How tall is Leona Lewis

Leona Lewis Height

5ft 7 (170.2 cm)

English singer, winner of The X Factor. She has been quoted saying 5ft 7, 8 and even on Twitter in 2012 "I'm 5"9".

How tall is Leona Lewis
Photo by s_bukley /
I've done every kind of diet. When I was in my late teens I was a size eight (and I'm 5ft 8in) and thought I was fat and mum had to say to me, 'Don't lose any more weight.'
-- Marie Claire, 2013

How tall is Leona Lewis
Elisabeth Rohm, Katrina Law, Leona
Photo by kathclick/

How tall is Leona Lewis
Halle Berry, Jamie Foxx, Leona
Photo by s_bukley/

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Add a Comment97 comments

Average Guess (22 Votes)
5ft 7.83in (172.3cm)
Leesheff85 said on 22/Oct/20
5ft 7 at best
berta said on 6/May/20
i think she is little underlisted. he looks over 170 cm but maybe not 173. i would say right in the middle around 171,5 cm
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Apr/20
πŸ’πŸŽ‚πŸŽˆπŸŽŠ Happy Birthday Leona! πŸŽŠπŸŽˆπŸŽ‚πŸ’

Many Happy Returns to songstress Leona Lewis, who celebrates her 3️⃣5️⃣th Birthday today.

5ft7.5 πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸŽπŸŽΆ

Joshua said on 1/Dec/17
She looks 5’8
Hans Meiser said on 5/Aug/17
What a gorgeous woman.
Brandon said on 5/Sep/14
Rob she said she is 5'8 in an interview here in link Click Here
Dom said on 30/Jul/14
She looks a bit more than 5'8" actually
SAK said on 19/May/14
No lower then 5f7/170, maybe could push for 171cm.
Chris said on 13/Apr/14
Is her head over 9 inches? It's noticeably above average.
Editor Rob
it might be a bit
Andy said on 10/Feb/13
"quite broad around shoulders"? I don't think so...
SAK said on 8/Oct/12
She looked huge next to 5f7.5 Dermot on XF. Ofcourse she was wearing heels. Her build is quite broad around shoulders so can give impression she is taller than she actually is.

5f7 on the dot for her.
Jake T. said on 3/Feb/12
I saw a photo of her and Rita Wilson who I think is 170 or 171 cm and they seemed practically the same. Leona is 5'7 for sure.
SweetChari said on 20/Jun/11
Whoa, I always thought she was much taller like 5'8"-5'9" although she does wear high heels.
brapp said on 1/Mar/11
She's about 2 inches shorter than Rihanna
anon said on 29/Jan/11
Definately 5,7 but I always thought she was taller. In the pic with gavin
she's only a couple of inches shorter and with heels that would make her about 5 10.5 which is about right.
SAK said on 10/Dec/10
Saurah says on 22/Sep/10
I thought she is about 5'9 ! The broad shoulders made me think so ! But nyways she's pretty !
Ur implying being 5ft7 for a girl is a bad thing, lol. I would say its pretty ideal, because you aren't too tall, but you are above average and can appear tall but not intimidating.
James said on 9/Dec/10
5'7" sounds right
Dom said on 24/May/09
Hmm she never looks anything under 5'7"
Caleb said on 22/May/09
5'5"? No way. I'd say 5'7" or maybe half an inch under.
glenn said on 7/May/09
exactly light.on her height that leaning in!.lol.
light said on 6/May/09
Thank you, Glenn, Bee, Brapp and others. Honestly, Rob, 5'7"? You run a height site, right? Can you fix this?
Bee said on 16/Apr/09
I think she's about 5'5. No way 5'7. Here she is with 6'1 Gavin Rossdale - Click Here

And here are the huge platforms that she was wearing
Click Here
Ebony said on 16/Mar/09
I met her a couple of times, and one of those times was at the beach, and we both had our shoes off. Anyways, we were like the same height, which is 5'7"
glenn said on 21/Feb/09
she is not sure how tall she is actually,but how can she be 5-7 when im leaning in and she is in small heels?
brapp said on 20/Feb/09
why hasn't she been downgraded seeing as everyone who actually saw her is saying there's no way she's 5'7"???

