Legend 177 cm said on 24/Nov/24
I'm not sure why Google lists him at 5'9". He’s always been your typical 5'7" guy.
5'7 and a fraction said on 8/Sep/23
Legit 5'7 guy. Doesn't look much different these days. Could be 5'7 and a fraction over peak and then weak 5'7 today.
Slim1.75m said on 3/Mar/23
How much does he weight Rob 170-175Ib I read he lost a lot of weight for the sequel trilogy.

Editor Rob
I could imagine over 170 lbs in the last decade.
Sh0ckeh said on 14/Jan/23
I always thought he was a perfect 5'7 (170cm) spot on, nothing more, no chance. Nowadays definitely 5'6.75
ConRed said on 2/Dec/22
Rob, would you consider adding the late great Kevin Conroy. Voiced Batman alongside Hamills Joker in the Batman Animated Series. He was usually listed 6ft 2. Kevin must've been in that range as he had a lanky look to him.

Editor Rob
I wasn't sure about him last time I looked...could have been over 6ft 2 in his prime.
Sonnecker said on 4/Oct/22
Mark was clearly above 170 cm at the time of Star Wars, probably 171/2...
I'd give him 5'7" 1/2 back then, 5'7" now.
berta said on 23/Jun/22
very honest guy. peak no less than 170. i tihnk maybe 170,5 and today havent really lost any. But lets say weak 170 today.
Jayk said on 2/Jan/22
his height is far from abnormal I have seen a fair amount of shorter men usually often. Solid below average in usa but still within range for males.
5'10 Dude said on 3/Nov/21
He may still be 5'7. It doesn't look like he's lost much if anything. He's on the short side, but he's not tiny.
slothee said on 2/Nov/21
Looked a very honest 5’7” in his prime. Probably didn’t fall below it or if he did by barely anything.
5'11.5 Coper said on 9/Sep/21
The original short king, 5'7 on the dot for sure.
viper said on 28/Jun/21
He doesn't need a current and peak
Still looks 5-7
viper said on 28/Jun/21
Lol, alive and well
Yeah, a long way away from what he use to look like
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 26/Jun/21
This is gonna sound like an odd question, but is he still alive? Cause if he is I can see him needing a peak and a current
Slim 6'1" said on 6/Nov/20
Flat 5’7”
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Sep/20
🎁🎊🎈🎂 Happy Birthday Mark! 🎂🎈🎊🎁
A big Happy Birthday wish is being sent 'Star Wars' actor Mark Hamill's way on this, his 69th Birthday! ♋
5ft7 😁👍
KH said on 29/May/20
Still this tall? Not too sure about that. Feels like this probably very close to peak. Its hard to believe but he is not far from being 69.

Editor Rob
He doesn't seem to have lost much really.
Jkiller said on 16/May/20
Always looked a decent 5'7
Nik Ashton said on 5/May/20
He ain’t short!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/May/20
@ Christopher Cygos - You lead an interesting life, Christopher!
Who could think Mark is 5ft8.5? Even Mark himself has a healthy, upbeat attitude to his own height, admitting to "5ft8 in my heels."
Bully for him! I see nothing wrong with anybody boosting his or her height with shoes. It's seen as the norm for women but if men do it, it's all too often frowned upon. Well, it shouldn't be!
Cheers Christopher! 😁👍
Mark gets 5ft7.
Christopher Cygos said on 4/May/20
That's pretty accurate. I was part of his police protection when he came to Cyprus on a promotional tour. I'm 5'9 and was around 2 inches taller. There's no way at all he's 5'8.5 like some people are claiming. He's closer to 5'6.5 than 5'8.5
Spencer said on 11/Apr/20
5'7.5" when he was younger. 5'7" now.
Willis Christian Macaraig said on 22/Feb/20
Luke seems to be 11.5 inches shorter than Vader because Vader is 6'8" and Luke is 5'81/2". So i should say that Mark Hamill is 5'81/2". Mark seems to be the same height as my Uncle Albert because he is also the same height as the actor who played Luke in Star Wars and Sticky Beard in Code name: Kids Next Door.
the thing said on 16/Jan/20
5ft 8 in heels what does that mean hes a man he does not wear heels
RichardSpain said on 28/Dec/19
Mark Hamill 170'5cm peak.170 now
Ford 183'5cm 180 now
Xion 5'8 said on 19/Dec/19
He was listed 5'6 in Kingsman, on the movie
Keith 5'10 said on 13/Dec/19
In his youth, he was the taller 5'7 i've ever seen. Now, maybe a hair under that.
Bobby 5ft 10in (178cm) said on 13/Dec/19
I saw the original Star Wars last night, and I would've given him 5'8 at peak height, he looked maybe 3-4 inches shorter than peak height Harrison Ford. I would say closer to 5'8 than 5'7 in 1977, or they likely made him wear big boots or something to stand well with Harrison Ford who was basically 6'1 in his heyday.

Editor Rob
Hamill is one of the honest guys out there.
Aar?n R said on 5/Dec/19
Rob has he not lost height? He looked 5'7 in starwars.

