Iforgotmyusername said on 17/Jun/22
Rob do you think it’s time to give him a downgrade? I personally think he could be maybe 174 cm range (5’8.5) but leaning more towards a solid 5’8 (173ish cm)
Abdul-DK said on 12/Jun/22
Overlisted , he is 5’8.25 no more.
Aaron505 said on 13/Apr/22
Hey everyone, I can confirm that Marco is at least 5'9". I met him at a charity event and took pictures with him and he was my exact height. I measure 5'10 without shoes, but I will say we were both in shoes and he seemed to have height boosting boots. Still, he is a solid 5'9+ .
manofwar said on 7/Apr/20
@Charlie That's the lousiest explanation I've heard.
There are people in the world who exist that are 5'9, and who are truthful about their height.
Yang (5 footer 8, 172-173) said on 4/Oct/19
More like weak 5ft 8 and even less!! He looks so small and tiny next to Trump...
Charlie said on 28/Jun/19
Srs, if he says he is 5'9" he obv isnt, he is more likely 5'8".
Besides 5'9" isnt "little Marco". 5'8" is.
6james94 said on 13/Apr/19
He probably got measured at those marks at one point. It makes sense the two marks arent really too far away from each other. I think 5'9 is fine for him could be a little over 5'9" or under depending on what he does. Makes sense he gets guessed at 5'8-5'9 people don't really guess people at their exact height, anyways he probably got guessed as 5'10 as well.
MrFish said on 20/Mar/19
Rob, could you say who is taller based on this video? This is Marco Rubio with Japanese PM Shinzo Abe, who you list at 5ft 8 and 7/8ths. I think Rubio looks a tad shorter, maybe 5ft 8.5ish?
Click Here

Editor Rob
I'd say they looked very close, within a 1/4 inch - you could see the argument for 5ft 8.5 Rubio there.
Rising - 174 cm said on 23/Oct/18
The clip you usually see is a bad angle, but this one is better:
Click Here Watch for about a minute after the timestamp and I have to agree with MD that Alex looks taller. around 2:12 or 2:13 is pretty good for comparing. The camera is pretty high so I don't know how much taller, but while I previously thought Rubio was between 5'8.5"-5'9", I'd say 5'8.5" is probably closer. Alex is particularly annoying in that video, but looks taller the entire time, imo.
pol_clemente said on 6/Sep/18
Weak 5'9" is good for him. He looked slightly shorter than Alex Jones in the video, so wasn't wearing his cowboy boots. Jones might have had camera advantage but they looked fairly close together.
I think he claimed 5'10" during the debates which is a shoe height.
MD said on 6/Sep/18
You see the video between Rubio and Alex Jones, yesterday? Alex was clearly taller, wasn't he? 5'9" is too tall for Rubio. I say a good inch difference at least.

Editor Rob
I had a look at a clip, but really couldn't say for sure based on it if Jones was taller.
Tod Charming said on 30/Aug/18
Rubio is average height. 5'9
Lapinux said on 8/Jul/18
That 5'9.5" on a good day quote sounds like it's out of bed or in the morning so there is a good chance he falls down to 5'8.75" although he still looks near 5'9"
MrFish said on 4/Jul/18
Rob, being that 5ft 9 is your absolute highest guess for Rubio, and that you've said that it's possible that he falls a bit short of 5ft 9, how about a downgrade to 8.75?

Editor Rob
I'm not sure
Jason9009 said on 22/Jun/18
Rob whats the lowest and highest you'd ever try to argue for Rubio?

Editor Rob
5ft 8.25 to 9, I think anywhere amidst that range is arguable.
Vijayan said on 1/Jun/18
Still not convinced he is the full 5'9... Strong 174 cm range at most. Ben Carson who is clearly between 5'9.5 - 5'9.75 next to Ted Cruz, and also told by another witness here, was still maybe 0.5 - 0.75 inch taller than Rubio, when Rubio had bigger heels! I think 5'8.5 - 5'9 range is what Rubio falls into, and 5'8.75 downgrade will be better Rob
MrFish said on 31/May/18
Rob, how does Rubio compare to Mike Pence in this photo? Pence is closer to the camera.
Click Here

Editor Rob
I think they could be quite close...depending how high up the camera is, being a few inches closer might not have much effect.
MrFish said on 28/May/18
Rob, could Rubio and I be the same height?

