Jackson said on 20/Nov/18
It’s official folks!
Lamelo is now TALLER than lonzo! (Picture taken today)
Click Here
Ellis said on 20/Nov/18
@Christian 6'5 3/8:
I mean I do have a slender frame naturally it's because of my body type, but I wouldn't go as far as saying that I look like a stick, I know what skinny looks like and I'm in the realm in between skinny and normal. I also do have long arms so that makes me naturally look skinnier I would assume. You're barely overweight according to the BMI index, there is nothing wrong with that.
Canson said on 18/Nov/18
@Christian: I see a guy like KLove closer to 6’7 than 6’8 and listed 6’10 (his measurement likely is equivalent to Morning) but then I see. Same for Jimmy Butler although he just got 1.75” to his supposed measurement. He was initially 6’7 listed. I also look at Kenneth Faried. He’s listed 6’8 but likely could measure mid or even low 6’5 range
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 18/Nov/18
I know a 6'4" guy that weighs around 160 and looks like a stick. But according to BMI, he's in the "normal range", which is hard to believe. The BMI system is BS in my opinion. They say I'm "overweight" at 6'5.5" 225, lol.
Busquet said on 17/Nov/18
Do you happen to live in Spain? I thought I saw you but I didn’t say anything.

Editor Rob
I live in the UK.
Ellis said on 16/Nov/18
@Christian 6'5 3/8: It's because I have very high metabolism. I actually like it because I feel like when I finally gain weight I have achieved it. People really call you thin, if you are 225 then that is a very normal weight I don't see that as being thin at all. I've been underweight my entire life until I turned about 16 I remember my body looked like a skeleton but I had a lot of muscle, now at 175 I really don't see my ribs at all, most of that new weight is probably fat.
Canson said on 16/Nov/18
@Erik C:
I would say:
Lonzo: 6’4 1/2
LaMelo: 6’4” tops
Gelo: 6’3”
Lavar: 6’4” range (used to think 6’5) but don’t know
Ellis: a lunchtime height would be 5 hours or 6 hours more so than 3. That’s still morning. Most NBA and NFL combines are held around an hour or less after waking up. For the normal player it’s around half inch maybe .75” difference sine the NBA doesn’t do 1/8” increments from morning to evening. They showed it once where Blake Griffin was measured almost right after waking and where Ty Lawson Danny Green and Wayne Ellington all measured 1/2-3/4” higher in 2009 than 2008 strictly because it was held early morning vs afternoon. I’m sure even some players would lie down previously and measure equivalent to morning heights like Kevin Love who is 6’7” in person according to people who’ve been around him. Look at Melo who is 6’6” with Love here. I could see Love as 6’7.25
Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Nov/18
Height exaggeration in sports (excluding pro wrestling) seems to be getting worse and worse. I wouldn't be surprised if some players start to get listed 5 inches taller than they really are, in a few years.
Wow, 175 at your height is almost dangerously underweight. I'm 225 and even I get called thin sometimes.
Erik C. said on 14/Nov/18
Ik i just said that in my prior commentaries. I think it's important to say "i think" lamelo is 6'4.25 as opposed to saying "he is" bc unless we role out a tape measure with his back up against the wall we don't truly know how tall he is. We're all just giving our own opinions and guestimating based upon what videographic and photographic evidence suggests as basis for our claims.
But i have lavar at 6-3 1/2+
Gelo at 6-3 1/4
Melo at 6-3 3/4 - 6-4 1/4
Lonzo at 6-4.66 (6-4 5/8ths)
Im VERY confident with my claim for Zo. Melo, however, im fairly uncertain and reluctant to peg him. But im trying nonetheless.
Jackson said on 13/Nov/18
@Viper posted the link. Where his brand new team lists him at 6’7”
Ellis said on 13/Nov/18
@Erik C.: He is 6'4.25, like Christian said and myself as well at the moment he is shorter than Lonzo Ball who is a hair over 6'4.5, he is 6'4.6(zo). 6'6 is Lamelo Balls shoe height, my lunchtime height after 3 hours is very close to 6'7.25 that would be like me claiming 6'9(I'm currently trying to gain weight I'm only 175 so I have lunch a little early).
Erik C. said on 13/Nov/18
😬😂I just saw that Lamelo apparently claimed 6ft6 in a recent episode of 'Ball in the family'. So he apparently either felt he deserved an upgrade, grew, or both.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Nov/18
I can't find one player profile site where Lamelo's listed 6'7". Even the highest he's listed is 6'6".
Click Here Click Here He's shorter than Lonzo (at the moment, but he could pass him in the future) so they're almost zero chances of Lamelo being 6'5".
viper said on 12/Nov/18
Melo looks 6-5 at least compared to Lavar in that video.
I guess he's grown
viper said on 12/Nov/18
Wow, look at this height discussion on this ordinary Instagram post.
Click Here
Canson said on 12/Nov/18
I saw LaMelo listed at 6’8” before which is unbelievable
Canson said on 12/Nov/18
@Jackson: Lonzo still looks taller than LaMelo and Lonzo at 6’5” while possible is probably rounded up. He looks more 6’4 1/2 imho
Jackson said on 12/Nov/18
Yeah he’s listed at 6’5” from when he played in Lithuania.... time has definitely passed since then and he’s grown quite a lot. His most recent roster height is at Spire institute where he’s playing his senior year of high school. They’ve listed Melo at 6’7” and I don’t have him that tall. But i do have him closing in on legit 6’5” range.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Nov/18
That doesn't mean anything. There are some players who're listed 3 or more inches taller. Being called 6'7" doesn't mean that he must be 6'5" range. Besides he's still listed 6'5", not 6'7".
Click Here
Ellis said on 11/Nov/18
@Jackson: Lamelo Ball is taller than Lavar, and he is taller than Liangelo, I believe right now he is probably in Lonzo Balls height range or very close and it could go either way taller or shorter. Lonzo Ball is 6'4.6, I think 6'5 'range' is putting the carriage in front of the horse, it's a little to early to go with just that yet, however he has a good shot at making that range. Lamelo is very hard to gauge, if it were up to me I would put him at 6'4.25.
Jackson said on 11/Nov/18
Look at this new video of Lamelo... definitely taller than Lavar... and taller than his new 6’4” former nba player coach.. if you look on the page that posted it they’ve also listed on the post before that Lamelo is 6’7”! Obviously I don’t think he’s that tall but c’mon now.... they wouldn’t list him at 6’7 if he was 6’3 range. He’s 6’5” range right now. He’s grown.
Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 10/Nov/18
In some pics Lamelo looks taller than Liangelo, but in others Lamelo looks the same height or a bit shorter. I wouldn't put Lamelo anything over 6'3.5" as of now.
Erik C. said on 10/Nov/18
Lol idk about two full inches taller but i do agree that he's indeed taller than Gelo. I saw the same pic with a slightly altered camera angle where its considerably closer between them which might indicate that a camera angle slightly tilted to favor Melo could potentially be accountable. Gelo does have a hair advantage but it does not seem like alot of hair whatsoever. But overall id say that visually melo appears taller than gelo. It would be interesting if LeVar put his input on who is taller amongst the two of them. So personally i'd say the most id currently argue for lamelo is 6-4.33. 6-4 seems arguable for him. Even 6-4.25 - 6-4 3/8ths doesn't seem out of the question. But i'd bet money that melo's 6 foot 4. LaVar, lonzo, and melo might all be in 6 f 4 range... poor Gelo..
Lavar 6-3 3/4 - 6-4 1/4 (wont rule out 7/8ths to 3/8ths)
lamelo 6-3 3/4 - 6-4 1/4 (wont rule out 7/8ths to 3/8ths)
Liangelo 6-3 - 6-3 1/2
Lonzo 6-4.58 ( -6-4 5/8ths+ give or take)
Jackson said on 9/Nov/18
Lamelo is 100% taller than Liangelo. You guys are looking at old pics of Lamelo at like 14-15 years old. He’s grown a lot and still is growing. He’s taller than liangelo. Take away liangelos hair and Lamelo is visibly taller here.
Click Here
Also... I’ve seen recent video footage showing Melo looking a solid 2 inches taller than Liangelo.
Canson said on 9/Nov/18
@Christian: I agree on Zo. For LaMelo, I’m uncertain how tall he is. I have Liangelo at 6’3” flat
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 5/Nov/18
Lonzo 6'4.5"
Liangelo and Lamelo 6'3.25"
Ellis said on 4/Nov/18
@Canson: Yeah, I have Zo at a hair over 6'4.5 he is like 6'4.6 to me, Liangelo is somewhere in the 6'3 to at most 6'3.5 range. He is most definitely not taller than Lonzo Ball and it is pretty noticeable.
Canson said on 4/Nov/18
@Ellis: I think looking at it that 6’2” is too low. Christian pointed out his eye level could also be different. I think 6’3ish but he’s not as tall as Lonzo. Lonzo I still have as 6’4 1/2.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 3/Nov/18
If LiAngelo get 6'2 then Lonzo is not higher than 6'3. I could buy an inch off Rob listed them but not under it. Only 6'2 is too hard to believe it.
Jackson said on 27/Oct/18
Liangelo Ball’s height is overlisted a bit, but I do believe lonzo is a legit 6’5” and 6’6” in shoes. He’s the tallest ball brother as of now.. although Lamelo will pass him I have no doubt about that. I could see Lamelo ending up being 6’6” barefoot and 6’7” in shoes fully grown.
Canson said on 24/Oct/18
@Ellis: 6’2 May have been too low for him. However, I believe Gelo is 6’3” max
Ellis said on 22/Oct/18
@Canson: You could be right, Lonzo Ball is clearly taller than Liangelo, and I don't have Lonzo much taller than 6'4.5. You are implying that Lonzo is more than an inch taller than Liangelo and with many examples of photographic evidence I believe that to be true. However, i deem 6'2 flat to be a little low, but now that you have brought this to my attention, Liangelo is probably in the 6'2 section. I would give him 6'2.75 or 6'2.5, I strongly agree that over 6'3 is being a bit generous to him.
