Glenn said on 7/Sep/06
5-10 as one of his charecters or in heels?
Anonymous said on 7/Sep/06
he wear lifts on italian job since he looked good near theron in heels
D. Ray Morton said on 7/Sep/06
"1995 Newsweek magazine: "But I had to face reality: I'm only 5 feet 10""
Who said that, Wahlberg? Hilarious.
derbi said on 7/Sep/06
6-1 ? what are you trying to make him shorter than he is or what?
with that height he wouldnt be that much bigger than tyrese in thick heeled boots in 2 fast 2 furious...
Viper652 said on 7/Sep/06
Derbi, Paul isnt 6-3 lol, hes 6-1 at his abloute Max. Wahlberg looks 5-7 at his abolute Max.
Glenn said on 7/Sep/06
In the Marky Mark days it was tough to get near him.this is the only one sans his entourage.
Viper652 said on 7/Sep/06
There are a few 5-7 guys in the NFL.
derbi said on 7/Sep/06
Viper652-Paul walker is about 6-3. Doesn't try to fool his height and has nearly always 0.4-0.6 inch allstar shoes on... and in films really towers over the most of actors
Viper652 said on 7/Sep/06
Thats like Paul walker saying hes 6-3. Unreal, who is Mark trying to fool? lol.
J. said on 7/Sep/06
Hahahahaha! That quotation from Mark, is a riot! Dude, you're lucky if you scrap 5'8", let alone 5'10". Ahahaha!
derbi said on 7/Sep/06
so do you have other pics with him as marky mark?
Drew said on 7/Sep/06
In that YouTube video he honestly looks really short, not more than 5'6".
Editor Rob said on 7/Sep/06
1995 Newsweek magazine: "But I had to face reality: I'm only 5 feet 10"
Glenn said on 6/Sep/06
No actually.Im outside the building he lives pretty often for business,yet I never see him.everyone does except me.I only saw him once as Whalberg.dozens of times as Marky Mark.
derbi said on 6/Sep/06
glenn do you have other pics of you with wahlberg?
Glenn said on 6/Sep/06
Funny thing is,I dont think he wears lifts at all.he always looks short when I see him.unlike the other shapeshifting celebs.
derbi said on 5/Sep/06
but there are also pics where you see the feet...
for example:
Click Herego to page 21, you'll see wahlberg beside chalize theron(5'9.5) in heels like 3 or 3.5 inches, wahlberg in normal dres schoes and she's just like 2 or 2.5 inches bigger than him... (i'm speaking about Image 2488094)
derbi said on 5/Sep/06
probably you're right. but whats the matter with the boots like timberland he is wearing? I mean they gie him about 1.5 inches of sole whats isn't that much. Or do you think he wears lifts in his boot also when he appears in public?
Lmeister said on 5/Sep/06
derbi those pics don't proove anything 1) U don't see Marks feet 2) Angles...I am a weak 5'8'', but in some photos I look as tall as my 5'11'' friends just because of the camera angles...
Glenn said on 5/Sep/06
Well said Leonari.
leonari said on 4/Sep/06
derbi: you get fooled by Marks Body structure...He is very well proportioned as well as muscular and if you look at the clip you provided take a look at marks legs: they look really short if you ask me. He is 5'8" straight out of bed after 10 hours of sleep...So really 5'7.5". He is abviously shorter than his older brother Donnie and he is only 5'10". A guy of Marks frame would look taller on TV if he was 5'9". Look at Stallone. He is a true 5'9" also well proportioned and muscular but in most of his movies he looks pretty tall(with or without lifts).Mark never looks tall.Always short to average and he loves Boots such as Timberlands...
derbi said on 4/Sep/06
Click Herego to to side 32 and look at the pic next to fred durst (5'8). I know wahlberg is nearer to the camera, but he really looks taller!!
Glenn said on 3/Sep/06
Kate Moss is 5-4.
Glenn said on 3/Sep/06
Andre is 5-9ish.and Walberg looked smaller.
derbi said on 2/Sep/06
I actually just found a site giving mark wahlberg 5'11 (181 cm), and in the pic beside he also looks that height next to kate moss!!!
Click Herewhat do you think about that?
anonymous said on 2/Sep/06
what do you think about that?
