Blue eyes said on 2/Oct/12
NATHAN nhatminh's 5'3 estimate may be wrong but he has a point when include a video instead of pics here, which is more credible. If she is 5'8.5, or 1m74, she would be 14cm taller than 1m60 David Archuleta if they were wearing identical shoes. But her shoe heels are high, that would make her 22-25cm taller than David, that's a whole human head! I think Mariah would not be as short as 5ft3 but she cannot be taller than 5'7 either.
~Nathan~ said on 1/Oct/12
NHATMINH84 I have met her multiple times you are crazy! lol One thing we can agree on is that voice! But She is min 5'8.5 LOL never 5'3 Get outta here!
nhatminh84 said on 1/Oct/12
I don't really care about this anymore. It's her voice that makes me love her, not her height LOL
nhatminh84 said on 1/Oct/12
Also, please look at Mariah pic on this page. To visualize her true height, first only consider her height from the ankle upwards, cause what below are essentially heels of her shoes.
The pic was not taken from above or below but directly at her body, so no visual distortion of height here. If you really notice, imagine Mariah was really 1m75, her head would look oversized. This is because head size does not vary greatly between short and tall people.
Perhaps the only source that claim she was 1m75 are her fan pages and personal websites.
But once again, only her amazing voice is more than enough for a whole generation of singers to lift their heads and look up to her!!!
joewhite31 said on 30/Sep/12
nhatminh84, i doubt it. She has to be around 5'7". With Nick Cannon in shoes:
Click Here
nhatminh84 said on 30/Sep/12
@Marla Singer actually there is a lot of sources that cite Mariah as 5'3'', such as this (search the name mariah)
Click Here
It is understandable for her to exaggerate her height. Back in Loverboys or honey times, she was trying to become a sex symbol, and 5'3 does not really make her any sexier. Her height does not really matter to me. Im her fan and I love her voice.
It is true that David also wear shoes, but what I meant is that men shoes are around 3-5 cm tall. Mariah have been known to wear sky high heels around 13-25 cm. Just minus the heights to see the difference. So to say her shoes make her 8 cm taller compared to David is not quite an overstatement
I studied art and architecture, and there are overall features of the body for you to estimate a person's height, such as neck-shoulder ratio, upper body - lower body overall looks. Honestly I never think Mariah could be taller than 1m65, or 5'4''
marla singer said on 30/Sep/12
@nhatminh84 are you crazy? That's at least 10-12 cm difference and David has shoes on. Since David looked 5'6.5" next to Shailene Woodley (5'7.5", in heels) Mariah has to be 5'7" or near it. Any estimation under 5'6" is crazy, really
GameOver said on 30/Aug/12
Impossible to tell. The woman lives in sky high heels.
joewhite31 said on 1/Aug/12
5'7", accept the fact that she's shorter than 5'8" Ms. Whitney Houston who was in much smaller heels.
RSlan said on 15/Jun/12
I didn't ask if that THING will appear taller, I asked if that PERSON would appear taller. So answer the question again:
If I took two pictures, one of a person's whole body, and one of the person's THIGH, because the camera is focused on the person's thigh in Picture 2, that means the PERSON "appears" taller?
Dom said on 12/Feb/12
If the focus is on something as you say, as in it's closer to the camera, yes that thing will appear bigger and taller. Nobody can be that stupid I know youre doing it on purpose!
Jennifer said on 30/Jan/12
Personally i would also give Mariah 5'8, looks like it!
joewhite31 said on 30/Jan/12
She is shorter than Whitney Houston. Mariah can't be taller than 5'7".
Dom said on 29/Jan/12
@RSIan you cannot be serious... You are IMPOSSIBLY stupid. I've never seen anything quite like it. NOTHING makes someone taller, it just makes them APPEAR taller.
RSlan said on 29/Jan/12
Correction- That was directed at Dom.
RSlan said on 29/Jan/12
@RSlan LOL, idiot, you said being closer to the camera makes you TALLER. Someone's head looking LONGER=/= the person getting taller. #FAIL. You're saying I need to go back to first grade, but you need to enroll in school PERIOD.
Dom said on 28/Jan/12
@Valerie Yes but as has been said before, you have not said one accurate thing since you've been posting here, all you've been doing is upgrading everybody so MC could look taller than 5'7"
Dom said on 28/Jan/12
@RSIan oooohhh so something can seem bigger and longer because it's closer to the camera.... I see. You just basically said I was right, idiot. go back to first grade.
RSlan said on 27/Jan/12
Obviously, someone has never heard about focal length and depth of field, hence his comments about "Measure his head on the first pic and mesure it on the second pic!"
His head is being focused on in the second pic, it is NOT being focused on in the first. His HEIGHT hasn't changed at all (height is from HEAD TO TOE, not head to chin). However the amount of space his image takes up in the photo HAS changed. Get a clue.
Valerie said on 27/Jan/12
@ Dom, onceee again... THATS UR OPINION.. NOT MINE!
IMO she looks taller than 5'7. Ive seen her in person way back in 2005 When she was staying in Amsterdam for her Promotion tour!
Dom said on 26/Jan/12
@Valerie she's a weak 5'7", as shown on about 99% of pics.
Valerie said on 26/Jan/12
I still believe and am convinced that Mariah is a 5'8 woman...! Maybe not the 5'9 & 5'8 1/2 claim from before.. But 5'8 Suits her very well!
Dom said on 23/Jan/12
@RSIan YES HE DOES you freakin' idiot. Measure his head on the first pic and mesure it on the second pic! Enough said.
RSlan said on 22/Jan/12
Fool, it doesn't matter that the dot on Rihanna's hair wasn't quite at the top of her hairdo. The FACT is I was referring to the TOP of her hair, and you understood that, hence your posts. Now, you're looking for an excuse as usual.
RSlan said on 21/Jan/12
@Dom "LMFAO You are clearly hopeless as shown incessantly with every post of yours, the thing you said about Rihanna's hairdo just did not make sense whatsoever so I can't really answer it sorry.."- No, you just got READ, AGAIN, and have no answer for it.
"Yes and you've shown a billion times that you do not know what volume is and you don't understand that volume is height as well as width, the objects appear wider and taller.... anyway I'm wasting my time yet again with your pathetic failure of an ass.."- #DEAD at this bitch!
Does this man appear TALLER the closer he gets to the camera?:
Click Here
Click Here
Dom said on 20/Jan/12
@RSIan LMFAO You are clearly hopeless as shown incessantly with every post of yours, the thing you said about Rihanna's hairdo just did not make sense whatsoever so I can't really answer it sorry..
Yes and you've shown a billion times that you do not know what volume is and you don't understand that volume is height as well as width, the objects appear wider and taller.... anyway I'm wasting my time yet again with your pathetic failure of an ass..
Attila_194cm. said on 19/Jan/12
Mariah is 5'6,no more.
RSlan said on 19/Jan/12
@Dom Show me where I claimed that being closer to the camera doesn't do anything. I've been saying for AGES how being closer to the camera changes VOLUME. Oh....yo and your lies....
Dom said on 18/Jan/12
@RSIan Yes except that you did not point at the top of her hairdo you pointed slightly lower where the actual top of her haead was, you idiot. OOOPS
And excuse me for expecting you to not be a no life wackjob LMFAO I should stop having hopes really, you were born this way, it's not your fault.
joewhite31 said on 17/Jan/12
Mariah even in much bigger heels doesn't look an inch taller than Whitney Houston 14 years ago. Mariah did not undergo any height surgery to support her 5'9" claim, either. She wears massive heels nowadays to fool people so everyone who meets her will be surprised and say she's much taller in person.
Dom said on 15/Jan/12
@Patty when was that proven!? I've seen about 4 pics of the 2 of them together and the most Cannon had on LOpez is about 2 inches. and in some shots they looked the exact same height. Lopez is not even a full 5'9". Cannon is lucky if he's 5'10"
RSlan said on 15/Jan/12
@Dom That's your issue, though. You DON'T think lol.
Dom said on 15/Jan/12
@RSIan Hey I thought being close to the camera didn't change anything, and now it does!? seems like you got mixed up in your own lies there HAHA idiot.
Patty said on 15/Jan/12
its very funny to see that everytime someone has proof.
You (dom) and Jersey come up with alot of other photo's while its already proven that Cannon is 5 to 8 cm taller than Mario.
joewhite31 said on 15/Jan/12
She can't be 5'8" or the same height as Whitney Houston.
Dom said on 14/Jan/12
@RSIan Wow I never thought I'd get called all kinds of childish names for thinking there was a carpet when there wasnt HAHA. You are so sad.. Anyway, Nick is still much closer to the camera and barely looks 2 inches taller, if you take away that advantage, he looks 5'10".
Dom said on 14/Jan/12
Much better pic as they're both almost the same distance away from the camera
Click Here
They look the same height but Mario is a little closer to the camera. Nick is lucky if he has one full inch over Mario. He cannot be over 5'10"
Patty said on 13/Jan/12
judging from that picture nick looks like 8 cm taller than Mario!
Dom said on 12/Jan/12
@Valerie are you kidding me with this pic!? Nick is standing on a carpet giving him a bit of height and he's way closer to the camera. That pic actually confirms he can't be over 5'10".
Dom said on 12/Jan/12
@RSIan saying BS as usual, I didn't think the top of Rihanna's hairdo was the top of her head and she's still about 1,5 inch taller than her on that pic. And 5'9 Lopez is not something I invented it's what he's listed at and most ppl there think he's in the 5'8 range OOOOOOPS. Keep failing you desperate asswipe.
Valerie said on 11/Jan/12
I Neverrr said Mariah IS over 5'8.. Mariah is 5'8 !!!!!
And nick is at minimum 5'11 !!
Click Here Looking like a 5cm height difference!!
RSlan said on 11/Jan/12
LOL y'all do the most.