Canson said on 21/Oct/18
@Ellis: I don’t have Liangelo over 6’3”. The one sportscaster said he’s only 6’2”. Pre drafts are not always accurate. I know that Dwayne Wade is not 6’3.75. People who’ve met him say he’s between 6’2-6’3” which is how he looks and how Lebron even said he was “lucky to be 6’3”. Otis Smith Orlando’s GM and Erik Spoelstra both said that he is 6’4 on a very good day. I don’t see someone who is 6’3.75 being 6’4 on a good day. They made that comment to make his accomplishment of
blocked shots more magnified. He’s definitely not that tall. I’ve seen Carmelo anthony up close and he is 6’6”. Wade is over 3” shorter than he is
Canson said on 21/Oct/18
@Ellis: I don’t have Liangelo over 6’3”. The one sportscaster said he’s only 6’2”.
Ellis said on 18/Oct/18
@Canson: It's true man, some pictures can be confusing but LiAngelo is definitely not over 6'4. He is probably 6'3.25 or 6'3.5. I saw in an episode of Ball in the Family they had Liangelo at 6'6 which is a joke. I am much taller than Liangelo, and I could never imagine myself making such an outrageous claim above my actual height.
Canson said on 11/Oct/18
@Junior: apparently, a sportswriter who was at Liangelo’s workout claimed that he’s only 6’2”. He said he and Liangelo were eye to eye. Now maybe Liangelo does really edge him but if they’re about eye to eye, it means Liangelo is no more than maybe half inch taller if he doesn’t have the keen eyes that we have here on Celebheights
Canson said on 10/Oct/18
He can look a solid 6’4” next to Magic
Canson said on 8/Oct/18
I’d give Lonzo 194-195 max but probably 6’4.4-.5
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 8/Oct/18
Click Here Taller than 6'3.5-6'4 2nd older brother. So 6'3.5"?
Erik C. said on 24/Sep/18
@Ellis @Rob
Yea, now the only reason why i didn't say that gelo is shorter than melo is that in recent photos to two of them are so close in height is that it's very difficult for me to determine who's taller. I wouldn't necessarily say that melo has surpassed gelo entirely YET. But, it's possible I won't rule it out and if he hasn't he will very soon. For example, there's a picture of that mellow posted on his Instagram that shows him and Gelo far left and far right. Gelo is closer to the camera and has more hair, but, melo has sneakers on as opposed to gelo's BBB flip flops. There's also no telling who has more for her than the other and who is more compressed than the other. They might be the same height. Melo is lankier and has a smaller head making him APPEAR taller than gelo.
Rob, my question to you is, do you think melo has outgrown gelo yet?

Editor Rob
I can't say if he has grown taller yet.
James said on 23/Sep/18
Ellis said on 22/Sep/18
Erik C.,
I completely agree with you, I saw a source that stated Lamelo ball is 6'7.75 which is absolutely ridiculous. Lamelo Ball is a little shorter than Lonzo, and he is taller than Liangelo Ball. I would say Liangelo is around 6'3.5 to 6'3.75(maybe), Lamelo is 6'4.25, and Lonzo is 6'4.5-6'4.75
Canson said on 21/Sep/18
Lonzo is still the tallest of the brothers
Erik C. said on 21/Sep/18
Pic, video, source? Proof??
Erik C. said on 20/Sep/18
Hahahaha... you've got to be kidding me. There's a youtube video i discovered apparently published sept. 5 and they're now saying melo's 6'8! As if his height wasnt already inflated enough. Embarassing, laughable, an utter joke. Doubt he's over 6-4 1/4.
latotti said on 19/Sep/18
Eric and Christian, Lamelo is slighlty taller than Lonzo now.
Oh, and Lavar is between liangelo and lonzo
Ellis said on 16/Sep/18
I think Lonzo is between 6'4.5 and 6'4.75. Rob Paul you should do a page for Giannis Antetokounmpo, he is becoming a very well known NBA player.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 10/Sep/18
@Erik C
I doubt Lamelo's under 6'3" now. I can tell that he has grown over the years. But for Lavar of all people, being his father, to call him 6'6" is preposterous. You'd expect him to know his own son's height better than anyone else because he's been around him a lot. But I think he's just puropsefully boasting about his height. Parents do that sometimes. I personally know parents who brag about their son being 6'4" when in reality he's around 6'1.5". He's a basketball player in high school and he's listed 6'3" by his roster.
Sorry but to guess 6'5.5" for Lamelo is ridiculous. He looks about 6'3" next to 6'4.5" Lonzo and this pic is only a few weeks old (August 21)
Click Here I can buy 6'3.25" but no more.
Erik C. said on 9/Sep/18
Maybe my estimation for melo is too low. However, you keep restating that he's easily 6 foot five barefoot now and that he's outgrown Lonzo. Do you have any sources or pictures that indicate that without his long hair? But give or take I would say that anywhere from 6-3.5-6-4.5 might be fair. I think it's Lamelo's slender body plan and body proportions that make him look taller than he actually is.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 6/Sep/18
@Christian 6'5 3/8" @Erik C To give Lonzo a low height 6'4 1/2 like
Michael Jordan which recently Lamelo have already catch up a solid inch above dad LaVar, Lonzo and 2" on LiAngelo from some instagram updated short clip. So how could Lamelo be only 6'2 3/4 guess and 6'4 1/2? Def 6'5 1/2 now barefoot and he might have a 50/50 chance end up barely 6'6-6'6 1/2 and 6'7-6'8 with shoes like his dad predicted.
Erik C said on 3/Sep/18
Yea, as a matter a fact, previously I had thought that Lamelo most probably wasn't anywhere under -6'4+ range. But now that I see this extremely recent image from Melo's Instagram with him standing completely aligned with 6'3 5/8 Liangelo, he honestly looks 190 cm at best. Go to his insta and you'll see the sixth most recent image. So you might be right on the money. The camera angle looks pretty good overall, but one might be at a low as opposed to both or maybe one has a footwear advantage but Cristian do you think it's possible Melo is more like 6'2 3/4 in the morning and dips down to 6'2 3/8 at night? I think we can all agree that the 6'6 Lavar claimed for him on that interview was pretty ridiculous though...
My listing: (tallest to shortest)
Lonzo: 6'4 5/8
Lavar: 6'4 1/4
Liangelo: 6'3 5/8
Lamelo: 6'2 3/4
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 1/Sep/18
It's very possible that Lamelo might end up as tall as 6'4.5" Lonzo or even the tallest out of the three brothers, but I can't see him growing to 6'7"-6'8". He's 17 and about 6'3" now and most boys don't grow more than an inch or two after that.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 31/Aug/18
@viper Honestly looking at frame of LaVar makes me feel that Barkley could edge him out a bit. If Kobe Bryant really not over 6'4.75" i would have Lonzo same height with dad LaVar at 6'4 1/2. 6'4 in that 1" sandals means he is 6'3 barefoot that is too low.
Erik C said on 29/Aug/18
Recently I have noticed that Lavar's youngest son, Melo, has been billed at 6ft 5 seemingly without hair. (As he's cut his hair recently before entering JBA)I was thinking he's probably somewhere in 6'4-6'5 range because either he was billed in sneakers which would prob subtract an inch, or, he was measured barefoot so he would be legit 6'5. But I don't know whether he was billed in sneakers or not. My question to you is, have you seen enough of Melo to make a fair guess and if so, what would YOU peg him at?

Editor Rob
Not looked at him much since adding Lonzo, but at a glance just now he did gain some height over last year but wouldn't have said 6ft 5 barefoot though.
viper said on 23/Aug/18
Lavar Ball easily looks 6-4 in sandals compared to the 6-0 host here.
Click Here
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 22/Aug/18
Lamelo Ball have catch up both brothers height. LaMelo is almost 17 now recently being called 6'6 by their dad LaVar Ball. I saw it on instagram Lonzo look an inch lower than LaMelo, not surprise if this younger one stop and reach up 6'7-6'8 in one to two years time.
Canson said on 28/Jul/18
@Shane: I see where you are coming from. My 6’5-6’6 former teammate claims 6’7” still and he’s 35 years old. But he knows he’s not that barefoot as it’s been told to him several times by us when he comes out and tries to inflate us to make himself taller. I guess a doctor should require a measurement on a physical more often. In addition, some of these doctors need to measure barefoot. I admit that you will still have the morning afternoon variance between two people but if they measured opposite times at the doctor but that could be max half inch, and likely less in many cases. I don’t think either is wrong in that case.
JKE 168cm said on 27/Jul/18
Yeah, I don't think that LaVar is 6'5". Here he is with 6'0.5" measured Trae Young
Click Here.
Canson said on 26/Jul/18
@Shane: well said! I’m equally as surprised because I had Lavar as a legit 6’5”. He was actually listed 6’6” at times too. I believed 6’5 tho. Maybe he never was that tall all along
Canson said on 26/Jul/18
@Brad: weak 6’5”
Bradley said on 25/Jul/18
Weak 6-4 '18.
Shane said on 25/Jul/18
@Christian yeah I think it's obvious he lowballed him. But let's say the kid had some near 1.5 inch air max on and stood 6'5 1/2" + in those and Lavar was in a half inch flip flop and not standing tall. Maybe Lavar is down to 6'3" to 6'3 1/2" barefoot these days in afternoon and was only pushing 6'4" in some flip flops and was slouching looking shorter than that. So my friend at around 6'6" in shoes with a slouched Lavar in a short shoe may have felt several inches taller when in reality there is likely less than an inch difference of him at 6'4" range barefoot and Lavar slightly under.
