Canson said on 20/Oct/19
@Jackson: problem is we saw Davis measure around 6’11” In shoes on Jimmy Kimmel. And the NBA isn’t going to underlist anyone now. Maybe over list but with the rules the one candidate was Durant and the nets have him at 6’10” now. But also see Lebron with Carmelo Anthony who I saw in person only 3-4 years ago when he was done growing and was still 6’6” (how he looked) or maybe best case his pre draft. Lebron doesn’t look over 6’7” . Too many people would have to have grown for Lebron to be 6’8”
Roderick said on 20/Oct/19
@Rob Maybe he measured 6'7.5" early morning and they put down 6'8.5". Not sure.
I know some people may think I'm a pyscho but I can even buy 6'6.5" for LeBron at a low.

Editor Rob
Simple mis-calls or reading a figure wrong can happen.
I nearly it done it myself when measuring somebody, I read something like 65 inches and called out 5ft 6. I quickly corrected it of course 😲
manson said on 20/Oct/19
the listing of lebron 6.8 1/2 is fake.
he is still listed 6.8 and dwight howard is still listed 6.11
Click Here
i dont believe the lakers players have been measured
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 20/Oct/19
I'm not surprise if Lebron true stable weight he weigh in is a little under 250.
Mickie said on 20/Oct/19
I can totally believe Anthony Davis measured 6'9.75" but not Lebron 6'8.5". If there was one guy who the NBA would want to keep overbilling it would be Lebron James.
Jackson said on 20/Oct/19
He honestly could have grown and Kevin Durant and Anthony Davis are getting underlisted. I mean Kevin and Anthony Davis both do not want to be listed over 6’10” I think they’ve both said that before. The Main thing this has shown me though.... is that some of these guys seems to be able to just dictate whatever height they want while others have no control and just got downgraded.
Canson said on 19/Oct/19
@Rob: I told you back when he measured on Kimmel’s show that he likely wasn’t a full 6’10”. Long hair and the fact Kimmel did a fast measurement in shoes
Canson said on 19/Oct/19
6’8.5 is crap
Canson said on 19/Oct/19
Dwight Howard claimed 6’9” so these are absurd. Lebron is still the same as when he was drafted. Like Rob said there’s no way that’s an inch between Durant and Lebron
JT said on 19/Oct/19
6‘8.5” and 6’9.75”???
Click Here
Lebron is around 6’8.5” IN shoes with Davis around 6’11.25 to 6’11.5” IN shoes.
Click Here
viper said on 19/Oct/19
I could believe it's a shoe height.
Stephen Curry measured 6-2.75 and we know that's a joke
viper said on 19/Oct/19
Lol, I said he would supposedly measure 6-8.75. I was close.
Sorry grom, he looks nowhere close to being that tall.
He looks closer to 6-6.5 than 6-8.5
Editor Rob isn't buying this crap.
Nik Ashton said on 19/Oct/19
He is currently the top celeb on celebheights!
I like pizza said on 19/Oct/19
He's not 6'8.5...
Tech said on 19/Oct/19
He was measured barefoot just like everyone else. 6’8" was his measurement from his rookie year. He has grown 1.25" since then, big whoop. As for the Durant pictures, not all shoes are the same. Perhaps Durant’s shoes were half an inch thicker. Don’t see the point in arguing when these are their heights submitted by the team’s physician.
Roderick said on 19/Oct/19
Max 6'7" IMO.
I have no clue where 6'8.5" comes from

Editor Rob
I'm not convinced they measured Davis at 6ft 9.75 and then Lebron at 8.5
Click Here,
Click Here
Who is measuring these guys, Mr. Magoo? 🤫😮
Triplescrew said on 19/Oct/19
With LeBron and KD, there are definitely some pics where they look 1" or less apart.
Here from the 2017 Finals, after KD pulls up from 3 they are both standing pretty straight and look about the same height:
Click Here
And some other pics:
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Of course there are other photos like the one Rob posted where LeBron looks more than an inch shorter than KD:
Click Here
Click Here
It's also possible that LeBron grew an inch in his late 20s. He's already an anomaly so it wouldn't surprise me. I definitely found myself thinking these past few years that LeBron looks more center-sized now than he used to, since most centers in the NBA are actually only legit 6'9"-6'11" types.
John93 said on 19/Oct/19
Height in sports is typically added to those with more "star status". So I'm not surprised with this updated height. LeBron is seen as the face of the NBA. Dudes still under 6'8" though.
grom said on 18/Oct/19
Lebron is being listed at 6’8.5” barefoot now. Why are the majority of posters here obsessed with downgrading everyone? I posted years ago it was very possible he grew after the pre-draft measurement, and I was speaking from my own experience of going from 6’3.75” senior year of High School to 6’4.5” my sophomore year of college. These heights were measured by a nurse and a Strength and Conditioning coach respectively.
Cycklops said on 18/Oct/19
According to sources, Lebron is now 6'8.5" according to his official NBA measurement.
Height said on 18/Oct/19
That 6'8.5" measurement for him is laughable...but then again he's the biggest stad padder in NBA history and NBA is rigging his height!
John126e said on 18/Oct/19
so after all this crackdown for transparency, the official measurement is out. the NBA is now listing him at... 6'8.5 barefoot, up from a previous 6'8 in shoes. what a joke. Stars get preferrential treatment as usual. many rockets players have dropped in height but Russell westbrook & James harden remain at 6'3 & 6'5, while both were measured under (6'2 & 6'4 respectively) barefoot at the nba combine.
Jackson said on 18/Oct/19
They have officially listed LeBron James at 6’8.5” barefoot!! Wow what on earth..
Click Here
It’s official. That’s his listing forever now.
viper said on 18/Oct/19
Bruno Fernando actually looks his 6-8.75 to me. And he measured that twice
Triplescrew said on 18/Oct/19
For what it's worth, LeBron's new official barefoot NBA measurement is 6'8.5".
Tech said on 18/Oct/19
He’s officially listed at 6.8 1/2 barefoot. All other Twitter claims were lies.
Click Here

Editor Rob
I'm not sure that clam adds up with guys like Anthony Davis now at 9.75 and Durant who was then given the 9.5. I can't believe they are 1-1.25 inches apart...
Canson said on 16/Oct/19
@Shane: while there may be no proof, to the eyes he doesn’t look like he would measure that other than directly after waking up. To be honest looking at the picture that Joe posted with Durant he can look under the 6’5” mark by a small fraction depending on what Durant actually is.
Canson said on 16/Oct/19
@Viper: that’s actually not 100% true. I’ve seen 6’2 guys listed 6’5” and 6’4 guys like Byron Houston listed 6’7”. If I can recall Barkley was even listed 6’7” in college at one point. I saw an article I believe. And you pointed out to me that Robert Carter was listed 6’10” before and he’s 6’6” range so it’s very much possible. Add in Jimmy Butler 6’5” range now listed 6’8”. Not saying Bagley isn’t 6’9” but he has a good shot at 6’8” range too
viper said on 15/Oct/19
Ill tell you what, I think there is a trillion times more chance Bagley is 6-9 than Ben Simmons.
Simmons measurement is really fishy when he measured 6-8.25 and looks more 6-8 than 6-9.
joe### said on 15/Oct/19
green doesn't seem to look at measuring 6'5.75 i think 6'5 is quite possible.
Canson said on 15/Oct/19
@Viper: that depends on what time he was measured at the combine and what time he’s measured this year. Also did he lay down before his measurement at the combine? Not saying he did but all of those variable come into play. It’s hard to tell because he can look close to 6’7” and can look the full 6’7” at other times. Melo was measured 6’6.25 but I have a hard time seeing him less than 6’6” on a normal day so not sure if the combine was all that early that year. Also Keith Bogans I’ve spent time around when I was younger on the court and he is essentially my height and he has a combine 6’4.25”
Canson said on 15/Oct/19
@Viper: but how do we know the 6’9.5 was legit? That may have been a shoe height. Remember John Starks was 6’2 listed 6’5”. It’s def possible. I say 6’8” because Embiid likely is less than that. Maybe Bagley is 6’8.5”
viper said on 14/Oct/19
Shouldn't Lebron measure the same 6-7.25
viper said on 14/Oct/19
Bagley asked a reporter how do you think I look.