Click Here
derbi said on 2/Sep/06
in four brothers he looked same height as andre benjamin and Chiwetel Ejiofor (both about 5'10)
AirSky said on 1/Sep/06
Former supermodel? Shouldn`t male models be at least 5'11"? I heard that male models height range from 5'11" to 6'2". That`s what I heard. (Unless I`m missing something) I saw him on David Letterman the other day and the impression that I got was he being about 2" shorter than Dave (from a glance) making him "visually" 6'. He apparently had no heels on (regular footwear). But as we know, neither does Dave.
derbi said on 1/Sep/06
Click Herewith 5'6 john singleton he also looks about 5'9. For shore bigger than 2 inches!
derbi said on 1/Sep/06
but I find that wahlberg looks bigger then glenn in the pic!
if you look where wahklbergs head ends (just under his baseballcap) and where glenns is ending, you'd see wahlberg near 2 inches bigger. But because glenn is standing a bit behind him, I think wahlberg would looks 5'9 if they stay right next to each other...
Conner Iannone said on 31/Aug/06
Derbi, Wahlberg is not a sniff over 5'8. Get used to it.
derbi said on 30/Aug/06
I've just emaild that man for asking him whats his exact height and what kind of shoes he's wearing, I just hope he will answer...
leonari said on 30/Aug/06
looks btw. 5'6" and 5'7" in that way 5'8". Impossible. Everybody is taller except the dog...
derbi said on 29/Aug/06
Click Herelook at this video. At the end (after exactly 2 mins and 24 seconds) you see mark beside the photografer and she is clearly taler. Now she looks about 1-2 inches taller that meens if wahlberg is 5'8 she'd has to bee 5'9-5'10 whats pretty high for a woman. you can also clearly see the ground they are standing on and I thnik they're both having sneakers on. does any one now who this photografer is or what's her height?
Glenn said on 28/Aug/06
Thank you Arnie.5-7 or 5-8.less likely on the 5-8.
Glenn said on 28/Aug/06
Not in this pic I was looking down on him.I only saw him again in 2000.thats when I thought I looked down.actually I saw him alot as Marky Mark.only once as Walberg.strange,cause where he lives,I hang out.and I missed by minutes last week at the Invincible party.
derbi said on 28/Aug/06
Click Herewith Cuba Gooding Jr (5'10), he looks about same height! for shore not less then 9'9.5
derbi said on 27/Aug/06
hey glenn, are shore that you looked down on him? because its hard to imagine for me that even if you are bigger by an inch than wahlberg that you LOOKED DOWN on him... and I know in the pic glenn is a bit in the background, but i thonk he looks shorter by about an inch...
glenn do you have other pics of you with wahlberg?
Arnie said on 27/Aug/06
You know you can take into consideration the response from his personal associate on his website being 170cm and Glenn possibility at the time being 172cm looking down on him...Glenn might even be around 5'7 in that pic above back in that day when he said he measured around girl said he was about 5'9 in his thick am I and I'm usually deadon 5'7...he's def not more than 5'7.5. I'm taking Glenn's word on this:)
derbi said on 27/Aug/06
and here that should show you all that he's at least 5'9:
Click HereClick Herejust smaler by 1-2 inches than orlando bloom!!!
derbi said on 27/Aug/06
Click Herebiger or same height than 5'9 mos def
derbi said on 27/Aug/06
with 5'8 jaquin phoenix:
Click Herealso looks about 5'9-5'9.5

Editor Rob
much of a muchness maybe with these geezers,
derbi said on 27/Aug/06
Click Herewith 5'6 kate moss he looks at least 5'9
leonari said on 26/Aug/06
watch the movie DERBI. Stop relying on pics where you don't see their feet and the ground is tilted. PLEASE.
derbi said on 25/Aug/06
MD-probably you are right but in the picture glenn doesn't seem to be bigger than wahlberg to me. I know, his a bit in the background but...
does anydody have other good pictures where you can see wahlbergs height?
MD said on 24/Aug/06
Derbi, not the best pictures, and I posted them in Greg Kinnear's, but if anything if you'd look at the other photos posted in Greg Kinnear's thread, they show how much shorter Greg is than listed, not how much taller Mark is. If Mark was the same height as Greg Kinnear, than Mark would be taller than Glenn. It's quite obvious that Mark is no more than 5'7.5" at most.