Shane said on 25/Jul/18
@Cansom the thing is a lot of athletes these days dont even think of using a barefoot height because their coaches have never measured them out of shoes so they legitimately only think of their true height as what they measure in their shoes. So it's not that he is trying to be dishonest it's just all they know. My 16 year old nephew is 6'3" in shoes and he doesnt even process thinking of a barefoot height to him he is just simply 6'3", period. Pretty sure that is all my friend is doing. And he was a very average high school player who isnt even pursuing college basketball. And yes, I would say you and he would be very close in height. He has got to be 6'4" flat range barefoot in afternoon MAYBE close to 6'5" barefoot out of bed tops. Like 6'4 3/4... maybe. Another kid on high school team is listed 6'9" and I measured him one afternoon at 6'8" in shoes. Out of bed 6'9" in shoes but he just thinks of himself as 6'9" when at least at the time he was more 6'7" range barefoot.
Fer Cobo said on 25/Jul/18
Hey Rob. I thought 6'5" was a right height for Zo but I've seen this picture and I'm really confused. He looks the same height as Christopher Smalling, who is 6'4". What do you think?
Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Jul/18
Lavar's height is difficult to pinpoint compared to most people. But him being only 6'1"-6'2" is ridiculous. That kid lowballed his height a lot.
Canson said on 24/Jul/18
@Shane: LOL. He must be a basketball player or someone looking for a scholarship or a NBA or overseas career! I don’t know many guys at 6’4 and change that would claim 6’6” to be honest! That’s too tall imho. I wouldn’t want to be a barefoot 6’6” and many guys know that they wouldn’t either yet 6’3 range guys claim 6’5 but they even know the same thing themselves. I’m probably not far off your friend in height if that’s how he measures. That’s exactly how I would measure myself. Probably would get a solid 6’6” in a normal pair of basketball shoes (Jordan’s etc) if I were to hit the combine (early morning, about an hour after I wake) which would add 1.25” as I’d be around 6’4.75 after an hour, but at a normal low I would be best case 6’5.5-.6 and if extreme low more like 6’5.25 or a mm over. Suffice to say that I have worn Jordan’s late night and been guessed 6’4 before by an honest person and even in flats late night 6’3 before since I would come out around 6’4 1/2 at an extreme low in flats
viper said on 24/Jul/18
No way Lonzo grew from 6-3.5 to 6-5 just like that
Canson said on 24/Jul/18
@Shane: what a coincidence! I looked him up Sunday night myself and saw he’s 6’4 now as well
Shane said on 21/Jul/18
@Canson @Rob: Kid from local high school met and has pictures of Lavar this week in Houston, TX. He played basketball as a senior at local high school this year and was generously listed at 6'6". He MIGHT be that tall in basketball shoes... maybe. Not convinced. That said, I asked him how tall Lavar was standing with him and he said 6'1" to 6'2" and looked much shorter than he anticipated. Now I'm sure he had to have lowballed him a little but it certainly makes me think he is definitely not over 6'4" barefoot these days. I am now seeing him listed online a lot at 6'4" rather than 6'6" so perhaps he is shrinking rapidly (not sure why he would tho) and is more 6'3" range now.
Canson said on 10/Jul/18
@Junior: can look 3” between them to be honest. Luke could be over 6’7” by a hair. He measured 6’7.75 I believe but maybe morning
Canson said on 10/Jul/18
@Junior: can look 3” between them to be honest. Luke could be over 6’7” by a hair. He measured 6’7.75 I believe
Canson said on 10/Jul/18
@Junior: can honestly look 3” between them to be honest
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 9/Jul/18
@Christian Don't get fool by Lonzo hair and eye to eye. Luke tilt down little bit on eye level talking to him. Looking at the top of their ear can make some comparison too Luke look right at about 2.5" taller.
Canson said on 3/Jul/18
@Junior and Christian: Luke I believe was 6’7.75 when measured. Maybe he’s a strong 6’7” like Love but he looks at least 6’7” with Kobe or Draymond. Maybe even 6’7.25. I agree with you Christian that he likely has footwear advantage on Walton. Lonzo never looks 6’5”. We will have some better pics soon when he and Lebron are next to each other and Lance Stephenson etc
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Jul/18
That looks more like a 2" difference rather than 2.5", but Lonzo likely has footwear advantage with his bball sneakers compared to Luke's dress shoes so maybe 2.25". But I doubt Luke's tall as 6'7.5" though.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 2/Jul/18
Click Here 2.5" lower than 6'7 1/2 Luke Walton. Maybe he can really be 6'5.
JonathanM said on 24/Jun/18
Rob, take a look at these and let me know what you think — looks like no way Lonzo is taller than Kobe, from a year ago to recently. Either Lonzo gets a downgrade or Kobe a slight upgrade. Additionally, here are two images of Kobe and Lonzo next to Luke Walton for comparison.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Canson said on 27/May/18
@Blink: yep and that’s gonna be a morning height. So more like 6’4 5/8 or 3/4 in shoes since they don’t do 1/8” increments. Anything with 1/8” is rounded up to the nearest quarter. My guess for Liangelo is 6’3.5 barefoot and Zo looks about an inch taller imho
JKE 168cm said on 26/May/18
Yeah in the bottom right hand corner of the photo I posted, it says heights measured in shoes.

Editor Rob
I'll give him a page.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 26/May/18
LiAngelo was measured 6'5.25" WITH shoes, not barefoot.
Click Here
Blink said on 25/May/18
His brother LiAngelo measured in at 6'5.25 at the Combine, with shoes on.
Anon636365 said on 25/May/18
Click Here
Click Here
Hey rob how tall do you think the guy in the middle is
Think he has a shoe adavantage on everyone bar Lamelo aswell as he’s in trainers and those 3 are in pool slides

Editor Rob
Could be close to 5ft 10
Nick92 said on 24/May/18
I think he's taller than this because even his younger brother gelo who he is definitely taller than measured at 6ft5.25 bare foot measurement at the NBA draft combine he also has short hair now.
Click Here
JKE 168 cm said on 23/May/18
Sorry I meant with shoes on.

Editor Rob
Are those figures definitely with sneakers? If so Liangelo could be solid 6ft 4 range.
JKE 168 cm said on 23/May/18
His younger brother Liangelo measured 6'5.25 without shoes
Click Here (Probably morning height) so I'd say that Lonzo could be around 6'5" flat, or a little below.
Canson said on 19/May/18
@Kit: Lebron isn’t 4” taller than Lonzo. That’s at absolute most 3”. Really looks 2.5-2.75” at times
Kit said on 18/May/18
If Lonzo is listed at 6'5 then why is LeBron listed as 6'7 and not 6'9?
Click Here
Canson said on 27/Apr/18
@Jason: not sure. Maybe he grew. When he was at UCLA, Lavar was taller most of the time. Maybe you’re right that Lavar is only 6’4.5 now too. Lavar being built like he is and with poorer posture and heavier may just give the impression. But Lonzo doesn’t look 6’5. He looks closer to my height maybe if anything he could edge me by 1/4”. I could see Lavar as being taller than me though
esketit said on 27/Apr/18
Legit 6'6 guy if not taller, his small calves and legs sometimes makes him even look closer to 6'4 than 6'6
Jason193 said on 25/Apr/18
@Dillon based on what you’ve said here, I assume you’re a legit 195cm guy like Kobe. You’d probably be 2cm above the top square of a door if you were to measure.
Jason193 said on 25/Apr/18
@Dillon based on what you’ve said here, I assume you’re a legit 195cm guy like Kobe. You’d probably be 2cm above the top square of a foot if you were to measure.
Jason193 said on 25/Apr/18
@Canson idk man, Lonzo usually looks taller than Lavar, though it could be due to posture. If Lavar is 6’5, Lonzo is probably 6’5 as well (though I don’t think either of them are that tall). Lonzo is maybe 6’4.5 before bed, Lavar probably closer to 6’4.
Jason 193cm said on 18/Apr/18
@Dillon can't take pics since my dorm room doesn't have any doors like that (with the squares), but when I measured at home with a can 12+ hours out of bed, I was either right in line with the top square or like 1/16th of an inch above it depending on how active I was. This was about a month ago and I was flat 6'4 range at that time. It's interesting that you might have grown at 22, that's quite rare but certainly possible. I was solid 6'3 from 18 to 20, but picked up ~3cm now 8 months later, and measure 6'4.15-6'4.2 at my low. Upper 6'4 range or 6'5 range is a great height man, I still wish I was a cm or two taller lol.
Cj said on 15/Apr/18
Their height without shoes
Lonzo 6'4.5
Liangelo 6'3.75
LaMelo 6'3
Lavar 6'4
Canson said on 13/Apr/18
@Dillon: unless you were only a solid 6’5” at that time of the day, it’s likely you may not dip below the mark (meaning if you were actually slightly above like 196cm). CM is the best way to gauge it
Dillon Rice said on 12/Apr/18
Just got my height measured today almost 5 hours out of bed and without shoes the nurse said 6’5. Not sure of the exact measurement though.
Canson said on 11/Apr/18
@Shane: he may be taller than that. I think he easily clears 6’5 out of bed imho. May even edge me by a hair and be 6’4.5 at a low or 194 whereas I’m 6’4.25 and 6’4 at an extreme low. He has proportions of a 6’4/6’5 guy too
Canson said on 11/Apr/18
@Alecmaxon: Beal is 191 range in my opinion. They get measured early morning but it’s said he grew as a 6’3 friend met him and said he’s his height or slightly taller meaning he could be a cm taller and my buddy is 190.3 at his low. Maybe 6’3.5 too. Levine not sure on him.
Dillon Rice said on 9/Apr/18
@Jason 193cm
Could you take a picture of how you measure up with the door if you don’t mind, just so I can get an idea how I compare to a 6’4 guy? I measured 6’4.5 from 19 through 21 up until I turned 22 all of a sudden I got 6’5 measurements at the doctor, but I’m not sure I buy it. I think I’m still in 6’4 range.
Shane said on 7/Apr/18
I would guess Lonzo at 6'4" 1/2 to 6'4" 5/8" out of bed and near 6'4" flat barefoot later in day.
Frost said on 4/Apr/18
Yeah Damian Lillard deserves a page
6'1 would he generous for him.