Editor Rob
Hamill has used Jedi mind-tricks to fool everybody into thinking he's still 5ft 7 😮
But seriously, I think he has kept height loss to a minimum. Can still pull off (if he stands well) closer to 5ft 7 than 6.5.
Nik Ashton said on 19/Sep/19
I take my 🎩 off to him!
Yang (5 footer 8, 172-173) said on 11/Aug/19
Height? I can go with he claimed as 5ft 7 long ago unlike weight he claimed 130lbs.. He certainly isn't skinny men with 130lbs weight at all. He can weight around 180lbs but not as much as I weight(Must admit, my current weight is around 210lbs which I am in obese category [32] based on BMI check).....
Michael - 5'10" (178 cm) said on 8/Aug/19
Google lists him as 5’9” now lmao. He’s 5’7” at most.
Robin Peck said on 17/Apr/19
I saw Mark Hamill interviewed on TV today and Ryan Seacrest towered over him...and since Seacrest is 5ft. 7.5 in....there is no way that Hamill could be 5ft. 7in.....I'd say 5ft. 4in at the very best.
TOmCAt said on 24/Mar/19
I'm quite surprised to find here that he is 5'7 & 1/4' tall during the SW original trilogy.
Watching him in EMpire Strikes BaCK he looked a solid 5'9 or 5'10 weighing about 175 pounds plus.
It just goes to show you having a good weight & posture goes a long way. Mark Hamill did a fine
job as a Jedi in SW 07.
'Annonymous' said on 9/Mar/19
Mark and Hayden Christensen met in 2017:
Click Here
Mark really does not look as short as 5'7". Rob, do you see Mark's chances for 5'7.25"?

Editor Rob
There's always a chance. He says 5ft 8 in heels, but then maybe 5ft 8.25 in a 1 inch heel was possible. With Hayden that moment he can look much taller than his claim, but then moments can catch people shorter like
Here with Ian and Denis Lawson
Spencer said on 17/Jan/19
5'7" tops.
TheBat said on 27/Nov/18
I'm glad Mark isn't insecure with his height, 5'7" is a perfect listing.
EthanCouch said on 18/May/18
How tall is he barefoot Rob?

Editor Rob
I think hamill is one of the honest height claimers. 5ft 7 barefoot and 5ft 8 in a boot.
He's held up his height well, maybe at worse a fraction lost, but not anything like 2cm.
berta said on 29/Apr/18
this guy is honest about his height. lways looked his cliam. if i didnt know he had claimed any height and just went with starwars i would have guessed him 169-171 with biggest chanse of 170,5 ish. legit 170 guy
Warren said on 21/Mar/18
170-171 young
169-170 today
Joah said on 4/Mar/18
5 7 ish peak no more id say weak 5 7 now.
Doesnt seem to have lost much .5 maybe.
He always looked short not just starwars.
Good actor at times better voicer.
Newman said on 1/Mar/18
Glad to see him back in Star Wars. Looks like the dude from The Hangover these days.
Isaac 5'10" said on 28/Jan/18
The fact that he's claiming 5'8" with shoes would rule out any possibility of 172 barefoot for Hamill. Solid 5'7" guy, nothing more.
Jake94 (5'9 said on 18/Jan/18
Hey Rob, do you think 172cm peak is possible for Hamill? I think he might still be a bit above 5'7" today, considering his age he's probably lost at least half an inch in height right?

Editor Rob
I doubt it. He gave 5ft 7 and then 5ft 8 in heels.
I suppose you could argue a strong 5ft 7 at times, but I can't see him almost 5ft 8.
Ted said on 26/Dec/17
5'7 1/4 peak, 5'7 flat today.
Mister lennon said on 24/Dec/17
Lucas was always 5'6.
Richard said on 23/Dec/17
George Lucas was 5'4" in 1976.
Guest66 said on 23/Dec/17
5'7" today, could have pulled off a weak 5'8" at peak.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Dec/17
He actually still looks about this today
Mister lennon said on 20/Dec/17
I mean, he was 5'6 peak
Mister lennon said on 20/Dec/17
Lucas was 5'5 peak. He was 3 inches taller than 5'3 scorsese and 1 inch shorter than 5'7 spielberg
Actually, he could be 5'5.
James said on 19/Dec/17
George Lucas was never 5'6". That was just his official height. In reality he was 5'5" at his peak.
Peter175 said on 19/Dec/17
Insane how he still looks the same height as he did in the 70s.
Jordan87 said on 18/Dec/17
@ James,
Click Here
Click Here
Hamill is a solid Inch Taller than Takei who is 5'5. Hamil is taller than 5'5 you need to chilax my man.
Yes people where lifts, not 90 percent of the planet.
Mister lennon said on 17/Dec/17
Hamill was 5'7 peak. A true one. Now, he is a strong 5'6.
George lucas is 5'6. Now, probably a little less.
Lifts thing is garbage as always.
Bobby said on 16/Dec/17
Rob, can you also add that he's also best known for providing the voice of The Joker in Batman: The Animated Series? In fact, he's been voicing this character since the 90s, for about as long as Kevin Conroy has been voicing Batman. I don't know if you count voice actors as being celebrities, but many well-known actors such as Mark Hamill have lent their voice to video games and other media. Nathan Fillion has voiced Green Lantern for instance, and Stana Katic has voiced Lois Lane, and funnily enough, Molly Quinn has voiced Supergirl.
mande2013 said on 16/Dec/17
Rob, what would you say is the height difference here between Hamill and Rian Johnson:
Click Here

Editor Rob
seems like he's close to 2 inches taller. Hamill generally has terrible posture when taking photos with fans, there he's standing decent and still looks near his claim...the force has been helping him not shrink much.
James said on 14/Dec/17
Hamill was only 5'7" with the lifts he wore in the "Star Wars" films. George Lucas is 5'4".
Mister lennon said on 13/Dec/17
5'7 peak. 5'6 today.
He was a litle bit taller than george lucas.
James said on 11/Dec/17
Hamill was never more than 5'6". He's 5'5" today.
Danimal said on 10/Dec/17
Edge said on 17/May/17
5'8 when he was young, 5'7 today. If Harrison ford was 6'.05", who btw I don't think ever looked more than 6 feet flat, then Mark was at least 5'8.
He stated he was 5'8" IN HEELS. He was never over 5'7" and is closer to 5'6" today at 66 years old.
Danimal said on 10/Dec/17
Sacred said on 6/Nov/17
5'9" for Mark Hamill
You're giving him an inch taller than he himself stated his own height IN HEELS from 40 years ago when he was in his mid 20's??? Read what he said at the top of the page. He said he is 5'8" IN HEELS back in 1977, so how then can he be 5'9" barefoot according to you? There is no logic in your statement whatsoever.
Danimal said on 10/Dec/17
Rob, Mark is 66 years old and could have lost close to a full inch by now.
Mister lennon said on 1/Dec/17
5'7 peak.
About 5'6 noow.
anyonmious said on 30/Nov/17
It should be 5'6" present height and 5'7" for his peak height
James said on 30/Nov/17
He never looked any more than 5'6".
The Shredder said on 29/Nov/17
5'7 and 130 does seem about right in the first 3 Star Wars films , He could be 5'6 now.
176cm guy said on 26/Nov/17
Hey Rob, is it possible that he could be closer to 171cm?

