American actress, best remembered for appearing in films like Prince of Darkness, Dead & Buried, An Officer and a Gentleman, Blind Fury, Cut & Run and Chrystal. In 1983 she said "I'm 5'4" and I weigh 110 lbs."
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Mar/21
@ Chaos Control - There are a great many reed slim actresses around - peer pressure in the industry they're in, alas. Lisa didn't look ill in 'Prince of Darkness', but sometimes it's hard to tell. It was big of you to express your feelings like that. I found it very touching.
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 18/Mar/21
She definitely doesnโt look well in the thumbnail picture. I was going to write something funny about it but then after hearing that she died I feel horrible. RIP Lisa
Nik Ashton said on 16/Mar/21
R.I.P Lisa Blount.
Iman Baihaqi81 said on 15/Mar/21
SHE IS about 164,5 cm flat , BRAVO ,
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Mar/21
@ Rob - I agree - nowhere near the likes of 5ft9!
It took me ages to track down a copy of 'Prince of Darkness', which I believe was one of Donald Pleasance's finest films. Lisa gave an excellent performance too, and I'm thinking of seeing the film very soon so that I can check out her height in the most entertaining of ways! ๐

Editor Rob
I'm sure if you re-watch it you will see she is closer to 5ft 5 than say 5ft 9.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 13/Mar/21
It's so good to see Lisa has a page on Celebheights now.
The tragic actress lived to only 53. Lisa had a rare blood disorder, preventing her blood from clotting properly, and so she bruised far more easily than most of us.
Back in October, 2010, her Mum went looking for her daughter, having not heard from her for a couple of days, and found that her condition has cut her life short. How terribly, terribly sad for any mother. ๐ข
The film of Lisa's I remember the best was 'Prince of Darkness', a copy of which is next door. She starred alongside Donald Pleasance and Victor Wong. Even Alice Cooper made a couple of appearances as a homeless man, badly affected by the doomistic and frightening circumstances the movie covers.
The most I've read for Lisa is 5ft9, but I'm going to agree with Rob's figure of 5ft4.75. She was probably 5ft9 in shoes.
RIP Lisa ๐ฏ๏ธ XXX ๐
1st July, 1957 - 27th October, 2010.

Editor Rob
Lisa appeared in a fair number of good films, but certainly was nowhere near 5ft 9.