Alecmaxon said on 2/Apr/18
@Canson Hey Canson how tall do you think Bradley Beal and Zach lavine is? Zach looks a hair taller than 6’4.5 Jamal Crawford and Bradley Beal looks 192cm 6’3.5 what do you think?
Alecmaxon said on 2/Apr/18
@Rob hey rob can you add Zach Lavine, Bradley Beal and Damien Lillard?
Frost said on 2/Apr/18
Click Here
Ground is not level, and Gelo is slouching, but something is still not right about this picture.
There's no way Melo grew this much since 2017.
Lonzo states Melo is 6'5 in his newest insta post,
Borats Chicken said on 29/Mar/18
where would you put tallest and the shortest out of the ball

Editor Rob
I've not seen much of the rest of the family to say.
Canson said on 26/Mar/18
@Viper: lavar said he himself was 6’4? He looks 6’5 tbh
viper said on 24/Mar/18
His dad was saying he was 6-4 last year
Canson said on 23/Mar/18
@Jason: you may end up getting to 6’4.25 now. My out of bed is similar to yours not far over 6’5. I wake up 195.7 usually 195.8 on longer sleep. And 193.7-.8 usually. Some days lose 1.8 others 2cm
Jason 193cm said on 20/Mar/18
@Canson yep I’m a full 6’4 (or a tiny bit more). I measure about 6’4.1 after 12 hours and 6’4 flat if it was an active day.
Canson said on 10/Mar/18
@Jason: are you a full 6’4” at a low now? I measured the other day after getting home and going to the gym and got exactly 6’4.25. I also did it one day I didn’t go to the gym and got 193.8-.9.
Jason 193cm said on 8/Mar/18
@Dillon I know you were talking to Canson, but my head (not including hair) is right in line with the second top square at night.
Canson said on 7/Mar/18
@Dillon: in regards to KCP he’s prob just 6’4” (6’4.5 morning height). Ball could be around what you said 6’4-6’4.5 range esp with magic Johnson or Kyle kuzma. As far as my head above the squares, not sure. Interesting question tho! I have to check
Dillon Rice said on 4/Mar/18
@Canson How far does your head come above the two squares at the top of a 6’8 standard door? My head comes a little bit above them.
Dillon Rice said on 4/Mar/18
Says he’s listed 6’6 in shoes here which is interesting cause most sites just say 6’6 without elaborating.
Click Here
Also he’s 4 inches shorter than 6’8.5 Ike anigbogu.
Click Here
And he’s only like an inch an a half taller than Markelle Fultz who’s probably like 6’4 in shoes.
Click Here
Dillon Rice said on 4/Mar/18
I’ll say 6’4.5. Not sure I’d go lower.
Dillon Rice said on 4/Mar/18
@Rob I don’t see a full inch difference. Maybe he’s barely taller. Also he’s about the same height as 6’4.5 Kentavious Caldwell Pope and maybe an inch to an inch and a half than 6’3.25 Jordan Clarkson. I see him as 6’4.25 to 6’4.5.
Click Here
Canson said on 4/Mar/18
Take into account too that Hart was morning measured so likely 6’3.25ish means Lonzo is more like 194cm at best which is how he really looks
Dillon Rice said on 3/Mar/18
@Rob Why does Lonzo look the same height as 6’3 3/4 Josh Hart?
Click Here

Editor Rob
I take it you meant
This link He looks an inch taller there.
Canson said on 24/Feb/18
@JKE168: I think Gelo is taller than Melo. All of the brothers heights are exaggerated tho. Lonzo is 6’6” in shoes at best and that’s if he’s grown. He could be like
Michael Jordan was 6’5.5-6’6” with Shoes and 6’4.5 barefoot and be listed the way he is. 6’7” is a bit ridiculous imho lol. Maybe that’s him accounting for his Afro
Frost said on 22/Feb/18
I can't put LaMelo below 6'3
Click Here
Streets aren't very good to judge but they're close to each other
Canson said on 20/Feb/18
@Dillon: Okur if I can recall is 6’9” range barefoot but what Rob said is correct. Because it’s likely the other guy may not be 6’4” barefoot either don’t know much about him
JKE 168 cm said on 20/Feb/18
@Canson Nah, Melo ain't 6'3". He's easily 6 inches shorter than 6'8" measured Shareef O'Neal
Click Here. If Melo has grown since then, it's not going to be that much, because back in June/July of last year, Melo was looking similar height compared to his brothers as he does now
Click Here. I think he looks similar range to 6'2"
Mark Henry Click Here.
@Derrick74 I think Gelo just edges out Melo by about half an inch or three quarters of an inch.
Click Here
Alec289 said on 20/Feb/18
nah Melo is taller than Gelo
Derrick74 said on 19/Feb/18
@JKE Melo is taller than Gelo.
Canson said on 19/Feb/18
@Jke168: Melo has to be at least 6’3” range same with Gelo
Dillon Rice said on 18/Feb/18
@Rob How is 6’11 listed Mehmet Okur only 2-3 inches taller than Tony Finau who’s listed at 6’4? That is so weird...
Click Here

Editor Rob
Could be the ground plus an inch worse stance making the difference less.
JKE 168cm said on 17/Feb/18
@Shaq I think Melo is more 6'2.25 and Gelo 6'3 flat.
Canson said on 17/Feb/18
@Shaq: I’d go more with
Lavar 6’5
Lonzo 6’4.5
Gelo 6’3.5
Melo 6’3
JKE 168cm said on 16/Feb/18
Lol Melo is nowhere near 6'4", he's more like strong 6'2" range but I think Lonzo is a strong 6'4" though and LiAngelo is 6'3".
Shaq said on 15/Feb/18
Lonzo : 6'4.5
Lavar : 6'4.25 - 6'4.5
LiAngelo : 6'3.25
Lamelo : 6'2.75 - 6'3
Dillon Rice said on 15/Feb/18
@Rob And also Damian Lillard as well.
Dillon Rice said on 15/Feb/18
@Rob Could you make a page for Harvey Korman?
Canson said on 15/Feb/18
@Alec28: if you’re saying Christian isn’t that tall it means those two guys aren’t that tall. Christian is one of the tallest posters here at 6’5.25 at night (6’6” out of bed). It isn’t much of a surprise if those two aren’t 6’4” as Lonzo is more like 6’4.5 barefoot meaning under 6’4 is easy if they’re both an inch shorter than Lonzo is
Canson said on 15/Feb/18
@Dillon: I can’t see that. That video isn’t the best. Watch Lavar walk off the court from the game his team forfeited he is clearly over 6’4”. As far as length he is very big (fat) he won’t look necessarily as long but that’s height for you. People are built proportionately differently
@Jorsan89: Melo is taller than Lonzo. I’m 6’4 1/4 and he was easily 2” If not close to 2” taller than I am. He’s at minimum absolutely a full 6’6” But could be the full 6’6.25 he was on his or draft
Canson said on 15/Feb/18
@Dillon: I can’t see that. That video isn’t the best. Watch Lavar walk off the court from the game his team forfeited he is clearly over 6’4”. As far as length he is very big (fat) he won’t look necessarily as long but that’s height for you. People are built proportionately differently
Jorsan89 said on 15/Feb/18
Melo is 6’4 he’s the same height or barley shorter than lonzo
Dillon Rice said on 14/Feb/18
@Canson I just can’t see Lavar as tall as guys like Howard Stern, Neil Flynn and Kobe Bryant. They just look a lot longer to me.
Dillon Rice said on 14/Feb/18
@Canson Jeff Goodman is the same height as Victor Olidipo who’s 6’3 and also about the same height as Lavar Ball. I can’t see Lavar over 6’4.
Click Here
Click Here
Canson said on 13/Feb/18
@Christian: yea I agree. Lamelo prob isn’t even 6’4” yet. Lonzo to me still doesn’t look a proper 6’5 either but Lavar to me still is if he stands straight. he looks that tall when he’s walking straight imho
Alec28 said on 13/Feb/18
Christian they are that tall your not that tall.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 12/Feb/18
Liangelo and Lamelo aren’t that tall. (at least not yet for Lamelo since he’s young and still growing)
Canson said on 12/Feb/18
@Dillon: you’re prob a good 6’5”. Prob 6’5 at a low. Also depends on what type of shoes you have on.
Canson said on 12/Feb/18
@Miguel: I can see them being pretty close Lavar and Lonzo. Lonzo still doesn’t quite strike me as 6’5”. He seems more a weak 6’5” afternoon (194-195). More 6’4.5 imho at least then Lavar may be 6’5 flat but doubt higher. I actually thought 196-197 before but definitely not because you’re right he looks shorter at times than his son.
Dillon Rice said on 10/Feb/18
@Canson At the store today I stood inside a 6’6 tent. I couldn’t quite stand up straight all the way so my guess is I’m 6’6.25 or so in shoes. This was 4.5-5 hours out of bed.
Miguel said on 10/Feb/18
I see what you mean about Lavar now. But I’d still say that assuming all of them with good posture mid-day that Lonzon prob has the slightest edge of a quarter inch. However, again with the good photos you provided I can see they’re around the smae height. These are my new guesses based off of pics from google and other posts here:
Lonzo - 6’5”
Lavar - 6’4.75”
Liangelo - 6’4.25”
Lamelo - 6’3.75”
So I now kinda see why people have put lavar around Lonzo’s height, but I still think if Lonzo stood up with better posture that he might have a quarter inch on him. And Liangelo is not as short as I preciously would’ve guessed and is around Lamelo’s height. However if I had to say who’s taller I’d probably give Liangelo the quarter inch edge. Overall, they’re all pretty close in height, but I could see Lonzo straightening up to 6’5”.