Editor Rob
I'd say an honest enough guy claiming to be 5ft 7.
Benny said on 20/Nov/17
Woah I thought he was 5 10
DirectorKrennic said on 14/Nov/17
5ft7.25in. no more, no less.
Richardspain said on 12/Nov/17
5'7 with lucky barefoot
Anonymous said on 10/Nov/17
he said he was 5.8 with heels on,which suggests he is 5.5 in height i thought he was a genuine 5.8 man with no heels.
Sacred said on 6/Nov/17
5'9" for Mark Hamill
Sacred said on 6/Nov/17
He is 5'9".
Lucas said on 11/Oct/17
"Too Short to pass as a Stormtrooper in his disguise even though the guy who played Jango Fett (that the Stormtroopers were cloned from) is his height if not shorter.
Ironic isn't it?"
Stormtroopers aren't clones.
MisterManletMick said on 20/Sep/17
Too Short to pass as a Stormtrooper in his disguise even though the guy who played Jango Fett (that the Stormtroopers were cloned from) is his height if not shorter.
Ironic isn't it?
Cameron said on 30/Aug/17
@bear hugger Google also currently has Rob Schneider (who claimed 5'5") listed as 5'9". Can't believe every height you see on Google. Many of them are way off.
even said on 16/Aug/17
legitimate 1,700 mm man .
berta said on 23/Jul/17
richardspain i think you are spot on with your guesses!!!!!1 Maybe ford today is littel under 180 rather than overtought.
Spencer said on 9/Jul/17
He looked 5'7.5 when he was younger .
RichardSpain said on 27/Jun/17
Carrie Fisher : 155 cm
Mark Hamill: 170cm
Harrison Ford: 183/184cm
When they were young and barefoot. Nowadays Mark could be 168 /169cm and Harrison Ford 180/ 181 cm.
Colonel Sanders said on 6/Jun/17
He looks taller than that
Scarlett Rose said on 18/May/17
I have dug out my old Star Wars scrapbooks. In one, there are the profiles of six of the major stars of the Star Wars saga at the time they were published in a British magazine (1982). They were Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, David Prowse (Darth Vader), Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) and Kenny Baker (R2-D2). This is what it said about Mark Hamill...
Birthdate: 25 September, 1951
Birthplace: Oakland, California
Birthsign: Libra
Height: 1.70m (5 ft 7 in)
Weight: 67kg (approx 147 pounds)
Hair: Fair
Eyes: Blue
Education: Spent schooldays in Japan before returning to the USA to study at the Theatre Of Art City College in Los Angeles
Home: Malibu, California
Family details: One of seven children of a US Navy captain
Hobbies: Water sports, keeping fit
Pets: Inherited rabbits and chickens with new house. Also has some cats
Married: To dental hygienist Mary Lou York [sic]
Children: Son, Nathan
Fav. food: Barbecued fish
Fav. drink: Good beer
Previous jobs: Copy boy for associated press
Previous films: Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back
Fav. film: King Kong (the original)
Likes: My idea of a good night out is to broil up some fish on a barbecue on the beach and sit out under the stars with my friends
Dislikes: Greasy food
If you want to read about the other five stars of Star Wars, seek the pages dedicated to them. 😊
Edge said on 17/May/17
5'8 when he was young, 5'7 today. If Harrison ford was 6'.05", who btw I don't think ever looked more than 6 feet flat, then Mark was at least 5'8.
James said on 10/May/17
Mark Hamill is 5'6".
berta said on 4/May/17
beside weak 184 cm ford he looked almost 15 cm shorter.anyehe0re from 169-171 is possible but i put my money on 170 cm otre 3-4 mm under it. As usuall mister_lennon do i agree with you
mister_lennon said on 27/Apr/17
Ford was 183-184 peak.
hamill about 170-171 peak.
And carrie about 155-156 peak.
Morris said on 26/Apr/17
Ford was 180cm max Mark was 15cm less than him and 10cm more than Carrie. He is not tall He is normal. There are not only tall or little parameters but also normal parameter. 165-175cm is a normal height. Problem is that tall people think to be normal. The average height is 165cm in the whole world.
Chris said on 20/Apr/17
Peak 5'8" IMO he just looks too tall in his younger pics to be lower then that.
Ron said on 14/Apr/17
5'7" peak. Current 5'6".
Cameron said on 10/Apr/17
5'8" peak. Current 5'6.75".
RichardSpain said on 5/Apr/17
If Harrison was 184cm or 185cm in peak, Mark Hamill maybe 174cm in peak . Today Hamill around 171cm and Harrison around 181cm.
Adijos said on 19/Mar/17
5'9" peak
5'7.75" actual
anyonmious said on 20/Jan/17
I think that mark hamill present height is 5'6.5", his peak height was 5'7"
berta said on 19/Jan/17
he looked liek a 169 guy in star wars no taller than the listign
Nick1.76 said on 10/Jan/17
Dad has a photo with him at a convention back in 84'. Dad is 5'11" and Mark was just at his eye level. I'd say that's about a 10cm difference so Mark was 5'7" back in the day...which wasn't too short back then. I'm 5'9.25" and I feel average in the Uk nowadays, I'd say anything between 5'7"-5'11" is not a noticeable difference from average height.
Chloe said on 28/Dec/16
5'6.5" at end of day. Met him at a convention. I'm 5'9" and had a good 2.5 inches on him.
Miiiiiiighty_- said on 30/Nov/16
Must be 168cm nowadays, peak 5'6.5"
Terry Salter said on 24/Nov/16
Yes Mark Hamill is short, but who cares? He still made it.
Peter175 said on 9/Nov/16
What do you think he's lost if any Rob?
Maybe time to bring him down to 169? but looking at his peak height with Ford in the star wars movies to them on red carpet now, it looks like there's only ~4 inch difference currently as opposed to ~6 in the 80s. Here is a pic with him and Aaron Paul who is around 172
Click Here