Click Here
RSlan said on 11/Jan/12
@Dom "Weak 5'9 Lopez"- You LOVE making such stupid comments to support your pathetic claims. Why? You can't TAKE the FACT that you were wrong.
RSlan said on 11/Jan/12
@Dom We all know what happens when you're "pretty sure". You were "pretty sure" that Mariah was wearing bigger heels than Rihanna. You were pretty sure that the top of Rihanna's hairdo was the top of her head. Scrap that, you were TOTALLY SURE. And in all cases, you were WRONG. I could go on, but I won't.
Dom said on 11/Jan/12
@RSIan knowing you, I'm pretty sure that's the single picture of the 2 where Nick looks the tallest possible and he still looks less than 2 inches taller than weak 5'9" Lopez who has a more relaxed posture than Nick. FAIL.
Dom said on 11/Jan/12
@Valerie can you stop saying things like "Nick Cannon is tall, he's not as short as 5'9 or 5'10 SORRY!" or "Mariah is a tall woman she is over 5'8" and thinking they're valid arguments!? All it says is that you can't face reality and you're lying to yourself for some reason lol. And who cares if you think 5'9" for a man is short? The average caucasian male is 5'9 so saying it is short is just wrong no matter what way you look at it.
jersey said on 11/Jan/12
I see some people are still trying to pull tricks using screen shots instead of using actual pictures that are clearly more accurate . That's expected from someone so desperate. Nick again with 5'9.5 Russel
Click Here
Valerie said on 11/Jan/12
Well... I personally think 1.75cm for a guy is short... And many more with me will think like that! Nick Cannon is tall, he's not as short as 5'9 or 5'10 SORRY!
Dom said on 10/Jan/12
@Valerie 5'9 for a man is not short it's average and on this show he always looks 5'9" next to every other celeb. Nick Cannon is lucky if he's over 5'10".
jersey said on 10/Jan/12
Nick Cannon with 5'9.5 Russel Simmons
Click Here
joewhite31 said on 10/Jan/12
She's shorter than Whitney Houston. I don't think she's 5'8" barefoot.
Valerie said on 9/Jan/12
and by the way, the last pic posted is one where nick is in the back, so not really standing next 2 each other! Plus mario is probably wearing lifts cuz 5'9 for a man is quite short!!!
The pic of cannon and mooney is better 2 judge! U can see nick isnt a short man, so please!!
Dom said on 9/Jan/12
@Valerie Rihanna is listed at 5'8" and that's the MAXIMUM she can be. She's been shown to be the same height as Anna Kournikova or even slightly shorter and clearly shorter than 5'9 Jennifer Hudson.
jersey said on 9/Jan/12
Valerie says on 8/Jan/12
Yeah... Mariah is 5'8, Rihanna is taller than 5'8!!
Really? Here is Rihanna with 5'9 Jennifer Hudson.
Click Here
Click Here
RSlan said on 8/Jan/12
Mario Lopez has a taper cut in that pic. In taper cuts, the length of hair usually starts off long at the top and gets shorter as you go down to the neck. You fools are clueless lol. CLUELESS.
Valerie said on 8/Jan/12
Yeah... Mariah is 5'8, Rihanna is taller than 5'8!!
RSlan said on 7/Jan/12
@Dom "@RSIan I can't see your most likely ridiculous invalid picture but here is Nick with weak 5'9" Mario Lopez "- Thanks for proving MY point, failure! The only way Mario's even near Nick's height is because of his HAIR. Bitch, have a seat. AGAIN. You and your inability to differentiate between the top of someone's head and the top of their hair. LMFAOOOOO....#FAIL
Valerie said on 7/Jan/12
U can see that Nick Cannon is a tall guy... In shoes even taller, and maybe Mario is wearing lifts or huge shoes u never know (cuz 5'9 for a man is pretty short) And that could pretty be the reason why he is almost as tall as Nick !!!!!
And Personally i think Mariah looks taller than a 5'7 woman...
5'8 suits her very well, especially on pics with nick cannon!
Dom said on 7/Jan/12
@Valerie We judge from every pic, but sometimes (obviously) you choose godawful pics to gauge height, so we have to take into consideration, camera angles, posture and footwear. And EVERY picture shows MC is 5'7" or slightly shorter. It's been shown time ane time and time again, with Rihanna, Ciara, Whitney Houston, Gayle King, Nick Cannon, Mary J Blige, the list is like neverending.
jersey said on 7/Jan/12
Valerie says on 7/Jan/12
Owh my god, Jersey & Dom...
U guys only judge from YOUR pictures... And the reason why is becuz we got prove also, but u guys just wont admit it!!! Where is the proof? Like I said many time before you have not mad 1 single statement that has been accurate from the moment you started posting on this site. Don't worry I still have hope for you. Nick again with 5'9 Mario Lopez
Click Here
Valerie said on 7/Jan/12
Owh my god, Jersey & Dom...
U guys only judge from YOUR pictures... And the reason why is becuz we got prove also, but u guys just wont admit it!!!
U can see that Nick Cannon is a tall guy... In shoes even taller, and maybe Mario is wearing lifts or huge shoes u never know (cuz 5'9 for a man is pretty short) And that could pretty be the reason why he is almost as tall as Nick!
Dom said on 6/Jan/12
@RSIan I can't see your most likely ridiculous invalid picture but here is Nick with weak 5'9" Mario Lopez
Click Here
OOOOOOPS.. loser
Patty said on 6/Jan/12
Ofcourse Nick is 5'11... And taller in shoes probably! mariah is 5'8 please give it uppp for once!
jersey said on 6/Jan/12
Nick cannon and 5'9 Mario Lopez.
Click Here
joewhite31 said on 4/Jan/12
5'7", she's shorter than Whitney Houston and Nick is never 6'0" flat.
Dom said on 4/Jan/12
Nick Cannon is listed at 5'11" here but he's closer to 5'10" (tons of pics show it like one where he's standing next to weak 5'9" Mario Lopez and they're about the same height) And he's always taller than MC, no matter what shoes she's wearing.
jersey said on 4/Jan/12
Wilma says on 3/Jan/12
I've met Mariah in person and she seemed tall, but not that tall and I'm only 5' 3". One last thing, when Mariah first arrived on the scene she was interviewed by Seventeen magazine who listed her as 5'7". I think she's lying about her height to seem thinner, but I still love ya Mimi! Ummm.
Patty said on 4/Jan/12
5'8 seems a pretty good height for mariah, she doesn't look small at all.
Next to her husband on beach pictures they dont have like a ten or more cm height difference. More like 5 to 8 cm difference
Dom said on 3/Jan/12
@Valerie, we know you are joking. there are about a MILLION pics showing that Mariah is a weak 5'7" and EVERYTIME your excuse is that appearantly the other celeb is taller than their listed height. MC looks a solid inch shorter than Faith. And even if she did look the same height, you would have to find A ****LOAD of pics of her looking taller than 5'7" to make ppl with a tiny bit of sense think start doubting the height she's listed at right now. And there are none, so you should just stop wasting your time lol.
joewhite31 said on 3/Jan/12
Dom, it's pointless to argue with him. You, Jersey, and I know this woman can't be over 5'7". This site will no longer be accurate if the listing is upgraded. Whitney can't be over 5'8". Forget 5'9".
Wilma said on 3/Jan/12
I've met Mariah in person and she seemed tall, but not that tall and I'm only 5' 3". Also, when she was on HSN in November wearing the exact same boots Colleen Lopez was wearing (she was selling them) and standing right beside her she was about 2" shorter. Colleen Lopez has stated on air numerous times that she's 5'10", which means at the most I would say Mariah is 5'8". Also, Nick Cannon is listed at 6", and if you go to and see last week's pictures of him with Mariah in her heels she should be almost his height if she were 5'9" and she is NOT. One last thing, when Mariah first arrived on the scene she was interviewed by Seventeen magazine who listed her as 5'7". I think she's lying about her height to seem thinner, but I still love ya Mimi!
Dom said on 3/Jan/12
@RSIan Ok you are free to believe MC is 5'8,5" if you want :D even though not a single picture posted here shows that. I realized you will not change your mind.
Valerie said on 3/Jan/12
picture posted of mariah and faith same height even when mariah was slouching so when she stands straight up she can even be a lil taller than faith hill!! Mariah is minimum 5'8... And the people who dnt believe it will always pull tricks and come up with other pics! But weve got the prove..!!! Like i said, mariah is minimum 5'8..!!
RSlan said on 2/Jan/12
@Dom "No I will not answer your question I don't even remember what it was."-
What are the two basic things one needs to know about linear perspective?
What are the different ways in which a 3-D object can be appear?
Dom said on 2/Jan/12
@RSIan I seriously feel so sorry for you that you are this dumb that I'm on the verge of crying. an image that is closer to the camera appears bigger; IN ALL ****ING DIRECTIONS you worthless braindead idiot. both width and height. how many times do you need it reapeated?
Rob please deal with him, ..I can't...
RSlan said on 1/Jan/12
@Dom "@RSIan are you seriously telling me that you don't get that all the yada yada you're posting confirms what I'm saying ..... I can't."-'re a first-class empty-headed bitch. Being closer to the camera makes the image appear CLOSER to us, kinda like as if we're standing right in front of the person/object. DEPTH is NOT HEIGHT. Sorry. Nothing I said confirms what you all.
Dom said on 1/Jan/12
@RSIan No matter how many times you post the opposite, being closer to the camera gives an advantage in height in photos and EVERYONE knows it but your sorry ass. Well I think you actually do know it but you're so sad that you're lying to yourself. And yes the dot you put on Rihanna's hair is the top of her head. skulls are round you idiot. They don't end in a flat surface like a square. Look at their eye level, their chin level etc. Rihanna is VERY OBVIOUSLY taller than MC and she's a weak 5'8". What does that make MC? 5'7" OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPS. loser.