The reporter said I think you look 6-11 lol
viper said on 14/Oct/19
I really doubt Bagley is under 6-9.
I believe his 6-9.5 measurement in 2014
Jackson said on 14/Oct/19
Draymond in my opinion is 6’5” range. Yet he acted all offended that people thought he was 6’5” so I’m sure nobody on the warriors staff will dare to report him at anything less than 6’6”
My guess for Lebron is they’ll get an early morning measurement for him and round it up to listing him at 6’8”
Shane Gray said on 14/Oct/19
@Joe there is no proof anywhere that they plan to list Dray at 6'5" or even that they measured him at that.
Shane Gray said on 14/Oct/19
@Joe there is no proof anywhere that they plan to list Dray at 6'5" or even that they measured him at that.
Canson said on 14/Oct/19
@Shane: you said it well because you’re one of the only other ones who said that the teams are being handcuffed into this. If someone isn’t happy about doing something or are reluctant then I don’t see them being forthright or doing it the way that they’re being told
Canson said on 14/Oct/19
@Viper: maybe 6’7.75 morning not 8.75
Canson said on 14/Oct/19
@Joe: I’m seeing closer to 3”.
Canson said on 14/Oct/19
@joe: maybe 6’8.5 or something. If Embiid is 6’11 then that could be true. 6’11.75 is a morning height for him
viper said on 14/Oct/19
Embiid looks 6-11.5 with 6-9 Bagley.
I only see 2.5 inches
viper said on 14/Oct/19
Bagley is 6-9.
He measured 6-9.5 back in 2014 and it would be super rare to list a 6-8 guy at 6-11
Shane Gray said on 13/Oct/19
@Canson and as u know I support the Kings in keeping their listings. It's their team. They should be able to market it as they feel best. So if they want shoe heights it should be their choice. And if nba wants precise measurements send those in for the computer programs that supposedly factor heights in etc. I still say compromise and have nba reps measure and then let it be known all players measured to within sixteenth quarter or half inch and then either add a standard 1.25 or 1.5 to all players for playing height _shoes. Then u have both precision and consistency with using shoe heights for 40 years.
Shane Gray said on 13/Oct/19
@Canson wow! I am stunned about Bagley in the photo with Joel. No way Bagley is over 6'9" early in day. Yet he kept his 6'11" listing in new system. Lol.
joe### said on 13/Oct/19
only measures that seem to be true are mike scott 6'7.25, lebron 6'7, jason tatum 6'8 looks 6'7.75, draymond green 6'5.
joe### said on 13/Oct/19
Bayley looks 6'9
198 cm e Asian boy said on 13/Oct/19
I think he's legal 2 m tall
Canson said on 13/Oct/19
@Shane: lol. That’s true. Bagley though does look 6’8” lol. I had to really dig deep but I saw a pic with he and Embiid and he looks much smaller than him. If Embiid measured that early morning he’s probably a strong 6’11” 6’11 and change maybe. I could also believe Hield only being 6’3” if he only measures 6’3.75 or 5/8 (rounded up) early morning. I think the Kings are a textbook example of the lying because none of theirs changed lol
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viper said on 12/Oct/19
Watch Lebron measure 6-8.75
Jackson said on 12/Oct/19
SOME of the height measurements are made up! Not all... just some... some guys have been measured correctly. Some haven’t been measured correctly and some haven’t even been measured yet at all.
Shane Gray said on 11/Oct/19
@Canson several have been made up so far tho by random twitter people lol. Now that doesnt mean that Dwight's is (or isnt) but many were proven might up such as Bagley for example, among others. Kings said their official roster is done and they lowered zero heights from last year. Lol.
Canson said on 11/Oct/19
To everyone saying that the reports of the measurements are made up, Dwight Howard admitted that he’s 6’9”. When asked about the positionless NBA “well i’m 6’9”. and So his is not “wrong”. I doubt most of the radical changes are wrong it’s just that the players don’t accept the new measurements
Canson said on 11/Oct/19
@Jackson: I think he was measured closer to that and is disputing it possibly. But maybe you’re right. I don’t see why he’s so upset tho. He even said himself that he’s not being “drafted” again. That said he seems like he knew what he was doing both in 2012 and now “laying down”
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Canson said on 10/Oct/19
Shane Gray said on 10/Oct/19
@Rob trust me, NOBODY is rounding down. Nobody. Teams did not want this policy at all. The nba is forcing it. And the vast majority of players do not like it, either.
Yet the nba is letting teams self report. Lol. So teams that hate the policy with players who domt want to "shrink" are absolutely not going to round down.
In fact, as some reporters have noted several teams are still using shoe heights for some players or going 1.5 to 2 inches above barefoot combine heights. It's a joke. For example, one player who was already 24 when measured at combine is now 1.5 inches above that! No chance.
And then they can cheat it other ways, too. For example, so and so measures 6'1 1/4". They then put them down as 6'1 1/2" as the measurement. And then at the half inch you can round back to 6'2".
It is very rare to grow after age 19 but with the few teams reporting youd think it's common to grow significantly. Lol no.
Plauers are friends with the trainers who self report? What do u think happens when a player making 15 million and with massive power tells a trainer vuesy making 80k that he wants a certain listing?
As a knicks beat reporter wrote, there are some obvious frauds on the roster and some shoe heights.
These heights are very unreliable and will remain that way unless nb measures them themselves.
@Shane: Perfectly and I mean perfectly 1000%.... said. Of course guys like Taj Gibson who was 24 grew to 6’10? Lol. He was 6’8.5 (morning) when drafted. He looked 6’8” all along for the most part maybe a wee bit taller than Boozer if we go by afternoon heights. I think they need uniformity in this. Very few players received honest measurements imo. Cam Reddish 6’7.5? Lol? He just measured 6’6.5 and was that before last season when he measured. How convenient like you said to get to 6’7.5 to put him at 6’8 like he was listed before. If I had to guess Cam is probably 6’6” barefoot maybe a touch over if anything. Zion is likely low to mid 6’5” Draymond def just 6’5 too. They need someone to regulate the heights and it’s a known fact that they prefer to measure early morning. But that part is ok if it’s all around the same time and same method and we are aware of it. At least they would all be done the same way (one way). I’ll even go one better. Latrell Sprewell and guys like D Rose got 6’4.5 and 6’1.5. Spree out of his own mouth “I’m 6’4” and Rose is 6’1”. So a guy may measure 6’1” or maybe just a tad bit over early morning and get 6’1.5 and round to 6’2 lol. They’d be a weak 6’1” later in the day and still be a shoe measurement at that point either way you look at it.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 10/Oct/19
What did we expect from the NBA though? At the end of the day, they're all about money, and taller = better performance = more money, because society's belief is that the taller the basketball players (and other athletes) are, the more athletic, but that's not necessarily the case.
Jackson said on 10/Oct/19
Draymond claims he hasn’t been measured at 6’5” and just posted a video measuring himself barefoot at 6’6” and he seemed very mad about people thinking he is 6’5”
Canson said on 10/Oct/19
@Joe: I used to think 6’6.75 but I think 6’7” flat or even 6’6 7/8”.
Shane Gray said on 10/Oct/19
@Rob trust me, NOBODY is rounding down. Nobody. Teams did not want this policy at all. The nba is forcing it. And the vast majority of players do not like it, either.
Yet the nba is letting teams self report. Lol. So teams that hate the policy with players who domt want to "shrink" are absolutely not going to round down.
In fact, as some reporters have noted several teams are still using shoe heights for some players or going 1.5 to 2 inches above barefoot combine heights. It's a joke. For example, one player who was already 24 when measured at combine is now 1.5 inches above that! No chance.
And then they can cheat it other ways, too. For example, so and so measures 6'1 1/4". They then put them down as 6'1 1/2" as the measurement. And then at the half inch you can round back to 6'2".
It is very rare to grow after age 19 but with the few teams reporting youd think it's common to grow significantly. Lol no.
