Canson said on 2/Oct/24
Bowe with Holyfield
Click Here
6’4 1/2” is prob ok for him
Canson said on 2/Oct/24
Lewis looks 6’4.5 with Bruno. Wouldn’t surprise me if that was his afternoon height and 6’4.75 was a couple hours after waking
Canson said on 2/Oct/24
@Iron Mike: I’ve met Bowe. He’s between 6’4 and 6’5”. Couldn’t tell who was taller (it wouldn’t have surprised me if he was taller but I’m not sure and if I was taller it wouldn’t have surprised me either that much). We were prob about same height. my peak was 6’4 3/8 afternoon height so 6’4 1/2” lunchtime then (I’m down to 194ish or a hair under at lunchtime now). 6’4.5 could fit him but wouldn’t surprise me if 6’4.25 or even 6’4.75 if I had more footwear
Here he is with will smith
Click Here
Id get a peak 6’4 1/2” if I were listed here since Rob uses lunchtime although if Rob met me later in day now maybe 6’4 since I dip below the 1/4” mark by a hair and even lower if I’m on feet and approach extreme low. So maybe 6’4 1/2” is fair for Bowe?
Click Here
Iron Mike said on 30/Sep/24
Rob, How tall do you think Riddick Bowe was? He was listed as 6'5 and i think he looked quite close to that mark. Maybe 6'4.5 range.

Editor Rob
Could clear 6ft 4, maybe 4.5 is a good shout.
As for Lewis, he still looks very tall -
With Bruno
181cmguy said on 30/Aug/23
Oh, ok, I agree on Barkley being the tallest, but I actually think Lewis would have a better chance of measuring closer to 6'5 than Jordan. Ofc I can't tell such small differences, Lewis just gives me a taller impression than Jordan, maybe because he's bigger too, and in the ring he didn't often meet guys taller than him, unlike Jordan on the basketball court.
I have both at 6'4 and 1/2. Barkley I have in the 5/8 to 3/4 range.
181cmguy said on 29/Aug/23
@Rob, how would you rank these three guys: Charles Barkley, Lennox Lewis and Michael Jordan?
Tallest to shortest.

Editor Rob
I would be tempted to go with Charles, Jordan, Lewis, but we are talking very similar range for these guys.
ste and niamh said on 28/Aug/23
keep up the good work we love reading about celebs height
Slamo said on 16/Mar/23
Strong 6-4 not a 6-5 legit imo.
msmith04 said on 20/Nov/22
Asid said on 16/Aug/22
Canson said on 21/Jun/22
He does have a 6’4.75 measurement on record. But it’s possible that 6’4.5 was his peak afternoon height
Asid said on 19/Jun/22
6’4.5 at best. Rob downgrade to 6’4.5” no where near 6’5”
IceCold said on 13/Apr/22
Lennox looks like he could be MJ's height twin brother
Johno said on 22/Sep/21
As listed. 6'4.5 the lowest.
Canson said on 9/Sep/21
if anything 6’4.5 is his low. He looked too tall in his prime to be 6’4”but he did measure 6’4.75 and 6’4.5 likelier that the 6’4.5 that Duhon said is his low. He looked similar to Barkley. But it’s not hard to measure 6’4.75 earlier in the day maybe even just a couple hours or three hours out of bed and to still be somewhere around 194.5
Duhon said on 15/Jul/21
He was listed at 6'4.5" in his match against Tony Tucker
Click Here