MC was wearing 4 inch (actually 3.93 inch) Ahem in the page you showed (which you could have made yourself, you have zero life so it really wouldn't be that surprising loll) it said about 4 inches, which is an approximation, and a wrong one.
And even if her heels were 4 inches, that would STILL make her shorter than 5'8" Rihanna so MC STILL would be in the 5'7 range or less haha. See how you're wasting everyone's time.
My excuses.. I don't need no excuses, I can always type Mariah Carey on google and find images of her clearly shorter than 5'8" (which has already been done countless times) ppl in no time. While you have to search for hours for pics of her being advantged by camera angles (and later embarrass yourself by denying it changes anything LMFAO) What were your excuse for MC cearly looking shorter than 5'8" Gayle King (appearantly wearing the same size heels, according to your unreliable ass) and looking the same height as 5'6 Oprah??
No I will not answer your question I don't even remember what it was.
Dom said on 1/Jan/12
@RSIan are you seriously telling me that you don't get that all the yada yada you're posting confirms what I'm saying ..... I can't.. I seriously do not think I've ever met someone as dumb as you. taking up more space in a photo because of perspective is the equivalent of appearing bigger AND taller you dummy! that is what it means in vulgarized language for a dufus like you. I'm gonna make it as simple as possible for you.
Taking up more space or volume in a photo = appearing bigger and taller
When we say someone has the adavantage because they are closer to the camera, it means they appear bigger than they really are in comparison to the objects or ppl further behind. WHAT DO YOU NOT GET IN THAT?
~Nate~ said on 31/Dec/11
@jersey @ dom stfu done! done! I'm a sad excuse? what do u do with ur time then sit here all day waiting for my response honey? I keep U! relevant! U a non Motha f*** factor! You lucky Valerie-Rslan & brad are giving u attention thats the only way u will get air time! Nobody is checking for u guys I promise nobody! Sit the F down!
jersey said on 31/Dec/11
Valerie says on 23/Dec/11
Alicia Keys (5'5 1/2 ft)
2Gether MC & A. Keys
Click Here
jersey said on 31/Dec/11
Valerie says on 30/Dec/11
And Jersey Ur really sad whahaha Laughing my ass of about how pathetic u are! But Im done with u! U urself is inaccurate!!! From the moment you came to this site till now you have not posted 1 single statement or picture that is accurate. Sit down mother i mean valerie.
RSlan said on 31/Dec/11
@Dom "And BTW I really don't think that highly of myself, It just says alot about how mind numbingly stupid and worthless all your posts are... I expect you to make me repeat again in your next post, unless you finally grow up and realize we are both wasting our time by replying to each other. (I'm not holding my breath though as you have no life and this is probably the most exciting time of your day lol)"- That's all you've got to say. Once again, your posts are weak sauce.
BTW, I'm still waiting for you to answer my questions. Need me to post them again? :)
RSlan said on 31/Dec/11
@Dom "About you explaining how perspective works: To be honest I don't read half the stuff you post so I don't know if you did, all I know is that you clearly don't understand that being closer to the camera makes one appear bigger (WIDER AND TALLER, idiot, which you prooved yourself by posting that picture of the hand loll asswipe) and you also don't understand that it does make a difference if the caemra is held higher or lower"- #DEAD at you FAILING! Moving the camera closer produces STRONGER perspective, which makes an object look more SPACIOUS (as I said, it takes up MORE SPACE), as strong perspective is an exaggerated appearance of DEPTH. Not HEIGHT, DEPTH! And that, in turn, has an effect on the amount of space an image takes up in a photo. #DEAD at you failing ONCE again.
RSlan said on 31/Dec/11
@Dom "@RSIan this is exactly why it's useless to keep talking to your pathetic failure of an ass. I already explained multiple times that when the camera is lower than eye level , ppl closer to it will appear taller, on the contrary when camera level is higher than eye level, ppl behind will appear taller. In the J-hud Gayle, Mary J photo the camera is about eye level or slightly above, thus being closer to the camera is not an advantage in terms of height. I ALREADY SAID THAT BEFORE AND YES IT'S A PROVEN FACT. That's why i'm not interested in talking to you, you keep making me repeat over and over really obvious stuff that everyone posting here should know TBH, and it's leading nowhere."- So why didn't this man get TALLER when he got closer to the camera?
Click Here
Click Here
RSlan said on 31/Dec/11
@Dom "Who cares if it's personal, non-event, does MC only bring her height to awards shows LMFAO?"- Because it shows that you're a LIAR lol!
If you state that you saw pics of MC at EVENTS in BIG heels next to Jay-Z and looking 4-5 inches shorter, then post three pics (NONE of which show the kind of shoes she's wearing), including one photo of a PERSONAL moment (the ONLY picture of that moment), then you were LYING. Simple.
On top of that, when I challenged you to post pics of MC's HEELS at these events, you couldn't, and instead, you told ME to look for them. Why? You had NO idea what kinds of heels she was wearing at those events, which is also why you didn't KNOW that one of those pics was of a PERSONAL moment. You went on Google Images and posted the three most convenient pics you could find to back up your pathetic claim.
You're such a terrible liar that it was hilarious to see you dig yourself in a hole.
Dom said on 30/Dec/11
@Valerie why do you think MC is taller than 5'7" again? When every single pic or vid prooves she's about 5'6,5"
Dom said on 30/Dec/11
@RSIan this is exactly why it's useless to keep talking to your pathetic failure of an ass. I already explained multiple times that when the camera is lower than eye level , ppl closer to it will appear taller, on the contrary when camera level is higher than eye level, ppl behind will appear taller. In the J-hud Gayle, Mary J photo the camera is about eye level or slightly above, thus being closer to the camera is not an advantage in terms of height. I ALREADY SAID THAT BEFORE AND YES IT'S A PROVEN FACT. That's why i'm not interested in talking to you, you keep making me repeat over and over really obvious stuff that everyone posting here should know TBH, and it's leading nowhere.
You did not grill anyone's ass, Mariah's heel description said the heel is about 4 inches, which indicates it's an approximation whoever wrote that made. The heel was obviously at least 5 inches. ANOTHER THING I'VE ALREADY SAID. And anyway, even if Rihanna had slightly bigger heels (which she did not) she still would have been taller than MC if both were barefoot cause she had about 1,5 inch on her and MC was closer to the camera, which did give her the advantage as the camera was slightly lower than eye level. So you heel thing is all a waste of time, MC still can't be over 5'7" lol.
About you explaining how perspective works: To be honest I don't read half the stuff you post so I don't know if you did, all I know is that you clearly don't understand that being closer to the camera makes one appear bigger (WIDER AND TALLER, idiot, which you prooved yourself by posting that picture of the hand loll asswipe) and you also don't understand that it does make a difference if the caemra is held higher or lower.
And BTW I really don't think that highly of myself, It just says alot about how mind numbingly stupid and worthless all your posts are... I expect you to make me repeat again in your next post, unless you finally grow up and realize we are both wasting our time by replying to each other. (I'm not holding my breath though as you have no life and this is probably the most exciting time of your day lol)
RSlan said on 30/Dec/11
Gayle King was wearing 140mm Christian Louboutin Brandaplato platforms, which have a 5.5 inch heel and 1.5 inch platform, exactly the same measurements as MC's heels...
Click Here
Valerie said on 30/Dec/11
She doesnt look 5'6 PLEASe... In some shots she's even taller than Faith hill so please she cannot be 5'6!
And Jersey Ur really sad whahaha Laughing my ass of about how pathetic u are! But Im done with u! U urself is inaccurate!!!!
Valerie said on 30/Dec/11
@ Brad... Yeah ur right, their wearing both low heels... BUT Mariah the whole performance is slouching or leaning towards Diana thats what makes it look like shes shorter than Faith.. But she isnt.. U can see clearly in the beginning!
But heeyy, if they wanna believe Mariah's 5'7 than thats their problem!
Dom said on 30/Dec/11
@Brad, she looks more like 5'6,5" next to Faith Hill.
jersey said on 30/Dec/11
Valerie says on 30/Dec/11
@ jersey, ur so pathetic u dnt even knw what 2 say anymore...!
I knw im not old and certainly dnt look old, and nobody has even said that i looked old!! Ur the fist, but yeah look whos talkin, a fustrated man!! I am not frustrated you are the one who is going crazy because you are old enough to be my mother. Its ok ma I still have faith in you even though up to this point every post you have made has been inaccurate.
RSlan said on 30/Dec/11
"EVERY single time you post, with no exception it's a fail seriously"- So why did I grill your ass on Rihanna regarding her heels and the "supposed difference" in height (which was because of Rih's hair)? Why did I call you out on your various contradictions about being closer to the camera (you still claimed J-Hud was taller than Gayle even though Jennifer was closer to the camera, yet before you claimed multiple times that being closer gauges height), I called you out on your contradictions of pics that I posted side-by-side. I'll do it again.
RSlan said on 30/Dec/11
Once again, I'll post MY challenge AGAIN: @Dom Come on, oh smart one. What are the two basic things one needs to know about linear perspective?
What are the different ways in which a 3-D object can be appear?
You should be able to answer these questions IMMEDIATELY if you actually know ****. That means no cop-outs lol. Come on....I'll wait.
RSlan said on 30/Dec/11
@Dom "EVERY single time you post, with no exception it's a fail seriously, I'll give you an example, in your next post I dare you to explain to me what exactly is perpective and how it affects the appearance of people on a photo.. in your words, not a copy and paste. I'm 100% sure I'll find at least 2-3 things that are wrong, or you'll contradict yourself from earlier when you said being closer to the camera doesn't make someone appear taller.. (I can't believe I'm still talking to you, you should feel honored that I, by mistake, considered you able to function in an adult discussion, I know I'm gonna be proven wrong in your next post though lol)"- I've already explained how perspective affects the appearance of people in a photo in MY OWN WORDS. They just so happened to be SUPPORTED by RELIABLE sources. What you got? Oooop! Desperation, which is why you continue to claim I'm wrong, yet not proving it. And I'm STILL #DEAD at your "challenge". I should feel honored that you speak to me? Bitch, you're not worth more than the dirt underneath my SHOE lol. It's nice to see that you think os highly of yourself. If only your LEVEL of thought was as high as you place your self-importance.