Canson said on 10/Feb/18
@Jordanpercy: being both heights at one point in the day 6’5 out of bed and 6’4.25ish at night I would say that either height is good. I’d personally go with 6’4” if I had a choice since both are tall enough honestly. Which is what I claim since I measure it for majority of the day as it is. But being that Dillon isn’t judging or measuring his worth off his pro basketball skills it prob wouldn’t matter what he is. He’s simply stating it for reference and asking a question to rob which he’s entitled to do
Canson said on 10/Feb/18
One player whose height is hard to pin down is Brandon Ingram. His length is deceptive. I’d put Kyle Kuzma based on when he was measured at 6’7.5. Ingram looks taller at times. He may actually be 6’8.5 or so barefoot although he was measured 6’8 before
Canson said on 9/Feb/18
@Dillon: my guess based on that is you’re anywhere from 6’5 5/8-3/4 out of bed. You may lose a full cm after an hour and be 6’5.75 out and 6’5.36 after 1 hour 20 minutes. I lose 0.8cm or .9cm after 1 hour. I’m 195.7-.8 out of bed last time I measured and 194.9 (6’4.75) roughly after an hour and 193.7-.9cm at night.
Canson said on 9/Feb/18
@Dillon: my guess based on that is you’re anywhere from 6’5 5/8-3/4 out of bed. You may lose a full cm after an hour and be 6’5.75 out and 6’5.36 after 1 hour 20 minutes. I lose 0.8cm or .9cm after 1 hour.
Jordanpercy said on 9/Feb/18
Dillon who cares your still above 6’4 seriously
Dillon Rice said on 8/Feb/18
@Canson Yeah I know, that’s why I was surprised when she said that.
Dillon Rice said on 7/Feb/18
@Canson And that other measurement over 6’5 was at the doctors about 6 hours out of bed. I remember looking back and it was a little over the 77 inch mark. She also said 6’5 herself.
Dillon Rice said on 7/Feb/18
@Canson Honestly the 6’5.5 out of bed is just a guess. I got measured 6’5.36 1 hour and 20 min out of bed at the doctors back in the summer. And yes I wanted to go barefoot but she didn’t ask. I wish I had a stadiometer at home like Rob though. I measure with a ruler on top of my head.
Canson said on 7/Feb/18
@Dillon: you should be higher than 78” in shoes if it’s morning. Maybe not by a lot but slightly. Depending on how much shoe you have on
Canson said on 6/Feb/18
@Rob: I understand what you’re saying regarding Dillon’s height. However closer to can mean he’s closer to 6’6 than 6’5” or could mean literally that he’s about 6’6”. That’s the problem with some of these nurses and doctors not taking the time to measure someone barefoot. I’m sure Dillon would’ve complied and taken off his shoes if they had asked esp since he’s on this site and claims his barefoot height.
Canson said on 6/Feb/18
@Dillon: if you’re 6’5.5 out of bed you should be 195cm at night at max. (6’4.75) prob similar size to Kobe. I lose about 3/4” per day myself and I’m actually marginally shorter than you. I wake up a hair over 6’5” usually about 6’5 1/16 (6’5.06) (195.7cm) and am around (on average) 193.8cm at a low (some days 193.9 others 193.7). If you measured an hour out of bed or so you may lose a bit slower than average but you would still be around 6’5.25 max at that stage prob even a bit less. Meaning if you’re “almost 6’6” in a shoe that would mean it’s a low shoe with little heal and little height from the shoe. You should try to measure at a low to see what you are (from the doctor). You may have overmeasured yourself at home or the doctor may have undermeasired you possibly. 6’5.5 out of bed tho shouldn’t be even a full 6’5” at night. You likely would at most be 6’4.75. Some guys that wake up that size can even lose an inch but there are factors that go into that
Dillon Rice said on 6/Feb/18
@Canson And on my after visit summary page it said I was 163.8 lbs and 77 inches tall. I’m definitely more than 77 inches with shoes and way heavier than 163.8. I’m like 200-205 lbs and 6’6 (78 inches) with shoes on. I think their equipment was messed up. Plus my blood pressure was measured way lower than it normally is.
Frost said on 5/Feb/18
Click Here
Lamelo Ball seems to still be growing
Wonder if he'll beat out his brothers height wise by the end of it all
Dillon Rice said on 5/Feb/18
@Canson I was measured a few months back at a little over 6’5 6 hours out of bed. So doesn’t make any sense to me. And at home with a ruler on top of my head I measure my height as a little over 6’5 or just at 6’5 for most of the day and about 6’5.5 or so out of bed.
Canson said on 4/Feb/18
@Dillon: depending on the shoe you had on it likely means you’re actually under 6’5 since it was that early in the day. You’re probably 194-195 in the afternoon
Dillon Rice said on 2/Feb/18
@Rob I got my height measured today at the doctors. Before she measured me she asked my height and I said I was 6’5. She then measured me in shoes (didn’t ask me to take them off) and said I was “closer to 6’6 in shoes “. This was about an hour and a half out of bed. I didn’t see the exact measurement. What do you think she meant by this? 6’5.75, 6’6 or 6’6.25?

Editor Rob
I'd have thought just under 6ft 6 if she said close.
Usually if I see somebody over a mark when I measure I'll say that, and if under, maybe under/close is a term.
Canson said on 1/Feb/18
@Derrifk: what you said about not being listed 6’6 at 6’4.25 isn’t true at all. Nick Anderson was 6’4 and listed 6’6”. Also When I played in college that’s what I was listed and I’m 6’4.25. Not to mention you measure someone early in the morning at 6’4.75 (meaning they would be 6’5 out of bed) they would dip down to 6’4.25 at a low. They’ve measured in the early AM since 2009. Draymond Green is a prime example listed 6’7” but not much over 6’5. That’s reliably said by his coaches as well such as Alvin Gentry and Steve Kerr as well as his former GM saying he’s the third shortest player behind Ian Clark and Steph
Canson said on 1/Feb/18
Dillon the explanation is easy. The pic you have is not a good pic Lebron is favored and number 2 Ball is not 6’5. That’s what has been said below. He’s 6’4.5. Again I don’t know why Lebron would say out of his own mouth that he’s 6’7” if he’s not same with Cam Newton when he’s met Lebron why he would undercut him especially when he’s commenting on his size. Use some common sense Dillon. And more common sense Lebron has a measurement in record Lonzo does not. Well he does actually 6’3.5 but he’s likely grown since. He’s 6’4.5 max.
No offense but I don’t understand you. It’s like you use pics that you know favor others and disregard facts. It’s the NBA they won’t underlist Lebrin if anything his barefoot height would be listed higher than he is. Lebron was fully grown when he came in the league. If you look at him next to any 6’7” range guy at the pf like love or Thompson he’s clearly shorter. Sometimes you and Johnson need to both think maybe the others really aren’t as tall as they claim
Canson said on 1/Feb/18
Dillon the explanation is easy. The pic you have is not a good pic Lebron is favored and number 2 Ball is not 6’5. That’s what has been said below. He’s 6’4.5. Again I don’t know why Lebron would say out of his own mouth that he’s 6’7” if he’s not same with Cam Newton when he’s met Lebron why he would undercut him especially when he’s commenting on his size. Use some common sense Dillon. And more common sense Lebron has a measurement in record Lonzo does not. Well he does actually 6’3.5 but he’s likely grown since. He’s 6’4.5 max.
Dillon Rice said on 30/Jan/18
@Canson Then how do you explain Lebron towering 6’5 Lonzo Ball?
Jordanmaxon said on 30/Jan/18
I have to agree with Canson melo is 6’.25 Lebron is 200.5-201 6’7 Kobe 6’4.75 which is basically 6’5 tho lol
Canson said on 30/Jan/18
@Dillon: read your post that Lebron may be 6’8”. You have to sit and think sometimes. Cam Newton and Lebron himself said hes 6’7”. Now why would they do that if he is 6’8”? That makes no sense whatsoever. He’s 6’8” in shoes case closed. The NBA lists in shoes for every player and it wasn’t just me who said Melo was 1.5-2” taller than me 5 other people around us said so. Another piece to remember is if the NBA has pre drafts of 6’6.25 and 6’7.25 then the possibility of them being 6’7.5 and 6’8 is near impossible. People don’t grow that often past 18. They don’t. That’s the Johnson Kool Aid that you’re sipping lol. I respect Johnson but don’t agree with much of what he says as he makes excuses and makes things up and generally makes no sense
Canson said on 30/Jan/18
@Dillon: Melo and amare
Click Here
Canson said on 30/Jan/18
@Dillon: sorry but I’ve met Melo he’s not 6’7.5. He’s 6’6.25 like listed. You and Johnson both swear every player grows when they come in the league which is beyond foolish. Melo has an official measurement whereas Wilder doesn’t and Melo is favored by the camera. How on earth Is Melo 6’7.5 with Stoudemire who is 6’8.75? Not to mention melo is 1.5” taller than Kobe and shorter than lebron is. And I see the next thing you’re gonna say is well Lebron is 6’8” he’s not. When Kobe says he’s 6’4.75 and Lebron 6’7” that’s their barefoot heights
Canson said on 30/Jan/18
@Dillon: sorry but I’ve met Melo he’s not 6’7.5. He’s 6’6.25 like listed. You and Johnson both swear every player grows when they come in the league which is beyond foolish. Melo has an official measurement whereas Wilder doesn’t and Melo is favored by the camera. Not to mention melo is 1.5” taller than Kobe and shorter than lebron is. And I see the next thing you’re gonna say is well Lebron is 6’8” he’s not. When Kobe says he’s 6’4.75 and Lebron 6’7” that’s their barefoot heights
Dillon Rice said on 29/Jan/18
@Canson Plus 6’6.5 Deontay Wilder is clearly an inch or more shorter than Carmelo.
Dillon Rice said on 29/Jan/18
@Canson Carmelo Anthony at least as tall if not taller than 6’7.5
Tyson Fury. And Lebron an inch taller than Carmelo. You said you saw Carmelo and that he was two inches taller than you, but that’s from your perspective. You never took a photo with him. Sorry but I think Lebron may very well be 6’8.
Click Here
Click Here
Dillon Rice said on 29/Jan/18
@Canson That’s fine man, no offense taken, I’ve been offended plenty of times in my life, but this ain’t one of them.