Viper652 said on 23/Aug/06
Its time for a downgrade to 5-7.
derbi said on 23/Aug/06
Click HereClick Herehe looks about same height as greg kinnear in those pics!
and i don't think he is having boots or lift on...
MD said on 18/Aug/06
Editor Rob, are you going to take into account Glenn's sighting AND all of the pictures posted here?
MD said on 17/Aug/06
Who ever said he was ever a runway model?
IMGmodL said on 16/Aug/06
How can he be so short, wasn't he a runway model? Seriously i'm 180 cm ,(almost 5'11")and i'm usually always at least one of the shortest male runway models. He would be shorter than most of the female models, did he wear lifts?
leonari said on 16/Aug/06
Wahlberg is 5'7". Cruise is 5'7". Thats the reality. Neither he nor cruise are 5'8". Close to it straight out of bed....but two hours later 5'7" it is. I analyzed many pictures of these guys.As well as movies.
MD said on 15/Aug/06
I don't see how he could be taller than Glen. Glenn is clearly taller here (look at how much higher Glenn's shoulders are). 5'8" can't be right for Mark, unless he grew. lol
Glenn said on 15/Aug/06
You cant always judge by pics.I know Ive looked down on him when he walked past me.
UNK said on 15/Aug/06
Jack, No the pic should not be enough proof... pictures could be deceiving, the point of the pics on this site is to prove the the person actually met the celeb. you don't see footwear, if the ground is level, if legs are bent, all that stuff.. on pic is not enough to go on.
Jack said on 14/Aug/06
Glenn, no but shouldn't your picture with him be reliable enough?
Glenn said on 13/Aug/06
Jack,has Wahlberg ever walked past you?
Jack said on 13/Aug/06
Even if Glenn were closer to the camera, Wahlberg would still be 5'8. He is also leaning.
Glenn said on 10/Aug/06
Its all tricky with stances,posture,ground levels etc.he is 5-7.
MD said on 9/Aug/06
Yeah, he's closer to the camera, and if you ask me, Glen looks slightly taller if anything, not shorter.
Viper652 said on 9/Aug/06
I think Walhberg is no taller than 5-7. In the pic he is closer to the camera.
Sam said on 8/Aug/06
I thought Glenn was 5'8, that would make whalberg 5'10ish according to the above photo. His stance here might read as shorter but if all you guys stood up straight, more like 5'10.
D. Ray Morton said on 3/Aug/06
Rossi - what kind of lifts do you recommend? Just kidding.
(No I'm not.)
rossi said on 2/Aug/06
You know I stand just under 5-7,and I use lifts in job situations that make me 5-10.Everybody thinks I'm a solid 5-11 man.mark could be 5-6-5 and with normal lifts 5-9 maybe 5-10.So if he wants to appear tall he'll achieve that!
Glenn said on 22/Jul/06
Same exact size as Tom Cruise when I see him.funny,I saw them,seperate parts of the city same night,6 years ago.that night they both looked 5-7.other times they can look 5-8.I can never pinpoint it.yes,thats Scott 5-6 Ian to the right of Anthrax.
Polska said on 21/Jul/06
"How about tall enough and around 170 normally........ok..."
This was posted by efactor (reportedly Mark's assistant and fellow entourage producer Eric Weinstein) over at
Click Here in response to the following post:
"This has always been the big tall is Mark really? I have heard from 5'7 to 5'9. Enquiring minds want to know! LoL"
Viper652 said on 12/Jul/06
He looks 5-7 in quite a number of movies.
sam said on 11/Jul/06
I'm pretty sure this guy's big shoes give him about 2 inches extra height in lots of his films.
Jack said on 8/Jul/06
Glenn he is about the same as you if not taller. Even you were closer to the camera, you guys would ATLEAST be the same height.
hmmm said on 7/Jun/06
Hey Glenn is the other guy Scott Ian from the band Anthrax?
Glenn said on 21/May/06
Yeah,the pic has been up for awhile.
dmeyer said on 21/May/06
in four brothers he looked similar height with tyrese so he wear lifts maybe
Polska said on 21/May/06
Hey Glenn, you have any other pics of you with Mark?
Ken said on 27/Apr/06
He definetly looks 5'9 in the , he's at least 5'8.
Glenn said on 14/Apr/06
Mark is 5-7 minimum.5-7.5 max.