Valerie said on 30/Dec/11
@ jersey, ur so pathetic u dnt even knw what 2 say anymore...!
I knw im not old and certainly dnt look old, and nobody has even said that i looked old!! Ur the fist, but yeah look whos talkin, a fustrated man!!
Brad said on 30/Dec/11
5' 7" is a joke. Faith and MC side by side prooves er proves (G rebound).
Valerie said on 29/Dec/11
@ Jersey... Im not even going in on that one... Ur probably old urself and JEALOUS HAHAHA!!!
joewhite31 said on 29/Dec/11
Nate, as much as Rob has given RSlan a notice from throwing insults and yet you did mention it. You're just one sided as expected. RSlan should have long been
Banned from claiming that pictures don't prove anything. If only if you know what you're saying.
joewhite31 said on 29/Dec/11
Since when did I say 6 inch heels automatically add 6 inches of your height? Correct all three of you? You have no idea what you're saying and obviously barking up the wrong tree. There's even a heel description on this site, isn't there? I did say 6 inch heels add 5 inches of height, but that was back 2 years ago. Lose it.
RSlan said on 29/Dec/11
@joewhite31 "And yes, YOU DID claim last year that wearing 6 inch heels gave 6 inches of height. You, joewhite AND Jersey all did."- I never said they give 6" of height. There was no RSlan existing at the time I did mention how heels worked, there's even a site for that. You're losing it again."- Uh, yes you did. I corrected ALL you three either at the end of last year/beginning of this one. It's ok to be embarrassed.
jersey said on 29/Dec/11
Valerie says on 28/Dec/11
HAHA Jersey Ur really funny and sad at the same time u know that right!?
I DONT look old so please haha u dont have ur glasses on maybe? I NEVERRR heard that i look old so please! I was just letting you know that you are clearly older than me and you could pass for my mother. That old lady on the picture was you right?
jersey said on 29/Dec/11
~Nate~ says on 28/Dec/11
ROB, let me explain to you that nobody is calling you a hater we love rob! I believe it was jersey & dom trying to say that pictures prove nothing, which is exactly what your website is based off of. People examining pictures they have either taken with a celeb or pictures with another celeb of a diff height. If anyone is calling anyone a hater it would be the losers Jersey & Dom who bring nothing but negativity to this site, they are sad pathetic people & I believe we should ban them from this site. Are you saying what you just said is bringing positivity to this site? They are sad and pathetic? You obviously talking about yourself. Sit down next.
~Nate~ said on 28/Dec/11
ROB, let me explain to you that nobody is calling you a hater we love rob! I believe it was jersey & dom trying to say that pictures prove nothing, which is exactly what your website is based off of. People examining pictures they have either taken with a celeb or pictures with another celeb of a diff height. If anyone is calling anyone a hater it would be the losers Jersey & Dom who bring nothing but negativity to this site, they are sad pathetic people & I believe we should ban them from this site.
razmataz239 said on 28/Dec/11
Mariah always wears spike heels. She mentioned this on 0prah. Her husband had to get on her about going to the gym with spike heels while pregnant.
RSlan said on 28/Dec/11
@Dom "You see it's stuff like that that make me not interested in talking to you"- And you think I care because what? I will continue to respond to your posts if I don't agree with what you've said, even if you don't respond to mine. You are so predictable. The past few weeks, you've been getting grilled. You've failed to answer any of my questions, because I called you out on your lie that you mentioned and explained perspective when I was the first one to even mention it. So what better to do than claim that I don't understand what I'm posting (even though the articles beg to differ), and say "I don't want to talk to you? You only talk when you THINK that you actually have a valid response, otherwise when your point's been chucked, you post your usual "blah blah RSlan, I have a life and you don't". This time, you've been grilled so bad you just don't want to talk anymore. And as usual, all you have done is constantly claim that I don't understand without providing proof to refute me. If I were you, I wouldn't talk to me to, cos it must be embarrassing to be chucked around like a ragdoll by someone you claim doesn't understand what they're talking about.
RSlan said on 28/Dec/11
@Dom "or actually try to make an effort to understand what you red"- RED? RED? LOL
"Please stop talking to me. thank you. AND on top of that you're very unpleasant and disrespectufl."- Remind me what the pot called the kettle. Oh.
RSlan said on 28/Dec/11
@Dom The closer one gets to the camera, the LESS we see of their ENTIRE body, so again, how do they "increase" horizontally if we see LESS of them the "bigger" they get? Oh ok. Height=head-toe.
"No matter how hard you try, no matter what articles you find that explains things really well, YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND what it concretely means. or don't want to understand. And you invent stuff."- #DEAD when the articles said 100% exactly the same things I did. LOL YOU see what you want to see. I invent stuff? I wasn't the one who claimed that I saw pics of Mariah at EVENTS w/ Jay-Z in big heels looking 4-5 inches shorter, then went and posted three pics (none of them showing these "big heels") including, PERSONAL, NON-EVENT moment featuring Mariah, and try and pass that off as proof to support my claim. Oh.
Valerie said on 28/Dec/11
Click Here Ciara's wearing huuuuge platformed heels!
Beyonce's platforms are even bigger than Mariah's as u can clearly see on this picture!
Valerie said on 28/Dec/11
HAHA Jersey Ur really funny and sad at the same time u know that right!?
I DONT look old so please haha u dont have ur glasses on maybe? I NEVERRR heard that i look old so please!
@Dom... I know what ive seen in front of me, and i know she;s 5'8... She & Mariah are the same height, i know u dont wanna give in cuz u tryin 2 convince people mariah's 5'7...
Ciara's also a tall woman some say even taller than 5'9...
But look how HUGE her heels are even bigger platform than Mariah And beyonce's shoes
Click Here she still doesnt have much height difference with Mariah!
joewhite31 said on 28/Dec/11
Valerie, not only is she shorter than 5'8" Faith Hill, but she's also shorter than Rihanna, Whitney, Gayle King, Martha Stewart, Ciara etc.. All the stuffs you've just said are inaccurate and away from reality. She has you fooled.
joewhite31 said on 28/Dec/11
"And yes, YOU DID claim last year that wearing 6 inch heels gave 6 inches of height. You, joewhite AND Jersey all did."- I never said they give 6" of height. There was no RSlan existing at the time I did mention how heels worked, there's even a site for that. You're losing it again.
jersey said on 28/Dec/11
Valerie says on 27/Dec/11
No i know for sure ur older than i am!!! But u dont have 2 pray for me, or have any hope!! I know mariah is a 5'8 woman so please No girl I am not older than you are based on the picture you posted of yourself you look old enough to be my mother . Now what do you know for sure? Nothing So far everything single post you made has been inaccurate. I still have hope for you ma I mean Valerie
Dom said on 28/Dec/11
@Valerie crappy excuse once again, Faith Hill always looks taller than MC and both are not standing straight and Faith's heels look even lower than that. Anyway what were your excuses again when there was rock solid evidence that MC was shorter than Gayle King, about the same height as Oprah, shorter than Rihanna, Whitney, Ciara, the list goes on and on and on... oh that's right, they are ALL taller than their listed height lol.
Dom said on 28/Dec/11
@RSIan Don't you understand that that when something appears bigger to your eyes because it is closer to the camera, it appears wider both horizontally and vertically?? You've even shown it with your hand pic.AND NO I NEVER SAID 6 INCH HEELS GIVE 6 INCHES OF HEIGHT.. You see it's stuff like that that make me not interested in talking to you.. No matter how hard you try, no matter what articles you find that explains things really well, YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND what it concretely means. or don't want to understand. And you invent stuff.
So please be an adult and respect my decision to stop talking to you, or actually try to make an effort to understand what you red (yes even if it doesn't fit your unexplainable opinion that MC is over 5'8") and stop just looking for things I say to transorm and start fighting over it.
Valerie said on 28/Dec/11
There's NO crap what im talkin about!! Uve seen Mariahs shoes right now! as u can see in the beginning of the video.. And when she walks passed Beyonce, Beyonce IS nottt bending her knees i just watched it a few times and its So NOTTT true, also when Mariah's walking passed Faith with her back 2 the camera u can see they got the same height..
And i dont know about Faith her shoes maybe she;s having a lil platform on Which makes mariah automatically taller, if NOT their the same height PERIODDD!!!
Valerie said on 28/Dec/11
Thats what i mean, on that photo u can see Mariah's slouching and leaning While Faith standing up straight, and even on that picture they DONT have much height differenCE! when MC stands up straight they got the same height!!
In the beginning u can see verrry clearly her low heels and when Faith sings
with Diana and Mariah singing with Diana they got the same height!
As i told ya LOWWW heels!
Click Here !!!!
Valerie said on 28/Dec/11
Thats so not true, shes notttt bending her knees! And the fact that u dnt see mariahs shoes is really funny hahaa! Ima post a pic in a few.... Mariahs the same height as faith! Mariahs just slouching and bending her knees all the time, just like she mostly does on pics!!!!
RSlan said on 28/Dec/11
Anyway, the closer something is to our eyes, the BIGGER its VISUAL ANGLE gets.
So the pathetic "she's closer to the camera" excuse really doesn't work.
RSlan said on 28/Dec/11
@Dom Those links are 100% consistent with the things I wrote, and you're MAD. Ooops.
What are the two basic things one needs to know about linear perspective?
