reachjtm said on 19/Nov/24
this could be right when he was younger before the Kennedy years and president. he was probably closer to 6'2 when he was president.
Canson said on 2/Oct/24
@Editor Rob: if he measured 6’2 1/2 and 6’2 7 months apart and it was at that young an age, I’m willing to bet you one was just morning and one afternoon.

Editor Rob
Yeah it sounds likely a time of day discrepancy...or even if a guy is sitting between those two fractions, a very small discrepancy in stance and rounding to nearest mark.
avi said on 1/Mar/23
I'm confused. How are people here saying he was 6'3 +
He was barely 2.5 inches taller than weak 6'0 JFK (listed 5'11.5)
Assuming he lost a half inch by time he was vice president?
Still he looks a strong 6'2 with JFK nothing more
I'd say 6'2.5 peak and slightly over 6'2 during Kennedy years then down to 6'2 before his death.
Ethan Larsen said on 14/Jan/23
6'3" 1/4 (peak)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Dec/22
Weak 6ft3 peak at least
Abdul-DK said on 6/Dec/22
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Dec/22
I generally got a 6ft3 impression from him. Later years probably did lose some though. Terrible lifestyle, something like 60 smokes a day
Jawilder said on 28/Jul/22
Failure of a person and a president. That’s how myself and many others will always remember his pathetic existence.
Average guess seems right.
Abdulrahman176 said on 23/May/22
Tall man at his peak, 6’3 fits
Andrey200 said on 19/Apr/22
If we're to believe the listed physicals, he shrunk half an inch between 1941 and 1942. Obviously that is unlikely, so I'm inclined to believe both were bad measurements. He was probably a solid 190.5-191 range peak, but by presidency about listed height.
T.M. said on 22/Nov/21
Over 6'2.5''. Could seem 6'3'' in some photos
Ian Vector said on 15/Oct/21
@ChaosControl 6'2 1/2
I'm 5'11", but I claim 5'9". It's funny to see a guy who says he's 6'1" nearly at eye level with someone who claims 5'9". It makes those height liars look ridiculous.
David Tang said on 12/Jul/21
tall guy. 6'3.25
Tallfathershortson said on 21/Apr/21
Doesn’t look more than 188 with Kennedy.
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 5/Feb/21
@RJT I can totally relate. I often round down and claim 6’2 because it’s funny to see
height liars question themselves
RJT said on 27/Jan/21
I live in a Country where we use metric system, and I used to say 188cm when people asked my height and they were in disbelief and usually told me "You must be over 190cm!" even though height inflation is less compared to the Western Countries.
I'm 189-190cm range.
Eric Tam said on 24/Jan/21
By vastlybetter's logic Washington would have been 7'0 today. Umm dude 6'3 was like 6'3 today. Tall, outstandingly tall but not freakish. Maybe in my generation 6'6 would be the new 6'3 but not in yours.
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 24/Jan/21
@RJT guessing you’re a guy in my height range who gets told he’s 6’4
RJT said on 22/Jan/21
Proof that legit 6'2.5" guy is taller than most people think.
His measurement at 23 said that he's 74.5 inches but average guess is near 6'3.25"
Which is why I always get guessed at over 190cm even though I'm 190cm tops.
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 15/Jan/21
@Mickie remember fewer people had the capacity to eat more protein and build big muscles. The musclemen of his time weren’t lean and jacked like today, nor were they every average guy who hit the gym and proved BMI wrong. The muscly men of his time were 350-pound strongmen with another 60 pounds of fat to power their obscene muscle, and they were few and fat between
Mickie said on 14/Jan/21
It's crazy how he's described as "heavy" on that form. A guy his height and under 200 lbs would be considered fairly slim by most today (at least in much of the western world).
Height_Guesser said on 7/Dec/20
I think he was a solid peak height of 6' 2.5"-6' 2.75". Anyone claiming 6' 4" or even above 6' 3.25" is crazy. Kennedy looked just under 6'0" and Johnson looked no more than 3 inches taller than him. 6' 2.5" peak is my estimate.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Dec/20
Looked this zone in office
Johnny 181-182 cm said on 5/Dec/20
@Were both Kennedy and LBJ given half inch downgrades?