Canson said on 28/Jan/18
@Dillon: I don’t think your height envious but when you try to speak on authority and tell me I’m downgrading then have some proof. Not made up proof and in Rob’s case he has them listed a certain way and the ones you brought up such as Kobe (who has claimed 6’4.5 and 6’4.75) it really isn’t downgrading when I say he’s 6’4.75 if he’s listed that way. As for Lebron he’s listed 6’7.25 here I think he’s less but maybe at worst he’s 200cm at his evening. And that’s more because of how he look with Melo and others. I apologize if I offended you as well because I was direct with what I said and a bit absrasive. My apologies again
Canson said on 28/Jan/18
@Dillon: this is the pic you posted to tell me that Lonzo was taller than Lavar
Click Here
This is the pic with Kobe
Click Here
Neither is a great pic but if I had to choose it’s definitely the one with Kobe
Canson said on 28/Jan/18
@Dillon: the photo with Kobe is a terrible photo? That is the same with your photo with Lavar Lonzo and Lamelo. How is this photo worse? At least you can see the front of them whereas you can only see the back of Lavar and side of him walking away and you attempted to use that as proof that he’s “shorter” than Lonzo. What Christian said is correct Lavar is prob not as low as 6’4.5 let alone under it like you’re saying. He’s not 6’3.75 like you say. I agree with Christian that he’s slightly favored but the 2 pics you posted are worse
Dillon Rice said on 28/Jan/18
@Canson You make some big deal of it, it’s just guessing heights. No need to take offense or anything. We are all grown adults here and I’m pretty sure you’re quite a bit older than me. I have no desire to upgrade anyone. I myself measure a little over 6’5 barefoot and I never say my shoe height. When I was 6’4.5 I said 6’4. And I agree, Lebron may be 6’7. It’s his height, doesn’t really concern me whether I’m right or wrong.
Dillon Rice said on 27/Jan/18
@Canson And btw I’m actually the one who found that Vanessa quote on her Instagram before she deleted it.
Dillon Rice said on 27/Jan/18
@Christian Exactly that’s s terrible photo. And I’ll say Lebron is possibly 6’7, Kobe is 6’5 maybe and maybe Durant is 6’9. I still see Vince Vaughn taller than Brady and Lonzo and Lavar shorter than Kobe. Lonzo looks shorter next to Lebron than Kobe does.
Canson said on 27/Jan/18
@Dillon: you also just posted a pic of JR Smith (6’5.5) with Jefferson who you claim is 6’7.25 and they’re the same height virtually that’s not almost 2”. Jefferson is 6’6” and change maybe btw not 6’7”. RJ said Vince Carter is 6’4 1/2... 6’5 on a good day so if that’s the case RJ is not 2.5” taller than Carter is that’s about 1.5”. That’s again my point is that we can’t just take what makes someone taller.
My guesses
RJ 6’6-6’6.25
Carter 6’5” max 6’4.75-6’5
Lebron 6’7” tops
Canson said on 27/Jan/18
@Dillon: not to sound rude but you don’t post very intelligently. Yku use whatever fits your thesis. Lebron’s pre draft is clearly marked at 6’7.25 on Lebron’s page. You fail to read or comprehend that for some reason and choose something else that is not official just to prove your points. You are calling my pics bad when none of yours show footwear ground level and you even tried to post a pic of Lavar Ball walking away from Lonzo when you could see Lonzo’S entire body to use that as proof that he is taller than Lavar. The other reason it’s hard to take you seriously is because you are biased and very inconsistent. So you believe Richard Jefferson about Lebron being 6’8” or that he grew an inch but you don’t believe Cam Newton when they are standing right in front of each other? So I guess there’s no point in debating because you only seem to take A. Whichever pics and claims support your point of view and B. Whichever height is of the tallest order as you have inflated every single person you comment on. Btw your definition of downgrade here is not correct. This site Rob has Kobe listed 6’4.75 and he and his wife have both said he’s that height. Yet of course you also neglect that and choose not to believe it which is silly. Lebron’s pre draft is 6’7.25 (if he was really even measured). Yet you wanna say he grew? So if he grew it means that every one else you comment on grew which is silly and very asanine to say that. Most people don’t grow beyond about 18 and if they do it’s not a full inch let alone half in most cases. Sure there are the exceptions to this but when you think everyone does it is a bit ridiculous. And going back to your pics with Lebron and Blake Griffin how about this Olympic pic where Blake is taller? Clearly. Not to mention if you’re going to use pre drafts anything 2009 or later is a morning height so really the half inch should immediately be deducted from these as opppsed to trying to inflate or justify why someone else grew. So Blake with thick hair measures 6’8.5 in the morning (per Rob’s video) less than a half hour after waking he’s max 6’8” and doesn’t even look that with 6’9.75 Deandre Jordan. And no Jordan didn’t grow if that was the next route you will take because he’s not nearly as tall as Garnett and is barely taller than Durant who measured 6’9” in the afternoon and Demarcus Cousins who measured 6’9.5 in the morning. So your logic again here fails. It only proves my point that you choose the taller height for all of these guys
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 27/Jan/18
Lonzo tends to wear basketball sneakers while Kobe's wearing dress shoes I'm assuming because of his suit. Lonzo most likely has a slight footwear advantage over Kobe in that pic, and also having camera advantage as well as wearing a hat. I wouldn't put Lonzo over 6'4.5" there.
Dillon Rice said on 26/Jan/18
@Canson This is interesting:
“During an interview last week, James said he was 6-foot-9 and 260 pounds, which caught some off guard since he is listed at 6-8 and 250. When he came into the NBA, his official size at the predraft workouts was 6-8, 240. The Cavs added 10 pounds to the roster last season. But James jokingly backed down Monday, saying: ''I'm 6-7, 240.'' The 6-9, 260 figure is probably close to accurate. Not that rosters mean much, Zydrunas Ilgauskas has been listed at 7-3 for years, but he says he is 7-2.”
Dillon Rice said on 26/Jan/18
@Canson “In responding to Detroit or Washington's predicted rough house tactics for an upcoming series... I recall Lebron put out a PSA three years ago that he grew an inch and weghted 15 pounds heavier than his HS measurements.”
Dillon Rice said on 26/Jan/18
Richard Jefferson said when he met Lebron in 2004 Olympics he was his height at 6’7 and now is 2 inches taller than him.
Click Here
Click Here
Dillon Rice said on 26/Jan/18
@Canson Here’s the Vince Vaughn Tom Brady link. Previous one didn’t work for some reason.
Click Here
Dillon Rice said on 26/Jan/18
@Canson That’s a bad picture plus Kobe clearly looks taller next to Lebron than Lonzo does. Only 2-2.5 inches between Kobe and Lebron vs 3-4 inches between Lonzo and Lebron
Canson said on 26/Jan/18
Lebron with Melo
As stated before their pre drafts are 6’7.25 and 6’6.25 respectively. I’ve met Melo and he is at most 2” taller than I am so he’s not over that measurement of 6’6.25. In this pic Lebron is not 2” taller. Sorry Dillon but Lebron is not 6’8 barefoot. He’s 6’7” just like he said. I don’t understand when Cam Newton stood right in front of him as well and is 2” shorter and called Lebron 6’7” in my link I posted below that you want to use a poor pic with Blake Griffin who is btw taller than Lebron is in the dream team pic they have and Lebron is shorter than Love and Boozer. And if you are going to comment on basketball heights please understand that beginning in 2009 they have measured players early morning. Rob posted a video of Griffin being measured 6’8.5 at 630 am (less than half hour out of bed). Blake also has very thick hair. And 6’8” for Blake in the evening is a lot to be honest because he is clearly 2” shorter than Deandre Jordan whommessured 6’9.75. DJ looks clearly over 2” taller.
Click Here
Canson said on 26/Jan/18
@Christian: it’s very hard to take Dillon seriously. He just said Boogie is the same height as KD and that kd is 6’10. Boogie measures 6’9.5 at the combine in the morning kd measured 6’9” in the afternoon of course they’re the same height. If you see those pics there they’re all a joke and biased. Prob not even worth me responding back after this
Canson said on 26/Jan/18
@Dillon: it’s a good thing Rob runs this site and not you. You’re terrible at estimating differences and use horrible pics. These ads about as good as the one you provided of lonzo looking taller than lavar with camera in his favor. And I did provide pics btw as well as cam newton saying how tall Lebron is. And if Kobe’s wife said he’s 6’4.75 that’s what he is and actually how he looks.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 26/Jan/18
I highly doubt Lavar's 6'4.5" let alone under.
Click Here
Dillon Rice said on 25/Jan/18
@Canson Take a look at all these links. These will all prove you wrong. Kobe is 6’5-6’6, Lebron is 6’8, Vince Vaughn is 6’5 and Durant is about 6’10. You didn’t provide any photos just talk. I gave you proof below.
Vince Vaughn an inch taller than Tom Brady:
Click Here
Lebron 3 inches taller than 6’5 Ray Allen
Click Here
Lebron same height as 6’8-9 Blake Griffin
Click Here
Lebron 3-4 inches taller than 6’4.5-6’5 Lonzo Ball:
Click Here
Kobe 5 inches taller than 6’1 Steve Nash:
Click Here
Kobe 4-5 inches taller than 6’1 Obama:
Click Here
Kobe 2 inches taller than 6’4 Conan:
Click Here
Kobe 4 inches taller than 6’1-6’2 Thierry Henry
Click Here
Durant same height as Steven Adams:
Click Here
Durant same height as DeMarcus Cousins:
Click Here
Canson said on 25/Jan/18
This is not a great pic but Lonzo can look just as tall if not a bit taller than Kobe here. Can’t see shoes but Maybe he is a full 6’5” today or 195. He is for sure not less than 6’4.5 tho
Click Here
Canson said on 25/Jan/18
@Christian: agree with everything you said! Not to mention the term under listing? When rob has those guys listed that way himself means that he is doing that when rarely does he. He is usually a bit generous if he doesn’t know exactly. You have rarities here like John Larroquette and a couple others but not many
Canson said on 25/Jan/18
@Dillon: that doesnt sound very intelligent with what you said. No offense. Why would the NBA purposely undermeasure guys when money is on the line? Three of these guys you mentioned play pro ball. Kobe and Lebron are both listed here by Rob’s listing and I don’t say Kobe is less than 6’4.75. So how am I downgrading him? Btw if Kobe and his wife both say he is 6’4” range then that’s what he is. He isn’t lying about his height and claims his barefoot vs a shoe height. And If you don’t like his listing take that up with Rob. Lebron I said looks less due to how he looks with Boozer Love and Melo and Thompson. Lebron looks under 6’7” with them at times and at best is a full 6’7” with Melo. Thompson has a pre draft 6’7.5 and is clearly taller than him. I’ve met Melo up close so I know he’s 6’6.25ish like his pre draft states. Maybe Lebron has him by 1” or 2cm but that makes him 6’7. So are you telling me that these players all grew from their combine measurements? Or that Kobe’s wife lied?