Editor Rob
Peter, today Mark may look 169 range, I do think a fraction of sorts might have been lost, 1/4-1/2 might be possible.
Peter175 said on 28/Oct/16
Is this peak or "now" height?
I always thought he look a strong 5ft7.5-75 in the SW films. I guess the "boots" could explain it

Editor Rob
I believe he was a 5ft 7 guy in his peak, shorter than someone like Anthony Daniels.
josh jeffords said on 9/Oct/16
Another funny one Hamill was in several movies other than Star Wars the real ones..
He has played characters that were supposed to be 6ft and in sequels the next guy was over 6ft.
I guess he was just a better actor and had a lot of camera help, he and the 5 1 Carrie Fisher say hes short so he is.
Also a fantastic voice actor give the guy a break 5 6 isnt so bad but 130 that is tiny :>.
MJKoP said on 8/Oct/16
I find it downright perplexing that he would claim to be only 5'8" in HEELS when he looked like he'd be comfortably over 5'9" BAREFOOT when standing next to Mamun. Mamun is nothing less than a very strong 5'8.25" and Hamill easily looked taller, even with far inferior posture. I guess it goes to show you that pictures can be quite deceiving!
Ryan said on 15/Aug/16
Yes please do Kevin Conroy famous for the main voice of batman in all video games and tv shows like Batman: The Animated Series and the award winning games like Arkham Ayslum, Arkham City, Arkham Origins and Arkham Knight.
Bruce said on 9/Aug/16
Can please do Kevin Conroy ? He claims to be 6 ft 2 but other websites list him as 6ft I am really confused.... ?
musket said on 28/Apr/16
I believe 5'7 half and even scale of his action figures are short compared to most action figures too in the 3.75 inch line so that is also saying something too.
James B said on 26/Apr/16
No denying he's short
Yo said on 12/Apr/16
Rob, do you think Daisy could be taller than him?

Editor Rob
I think Hamill has managed not to lose much height by his age, he's held up better than I thought he would...so they may well measure very close to each other.
Ridley is a girl who can look anywhere from 5ft 6 up to 5ft 7.
berta said on 22/Mar/16
beside harrison ford who is about 180 these Days he looks a Little more than 10 cm shorter. maybe 170 peak but 168 now
Ethan said on 9/Mar/16
To who ever said Mark Hamill is taller than Peter Mayhew: Chewbacca was standing 5 feet behind Luke and he was closer to the camera.
the shredder said on 24/Dec/15
Rob , 5'6.5 now ? J.J. edges him.

Editor Rob
at 64 a cm loss for him would be quite possible
Ron said on 9/Dec/15
It's weird how I never really saw him as this height, I always took his 5'9 as accurate...
Hamill seems pretty open about his height in a good way, like "it's a number, get over it" which I find refreshing, but I think the perception of him being taller is down to Harrison Ford.
More and more I think "has he really lost so much height"? He now looks a deal shorter than Daniel Craig, and he's still pretty fit! I'm probably alone in this but I'm really, really starting to doubt Ford was ever that tall, maybe a weak 181-2 at best and he just wore stacked heels some of the time, helped by his thin build.
He signed something for a crew member friend of mine a few months back, the friend being a strong 6'1/185.5ish and Ford just looked totally dwarfed - not in height so much as stature, there was just no way he could have ever been on a level with the crew member
Jug said on 2/Dec/15
Next to 6'1 Harrison Ford, I'd say closer to 5'6.
Brad said on 28/Oct/15
He's much bigger in the new one when the bad guy lifts off his mask and it is Mark Hamill all along.
James Rutland said on 20/Oct/15
He should be 165cm without shoes, if Carrie is 150 153 cm tall.
See here:
Click Here
Chuckie Cheese 2 said on 2/Oct/15
The guy may be more 5'6 or 5'6-1/2" nowdays. All 1970's magazines list him at 5'7, 130 lb -- it wasn't till years later the bogus 5'9" internet listings emerged.
Jim said on 5/Jun/15
Click Here
He's cleary taller than Peter Mayhew here. Wouldn't 7ft 2in be closer to his real height, Rob?

Editor Rob
maybe 7ft 5 would be better!
Stu said on 24/May/15
There's always people in these forums that say "I met ____ and (s)he's __ tall" which is extremely faulty when considering how inaccurate both memory and vision are, factoring in posture, and the effect of footwear. Plus, the poster could simply be lying.
Cliff said on 9/May/15
@ Rampage(-_-_-)Clover: Was someone else in that photo? All I saw was Carrie's see-thru shirt! :D
Ed2882 said on 30/Apr/15
So I'm wondering what Mark Hamill's current height is now. It's pretty evident he was 170cm at his peak, but now it seems like he lost 1-2cm. So maybe his current listing should be 5-6.5"? I only say this because Anthony Daniels is currently listed as 171cm, and he has about an inch over Hamill based on the latest SW Celebration videos and photos.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Mar/15
Click Here
Rob, how tall does Ford appear to you in this photo?