Editor Rob
23-4 is when Johnson measured sub 6ft 3.
President_heights said on 5/Dec/20
Peak was 6’ 3” but I think while in office he was 6’ 2.5”. I’m going in the middle with my guess and saying 6’ 2.75”.
vastlybetter566 said on 13/Oct/20
Incredibly tall president. His height must have been equivalent to a today's 6ft5-6ft6.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Mar/20
190cm range in office
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jan/20
Rob, I’ve read 6ft3½ for him, is it possible he got that peak earlier in the day?
I think possibly he was a weaker 6ft3 in later years but arguably a bit over it in his 30’s. He looked like a guy who had back problems aswell

Editor Rob
I don't know if that is what he would have measured
anonamys said on 15/Dec/19
he is about 6ft 2
Yang (5 footer 8, 172-173) said on 11/Aug/19
He is about 6ft 2 half range when standing next to JFK... He is one of former US president whose taller than 6ft for sure. Rob, How tall would you guess Theodore and Teddy Roosevelt and James Buchanan would be??????
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Dec/18
Could look barely 6ft2 next to JFK but I think this is probably accurate for his peak. Had a lot of health problems
MIKESOWELL said on 16/Aug/18
Arun-kc LBJ was 6-3. Look at photos of George Foreman and LBJ. They are the same height. Foreman was a strong 6-3 and taller than the 6-2.5 Muhammad Ali.
Ethan 189 said on 15/Aug/18
According to Robert Caro LBJ's biographer he was 6,75 inches tall and considering Caro has spent neigh 50 years on him I have to believe him
arun kc said on 2/Aug/18
LBJ was 6-2 not 6-3.i base this on two factors. One in photos with JFK he never looked more than 2in taller than legit 6ft JFK. Second if you compare him with legit 6-3 jeb bush he definitely is not as tall as the latter. Seems to be roughly 1in difference between them.
Dream(5'9.5 said on 23/Apr/18
Rob, who would you give the edge to, Lyndon B. Johnson or Matthew Lillard?

Editor Rob
Lillard for me.
haxxx said on 11/Apr/18
JFK 6'0 in office, LBJ 6'2. Never appeared more than 2 inches taller than JFK, although it's worth mentioning JFK wore lifts sometimes.
5'12 said on 9/Feb/18
I’m genuinely surprised that the average guess in over 6’3”. Go look at any picture of him with John Kennedy, he only looked about 2 inches taller than Kennedy.
Bradly said on 2/Feb/18
In reality yes. LBJ didn't even go to Dr. King's funeral cause he hated the guy and he plowed Vietnam with thousands each month. Big bloated tax and spend government. RFK was a massive fat government. I saw my father scream at him in '66 at his sister in law's house about this and that. Goldwater was end it now hard, the stuff Nixon did in '72 (too late) with 75 miles across B-52 lines dumping on Hanoi from Guam and Bangkok.
MJKoP said on 2/Feb/18
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Feb/18
All the American presidents 🗽seem to be very tall men and Lyndon is an excellent example.
Kinda ironic you say that as people talk a lot about the heights of the Presidential candidates when it comes to how electable they are, when obviously LBJ was never elected!
The average height for all US Presidents is 5'11", so above average, but still not 'very tall'(and I believe that figure was calculated with Trump at 6'3" and some other inflated heights).
And we have had a number short or average height Presidents, with Carter being the most recent:
Click Here
Big T said on 2/Feb/18
Those measurements don’t make sense. A 6’3” guy with a 42” waist is gonna weigh a lot more than 220. I’m a fat guy, no real muscle to speak of, and at 5’10” with a 39” waist I weigh 225.
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Feb/18
All the American presidents 🗽seem to be very tall men and Lyndon is an excellent example. This takes me back to an article I once read years and years ago about tallness commanding respect and the act of literally 'looking up' to someone physically makes one feel respect for him or her! All these later I can assure you that there was a lot of truth in that one newspaper article, trust me on that!📰📰There's one hell of a lot more in life on which we base our assumptions but the height 'thing' is down to our primitive make-up, when we had to be 'safe' from external dangers and a big fellow would normally prove better at fighting off a wild animal! 🐂
The Shredder said on 1/Feb/18
"Goldwater would have been a better president. "
In your mind , yes. In reality , no.
SD(171CM) said on 1/Feb/18
Lyndon B,Johnson 6'3
EdD_171.4cm said on 31/Jan/18
I think LBJ was legitimately 6'4" at his peak. Even when he was president he seemed to be about 6'3.5" based on the newsreels and clips that I've seen.
sad said on 31/Jan/18
Very tall man
Bradly said on 31/Jan/18
6-4 easy. Goldwater would have been a better president. Both secured lots of money from favored contracts/real estate deals for years.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/Jan/18
I think it's safe to say he had lost a bit when in office and when serving under Kennedy. There definitely wasn't 3in between them, maybe 2in at a push. 6ft3-3½ zone in his prime is arguable though. I've seen photos of him as a young man and he does strike me as being very tall range. Back then a real 6ft3 was the equivalent of 6ft5
MrTBlack said on 31/Jan/18
Never knew he was this tall but yeah definitely 6’2.5” at the worst.
Tunman said on 31/Jan/18
The problem,Tom is that peoples especially in the case of global powers like to see their country triumphant,trust me if he won Vietnam but poorly managed the economic situation he would still be among the top presidents to this day.
And you could say the same for Stalin,ironically his military skills were so poor that he brought several disasters before leaving talented generals to save the situation,yet you will hardly find anyone in Russia not describing him as the one who saved the country from Nazis (when in fact it's not him who did it).
Anyways back to Johnson I think we could have edged slightly De Gaulle though the latter was more likely 6'2 range by 1960's.6'3 is fine possibly even a little less in the end.Died quite young for a US president,all those who came after him lived much longer.
Jake94 (5'9 said on 31/Jan/18
Dude was a legit 6'4" at one point. He towered over everyone.
Frederick said on 31/Jan/18
Rob, Is 189-190 cm impossible for him?