Lebron (according to draft express measures 6’7.25). He’s admitted before he’s 6’7” when he spoke to students at a school. He’s also said he wasn’t measured once reaching 6’6” which leads me to believe he may not have been for the draft. I only know of two or theee people who’ve met him. My friend who is a scout says he’s around 6’7”. Junior a poster here says his friend met him and that his friend is 6’4 5/8 and that Lebron is 2” taller. I unfortunately with what I heard would believe him over all of you who just upgrade a plyer to make the math work or because they’re fan boys
Durant: he was 6’9” when he was drafted. 6’10 is his shoe height according to his draft bio. One thing the NBA won’t do is underlist in someone’s pre draft. They may on the roster but not here. His pre draft is 6’9 so he’s 6’9” range and Durant is listed by Rob at 6’9.5 (Rob had him 6’9.25 before) so how am I underselling him when I say he’s about 6’9.25 or .5 and he is only half inch taller than Serge Ibaka who was 6’8.75 when drafted.
Kobe well his wife measured him so don’t see why she should lie about it and that’s how he looks with Melo approximately 1.5” shorter and the same with guys like Vujacic he’s 2cm maybe half inch shorter
I said Vaughn btw is 6’4.5 peak and 6’4” today. If you scroll down his page you will see that someone there has met him and said he is only 6’4” flat. So are you telling me Vaughn is as tall as Howard Stern? He’s not an inch taller than Brady either they used to say Jordan is an inch taller than Brady he’s not.
So every person you just mentioned you overlisted from Rob’s measurement:
Vaughn (you said is 6’5) rob has at 6’4.5 today 6’5 peak
Kobe (you said is 6’5+) rob has at 6’4.75
Lebron (you said is 6’8) rob has at 6’7.25
KD (you said is 6’10) rob has at 6’9.5 (initially 6’9.25 and pre draft is 6’9)
So that being said youve upgraded all four guys so you really have no room to complain about someone downgrading people. Common sense is that when you have three of those guys with measurements that all three aren’t going to be taller than they measured. Sure someone can grow a small fraction but common sense is they didnt all grow. And Kobe was measured at 195cm later in life in his 30s so his isn’t off. It’s that your estimates are off.
My estimate for Lavar comes from how he looks with the kids. If you look at the pic i posted yesterday vs the pic you posted where you see Lavar from the back and the side of his body essentially and the front of Lonzo of course Zo will look taller. But in the pic I posted that is an even shot of all of them and Lavar is “almost” clearly taller than all of the kids if they cut their hair. Lonzo and he are close and maybe somehow if angel is off they’re the same height but it doesn’t appear that way. Lavar was listed 6’6” at times when he played football so he can’t be that small I doubt. Most guys that size will be at least 6’5” it they get a 6’6” in football as he wouldn’t need extra height really. Sure 6’4.5 or .75 is always a chance but 6’3.75 is too low for him
Btw show me a pic of Brady being 1” less than Vaughan and a recent pic. Or of anything else you said. Sure some will make them look taller but if your pics Are as bad as your pics of Lavar and Lonzo and the other boys that you posted to me, I can see why you believe what you believe. They’re horrible pics that are biased
Nik said on 25/Jan/18
6 7 Nay, 6 5 yay!
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 25/Jan/18
I always find it ridiculous that people try to make measured athletes taller than they are. Kobe was measured 6'4.75" so he's not gonna be taller than that. Yet some posters wanna make him 6'5"+.
Dillon said on 25/Jan/18
@Canson You said Vince Vaughan is 6’4 when he’s 6’5 (inch taller than Brady). You said Kobe is 6’4.75 when he is clearly at least 6’5. You said Lebron is 6’7 when he’s probably more like 6’8. You said Kevin Durant is 6’9 when he’s probably closer to 6’10. But yet through all that, you upgrade Lavar to 6’5. To me it’s mind blowing.
Canson said on 24/Jan/18
@Dillon: so since you say I downgrade people I can say the same about you upgrading them such as Kobe when you say he’s 6’6”?
Dillon Rice said on 23/Jan/18
@Miguel I agree Lavar does not look 6’5. Canson keeps saying 6’5 and even at one point “a strong 6’5” but I can’t see it. It’s shocking to me. He, if anything, underlists people and he thinks Lavar is 6’5.
Canson said on 21/Jan/18
He may hit 195 or 6’5 one day
Miguel said on 21/Jan/18
Here’s my guesses:
Lonzo - 6’4.5”
Lamelo - 6’4” (He’s grown taller than Liangelo and close to Lonzo)
Lavar - 6’3.75” (idk where people are getting 6’5” but he’s def around Lamelo’s height)
Liangelo - 6’3.25”
Jordan listin said on 21/Jan/18
Looks 6’5
Canson said on 20/Jan/18
@Derrifk: I don’t think less than 6’1.25-.5. I saw pics with him next to Melo and can look 5” smaller max maybe 4.5-5” at times
Derrik said on 19/Jan/18
Kyrie is probably 6’1.5 I can maybe by 6’1.25 but it would be as 186.4-5 range
Canson said on 19/Jan/18
@JKE168: it has it here on the official site but there is always the possibility he skipped the pre draft and they used that one. It may be his Nets workout but don’t see it explicitly said.But it’s also a possibility that’s his actual measurement and he’s really between 6’1-6’1.5. I widen the range due to the absence of 1/8 increments so a 6’1.75 could really be 6’1 5/8 rounded up. Either way I’m not sure on all the measurements prior to 08. But 08 specifically mentioned it was afternoon so a guy like Rose or Westbrook or Love I can believe their measurements were likely within 1/4” of actual and I only say that because the NBA doesn’t do 1/8” increments so if someone is a mm or two over half they will round to 3/4”. And as far as Kevin Love I’ve seen where Dan Majerle described him as only 6’7” when he spoke of him that is online but that could be hyperbole because Majerle also described himself as 6’6” he could be a bit less but doubt he’s under a strong 6’5” as he’s taller than Barkley still. Love is likely more than just 1” taller than him. Likely 2” and love is taller than Lebron and about the same as Blake Griffin. I don’t have Love below 6’7.5. For Russ I have him accurately listed here as I see his diff with Melo is about 4”. For rose I’d say 6’1.5 flat is ok
Click Here
Canson said on 19/Jan/18
@JKE168: it has it here on the official site but there is always the possibility he skipped the pre draft and they used that one. It may be his Nets workout but don’t see it explicitly said.But it’s also a possibility that’s his actual measurement and he’s really between 6’1.25-.5. Either way I’m not sure on all the measurements prior to 08. But 08 specifically mentioned it was afternoon so a guy like Rose or Westbrook or Love I can believe their measurements were likely within 1/4” of actual and I only say that because the NBA doesn’t do 1/8” increments so if someone is a mm or two over half they will round to 3/4”. And as far as Kevin Love I’ve seen where Dan Majerle described him as only 6’7” when he spoke of him that is online but that could be hyperbole because Majerle also described himself as 6’6” he could be a bit less but doubt he’s under a strong 6’5” as he’s taller than Barkley still. Love is likely more than just 1” taller than him. Likely 2” and love is taller than Lebron and about the same as Blake Griffin. I don’t have Love below 6’7.5. For Russ I have him accurately listed here as I see his diff with Melo is about 4”. For rose I’d say 6’1.5 flat is ok
Click Here
Canson said on 19/Jan/18
@Derrifk: depends on what shoes he’s wearing. If he is only about 6’1.5 then 6’2.5 barefoot.
@JKE168: I see that as his pre draft measurement
JKE 168cm said on 19/Jan/18
@Canson Derrifk is right. I remember seeing that measurement as a nets workout not a draft measurement.
Derrifk said on 18/Jan/18
Kyrie is taller 6’2 in shoes
Canson said on 18/Jan/18
@Derrifk: I’m not seeing that as a Nets workout. Looks like it’s his actual draft measurement but of course may be wrong. If it is he’s likely 6’1.25-.5 max taking into account the absence of 1/8” increments.
Canson said on 18/Jan/18
@Derrifk: that changes things possibly but still don’t know what time of day. I know KD referred to him as 6’2” don’t know if that’s his barefoot or shoe height he was trying to refer to. More likely shoe since he calls himself 6’10-6’11 and he’s 6’9 range
Derrifk said on 18/Jan/18
Kyrie Irving’s measurement was a private nets workout
Canson said on 17/Jan/18
@Derrifk: every measurement in football and since 2009 basketball has been 6am. That’s been documented. All the players who attend the combine get measured at the same time. The only way they don’t is if they do a private workojtZ
Canson said on 17/Jan/18
@Christian: my bad I got the names mixed up. Meant Liangelo the middle brother
Derrifk said on 17/Jan/18
Melo is taller than Liangelo bro he’s the same height as Lonzo and Gelo is shorter at 6’3 and Lonzo does not fall under 6’4.5 I rule out 6’4.25 it’s to low for him they would not list him at 6’6 if he’s 6’4.25.
Shaq said on 17/Jan/18
@JKE 168cm . good eyes. same exact guess for all three brothers.