Editor Rob
without knowing Carrie's footwear hard to say when standing just beside her there. He's certainly taller then than in last 10 years, noticeably I believe.
Dan said on 18/Feb/15
For what it's worth, his character in "Kingsman" was listed as 5'6".
Tr27 said on 14/Feb/15
5'7 then, 5'6 now.
Joe said on 18/Dec/14
Mark was never a tall guy, and Luke was not a tall hero, but he was still very likable and still he was the main hero of the original trilogy, even though Han Solo was the most popular and much taller hero, Luke used the force. Its interesting they decided to cast a much taller actor to portray Anakin, Hayden Christensen, who is 6 feet even.
SaveUsY2J said on 10/Jun/14
Click Here
Rob, next to Billy Dee Williams who you've met, he still looks closer to 5'8" than 5'7" - and this is at age 62.

Editor Rob
anthony daniels is nearer 5ft 7 today, I don't think hamill is taller than daniels
Chuckie Cheese 2 said on 26/Mar/14
5 feet 7 he is. Greg the best evidence I see is in the below 1971 interview:
Click Here
Tiger Beat Magazine interviewed the 20 year old Hamill who was listed at 5 ft 7, 130 lbs. Eyes Blue. These appear to be accurate details. His 29 inch waist khaki jeans used in Star Wars 1977 fetched $ 39,000 at auction last year, also suggest a body mass of some 130 -140 pounds.
Meltdown said on 16/Jan/14
5'7.5 Peak eight, 5'6.5 current.
5ft7 in bare feet said on 23/Nov/13
Camera angles tend to muddle the perception of height differences. In several straight on shots in the original Star Wars Hamill looks a full head taller Than Fisher and Ford looks Nearly a Head taller than Hamill. Also in costume vader stood about 6.9 so of course Hamill's going to look tiny to him even in heels of his own. BTW I always thought Bruce Lee looked under 5.7.
Brad (182 cm) said on 25/Sep/13
Mark Hamill looked 5'8" in the group photo below. However, 6'6" David Prowse looked at most 6'4" next to him and Harrison Ford, so those must be big heels or a very funky camera angle.
Arch Stanton said on 6/Sep/13
He looks 5 ft 6 next to Alec Guinness in Star Wars
Berna said on 9/Aug/13
5'7 seems right.
Brad said on 16/May/13
5' 6", short in every film.
wiltonstilts said on 26/Apr/13
He's 5'8. I've watched a lot of star wars he's always looked 5'8 maybe 5'9 sometimes lol
Anonymous said on 7/Mar/13
Check out this pic, Luke, Leia, Solo, Vader and Chewi (without costumes!)
Click Here
chris said on 28/Dec/12
5'6.5 - a little short for a stormtrooper
edward t said on 21/Dec/12
Mark looked very small to me, not 5ft7 in ROTJ. I estimated him visually to be 5feet,6inches,
While on the subjest of bruce lee, i always assumed bruce lee was taller considering he could beat anyman in the world up in a fight, and he looked taller as well i thought.
Caroline Munro said on 24/Nov/12
I thought hamil looked 5ft6 in star wars. Not much taller than princess leia. He looked absolutley tiny against Darth Vader, but taking into consideration Dave Prowse is in that costume. Im sure in 2inch cuban heels Hamil could be 5ft8.
He cant be as tall as the one and only Bruce lee can he? Actually Lee isnt that tall as well is he?
Daniel Craig said on 11/Nov/12
Mark hamil is 5feet 7 is he? I just saw return of the jedi and was thinking he looked tiny. I was guessing he must be about 5feet6 and a bit maybe but of course i could be wrong, just giving my thoughts.
I didnt think he looked as tall as bruce lee.
Desann said on 29/Oct/12
Well ok, 5'7" is a bit too downgraded for him. 5'7.5" would be his height at least. The official Lucas website says that he stands 172cm as Luke Skywalker and I don't think that it is a lie. Anyway, he could be 5'8" at his very highest.
phl said on 10/Feb/12
im 5'7. if i put heels ill be at least 5'9.
HellBoundPower said on 9/Feb/12
He looks the same height as Mamun in that picture. Unless he's weaing lifts and/or big footwear, he's the same height. 5'8.5" barefoot if he's wearing normal footwear in that pic.
Jason said on 10/Jan/12
In the first movie of Star Wars to be released (1977), Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) appears to be around a similar height to that of Threepio (listed at 1.67m) or perhaps 0.5 - 1 inch taller. I'm guessing 5'7" - 5'8" in prime.
Bon_ said on 5/Jan/12
He doesn't look any shorter than Mamun on the pic. Mamun, what do you say?
maio said on 12/Dec/11
5 ft 6.5 in/169 cm at his peak. Nowadays he's around 5 ft 5.5 in/166 cm, i guess...
g said on 15/Nov/11
lucas called him short but he's the same height as him haha idiot
Legend said on 23/Sep/11
He's 5'6.5
Brad said on 26/Aug/11
He's 5' 6". Lucky to be alive after a massive operation on his face after a car crash 30+ years ago.
Bon_ said on 24/Aug/11
what do you guys think how tall does he look next to Mamun?
Bon_ said on 27/Jul/11
5'7.75 (172 cm)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Jun/11
171-172cm I think...lol he looks high next to Mamun.
crazy_cat said on 8/Jun/11
Well, however tall he is or isn't, he was so hot!!! He was my first major crush, and even though he's much older now, i still crush on him sometimes. ;)
leonari said on 21/May/11
Never is he 5'8" or 5'9". What a joke. He was 5'7" peak height before his accident. Possible he was a tad shorter after that.
Happihills said on 20/May/11
He's 5'8 - 5'9. All the other sources say 5'9. From the age of 25 people start to shrink.
Click Here
People always say on here that they're shorter than they really are. It's probaby because all the insecure short people come on here, and say these celbrities are shorter just so they feel better about themselves.
austrianguy said on 2/May/11
He really doesnt look particulary short, even next to Harrison Ford. If he didn't more or less give him self 5'7 i'd at least guessed 5'8 or 5'9.
rafa said on 28/Mar/11
Rob, what does he mean by saying "Im 5'8" in my heels"? It is a metaphor? What do you think?