What are the different ways in which a 3-D object can be appear?
RSlan said on 28/Dec/11
@Dom Exactly, so I advise you to learn the difference between what you "see" and what you "perceive".
You stopped talking because you kept getting knocked down. You FAILED to answer my questions, and it's been a week. You answer when you want to....sorry...when you THINK you can.
And yes, YOU DID claim last year that wearing 6 inch heels gave 6 inches of height. You, joewhite AND Jersey all did.
Dom said on 27/Dec/11
Oops wrong link, there
Click Here
Dom said on 27/Dec/11
Small pic but clearly shows Faith has a very solid inch over MC
Click Here
Dom said on 27/Dec/11
@Valerie I can see that Faith's heels are low but I can't see MC'S shoes well, that being said she still looks shorter than Faith Hill. And when she passed by Beyonce, Be had her knees totally bent loll YOU have to cut the crap!
Dom said on 27/Dec/11
@RSIan are you kidding seriously..... I just can't.... I am seriously flabbergasted at your uselessness in a discussion. You don't understand what ppl mean, you assume all kinds of things, you only hear what you wanna hear, and you can't interrpret correctly what you read... Please stop talking to me. thank you. AND on top of that you're very unpleasant and disrespectufl.
Please Rob I beg you, tell him to stop addressing me, I can't deal with a child.
Valerie said on 27/Dec/11
No i know for sure ur older than i am!!! But u dont have 2 pray for me, or have any hope!! I know mariah is a 5'8 woman so please!!!!
joewhite31 said on 27/Dec/11
No one buys your 5'8" claim. She's shorter than Whitney H., Faith H., and Rihanna.
Dom said on 27/Dec/11
@RSIan, it's fine to post beautiful links but, understanding what you read, and understanding what it means concretely in a photo are VERY different things. That you obviously can't do OOOOOPS, BTW not once in my life have I claimed that 6 inch heels give 6 inches of height. You see this is why I stopped talking to you, IT'S A WASTE OF TIME. None of what you say is true or makes sense.... anyway stop addressing me.
RSlan said on 27/Dec/11
@Dom "now PLEASE get the help you desperatly need and leave me alone, I don't want to be your friend, If we were in a public place right now and you kept talking to me like that I'd have called the cops a LONG time ago.."- Your response are SOOOOOO weak! Bitch, we're on a ****ing messageboard, you loony. As usual, you're MAD that you got checked and bring up the strangest, most ridiculous, weirdest and most irrelevant **** to make yourself feel better. Poor that.
Hilarious how it's been a week since I posed my questions, and you've STILL failed to answer them, and I had to end up giving you the answer to question one. LOL you fraudulent bitch.
Valerie said on 27/Dec/11
Click Here Another prove.. .Mariah & faith hill low heels SAME height...! Watch when Mariah walks passed Beyonce they got like 5 cm minimum height difference! And i dont even know which shoes Beyonce is wearing if their low they got height difference if their high even more difference!
Please people Mariah is 5'8!
Valerie said on 27/Dec/11
Mariah in the whole video bends her knees and slouches alot also on almost EVERY photo...They dont have Much height difference to be honest!
its funny when everytime there's evidence Mariah IS taller than 5'7 (which she is)! U people will do EVERYthing 2 sorta prove she's 5'7... But im not buying that!
And Jersey we aint hating Rob...
use ur brains please!
I know what ive seen, and even him telling she could be 5'8! and yes she's 5'8!!!
Ooh And Dom, yeah im sayin that, cuz it is mostly crap And rudeness
joewhite31 said on 27/Dec/11
Correct B., Whitney looks taller there and Whitney isn't 5'10" flat, either. Some people are in the midst of crisis when it comes to accepting Mariah's height. Believe what you want to believe. She can't be taller than 5'7". That's already proven.
joewhite31 said on 26/Dec/11
Nate, don't forget 2005 saw Mariah and Whitney, too, and said Whitney is the taller one.
jersey said on 26/Dec/11
jersey says on 25/Dec/11
For all the delusionals is a word from the editor:
[Editor Rob: she can be 5ft 7 or possibly up to 5ft 8, but I cannot see her being as tall as 5ft 9. I still believe 5ft 7 is a good shout.] Ps Rob someone is calling you a hater.

Editor Rob
they can hate my guess if they want, but I don't hate Mariah
RSlan said on 26/Dec/11
@Dom "@RSIan are you saying MC doesn't have bigger platforms than King does LMAO.. I know I can't expect too much from a guy who doesn't know what volume means but please.."- Shame.....why do these links verify EVERYTHING I said about volume in regards to photography and images?
Click Here
Click Here ("Positive volume defines space"- Page 199)
Click Here ("Volume is space")
RSlan's post on volume: "LOL YOU are obviously clueless about volume. It's the amount of space taken up, which makes PERFECT sense about what I stated about being closer to the camera: You take up MORE volume."
EXACTLY the same thing as what those links stated! Ooooops!
Dom said on 26/Dec/11
@Valerie did YOU just say "cut the crap" LMAO..
Dom said on 26/Dec/11
@RSIan are you mentally handicaped!? seriously? I didn't wanna talk to you any longer cause you're just a useless waste of space but this is just too much! THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TALLER AND BIGGER WHEN IT COMES TO VOLUME ON A PIC. If someone takes more volume because they're closer to the camera they are gonna be bigger (larger vertically and horizontally) now PLEASE get the help you desperatly need and leave me alone, I don't want to be your friend, If we were in a public place right now and you kept talking to me like that I'd have called the cops a LONG time ago..
RSlan said on 26/Dec/11
@Dom "@RSIan are you saying MC doesn't have bigger platforms than King does LMAO.. I know I can't expect too much from a guy who doesn't know what volume means but please.."- Uh...who's been right about footwear so far? Me. Who's been wrong? You. Who said Mariah had larger footwear than Rihanna? You did. Who was wrong? You. Who used to claim that wearing 6 inches in heels would add that onto height? You and your crew used to claim that last year. Who was wrong? You were. See the pattern?
Do you even know WHERE platforms on shoes are measured? Cos they're not measured in the front....
Valerie said on 26/Dec/11
my god Jersey how old are u? My guess is ur older than i am! But why u acting so childish??? Mariah is 5'8.... I knowww what ive seen! And no im not delusional or any other crap! She has 8 cm difference with alicia and alicia wearing bigger platforms etc!!!
Other weird messages a
bout paris or nicole arent accurate cuz u dont see their shoes darlinggg! As i told u again mariah was wearing very looooow heels! Plus ive shown u pics of her heels! Dont go further on that one please! Mariah isss the taller one!
B said on 26/Dec/11
Click Here
Look around 0:25 and 0:26. WAYYY taller than MAriah and Mariah is closer to the camera. Also, all the time, Whitney has to look down to catch Mariah's eyes so I doubt if she higher than 5ft7
joewhite31 said on 25/Dec/11
They are not delusional, they just see the reality. Look at her with Paris and Nicole or Whitney and Gayle. I don't see her being 5'9" barefoot. Rob thinks the same way. Don't lose it.
RSlan said on 25/Dec/11
@Nate What's even funnier is that it's the only thing they can say, esp. when they get dumped. DOM actually tried to lie and said he knew about linear perspective, yet all this time, he's been claiming how being closer to the camera makes you TALLER, when linear perspective says that you get BIGGER the closer you are to the camera.
Oh, and he doesn't know what "volume" means. He thought it had a different, specific meaning when it comes to a photo. And he had the nerve to call me ignorant. LOL!
RSlan said on 25/Dec/11
"All I think I'm doing is not wasting my time on a pathetic **** who has shown he is clueless about what perspective is and what volume actually means when it comes to a photo. When you show you know any of that, maybe I can pay more attention to your ignorant ass."- Poor Dumb doesn't know that there's no specific meaning for volume when it comes to photos. This is PROOF enough that he lacked the knowledge to answer my questions, because if he didn't, he'd have know that volume is the amount of space an object/body takes up, whether in a photo, a glass, a house, a box. There isn't a different meaning when it comes to different objects/situations. Fail #5.
Dom said on 25/Dec/11
@Nate question: are you blind?
jersey said on 25/Dec/11
For all the delusionals is a word from the editor case closed.
[Editor Rob: she can be 5ft 7 or possibly up to 5ft 8, but I cannot see her being as tall as 5ft 9. I still believe 5ft 7 is a good shout.] Ps Rob someone is calling you haters.
jersey said on 25/Dec/11
Valerie says on 23/Dec/11
Alicia Keys (5'5 1/2 ft)
Click Here
Valerie said on 25/Dec/11
hahahhaha well thats a crazzzy ass pic 2 judge! Mariah must be bending her knees 2 get to keys her height cuz they do have like 8 cm difference in height as u can see in the pic when their staning right next 2 eachother!!! Plus alicia wears bigger heels! Cut the crap!
And on nicole richie once again, u doooont see her shoes!! Uve seen mariahs shoes and their verrrry low! Again cut the crap please!!!
Dom said on 24/Dec/11
@RSIan are you saying MC doesn't have bigger platforms than King does LMAO.. I know I can't expect too much from a guy who doesn't know what volume means but please..
~Nate~ said on 24/Dec/11
Its sad how DOM & Jersey feel they need to tell people they are delusional and need help. They are sooo desperado to try to get people to believe she is 5'7 when those of us who have met her clearly know she is not 5'7 #HiHaters
joewhite31 said on 24/Dec/11
Valerie, I could say I'm a legit 6'0" flat even though my real height is 5'10" flat. You're losing it.
jersey said on 24/Dec/11
Click Here Valerie says on 23/Dec/11
Alicia Keys (5'5 1/2 ft)
Dom said on 24/Dec/11
@Valerie any reason why you didn't post that pic which is taken at a MUCH better angle to compare heights?