UNK said on 13/Apr/06
nah, he doesn't appear close to 4" taller than hoffman and schwartzman in huckabees. it's common knowledge the he is not 5'9".
the old ck ads were marketing... they could make them look anyway they want. plus, moss is barely 5'6", so wahlberg is taller than her at 5'7"-5'8". also, if you look at those adds you never see their footware and wahlberg is always in a dominant upright stance, while kate is looking slouched and vulnerable. believe me, ck and moss know what they are doing. kate could make herself look like just about anything.. and in that ad she was suppose to like tiny and waifish. she pulled it off, she made wahlberg look like a monster, but that's just not reality.
Leung said on 12/Apr/06
Bram, after viewing I Heart Huckabees and Four Brothers, I believe that Mr Wahlberg is indeed 5'9". It makes sense because when he was a model for CK he was taller than Kate Moss.
Bram said on 12/Apr/06
Leung, what are you talking about? saying such a definite thing as "Wahlberg is short but not as short as 5'7", he is 5'9"" when you previously posted here "Leung says on 23/Jan/06 5'8" is pretty accurate, possibly 5'8.5"." Wahlberg is in fact not 5'9. More like the 5'7.5" he was when he stood eye to eye with my friend who is that height.
Leung said on 9/Apr/06
Wahlberg is short but not as short as 5'7", he is 5'9".
Glenn said on 9/Apr/06
Im surprised they said 5-7.
Djeehg said on 8/Apr/06
In "Four Brothers", Wahlberg's character's height is listed on his rap sheet as 5'7"
Polska said on 21/Mar/06
Hmm, ya, looking at the pic again and imagining the camera swivled to the right I can see him being closer to 5'7". But I'm not entirely convinced, it still looks like he'd be at least even with you Glenn. Very hard to tell but he's certainly no 5'11 or 5'10 as I previously believed him to be. Even 5'9" seems like a stretch now. Thanks for posting the pic Glenn.
Glenn said on 13/Mar/06
Im not judging on the photo.Im judging on him walking past me.he can look 5-7.
Frank2 said on 12/Mar/06
Wahlberg is 5'8".
A-Bomb said on 12/Mar/06
He looks an inch taller because he closer to the camera. You have to look at it three dimensionally. If Wahlberg moved back to where Glenn is, even though it is maybe only 10 centimeters distance, he would be around Glenn's height or slightly under. Rob's explained this before. In photo's where someone is in front of another person it can give false impressions if you don't think about what it would like if they were standing side by side.

Editor Rob
the eternal problem when people are different distances from the camera is trying to figure how much the distances effect the 'real height'. Add in differing camera angles and its tricky.
Just a little crude example - two identical objects, with a few changes in position/shooting angle can make their apparent heights different.
You have to consider such things in photos, which sometimes isn't easy!
Polska said on 11/Mar/06
Glenn, how can you agree that he's 5'7"? He looks at least an inch taller than you in that picture, considering he's leaning in. Is it because he was wearing hefty boots or just a favorable angle that makes you say he's shorter than he looks in your pic?
mcfan said on 13/Feb/06
I think he's 5'8. Same height as Joaquin Phoenix and Heather Graham.
tgri said on 12/Feb/06
i think 5'7 -5'7 1/2 is closer to the truth. unlike sly,tom , and jack . mark is lucky to come across 5'10 in lifts . if you see his new movie 4 bothers he had on them chunky heels giving him about 1.5 inches and he looked 5'9 max.
tgri said on 8/Feb/06
in a mens health mag he stated his height at 5'7 1/2 .

Editor Rob
you know I would look for this if I knew the year he is alleged to have said it ;-)
tommy said on 7/Feb/06
i saw him in real life. i am 5'5 with no shoes. he was maybe 1/2 inch taller. i was thinking, wow this guys looks small in real life.
D. Ray Morton said on 30/Jan/06
"Who is Glenn and how has he taken all these pictures with all of these different stars?"
trueheight said on 29/Jan/06
donnie is older and does appear to be consistently taller than his brother mark, by about 1.5-2.5 inches
Jessica said on 29/Jan/06
Aren't Donnie Wahlberg and Mark Wahlberg twins? If so, how come Donny is listed as 5'10" and Mark as 5'8" ?
