Marilyn Burns Height
5ft 2 (157.5 cm)
American actress, best remembers for her role in the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. On she says: "So then I was Susan and Blythe's stand-in! Blythe [danner] is about 6 feet, Susan [sarandon] is about 5'7" and I'm 5'2".
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Average Guess (3 Votes)
5ft 2in (157.5cm)
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Oct/16
Marilyn's performance in the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre was the most convincing girl-in-peril stint I have ever seen on screen! It was gut-wrenchingly realistic! I heard that people were walking out of the cinema as they couldn't take it anymore! Our hearts went out to her as her pretty emerald eyes burst blood vessels in terror! The film hit new heights in fear and it was talked about in my school, not that anyone saw it; things were far too strict with THAT film!
Marilyn could be seen walking about in the film and you can see that she's a small person by comparing her height to the guys in the film. She did have particularly good proportions though. Her legs were impressively long in comparison to the rest of her and it is only because she walks with male cast members that I had the slightest inkling she was small, but I would have given her 5ft4 as her leg-to-height ratio was unusually good.
Marilyn's swan song was perhaps, aptly, a cameo appearance in the follow-up of the film.
I was most upset to read that she died the other year from cancer, 2013 I believe.

Editor Rob
I hadn't realised she had passed a couple of years ago. That original film still holds up well today and she delivered a great performance in it.
Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.
Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.
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