Click Here
Mariah looks maybe half an inch taller than Keys who is not even 5'6"
Dom said on 24/Dec/11
@Valerie what do you think of the fact that MC looks about 4 inches taller than 5'1 Nicole Richie?
jersey said on 23/Dec/11
Dom says on 22/Dec/11
@Jersey, dont you think 5'7" is REALLY generous looking at that pic with Gayle King? Mariah is slightly more than one inch shorter and obviously has bigger platforms than King. I agree 100%
RSlan said on 23/Dec/11
"Mariah is slightly more than one inch shorter and obviously has bigger platforms than King."- The same way she "obviously" had bigger heels than Rihanna, right? Boy sit down.
Valerie said on 23/Dec/11
@ jersey, u only post those pics cuz u cant have it that mariahs taller than paris hilton!! Mariahs wearing lowwwww heels verrry low, as u could see! Im staying by my statement mc is 5'8!!! And once again u dont have 2 believe me, as long as i know what ive seen in person and as long as mariah knows her height that thats cool!!! U can think shes 5'7, i dnt care anymore!!!! Perioddd
Valerie said on 23/Dec/11
yeaah righttt pfff! I have hope for u jersey really!!! Mariah in those pics is the taller one with verrry low heels!! So u can say so does mariah blabla! But notttt in this event!! So cut the crap please!!!
Valerie said on 23/Dec/11
Alicia Keys (5'5 1/2 ft)
2Gether MC & A. Keys
Click Here
Click Here As i told a platform but farrr from Alicia's platforms!
Mariah seems taller even though Keys has way bigger platforms etc!
Click Here High ass heels
Click Here
Dom said on 22/Dec/11
@Valerie all your pics are pretty bad to show height honestly. And there have already been lots of fantastic full body pics showing MC is 5'7" or less. You appear quite delusional tbh.
Dom said on 22/Dec/11
@Jersey, dont you think 5'7" is REALLY generous looking at that pic with Gayle King? Mariah is slightly more than one inch shorter and obviously has bigger platforms than King.
jersey said on 22/Dec/11
Valerie says on 22/Dec/11
Paris her shoes must be higher, cuz she can wear enormous heels!! So does Mariah.
RSlan said on 22/Dec/11
Come on, Dom. Come on, oh smart one. What are the two basic things one needs to know about linear perspective?
What are the different ways in which a 3-D object can be appear?
You should be able to answer these questions IMMEDIATELY if you actually know ****. That means no cop-outs lol. Come on....I'll wait.
jersey said on 22/Dec/11
Valerie says on 22/Dec/11
Hahahaha the pic of them sitting was NOT the same event so!!
And yes i showed mc's footwear cuz people always assume shes wearing highhhh ass heels! Which in this event is totally not true!
Paris her shoes must be higher, cuz she can wear enormous heels!! Then show us a picture of Paris shoes. Until then you statements just like all the pictures you have posted here are not valid. Keep trying I still have hope for you.
jersey said on 22/Dec/11
Valerie says on 22/Dec/11
Click Here Once again, with Paris in front Mariah is the taller one! Are you serious? Paris is actually slightly taller.
Click Here
Please get your eyes checked.
jersey said on 22/Dec/11
Again with 5'8 Gail king both wearing platforms. 5'7 is once again the verdict.
Click Here
Valerie said on 22/Dec/11
And trust me!! This is verrry accurate! U just cannot take it that mariah's taller than 5'7!!
Valerie said on 22/Dec/11
Hahahaha the pic of them sitting was NOT the same event so!!
And yes i showed mc's footwear cuz people always assume shes wearing highhhh ass heels! Which in this event is totally not true!
Paris her shoes must be higher, cuz she can wear enormous heels!!
Plus mariahs shoes will only give her one 1 1/2 inch max!
Cuz the heels shes wearing there are max 2 inches!!!
Dom said on 22/Dec/11
@Valerie If Beyonce looks more than 5'6 next to JayZ it's because he is not as tall as he claims. Byonce has already been shown to be 5'6" a couple times. Hardly anybody downgrades their height, and TONS off ppl upgrade their height.
Valerie said on 22/Dec/11
Click Here Once again, with Paris in front Mariah is the taller one!
Click Here
Click Here With Diddy, MC standing up straight
Click Here Mc slouching with diddy...!
U can see what u want about inches and paris & nicole! But U cant see their footwear...
We did on Mariah which were verrry low heels as u can see
Click Here Heels are max 2 inch which means it gives her less then 2 inches!! No platform not even a thing what u can call a sole!
I can say it again over & over, Mariah looks 2 me,, a 5'8 woman!!!
Valerie said on 22/Dec/11
And Yes Jersey she's taller in that photo!! U can see her shoulders are higher and PLUSSS she's slouching I know for 100% sure! But u dont have 2 believe me if u dont.. But dont make such CRAZY and childish statements Cuz it makes u look like a 12 year old... really sad!!
And by The way, we havent seen Paris her shoes ... And weve seen mariah's shoes which will max give her 1 to 2 inch!!!
Valerie said on 22/Dec/11
U Know Jersey... The one who needs 2 pray for is you.. u sound verrry childish and pathetic REALLY...!
The picture where Paris looks BARELY taller is becuz its from a different Angle, OR IS IT SUDDENLY not Only When it looks good for u huh??
But she;s taller than Paris hilton..Mariah is 5'8 PERIOD! Mariah;s shoes on that photo are verrrry small without even what u can call a sole as u could see! Paris is probably wearing higher heels and WITH a sole or platform SO please DONT Come with ur CRAP till u post a photo from the same event WITH PARIS her shoes!!!!!
jersey said on 22/Dec/11
Valerie how can beyonce be 5;7 when she is clearly only an inch taller than 5'5 jlo when they are wearing the same shoes? Please explain
Click Here
jersey said on 22/Dec/11
Valerie says on 19/Dec/11
Paris Hilton (5'7) & Mariah Carey
Click Here Even when their just sitting and her head tilt to Paris she;s still the taller build woman! You are the one who posted this picture of Mariah and Paris first . Where is Paris shoes?
Click Here
You are such a joke. Ps where are the pictures you promised of Rihanna being taller than Jennifer hudson. I have been waiting forever.
jersey said on 22/Dec/11
Valerie says on 22/Dec/11
@ jersey, i know what and who i am! That certainly aint NO joke!!
And in the pic with beyonce barefooted and jayZ with shoes she looks like a 5'7 woman! JayZ is very tall so!!!
P.s. Wheres the picture of paris's shoes??? How about the picture of beyonce being 1 inch taller than Jlo while wearing the exact shoes? You are the one who posted Mariah and paris picture in the first place except you showed them when they are sitting. I same picture( that you posted) except they were standing up. Now ask yourself that question :P.s. Wheres the picture of paris's shoes??. It is so sad that from the moment you started to post here you have not said ONE things that has been accurate.
Valerie said on 22/Dec/11
@ jersey, i know what and who i am! That certainly aint NO joke!!
And in the pic with beyonce barefooted and jayZ with shoes she looks like a 5'7 woman! JayZ is very tall so!!!
P.s. Wheres the picture of paris's shoes???
joewhite31 said on 21/Dec/11
Some people in this site will do everything to make other people believe this woman is 5'8" or 5'9" even though her height is already measured. I don't think she's taller than 5'7".
Dom said on 21/Dec/11
Hmm Paris is a very doubtful 5'7" but we know for sure Nicole Richie is 5'1" and Mariah seems to have like 4-5 inches on her. She's between 5'6" and 5'7"
jersey said on 21/Dec/11
With 5'8 both wearing platforms once again 5'7 is dead on.
Click Here
jersey said on 21/Dec/11
Valerie Mariah is taller in this picture? Girl you need help. Don't worry I'll pray for you.
Click Here
jersey said on 21/Dec/11
Valerie check this out.
he shredder says on 14/Dec/11
Rob , can she be 5'8 ?
[Editor Rob: she can be 5ft 7 or possibly up to 5ft 8, but I cannot see her being as tall as 5ft 9. I still believe 5ft 7 is a good shout.]
jersey said on 21/Dec/11
Valerie says on 20/Dec/11
yeah jersey i knewww u would be posting that pic! But can u show paris her footwear? No u cant darlinggg! Plus that photo is from a different angle 2 be exact from paris side more on the left! Mariahs the taller one, shes in the middle, and the pic where shes the taller one is the photo taken from the front angle!!
Mc is taller in both pics, but the first clearly shows mariahs taller!
I know paris must be wearing heels, most likely bigger than mariahs heels cuz their so minimal!!!
so nooo ur not right!!
Paris 5'7! Mariah 5'8..... Then prove it. Every single picture you posted including the last one show mariah being the same height as 5'7 Paris. Thank you for constantly supporting what I have been saying all along Mariah is 5'7.
jersey said on 21/Dec/11
Valerie says on 20/Dec/11
p.s. Dont forget u didnt show paris her footwear!! I did on mariah! Plus mariah always slouches!!!! You are the one who posted the picture in the first place without showing Paris footwear . If those picture did not qualify to show
mariah or paris height why did you post them? Then again it coming from you. Its funny that every single one of you post has not been inacurate . Woooow
joewhite31 said on 21/Dec/11
She doesn't look 5'8" next to Paris Hilton. "Joewhite has stated that Beyonce is 5'3" and that also stated before that Whitney is 5'6".....Lawdd...."- Ebony magazine stated that not me.
Dom said on 21/Dec/11
@Valerie Oh look at that, you upgrading other ppl's height in order for MC to be 5'8" lol what else is new? Beyonce is hardly taller than very questionable 5'5 JLO. She is not over 5'6"
RSlan said on 20/Dec/11
@Dom Come on, oh smart one. What are the two basic things one needs to know about linear perspective?
What are the different ways in which a 3-D object can be appear?
You should be able to answer these questions IMMEDIATELY if you actually know ****. That means no cop-outs lol. Come on....I'll wait.