Editor Rob
he's had 6ft 4.75, 4.5 and 5, I think it's likely 4.5-4.75 rather than a full 6ft 5
Canson said on 9/May/21
@Mickie: that’s tough. Maybe Lewis but not sure he was really 6’4.75 afternoon. They may be the same
Mickie said on 8/May/21
I wonder who would have the mm edge at their tallest, Lenox or Michael Jordan? Surely they'd be super close.
Canson said on 10/Apr/21
@Stuart Marsh: he only measured 6’4.75”.
OriginalAnon said on 17/Feb/21
Vitali is a genuine 200cm guy and he looks 2 inches taller than Lewis, or thereabouts. Lewis was definitely close to 6'5''. I think Rob probably has all of these heights bang on. Lewis, both Klitschkos. I think Vitali could, or could have, reached 201cm.
Canson said on 16/Feb/21
@Editor Rob: the 6’4.5 that Russell Ash just showed may be the more accurate one as maybe it’s an afternoon measurement
Tall In The Saddle said on 16/Feb/21
@Russell Ash
Good point. A 23 yo Lennox of course was also listed at 6’4 1/2” when he fought Riddick Bowe in the 88 Olympic final. Bowe was listed the same but Lewis appeared a bit taller IMO.
Canson said on 15/Feb/21
6’4.5 may be at a different time of the day
Russell Ash said on 15/Feb/21
Lennox was listed at 6'4.5 in his fight with Tony Tucker...
Click Here
recapa said on 25/Oct/20
perfect listing for peaak lennox
Canson said on 11/Oct/20
@Reece: it’s possible Lewis has lost height today. A peak Lewis I can agree with this listing here. Worst case maybe he fell to 6’4.5 like Barkley
Reece said on 2/Oct/20
Agree. Vitali probably looks more than 2 inches over Lennox but it is not a good example anyways as they are not side to side.
Robbe said on 28/Sep/20
Easy 195cm
Click Here
Vitali is max 2in taller than Lennox. George Foreman is nowadays barely taller than Evander Holyfield.
Click Here
Pierre said on 5/Sep/20
Click Here = look at this interview since 10:36 = The interviewer has to looking up to talk to Mike so Mike is logically easily taller than him and Lennox Lewis max is just a bit more than a forehead taller than the interviewer during the interview....
Pierre said on 5/Sep/20
Click Here Young Lennox with young Mike 5"10'
frank burjan said on 27/Jun/20
Harry sachs. Your figures look correct. Tyson was only 5'10 at best.
Canson said on 18/Jun/20
@Christian: yea it could be 5. The 6’2 3/8” holds up well with Lennox Lewis
Alir?za said on 17/Jun/20
This guy probably don't know imperial measurement system because of he was growing in Canada. His height is clearly at least 195 cm.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Apr/20
It could be 5cm at worst, but no less.
Canson said on 24/Apr/20
@Viper: Lol and you flip them it’s closer to the truth. But Merriman is prob a good 6cm shorter
viper said on 21/Apr/20
Lennox claims 6-3, Shawne Merriman claims 6-5.
Click Here
OriginalAnon said on 18/Apr/20
I think Rob has this one spot on. But I. could still buy 6'5''.
Jordan87 said on 18/Dec/19
A 6'4 to 6'5" Guy claiming 6'3? That Doesn't happen often. Weird.
A.Lawrence said on 17/Dec/19
I think hes a at least 6'5" I always did think arpund 6'5 1/2 and even now I think at least 6'5". If u see him standing next to Shannon Briggs and Andre Galotta who are both 6'4" hes at least an inch above then during the fighta Briggs was slouched so I didnt compare but against Galotta before, during and after the fight he was noticabely taller so I stick with 6'5" and a half.
A.Lawrence said on 17/Dec/19
I think hes a at least 6'5" I always did think arpund 6'5 1/2 and even now I think at least 6'5". If u see him standing next to Shannon Briggs and Andre Galotta who are both 6'4" hes at least an inch above then during the fighta Briggs was slouched so I didnt compare but against Galotta before, during and after the fight he was noticabely taller so I stick with 6'5" and a half.
Canson said on 17/Nov/19
He got measured at 6’4.75 so he isn’t st least 6’5
Stuart said on 16/Nov/19
I met Lennox twice in the 1990s, I am 188cm/6’2 and had definitely had 3 inches on me, 6’5 no less in my opinion.
Harry Sachs said on 10/Aug/19
@Jordan87 I noticed you during this a lot. You just put up numbers that you want to believe. Here is a better picture of Lennox Lewis and Evander Holyfield.
Click Here
Here is a picture of Foreman and Holyfield
Click Here
Here is Ali next to Ken Norton
Click Here
Here is Foreman next to the 6'2 3'4 measured Ken Norton
Click Here
Lennox Lewis was between 6'4 1/2 but shorter than 6'5. Foreman was around 6'3 or slightly taller in his prime.
Larry Holmes was 6'3.
Riddick Bowe was around 6'4 1/2 in his prime. He looked like he lost a lot of height over the years.
Canson said on 24/Jul/19
Peak height weak 6’5”. 194-195
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 22/Jul/19
Lennox Lewis current status:
Current height 194.3-194.5cm
Peak 194.8-195cm
Few years later 193.7-194cm
Jordan87 said on 3/Jul/19
@ Boxing fan 07 ,
And he only looked 3" on 6'1" PROVEN Holyfield. VItali's height is not secured yet.
Boxing fan 07 said on 18/Jun/19
A weak 6’5” or 6’4 .75
He only looked 1.25 shorter than Vitali
Jordan87 said on 10/Jun/19
Putting an End to this madness right now.
Lewis was once listed at 6'4" and honestly Evander was not ever over 6'1 in his prime ( This site proves that) we all know that. Lewis never had more than 3" on Holyfield in pictures. Lewis is 100 percent not taller than 6'4".
Lennox Lewis: 6'4"
Foreman: 6'2.5"
Holyfield" 6'1"
Tyson: 5'10
Bowe: 6'3"
Buster Douglas: 6'2.75"
Ali- 6'2"
Liston- 6'0 ( He was a soliud 2" shorter than Ali)
Frazier- 5'10"
Joe Loius: 6'0.5" ( Measured at 6'1" on Camera once with thin Boxing Shoes on
Doentay Wilder- ( 6'6"- Shorert than Mello)
Joshua- 6'5 ( No taller than that with Rob Here on this site)
mohammad said on 16/Apr/19
Age 25 : solid 195 cm
age 54 : solid 194 cm
Canson said on 5/Mar/19
I’d say a peak 6’5.25 out of bed 6’4.5 at a low
Today 6’4.75-6’5 out of bed 6’4-4.25 at a low
Canson said on 7/Jan/19
A tweener never full 6’5 but 6’4.5 weak 6’5 peak
olney28 said on 5/Jan/19
6'5 in his youth. 6'4 as old man.
Lennox the lion Lewis
Nik said on 4/Jan/19
Nowadays he may be closer to 6'4" than 6'5"!
mohammad said on 23/Dec/18
I think anyone who says that Lewis is under 6 foot 4 is nothing but an imbecile .
Lewis was 6 foot 5 at age 25 . Today he is at least 6'4.5" .
Canson said on 23/Dec/18
@Jordan87: Lewis looks the same as Riddick Bowe and Charles Barkley. I’ve seen Bowe before in person. He’s a weak 6’5” maximum but could be 6’4.5 as well
Jordan87 said on 19/Dec/18
We Know Holyfield was a solid 6'1 guy in his prime. Lewis looks at least around 2" taller. 6'3 always seems a bit too short for me but in his fight with Tyson he did not have Tyson by no 6". No Way. Lewis I think would be 6'4 on a good day, not taller. Wilder is 6'6.5" Tops and looks taller than Mr. Lewis by more than 2" alot of the time.
Gman39 said on 11/Dec/18
Here is Lennox, Gerry Cooney, and Riddick Bowe standing together. Looks like they are all within 1 inch of each other today.
Click Here
ReallyShortRussianDude said on 14/Nov/18
Click Here
Rob, how tall does Mikey Garcia look with Lennox?

Editor Rob
He can look 169-70cm range just that moment...although comparing head sizes, Lennox looks at least 2 inches longer (maybe slightly nearer and tilting down a bit lengthened it to 11 inches).
Canson said on 5/Oct/18
6’4.5 peak
James B 172cm said on 2/Sep/18
rob he doesnt look 195cm with mike tyson
Click Here
McMurphy said on 21/Jul/18
Lennox, Stallone and Deontay Wilder:
Click Here
Canson said on 10/Jul/18
@Myself: kiwi may be 193.2 or something most of the day. He doesn’t lose a lot as is. I lose 1.9cm on average sometimes 1.8-2. If he’s only 193 at a low from 194.5 then most of the day for him would be about 193.2 or 193.3. You don’t lose virtually anything after about 7-8 hours of being awake on a normal day. If anything maybe a couple more mm.
Myself said on 22/Jun/18
@Kiwi Bloke
You can't be 193.5 for most of the day if you wake up at 194.5...I wake up at 194.3 and am between 192 and 192.7 for most of the day, depending on the activity.
Canson said on 19/Jun/18
Peak 6’5.25-.5
6’4.5-.75 before bed
Same height as Barkley maybe 1/8” taller best case
Kiwi Bloke said on 17/Jun/18
194.5cm / 6'4.6 out of bed
193.5 / 6'4.25ish for most of the day
193 / 6'4 flat at night / before bed
even said on 27/Feb/18
today : 195 cm = morning , 194 cm = evening
in his prime : 6 foot 5 , 250 pounds , 7 foot wing span
Canson said on 7/Feb/18
@Junior: May be the other way around today. Lewis can actually look taller in pics now
Junior Hernandez said on 7/Feb/18
I think Charles Barkley may have a small fraction on Lennox.
Canson said on 25/Jan/18
Still a strong 6’4” guy at worst
even said on 25/Jan/18
age 25 = 6'5" ( out of bed ) , now = 6'4.5" ( out of bed )
Ricky said on 21/Nov/17
Rob,I suggest you to add Riddick Bowe on this website.
Canson said on 20/Oct/17
Wow someone said he’s 6’4” on a good day. He’s at least 6’4 maybe closer to 6’5”
ReallyShortRussianDude said on 17/Sep/17
Rob, do you have any guess for Lewis's former Manager, Kellie Maloney?