Editor Rob
He could have been a guy who lost some height by the time he was in office. He was a big smoker, had heart attack early 40's.
Paul NS (6ft0.5) said on 31/Jan/18
Does seem like a guy who lost a chunk of height by his 50s. I think 6ft 3 is reasonable for his younger days though.
SharpshooterTom said on 30/Jan/18
Lyndon Johnson (1963-1969) accomplishments:
- Medicare (the best US healthcare programme to date)
- Medicaid (avenue for the very poorest Americans to be able to pay for healthcare)
- Civil Rights act
- Voting Rights act
- Apollo Moon Landing Missions (Ok this one was shared with JFK)
- Highest GDP growth rate for any postwar president
- Immigration act 1965 (The immigration bill that was responsible for the US being as diverse as it is today!)
Very underrated president, arguably did more for the poorest Americans than any other president since FDR. He failed spectacularly in Vietnam leaving nearly 60k US troops and between 3-4 million civlians dead which undoubtedly should never be forgotten, but his legislative accomplishments shouldn't be either and were outstanding.
Many argue he used his height and physical presence to bully and intimidate his opponents and colleagues (google the "Johnson treatment") in order to help get vital legislation past. Clearly it worked.
The Shredder said on 30/Jan/18
One of the underrated Presidents. 6'3 seems right.
5'12 said on 30/Jan/18
No way he was 3 inches taller than JFK.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Jan/18
In his prime he could have been this if not a bit over but in office he looked 6ft2 range
Animus said on 30/Jan/18
A 37-inch waist for a 6ft3 man at 185lbs? That seems strange.
Tall Sam said on 30/Jan/18
I thought there was 6'3.5" claim floating out there for him, which would make him very close to Lincoln's height (wild that we had our tallest president ever was over 150 years ago). I think 6'3" is believable for him, there looks to be no more than 3 inches between him and JFK.
Click Here
At least LBJ is a true 6'3" unlike some Trumpster fires we knows.

Editor Rob
LBJ is certainly a more believable 6ft 3 (in office I'm not sure if he had lost some height, he probably had a bit). The quote I found suggested according to LBJ himself he was 6ft 3, this is earlier in his career too.