Mrahman said on 16/Apr/23
Rob is 5'4.5 possible?

Editor Rob
Could pull it off with people.
Jewels said on 17/Feb/23
no more than strong 5’3, not quite 5’4 but very close.
Marcus OJ said on 15/Jul/22
I actually got the chance to meet lil uzi back in 2018 in LA I’m 5’7 and he looked atleast 3 inches shorter than me he looked about 5’4 to me.I don’t remember what shoes he was wearing but he looked 5’4 range or a little under it
Lav said on 9/Jul/22
Weak 5’4 more probably like 5’3.75
Tanny said on 15/Apr/22
Rob I love you man. But your way off with this one. Max 5 foot 2. It’s not even close. Clearly 5 foot 2 with regular shoes on.
Vedaant Parikh said on 25/Feb/22
There is no way he is even 5ft4. Max i would say is 5ft2. He looks hella small and ik this bz i am small and even i look taller like wtf
Shamarr said on 24/Dec/21
I saw him at Starbucks he was really small
Jacob Dipietro said on 12/Nov/21
Met him at a mall one time a couple years ago, I'm 5'4 and he's definitely the same height as me. He could of been a little shorter than me he was wearing black boots.
Crixus said on 21/Oct/21
He's a hair under it but 5'4 for him is fine.
heyyyyyyyy said on 14/Apr/21
Jimuel Rodriguez said on 10/Mar/21
Would you think this will change lot of her height, if he shave whole dreadlocks..?

Editor Rob
some hairstyles can make you look shorter or taller, but I'm really not sure in Uzi's case whether going shaven-head style would help or hinder.
Farhan Rozaq said on 7/Feb/21
Rob, does Uzi have a big head for 5'4 which makes him look shorter, so if so, how long do you think his head is?

Editor Rob
I don't think it's too big for his height, although for a 5ft4 guy it is longer than usual a fraction, maybe about 1cm in fact.
Eric Tam said on 4/Feb/21
For some reason his height was dated in my head and I thought he was a tall rapper like 6'4 until I searched him up again and realized he's literally a foot shorter.
Siva said on 25/Jan/21
I met him at a florida beach once, We both were barefoot. I'm 5' 4" and he is a good 2 inches under me. He was about the same height as my gf who is 5' 1 3/4". How did u conclude that he was 5' 4" Rob, hes pretty much a midget about kevin hart's hiehgt
Danman said on 16/Oct/20
Looks closer to 5 feet 3 imo
khaled taban 175.3cm said on 10/Sep/20
Weak 5'4"
Cesar36 said on 29/Aug/20
Could you do Trippie Redd ?
Carlos Santana said on 10/Aug/20
5'3.75 for me..
Cesar36 said on 27/Jul/20
Rob, could you do the rappers pop smoke and dababy next?
wackat said on 17/Jul/20
@Rob , theres some shots of him and Kevin hart and uzi looks at most about an inch taller.Would you rule out 5'3.5" for him considering they had on similar footwear?

Editor Rob
That'd be the lowest I'd go
Bob Smith said on 10/Jun/20
Can you do rapper Roddy Ricch because he looks near the same height as lil uzi in this photo.
Roongoon said on 29/Apr/20
Hey rob,
Click Here in this pic he’s similar as lil pump.what do you think? You can dowgrade lil pump is5.5??

Editor Rob
You could argue Pump looks 5ft 4 too.
GCBraintree said on 20/Apr/20
I imagine him being same height as Tinchy so probz 5’3
GhostDwarf said on 25/Jan/20
He's got that baby face that's why he seems shorter. Unlike
Kevin Hart who is 5'2 doesn't seem as short.
Rolandef said on 13/Jan/20
Rob, could you add Roddy Ricch? Google says he's 5ft7 but in a picture with lil Uzi they were the same height. Though I don't know about the added extra height from Lil uzis shoes compared to Roddys.
ahmet said on 10/Aug/19
It's impossible for him to be 163cm. He can't be taller than 157-160cm.Check his new instagram pictures , my girlfriend is 160 and she looks hella taller than lil uzi.I love lil uzi but i'm speaking the facts.
khaled taban said on 29/Jun/19
5ft4 for this Rapper.
Damon Blank said on 11/Apr/19
He would be about 5 ft 3 and three quarters. No questions from me.
Jackson said on 24/Dec/18
Legit 5’3.75”
Harrey said on 26/Jul/18
His head is quite large which makes him look shorter.
Ethan-5'7.25 said on 13/Jul/18
Next to lil pump and other celebrities he is about 5’4.5 or a weak 5’5, perhaps he was measured slightly below 5’5 and just rounds down for some reason idk.
Juy said on 28/Apr/18
There is a pic of him with lil pump and he actually looks slightly taller. He maybe around 5’5
Alyssa The Boss said on 24/Mar/18
He's really short like he's the size of me! He has to be at least 5 1/2 or 5 3/4.😜😎
Tall Sam said on 9/Feb/18
Interesting information, had no idea on the intricacies of this site and Google's set up.
kemu said on 1/Feb/18

