Johnson said on 23/Nov/16
Solid 167 cm for Mark. Davids is solid 171
MaskDeMasque said on 20/Dec/15
Saw him today in my local co-op. We had similar footwear and i was about 5 inches taller. I'm 5'9.5.
plus said on 12/Oct/15
@Rob Yes, I'm sure he is no less 167 cm (5'5.75) because he was similar to footballer Edgar Davids when they were challenging in 2014 Soccer Aid match. Davids is 169 cm. But Mark Owen's body structure makes them appear a little shorter
plus said on 7/Oct/15
here he is with Danny Jones and Marvin Hughes. Could he be 167 cm?
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
roughly 5ft 6 I think is ok, at times he may well look a bit less
Arch Stanton said on 19/Jan/13
In the ball park anyway, 5 ft 7 was always a joke for him. He's tiny if you seem him in comparison to some. 5'4.5"-5'5.5" somewhere in that range, 5'5" is a reasonable guess.
theenforcer22 said on 31/Oct/11
all those that think that he's small, i suppouse you are a really good singer &
you globally famous
He is small. No one is saying it's bad to be small, people are just debating it. A lot of people on here are the missing the point of this website, it's to debate the height of people! No one has said he isn't talented, famous, sex, rich or good looking.
olivia said on 15/Jul/11
I think he looks hot regardless, at least his face isnt young. He's my height, yay lmao
Embosaur said on 11/Jun/11
Agree with 'Charlotte', he is just a bit gorgeous, regardless of his height. Hes yummmmmmy :)
kathryn.t said on 30/Apr/11
all those that think that he's small, i suppouse you are a really good singer &
you globally famous?
chloeee said on 11/Apr/11
who cares how tall he is? he is a successfull popstar and part of a extremeley great and successfull band. he is perfect for his wife emma, and tbh with you all, 5ft5 or not. i'm only 16 and i'm 5ft8. height is just numbers, same with age.
Lindsey said on 29/Mar/11
Height, age, etc, they are all just numbers. What about personality? Some people are so shallow, but you can't please everyone. Mark is perfect for Emma and that's all that matters! BTW, I'm 5ft 3inches, but I don't care cause the people that matter to me love me just the way I am!
Daphne Wilshere said on 28/Mar/11
I saw Mark on a bike ride last week. The rumours are true - he is very short and definitely no more than 5'5.
Charlotte said on 24/Mar/11
Mark Owen is so handsome it doesn't matter how tall he is- who wouldn't fancy him?
Emma_Ferguson said on 10/Mar/11
Why are you all making fun of my husband's height? He may be a little shorter than me but when he saw this he was upset!
TheVerve179-181 said on 13/Dec/10
Anonymous says on 29/Jun/09
What the hell is that? 5'7 is perfect for 12 year-old girls? Can't believe it. Most people don't know how a true 5'7 guy looks like. It's actually pretty close from average
haha, frustrated arent we? thats plain short.
Anonymous said on 29/Jun/09
What the hell is that? 5'7 is perfect for 12 year-old girls? Can't believe it. Most people don't know how a true 5'7 guy looks like. It's actually pretty close from average
Steve said on 20/Apr/09
I once did a roadie job as a Trucker I did not know who was going to be on the gigg but I saw Mark Owen in a Loading bay at the place where I took the lighting for the gigg was (not saying where lol), Iam am `5-6" ( OK OK Short for a Trucker I know lol) and I was surprised how short he was, he walked past Me and I had about 3 inches on him , a very short chap indeed but onlookers through the fence he did not ignore , a nice chap it seems but deffo a short one .
chloe said on 10/Apr/09
how funny is it that Mark Owen's height is getting so many comments?
who really cares? he's still a great singer and gorgeousss and lovely
and hes still taller than me so its alright ;)
Anonymous said on 20/Mar/09
This media derision of short stature is pathetic.