Editor Rob
you could take it a few ways, he maybe is saying he looks 5ft 8 when he wears a bit of extra heel, and is somewhere in the 5ft 7-7.5 range.
I don't think he means he's 5ft 6.5 and with a 1.5 inch heel is 5ft 8 though...
Mamun said on 7/Mar/11
I am very sorry PHR , but I don't remember the footwear !
albert said on 6/Mar/11
great to hear Luke Skywalker is exactly my height. He was my childhood hero.:)!!
PHR said on 17/Feb/11
Mamun what about the footwear in this pic ?
Asera said on 19/Jan/11
He said himself that he's the same size as Lucas and 5'8 in his heels! So he's 5'6.
Mr. Kaplan said on 16/Dec/10
I would've guessed 5'6" in in the first Star Wars movie. Very thin.
Mamun said on 29/Nov/10
Thank you Brian !
Brian67 said on 28/Nov/10
you look so bad ass Mamun :D
Michelle said on 5/Jun/09
I've seen Dave Prowse in person and let me tell you, he is HUGE. Not just tall but large as well. Peter Mayhew is very thin and tall and cool.
BJSavage said on 31/May/09
I've seen A New Hope a million times and Luke looks to be about 5'5 or 5'6 to me. He's shorter than C-3PO & Obi-Wan, and only comes up to Han's eye, or eye brow at the end of the movie when they get decorated; standing side by side. He also looks fairly short in his Stormtrooper costume, since the chest armor is quite low on him. 501st members might agree with me here. Not to disagree, or argue with anyone, but I really think he is about 5'5 or possibly 5'7 around the time of A New Hope. Since he is quite a bit older now, I would even guess 5'4 0r 5'5 tops. A lot of people guessed 5'9. I'd say thats possible with his "heels" or whatever shoes were popular in the 70's.
RisingForce said on 7/May/09
5-7, he was just about 4 inches shorter than samuel l jackson recently. in fairness jackson was wearing thin shoes and hamill in monster elevators. he also gave 5-8, 5-8.5 illusions at an event next to 5-11.75, 6-0 harrison ford in 2005. 5-7 guy who hasn't lost height.
Random Person said on 2/Apr/09
It's a little hard to judge from that photo. I'd say 5'8 according to that photo, but 5'7.25 normally.
Hmaill used to be a good looking dude with boyish looks, he's aged a little bad unfortunately.
Dr Almonds said on 31/Jan/09
Id say 5'7.5 from this photo, he seems short in the starwars films but he is not a little guy. His large face, head and the puffy haircut in starwars adds to him seeming shorter than 5'7.
D said on 10/Jan/09
just watched star wars on tv... han solo towers over luke skywalker and princess leia... if harrison ford is around 6 feet tall, mark hamill can't be any taller than 5'6"
RisingForce said on 27/Dec/08
He's probably as he says, about 5-8 in heels. Making him under 5-7, maybe 5-6ish.
Anonymous said on 24/Dec/08
He's shorter than I thought. Maybe it's because I'm short-even for my age, but I think the minimum good height for men is 5'9". Still, nothing against Mark Hamill.
Maribel said on 26/Sep/08
I'd say 1.71cm.
Jordan said on 14/Sep/08
I think if mark didnt lean in, Mamun would be an inch taller most likely.
Socom said on 9/Sep/08
I have to say Skywalker is 5'6.75. It is obviously a TERRIBLE picture all around.
Brad said on 24/Aug/08
Rob & Glenn have him correct, he's 5' 7".
Steve said on 19/Aug/08
Mark looks taller on that pic,there is no way he was only 5'6"-5'7" in those movies.
Uncle Joseph said on 19/Jul/08
They are both leaning. They look about the same height to me.
R said on 17/Jul/08
Marks shoulder is much lower than Supermans
Danimal said on 16/Jul/08
Looks 5'8". Rob, isn't the point of this site for us to look at a picture posted and gauge the height ourselves. You already decided for us at him being 5'7" without a prior debate and furthermore, that picture of him and Mamun, Mark is clearly looking the taller of the two, YET, you put down 5'7" for Mark? Not understanding your logic Rob.