Editor Rob
His height hasn't been a problem in Uzi becoming one of the top rappers around at the moment.
Nik said on 26/Dec/17
It's good to see cool guys like Lil flying the flag for smaller men!
Dude 173 cm said on 26/Dec/17
@Big Rob
Amazing, that is cool
Dude 173 cm said on 25/Dec/17
Merry Christmas Bigs Rob and Jenny, have fun.
Successes for both and also to Uzi Top 1 Vert lol

Editor Rob
Uzi got 300,000 views on his page this year, which is an amazing amount really, way ahead of Justin and Tom.
Nik said on 25/Dec/17
Thanks for that Rob! I think I will be out of commission now for the rest of the day!
Nik said on 25/Dec/17
🍷🍰🍇🎈. Merry Christmas Rob and Jenny! 🎈🍇🍰🍷
I hope that all your family and friends have a great day!

Editor Rob
yes you too Nik, I will be out of commission afternoon through evening having a festive Merry Christmas with family.
Anonymous said on 30/Nov/17
It's funny to see him next to everyone in freestyle rapping
Anonymous said on 19/Nov/17
Even this listening seems generous for him.
Harris said on 15/Nov/17
Rob, how would a smaller head make you appear taller to others? And how small does a head have to be to be "small" exactly?

Editor Rob
people take in several visual clues including eye levels, chin, shoulders, so sometimes when 2 people are similar, if one has a higher chin/eye, then there's a greater chance the person interoperates that person to be taller.
Lil uzi vs the world 2 said on 13/Nov/17
I always thought he was 5ft 6in guess I was wrong
Anonymous said on 3/Nov/17
So you have big head too, Rob?

Editor Rob
for 5ft 8 yes, a bit more than average, though a smaller head is a benefit if you want to appear taller or like appearing taller than you are to others.
Anonymous said on 2/Nov/17
Hey Rob is 9,56 inches(24,3 cm) is big head for a 5'10 guy?

Editor Rob
yes the average isn't much over 9 inches really.
Moulton said on 25/Oct/17
Click Here
with pharrell williams he seems quite short like 5'3"

Editor Rob
considering Uzi has his legs spread a bit, he's not exactly standing with the same stance now?
In fact you can see
Here, even with Williams slightly closer, Uzi is comfortably near his claim.
Anonymous said on 26/Sep/17
he looks in bad and boujee like 2 ft
:) said on 20/Sep/17
still better than all the other new rappers imo. nothing compared to some og rappers. looks 5'4 maybe shorter.
Wtf said on 16/Sep/17
You trippin if you think lil uzi is a beast
Xo_Tour_Llif3 said on 2/Sep/17
Man... I feel short, Im 14 and 5'6
Shaun said on 20/Jul/17
Ayy rob, do xxxtentacion man.
Cameron said on 13/Jul/17
Im 14 and im 5,7 i thought he was at least my height.
M??$e said on 8/Jul/17
Future is 6'2 I guess
Swagster said on 4/Jul/17
lil uzi is 5'4!??? And he's 22!!?? I'm only 12 and I'm 5'8!!
Shaun said on 1/Jul/17
I think hes 2 in. He doesn't look 5'4 in Bad & boujee
Xavier said on 1/Jul/17
Beast caliiber 6'5
Future said on 30/Jun/17
I think future is 6"1
grande said on 26/Jun/17
i didnt know lil was that vert, but hes a great uzi .
arianna said on 25/Jun/17
i didnt know he was that short , but hes a great artist .
chino said on 16/Jun/17
@anon his police report lists him as 5'6 but he might have been wearing thick footwear
Six five and a half guy said on 15/Jun/17
Rob are all the celebrity heights their height barefoot
anon said on 10/Jun/17
rob make a page for xxxtentacion he's listed as 5'6" but I doubt that
mila said on 30/May/17
bruhhhh uzi tiny
Mekhi said on 12/May/17
Fetty wap 6 0.5in
Aden said on 10/May/17
He was really short in Money Longer compared to the girl. He could barely reach her booty.
JKE 168cm said on 3/May/17
I don't get why this page is so popular lol