Doug said on 13/Mar/09
LOL this guy must weigh no more than 130 pounds.
Doug said on 13/Mar/09
He has always looked very short. 5'4-5'5" looks about right.
Yo said on 20/Feb/09
Years ago had my pic taken with mark owen who is 5'5, and im way taller than him, well if he claims 2 b 5'7 that makes me even more taller. Plus when u c the rest of take that they all look a bit same height lol.
Leo said on 13/Dec/08
Looks accurate. 5ft 5 in shoes imo
Lozzer said on 26/Oct/08
Next to supposedly 5'7.5" Gary Barlow:
Click Here
Saad Alam said on 25/Aug/08
Doesn't matter if he is 5'6 or 5'7 or so called short. He is a great singer and composer of a highly talented band
simon said on 9/Aug/08
hes about 5"6" in shoes. i saw him in a shop in kendal.
Josephine said on 12/Jul/08
Yeah I don't believe any of the people saying he is bigger than 5'5" just look at pics of him with other celebs, he is smaller than people who claim to be 5'7". By the way the Sunday Mirror is crap.
Sarah said on 16/May/08
I spent a night out with Mark Owen when Take That did a promo tour in Australia March 07. He was the same height as me and I'm 5ft 6'.
I actually thought he would have been shorter...
Ant said on 31/Mar/08
My wife worked in a hairdressers in a Manchester hotel got quite a few famous people in, Mark owen is about 5ft 6 in shoes. so the listed height is about right. My wife is 5ft tall and she said he was short.
David said on 4/Mar/08
'Shockingly described as high as 5ft 7'. :D
Anna said on 22/Oct/07
aaargh - don't know how to prove it.. I do have photos.. Now I am paranoid there was a heel on his shoe.. but then there must have been when you saw him too, so he'd be the same height?! 5'5 is waaay short for a guy. He's not that short. Not that I'd complain either way ;)
Evanna said on 22/Oct/07
No way! He's no taller than 5'5", I saw him several times in person. He is very short and skinny. Reminded me of Pocoyo, only without the blue hat...
Anna said on 22/Oct/07
Honeeest!! I've met him a few times. I am 5'6 3/4 and he is just perfect kissing height.. no way shorter than me. I never wear high heels though as wouldn't want to tower over him (definitely would in heels)
Yes - I am a TT groupie :)
leonari said on 16/Oct/07
Anna: I don't belive 5'7" way
Anna said on 15/Oct/07
Mark is 5'7 or JUST under - like 5'6 1/2 at the shortest. He aint 5'5. I've met him & tried my best (ha ha!)
tubbs said on 13/Sep/07
I met him a couple of years ago, he was doing a promotion at the HMV in the local shopping centre. He was 5'5", no way was he 5'7", he even made a joke about his height.
leonari said on 13/Sep/07
k: If Mark is 5'7" and you can provide some proof for that I will no longer post on this board. THE MAN IS 5"5 max. Go measure yourself man!
k said on 1/Sep/07
Mark is 5'7, I have met him loads. I am 5'7, he is my height.
Lmeister said on 3/Mar/07
That is ridiculous comment. He always looked short and really slender...
Editor Rob said on 2/Mar/07
Thing is...Mark himself said "I'm 5ft 7in. People say I look much taller on tv" in 2005 Independent.
leonari said on 28/Dec/06
Evanna said on 13/Dec/06
You know Rob, now that you've started adding my fellow Mancunians, perhaps you could also add Johnny Marr, Ian Brown, Shaun Ryder and the rest of the now-forgotten-former-hype-musicians... I haven't heard of any Stone Roses reunions yet, but one never knows ;)
Evanna said on 8/Dec/06
Brilliant quote, Rob! As I described on Barlow's page, I physically overgrew Owen when I was 13, and soon after that I overgrew Take That music as well. Mark did try later on to become this credible indie rock musician. Too bad he couldn't sing (still can't).