Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Apr/23
Editor Rob: Sometimes I might do a few quarter inch changes on listings rather than a 3/4 inch change.
Over time it's gone up that much, I've noticed over the years

Editor Rob
The site can't really be a publish and forget it. There will be many listings I come back to and think, I don't agree with that any longer 🧐
John Sulu said on 18/Apr/23
Hey Rob, for certain listings/entries that were originally listed in the 6ft range, do some get upgraded to at least 6ft 1 range while some others get downgraded to 5ft 11 range?

Editor Rob
Sometimes I might do a few quarter inch changes on listings rather than a 3/4 inch change.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Feb/23
Savagetez he actually began at 6ft0½
Savagetez said on 10/Feb/23
Rob did you know you upgraded him three times? He started at 6'0.75 and is now listed as 6'1.5.Youreally were not sure about this guy.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Jan/23
Nice one!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Jan/23
Rob, that 6ft1½ we discussed last year may be closer?
He looks a solid 6ft2 at least and then some with Manning. He definitely looks like a 187-188cm guy the more I look. It could be the boots helping him out a bit in that photo with Payton in more regular footwear.

Editor Rob
Yeah I think the more I've seen over the years, it's a figure he can look.
berta said on 4/Jan/23
he really look 6´2 with peyton manning. Actually even taller. Hm this dude is really taller than we thought. Im starting to believe he really is 187.
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 22/Dec/22
He’s not too much shorter than Peyton Manning:
Click Here
berta said on 28/Oct/21
good listing
Jawilder said on 21/Oct/21
Great upgrade
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Oct/21
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Oct/21
Rob, maybe 6ft1¼ for the time being?
I still think 6ft1½ is possible for him as well and got 6ft2 at like 9-10am maybe. At that height you could easily clear 6ft3 in cowboy boots...

Editor Rob
Ok I'll go for that mark just now.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/Aug/21
The 186cm mark is a fair compromise for now with 187cm a distinct possibility...But 188cm is probably morning stuff. Actually giving him that might be a tad bit generous...but you never know
berta said on 28/Aug/21
nice to se he is updated. i think this is close but i till think he is the 186 cm that i have sad all along and probably measure 188 right out of bed. 186 cm !!!!! Pretty mutch the averega guess is my guess. solid 186.

Editor Rob
the 186-7 range is still something that needs looked at.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Jul/21
Rob, have you made up your mind yet?

Editor Rob
believe me I'll have another look more than a few minutes at some point.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Jun/21
Yeah I would consider 6ft1½....giving him 6ft2 would be quite a leap (from under 6ft1 just a couple of weeks ago!) even though he does pull it off convincingly at times....6ft3½ in cowboy boots I can see...they add generously
Below 6ft1 always seemed low...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Jun/21
Yeah Rob, the more I see of this guy, the more I'm convinced he may actually be over 6ft1!
I mean could he really be 6ft2?

Editor Rob
9-10am I don't discount he may have got almost 6ft 2, so I could see 6ft 1.5 argument
David Tang said on 20/Jun/21
he's pretty tall. I think he reaches 6'2 in the morning, and 6'1 afternoon. rob i think 6'1.5 is arguable

Editor Rob
it might be worth looking at again, as cowboy boots can only really add so much
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Jun/21
He really looks 186-187cm zone more than 185cm
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Jun/21
Rob, what are your thoughts on his almost 6ft2 claim?
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I think these photos are an example of those boots that he's talking about...because he's towering over Fallon!

Editor Rob
maybe earlier in the day he did get over 6ft 1.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Jun/21
Good call on the upgrade. The full 6ft1 is definitely reasonable at least
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Jun/21
Rob, interesting height claim and discussion from 4:40-6:00
Click Here
claims to be 6ft2, maybe 6ft1⅞....then one of the interviewers says he seems even taller than that...and he attests to his boots giving him an extra 2in and that he's probably 6ft4 in those!