Editor Rob
not familiar with her.
Peter175 said on 8/Sep/17
Never seen a man downgrade his own heigth so low.
WTF is up with that rob? XD

Editor Rob
you mean the 6ft 3 college quote? I suppose Lennox did gain some height during 19-20 range.
alexandre alves said on 1/Sep/17
He has very long legs...Which one do you think is your inseam rob?
By the way congratulations on the site ...

Editor Rob
35 inches.
Canson said on 15/Aug/17
Same height as Barkley or only a tiny fraction shorter if he is. I'd say 6'4.5 for both or 6'4.5 for him 6'4 5/8 for Barkley like he was measured at the olympics
CreepX said on 12/Aug/17
At 25 years of age, he was labeled as 6'4"1/2
Click Here
Sounds bang on.
Canson said on 12/Aug/17
Peak 6'4 1/2 at his lowest easy 6'5+ out of bed very similar in height to Charles Barkley and
Michael Jordan
even said on 25/Jul/17
peak = 6'4.75" , current = 6'4.5" .
Canson said on 17/Jul/17
@Reece: how do you know Vitali is 6'7-6'7.5? He only said he's 6'7" for all we know that could be a morning height or it could be his lowest or somewhere in between. I agree he's closer to 6'7" but he looks as if he's maybe 4cm over Wlad around 6'6.75
even said on 5/Jul/17
195 cm tall
Reece said on 4/Jul/17
He could pull of looking 6-5 at peak. I think he would be mor 195 or 194 nowadays though. Matched up well with Vitali Kiltschko who is 6-7/6-7.5
Canson said on 3/Jul/17
Agree with Joe. And I honestly believe at his lowest he has always been tops 6'4.5. The 6'4.75 is likely an earlier measurement as he has never looked a full 6'5" with other boxers
joe### said on 30/Jun/17
6´4.5 nowadays
hotrod 305 said on 28/Jun/17
I met him in miami at the post office no one was there and I spoke with him for about 30 mins... very nice guy and Im 6 ft and I was expecting a huge guy from watcihng him on tv as a kid, and to be honest he was barely taller than me, he was in flip flops and he was at best id say 6'1" - 6'2"... when i first saw him i wasnt sure if it was him because I thought he would have been a giant next to me but he was not... so these reported heights have to be off a bit.. peace
even said on 27/Jun/17
6 5 in his prime but now its more like 6 4.5 to 6 4.75
MerkxX said on 13/Jun/17
195cm spot on.
Canson said on 31/May/17
I doubt as low as 193. More 6'4.5ish similar to Charles Barkley in height and a hair taller than strahan
That NZ Guy said on 30/May/17
Lewis to me seems 193.75cm / 6'4.25 range
James B said on 19/May/17
Probably a guy who looked shorter than he actually was
Derek said on 13/May/17
196 in his Peak i could see. nowdays i would say still at least 194cm
billy said on 10/May/17
@ibra. Lewis looks a bit taller to me imo
Click Here think Lewis is 194-195 while Strahan is 193.
ibra said on 6/May/17
Rob, did you see the photos of Lewis and Strahan ? Strahan didn't look shorter than him.
Kano said on 29/Apr/17
Lewis 195
Harrison 197-198cm
Wlad 198cm
Vitali 202cm
louis said on 21/Apr/17
Rob. you only have Lewis and Wlad 0.5 of a inch apart.
Click Here. Wlad looks at least a inch taller. Lennox 195cm and Wlad 198cm seems more accurate.
James B said on 10/Apr/17
But heavier in later carrier because of body fat?

Editor Rob
yes, a bit of extra fat, not much, but enough to push him over 255 pounds at one point.
James B said on 9/Apr/17
His prime weight rob?

Editor Rob
240-250 range, although I'm sure he's been a bit heavier later in career.
Ollie said on 5/Apr/17
Holyfield was measured at 6-2.5 but probably in boxing shoes. Holyfield looked a easy 6-2 to me at peak and Lennox was like 3 inches so 6-5 at peak. he looks shorter than that nowdays to me. 6-4.5 still i would say at the least still.
Reece said on 30/Mar/17
Lennox Lewis can look a bit shorter nowdays to me. i think Lennox Lewis was a legit 6-5 but look a bit smaller like 6-4.5 nowdays.
James B said on 27/Mar/17
Could be 6'4.5 now rob given he is 51

Editor Rob
maybe, some guys reach that range without anything lost, others have already began shrinking.
Arby said on 18/Mar/17
Looks correct. I Met him in person. He's an inch to inch and a half taller than me. About 6'4.5
Gman said on 10/Mar/17
Met Him on Feb 4th 6'5'' bang on
Canson said on 5/Mar/17
Nick they are not the same height. Joshua is minimum 2cm and that's as low as I would go taller. probably really more like 2.5 cm or 3. I wouldn't put Lewis below maybe 6'4.25 possibly a full 6'4.5. He looks as if he'd be my height I'm the same range of 6'4.25-.5 at night
Canson said on 4/Mar/17
Agree with 184guy. 6'4.5 is as low as I'd put him as he is Barkley's height (Barkley measured 6'4 5/8 at the olympics). They're identical as is Barkley with willie mcginist
Mark D. said on 9/Jan/17
Two inches shorter than 6'7" Vitali Klitschko in their fight. I'd say 6'5".
WowM said on 19/Dec/16
Just saw the BBC sports website showing the clip of the 'sports personality of the year' awards etc and there was one with Andy Murray and Lennox Lewis. I only came here to check their heights as Murray looked far smaller then Lennox...I'm surprised to see the difference isn't all that great in reality. I wonder what boots Lennox was wearing.
At the end of this: (go to bbc site and then add this to the url sport/sports-personality/38360089)
Will said on 17/Dec/16
@nick how can they both me 1 height if 1 guy is taller than the other?
Nick said on 14/Dec/16
with Anthony Joshua they are both 193cm
Click Here
will said on 18/Aug/16
rob, when you give a listing of somebodies height, do you do it bare foot? or with footwear??

Editor Rob
barefoot is the idea.
will said on 18/Aug/16
lennox height has been inflated his entire career to make him appear bigger than life.. id give him 6'4- 6'4.25" and no more
Derek Greene said on 15/Aug/16
This page needs to be updated as it is with its last post from 2007.