Valerie said on 20/Dec/11
p.s. Dont forget u didnt show paris her footwear!! I did on mariah! Plus mariah always slouches!!!!!
Valerie said on 20/Dec/11
yeah jersey i knewww u would be posting that pic! But can u show paris her footwear? No u cant darlinggg! Plus that photo is from a different angle 2 be exact from paris side more on the left! Mariahs the taller one, shes in the middle, and the pic where shes the taller one is the photo taken from the front angle!!
Mc is taller in both pics, but the first clearly shows mariahs taller!
I know paris must be wearing heels, most likely bigger than mariahs heels cuz their so minimal!!!
so nooo ur not right!!
Paris 5'7! Mariah 5'8.....
jersey said on 20/Dec/11
Valerie says on 20/Dec/11
I also Always said that Beyonce more looks like a 5'7 woman, especially next 2 JayZ on that picture, She's just a bit fuller so it looks like she's smaller but she 's 5'7. I showed you a picture of beyonce and Jlo wearing the same shoes and beyonce was only 1 inch taller and you keep saying beyonce is 5'7? you wonder why people think you are a joke.
Valerie said on 20/Dec/11
I also Always said that Beyonce more looks like a 5'7 woman, especially next 2 JayZ on that picture, She's just a bit fuller so it looks like she's smaller but she;'s 5'7!
Valerie said on 20/Dec/11
HAHAHA And that statement About Beyonce is full of crap, cuz shes DEFINITELY taller than 5'3 so PLEASE!! And Mariah is 5'8... NO MORE Discussions needed PERIOD!
Dom said on 20/Dec/11
@RSIan All I think I'm doing is not wasting my time on a pathetic **** who has shown he is clueless about what perspective is and what volume actually means when it comes to a photo. When you show you know any of that, maybe I can pay more attention to your ignorant ass.
jersey said on 20/Dec/11
Valerie says on 19/Dec/11
Paris Hilton (5'7) & Mariah Carey
Even when their just sitting and her head tilt to Paris she;s still the taller build woman! Now this is the same picture you posted except now both are standing.
Click Here
Click Here
RSlan said on 19/Dec/11
5'3"? Yeah....not
Click Here
Click Here
Joewhite has stated that Beyonce is 5'3" and that also stated before that Whitney is 5'6".....Lawdd....
RSlan said on 19/Dec/11
@Dom "@RSIan OMG you still don't know what volume is HAHAHA. Maybe you should grab a dictionary and look up the word FAIL cause there is your pic next to it :("- Once again, WEAK-ASS RESPONSE lol! you honestly think you're doing something with these posts other than losing?
LOL please don't even ATTEMPT to tell me what you think I know or don't know when you didn't know what perspective was, then you tried to say you mentioned it before I did.
LOL YOU are obviously clueless about volume. It's the amount of space taken up, which makes PERFECT sense about what I stated about being closer to the camera: You take up MORE volume. It's FACT. Seats for you! Goodness, the stupidity in your failed post is GOLD!
RSlan said on 19/Dec/11
Beyonce IDD not describe herself as 5'3" tall...the ARTICLE did. On top of that, Beyonce is MUCH taller than Christina Aguilera, who's 5'2", and Tina Turner, who's 5'4".
Beyonce has stated in the past that she's 5'6" or 5'6.5", not 5'3". Have a seat, joewhite.
jersey said on 19/Dec/11
Valerie says on 18/Dec/11
Yes Andrea, Mariah is a tall woman...! But people over here tryin 2 prove otherwise, but they neva met her! Tryin 2 convince things with only pictures!
I know i saw her, Ive got my own prove!!! Where is your proof? 2005 who also used to post here had seen her and said she was 5'7. You are the one who is desperately trying to convince yourself that she is taller. Ps Andrea said 5f7-5'8 right? She did not said 5f8 and taller. Get it?
Valerie said on 19/Dec/11
Paris Hilton (5'7) & Mariah Carey
Click Here Mariah's LOW heels no platform U cant even see a sole on it,, And minimum heel!
Click Here MC is the taller one as i wouldve thought, 2 bad u CANT see Paris's shoes she can wear massive shoes... But as uve seen MC is in her lowest heels!!
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here Even when their just sitting and her head tilt to Paris she;s still the taller build woman!
Mariah's 5'8 PLEASE!
But I know for sure the people who dont believe it have something 2 say Cuz their convinced of their own things...
But im provin it again!!! Uve seen Mariah's foot wear, and Not from Paris but she's known 2 always wearing heels on party's etccc, and sometimes massive ones! She cant even wear a lower heel than MC's wearing over there!
joewhite31 said on 19/Dec/11
richinkle says on 17/Dec/11
5'-7" is right. Whitney Houston, at around 5'-8" is an inch taller in their duet performances of When you Believe.
True, this was also my initial reaction for the first time I got into this site. Her stylist described her at 5'8", however, Whitney stated she's 5'7", and also 5'8" in the past. We've seen them together and Whitney is taller than her. Mariah is clearly not 5'8" and most definitely not 5'9". Beyonce on the other side, described herself as a 'petite 5'3" tall" who wears 6" platform shoes so she could appear taller according to a 2009 Ebony magazine interview. Well, that makes sense. Mariah is also known for wearing high heels, no wonder why she can appear much taller in person.
Valerie said on 18/Dec/11
Yes Andrea, Mariah is a tall woman...! But people over here tryin 2 prove otherwise, but they neva met her! Tryin 2 convince things with only pictures!
I know i saw her, Ive got my own prove!!!
And people whove seen her, will tell u she's taller than 5'7 !!!
Dom said on 18/Dec/11
@RSIan OMG you still don't know what volume is HAHAHA. Maybe you should grab a dictionary and look up the word FAIL cause there is your pic next to it :(
RSlan said on 18/Dec/11
"I have tons of valid responses to your huge loads of crap"- "MC's heels are stated to be 4 inches, but they look at least 5"....#DEAD at VALID. Ever heard of a dictionary? Get one and look that word up.
"But worry no more, we already have 10 bucks gathered to buy you a life and stop embarrassing yourself here!"- Weak ass response lol! And you really thinking you're ****ting with these insults....boy oh boy....
BTW, how does elbows almost touching have anything to do with posture, position and closeness to the camera? You still haven't explained that.
jersey said on 18/Dec/11
Valerie says on 17/Dec/11
MC may not be 5'9... But i say it again she's taller than 5'7!!!
Ive seen her in person in Amsterdam when she was here for promotion in 2005! She stood in front of me!! U may not believe it, like u said everybody can tell they met her, BUT I DID, and i know what ive seen back then!
And many more people who have seen her in person will tell u all that she's taller than the 5'7 listing u will give her!
BUt as i told ya'll before, u dont have 2 believe me.. Believe whatever u want!
As long as i know im tellin the truth! Yeah i saw her in 2010 she was 5'6 standing in front of me . Anyone can say anything valerie and that supposed to be true? no. You better do better than that like showing pictures that supporting your statements. So far you have not been able to do that.
jersey said on 18/Dec/11
The whitney mariah case has been closed Whitney is taller let's not pull trick.
Click Here
joewhite31 said on 18/Dec/11
She's not taller than Whitney or Rihanna. How is it possible she's 5'9" barefoot?
RSlan said on 17/Dec/11
And again, why is Dom claiming that Mariah is closer to the camera than Beyonce and Donatella when Mariah's EXACTLY IN LINE with them? For her to be closer, wouldn't she have to be IN FRONT of them? Oh.
Dom knows NOTHING about posture, camera angles (hence his 149929889489 different excuses), or shoe height and it shows in his comments. Anyone who didn't know Rihanna shoes were higher than Mariah, anyone who says that being closer to the camera gauges height (when in fact it just makes you take up MORE VOLUME), then says that being closer doesn't matter MUCH, anyone who thinks elbows almost touching affects posture and closeness to the camera....should STOP talking.
RSlan said on 17/Dec/11
Mariah standing closer to the camera? That would require her to be standing in front of Beyonce....was she? Nope. Wrong answer. Come up w/ better excuses.
RSlan said on 17/Dec/11
"Dom I am ready to make a donation to charity. It is very nice of you to try to help others who are clearly in deep trouble."- Yes, and DOM cash that check into his account in Bank STUPID, and will keep on investing. It will grow, believe me.
RSlan said on 17/Dec/11
"Mariah looking about 3, 3,5 inches taller than 5'3" Carrie Underwood and MC had bigger heels on. 5'9" hahaha she's in the 5'6" to 5'7" range."- The same goes for Ciara then....oooops!
Valerie said on 17/Dec/11
MC may not be 5'9... But i say it again she's taller than 5'7!!!
Ive seen her in person in Amsterdam when she was here for promotion in 2005! She stood in front of me!! U may not believe it, like u said everybody can tell they met her, BUT I DID, and i know what ive seen back then!
And many more people who have seen her in person will tell u all that she's taller than the 5'7 listing u will give her!
BUt as i told ya'll before, u dont have 2 believe me.. Believe whatever u want!
As long as i know im tellin the truth!
Dom said on 17/Dec/11
@RSIan I have tons of valid responses to your huge loads of crap, but like I told you trying to have a discussion with you has been proven hopeless. But worry no more, we already have 10 bucks gathered to buy you a life and stop embarrassing yourself here!
richinkle said on 17/Dec/11
5'-7" is right. Whitney Houston, at around 5'-8" is an inch taller in their duet performances of When you Believe.
jersey said on 17/Dec/11
Dom I am ready to make a donation to charity. It is very nice of you to try to help others who are clearly in deep trouble.
Dom said on 17/Dec/11
Mariah looking about 3, 3,5 inches taller than 5'3" Carrie Underwood and MC had bigger heels on. 5'9" hahaha she's in the 5'6" to 5'7" range.