Editor Rob
danimal it's a tough photo to judge unfortunately. I think even Mamun would say he has a lot better photos showing heights more clearer.
Although in this case at least it did show he saw ham up close and he could offer his own estimate, but Mark himself gave his height 'in boots' aswell.
Jurgen said on 13/Jul/08
Mark looks taller than Mamun. Face looks longer. Weird.
miko said on 11/Jul/08
I see 5"8 here.
Mamun said on 10/Jul/08
My friend he is closer to the camera and also I am leaning big time !
Davey said on 10/Jul/08
i thought he would be atleast 5`9.
Mamun said on 9/Jul/08
MY friend I am leaning big time and he is closer to the camera !
GSP said on 9/Jul/08
hhhmmm..why is he looking taller than mamum?
OutBenchThis said on 9/Jul/08
Ed, your conversions (metric to customary) are way off buddy.
Socom said on 14/Apr/08
He always looked 5'7-5'8 to me.
glenn said on 7/Feb/08
thanks nate.5-7 he seemed.tough he did look 5-8,5-9 in those movies.i havnt seen then in a dozen years.so maybe im wrong.
nate said on 6/Feb/08
great pic glenn lol
Jack said on 6/Feb/08
More like 5'6"-5'7", I should think. Harrison Ford is 6'0", Carrie Fisher is (barely) 5'0"
sf said on 30/Dec/07
Yes, he must be between 5'8".5 and 5'9", even though, he, himself, said he was 5'8" in HEELS.
Nik said on 29/Dec/07
That's pretty close to his height I think, but about 1/2 an inch too short. I think Mark's between 5-8.5 and 5-9.
Leon said on 1/Oct/07
I've seen Star Wars more times than I can count, like most fans of the old trilogy, and I can honestly say that never once did I think Luke looked like a short guy. Han Solo looked like a tall guy, sure, but Luke always seemed a solid, normal height to me. Even when Leia says, 'Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?' I thought, what's she on about? lol
Ed said on 3/Aug/07
There was a Star Wars Encyclopedia printed in the early 80's after Jedi that had very similar if not the same numbers. This New Essential Guide to Characters is officially sanctioned by Lucas himself and given the nod of approval. As with all things in the Star Wars Universe, books, video games, toys etc., they have to be approved by the Bearded one for authenticity. As any fan knows Lucas has been changing and altering his fictional universe since the beginning with Episode IV, so yeah Glenn you can choose which version you want to go with but these numbers are still consdered the most up to date official stats in the Star Wars universe. To use another often overly used expression among the hardcore fans, the numbers are considered canon as declared by Pope Lucas!
Glenn said on 3/Aug/07
Interesting list.but I go by the first listings that I think came with action figures or comics in 1977.
Ed said on 3/Aug/07
I'm a big Star Wars fan myself and I looked up a few of the main characters heights as listed in the Star Wars: The New Essential Guide to Characters. First off they list everyone in meters so you have to use either a calculator and the conversion number for meters to feet, or you can be lazy and use one of the many free online ones. Keep in mind these are just the characters heights not necessarily the actors who played them, although in some cases they are pretty accurate. Here are the heights as listed officially by Lucasfilm themselves:
1. Anakin Skywalker/Hayden Christensen: 1.85 meters=6.069 feet
2. Darth Vader/David Prowse: 2.02 meters=6.627 feet
3. Han Solo/Harrison Ford: 1.8 meters=5.91 feet
4. Luke Sywalker/Mark Hamill: 1.72 meters=5.64 feet
5. Chewbacca/Peter Mayhew: 2.28 meters=7.48 feet
6. Obi Wan Kenobi/Ewan McGregor & Alec Guiness: 1.79 meters=5.87 feet
7. Mace Windu/Samuel L. Jackson: 1.88 meters=6.16 feet
8. Qui Gon Jinn/Liam Neeson: 1.93 meters=6.33 feet
9. Princess Leia/Carrie Fisher: 1.5 meters=4.92 feet
10. Padme Amidala/Natalie Portman: 1.65 meters=5.41 feet
11. C-3PO/Anthony Daniels: 1.67 meters=5.47 feet
12. Lando Calrissian/Billy Dee Williams: 1.77 meters=5.8 feet
13. Count Dooku/Christopher Lee: 1.93 meters=6.33 feet
guy said on 2/Aug/07
I had a Star Wars height chart growing up. Mark Hamill (or Luke Skywalker actually) was at the 5-8 mark. Han Solo was 6-0 even. Tusken Raider 6-2. Obi Wan 5-10. C 3p0 5-7. Leia 5-00. Darth Vader 6-5 ( the chart, for children, only went just past 6-5). R2 D2 I forget 4? ish or under. Chewie too tall for chart. I think some heights are accurate, others not. The darth Vader character was probably closer to 6-10 or more. David Prowse was 6-5. 6-2 was probably the height of the main Tusken Raider with the famous staff thrust film jiggle. Harrison Ford was actually 6-1 but 6-0 was sufficient for a "tall" label. Alec was probably 5-10 in his prime which is what they went from. Mark Hamill simply didn't look classic "short" in the star wars films (5-6 and under). I believe 5-8 and he looked it next to Harrison Ford. 5-6 is bull.
phil said on 10/Jun/07
looked 5'7''/5'8'' in star wars, just slightly shorter than anthony daniels in suit, and about 2 inchs shorter than Sir Alec, and about 5 inches under Ford. However in some episode 5 scenes looked only about 3-4 inches taller than Fisher.
HellBoundPower said on 13/Apr/07
I see people talking about how he needed major plastic surgery on his face after a car accident, but he himself said that it's all a big rumor, and that all he did was break his nose. I also believe he's 5'8".
hb45 said on 29/Jan/07
I know that on several sites, Mark is listed 5'9" (1,75m), and maybe that's true. But then, why would he have said himself: "I'm 5'8" in my heels" in the 70's? ... unless it's a mistake or a lie of the journalist who wrote that at that time.
DavidCassidysgirl said on 27/Jan/07
Mark Hamill is NOT 5 feet 7 inches...he is 5 feet 9 inches tall....If you look at him standing next to Jonathan brandis in one of the episodes of seaquest he guest starred on...He and Jon are the exact same height..and Jonathan Brandis was 5'9" tall....
McMurphy said on 8/Jan/07
Standing next to George Lucas when he was making the Star Wars films to me he looks about two cm taller then him, if George Lucas is 5'6 (1.68m) it would make sense that Mark Hamill was 5'7 (1.70m) or so.
Glenn said on 5/Jan/07
If its you Mark,where was or is your apt in NYC located? I know the answer.

Editor Rob
glenn, its just some idiot, I leave that comment just so I can identify him in future to delete any nonsense...
leonari said on 5/Jan/07
LOL! Rob your the best man!
Glenn said on 4/Jan/07
Was that really Mark,Rob?