Editor Rob
It's possible he falls a fraction under 5ft 9 like yourself
Leopold said on 23/Feb/18
I seem him more as 5ft 8.
MrFish said on 18/Jan/18
Rob, here's a quote from him. “5’ 9” — 5’ 9” and a half, maybe, on a good day.” At near 5ft 9in, I'd probably be around the same as him, don't you think?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Thanks Fish for pointing out that claim, I'll mention it at the top.
MrFish said on 17/Jan/18
Rob, looking at various photos, I think he pulls off being solidly over 5ft 8in, but never a full 5ft 9. How about 174 for a downgrade?

Editor Rob
Not sure about 174 flat, but I can see how he could be argued as a weak 5ft 9 guy at times.
Explore said on 23/Nov/17
Another exaggerated listing by celebheightinflation.com

Editor Rob
With Elton John Marco is certainly looking a couple of inches taller. If Elton is 5ft 6 recently then yeah he can look near 5ft 8!
randomuser said on 18/Nov/17
Shortest looking 5'9 guy ever
Travis said on 3/Sep/17
No way in hell is he 5'9". I saw him and he seemed 5'8" at best in shoes. He's Rob's height.
Canson said on 31/Jul/17
Can't blame him for adding an inch to try to get foothold in the political world
Tiny said on 31/Jul/17
He can't be over 5'8"
Liberty183.3 said on 12/Jun/17
He's 5'8''. 172.
Spencer said on 10/Jun/17
5'8.5 maybe 5'9
Meh said on 30/May/17
Nowhere near 5'9"!
5'7,75"-5'8 sounds more realistic
RisingForce said on 4/May/17
Rand Paul is pretty close to 5'7", which he's been listed and described at. Maybe a little shorter since he's worn cowboy boots and other thicker shoes. Ron Paul was still near 5'11" when he last ran for president and could look around 6 feet when he was younger. You can see he looks about 4" taller than Rand. You can also compare the 2 to Vince Vaughn to show Rand isn't literally a foot shorter. I think Rubio is at least 5'8.5", if not 5'9". Depends on how often he wears those Cuban heels, but he's definitely worn normal dress shoes at times. He's not really short, but perception doesn't help considering Marco's boyish appearance and "Little Marco" moniker.
James said on 19/Apr/17
To me he looks 5'8" maybe 5'7.75" at night. Small framed guy who wears advantageous footwear.
Clinton supporter said on 13/Mar/17
I think 5' 8.25" is more accurate, but I think he has good posture.
Clinton supporter said on 13/Mar/17
5' 8" is my guess, which is my height, he's just not very tall. He's towered over on the debate podium, period.
Michael said on 13/Mar/17
Just walked past me at the Senate building. Seemed almost my height at 178cm. I'd say he's 5'9 to 5'10
DefinitelyNotCC said on 26/Feb/17
Just casually lifting
Click Here , rob are you sure that this guys not closer to 5'8 ? if he was a true 5'9er he could pass for a genuine 5'10 guy easily in those.