Plauers are friends with the trainers who self report? What do u think happens when a player making 15 million and with massive power tells a trainer vuesy making 80k that he wants a certain listing?
As a knicks beat reporter wrote, there are some obvious frauds on the roster and some shoe heights.
These heights are very unreliable and will remain that way unless nb measures them themselves.
Johnson said on 10/Oct/19
@Jackson so perhaps Draymond Green was not measured yet by NBA
joe### said on 10/Oct/19
I think there is a strong chance that it will be 6'6.75 in the afternoon and probably fall 199.5 at night on a bad day.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 10/Oct/19
It's unlikely that either of his sons will outgrow him, especially if their mother's not that tall.
Jackson said on 9/Oct/19
The guy on Twitter who claimed LeBron got measured 6’7” barefoot also claimed Marvin Bagely height dropped from 6’11” to 6’8” and Marvin then posted saying it’s completely fake and he hasn’t even been measured yet! So wait a little longer for official height confirmations! Lots of lies going around!
Jackson said on 9/Oct/19
I’m reading a lot of the NBA heights getting revealed on twitter are NOT legit. I’m also reading Lebron has not been measured yet. The guy who said he measured 6’7”. Lots of NBA guys have come out and claimed they haven’t even been measured yet and people are lying for clicks. Does that mean he won’t measure 6’7” barefoot? No he absolutely could be I am hearing he HAS NOT been measured yet.
Shane Gray said on 9/Oct/19
@Canson nba told teams they can round to nearest inch so even those who are measuring honestly are rounding up anything from half inch or above.
And I haven't seen warriors report anyone yet. Some of the heights str just rumors it seems so far.

Editor Rob
Maybe some are rounding down.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 9/Oct/19
I hope Bronny reach up 6'6 in a few years. The younger one Bryce had alot of potential to out grown Lebron.

Editor Rob
I have not seen any evidence yet of Lebron measuring a flat 6ft 7 (no journalist seems to have mentioned it), but it will be interesting to see what he did get.
viper said on 9/Oct/19
Where is Harrison Barnes listed 6-6?
Canson said on 9/Oct/19
Johnson said on 8/Oct/19
Tyler Ulis listed 5'10?? He was measured 5'8.75 at draft
There are a lot of those
joe### said on 8/Oct/19
dallas mavericks measurements seem to be morning.
joe### said on 8/Oct/19
I think it's fair 6'7 flat the afternoon for lebron
Johnson said on 8/Oct/19
Tyler Ulis listed 5'10?? He was measured 5'8.75 at draft
viper said on 8/Oct/19
Lol this Celtics list is not accurate
Click Here
Marcus Smart is 6-2, not 6-3
viper said on 8/Oct/19
Updated NBA player heights.
Click Here
Canson said on 8/Oct/19
@Viper: where do you see that? I can’t find lebron’s measurement online from twitter. I’m wondering a couple things now. For the guys measuring right around or right at half, are they rounding down? Draymond Green while I could believe he’s 6’5” flat at a low, i would find hard to believe he’s under that. Maybe extreme low he dips below but normal low maybe not. I wonder what time of the day some of these took place. Like Lebron Rose Draymond and if they were say 6’7.5 6’1.5 6’5.5 and they rounded down (morning measurements). The Sixers and Knicks were morning measurements. Taj Gibson is now 6’10, Lol? Frank Ntilikina is 6’5” again which makes sense if he’s really around 6’4 3/8 or 6’4.5 afternoon height which I always believed. Then the sixers some measured at their pre draft measurements. Lebron generally looks a legit 6’7” or very near it and Draymond doesn’t really look a weak 6’5”. I would be surprised if both were (1 hour out of bed) 6’5 flat and 6’7” but I wouldn’t be surprised if it were maybe 2 or 3 hours out of bed and 6’5.25 and 6’7 possibly. I wonder if some teams went into the afternoon or late AM
Canson said on 7/Oct/19
So all of this 6’8” talk was bs being he is barely 6’7” in the afternoon if even. That puts him possibly 6’6 7/8 or 3/4” perhaps
Canson said on 7/Oct/19
If that’s really the case it means he’s a weak 6’7” barefoot.
viper said on 7/Oct/19
On Twitter it says he measured just
6-7 flat
viper said on 7/Oct/19
I know a former basketball player who told me I was wrong and swore up and down he was 6-8 minimum.
I'm gonna rub it in a little bit :)
Jackson said on 6/Oct/19
I read on Twitter that Lebron was once again measured at 6’7.25” barefoot.
viper said on 6/Oct/19
Wow, nobody thought Embidd was that short.
Canson said on 6/Oct/19
viper said on 5/Oct/19
A few players in the league actually stand to grow a few inches. Most notable among them is Kevin Durant. Durant has spent his career — first with Oklahoma City, then with Golden State and now with Brookyln — being listed at 6-9 when he is more likely taller than 7 feet. Like Kevin Garnett, who was listed at 6-11 but stood closer to 7-1, the versatile guard may have preferred to be listed as smaller to avoid being pigeon-holed as a center.
I will say that Tobias Harris May have grown and same with Kristaps Porzingis and Trey Burke (assuming his was a morning measurement at the combine). But we’re talking around an inch not a few inches. Harris I could almost believe would be 6’7” flat (training camp measurement is 6’7.5) but pre draft 6’6.5”. Those two likely were in the morning meaning he likely was 6’6 when drafted and 6’7” now. For Porzingis it’s different because he’s taller so maybe he grew half inch. He was 7’1.25 so maybe 7’1.75 or 7’2” now (7’2.75 is what he measured this week). Joel Embiid surprised me. I figured he was a clear cut 7’ afternoon height but he cane in at 6’11.75 meaning he’s less than that. That puts into question how tall Nerlens Noel and Jahlil okafor actually are since he towered them (it appeared). They can’t be more than 6’9”. Okafor was 6’9.75 at the combine so makes sense for him and Noel was 6’10” at his combine
Canson said on 6/Oct/19
@Shane: I was off on the number. 7’1.25 so it is 1.5”. What I meant was if he showed up later. I know Frank Ntilikina is an example of that
Shane Gray said on 5/Oct/19
@Canson I saw 7'1 1/4" for KP. Morning wouldn't be a 1.5 gap in all likelihood. I never heard of kp not being drafted at combine.
Canson said on 5/Oct/19
I’m gonna bet his listing stays the same since they measure early morning. He would get 6’7.5 or .75” and get rounded up
Canson said on 5/Oct/19
Shane Gray said on 4/Oct/19
@Canson: that was an inch and a half for Porzingis. Not really buying it. His combine was just before he turned 20. Super late to grow an inch and a half and I think his combine year was 2015. So many ways for them to cheat this with no nba reps there. 4 things could ensure accurate heights in future: no socks, nba reps do all measurements, all measurements for all teams at same time of day and use of quarter inch increments must be used to report and list.
I think it was just an inch for Porzingis. He was 7’1.75 when he was drafted. That was probably his normal low as opposed to a morning height. That is very possible as he was likely measured in the afternoon as some international players don’t attend the combine. Frank Ntilikina was an example. I watched when he was drafted he measured at a different time than the others
Canson said on 5/Oct/19
@Viper: lol is what I said. People are so naive when it comes to height. Always accepting someone growing but not accepting someone actually being shorter than they claim
viper said on 5/Oct/19
A few players in the league actually stand to grow a few inches. Most notable among them is Kevin Durant. Durant has spent his career — first with Oklahoma City, then with Golden State and now with Brookyln — being listed at 6-9 when he is more likely taller than 7 feet. Like Kevin Garnett, who was listed at 6-11 but stood closer to 7-1, the versatile guard may have preferred to be listed as smaller to avoid being pigeon-holed as a center.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Oct/19
Lebron does have short proportions for a 6'7" guy. I think a part of it is because he's built and muscular, and not lanky like most basketball players.
Shane Gray said on 4/Oct/19
@Canson: that was an inch and a half for Porzingis. Not really buying it. His combine was just before he turned 20. Super late to grow an inch and a half and I think his combine year was 2015. So many ways for them to cheat this with no nba reps there. 4 things could ensure accurate heights in future: no socks, nba reps do all measurements, all measurements for all teams at same time of day and use of quarter inch increments must be used to report and list.
al001 said on 4/Oct/19
One of the most proportional 6'7 dudes I've ever seen. If I saw him without anything to compare to i would've said 6'1.