Editor Rob
here's a link to
Lewis and Joshua to give a sense he is shorter than much is debatable.
Height said on 27/Jun/16
Looks no less than 10cm taller than 186 cm Evander Holyfield:
Click Here
Closer to 197 cm than 195 cm.
Jordan87 said on 18/Apr/16
Holyfield is 6'1, No Taller. Lewis has him by 3 inches tops. Lewis is 6'4 on a Good Day. Lewis was shorter then 6'5 Anthony Joshua ( Check this Site) but a Solid Inch, likely more.
Canson said on 3/Feb/16
Looks the exact same height as Charles Barkley. He also was measured and claimed 6'4.5 and 3/4. So 6'4 1/2-3/4 same range Rob is close enough!
movieguy said on 18/Aug/15
Looks much bigger than Holyfield in that photo. I think 6'4'' to 6'5'' is probable. How Holyfield more or less held his own with these big guys is beyond me.
just because said on 31/Mar/15
Lewis and the 6ft2 holyfield
Click Here
Lorne??? said on 4/Mar/15
They've listed him 6ft4.5 at some point in boxing as well, though I agree with this listing.
Michael said on 26/Feb/15
Wladimir Klitschko is taller than Lewis:
Click Here
and here:
Click Here 1,96 (6-5,2) isn´t enough für W.K., more 1,98 (6-6).
richie said on 22/Nov/14
Why do people constantly doubt and downgrade someone's height?? Lewis is 6'4.5in give or take, he had nearly 2 inches on Frank Bruno who is 6'3"
Stupot123 said on 10/Jun/14 Click here
Lennox Lewis with 6'2 1/2 Johnny nelson, has at least 2 inches on him
David_v1989 said on 24/Apr/14
Rob, how tall do you think Hasim Rahman is?
James B said on 29/Mar/14
Looks 6'4 1/2 here
Click Here
The Exorcist said on 28/Nov/13
His 6'5" claim seems legit. Completely towering David Beckham here.
Click Here
hhfj said on 18/Sep/13
If he said hes 6foot3 then most likely he is. Because nobody would downgrade their height so much

Editor Rob
he meant more late teens I believe, he's recently said on his twitter 6ft 5.
193 morning height said on 19/Jul/13
Met him when I was 16 in my local supermarket. Lets just say I`m 6`3.5 average day height, he`s taller than me and his stated height is spot on and no less. Ben
Emil said on 20/May/13
Boxer says on 5/May/13
He is about 6'3.75
I totally agree. Lennox is honest with his height. He doesnt look more than 6'4 so 6'3.75 is probably on the dot
Boxer said on 5/May/13
He is about 6'3.75
alan brisco said on 28/Apr/13
No emil,
he looked clearly 17-18 cm taller than tyson.
he towered on tyson, a big difference between the two.
tyson is 176-177 cm. Lewis is 193-194cm.
(tyson 5'9.5" - lewis 6'4" or 6'4.5")
Everybody knows that tyson was overestimated for all his career, listed a fake 5'11". He was at least an inch, an inch and half shorter. For sure.
Ice said on 27/Apr/13
6'3 is underestimated
Emil said on 27/Apr/13
He didn't look 17 cm taller than Tyson.
alan brisco said on 25/Apr/13
Lennox had a real heavyweight bodyframe. The best heavyweight of the last 20 years. Lewis peak was in the 6'4" range(193-194cm). 6'3" is a little bit underestimated, just like 6'5" a little bit overestimated.
And yes revious83, the overestimated haye is max 6'1". For sure.
James said on 3/Feb/13
Rob do you know what time of day he was measured 195cm? He looked more like a flat 6'4 when he appeared on Johnathan Ross in 2005. Certainly he did not look as big as Vince Vaughn or Husain bolt did next too ross.

Editor Rob
I think he generally looks nearly 6ft 5, but I don't know the time of any measurement
Jamesy said on 1/Feb/13
Why does he only claim 6'3?
mId said on 5/Dec/12
How do you guys explain the video i posted in the vitali klitscho page, where david haye is standing 6' in shoes next to a height chart? Could he really be that low?
Arch Stanton said on 1/Dec/12
Ace says on 2/Aug/12
Lewis never really looked under 6'5 in his boxing career. Oddly enough however he was listed as 6'4 during his amateur career, but truthfully i highly doubt he is a flat 6'4. He was 4 inches taller than 6'2 listed (but probably closer to 6'1) tommy morrison, only an inch shorter than 6'7 listed michael grant, and only about 2 inches shorter than Vitali Klitschko.
Between 2 and 3 inches between Vitali and Lennox. Fight from 2003 and Vitali is looking 6 ft 7 and half in comparison.
James said on 22/Nov/12
Haye was taller than Johnathan Ross so no way is he 6'1 max
Revious83 said on 2/Oct/12
Here is Lennox Lewis with David Haye. If Lewis is 6 ft 4.75 in then Haye is max 6 ft 1 in.
Click Here
1st rd ko said on 2/Sep/12
Lennox was/is a legit 6'4.5
Wlad 6'5.5
Vit 6'7.25
Ace said on 2/Aug/12
Lewis never really looked under 6'5 in his boxing career. Oddly enough however he was listed as 6'4 during his amateur career, but truthfully i highly doubt he is a flat 6'4. He was 4 inches taller than 6'2 listed (but probably closer to 6'1) tommy morrison, only an inch shorter than 6'7 listed michael grant, and only about 2 inches shorter than Vitali Klitschko.
Revious83 said on 30/Jul/12
He doesn't look 6'5 with emanuel steward, more like 6'3.5.
Click Here
Produce said on 25/Jul/12
Lennox Lewis was ecactly the same height as Eddie Cotton in 2002 when he fought Tyson, who said he is big at 6 foot 5. He looked the same as 6-5 Tucker. He is very tall, but i think not more as 6-5. 6 foot 5 sounds right!
f said on 12/Dec/11
lol johno...khan is not 5-6 or he's at least 5-8....he's probably a little over 5-8 or 5-9 even....I met him
Vegas said on 2/Dec/11
i doubt that chart is real height otherwise hatton is no more than 5'4 in shoes...
Click Here
Dudu said on 1/Dec/11
Everyone according to you guys is much shorter than they claim. Some of the posts I see here just make me laugh- Haye is under 5'11"? Are you for real? That guy isn't 6-3 I agree but he isn't a millimetre shorter than 6-2.
james said on 30/Nov/11
lennox reach is 84 inches do u realize how long his arms would look if he was 6foot 3 you guy have a desire for your idols to be close to your height is what this is you guys are sad there are so many average height stars all dont have to be average get over this!!!
Physics Enemy said on 28/Nov/11
Are you sure Haye is not under 6' 2" Shaun? He's under 6 foot in trainers according to that clip I posted. Talk about surprising! Is he really 5' 11"?
Physics Enemy said on 28/Nov/11
Interesting find on David Haye:
Click Here
If you pause it at 38 secs or so, you'll see Haye stands next to the height chart and comes up under 6 foot in trainers. Isn't that interesting?!
f said on 31/Oct/11
people don't realize 6-5 is that real tall it is tall..average height is not 6-0 like people think...white males due average a little over 5-10 but under 5-11 but it's not 6 foot....that charts i've seen never said 5-11 as far as white american males....average american height is 5-9 and some change...keep in mind that includes people of different races...if your 5-9 and white your short
f said on 31/Oct/11
I met khan and he's about 5-8.5 to 5-9
LAN Jiao said on 21/Oct/11
he is 6'3. looks it as a small cast in rocknrolla. with fake 5'8 G guy he look 6'3 as well.
John khan said on 10/Oct/11
amir khan is more likely to be about 5ft 9 or 5ft 9.5 google his image of him standing face to face with an american boxer called lamont peterson who is listed as 5ft 9 on boxrec.
johno said on 3/Oct/11
Lennox could be anything above 6'4 and below 6'5..
I like to change my estimation for amir to 5'7 even
Shaun said on 26/Sep/11
Haye is not under 6'2".
Shaun said on 26/Sep/11
He suffers from the Darius Danesh Syndrome, claiming 6'3". This guy looks easily a legit 195cm.
johno said on 21/Sep/11
Amir khan is usually 2-3 inches shorter then de la hoya. De la hoya i would put at 5'8 max, although i can see him dip below this to, about 5'7.75
De la hoya 5'7.5 - 5'8
amir khan 5'6.5 - 5'7 max
Mayweather 5'5 - 5'6
Dean 5ft 9.25 said on 15/Jul/11
Rob how tall would you pin Amir Khan if he had a page on here?
He looks a good 6 inch shorter than Haye and a good 4 inch shorter than Cameron..A Haye isnt more than 188cm and Cameron 184cm..ID say Khan is 173-174cm and no where near the 177-178cm he claims. whats your opinion? cheers
[Editor Rob: I think he covers himself well by saying 'almost 5ft 10', cause some 5ft 8-9 guys will say that.]
Haha well I must admit I say "about 5'10" also..or "about 5'9-5'10" the difference is im a legit 175.5cm night height..if hes under 175cm how can a guy even claim anywhere near 5'10? What would u list him at on this site by your opinion not what he claims?
Dean 5ft 9.25 said on 15/Jul/11
Rob how tall would you pin Amir Khan if he had a page on here?
He looks a good 6 inch shorter than Haye and a good 4 inch shorter than Cameron..A Haye isnt more than 188cm and Cameron 184cm..ID say Khan is 173-174cm and no where near the 177-178cm he claims. whats your opinion? cheers