Editor Rob
looks a cuban heel, about 1.5 inches. Don't know if he has the room for any lift.
MrFish said on 12/Jan/17
Rob, looking at photos with Trump and Ben Carson (who I have met and who is, I'd say, 5ft 9.5-9.75), I'd have to recommend a half-inch downgrade. We might be seeing a lot of him in the next 4-8 years! In the CNN debate, where Rubio is left of Carson, he's wearing Florsheim Dukes (adds 1.5-1.75 to barefoot height), and Carson still seems a bit taller.
Leo said on 2/Jan/17
Norah O'Donnell, (who's 5'6 according to Google) interviewed him a number of years ago, and does not seem much shorter while standing/walking side by side. Maybe 1.5 to 2 inches AT MOST. I speculate Rubio is between 5 ft 7.75 to 5 ft 8.25 inches? But certainly, a weak 5'8. Rob, I think you should consider downgrading him.
Click Here 2:00 and 3:12 are good angles for comparison.
Nick said on 15/Dec/16
I personally think he's a fraction shorter like 5'8.5 to 5'8.75
craig said on 6/Dec/16
obviously getting a lot of help from his cuban heels, frame is way too small for a 5'9 guy. 5'7ish seems a lot more accurate.
Sarah said on 14/Nov/16
possibly 5'8" range
Ben 5'11 said on 29/Oct/16
Rob, I think it's about time you downgraded this guy. It's obvious he's in the 5'6-5'7,5 range. Everyone who's met Rubio can confirm this. Plus he wears Cuban heels all the time to appear taller. Who knows, it's possible he might've even snuck in a small lift to boost his stature even further.
Alex said on 16/Oct/16
Overbilled and needs a downgrade.
height man said on 23/Jul/16
rubio is 5ft7 and will be downgraded some day
truth said on 4/Jul/16
@mike Looks like there is no more than 10 cm between them and sometimes it looks even less, like 7-8 cm. If Trump was really 190cm, Rubio would be 180 cm (which is impossible) but also 184 cm for Trump seems to high and 174 cm for Rubio seems too low. IMO Trump is 183-184 cm and Rubio is 175-176 cm.
Click Here
mike said on 21/Jun/16
Trump is much taller than him, if trump is 184cm right now, than Marco Rubio is 173cm at best.
MD said on 30/May/16
Truth, you have someone mixed up. Cruz is 5'9" tops and is consistently listed at 5'8". It's hard to tell because of his cowboy boots, but he is never anywhere closr to 6'1".
TJE said on 28/May/16
That's the most I'd give him for both peak and now
truth said on 27/May/16
And Bernie Sander was 5ft11/180cm peak, 5ft9.5/177cm now.
truth said on 27/May/16
Also Cruz is 6ft1/185cm, Paul 5ft7/170cm, Bush 6ft3/190cm peak (6ft2.5/189cm now) and Trump 6ft0/183cm now and 6ft1.5/187cm peak.
truth said on 27/May/16
He looks completely average for an American, 5ft9/175cm is spot on.
Jedi Master 5'11 said on 20/May/16
Rubio IS 5'8"
DC said on 8/May/16
5'9 looks completely average in america.
5'11-6'0 is tallish.
Rubio looks maybe 5'8.
Yo said on 3/May/16
@AroundParade Many people who don't pay to attention to numbers in height would normally think 5'9 is short. Where I come from people probably consider 5'11-6' average
AroundParade said on 27/Apr/16
They wouldnt call him little Marco If he was average at 5'9. And 5'8 Cruz looks a little taller at times.
Rubio is 5'7.5-5'8
Alex said on 27/Apr/16
Look up pictures of Rubio, I'm sure you'll find many photos of him in very high heeled footwear, he may not always wear them since he started getting flack from people. But, I've definitely seen him packing some boots which give 2-2.5 inches. In some of the debates Cruz has higher footwear than Rubio, but he still looks like he has 2 inches on Rubio. So, if you take away footwear advantage I think Cruz has about 1 inch on Rubio. I am still convinced Rubio is not a legit "5'9" from what I've seen, and Rubio is infamous for high heeled footwear. That's why he got called out for it by the media lol. I am convinced that Rubio wouldn't measure higher than "5'8.5" barefoot in the evening.