Canson said on 3/Oct/19
@Shane and Christian: these add up to early morning. Porzingis is a full inch taller than his combine (feasible for someone his size)
Luka Doncic 6’6.75 vs 6’6” flat which adds up
Barea expected to be 5’10” on a good day and was
My predictions: KD 6’10.25 (6’9.5 at a low), Lebron 6’7.5 or 6’7.75” Harden 6’4” Anthony Davis 6’10.5 or .75
Canson said on 3/Oct/19
Luka Doncic measured 6’6.75”. Rob’s listing for him is fair since that’s not a low but he may be as low as 6’6” or 6’6.25 perhaps since it did say it was morning. Depends on how early it took place. Luka never looked as tall as 6’6.5”ish Harrison Barnes
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Canson said on 3/Oct/19
@Editor Rob
I guess our suspicions have been confirmed. Morning measurements “I just found out this morning” is what one said. Porzingis got 7’2.75 which leads me to believe that his draft measurement was either afternoon (possible if he wasn’t measured with the rest of the group since he is foreign and may have come over to the US later in the week like Ntilikina did) or he grew. He’s probably about 7’2” barefoot which he looks next to Carmelo Anthony. JJ Barea thought he was going to be a bit under 5’10” but was “surprised”
Then you have guys who spiked their hair etc.
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Click Here
Canson said on 3/Oct/19
@Editor Rob
I guess our suspicions have been confirmed. Morning measurements “I just found out this morning”. Porzingis got 7’2.75 which leads me to believe that his draft measurement was either afternoon (possible if he wasn’t measured with the rest of the group since he is foreign and may have come over to the US later in the week like Ntilikina did) or he grew. He’s probably about 7’2” barefoot which he looks next to Carmelo Anthony. JJ Barea thought he was going to be a bit under 5’10” but was “surprised”
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Canson said on 3/Oct/19
@Shane: omg. 7’2.75? Sham is the appropriate word lol
Canson said on 3/Oct/19
@Shane: I guess I’m different. I’ve never understood why people list themselves in shoes and I don’t see what it does for the player either. It’s like they want to be taller than they actually are in many cases and this is the perfect excuse for it lol. I claimed shoes for a short period of time but it was really more of a rounded up barefoot height as I was told I was 6’4.5” when I played. So 6’5”. But today I almost never claim more than 6’4”.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Oct/19
I think it's because many people (especially casual fans who don't know much about basketball) assume that a taller height = better performance. It's the only logical reason I can think of, why height listings have anything to do with gambling and betting.
Shane Gray said on 2/Oct/19
@Canson: I'd be down to do player height in parentheses and playing height (shoes) beside it. This would keep everyone happy. But it's going to be a joke. No nba reps there so teams can essentially report what they and players want. Plus in socks so even if they do it u can use
lifts in socks that can't be seen. And then full inch increments so you will get minimum of half inch round ups even if honest. Then if one team does early morning and another does late day or after workout we have half inch to inch + difference there. So with all that to me this is going to make things less clear instead of more. Before we at least knew most were shoe heights and we had combine heights already for most players. I saw porzingis SUPPOSEDLY just measured 7'2 3/4" which is 1.5 inches above his combine height when he was 20. Lol. So this is going to be a complete sham. They need to have nba reps there for each team, sockless and a set time for each team for this to mean anything. When it is just the teams trainers will be pressured to do what players want and with nobody there to check them many will give in . And I'm guessing several teams dont want nba telling them how they have to list their players and measure them so it's just going to be a total mess.
Canson said on 2/Oct/19
@Viper: maybe 240 out of high school. They did and still do exaggerate Lebron’s height (6’9”) even heard 6’10 once and weight 270 or 280 before. He’s 6’7” barefoot max and 250 range today imho. Maybe it’s mid or upper 250s but I don’t see quite 260.
Duhon said on 2/Oct/19
LeBron has always carried most his weight in his lower body and legs
Click Here Guys like Dwight Howard are the opposite very built upper bodies but stick legs.
Funny enough LeBron's weight was under-listed as a rookie. 245 lbs at the combine listed at 240 by the NBA.
joe### said on 2/Oct/19
260 pounds maybe you're right I looked at some pictures of the lebron lakers looking a bit heavier.
viper said on 1/Oct/19
Bruno Fernando looks bigger than high school LeBron at 6-8.75 233 pounds
viper said on 1/Oct/19
He was 245 out of high school.
He didn't look it but that's what he weighed.
Considerably bigger now. 260 minimum.
Canson said on 1/Oct/19
@Shane: another variable is that I’m sure they’re being forced to do this. Meaning some teams likely don’t agree with it which means they’d be less likely to follow the rules out of bitterness. I think listing the barefoot height would be good along with the shoe
Shane Gray said on 1/Oct/19
@Canson good points however the NBA said this is for betting purposes and that makes no sense at all. Nobody gets based on heights. They bet based on performance. So what good what it do for gamblers if they dont have the height info? So unless I'm missing something, it seems they will use them. My idea is to do player height in paranthesis and then playing height beside it. So there u have the barefoot and shoe height.
Shane Gray said on 30/Sep/19
@Christian I hope they are morning so we know their full heights but for this site yes that would be a problem. There are other issues as well.
1: if no nba rep there we can easily get false or manipulated measurements from the team as desired by team and/or players. A lot of these overlisted guys are because players want those listing.
2: if they are different times of day from team to team it will impact it as well. An early morning measurement will give a half inch to an inch across the board for a team compared to if a team were to measure late in day or at night.
3: if they do not make them go sockless there will be players who wear lifts inside socks. These are hidden pretty easily. Sock lifts are pretty hard to spot.
Canson said on 30/Sep/19
@Shane and Christian: its also not a given that the barefoot height will even be used. That’s just what they are reporting to the NBA. The NBA for all we know (even though it’s implied they won’t) may still list them in shoes. Maybe some of the wild exaggerations will go away but you may still see 1+. So a 6’5.5 guy May get 6’6.75 and still be listed 6’7 even if measured in the afternoon. Key word is they said “submit” their true height. It didn’t say they’d be listed at that height for fact
joe### said on 30/Sep/19
Lebron weight probably 245-250 pounds.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 29/Sep/19
The problem though is that the measurements will most likely be taken in the morning, so the reported measurements may not reflect the true heights of players at noon or night.
Shane Gray said on 29/Sep/19
@Heightguesser15 which this site will love for the most part but players and lots of fans are already upset about. Basketball heights have always been shoe heights well at least for 30 to 35 years. Plus, I think it is going to be a joke unless the NBA actually measures them themselves. If they arent there to watch teams and players can still report what they want. On top of that, if they dont make them take off socks we will have people who use sock lifts inside socks that can add at least an inch. So to me this will just add confusion and I hate it.
Canson said on 29/Sep/19
@Heightguesser15: to be completely honest I don’t think the new rules are going to be the end all be all. I believe they’re going to mandate submission of “true” age and heights but that’s the extent of it. Yet there will be some who fall through the cracks. Also, who is to say that the NBA is going to list the players at that height. It doesn’t say that they will. It just says that they want to teams to submit the true listing. The NBA may still add shoes to the listing but I think that they’re targeting those egregious listings that are 3” taller than what they actually are. Of course they bring up Durant’s name too as being underlisted but I don’t see his going up by much. Maybe he’ll get listed 6’10” as opposed to 6’9” since he may be closer to that and I also feel that they will measure the players as early in the day as they can when they provide these. I’m sure the individual franchises are not happy about this (the height thing)
Heightguesser15 said on 28/Sep/19
I think LeBron is around 6’6.75”-6’7”. My dad is like 6’6.25-6’6.5”, and he said LeBron was the same height as him. I guess we will soon figure out a lot of players true barefoot height, as the NBA is making every team report precise barefoot measurements for every player.
Canson said on 28/Sep/19
@Joe: oh I didn’t realize it my fault
joe### said on 28/Sep/19
was referring to Anthony brown shoe measurementm.