Editor Rob
I think he covers himself well by saying 'almost 5ft 10', cause some 5ft 8-9 guys will say that.
Ben 191,5 - 193 said on 26/Jun/11
123, go * yourself. I met, spoke, got autograph, and shook hands with the man. Shut your *. Man, you should be
Banned from this site, you are unreal. Y u so jealous? This is a Lennox thread, not a shoes or barkley thread, go elsewhere. You lie, lie, you liar. He is 6'5 tops and I know that, so there. the word 'LIE' does not enter my vocab. You lie! cos you don't know people round this area. Now, I feel so glad that I met him.
James said on 16/Jun/11
GOD how tall are lennox's security?
Click Here
Truthman said on 16/Jun/11
123 says on 28/May/11
charles barkley has claimed 6'5 1/2 in the past truthman, but i think he is just 6'5 though and 6'6 in shoes just like kobe, basketball shoes usually don't add more than a inch
Basletball shoes usally add good 1.5 inches because of thick insole (cushioning insole) and thick outsole. In shoes Barkley 198cm and barefoot 195cm exactly
Ben 191,5 - 193 said on 11/Jun/11
123, FYI, he did live in North London, not far from me in Hadley Wood. I didn't come here to lie about something like this, but to share my experience. So next time, don't be so hasty with your words. This was in 1994 when I was 16. But for aruguements sake he IS his stated height.
Ben 191,5 - 193 said on 3/Jun/11
Just for the record, I met Lennox Lewis in person at my local supermarket (ASDA ,Southgate, North London) when I was 16 years old. He is definately not 6'3" and I gave him about 1.5" more than me, so I think 195cm is pretty bang on for Lennox.
Truthman said on 17/May/11
Stop this b.s. He is not strong 6'5, he is exactly 195cm tall, because he is same height as Charles Barkley who is 195cm too (could somebody post this photo again?).
James said on 4/May/11
Amirt Khan could be 5'7.5
Mon said on 26/Apr/11
Lewis's musculature certainly underwent a remarkable transformation after his late twenties. It is possible he gained a little height in 'the process' (Evander Holyfield did).
Ejel Khan said on 23/Apr/11
Amir Khan is 5'8" at best, but claims 5'10". Next to David Cameron, he appears 5'8". Cameron is in the 6'-6'1" range.
Truthman said on 11/Apr/11
Lennox: 195 cm
Vitali: 202 cm
Wladimir: 198 cm
Haye 186 cm
Salva11 said on 8/Apr/11
Lennox: 197 cm
Vitali: 202 cm
Wladimir: 199 cm
Harrison: 198 cm
Haye 190 cm
James said on 22/Feb/11
Actually both khan and la hoya are 5'8ers.
James said on 22/Feb/11
Amir Khan looks 5'8.5 or 5'9 at most near Oscar
d wade said on 22/Feb/11
in your first picture de la hoya is closer to the camera in the second picture
haye dwarf him by 5 or 6 inches, he is 6,2 and de la hoya is 5,9.
johno said on 21/Feb/11
Click Here
Click Here
Heres dsvid haye with oscar dela hoya. Dela hoya claims 5'11 but on this site he is listed as 5'9 and with alot of posters believing he is 5'8. So 5'8-5'9 is his height range and haye usually has 4 inches on him but haye is usually standing fully erect and dela hoya always has his head down. Footwear isn't visible either.
6'1 max for haye, although i cnt really pin his height down. Amir khan is shorter then dela hoya by an inch or so. 5'7.5 is the max height i would put amir at or 5'7 more rather otherwise, you might as well upgrade dela hoya to 5'10.5+ I dnt believe dela hoya is this tall and i believe amir was more then amir, 5.5 inches, David cameron is 6'0.5
James said on 16/Feb/11
Amir Khan is 5'8-5'9
Click Here
d wade said on 15/Feb/11
here David haye with some Boxers
Click Here
do you agree Rob with 6,2.

Editor Rob
Amir Khan claims 5ft 9.5 as his height, haye can look 6ft 2 or 3 in photos with other boxers.
Truthman 6 ft 4.5 in said on 13/Feb/11
Well, here David Haye & 6'5 Audley Harrison
Click Here
And here with 6'6 Wladimir
Click Here
Agree, he could be 6'2, but really weak 6'2. I still think he is good 6'1
Truthman 6 ft 4.5 in said on 12/Feb/11
Mike Tyson - 5'10
David Haye - 6'1
Wladmir Klitschko - 6'6
Vitali - 6'7.5