Calvin said on 25/Apr/16
It's not a good photo for figuring out who is taller, but it does show that Cruz had the footwear advantage in that debate. Zoom in on the photo and you'll see that Trump and Rubio are wearing typical dress shoes and that Cruz is wearing his high heeled cowboy boots. I have seen no evidence that Rubio "almost always has high heeled footwear."
Looking again at the photos from the Presidential Family Forum in Des Moines, Iowa, Rubio appears to be wearing typical dress shoes while Cruz is wearing high heeled cowboy boots. There's no way that Cruz is taller than Rubio without his cowboy boots.
Alex said on 23/Apr/16
That photo has no relevance because of the camera angle perspective. I have seen plenty of photos from a fair angle and I have never seen one time where Rubio has been taller than Cruz. Cruz does love cowboy boots, but Rubio almost always has high heeled footwear too, taking footwear into consideration. If Donald trump is listed at "6'0.5" on this site, it would leave Rubio somewhere between "5'8-5'8.5" and Cruz somewhere between "5'9-5'10" hard to pinpoint him. If you look at pictures during the debates, trump looks at least 4 inches taller than Rubio and only about 2 inches taller than Cruz. Cruz does have high footwear but taking that into consideration he would still have to be a strong "5'9" or weak "5'10" minimum.
Calvin said on 18/Apr/16
Apart from those Florsheims which he only wore once, I don't think that Rubio is notorious for wearing very high heeled footwear. On the other hand, it is very rare to find a photograph of Ted Cruz where he is not wearing cowboy boots. I suspect that he wears them at every single debate, which would explain the height difference between the two. At the CBS News debate, Cruz clearly had the footwear advantage.
Click Here
I suppose that the both of them could be between 5'8-5'8.5, but I don't think that Cruz is any taller than Rubio.
Charlie said on 18/Apr/16
Maximum 173 cm, could be even less, but he is def i lift wearer.
Alex said on 14/Apr/16
Hey rob, according to Washington post, he's roughly "5'8" from supposed insiders. Since you don't usually change listings without some sort of evidence, check this out
Click Here
Alex said on 14/Apr/16
I still don't think Rubio is a legit 5'9, but if Rob thinks so I won't argue anyone. I still think Rubio is between 5'8-5'8.5. Also, from what I've seen Ted Cruz is definitely taller than Rubio. It's very noticeable in the debates, Trump towers over Marco, but looks taller than Ted but not by such a great margin. I know both are infamous for very high heeled footwear though
Calvin said on 14/Apr/16
I'm pretty sure that he only wore those boots *once* since he got a bunch of flak for wearing them.
Calvin said on 10/Apr/16
Looking at this picture from the Presidential Family Forum in Des Moines, Iowa, it's hard to say if Cruz is taller or if Rubio is.
Click Here
Rubio's shoes have a little bit of a heel, perhaps?
Click Here These appear to be the boots that Cruz is wearing.
Click Here
Calvin said on 10/Apr/16
@Alex I'm pretty sure that Rubio only wore those boots since he got a bunch of flak for wearing them. He told Jimmy Fallon that they were in "an undisclosed location."
Alex said on 7/Apr/16
How can you tell the difference between elevator shoes and Cuban shoes? I'm not really a shoe expert, but those heels are massive. How much height do you think they give him?