Editor Rob
Compared to say Tom Cruise, half as many people on Google searched for Uzi's height vs Tom last month.
If Google put their own 'estimate' in a big info box at the top, it pushes every other website down a position and means many already have an 'answer'. They go no further...don't even visit the sites below.
So the amount of clicks via search engines on big names isn't great.
For Uzi, up till now at least, there is no info box, lesser competition, so he's managed to be one of the top pages this year.
And Uzi is short, so although not a big name in rapping, his height is more noticeable and might mean more people search for it compared to perhaps better known rappers.
Cj master said on 29/Apr/17
I'm 5ft 7in where would he be if we stood next to each other

Editor Rob
lil Uzi would likely be a bit above your eyebrows.
randomguy said on 29/Apr/17
@power you are exactly 6 foot
power said on 21/Apr/17
Hey rob would you say I'm I'm under 6ft, over 6 ft or just about 6ft, hard to tell.
Click Here

Editor Rob
if in sneaker, then you could be very close to 6ft, Lil Uzi would probably be about up to your mouth.
Lil yachts said on 17/Apr/17
I don't know why I'm looking this up bro 😂
Dominick dymarcik said on 13/Apr/17
All I know is that he was at least 5'3-5'4
Lee168cm said on 2/Apr/17
Dominick you must have a tiny head then as if he wasn't up to your chin he'd have to be at least 9 inches shorter than you so you must have like a 4 inch head
Dominick dymarcik said on 31/Mar/17
I literally just worked backstage security at his concert in Norfolk Virginia He just played a place called the ted constant center. I'm 100% certain that he is about 5'4 because I'm barely 5'9 barefoot and I towered over him wasn't even up to my I defenitly think hes 5'4 And I have a best friend who looks exactly around his height and my friend is 5'4.5. But yeah any way 5'4 defenitly. Maybe even 5'3 but I'm going with 5'4 Even lol Wayne is taller than him!
luciano said on 16/Mar/17
I love lil uzi vert lil uzi vert is like the best rapper his height is 5ft 5in
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 15/Mar/17
Lee168cm said on 14/Mar/17
All these little 10-12 year olds claiming to be 6 ft what a joke. Well they won't be bragging when they reach near 7 foot and can't go anywhere without people staring and pointing at them
Pre-teens and early teens are the worst ones at claiming heights, at least from my experience. I've heard one 12 yr old kid claim he's 5ft8 when he was no more than 5ft3. I was guilty of it as well, when at age 13 I was constantly claiming 6ft before finding out I was actually 5ft9.
Lee168cm said on 14/Mar/17
All these little 10-12 year olds claiming to be 6 ft what a joke. Well they won't be bragging when they reach near 7 foot and can't go anywhere without people staring and pointing at them
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 11/Mar/17
It's likely that he's under this listing. 5ft3.5 is more like it.
-- said on 21/Feb/17
woah didn't know he was this short...
Myles Dabbis said on 13/Feb/17
He's a kid who raps
adamama said on 12/Feb/17
im 13 and 5'5 no growth spurt
Mishymoo said on 4/Feb/17
Dang, I thought I was short
me said on 31/Jan/17
this is how tall i am
Redus said on 23/Jan/17
Yeah he isn't above 5'5. I wanna say he is 5'3 probably. He looks
Kevin Hart range
BBGun said on 22/Jan/17
He's 22, you don't just randomly get a growth spurt at 22.
Issac said on 22/Jan/17
What if he isn't that short anymore
Shanell said on 20/Jan/17
Bro he that short
Rapgenius said on 17/Jan/17
closer to 5'3 honestly
dahi said on 5/Jan/17
@Bo That's good for you lol but keep in mind, you both are far above average height. Uzi may be short but that doesn't discount the fact that you and especially your friend are tall.
Bo said on 2/Jan/17
Bruh im 15 and 5'10 and my friend is 15 and he's 6'5-6'7
Aaron Zamora said on 10/Nov/16
How tall would that make Lil Yachti he's listed as 6'1 but he looks no more then 5'11 to me. I believe that he needs a page he's more famous then Uzi and he raps better as well.

Editor Rob
yeah Aaron, I'm not sure who listed him at 6ft 1, he seems shorter than that for certain.
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 26/Oct/16
Rare to see an American rapper be honest about his height, especially short ones.

Editor Rob
yeah, some guys in his position would have added 2 inches to a claim. He seems reasonably honest.