P.K.W. said on 13/Jan/23
5ft 6.5in seems to be spot on for Martin. He might be a fraction over morning height, but no where near 5ft 8in.
In The Rig next to 6ft Iain Glenn, Martin looks a good 6 inches shorter.
David Zelisney said on 6/Sep/22
He called himself a "short arse" compared to the other tall bloke in Line of Duty.
He's probably closer to 5'7" than 5'8" unless he's wearing those Tom Cruise elevation shoes!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 27/Aug/21
The above picture IS a flattering one, and at first glance, you'd think he's over 5ft7/7.5 because he looks long and lean.
I've known guys like this and they can be taken as either taller or rather on the slim side. His legs aren't short compared to his torso, and this is another contributory factor to seeing him as taller.
I almost went with 5ft7, but I'll give him 5ft6.5 yet again. 😁
David Stuat said on 23/Jun/21
Celebrity males always add inches to their height if they don't already wear elevation shoes. Gals, it's usually trimming weight off. Rule of thumb: for most 'average' male celebrities: actual height is 1-2 inches difference.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Jan/21
I just found 173cm for Martin, so his agents don't seem to have been visiting Celebheights of late, and if they have, they haven't taken any notice at all! 😂
Ah well, 5ft6.5 seems about right for him, but no lower. 😁👍
Siobhan said on 22/Apr/20
Can't believe that in the face of talent and ability the conversation is about height. It fairly dwarfts the intellect of the contributors. They need to grow up and see the full picture the real deal.

Editor Rob
Martin is listed 5ft 8 on his agency, but when you see him with
Robert Pires and Usain Bolt, he may be shorter than that.
But why get upset or irate about the topic of a celebrities height.
This site (well, the Editor, me) doesn't judge somebody's talents based on height. It merely documents an informed opinion and provides a forum for any discussion, because people are curious. For instance on Google last year, 2.7 million people searched for
Kevin Hart's height and almost 2 million for Tom Cruise Height.
Not all heights listed on actor's CV are correct.
Paul Wood said on 18/Jul/18
I've seen a photo of him in a line up with actors Jack Roth (5ft 7in) and Jordan Long (5ft 7in). He's shorter than them. I'd say he's 5ft 6.25in.
George Thomson said on 5/May/17
I assumed Martin was 5ft 8". I'm 5ft 10",My younger brother is 6ft 2" and likes calling wee man for a noise up.
anon said on 5/May/17
Never really understood why people care so much what people claim It does happen often same with a lot of 5'6 range guys claiming 5'8 but really they are not folling the majority of people, Imagine a person like Rob who is a genuine 5'8 even a solid one say standing by him he would look a couple inches taller pretty much so who is he fooling, In most cases people flat out lie or giving their height in shoes and then even rounding up or are just guessing, some people I know even say that they guess they not know their exact height and just go off how they look to other people who claim a certain height which again will bring unaccurate claims.
If Everybody just claimed their lowest height it would be easier but they dont
Sandy Cowell said on 4/May/17
My intro to this young fellow came in the form of a doublecrossing, fiendish young scamp who decides to kidnap a girl - and ex! - with his friend come lover, played by Eddie Marsan. They had got together when they were in prison! If ever there was a coward and insincere friend, this guy's character is a perfect example! It's just as well the film, which is entitled 'The Disappearance of Alice Creed', is kept entertaining with a good deal of humour, but there are some truly heart-racing moments, and I thoroughly recommend it! It works on its nail-biting tension, and although it is supposed to be a low-budget film, you won't notice; it has everything a good film needs!
Eddie Marsan, who is 5ft7.5, has the opportunity to look fairly average or even tall-average compared to Martin, but his shape lets him down, whereas Martin is slim! Eddie easily overpowers Martin, but then he is playing a psychopath, albeit a romantic one!
I will agree with the 5ft6.5 as printed here. I would have possibly gone with a wee bit more; it is hard to believe that there's only half an inch between Martin and David Jason at his peak.
Matt said on 4/May/17
Feel bad for the 5'8 community. What's more annoying is 5'7ers claiming 5'9, giving us a bad rep lol.
Lmeister said on 4/May/17
I thought Martin was a strong 5ft8 thats what he looked in Line of Duty. Had to google him. Martin does look shorter than Eddie Marsan(5ft8ish). I gestimate him a fraction over 5ft7.
Lee168cm said on 4/May/17
Certainly looks no taller than 5'6.5" next to myanna burning in doomsday and 5'4" Vicky McClure
bk3008 said on 3/May/17
Wow,always thought he was 5'8"