JKE 168cm said on 17/Jan/18
I have Lonzo at 6'4.25" - 6'4.5", LiAngelo at 6'3" and LaMelo at 6'2.5" - 6'3". It's funny how on their Lithuanian teams website, it has Melo at 191 cm and Gelo at 196cm even though they are less than an inch apart.
Click Here
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 17/Jan/18
I doubt Lamelo's 6'3", at least not yet because he's still growing most likely. He looks about 6'2" next to 6'4.5" Lonzo in August 2017
Click Here but who knows, maybe he could've grown an inch since then.
Derrifk said on 17/Jan/18
And Melo is in the 6’4 range I think Canson there was a video of him next to Lonzo and the looked the same height and there both taller than Liagelo.
Derrifk said on 17/Jan/18
Or maybe KCP is 6’4.25
Derrifk said on 16/Jan/18
He was an afternoon measurement not every measurement is in the morning and if it is in the morning, it is most likely around 10 am not at 6 am so Kentavious is 194.5.
Canson said on 16/Jan/18
@Dillon: it’s hard to say how tall the younger brothers are since they were still growing possibly. They are likely 6’3 range minimum if both are listed at 6’5” or maybe they are taller today. But European basketball does tend to be more honest than the NBA so they may have grown and maybe at least LaMelo is 6’4” range now too
Canson said on 16/Jan/18
@JKE168: it wouldn’t surprise me if Lonzo were the taller of the two. That pic isn’t the best to compare them. Neither are their listed heights one 6’6” the other 6’5. If KCP was 6’4.5 morning likely 6’4” flat or maybe a hair under to still be listed 6’5” I agree with Derrifk Lonzo is around my height 194cm. I can dip to 6’4.25 some days or be right between .25-.375 some. I think Lavar tho is taller than both and still about 6’5 or at least was 6’5 peak. He was listed 6’6” before
JKE 168cm said on 16/Jan/18
Don't forget that most likely KCP got measured in the morning, so take away a 0.25 inch or half an inch from that listing
Derrifk said on 16/Jan/18
He looks the same as Kentavious?? Lonzo does not drop under 6’4.5 just stop ridiculous.
JKE 168 cm said on 15/Jan/18
It's funny how in this picture
Click Here with 6'4.5" Kentavious Caldwell Pope, Lonzo looks slightly smaller, but with 21 savage he looks a solid 6'5".
Lonzo with 21 savage :
Click Here Click Here
Proof of Kentavious Caldwell Pope's measurement :
Click Here
Derrifk said on 15/Jan/18
Kevin Love and Lebron are the exact same height tho???
Canson said on 15/Jan/18
@Dillon: I wouldn’t necessarily take that as proof that he’s 6’5”. That could be a shoe height. I only think he was/is 6’5” because of how he was listed and how he looks with the kids. He was listed at 6’6” at one point and other places 6’5”. With the kids he is taller (or at least appears) taller than all three. Maybe Lonzo grew or is still and wouldn’t doubt the younger two maybe still growing but he has typically looked 6’5” imho if he stood straight. I think he would edge me out if I stood next to him. Lonzo on the other hand would be close in height with me. Maybe exact or he could have a slight edge. All of the 6’7” stuff tho is a bit outlandish lol. He’s 6’6” on the NBA roster so don’t see why they call him 6’7”. A NBA roster is already inflated to begin with
Canson said on 15/Jan/18
@Dillon: It’s hard to see Lebron in excess of 6’7” given the other players he’s next to such as Kobe Carmelo Anthony Kevin Love Tristan Thompson. He almost lines up to 6’7 flat or 6’6.75 with all of them. If Lebron were well over 6’7” it would mean all of those players are taller than their draft measurements which I can say for Melo is not true he looked like a strong 6’6” at best in person like his 6’6.25 pre draft has him and looking at Love next to him he almost lines up with his 6’7.75 maybe he’s 6’7.5 instead but not less I doubt
Canson said on 15/Jan/18
@Derrifk: that’s not necessarily true. People see height differently to be honest but he’s estimated around where he should be 194-195ish
Dillon said on 15/Jan/18
Says here on the Lithuanian basketball roster that Lamelo and Liangelo are both 6’5.
Click Here
Dillon said on 15/Jan/18
@Canson It looks like in his prime, Lavar was 6’5. At the 40 second mark it says so. Looks legit 6’5 in video playing with other players.
Click Here
Dillon said on 15/Jan/18
@Gonzalo Agreed! I think Lebron may very well be taller than 6’7!
Derrifk said on 14/Jan/18
If voters make Lonzo fall under 6’4.5 they just hate the ball family thats why I always look at robs listing as people
troll and downgrade people stupidly.
Derrifk said on 14/Jan/18
Maybe Lavar is the same height as Kobe won’t see much of a difference between 6’4.75 and 6’5 flat.
Gonzalo said on 14/Jan/18
Id he is 1,96 then LeBron needs an urgent upgrade
Canson said on 14/Jan/18
@Derrick: I agree strong 6’4” worst case 193.5+ or best case if he grew 194.5 weak 6’5”. Even Rob acknowledged that he listed him 6’5 essentially to be safe. With Kyle Kuzma who was supposedly 6’8” pre draft (looks more like 6’7.5 as combine is in the early morning) Ball looks 6’4 range like he does with Magic. Kuzma looks taller than Magic but I’ve never believed Magic to be 6’7.5 more 201 peak max and today could be a flat 6’7” or 6’6.75 possibly. Kuzma doesn’t look as tall as Brandon Ingram. Ingram may have grown tho as he can look 6’8+ imho.
Canson said on 14/Jan/18
in my opinion it would be hard to see a difference between Kobe and Lavar. If you’re up around 6’5” like Kobe is at 6’4.75 he will look the same as 6’5” guy in most cases. Footwear plays a huge role as does camera angle. The pics you posted of lavar were not very good to determine how much difference there is. Like Derrick said below there’s a chance that Lonzo grew a tad since he was drafted. I don’t put him below maybe 194cm. He could be a strong 6’4 or a weak 6’5 either or but my guess is how he looks next to Magic and Lebron that he’s not quite as tall as kobe. I honestly had 6’4” for Lonzo when he was drafted. He is younger so it’s a chance that he will gain 1/4”. That’s always possible. I still have Lavar as 6’5” but never 6’6”. I admit at times he could look 196-197 next to Lonzo but that may have been when lonzo was shorter. I don’t think he’s far under 6’5” today if at all and that he still edges lonzo. Lavar looks very tall on camera
Dillon said on 13/Jan/18
@Canson So you think Lavar is taller than Kobe? I just can’t believe that. If Lavar is 6’5, then Kobe is 6’7 at least.
Canson said on 13/Jan/18
@Johnson: yea I’m thd video he can look 6’6-6’7 maybe. But they also likely didn’t get the top of his scalp with all of his hair so 6’6 or so may seem fair. Could be morning as well. I don’t think he’s under 6’4.5 barefoot now. 195 can be argued now
Derrifk said on 13/Jan/18
Agreed both Canson and Dillon made good points the point is Lonzo does not fall under 6’4.5 at his lowest I personally think now that he might be 6’4.75. Lavar 6’5 flat.
Canson said on 13/Jan/18
@Dillon: I respect your opinion but do think that because he looks taller than Lonzo in some pics. That would make all of his kids taller than he is when they aren’t. The pic with The kids is not good because we can’t see anything there you’re essentially looking at the side of Lavar where as you can see Lonzo in a full view. The video with ESPN SAS is clearly favored by the camera in there. Hes closer to the camera than Lavar. At very worst he and Lonzo could be the same height but I honestly believe Lavar looks taller. Lavar was listed 6’6” and 6’5” both. While I don’t think 6’6” I think he could be a solid 6’5”. Maybe a strong 6’5” is too much but I said 6’5” range which includes a solid 6’5”. As far as me low balling I usually don’t. I usually look at how they look in correlation with someone who I can reliably say is a certain height. It’s actually the other way around most people here are overlisted on Celebheights to begin with so I don’t put stock into them. For example you see how many people are willing to upgrade Kobe and Barkley just because others are smaller with them. Barkley measured 6’4 5/8 not to mention I have seen other teammates coaches and players say that he’s closer to 6’4” actually so that means he’s 6’4 range not 6’5. I also know people who have met Barkley and said he’s about my height. Kobe ditto. Most say around 6’5” which is what the people I know who have met him say. If he was measured 6’4.75 and generally looks 195cm in most pics then it’s likely that he measured that in the afternoon at a low and is likely just that as opposed to taller
Johnson said on 13/Jan/18
if we check the picture measuring him, in the picture the last figures visibles 6'8 and 6'7. It looks measured at 6'6.75 exactly, I guess it's in sneakers, discounting a whole inch, he is 6'5.75 barefoot at that time
Lonzo Ball measured
Click Here

Editor Rob
Click Here. How far under 6ft 7 is hard for people to tell, but I wouldn't have thought it was much over 6ft 6.
Dillon Rice said on 13/Jan/18
@Canson Here’s Lavar Ball and Lonzo Ball. Lonzo is clearly taller without a doubt. Can’t believe you think Lavar is a strong 6’5. I thought I had maybe misread your comment when I first saw it.
Click Here
Chase said on 12/Jan/18
6’4.75. He’ll get the Joe Manganiello listing eventually ;)
Derrifk said on 12/Jan/18
Maybe he will is 6’4.75???
Dillon said on 12/Jan/18
@Canson I’m surprised you out all people think he’s 6’5. You usually never give exaggerated height predictions, if anything you lowball people and you think Lavar is 6’5??? He doesn’t look anything more than 6’4 and even 6’4 is hard to believe. Look at his build. And he’s clearly shorter than Lonzo in every photo they have together. He doesn’t have anywhere near the length of a 6’6 guy. Look at him standing next to Stephen A Smith who’s 6’1. He’s only like 2 or 3 inches at the most taller than him.
Click Here
Big shaq said on 12/Jan/18
Lonzo ball 6'4
Liangelo ball 6'3
Lamela ball 6'3
Heights without sneakers