Editor Rob
haye's got a high eyelevel for his height and he raises his head a lot, he claims 6ft 3
Legend said on 3/Feb/11
Mike Tyson - 5'9.75
David Haye - 6'1
Wladmir Klitschko - 6'5
Vitali - 6'5.5
d wade said on 2/Feb/11
wayne rooney is listed 5,10 so lets say he is 5,9 barefoot and ronney is closer to the camera and reaches only his eyes haye looks like 1,87 cm in this pic and Wladimir list himself as 1,98 cm in his german and russian website only the english website says 6,5 wladimir is a true 6,6 and on your firt picture haye looks only 4 inches shorter . how tall do you think is valuev when you think haye is only 6 feet he didnt have a full head on haye taller than 6,2 listed john ruiz
Click Here you said
that amir Khan is 5,7 and David haye 6 feet here is haye dwarfing him
Click Here
johno said on 2/Feb/11
Click Here
Again, heres haye with the less then 6'1 jonathon ross. Jonathon ross claims 6'1.5 so lets just give him that. Jonathon ross is leaning, i dnt knw why the hell he is even doing that, it has not purpose and isnt even funny, chances are hes trying to joke around act like he isn't taller then the others ''look im a shorty'' but even then, imagine him standing straight, wouldn't he even surpass hayes height? it looks like he clearly would but even if he were the same height as haye, that would make haye a maximum of 6'1.5. Jonathon ross isnt listed as 6'1.5 on this website, chances are he is shorter. That would further reduce hayes height. As i said, earier, i dnt believe haye is 6'3, or 6'2, i believe he is less then 6'1.
That is jimmy carr on the left, he isn't that tall but compare him to haye, he isn't that much shorter.
johno said on 2/Feb/11
i mean, you cnt make yourself look shorter by using footwear
johno said on 2/Feb/11
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
In his most recent fights, the announcer has stated 6'5 and on the conan show, wladimir admitted to only 6'5 and on his website it states 6'5. But like i said, in alot of the pictures, even with wladimir at 6'6, haye struggles with 6'2, he is less then 6'2. I think in alot of boxing forums theres debates about his height. I mean, in pics he can look taller but in alot of pics he looks alot shorter and u can make yourself look taller then you are but certainly not shorter.
georgeclooneysmum said on 2/Feb/11
Rob should you not have a david haye page?
d wade said on 2/Feb/11
that is a bad camera angle in your picture here is a better pic
Click Here or here
Click Here wladimir at 6,6 he claims 1,98cm wich is 6,6 and david haye is 6,2 how tall do think is valuev if david haye is only 6 feet he had not a full head on david haye.
johno said on 2/Feb/11
I do believe lennox is 6'4 and audey a bit taller, 6'4.5 to 6'5. And i went by what wladimir said about his own, ''im 6'5 tall and my brother, 6.6.5''.
However even if we were to put that wladimir at 6'6, how tall would it make haye even in this picture.
Click Here
As you can see, they are both perfectly straight with footwear to be seen. wladimir has dress shoes on and haye sneakers with 0.6 inch lift. Wladimir shoes are probably around 1.2 but even with the footwear advantage and wladimir at 6'6, how tall is haye? Does he look 6'2 even?
As i said before, out of the all the boxers, david haye is not his listed height of 6'3, others can be believable. David is 6'1 or under.
Lennox is 6'4
Audley 6'4.5 to 6'5
wladimir at 6'5 to 6'6
but haye, 6'0 to 6'1
Legend said on 2/Feb/11
Lennox Lewis - 6'4
George Foreman - 6'3.25
Muhammad Ali - 6'3
Robert said on 28/Jan/11
I saw Lennox in a store about a year ago, he was absolutely huge, i'm a legit 6'4 barefoot, and he easily had me by an inch. he was an absolute giant of a man
d wade said on 28/Jan/11
Kobe bryant has close to 5 inches on 6,1 Obama so under 6,5 for kobe is not possible.
and lamar odom looks a legit 6,9 with 7 feet paul gasol may 6,9 1/ that makes vitali around 6,7 to 6,7 1,2 .Wladimir gives his own height at 1,98 cm that is 6,6
Click Here
he is only on the english website 6,5. and harrison is listed 6,5 1/2 so that makes haye a legit 6,2
Click Here and 6,11 valuev didnt have a full head or close to full head on david haye
Click Here
johno said on 27/Jan/11
Thats exactly my point, listed! Lamaar seems 4 inches taller then kobe, who claims hims 6'4 and most likely is around 6'4 and half. That would make odom, 6'8-6'8.5. Vitali is around 1.5-2inches shorter then odom. That would make vitali around 6'6-6'6.5 feet tall. Thats exactly the height is brother wladimir puts him at and he turn, puts himself at 6'5. 6'8 is not his height and nor 6'7 most likely.
I did mention haye at a possibly 5'11 but, 6-6'1 is most likely his real height, not his listed 6'3 and nor 6'2 judging by how he is towered by guys like audley and wladimir by more then 4 inches, most likely 5!
Audley has been listed at 6'4.5 and also around 6'5 and wladimir gave his own height at 6'5, both have the same height advantage over haye thus both are realisticaly around 6'5. Either way, haye does not measure 6'3 in comparison to them, nor realistically 6'2. 6'1 would be his max estimate and he could be as low as 6'0. He has a proper built frame but still doesn't weight that much for a heavy weight, around 98kg, he would weigh more if he were 6'3 with that muscle and mass, i weigh around the same weight as haye and look similar, and i'm only 5'9, i doubt i have a heavy bone structure.
But as far as the rest of my list, thats the only adjustment i would make, haye 6'0-6'1. Lennox could be a weak 6'4 but i cnt put him close to 6'5.
d wade said on 26/Jan/11
but thre are not accurrate vitali looks 6,7 to 6,8 with 6,10 listed lamar Odom.And david Haye is minimum 6,2 6,11 valuev didnt have a full head on david haye which he should when david is only 5,11 that makes your list pointless.
johno said on 25/Jan/11
I do powerlifting, dnt need to take up any other sport. Anyway, your point only relates to tall sports ie basketball and volleyball, it does not relate to boxing. Its not like i am arguing that a basketball player cnt be 6'6 plus. Further, your 5000 guys won't be in the movie and entertainment industry either nor your 6'4s, 6'3s, 6'2s since those heights aren't neccessary and are rarer but that doesn't stop individuals from claiming them, john wayne 6'4? If he was really 6'4, he wouldn't be able to carry his roles.
Man, how the hell can you put vitali at 6'8? :S you really need to reassess your perspective on height. And david haye, is not 6'3 not 6'2, audley harrison dwarfs him. Lewis himself has stated 6'3 but ok, lets give him 6'3.999999.
As i see it, theres two type of annoying personalities on here, one the short guy with the napoleonic complex, downgrading and being biased on every listed height out there and then theres the annoying tall guy who upgrades every height close to his own but not above, just to create a special group where he thinks he belongs to with his imaginery cyber celebrity clique and no ones invited to, and sees the shorter guys trying to claim as thier own. I think you belong to the latter, big94cm.