Also being an x factor fan, I can tell you the judges are tiny, Ray Quinn is tiny and if Leona is smaller then she must be no more than average height - 5'4".
koolstress said on 20/Feb/09
Finally someone who agree's with me leona lewis is 5ft4-5 not taller. Don't be fooled by the camera guys.
Cherry said on 15/Jan/09
I met her at the airport last week Im 5ft 7 she is about 5ft 4, 5ft 5 in those ugly UGG boots lol I agree she seems taller, I was surprised at how short she is!
brapp said on 21/Dec/08
Don't judge by the pictue with glen! The pictures he takes are more to prove he actually met them and can judge.

He wouldn't be lying, the reason he does all this height investigating is probably because he's also fed up with the inaccuracies.

As for comparing her to other celebs, they are almost all shorter than they say.

Even my own friends who are my height claim to be an inch or 2 taller.

Everyone seems to think themselves are taller than they are, celebs included
Leona fan forever said on 17/Dec/08
i think she's around 5'5 or 5'6 the max i doubt shes even 5'7,5'8,5'9 as most people seem to think but glenn seems to be leaning in making her look 5'5. Also dont be fooled by the camera most celebs are way shorter than you think for example like leona she may come across as a tall person but with flats i would bet you that she'd be no taller than 5'5.
Emily said on 16/Nov/08
On X Factor last night she towered over Dermot O'Leary (listed on here as 5'8"), who was wearing dress shoes. Obviously she was wearing heals but she has to be taller than 5'7". What an amazing singer!
Anonymous said on 16/Nov/08
no way she's only 170 cm tall
Hannsel said on 15/Nov/08
Wow, in that Stand Up 2 Cancer thing she looked way taller than all the other girls, even though everyone was in heels.
amy l said on 13/Nov/08
i thought she was was taller. it's prob cuz of the heels. i think she should be around 5'8
lo said on 4/Nov/08
yeah, i agree, i'd actually say 5'8'' cos all through x factor i thought she was around 5'9ish, next to whitney there's nothing between them, and on the heel side of thing if anything whitney would be wearing bigger heels.
Bruce said on 3/Nov/08
i honestly think she is about 5'7.5"-5'8" because she was with Whitney Houston on the Grammy After-Party and they both look the same
lo said on 31/Oct/08
so if she is a lucky 5'5' glen, how is it shes the same height as the westlife boys, in flats? i dont understand how this height calculation works.
glenn said on 29/Oct/08
im actually leaning in more than you can see.she is lucky if she is 5-6. 5-7 is absurd.
Blair said on 27/Oct/08
I think that if Glenn wasn't leaning he'd be an inch taller making Leona more like 5'6.
Anonymous said on 26/Oct/08
Anonymous says on 26/Jun/08
If Leona is 5'7'', then how can NeYo be 5'8.5'':

ne-yo's hed looks higher on this cos of the way hes wearing his cap

Click Here
sndnllsd said on 14/Oct/08
She is 5'7 1/2
Nobody said on 20/Sep/08
I'd say she's around 5'7 or 5'8. She's about two inches shorter than Tyra Banks, who is 5'10.
Kirstin said on 17/Sep/08
I think you just shrunk, Glenn.
Jack said on 26/Aug/08
Eh, I know she's in heels in this vid but she must be taller than that: Click Here
Anonymous said on 26/Jun/08
If Leona is 5'7'', then how can NeYo be 5'8.5'':

Click Here
glenn said on 24/Jun/08
emma-for the most part,i usually dont ask celebs their can be embarrasing and sometimes they do look at you funny.but,yes you have a point.the smaller names wouldnt mind as much i guess.rob is the expert on the smaller names.i do,on occasion ask if the celeb is super recently with will smith who responded 6-2.5.and leo dicaprio who usually isnt friendly,but i was perplexed as to how he looked 6-2 for the most part of 2006,2007,then look 5-11.5 in the same month.he responded that he wore movie period shoes and that he was around 6ft.thanks for the support emma.
beatlefan said on 24/Jun/08
Sorry Emma I can't see that one working, Glenn would have to bring a stadiometer onto the red carpet! I think most people would object actually, if a random stranger asks me my height I will probably tell them but if they insisted on measuring me then I will probably tell them to get lost - unless they are my doctor!
Emma said on 23/Jun/08
She looks absoultely stunning on this photo, I am so glad shes British like me :-) best singer to come out of Britain in years. By the way can I ask Glenn a question. When you meet these celebrities do you not ask them their heights, I am sure they would not object if you were to say it is for I know this may sound silly but I am sure some of the 'less famous' celebs who are not surrounded by entourage 24/7 would not mind if you actually measured them yourself, providing that they are willing. just a suggestion. :-)
glenn said on 20/May/08
j-i never have time or money for summer plans.i did like taking long walks and hikes in the woods a few years back.6 mile walks.i might start that up again.what are your summer plans and where do you live? nyc is always fun.
J. said on 20/May/08
Oh, I'm great Glenn. Just getting ready for the summer. How's life in NYC? Any plans for the summer?
glenn said on 19/May/08
im good j,how have you been? thanks for the words.she is ok in looks.not amazing.
Charliemoto said on 18/May/08
*Glenn* - your getting on my nerves.