Specialist said on 28/Jan/06
Who is Glenn and how has he taken all these pictures with all of these different stars?
Leung said on 23/Jan/06
5'8" is pretty accurate, possibly 5'8.5".
UNK said on 23/Jan/06
Rob, I think there is enough evidence to bring his height down to 5'7.5" or at least 5'7.75". What do you think?
CoolJ said on 22/Jan/06
Wahlberg has always looked 5'7.5"
Freddie M. said on 22/Jan/06
Are we all seeing the same picture? Glen is clearly taller, despite being further back in the shot.
leonari said on 22/Jan/06
ROB: I told you several times the guy is 5'7"...Please finally downgrade him. Please...
dmeyer said on 22/Jan/06
he looks taller then glenn
Danimal said on 22/Jan/06
How is he looking more 5'7", when he is clearly the same height as Glenn, if not taller.

Editor Rob
with pics its always having to consider who is closer to camera, posture etc...
leonari said on 12/Jan/06
ROB it's reallly time to downgrade this guy to 5'7" or 5'7.5". Please do me this favor
CoolJ said on 12/Jan/06
Wahlberg is definitely below 5'8
Mr. R said on 12/Jan/06
Having met George Clooney recently, who is between 5-9 and 5-10, without a doubt, Mark is closer to 5-7 than we thought. Clooney was at least 2 inches taller than him in the Storm and Kings films.
Glenn said on 12/Jan/06
I agree with 5-7.
MD said on 11/Jan/06
Here he is with 5'5"ish (many say slightly shorter) Jason Schwartzman:
I'm thinking he is closer to be around 5'7" barefoot, than 5'8".
Chris said on 7/Jan/06
How tall are you IG?
IG said on 6/Jan/06
why are you people so
Obsessed With Height??

Editor Rob
hey, this site covers my weekly beer buying bill ;) That's my excuse!
UNK said on 28/Dec/05
Oh, I see 'supposedly'. Sorry, not trying to give you a hard time. The quote you have above "I'm told that I look taller on screen..." is from Now Magazine, November 2000 ( What's interesting is the lead up to the quote...
Mark is a slight 5ft 7in tall, which he's clearly conscious of. "I'm told that I look taller on screen," he says. "One girlfriend said: "You look about 6ft 2in on screen." People look at me and say: "My God, what happened?" I can look pretty ordinary away from films. The camera does things to all of us."
UNK said on 28/Dec/05
Where did he say he is 5'9"... some chat? come on.

Editor Rob
you seen the word 'supposedly' in the comment a few posts down from this ;) other words on the whalberg forum someone said in an online chat he'd answered 5ft 9...there's quite a few fan encounters on his forum ranging from 5ft 7 to 5ft 10...
Dave said on 20/Dec/05
The average height in england for males must be about "5'10" i am 188cm(6'2) tall and see a lot of tall english males, we aren't as tall as the dutch or the nordic peoples but aren't small either and we are still going up where as the nordic peoples seem to have stayed at 5'11 on average for a quite few years now. still i consider myself to be quite tall.
sidewinder said on 1/Dec/05
if you look at his frame, he is very thin and his bone structure looks like that of a teenager (although muscular). he has a small face and small features. all of that can make him look slender in full body shots but i doubt the guy is over 5'7.
Height Tracker said on 22/Nov/05
The movie trueheight is referring to is called "Fear." I watched it just recently and I do agree he looked pretty short.
CelebHeights Editor said on 12/Oct/05
He's supposed to have said in a chat that he's 5ft 9.
Hani said on 5/Oct/05
i am swedish too and people here are pretty tall, i am 186cm which is just 2 inches above average height so it is like being 5'11 in the US which is not short but not praticularly tall either.When i am abroad i notice my self being the tallest guy or at least one of the tallest guys.
swede said on 4/Oct/05
Actually, average heigth in sweden for the young population is 180cm (men) and 167cm (women).
This means most men are between 170-190 and most women between 157-177.
Why couldn't a 170 cm guy look good!? That's crazy!
Viper452 said on 4/Oct/05
8 out of 10 are over 6-2?? Im calling major BS on that one. The average around there is 5-11.5, so very close to 6 feet. Probably more like 3-4 out of 10 are over 6-2.