You have to understand, 99% of the people commenting on here will be less then lennox lewis's 6'4 height, and 50% of those will be naysayers, you could use the jealous short guy argument on all of them since most of them will be shorter then lennox!
I stated my boxers height list and those i believe are accurate.
d wade said on 23/Jan/11
your list is crap johno david haye is minimum 6,2 and vitali is no way only 6,6 when you look him with lamar odom he is atleast 202 cm and lennox lewis 1,95 or 196 cm .
Legend said on 18/Jan/11
He's 6'4.5
Johno said on 17/Jan/11
- On the subject of boxer heights, my list as follows
5'7 amir khan (billed height 5'10)
5'8 oscar de la hoya (billed height 5'11)
5'10 mike tyson (billed height)
6'3 lennox lewis (billed height 6'5)
6'4.5 audley harrison (billed height 6'5)
5'11-6'00 david haye (billed height 6'3, scandalous!)
6.5.5-6.6 vitali klitschko ( billed height 6'7)
5'6-5'7 mayweather similar height to amir (billed height 5'8)
5'10-5'11) joe calzaghe (billed height 5'11.5, 3-4 inchers taller then amir, 2 inches shorter then haye in comparison pictures)
These are just some, theres many more. I have seen fights on eurosports where both fighters are listed the same height when one is clearly taller then the other, even the commentators are bemused, point being, listed heights are seriously flawed. Dnt take comparisons with celebs who inturn have speculative heights as proof of the others height. Most of the pictures where rob or mamun etc are there present can be truly trusted or with individuals that have surprizengly modest billed heights, celebritys tend to exaggerate and not vice versa, eg chuck norris 5'8
Johno said on 17/Jan/11
- Its funny how sometimes people derive others heights by comparing them to a certain individuals height and inturn, that individuals height is determined by comparing them to the first individuals height. Its happening alot on this site. Eg lennox is 6'5 because he's 1-2 inches shorter then audley harrison whose listed at 6'6 and inturn, audley must be 6'6 because he is 1-2 inchers taller then lennox who is 6'5? I mean, they are both dependent on one another and it dnt make sense. Audley has been listed in some quarters as 6'4 and half ie 76.5 inches, to me he is a legit 6'4, one of a few including kobe bryant and usain bolt. True giants. People, go and measure someone who is very tall who claims to be 6'4 with a tape measurer, without shoes and chances are they will be 6'2. But since nearly every other person in society claims a height 2 inches above thier real height, there is so misinformation and to the casual observer an actual 5'10 is thier 6 foot! and 6'2 is a 6'4 and so forth so when there is a possibility that lennox lewis as stated himself could be a legit, 6'3 giant no one believes it because they cross reference with thier false idea of a 6'3 individual and think its miles too short, when it isn't. As a legit 5'9.2 inch individual and not a false 5'10 and 5'11 individual, a 6'3 person is likely the tallest individual i will see in a day in east london. At work, outside, at the gym. It is not common at all. I go to fitness first, been there 6 yrs, go 4 times a week and only 3-5 times have i seen someone who is 6'5 and over ie 77 inches out of thousands of individuals who would happen to train whilest i'm there.
Anonymous said on 17/Jan/11
Lennox looks little tiny taller than Sanders, so 6'5 is stretch. 195cm sounds leegit.
Truthman 6 ft 4.5 in said on 10/Jan/11
Lennox & Corrie Sanders (193cm)
Click Here
Truthman 6 ft 4.5 in said on 9/Jan/11
He listed here at 195cm, so i don't downgrade no one.
Lennox is good 2cm shorter than 6'5.5 Audley Harrison
Click Here
Click Here
And by the way, Vitali listed 2meters tall on his own site. But i think he is 202cm.
Truthman 6 ft 4.5 in said on 4/Jan/11
Scottie isn't 6'8, he is 6'7.5 or 202cm
And Lennox is a good example of 195cm tall guy.
d wade said on 4/Jan/11
lennox is a full 6,5 he isnt much shorter than 6,8 scottie pippen.
Truthman 6 ft 4.5 in said on 3/Jan/11
Click Here
Lennox & Scottie
Truthman 6 ft 4.5 in said on 3/Jan/11
Moke says on 11/Dec/10
Because he isn't
Givve said on 2/Jan/11
He is huge, I have a picture with him taken when I was 14, about a year after the Vitali fight, I was about 5'9 then and I thought he was around 6'5 at least, about 6'6.5 in sneakers
Moke said on 11/Dec/10
Haye does look under 6'3 next to him.
Anonymous said on 22/Nov/10
was also just as tall as audley harrison whos 6'5.5
Anonymous said on 14/Nov/10
looked to be towering David Haye when they were talking backstage at the
Haye VS Harrison fight.
filmfan said on 3/Nov/10
Lewis 6'5'' although I heard his trainer claim he was 6'6'' which I doubt. Was about 2 inches shorter than Klitschko when they fought.
leonari said on 23/Jun/09
Never looks that short nrxt to Hagman. Was not wearing big heels in Jeanie. Very strange.
Big King said on 9/Jun/09
Mark D., 195cm is not under 6'4". It is closer to 6'5" you joker. And I would pay a legit 6'6" for Lewis.
Mark D. said on 1/Jun/09
195cm? That's under 6'4". Impossible. I would definitely say 6'5". He looks 2" shorter than 6'7" Vitali and 1" shorter than 6'6" Wladimir. He looks 2" taller than 6'3" George Foreman and 3" taller than 6'2" Evander Holifield.
Anonymous said on 25/May/09
195cm for Lennox is perfect based on many evidences
Big King said on 13/May/09
Lennox could be 6'6" because he has a clear inch on Charles Barkley who is at 6'4.75" as well on CelebHeights. The pic with Barkley and Lennox can be seen at Lennox's official website.
rony192cm said on 1/May/09
Big King says on 22/Mar/09
Woah, Lennox looks like a beast beside Glenn, so I guess Lennox is a strong 6'5". And I saw a match where he fought Vitali Klitschko and there wasn't a big height difference between them. I only estimated Vitali an inch taller than Lennox. I also saw several interviews with Vitali and there he didn't seem so tall that we could list him as 6'7.5", I always estimated Vitali as a strong 6'6" or almost 6'7"
Klitschko offical pages gives him as 200cm and his brother as 198cm. But looking the pictures of them two it seems that the diff between them is about 4cm, so either is Vitali 202cm and Wlad 198cm or Vitali 200cm and Wlad 196cm wich he stated to Conan O'Brien. But if so then the height of many others are in question, like Conan, Ralph Moeller etc... So, again after seeing alot of pictures and videos, i bealive that Vitali is 202cm and Wlad 198cm
Big King said on 29/Apr/09
OK, Lewis looks 6'6" beside Glenn.
James, what height would be abnormal for you?
James S said on 10/Apr/09
6ft 4.75 is perfect for Lewis.
G said on 10/Apr/09
Reason he said he ws 6'3 is beacuse that was when he was 17 years old he playing basketball for his coll - he said that in his Bio book 'Mama's boy' obv he grew 2 more inches to make it 6'5'
Big King said on 22/Mar/09