bad day?
J. said on 18/May/08
Long time, no post. How's it going Glenn? Looks like you're still getting the good shots. She's not very attractive in my view, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, no?
glenn said on 18/May/08
yeah,i am bending.i dont know how she is 5-7.
Ian said on 17/May/08
Looks like Glenn is bending a lot. I think 5ft 6 but hey what do I know I've never met her. Simon Cowell must wear some heals at 5ft 8.5 he towers over her.
glenn said on 16/May/08
charliemotto-your irritating at times and no,i never said that before.what i said was i wonder if im a strong 5-8 at night.i never said 5-9.and if i did,maybe once, which i doubt highly and that wouldnt be all the time.your getting on my nerves.and was it needed to hear you comment on this? sometimes its better to stay silent.
Charliemoto said on 16/May/08
"glenn says on 13/May/08
sometimes i wonder if im 5-9."

you've said that far too many times and you know perfectly well that you're not 5'9 mate, you're 5'7.75 to 5'8.25, Rob is a proper 5'8.25 - 5'8.5 imo.

nothing wrong with it, you're good at what you do and your images has been of great help to all of us, so thank you. ;)
Celine said on 16/May/08
is same height as her
Click Here
C. said on 16/May/08
Maybe she's giving her height in shoes? And then possibly rounding up? B/c if she has heels on, I'm thinking 5'5"...5'5" 1/2. Either that, or you are 5'9".
glenn said on 14/May/08
exactly c. 5-7??? where does she get that?
C. said on 14/May/08
If 5'6" is generous, she may only be that. B/c I can see you leaning in quite a bit. And if she's wearing a small heel...she could be less than that.
glenn said on 13/May/08
im leaning in and shes wearing a small heel.5-7 sounds wrong.and 5-6 is generous,but i guess realistic.sometimes i wonder if im 5-9.
C. said on 13/May/08
I'm confused with her "too tall" comment as she isn't tall. At 5'6" you could still be a twig, but it's good that she's not following the trend. But yeah, she does look 5'6" 5'6" 1/2 tops.
Charliemoto said on 13/May/08
saw her live 5'6 tops.
GUK said on 13/May/08
I think Glenn is spot on with 5ft 6 as she looks 5 inches shorter than Rod Stewart in the Gallery on her website
Bel said on 27/Apr/08

Editor Rob
good news - you're really 5ft 7!
glenn said on 18/Apr/08
like i said she seemed 5-6 tops.
koolstress said on 18/Apr/08
again there is around 4-5 inches difference in the tyra banks and leona pic. and leona is around 5'5 its obvious in most pictures you guys always think if someone looks tall then there above 5'7 well look at miley cyrus if you saw her on a show walking she would appear taller than 5'5 wouldnt she. so my point is dont just guess be precise cuz i am am a growing girl and i got a 5'7 fridge and am just like a 1 inch shorter msking me 5'6 ish so leona the max is 5'5 you either agree or disgree thanks guys and that x factor pic i gave last time prove my point. Glenn in that pic leona and simon have around 3-4 inches difference making her look 5'5 and ray 5'7 raymond in my view is 5'7 if ray was closer to simon and leona was shorter than ray then it seem ray is the one who is 5'7 ok its be great if glenn had a pic with leona wihtout her wearing heels and see the difference
glenn said on 18/Apr/08
5-7 it is.shortest 5-7 ive seen and that makes me a strong 5-8.but i believe you.
Nidal said on 17/Apr/08
Leona herself said she was 5'7 in an interview where she mentioned standing out at school for being taller than some of her classmates.
glenn said on 17/Apr/08
stu-you could still be right.i cant tell womens height well.heels throw me off.and the various sizes of the heels too. md-she was in nyc last week for 2 or 3 days.she taped alot shows here.i was around.good to get her out the way just in case she gets big.she already has the no.1 cd of the country.
MD said on 16/Apr/08