Huff said on 3/Oct/05
Actually, "Gotxo", "koam"/
Gotxo said on 24/Sep/05
I agree with Koam, i'm Spanish. A survey of the 2000 year called "Enkid Study" revealed that spanish male under twentyone is 178cm. Girls are 164 but it's no surprising to met 180cm or nearby girls. I find their stated avg smaller than reality, but what you state, never in Hell.
And for Dutchland...there is a height diff about 5cm between the northern ones (protestant, richer) and the southerners (catholic, rich, but not so rich). Never been there i suppose that they are freakingly tall followed by Germans & Danish (180-181cm avg).
P.D. to Koam: You the english are no longer tall amidst europeans, you only remain with your inflated ego (wich is indeed big)
koam said on 22/Sep/05
I don't know where Huff has been or comes from in Europe cos I think thats not so, I am 5 9 (female) and thats tall (Im English) in countries like Italy, Ireland, France, Spain, people are even shorter. Only Netherlands and Nordic countries have tall people.
Anonymous said on 22/Sep/05
I don't know where Huff has been or comes from in Europe cos I think thats not so, I am 5 9 (female) and thats tall (Im English) in countries like Italy, Ireland, France, Spain, people are even shorter. Only Netherlands and Nordic countries have tall people.
Huff said on 7/Sep/05
I've always thought he looks like 5'7 or something, but he looks good though which is rather unsusual for that height. Though these days men who are 5'11" looks short becuase everyone has become bigger. In europe it's almost average when a woman is 5'11" and a man is 6'3"!
J. said on 27/Aug/05,1259,---14171,00.html
"He's disappointed lately because the 5-foot-7 actor bulked up 45 pounds to do a cop drama called "Pride and Glory" which fell through a month before filming this year."
Diplomat said on 20/Aug/05
I saw him at the premiere of Italian job in London and he is around 5'5 5'6 max
McFan said on 8/Jul/05
He looks the same height as Joaquin Phoenix who is listed as 5'8. There truly isn't much difference in their heights from the film.
trueheight said on 23/Jun/05
Anybody remember the movie he did with real short Reese Whitherspoon? where he played the evil boyfriend? He had on sneakers throughout, looked really short. watch that movie for his true height. I think he is struggling w/ 5,7. I dunno but that movie is a real indicater of this guys real height. it was one of his first roles before hollywood made him "5,9"
leonari said on 23/Jun/05
Sorrry Rob but to me he loks more than 2 inches shorter than Clooney. At least 2.5 inches...
Cool J said on 18/Jun/05
Check him out next to Don Cheadle in Boogie Nights. He is an inch shorter.
5'7 - 5'7.5
British Guy said on 4/Jun/05
Mark Walhberg Is Not 5ft 8in.
I Agree That He Always Wears Huge Heeled Footwear,
But Come To Think Of It Out Of These He Would Be Beetween 5ft 6in / 5ft 7in
Elvis said on 3/Jun/05
i tell you what guys, i met Sylvester stallone, he's a fren of mine, height, 174cm. thx
leonari said on 13/May/05
He looks huge on screen like many not so tall but very muscular guys like Sylvester Stallone for example. But in reality he is between 5'7" and 5'7.5"...In the famous calvin klein add with kate moss he is barely taller...maybe 4 cm...She is 5'6" so I guess I am right with 171-172 cm.
Lmeister said on 9/May/05
U are right about the 3 Kings he does look solid 5'8'', but U might re-consider after watching Rock Star ; )
Lmeister said on 9/May/05
That is hilarious Polska = ) There is no way that Mark would be more than 5'8''without lifts. Just watch the movie Rock Star and U might notice that he is close to the same height as Timothy Spall who is 5'7''...I think Mark is 5'7.5'' the same height as Tom Cruise...
Anonymous said on 3/May/05
He looks 5'5. i saw a picture of him and jennifer aniston she was on 3 inches heels and was 3 inches taler than him
JUSTMATT said on 2/Mar/05
Looking at he is 2,5 inch shorter than Clooney so maybe 5.7
J. said on 23/Feb/05
Nah, Wahlberg is 5'7". You're estimating the height with shoes on. Of course, he'd be 5'8" with shoes on.
Darren said on 20/Feb/05
Guy has a good personality when he can quote like that. Great actor too, always looks massive on screen. Probably wears lifts?