Editor Rob
That's an interesting claim, barefoot too, I will add that quote thanks.
The majority seem to think he could be over 6ft 1...
Terri said on 13/May/21
I saw him on the Bobby Bones show an Bobby asked him how tall her was he said 6ft 3
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Apr/21
In boots I actually thought he looked 6ft2+
berta said on 31/Mar/21
Really think he is closer to 186. Can pull of 187-188 With boots
Hunter Kendall said on 26/Feb/21
6 1 to me
Doug Vito said on 23/Nov/20
How is Jason aldean listed at 6 3/4 and in EVERY PICTURE of the two together, Luke stands a good 2 to 3 inches taller than aldean?
berta said on 29/Jun/20
average guss seems about right
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/May/19
Looks an easy 6ft1½ w/h Lionel Richie…
185cm said on 22/Apr/19
Click Here
HE looks very tall here
Hitendra Rana said on 26/Mar/19
I wonder why noone even discussed about the lifts he wears all the time. Atleast 2-3 inches of lift is always there.
I would say he's like 6 or 6ft 05inches.
BillyWill said on 12/Jan/19
Ive met Luke a few times at spinnakers in PCB, I am 6'1 barefoot and in sandals when he was barefoot we were very close in height, I would say he is a solid 6'1.
RP said on 10/Dec/18
6’0-5/8” ceiling
6’0-1/4” floor
For Luke. John Cena seemed to edge him out by 1/4” to 1/8”
Dream(5'9.5") said on 11/Oct/18
He looked slightly shorter than John Cena.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Sep/18
berta, again 6ft1 on the nose is a better shout. This guy and Jon Hamm can seriously fluctuate in photos.
berta said on 3/Sep/18
i think the average guess is closer than the current listing. i can t se him under 6 foot 1. well he always have boots on and often look in the 186,5-187 range with them. if he took them of he would be 185,5 that my guess maybe even 186. bigger chanse of fraction over 6 foot 1 than under
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Aug/18
Canson, I really think 6ft1 on the dot is a better shout given that he can pull off looking barely shorter than 6ft3-4 guys!
Canson said on 23/Jun/18
@Rampage: he’s definitely not much under 6’1 for sure
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Jun/18
I think he deserves the full 6ft1 at least. Too many photos of him out there appearing at least 6ft1½-2 and other times over 6ft2.
Out of bed: 187.3cm
Before bed: 185.4cm
Mason Noel Ledbetter said on 3/Jun/18
Luke Bryan is 6'1.5''
berta said on 9/May/18
average could be little little to high this time. weak 186 guy could be possible but not weak 187 guy
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Mar/18
He does look 187-188cm w/h Blake Shelton
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Feb/18
Rob, maybe the full 6ft1 is more reasonable?
I reckon in those boots he's on his way to 6ft3.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Jan/18
Could he be taller than we think?

Editor Rob
I wouldn't have thought he was as tall as his claim, though arguably, at times he can seem 6ft 1-2 zone.
berta said on 6/Jan/18
think this guy is taller than the listing. i have always thought 186 for this guy. atöeast the full 6 foot 1. 188 is 0 chance he is.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Dec/17
I'm not sure either even though he does pull off looking barely 1in shorter than Blake Shelton at times. I think the full 6ft1 is fair
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Dec/17
Rob, at the 44 minute mark he reveals that he was a late bloomer and went from 5ft7 to 6ft2
Click Here

Editor Rob
ok thanks for that, I will add his quote at the top of the page. I could see him 6ft 2 in shoes, but barefoot I am not sure he looks that tall.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Oct/17
Out of bed: 187.2cm
Before bed: 185.3cm
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Jul/17
He can look close to 6ft3 guys probably because of boots....a full 6ft1 is definitely possible
Mike said on 21/May/17
He looks 6'3" to me but he's taller than 6'1 Jason Aldean.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/May/17
Probably 6ft2 range in cowboy boots
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Feb/17
He looked 6ft2-3 w/h Fallon!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Feb/17
Rob, which of these is most probable?
A) 188cm/186cm
B) 187.5cm/185.5cm
C) 187cm/185cm
D) 186.5cm/184.5cm
E) 186cm/184cm

Editor Rob
I think I'm ok with C...because of cowboy heels, at times guys like big Luke can seem taller than 6ft 1.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jan/17
Could be 6ft1 on the dot
Slim said on 7/Jan/17
He says he's 6'3 on the radio lol
blah blah said on 7/Aug/16
Can you add Justin Moore ? I'd guess his 5'6
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Jun/16
@berta: probably is 186-187cm range out of bed
berta said on 23/Jun/16
wow i didnt thought he was that mutch shorter than blake. Thought maybe 186-7 but 185 is ok
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Jun/16
Weak 6ft1 range is good
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Jun/16
Rob, could you have a look at these?
Click Here
Click Here
He looks taller than Toby Keith!

Editor Rob
he can pull off 6ft 1 range.
MD said on 26/Jul/15
Is it the cowboy boots? He has always looked so much taller than this, to me, but maybe I just haven't been paying close enough attention.
Gx79 said on 25/Jul/15
That funny after I asked his height u add him do u think you'll add Derek jeter one of the best baseball player in history
Arch Stanton said on 25/Jul/15
Does look near 6'1 but often wears cowboy boots I think. Who is the blond woman with him, she looks **naughty** ;-)