Where'd you see her at? She's been hanging out in the U.S. alot, lately.
Stu said on 16/Apr/08
You're the man Glenn!
I guess I was a little off lol.
glenn said on 16/Apr/08
i just got her.i wouldve guessed 5-6 since im leaning in a bit and she has a small heel.
MD said on 15/Apr/08
No way is she that much shorter than Tyra. I clicked on the link and there is not a 5"-6" difference between the two.
Stu said on 15/Apr/08
She was a lot taller than Ellen Degeneres but she had a footwear advantage. Still, if Ellen is 5'7, Leona is at least that height.
Here's a video
Click Here
koolstress said on 15/Apr/08
Tyra banks is 5ft10 and leona next to tyra banks looks fairly small around 5.4-5.5 like i always say. scroll down on the link i give you and you can see her with tyra banks. Click Here how about if leona lewis was to get measured (although thats not neccessary) she would not be 5'7 in my point of view. Raymond quinn is 5'7 not leona and at her site most gallery pictures when there out ray looks taller like of the pic she looks so tiny next to ray and her lastest pics she small aswell.
mahh said on 11/Apr/08
I think 5'7.5'' is perfect, looking at her stand next to Tyra Banks anyway. who looks giant to Leona.
Stu said on 10/Apr/08
5'4 is ridiculous, as is 5'11. She is 5'7/5'8 for sure.
Anonymous said on 9/Apr/08
What is she? People here are saying everything from 5'4"-5'11". Oh, so the listed height is perfectly in between.
koolstress said on 2/Apr/08
i know that but what people dont get is that if your 5'3-5'5 you looker shorter than 5'7-5'8 for example jane in eastenders is 5'8 she looks way taller than leona and raymond quinn plus simon cowell dont wear three inch heels or anything. what am trying to say is that leona is 5'5 the max u can either believe ot not. as you can see i gave you a link before to show the difference. ok thanks for listening people bye.
brapp said on 30/Mar/08
koolstress you can be ANY height and have proportionally short or long legs/arms/limbs. Also her legs are chunky so they would look shorter than they are
hs2008 said on 30/Mar/08
Yeah it was OK (maybe Closer as well). It was the edition where she was on the cover celebrating the most inspirational people of 2007. She said she was sensitive about her height becasue she always felt too tall at 5'7".
Ally said on 29/Mar/08
She can look 5'9, but I'm really not sure about her height... Maybe 5'8, 5'8.5?
Hollie said on 28/Mar/08
She was barefoot while she was singing on Oprah...but after the break, she had high heels on and walked over to Oprah and Simon, greeted them and then sat in a chair.
hs2008 said on 20/Mar/08
She said herself in OK Magazine recently that she was 5'7".

Editor Rob
not Closer last year? I'm sure that said something like 'Leona, who is 5ft 7'...
ty said on 19/Mar/08
she was barefooted on oprah, hence oprahs wear more shoes comment!
Hollie said on 17/Mar/08
She was on the oprah show today and looked to be the same height as Oprah (they both had 2-3 inch shoes on). She also was NOT taller than Simon Cowell who was also on the show, and also stood next to her. Five foot Seven and a half is very accurate.
Anonymous said on 29/Feb/08
I met her last summer she's at lease 5'11 if not 6' she was barefoot nonetheless 15cm taller than me I'm 1.66 1.67
westiegirl said on 23/Feb/08
i think she is taller than listed about 5 ft 10
louie said on 17/Feb/08
I'd say 5'8.5''
Steph said on 14/Feb/08
Probably taller than 5'7, but 5'9 max I'd say.
She was taller than Take That on the X Factor, but she was in heels and they're all shorties.
Anonymous said on 14/Feb/08
She looks way taller than that, i would say 5 '10
sweetchari said on 3/Feb/08
She said herself, "(she is) too tall to be stick thin" and she opposes the size zero trend...she is very beautiful naturally. I would think she is slightly taller than what is listed but I guess its accurate given that she wears heels often and is very slim so she appears pretty tall.
Jacqui said on 23/Jan/08
She looks about 5'9 to me, although it's hard to tell.
Anonymous said on 15/Jan/08
She's listed in NOW magazine this week at 5'10.5 !
mooey said on 30/Dec/07
i thought she was taler than that but not by much, because she was taller then kate thorntton, who is tall herself
ryan g said on 10/Apr/07
Yvonne the youngest sister is now 5'10" and gorgeous.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.