Allie said on 1/May/23
5'9. She likely measures 5'9.5 earlier in the day.
@Mary Elizabeth - this was long ago but what are you talking about? Linda could've made it in the 2000s. There were a a wave of famous Eastern European models and Linda resembles Milla, who is Eastern European. Shalom Harlow isn't even European. She's Canadian, though obviously has European ancestry (Euro-Canadian).
There were many 80s and 90s models of non-European descent or mixed ethnic backgrounds, but their name recognition may not be as famous as Cindy Crawford. Look at Gail Elliott, Yasmine Le Bon, Iman, Yasmeen Ghauri, Anna Bayle, Farida Khelfa, Dalma Callado, Helena Christensen and so on.
khaled taban said on 25/May/19
She is tall, but I'd not go with her claim of 5'9.5", 5'9" flat is better
HauteCouture97 said on 16/Feb/19
Mary Elizabeth said on 30/Jan/18
She could be sisters with Milla Jovovich and Renee Russo. What's up with the DNA here. She has very unique nostrils. Anyway, yes on height, strong 5'9". She could never have been as big a model today. She became famous before the 2000s multi ethnicity heyday, save Christy Turlington. She's very European/white looking. Those models are mainly no name catalog girls now. The nineties birthed the heroine chic Kate Moss and Shalom Harlow emaciated look, still white European. The backlash came about in 1999/2000 with Giselle and the new darker rounder supermodel.
MaryAnne said on 24/Nov/17
Rob, you might take into account that even in flats she looks taller than solid 5'9. She might be 1.77.
RuiCosta said on 26/Oct/17
She looks taller, she's always taller than Naomi Campbell on catwalk!
ana said on 8/Jul/17
5.8=1.74(maximum in the morning)
J.Lee said on 1/Dec/16
Rob, you have Cindy, Naomi, and Linda listed at 5 foot 9. Why do they all say they are 5 foot 9 and a half?

Editor Rob
see what Heidi Klum said, many models will add a bit of height, she did it to with a 5ft 9.5 claim, but admitted no more than 5ft 9.
Anna said on 21/May/16
Isnt size 7 shoes small for her height?
At 5'9 most girls are 8 or even 9 idk
She doesnt have big feet...
J_k said on 29/Feb/16
Maybe 1.77
Cj said on 2/Sep/15
She looks taller than 5'9. Maybe she's 5'10. She needs upgrade
whatisnew said on 19/May/15
Carla Bruni needs a downgrade as she's shorter than Linda and Naomi.
MaryAnne said on 24/Feb/15
Yes rob, she is 5'9.. but Christy T. is a true 5'9.5 right?

Editor Rob
I thought Christy could pull that mark off more than some of the 5ft 9.5 claimers
tiny said on 22/Jul/13
The supermodels of the early 90's Linda, Cindy, Naomi were all 5'9". Its only later that the girls enterign modelling were taller. The supermodels of the after 2000 like Giselle, Adriana, karolina etc are all 5'11".
thomaskim said on 21/Jul/13
she's 5'9 like Naomi Campbell and Cindy Crawford
Sabrina said on 20/Nov/07
I have met Linda Evangelista a number of times and she is certainly not taller than Naomi Campbell at best she is 5'9, I would put her closer to 5'8, she walks very straight and upright and always wore heels and appeared taller. She is not 5'9.5 as she claims, she really is not. Sad to say having met her, she is superficial and full of herself, hopefully as she has gotten older this may have changed, but 5'9.5 she aint
Gonzalo said on 14/Mar/06
Who cares how tall she is! She looks gorgeous in that picture....
smokeblower said on 20/Apr/05
I have to agree with Smoke on this one. I saw Heidi Klum standing next to Deion Sanders, who happens to be a combine 5'11" and she was noticeably shorter than him, and she was in heels. Although I do not know the number of inches her heels were I am comfortable enough to say because of the height difference between her and Sanders that she is not 5'9" or anywhere close to it.
Smoke said on 19/Apr/05
I wouldn't be so sure, of course there is a traditional range or window in which agencies prefer to put their models into, but this is changing, and like I quoted Heidi Klum "EVERYONE lies, so why shouldn't I?", it's not just the shorter models who lie, the taller ones do as well. I for one, don't buy Adriana Sklenarikova's 185 cm claim, and I don't see any decreasing going on there either, even though she claims to be over 6'0". Bottom line, models themselves will always add height no matter how tall they are. Evangelista is no different, I saw her at her induction into the Canadian Walk of Fame and without heals, there is no way she is anywhere near 5'10". Just like I think Sklenarikova is boosting herself, I think Evangelista, and Klum are too. Just like with most people, models will never underestimate or round their own height down...that is unless they are visibly too tall to model, and neither Klum, Evangelista, or Sklenarikova are. I also posted some pictures of Veronica Varekova not quite looking 5'10" beside some 6'2"ish hockey players.
Z. said on 19/Apr/05
^What I mean is modelling agencies almost never tell the true height of models. If a model is 5'6/5'7, they will probably list her at 5'8. If a model is 5'8, they will probably list her at 5'9 or even 5'10 in some agencies. But of course if a model is over 5'10, they will tell her true height...BUT if a model is over 5'11/6', then they will actually decrease her height. I know about this, believe me. So, I think you should change her height to 5'9.(As I said she might actually be even shorter than that)