Canson said on 27/Sep/19
@Joe: not sure about 8cm? His shoes they say can add close to 2”. I’ve never worn a Lebron shoe tho. My guess is he’s 6’7” barefoot afternoon height (tops) and 6’8” range with shoes
joe### said on 26/Sep/19
are 8 cm elevation in the shoe the only explanation are elevators.
Canson said on 25/Sep/19
@Joe: in his sneaks (Air Max) that wouldn’t be hard if he really is a legit 6’7” afternoon height. He may dip lower at an extreme low
Canson said on 25/Sep/19
@Shane: very true!
joe### said on 24/Sep/19
I think 6'8.5 can only be shoes lifts.
Shane Gray said on 24/Sep/19
@Canson hope all is well by friend. One major new thought on Lebron's perceived height and some -- like Stephen A -- who often call him 6'9". Obviously they are talking shoe height but....
Some of Lebron's shoes are said to give significantly more height than most basketball shoes. I've heard (but havent checked yet) that the 2016 Lebrons add roughly 2 full inches. Most of his other models are thick as well, at least at around 1.5 inches. So this is likely a reason he is seen as tall as he is by some, as he may be getting a half inch minium or more on some other players wearing the 16s and an inch on those wearing short basketball shoes that provide only around an inch more or less. And even some shorter models that give closer to 1.4 to 1.6 probably a 1/4 inch on many and sometimes a half inch. In addition to that, we know LeBron is extremely dedicated to taking care of himself so I'd be shocked if he doesnt have a rather thick orthotic/insole in his shoes to go with those thick sneakers he wears. All things considered, he likely never takes the court where he gains less than 1.5 to 1.6 inches and could easily gain a full 2 or slightly more in a model like the 16s with his likely use of a very good orthotic. So if he dips to 6'6 1/2" were talking still standing 6'8 1/4" to 6"8 1/2" range during games.
joe### said on 24/Sep/19
I think 6'8.5 can only be shoes lifts.
Canson said on 23/Sep/19
@Joe: yep and that guy may just be a weak 6’5” being it’s a morning measurement.
joe### said on 21/Sep/19
Lebron 6'8 in sneakers?
Anthony brown measured 6'5.25 barefoot and 6'8.5 in shoes
Click Here
Canson said on 18/Sep/19
@Josue: he can look an inch taller than Melo at times. Melo is a legit 6’6” minimum if not 1/4” over. This despite some combines taking place early in the day but maybe 2003 wasn’t the case or maybe he gained a fraction because he looks a legit 6’6” in person or a hair over vs weak 6’6”. As for Lebron, he can look 1/2” taller than Melo at times or 2cm. My guess is 200cm is the lowest I’d guess (same as you said 6’6.75) but no higher than 6’7” flat or best case 201 probably. Kobe at 6’4.75 he can look 2” or maybe up to 6cm taller at times
Josue said on 17/Sep/19
LeBron with 6'6 1/4" Melo and and boys.
Click Here
Josue said on 17/Sep/19
Click Here
Can seem as low as 6'6 3/4. He's barely taller than guys like Kobe and Carmelo.
Canson said on 17/Sep/19
@Junior: agreed. I doubt he gets to 6’7”
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 16/Sep/19
@Canson Bronny does look 5'11 and although he is barely 14 now. But i don't think he had a chance to reach 6'7 like his dad, i'm predicting 6'1-6'2 min to highest 6'6 a jackpot for him. Bronny bone structure look to be smaller and feature look more his mom maybe ending up several inches shorter than a 6'7 dad which i have seem this case as my 6'0 friend dad is 6'5 and mom 5'4 and he gets more facial feature and smaller bone from mom and height still consider in luck to reach 6'0 not 5'10 or below but his two brother was extreme lucky ones to reach 6'5 and 6'7.
Canson said on 8/Sep/19
@Questioner: he looks taller with Shareef. But They are sitting more so than standing
Questioner said on 6/Sep/19
@canson he actually is holding up super well with shareef...
Click Here
Canson said on 5/Sep/19
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 3/Sep/19
Feel like Lebron youngest son will edge him out when he grew up.
@Junior: I know Rob said 5’11” but how tall do you think Bronny is? That’s his oldest son of course
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 3/Sep/19
Feel like Lebron youngest son will edge him out when he grew up.
Josue said on 23/Aug/19
@Rob how tall do you think his oldest son Bronny is? He's listed as 6'2" on his ig page but appears 5'11" next to his dad.
Click Here

Editor Rob
6ft 2 in big sneakers
Canson said on 19/Aug/19
I see around a 2.25” 5.5-6cm difference between Kobe and Lebron. Lebron 200.6 Kobe 194.9 6’7 vs 6’4.75
Canson said on 11/Aug/19
6’7” flat is best case
Canson said on 11/Aug/19
6’7” flat
Canson said on 4/Aug/19
@Viper: I doubt Walton was actually that tall. A 6’7.75 guy listed at 6’8?
Canson said on 4/Aug/19
@Viper: remember that Dwayne Wade got drafted the same year as Walton. Wade doesn’t look 6’3.75 either. But Keith Bogans does look at least a solid 6’4 in person and Melo 6’6” Hinrich is 6’2 and change at least. TJ Ford shows 5’11 but is 5’10
viper said on 2/Aug/19
Walton's 6-7.75 is totally wrong then, unless he's somehow shrunk which I doubt
Canson said on 1/Aug/19
@Junior: the more I see, Lebron looks the full 6’7” more often than not. Walton May be 6’6.5 or .75 because Magic could look taller at times. I still think Melo could be anywhere from 6’6-6’6.25. He may measure the listing but he’s no higher. I’ve seen 6’6” guys that are 2” taller then some that are just 1.5” and I thought the middle of that for him. Maybe more 4.5-5cm. Meaning he could be 6’6 1/8 perhaps. He looked about the same as my 6’6” friend next to me but he also used to measure 6’6 1/8” at a low
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 30/Jul/19
Click Here Click Here Luke Walton could be as low as 6'6 1/2 for Carmelo 6'6 on the lowest end. I still feel Lebron can be 1cm taller than Luke. 6'6 7/8(200.4) is the end low for King James.
Canson said on 18/Jul/19
@Junior: I can buy 2cm between Lebron and Melo but not 1”. I could give Melo 6’6.25 maximum and Lebron may be 6’7” flat. Melo is not shorter than 6’6 tho
Canson said on 15/Jul/19
@Junior: 6’7” flat I can buy for him at a low. Luke also looks shorter than Magic in some pics but the same in others. That would surprise me if Luke is that short because he looked taller than Carmelo Anthony on the court. Melo is 6’6
Canson said on 15/Jul/19
@Junior: 6’7” flat I can buy for him at a low. Luke also looks shorter than Magic in some pics but the same in others
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 15/Jul/19
Click Here There is a picture in this link shows Lebron right next to Carmelo, footwear is visible. Listing taken care correctly whether is early measurement or a lowest they're one full inch in difference.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 11/Jul/19
@Canson They cannot be the same height. It's too obvious Luke look like a weak 6'7 guy can look 1.75-2" on Kobe thats the best when they had proper comparison. Lebron had loose posture most of time you should have notice by now, sometimes i even could buy this 6'7 1/4 as his lowest but looking more at him i can see a proper 6'7.
Canson said on 9/Jul/19
@Junior: I saw pics of Julius Randle who is 6’7” and change and he looked taller than luke. It’s possible Luke is like 6’6.75 really esp seeing him with Kobe
Canson said on 2/Jul/19
@Junior: they could very well be the same height.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 1/Jul/19
@Canson True the picture of Lebron footwear looks much thicker than 1/8 more like 3/8th inch more than Luke, atually look like a 4cm basketball sneakers an Lebron eye level look an easy half inch higher so maybe Luke is closer to 6'6 7/8 and i agree there is more 1.75-2" between Kobe and Luke and solid 2-2.25" between Lebron and Kobe. On the court Lebron often had a bit more footwear than Kobe since the past they played. So i won't be surprise Luke and Lebron barefoot is only 1/8 inch difference but Lebron got to be the taller one.