Editor Rob
the front section might be more bulky or higher angle...but sometimes it really is hard to tell a difference.
Nick said on 7/Apr/16
Rob, this guy needs a downgrade asap. 5'8 seems more plausible
Alex said on 6/Apr/16
Hey rob, below is a picture of rubios regular footwear... I'm assuming he used it in his pictures with the lady below who thought he was "5'10".... His footwear reminds me a bit of Robert Downey Jr. Haha. This is part of the reason why I believe he isn't a legit "5'9", Rubio wears this kind of footwear and still looks much shorter than others. All I Am saying is you would never catch Ted Cruz or Rubio barefoot in public or with thin shoes, always with massive elevator shoes lol. Btw, combining the footwear with the camera advantage, and the women's possible lack of a legit. "5'8", it's easy to see how it can be overlooked.
Click Here

Editor Rob
they're not elevators, but a big cuban heel...it can boost a 173-4 guy to look 5ft 9-9.5 range to people.
Alex said on 6/Apr/16
Yea I am having trouble pinpointing Ted Cruz's height too because he always seems to be wearing extremely thick cowboy boots or elevators. After all, your claimed height should be barefoot not with elevator shoes on... A lot of places have him at "5'8", there probably is a reason for it. It would be a lot easier to tell his true height it he didn't decide to strut around in the equalivent of "man high heels" all the time lol. But, judging from what I've seen so far looks between "5'9-5'10".
Calvin said on 3/Apr/16
In an interview with the New York Times ("Football, and It’s Not Political") he is said to be 5'9. Ted Cruz is hard to pin down because he always seems to be wearing cowboy boots. I am not sure how elevators work, is that something could add even more extra height in a cowboy boot? I know people say that he is 5'8, and he certainly looks to be about that height in a picture of him in socks as he is going through courthouse security.
Click Here His rapid response director claims "Cruz is 6 foot."
Alex said on 30/Mar/16
I'm not sure if that woman in the picture is a legit 5'8. And in both pics Marco has the clear camera advantage by being closer to the camera. He appears taller than he is because of his Cuban heels and boots, I am assuming they give him 2-2.5 inches because they look like elevator shoes. He is definitely not 5'10 even straight out of bed. The most I would give him is 5'8.5, maybe 5'9.25 out of bed. But, he definitely needs a downgrade somewhere between 5'8-5'8.5

Editor Rob
yeah it's just an example of someone saying they thought he was over 5ft 9 based on their own claim of 5ft 8...
Alex said on 28/Mar/16
The heights listed on this site are supposed to be afternoon heights and not straight out of bed right? I don't understand why Marco is still listed at 5'9. He needs a downgrade to 5'8 or 5'8.25. Only time he reaches 5'9 is straight out of bed. I keep seeing Ted Cruz being listed at 5'8, and he looked taller than Rubio on the debate stage. They both are infamous for thick footwear though. Most of the comments here have him at 5'8 too even though he wears very high heeled footwear

Editor Rob
TJE said on 25/Mar/16
Yea 5'6.5-5'7 for Rand.
Mathew Robinson (190 cm) said on 23/Mar/16
TJE said on 20/Mar/16
@Matthew Robinson
If I'm not mistaken Cory Booker's 6'2-6'3. Rand still looks 5'7 with him.
I guess Rand - at the very most optimistic possible estimate - could be 5'7". My gut says after seeing him shorter than those high school students, even the girl, he's probably more like 5'6". 5'8" is one thing that obviously isn't.
LBSG1 said on 22/Mar/16
Met him at a rally recently. He is a strong 5'9.5"…probably closer to 5'10", as that's what I am. He appeared to be the same height as me, unless he was hiding some serious lifts in his dress shoes.
TJE said on 20/Mar/16
@Matthew Robinson
If I'm not mistaken Cory Booker's 6'2-6'3. Rand still looks 5'7 with him.
Mathew Robinson (190 cm) said on 17/Mar/16
And further regarding the difference in height between Paul and Rubio. I think the 2" figure is the minimum. Could easily believe that it's even more.
Mathew Robinson (190 cm) said on 17/Mar/16
I think Cruz is probably an inch taller than Little Marco and Rand Paul has gotta be 2" under whatever Rubio is barefooted. He's short.
Alex said on 17/Mar/16
I agree he always looks short next to trump
Abercrombie said on 15/Mar/16
this listing is a joke
cruz is visibly taller than rubio, yet he is listed at 5ft8
marco rubio is a weak 5ft7
this is why he looks so short next to a 6ft donald trump: because he is not even 5ft9
Mathew Robinson (190 cm) said on 15/Mar/16
TJE said on 13/Mar/16
Rand can look 5'7.5-8 but the angle favors Cruz greatly.
I'd bet my life savings Rand is shorter than that barefooted
Click Here
As for "Little Marco" I think he's 5'8" range. 174 cm seems a better listing than 175.
hambubger said on 15/Mar/16
Both Rubio and Cruz have been wearing lifts/boots, but Cruz seems to have really big ones if he is really 5'8"