Editor Rob
hmm, nah, just random comment
Spence said on 7/Dec/06
He looks 5'7 to me in Star Wars
Brad said on 12/Oct/06
Carrie Fisher came to Ray Courts' celebrity show. I couldn't believe how small she was....but then her parents are tiny also.
Glenn said on 17/Aug/06
Under 5-7,but over 5-6.
cabbagestew said on 17/Aug/06
I saw Mark in person at Comic Con in 2004. I suspect he's 5 ft 5.
leonari said on 16/Aug/06
Glenn: Which direction are you tending more for Hamill 5'6" or 5'7". I rather see 5'6"...at least in episode V and VI he ddoesn't come across taller...Next to Ford he really looked short...and Carries Fisher is just tiny...
ForensicNYC said on 16/Aug/06
George Lucas is a genius...storyteller.
On January 11, 1977 Mark Hamill suffered a horiffic car smash that caused damage to his nose and face requiring plastic surgery. They were just about to finish Episode IV...
Lucas had a major problem. How to continue the story in Episode V incorporating Hamill's obviously changed face and slight upper lip scar. Brilliant solution: Luke being attacked by an abominable snow creature and injuring his face! Emerging restored from the medical lab, Luke now had the markings of a wounded rebel leader.
Brad said on 15/Aug/06
Shoulda gone to Creation Convention down at the Statler Hilton. One of Lucas' assistants was pleading his case that it wasn't "Buck Rogers" and would be great. Imagine that, the tough sell to the NY crowd. Hammill couldn't shake the "kid" image, cost him dearly and the plastic surgery was MAJOR and didn't help either. The guy from "The Mod Squad", Cole had the same thing happen but hushed up: a new face.
Glenn said on 12/Aug/06
Wow Brad.thats great.I saw Star Wars in 1977.44st.
Brad said on 10/Aug/06
Very true. I wrote each Star Wars actors after I saw a preview of Star Wars at the NYC Creation Convention in November 1976. They all wrote back with letters. Those were the days.
Glenn said on 7/Aug/06
Was a great guy.heard he changed.they all get Ebay crazy,trying to milk more money,and not let anyone make money off them.
Brad said on 6/Aug/06
Yes, Hamill's face is major plastic surgery. The powers that be in Hollywood frown on physical injury reports on their bread and butter. It was a major face ripping event from a very bad car accident.
Tim said on 10/Jul/06
He might have shrunk with age. It happens.
sf said on 13/Apr/06
Saw the episode of "Just Shoot Me" tonight with Mark Hamill in it. This is actually the third time I've seen it. He looked (and always has) about an inch and a half taller than David Spade to me. I might give him 5'7" at best.
mr. t said on 7/Apr/06
I heard he had a car accident, which is why he looks like hell these days--did that affect his height as well? I know my father was 5'7" or 5'8" age 19, then he got in a car that ran into a tree, that knocked a good two inches off his height. If Hamill's indeed 5'6"-5'7" now, he could have indeed been 5'7" or a bit more in his 20s depending on the severity of the crash.
CONNIE said on 24/Feb/06
I'm 57, so when I read that he was 5'9, I almost puked! From what I've read, he's 5'5 or 5'6, so I'm feeling a bit better now.
trueheight said on 9/Feb/06
well any star wars fan can tell you that Hamill looked alot shorter in A New Hope than in the subsequent films
TheMan said on 13/Jan/06
I know he was seen with david prowse(Darth Vader)6,7 or whatever making him look so short but to me he looks no more than 5,5 anyway he's deffently not even close to average height thats obvious IMO.
Glenn said on 13/Jan/06
5-6 or 5-7.photo proof coming.
Anonymous said on 26/Dec/05
Well, in The Empire Strikes Back end, we can clearly see Mark is around 2" shorter than 5'8" Tony Daniels(C3PO).And Mark where wearing shoes.For me, he is just 5'5".
CelebHeights Editor said on 26/Nov/05
From West Coast Bureau in the 70's: "I'm not so short. I'm 5-foot-8-in my heels. The director, George Lucas, is my size - I'm really playing him in the movie - and he kept putting in short jokes. I never thought of myself as short until George told the world"
CelebHeights Editor said on 1/Sep/05
Tiger Beat Magazine 1977: "He stands 5'7'' tall and weighs around 130 pounds"
CelebHeights Editor said on 24/Aug/05
From a newsgroup: "Maybe a hair under five eight. five seven, perhaps? Judging on his height standing next to me and a friend who I *know* to be five eight, he was a shade shorter... we were in an elevator and all standing still. Also standing together just before a presentation at the convention"
Anshem said on 26/Jul/05
One thing about the character heights of Episode IV: they were converted from Imperial (!) measurements using a multiplier of 1 in=2.5 cm, and rounding the halves down. This can be plainly seen, when accompanied by the according inches: Han Solo 1.80 m/72 in, Darth Vader 2.02 m/81 in, etc.
For characters introduced in the later Episodes, the proper 1 in=2.54 cm multplier seems to have been used.
And it should be remembered that these are character heights, and they have never been claimed to represent the true heights of the actors. Chewbacca's 2.28 m, and Jar Jar 1.96 m...
I've seen the Vader suit – or a replica – up close, and indeed, 206 cm/6'9" seems more right than 202 cm/6'7½". 6'7" tall Dave Prowse had to fit into it, after all.
Mark said on 5/Mar/05
Harrison Ford - 1.80m OK
Mark Hammill - 1.72m bull$hit 168cm
Natalie Portman - 1.65m bull$hit 160-1cm
Hayden Christensen - 1.85m bull$hit 180-183cm
stevestarhgh said on 5/Mar/05
Mark Hamill is not 5'8 he was 5'6 in star wars he maybe shorter now like 5'5 he was shorter then David spade when he appeared on Just shoot me.
Mark said on 3/Mar/05