Click Here
Dom said on 17/Dec/11
And we are supposed to believe MC wasn't standing closer to the camera than Beyonce after seeing this close-up hahaha ooooooops
RSlan said on 17/Dec/11
BTW, Dom, I LOVE how you have absolutely no VALID responses to my posts because you have nothing to refute them with. You're convenient, and pressed beyond cardboard.
When you set up your charity, call it CONVENIENCE, seeing as you'll only be raising money for people who actually LIKE YOU ;)
jersey said on 17/Dec/11
Guys don't pay attention to all these insults. You are dealing with someone who is clearly desperate. At the end of the day this statement from editor Rob says it all: Editor Rob: she can be 5ft 7 or possibly up to 5ft 8, but I cannot see her being as tall as 5ft 9. I still believe 5ft 7 is a good shout.
Valerie said on 17/Dec/11
yeah i know, ur right RSlan.... But hey, they can believe what they want 2! As long as mariah knows shes above 5'7 than its cool!!!
RSlan said on 17/Dec/11
Sorry, but this isn't a 1 inch difference in height:
Click Here
And as shown via my pic, Bey's shoes had platforms, MC's did not:
Click Here
RSlan said on 17/Dec/11
@joewhite Joewhite, YOU are useless. Get over it.
Valerie said on 16/Dec/11
Mariah's taller then 5'7... Mayb not 5'9 but taller as the 5'7 u think she is...!!
Dom said on 16/Dec/11
LMFAO at RSIan still going on HAHAHA that guy is in serious need of a life.. I think I'm gonna start a charity to buy him a life.. and maybe a functioning brain while I'm at it. Anyone wants to pitch in 5 bucks?
jersey said on 16/Dec/11
I guess the latest picture just prove again Mariah is an inch taller than 5'6 Beyonce . 5'7 is once again dead on. The jennifer hudson and Gail king case has been closed. We saw both of them in sneakers and Jennifer was taller. If anyone wants to post more photos make sure to show their footwear. Pleae let's stop pulling tricks.
Valerie said on 16/Dec/11
Yeah RSlan uve made ur point indeedy =)!
And i know Beyonce's shoes were definitely HIGHER than MC's shoes..! And they DO have a 2 inch difference!!
joewhite31 said on 16/Dec/11
RSlan, there's nothing you can do about it. Your insults are useless. She can't be over 5'7".
RSlan said on 15/Dec/11
Why did Dom claim to have seen pics of Mariah at EVENTS in big heels looking 4-5 inches shorter than Jay-Z, then post these pics (NONE of which show Mariah's heels)?
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Surely, if he had seen the heels Mariah wore, he should have/would have posted the pics OF those heels as it would have made FAR more sense. He HAS posted pics of Mariah's heels in the past, so why not this time? Oh yeah...he was LYING!
Why did Dom claim to have seen pics of Mariah at EVENTS w/ Jay-Z in big heels looking 4-5 inches shorter, yet post a pic of a PERSONAL, NON-EVENT moment (the pic of MC, Jay, Will Smith and his son)? Because he was LYING since it was CONVENIENT? Of course.
RSlan said on 15/Dec/11
Why did Dumb claim Mariah was MUCH closer to the camera than Donatella and Beyonce in this pic when she wasn't?
Click Here
If Mariah was closer to the camera, wouldn't that require her to be IN FRONT of Donatella and Beyonce? So why isn't she? Why was DUMB lying? Oh was CONVENIENT for him to do so.
RSlan said on 15/Dec/11
"(the last one with Whitney shows her as 5'6 actually)"- #DEAD at this convenient, ****

Editor Rob
guys, I'll say it again, please argue without throwing insults.
RSlan said on 15/Dec/11
@Dumb "@RSIan he's already lost it LMAO yes that's why MC is sill listed as 5'7" and you're considered a weirdo by most ppl posting here lol"- Once again, you refer to her listing on here as if it's gospel. Fail #1. Once again, you actually mention the fact that you bitches think I'm weird, as if I give a **** what strangers on the net think about me. Fail #2.
And yes, it must be weird, seeing as I'm the ONLY one who hasn't changed things I've said, backtracked or been convenient when it works. Fail #3 for you.
joewhite31 said on 15/Dec/11
She's shorter than Whitney H., Rihanna, J-hud., and Martha Stewart. Valerie, don't take it too personally. This is a height discussion site and people are more concerned about the one's listing than the rest of the people here unless they are mentioned. Keep that in mind. I'm sure Rob knows it better than many of us, but I'm certain every one is entitled to their own opinion. My opinion like Jersey's and Dom's is most likely based on picture comparison and/or the listed height. If you said she's 5'8", you also have to consider upgrading other's height, as well. As far as we know RSlan tends to choose the worst picture available and will do everything to fit Carey into this 5'9" category. That's not..err forget the
Dom said on 15/Dec/11
@Valerie we don't know you personally but we do know you are in denial over something as insignificant as one inch... (don't think dirty here lol) There has been a million pics already showing her as a very weak 5'7" (the last one with Whitney shows her as 5'6 actually)
jersey said on 15/Dec/11
Valerie says on 15/Dec/11
wheres Brad...? Who posted something a few days ago! He saw her at Pure!
brad, what u think her height is??? And that supposed to be proof? I can also say that I saw her yesterday and she was 5'7 is that a proof? No but this picture is a proof because she is wearing platforms and 5'8 Whitney is wearing manly boots. 5'7 is once again dead on.
Click Here
Valerie said on 15/Dec/11
wheres Brad...? Who posted something a few days ago! He saw her at Pure!
brad, what u think her height is???
Dom said on 15/Dec/11
@RSIan he's already lost it LMAO yes that's why MC is sill listed as 5'7" and you're considered a weirdo by most ppl posting here lol
joewhite31 said on 14/Dec/11
No, she can't be 5'8" if Whitney said she's 5'7", as well 5'8". Mariah looks shorter than her.
Valerie said on 14/Dec/11
And u can say what u want about me! It doesnt really matter, u dnt know me at ALL!!!
And dont act like u been studying heights or something, its not a fact that ur right, so dnt act like it!!! U can say shes 5'7, but i know shes taller....
jersey said on 14/Dec/11
Valerie says on 14/Dec/11
But 5'8 is a good one for her! Really? How do you explain this? Just keep in mind Whitney is 5'8 in manly boots while Mariah is in platforms?
Click Here
Valerie said on 14/Dec/11
Mayb not 5'9!!
But 5'8 is a good one for her!
Ive seen her, and the people whove seen her in person also would tell that she's minimum 5'8! But again, believe what u wanna believe!
RSlan said on 14/Dec/11
@joewhite31 "RSlan & Valerie, you're losing it."- You've already lost it.
RSlan said on 14/Dec/11
@joewhite31 Before you tell me to "think about it", why don't you start THINKING? For the umpteenth time, the ONLY reason I even USE pics because Y'ALL do. If you can use pics, so can I.
Dom said on 14/Dec/11
@Valerie you have not proven anthyning, in fact even your pics show that MC is 5'7" you're just a bad judger of height and that's mostly because you see what you want to see. Maria has been shown to be BARELY taller than 5'6" Oprah and clearly shorter than Gayle King by more than one inch......... the list goes on. She is lucky to get listed at 5'7" .
jersey said on 14/Dec/11
Valerie says on 13/Dec/11
Yeah i do! Cuz clearly she is 5'8 ive proven already! Really where and when? One thing that you have proven for sure is that nothing you have said so far has been accurate.
the shredder said on 14/Dec/11
Rob , can she be 5'8 ?

Editor Rob
she can be 5ft 7 or possibly up to 5ft 8, but I cannot see her being as tall as 5ft 9. I still believe 5ft 7 is a good shout.
Valerie said on 14/Dec/11
Yeah right hahaha! I got another one of her in flats next to Cannon, go check on his page of celebheights! U can tell shes 5'8 thats like 7 cm height difference! U guys just cant have it thats she isss above 5'7!! People whove seen her can tell that shes also above 5'7!!!!!!!
Dom said on 13/Dec/11
@Valerie and BTW those are probably the 2 worst pics I've ever seen to gauge someone's height.. I mean seriously, are you kidding?
joewhite31 said on 13/Dec/11
RSlan, At least Jersey can provide a better photo of J-Hud and Gayle King photo than you. You're not good in judging height, either. "Pictures don't prove ****."- And so do you. Her height is still listed as 5'7". Think about it.
joewhite31 said on 13/Dec/11
There's no two-inch difference between Mariah & Beyonce, Valerie. This 5'9" claim has been debunk once again after seeing her standing next to Gayle King. RSlan & Valerie, you're losing it.
Valerie said on 13/Dec/11
Yeah i do! Cuz clearly she is 5'8 ive proven already! But u guys dont believe that...! But thats ofcourse not my problem! I know her height and i know what im seeing! Ive even seen her in front of me in 2005!
jersey said on 13/Dec/11
Mariah;'s taller on the second picture becuzzz Nick is lifting her up. That was the first picture. You posted these picture and you don't even know that? Then again what do you know? Like Dom said 100% of what you have posted was just plain not true.
Dom said on 13/Dec/11
@Valerie he can't see you having a point because pretty much 100% of what you have posted was just plain not true. And EVERYTIME someone posts a pic of MC next to a celebrity whose height we know, you say that celebrity is taller than that height to justify your thinking that MC is 5'8"
Valerie said on 13/Dec/11
And another TIME... If u wouldve looked good, u will see that Mariah is NOT on a higher level!!! PLEASE, where's ur logica? Their on the same path walking straight 2 each other! And even touching each other without having an arm that cant go straight! Nick is even more to the right then MC if u look good enough, but its not by much! But to say that MC is on a higher level isnt surprising me! As long as i know it aint true, and anyone with good eyes can see that's NOT the case :S:S:S!