Canson said on 27/Jun/19
@Junior: I will say this. Kobe looks less than 2” shorter than Luke Walton at times. To tell you the truth, I see more between he and Lebron at times than I do between he and Walton
Canson said on 26/Jun/19
@Junior: in this pic he looks 4” taller than Buddy Hield. Hield measured 6’4.5 in shoes (6’3.25) earlier on on 2 occasions so the 6’3.75 is a morning height. But Luke looks at least 6’7 with him
Canson said on 26/Jun/19
@Junior: could be the camera angle and the fact that Lebron has more footwear on than Luke. Lebron has at least 1cm more footwear there. But I’ve seen pics where Luke can look the height you said with Magic. To be fair, Luke looks at least an inch taller than Carmelo Anthony in pics so I think he’s the same size as Lebron at worst if not a hair or two taller
Mm said on 26/Jun/19
DOLLY D said on 6/Jun/19
He’s 6’7.25 barefoot and about 250lbs. No way is he close to 275lbs!
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 25/Jun/19
Click Here Luke Walton best comparison standing next to Lebron, Luke use to have a draftexpress measurement say to be 6'7.75" without shoes that is quite bs, he is more like 6'7 and 6'6.75" a low and in this picture can see 6'7 Lebron had like 1/8 more heels and 1/8 less relax posture balance out that he is 6'7 1/8 here and look close enough 1cm on Luke Walton in fact barefooted is 1/4 inch max between them.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 7/Jun/19
6'8.5" for Lebron is nonsense. He was not even that tall with normal shoes on and comfirmation less than 117kg let alone 120-125kg.
Canson said on 7/Jun/19
There’s no evidence that he has grown since his pre draft. If anything he looks 6’7” still. The “he has grown since he was measured” is fanboy talk
DOLLY D said on 6/Jun/19
Canson said on 5/Jun/19
@Junior: yea Lebron is about 6’7” but no higher. Maybe a fraction less
@Viper: 2” is easy because if it’s a morning height in shoes. Look at Tyreke Evans when he measured 6’5.25 in shoes. He may really only edge you by half inch or 2cm 6’3.25 or .5 since that was a confirmed morning height for him same year as Steph Curry and Blake Griffin but Evans is listed 6’6”
Canson said on 4/Jun/19
@Viper: Carlos Boozer and Kevin Love were about that. Boozer is said to only be 6’7” and Love actually is 6’7” according to those who’ve met him
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 4/Jun/19
@Stephen Ronald I wonder how did you get your 6'0 measurement from? Because the truth pack with 6'7 and nothing for King James. Your 6'6 friend is not even 6'4, sorry but not to disappoint you but telling the truth i had a real 6'4 5/8 (194.6) friend met Lebron at a bar at night and he mention Lebron had a big 2" on him when he walk up have a chat with him and that is probably 2.25" between them he say which is leading to be tiny bit weak 6'7 or 6'7 if my friend atually had a 1/8 more footwear we don't know it so lets just call off 6'10 tricks. Lebron is 6'7 and always this mark.
viper said on 3/Jun/19
Players routinely measure 2 inches in their shoes
Canson said on 30/May/19
@Ellis: Simmons May be 6’8 and some change vs 6’8 flat
Canson said on 28/May/19
1.4 is within realm as most add 1.25 the Air Maxes May be just 1/8” thicker at 1.375
Ellis 6'8 said on 28/May/19
@Canson: Oh wow okay, thanks for letting me know, that clears that up. I knew that 6'10.5 seemed way to high, and a 6'6 guy would not feel that small. And yeah my mistake he is 6'7 around the afternoon, he measures 6'7.25 closer to the morning then. I'm better at making decisions if I'm provided a picture, for example Ben Simmons is not much taller than him. Simmons had two measurements that I know of. I believe, one was 6'9(I think) and the other was 6'8.25(listed at the combine). I believe 6'8.25 is very close to Simmons and his low, I would peg Simmons at 6'8 for a low. As for LeBron, 6'6.75.
NBAfan said on 27/May/19
Lol basketball shoes in the 1.4 inch range is funny that one could even think about saying this
Canson said on 27/May/19
“The great players try and claim their night heights”.
I have never seen or heard of this. Most players or people don’t even know it varies from morning to evening. Lebron has claimed 6’9 270 before as well as 6’8 and 6’7”. At the end of the day your height in shoes or roster is not your true height. It’s your barefoot height
@Ellis: Stephen Ronald didn’t meet Lebron or he doesn’t gauge height well or is off on his. He also said Isaiah Thomas is 6’0” when he himself said he’s only 5’8”. The thing of it is Rob once deleted a poster’s comments on basketball players because they “were not serious estimates or comments” because they were egregiously low but these comments here are beyond reasonable belief in the other direction and deserve the same treatment
Canson said on 27/May/19
@Ellis: I think an afternoon is no higher than 6’7”
Onabill Choudhury said on 25/May/19
I’m surprised LeBron doesn’t claim 6 ft 9, LeBron basketball shoes look like to be in the 1.4 Inch range which means he would be 6 ft 8 5/8 in shoes and then he could round up to say he’s 6 ft 9 but then again it seems like the great players try and claim their night heights; I wouldn’t be surprised if LeBron says he’s actually 6 ft 6 3/4 without shoes (I believe LeBron is 6 ft 7 1/4 without shoes) towards the end of his career
Ellis 6'8 said on 23/May/19
@Stephen: That is really interesting, I feel like he would call himself 6'9, according to the current NBA standards he should be listed at 6'9, but 6'10.5 with shoes jeez lol. I understand how people who are a bit taller than a person, may feel a lot taller than what they actually are from the said persons perspective, I have had experiences with this. For example, I met a guy my height, I couldn't believe I was as tall as him until we took a picture together. I know this guy who claims 6'10, and he felt a little taller than the guy I met my height, by like a half inch, but an inch to play it safe. He must be claiming a shoe height, but he is really not that much taller than I am. Anyways, LeBron should stay as listed, he is indeed 6'7.25 in the afternoon.
Stephen Ronald said on 21/May/19
Hey Rob, A big NBA fan here. In my experience, I met King Lebron about 5 months ago at a Lakers game. I am 6 ft 0 and went to the game with a 6 ft 6 friend. We met Lebron at the end of the game and took a selfie with him. Lebron was about 10 inches taller than me and 4 inches taller than my friend. He had to be 6 ft 10. I asked him how tall he was and he said 6 9 without shoes and 6 10.5 in shoes. So my guess is 6 ft 9. Also, my friend who is 6 11 met him and he was right about the same height with shoes. So Rob any possibility of 6 9? Nice website btw...

Editor Rob
That figure of 6ft 9 seems hard to believe, though I can see how he is guessed 6ft 8 range or 8.5 by people.
Canson said on 9/May/19
@Jdubbz: of course he can claim what he wants but fact of the matter is that he’s 6’7” flat at a low so he wouldn’t be 6’8” for that long in the day
Jdubbz said on 8/May/19
As far as Ellis claiming 6'8, I don't really see an issue with it lol. I'm on the same page as you in terms of claiming a low, but not everyone thinks that way. And at Ellis' height, people probably can't tell the difference anyway.
Canson said on 4/May/19
@Ellis: if that’s over half inch between them Lebron could easily see close to 6’7”. Melo surely isn’t less than 6’6”. Id Argue above the mark before I argued under it
Canson said on 4/May/19
@Ellis: lol if you’re 6’7 at a low why do you list yourself 6’8” below? As for Lebron I don’t rule out 6’6.5-.75 as that was my initial estimate. However, I wouldn’t go any higher than 6’7 flat at a low perhaps. For Melo I think he’s a decent 6’7” out of bed and 198-199 at a low. The listing Rob gave him is pretty good overall from what Ive seen. If he dips under that mark it’s not by a lot. For Lebron though he was likely an afternoon measurement as all the other guys in that class that I’ve seen up close look near their combine heights except Ford. I have only seen Wade on the court but judging by how he looks in pics and against guys like Keith Bogans who is a good 6’4 and taller than Wade, and others who have met him Wade barely hits 6’3”. My guess is 6’2.5-6’3 range. Bradley Beal is taller than Wade too.