Editor Rob
maybe Trump is the only candidate not to wear big footwear...
5ft 9.25 said on 15/Mar/16
If Rand wears "normal" dress shoes (1") you can argue he should measure 5ft 6.5 next to 5f 9 Rubio who uses bigger heels. Reminds me at Big G.
Alex said on 14/Mar/16
5'8 according to "well informed Florida sources". He is certainly not 5'10 according to some "official" data.
MD said on 14/Mar/16
@Matthew, that 5'8" claim by Rand Paul is hilarious. He is TOPS 5'5" without heeled shoes and lifts, and I'm not even exaggerating. He usually looks the same height as a lot of the average-height congresswoman and senators in pictures.
And, yes, Marco has now become known for his big heels aside from whatever may be in them.
TJE said on 13/Mar/16
Rand can look 5'7.5-8 but the angle favors Cruz greatly.
5ft 9.25 said on 13/Mar/16
At least 3/4 of those dudes look like children on stilts... and this should be 'Americas Future' :((
5ft 9.25 said on 13/Mar/16
Rather Trump...
5ft 9.25in said on 12/Mar/16
But one thing is certain, Trump would rather take the elevator than the stair...
MD said on 11/Mar/16
Ted Cruz and Marco are within an inch of each other at the very most, but it's hard to tell because you don't get to see them side-by-side much. They are both in the 5'8" to 5'9" range, maybe Ted is closer to the latter and Marco closer to the former, but neither of them is over 5'9" barefoot.
Rubio said on 10/Mar/16
He appears to be wearing lifts in this photo:
Click Here
Alex said on 10/Mar/16
There's no way he's 5'9, he still looks much shorter than Donald trump(who's lost a couple inches). He still looks considerably shorter while wearing his elevator boots which give him 2-2.5 inches.
Mathew Robinson (190 cm) said on 10/Mar/16
Ted Cruz with Rand Paul who claims 5'8" (but imo isn't without lifts)
Click Here
Robby D said on 9/Mar/16
When I was watching the debate, Marco Rubio was on the left of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz on the right. Cruz looked to be nearer Trump's height than Rubio from what I could see and yet Cruz is listed as 5' 8".
SUpsup said on 9/Mar/16
That's a very funny recent pic of Rubio. Good job Rob. Although he looks like a strong 5'8 so 5'9 seems right too. Good estimates
Brad said on 9/Mar/16
5-8, just like G says "My height".
TJE said on 8/Mar/16
I'm not sure why people think Ted Cruz is 5'8. He always looks around 5'10 in the debates.
And Ben Carson at 6'0 is ridiculous; he's 5'9.5 tops.
Alex said on 8/Mar/16
Ted Cruz looks taller than Rubio
MD said on 7/Mar/16
I think he himself has claimed 5'8", but most folks who've remarked on his height peg him 5'8". I think he's likely somewhere between 5'8" and 5'9" and closer to the former.
BTW, Ted Cruz is almost always refered to as 5'8" but never looks it because he's often in full-on cowboy boots on the trail. Both of these guys are shorter than they look.
Lmeister said on 7/Mar/16
Marco Rubio wears ridiculous cuban heeled boots all the time.
Alex said on 7/Mar/16
He is more of a strong 5'8 like you rob, than a 5'9. Marco wears elevator shoes or very high heeled boots. He's infamous for his "shoes that are too high" lol. Also, he never looks taller than 5'8 Ted Cruz. I think he needs a downgrade to 5'8-5'8.5.
Alex said on 7/Mar/16
I think he's 5'8 or 5'8.5
johemoth the dog said on 6/Mar/16
I think Cruz is anywhere from 5'9-5'11. Wouldnt of guessed him 5'9 but maybe. If trump is really just a bit over 6'0 then Cruz very well could be 5'9 range (based on the fact he almost towers over him in some pics). Never really thought about the candidates heights until i clicked on Rubio's.
Guest said on 6/Mar/16
This guy is definitely under 5'8. I stood next to him and even with his thick dress shoes he was less than me and I am 5'8 without shoes.
Rifle said on 5/Mar/16
Holy crap, how big are his hands!?

Editor Rob
twice as big as Trump's!
but seriously, you know what they say about men with Big Hands...they don't make very good pickpockets.
Aaron zamora said on 5/Mar/16
Don't you think that 5'8.5 is a better fit, Rob?

Editor Rob
5ft 9 is about the most I'd have guessed him, I read a couple of people on twitter who met him say near that mark too, or at least over 5ft 8.
Mathew Robinson (190 cm) said on 5/Mar/16
Perfect picture given his quote...