Woah, Lennox looks like a beast beside Glenn, so I guess Lennox is a strong 6'5". And I saw a match where he fought Vitali Klitschko and there wasn't a big height difference between them. I only estimated Vitali an inch taller than Lennox. I also saw several interviews with Vitali and there he didn't seem so tall that we could list him as 6'7.5", I always estimated Vitali as a strong 6'6" or almost 6'7".
johnny82 said on 17/Mar/09
Glenn is very far back in that pic. Move Glenn forward a biT and the top of glenns head would be level with lennox's upper lip. Theres about 7 inches between lennox's upper lip and the top of his head. I would give lennox 6'3 and 3/4s inches in height. 6'5 is an abnormal height and extremely tall. The individual starts to look lanky despite having lots of lean muscle, lennox doesn't seem that.
Produce said on 19/Feb/09
He is clearly taller than 6-3, but he is only a bit taller than 6 3.5 Krasniqi and i think he was only a bit taller than 6-3 bruno, so I think he is 6.4 to 6.5.
Martin said on 10/Jan/09
Are you people blind? Ofc he is not 6'3...that's just hillarious. He is 6'5" or 6'4.75"
Anonymous said on 28/Dec/08
I dont know why he said 6'3. I remember in his fight against Shannon Briggs, Glenn McCrory i TV studio said that Lewis is 6'5
Anonymous said on 23/Dec/08
Big King says on 19/Oct/08
Lenox looks 6'6" beside Glenn. 6'4 3/4" is definitely downgraded. Lewis is at least 6'5".
If he's really 6'5" or more then why should he have said he's 6'3"?
Anonymous -15 said on 28/Oct/08
He's exactly 1m95 , he's been consistently listed as this. He can look taller though , due to his huge build and good posture.
Big King said on 19/Oct/08
Lenox looks 6'6" beside Glenn. 6'4 3/4" is definitely downgraded. Lewis is at least 6'5".
AAAA said on 13/Sep/08
Click Herewith 6'3-6'3.5 George Foreman
anonymous said on 12/Sep/08
I have seen him and i think he could well be 6'5 or 6'6. I remember noticing just how huge his fists were. He looked as if he could easily punch through a brick wall!
Anonymous said on 11/Sep/08
Look 6' 5.5" in the photos on his website. He towers over nearly everyone.
Atoadaso said on 7/Sep/08
Lewis needs an upgrade. There is no reason for him to be listed below 6'5". I've heard him on numerous occasions actually refer to himself as 6'6" when commentating on HBO. He obviously isn't 6'3" so the above quote is out of date, and simply innacurate. Lewis stacks up fairly well with Vitali Klitschko, who himself is no less than 6'7.5" as I have photos of him post fight with Timo Hoffmann who is a legit 6'7" and Vitali is clearly taller. And as ed2 points out he is as tall, or marginally TALLER than 6'5"-6'6" Trace Adkins, so again 6'4.75" doesn't work. Finally, he is medically recorded as 6'5" on the tale of the tape, and in some english broadcasts I have seen 6'5.5", and 6'6", and on boxrec, the international database for pro boxers, he is listed 6'5". The man has an 84" (7'0")... he is a huge man and I will put him at 6'5" at the MINIMUM from all my experience with this sport.
CoolJ, I argued this on the Conan O'brien page about Wlad stating his height as 6'5" to be inaccurate, despite coming from his own mouth. He has been listed minimum 6'6" throughout his career, for I have seen all of his pro fights, and have seen him appear noticeably taller than 6'6" Ray Austin, and 6'6" Jameel McCline, and a plethora of others around 6'4" whom he towers over. Maybe he is confused about the conversion for i'm sure he is used to using the metric system.
CoolJ said on 16/May/08
Wlad Klitschko said recently on Leno that he is 6'5". Pro boxers exaggerate their heights just like all other pro athletes.
ed2 said on 16/May/08
With Klitschko brothers he looks at least 6ft5:
Click Here
thekiddd said on 28/Apr/08
Well, what's a quarter inch? Close enough to 6'5". all though 1m95 is actually closer to 6'4.75 than it is to 6'5". And 1m96 is closer to 6'5.25 than is to 6'5".
TNTinCA said on 27/Apr/08
Looking at that pic, I believe the hat Trace is wearing is throwing off the comparison. I don't think Lennox is 6'6" but clearly at least a solid 6'5". Not sure why Rob shaved off a 1/4 inch. But then again, Rob has a good eye for height. :-)
ed2 said on 26/Apr/08
He loks the same height as 6'6'' Trace Adkins:
Click Here
Anonymous said on 23/Apr/08
I know you guys are very technical re: height, but 'mon now Lennox is enormous in this pic and not even standing erect. Giv'em the 6 5 and run away before he clobbers ya!
Adam Brennon said on 30/Mar/08
How is he in person?
anonymous said on 28/Feb/08
lennox fan, he was never once listed as 6`5.5. I doubt highly he is that height
anonymous said on 18/Feb/08
this may interest some. in his olympic bout with riddick bowe, he is listed at 6`4:
Click Here
Atoadaso said on 26/Jan/08
Golota is an easy 6'4". He is very large, and i've seen photos of him with 6'3" guys and he is clearly taller.
anonymous said on 23/Jan/08
golota is at least 6`4? I always thought 6`3ish. thanks glenn.
glenn said on 21/Jan/08
i just got least 6-4.
anonymous said on 21/Jan/08
He was taller than golota AshnarLynx. But is Golota a legit 6`4?
8bit said on 19/Dec/07
He was listed as 6'4.5" in his eirlier fights. That seems just about right.
Produce said on 3/Dec/07
Lewis didnt look much taller tah Bruno. Standing next to Bruno or Luan Krasniqi he lookes 6`4 , but beside Glen, I would say it could be more.
55555 said on 21/Nov/07
I think Lennox has weighed more than Shaq since he retired. ^o^ Still, I think he'd be about 6'6"(+?) and a bit if he straightened up completely. He's got these ridiculously long arms and wide shoulders, so he looks way taller than 6'4"-6'5" or so. Boxers always have slumped postures...just habit. I saw him in the West Village with his crew a couple years back and he looked enormous, even next to his 7' tall bodyguards.
Atoadaso said on 13/Nov/07
Vitali Klitschko is sometimes listed 6'7" or 6'7.5", however he is 6'8" and Wladimir, his brother is 6'7". They are generally underlisted slightly, I don't know why, but they are always taller than they should be as listed when face to face with other big men. Example, Vitali had 1" over 6'7" Timo Hoffmann. Wladimir had about 1.5" over 6'6" Jameel McCline.
Lewis fits at 6'5", based on being about 3" shorter than Vitali. If Lewis is anything other than 6'5", i'd say it's slightly higher actually.
Austrian said on 4/Nov/07
that fight was against Vitali, who is the taller (and older) of the Klitschko brothers, at over 2 meters height
Anonymous said on 2/Nov/07
Looks about 6'5''. Big guy. He is certainly more than 6'3''. When he fought 6'2'' or 6'3'' guys like Frank Bruno of Frank Botha, Lewis was noticeably taller. The only guy that really looked bigger than him was the 6'7'' or 6'8'' Kiltschko. That was a great fight that the ref shouldn't have stopped. Either could have been KO'd at any point.
AshnarLynx said on 30/Oct/07
He is 6'4. I saw a photo with him and Golota, they looked exactly equally tall.
Alexis said on 28/Oct/07
Lennox Lewis looks 6'5'' in the picture. He isn't standing straight.