Ellis 6'8 said on 2/May/19
@Canson: 6'7 at a low, I disagree, I think Lebron is around 6'6.5-75 at a low. For the combine, yeah I doubt he wore footwear 3/4'', they probably inflated his height, during the time that was happening he was probably just under 6'7 but they rounded up. He has got roughly a bit above half an inch on Carmelo.
Lebron is probably 6'7.75 when he gets up, fastly dips to 6'7.5 within an hour, then he drops even more to 6'7.25, floats around 6'7.25 for around 2 hours, then he dips to 6'7, later in the day he goes lower to about 6'6.75.
@Canson: How tall do you think Carmelo is when he gets up?
Canson said on 29/Apr/19
He must not have worn air max at the combine if he only got 3/4”. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was not measured and they simply assessed an inch above Melo since he is slightly taller. Lebron once said that he was never measured after surpassing 6’6”. But if they did he’s pretty close since he would measure around 6’7” at a low maybe slightly less
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Apr/19
Canson said on 13/Apr/19
When you assume you make a you know what out of you. Lebron doesn’t look any taller than he was when he came in the league despite how much people want him to have grown
Cole Lewis said on 12/Apr/19
He was measured at 6'7.25" without shoes when he was 18. It's safe to assume that he grew to at least 6'8" since then.
Canson said on 30/Mar/19
So if Bol measured that then he may just be 7’1” flat at a low or less
Ellis said on 29/Mar/19
@Viper: True, rounding is very common, yeah he seems like a 7'1.25 type of guy, 7'1.5 if he stretches, he and Kristaps Porzingis have a very similar frame. I was actually talking about Boban and Kristaps, they are both listed at 7'3, but while Boban is a legit 7'3 in shoes, Kristaps is likely a guy who is rounded up to 7'3, in that case Boban can be listed at 7'4. Bol Bol is a very similar scenario if they choose to list him at 7'3.
@Canson: Yeah, I had the opportunity to measure myself recently, and was out and about doing a lot of things, and late at night I took my height and I was 6'7, I never leave that mark or dip into the 6'6 range.
Canson said on 28/Mar/19
@Ellis: you’re a legit 6’7
viper said on 27/Mar/19
The 7-1.5 could also be rounded up from 7-1 3/8
Ellis said on 25/Mar/19
@Viper: Did some research, on his it says he has been measured at 7'1.5 w/o shoes and 7'2 with shoes, and on an other occasion they got him at 7'2 barefoot and 7'3 with shoes. I would still put him at 7'1.5 as a basketball measurement, 'a real measurement' would be like 7'1. For example, I recently took my height and my dirt low is 6'7, when I get up I'm probably over 6'8 considering my height shrinkage, however my height was recorded a little after an hour and I was 6'7 3/4s which would be considered a basketball height.
viper said on 24/Mar/19
Im not sure.
I wonder how tall Bol Bol is. I really doubt the 7-2 measurement. What are the odds he measured his listed height.
Other articles say hes 7-0.
Canson said on 19/Mar/19
@Viper: how tall would you say the Warriors GM Bob Myers is? He’s listed 6’7” and was a former UCLA Bruin. My guess is probably 6’5 maybe 6’5.5. Looks roughly same size as draymond green maybe 1/2” taller and looks 2 maybe 2.5” on Adam Silver. Also looks 1 or 1.5” shorter than Bell who I have at 6’6.5. Unfortunately not a lot of pics with Green and Bell but Bell may be 1.5” taller In one
Canson said on 17/Mar/19
I doubt Kawhi is 6’6” barefoot. Maybe 6’5.5 but he can look 6’5 at times. The 6’6 is early morning
niguuuu said on 15/Mar/19
Lebron looking tall af tonight with barefoot 6 6 kawhi
Canson said on 13/Mar/19
@Viper: I’ve never seen 6’10” for Robert Carter. Only 6’9” and 6’8” when he was at GA tech I believe. But he came out at 6’6.75 meaning he’s not more than about Carmelo’s size more than likely. If anything maybe he has 1/4” on him or he could even be 6’6” at a low if that was rounded up. He was shorter than Layman who is probably something like 6’7.5 at a low since he measured 6’8”
Canson said on 13/Mar/19
I don’t know why I thought Bell had measured taller than 6’7” flat. I thought he was something like 6’7.75 or 6’7.5 before I saw that
Canson said on 12/Mar/19
@Viper: Bell measured just 6’7” so that means what I’ve been saying about Draymond is probably accurate that he’s not more than 6’5”. I don’t even know if that is Bell’s low either if he measures that at the combine. He’s saying he’s 6’8” which may be his shoe height. I would doubt Draymond is only 6’4” tho
viper said on 11/Mar/19
6-7 Jordan Bell says he feels like he towers over Draymond.
When I seen him in person — I’m thinking going in, he’s like my height,” Bell said. “I say I’m 6-9, 6-10, but I’m really like 6-8. So I’m thinking he’s around the same height. Then I see him and I’m like towering over this dude. But it made me gain so much more respect because, I’m like, he’s smaller than what I thought, he’s not the biggest, buffest guy out there, but he’s the Defensive Player of the Year.”
Canson said on 11/Mar/19
@Viper: I’ll say 9” after seeing it again. That’s just from the looks of it. Other variables may exist
Canson said on 11/Mar/19
@Viper: it’s at least 8” perhaps closer to 9. The biggest factor is Terrell’s hair.
viper said on 10/Mar/19
Canson how may inches of height do you see in this pic with Ivan Bender and Andrew Terrell
Click Here
viper said on 10/Mar/19
So the 6-9 for Ben Simmons was a mismeasurement.
viper said on 10/Mar/19
Watching an old Maryland game, and John Salley looks a good 4 inches taller standing next to 6-6 Derrick Lewis at the line.
viper said on 9/Mar/19
Canson, Carter was listed at 6-10 in articles
Ellis said on 9/Mar/19
@Christian 6'5 3/8: I don't think I ever said I measured 6'7.25 at night, and if I did that is a lie because I was never that tall at night, the most I've ever said is 6'6.75 at night I believe, but my low right now is 6'7 at night I believe, and that would mean that I would in the morning be a bit above 6'8. When I turned 18 I was a bit more than half an inch shorter compared to now, I was just under 6'6.25 at night. I need to measure my height though when I get the chance.
Canson said on 9/Mar/19
He doesn’t look any taller than when he was drafted. Even then and in high school he was barely taller than Carmelo and at times looked the same height as him
@Christian: he said he was 6’6.25 at a low then 6’6.5 then 6’6.75 I believe. I’ve never seen Ellis say 6’7.25 at a low.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Mar/19
I'd say more 6'4.5". That looks like a 6.5" difference rather than just 6".
If you're 6'8" in the morning, then chances are that you're 6'7"-6'7.25" at your low. Didn't you say you were 6'7.25" at your low before? If so, that means you haven't grown.
Canson said on 8/Mar/19
@Viper: you may be right. They’re maybe 1/2” apart now that I see it. I don’t think Zion is 6’5.5 like Rob lists him. 6’5” is what he measured before and looks. There is no record to 6’5.5 measurement
Canson said on 8/Mar/19
@Viper: Carter was never listed 6’10”. He was listed 6’9”. As for Barrett he does show 6’6.5 here barefoot. Maybe it’s a misprint but he does look taller than Zion. Scroll to feb 24 2017 in the link. I’ve also seen that he has grown. Not sure if he has but he looks taller than Zion
Click Here
viper said on 8/Mar/19
Lebron looking 6-4 with 5-10 Antonio Brown.
Click Here
guy36 said on 8/Mar/19
He may have grown since the summer after his senior year of high school. He never played in college. He was measured straight out of high school and basketball players often grow at least an inch during college.
viper said on 7/Mar/19
Shaquille Cleare admitted to only being 6-6 in an article, yet he was listed at 6-9 and described as high as 6-10.
viper said on 7/Mar/19
UCLA has a 6-10 listed guy who is lucky to be even 6-7. He measured 6-6. Jalen Hill.
If he's really only 6-6 that's beyond nuts.
viper said on 7/Mar/19
2 players at the combine were actually listed at their correct heights last year.
Keita Bates Diop and Mohamed Bamba
Ellis said on 7/Mar/19
@Christian 6'5 3/8: I'm still growing, that is why my claims always fluctuate, I'm assuming that by now 6'8 is my morning height, I look taller in the mirror. I'll see soon.
@Viper: Ben Simmons measured at 6'8.25, and is listed at 6'10
viper said on 7/Mar/19
Canson you are thinking of Reddish.
Barrett is 6-5, measured 6-6.5 in shoes
viper said on 6/Mar/19
Maryland's Robert Carter was described as tall as 6-10, yet he only measured
I'd be shocked If it's any lower than that because he looked 6-7 minimum on the court.
viper said on 6/Mar/19
I see Ben Simmons measured 6-8, not 6-9.
viper said on 6/Mar/19
6-8 Austin Wiley was listed at 6-11 in college.
Never seen that before.
viper said on 6/Mar/19
-Tremendous physical profile for his age. Developed, yet still has quite a bit of room to fill out. Wide shoulders. Long arms with a 6' 10 wingspan. Measured 6' 6.5 in shoes.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 6/Mar/19
But isn't 6'8" your morning height, instead of night? I'm a bit confused because your claims constantly fluctuate.
Canson said on 5/Mar/19
@Ellis: you shouldn’t assume. Measure. But either way for this site purposes if you wake up 6’8” flat you still aren’t 6’8” you’re 6’7” at a low
Ellis said on 4/Mar/19
@Canson: Yea but that was a measurement from roughly 2-3 months ago, I'm making assumptions that I'm 6'8 now possibly even taller I look taller.
Canson said on 3/Mar/19
@Ellis: but if you even said you’re 6’7.75 and 6’6.75 respectively then you aren’t 6’8. I guess you can claim how you please but embellishing on a height related site is a bit disingenuous
Canson said on 3/Mar/19
I remember you saying 6’7.75 out of bed Ellis
Ellis said on 1/Mar/19
@Canson: I'm 6'8 when I get up, whatever man it's close enough lol.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 1/Mar/19
Lebron muscle mass was solid look to hold around 65lbs on his body without much muscle he would look slim at 210-220. His current weight i doubt it 260 maybe lesser. Heaviest he look 265 max to me.
Canson said on 1/Mar/19
@Ellis: you’re not 6’8 you said you were 6’7” before
Ellis said on 28/Feb/19
Zion got a page recently, possibly 6'5.5 for a basketball height. For a basketball height I agree, but for an afternoon height he is 6'5.
@viper: that is pretty hilarious, Zion is nowhere near 6'8. I'm 6'8, the difference is ducking for doorframes lol.
Canson said on 28/Feb/19
@Viper: he was probably not as big weight wise but I do see pics with Terry porter who I believe was max 6’2 maybe even weak 6’2 along with Clyde Drexler who is 6’5 peak
viper said on 28/Feb/19
Julius Peppers was listed at 270 his last year of basketball.
He weighed in at 283 pounds at the combine
viper said on 27/Feb/19
For whatever reason he physically looked taller in college than the NBA
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 27/Feb/19
Zion look to be 275 maybe 280 and Lebron 265 max.
Canson said on 25/Feb/19
@Viper: only college player is Tako lol. And because he’s a Manute Bol or Bradley sized guy. But Zion will get a page I’m sure. Looking at him he doesn’t look over 6’5” barefoot like you said.
VelikiSrbin said on 24/Feb/19
I actually think he's more a strong 6'7 than a strong 6'6 and there's plenty photo evidence of this.
viper said on 24/Feb/19
The other night an announcer said Zion was 6-8, lol.
I couldn't believe it.
He needs a page here.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Feb/19
260-265 is the max for Lebron IMO.
Canson said on 23/Feb/19
@Christian: 285 does look high. I mentioned 280 below but 272 could even be in shoes and clothes. Likely he’s 265-270 meaning Zion
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Feb/19
Agreed. As big as he is, 285 is BS.
Canson said on 20/Feb/19
@Viper: Zion looks heavier than Lebron though. I could buy 255 perhaps 260 for his pinnacle not 276-280 though. Zion could actually be 280 however but he’s 2” shorter than Lebron
Canson said on 20/Feb/19
@Viper: I wonder what he would measure today. We don’t know what time of the day that one took place. Some of the guys now skip the Combine. But for him to be a legit 6’5” he would likely have to a listed measurement of 6’5.5 at the pre draft if we are talking morning height. I’m not sure if he would get that but he possibly could. RJ Barrett is said to have a 6’6.5 but not sure about him. He does look around an inch taller than Zion however so if Zion is 6’5 maybe he’s 6’6 barefoot or somewhere around it
viper said on 19/Feb/19
Zion Williamson's 285 is more believable.
He did measure 6-5 and weighed 272.
viper said on 19/Feb/19
It's hard to believe but he did weigh 245 supposedly out of high school when he didn't look it.
Absolute most I'd guess is 265.
Canson said on 18/Feb/19
@Height: it’s possible but it’s also possible they’re the same
Canson said on 17/Feb/19
I find that hard to believe that he weighs that much
Height said on 17/Feb/19
Shorter than Pippen
RP said on 15/Feb/19
Just reported that LeBron James has been playing @ 276-280 lbs !!! The report started out talking about how LeBron James has always played at approximately 7 to 10 pounds above his official listed playing weight pretty much his entire career. It starts off mentioning how the Los Angeles Lakers roster officially you list LeBron at 250 pounds ... but he had been playing between 262 to 265 pounds for the majority of the season . Whatever after hurting his growing the injury really interfered with his conditioning program and during the course of missing over a month with the growing injury they said that LeBron has put on approximately 15 pounds and over the past two weeks has been playing between 276 pounds to 280. Whatever after hurting his groin the injury really interfered with his conditioning program and during the course of missing over a month with the growing injury they said that LeBron has put on approximately 15 pounds and over the past two weeks has been playing between 276 pounds to 280 pounds !! The heaviest of his entire NBA career. LeBron James said that his previous all-time true playing weight was 270 pounds to 272 pounds. That was his final season at Cleveland during his first run in Cleveland before going to Miami. He reported to his first training camp with Miami at 267 pounds ... however Pat Raleigh suggested that LeBron play under 260 pounds ... LeBron admitted that he took Riley‘s advice and played the majority of his NBA career in Miami between 250 pounds and 260 pounds .. typically he said he was around 252 pounds to 257 pounds. LeBron said he hopes to be under 265 pounds within the next two weeks. 6’7” & 280 lbs is freaking huge!
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 30/Jan/19
Alot of average guess were 2cm higher than listed height, while alot of listed height were 1/4 too high but there were still small amount of legit listing and small amount of under listed listing here.
Canson said on 27/Jan/19
@Mickie: the 6’8” guesses are a bit lazy. That’s to keep from downgrading others rather than taking the time to see how tall he actually looks and is. He never looks 6’8” on the court. I can see Kyle Kuzma taller at times.
Canson said on 26/Jan/19
@Mickie: I’ve never completely ruled 6’6.75 out since he only had Melo by 1/2-1”. 1” is kind of pushing it to be honest but possible. 2cm looks more accurate. I also don’t have Lebron over a full 6’7”. Melo is minimum 6’6” in person. 6’6.25 is even possible for him
Mickie said on 25/Jan/19
I wouldn't be surprised if Lebron drops down to 6'6.75". I don't have a big problem with giving him his combine listing but the fact that people are guessing over that (given the average guess) is kind of funny to me.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 19/Jan/19
@Canson True as the lowest 6'6.75" for Lebron still happening sometimes same as 6'6 for Carmelo. Meanwhile i'm hoping Rob put up Dwight Howard and Chris Bosh listing here. They are worth an add than many others baller Rob have already listed here. This two players have alot of good comparison photo with Lebron James, Kobe and Dywane Wade in the past.
Canson said on 9/Jan/19
@Junior: I’m gonna try to go next season when the Lakers come East to play the Washington Wizards. Unfortunately they played three weeks ago before he got hurt and only play in Washington once a year