New Zealand Actor who played Lurtz in Fellowship of Ring and Witch King (and deformed Orc Gothmog) in Return of the King. He also appeared in Die Another Day. His agency lists his height as 190cm tall.
Jolapizza 6'0 1/2 said on 11/Oct/22
This listing seem's quite low to me. He's around an inch taller than Christopher Lee (Saruman) when he's talking to him in the tower. (The Fellowship of the Ring) So unless that Christopher Lee was only flat 6'2 back then, wich seems unlikely, I could give this guy the 6'3 3/4 mark in the movie.
But it's possible that he lost a small fraction at 54 tough.
Andrey200 said on 10/Jan/22
I think he might need an upgrade, 190 cm is too low. I can see 192 or even 193.
6footTom said on 27/May/21
They never even shared the same frame in that scene, so I'm not entirely sure where you got that impression. In the scene where Saruman is giving Lurtz orders, they seemed pretty eye to eye.
SugarKane said on 10/Aug/18
I'm surprised he's this short. In the scene in LOTR where Lurtz is born he easily has a couple of inches over 6'4 Christopher Lee. Maybe he was standing on a chair in that shot.
hey said on 23/Feb/17
cool, surprised me
Redwing said on 17/Nov/16
He looked massive on some pictures with the lotr cast. He looks like my uncle except my uncle's alot shorter. Why does he dwarf sala baker there's some pics of them on the net?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Nov/16
Rob, shouldn't he be listed at 190cm?

Editor Rob
yes, 6ft 2.75 puts him at 190cm
Tim said on 25/Dec/11
AAAWWW he is just a little taller than me
i'm 6'2.5
Shaun said on 13/Oct/11
Yeah he was only about 2-3 inches taller than Pierce Brosnan.
Shaun said on 21/Jul/11
Legit 6'4" guy, could pass for 6'5". Similar in height and build/race to Jonah Lomu
Doug said on 17/Mar/09
Yeah he doesn't look much taller than Brosnan does he. I saw nearer two inches. Again another example of Brosnan seeming to be 6'2" in relation to a 6'4" guy (also like Neeson).
Andy said on 31/Jan/09
He came into the BP service station that I worked at and bought cigarettes. I looked up (cos I'm only a puny 180cm) and joked that "they'll stunt your growth!" He laughed, but then he was probably just being nice. Definitely surprised at how tall he is. First impression was 190cm.
Jason said on 19/Dec/07
Watch the part in DAD where Brosnan hops out the car (err ... vehicle) upon arrival at the Ice Palace and Makoare opens the door for him ... he only appears like an inch taller than Pierce.
D-Lurker said on 17/Dec/07
yea i've heard six seven, and that was around the time he was shooting "what becomes of the broken hearted"..coulda been early LOTR time though..he does look shorter than Christopher lee...who i also thought was 6'7".
Antron said on 23/Jan/07
In the behind the scenes documentary for Return of the King he describes himself as such: "In the first movie I played an Uruk-Hai, they stand tall...(Gothmog) is an orc, one of the little guys. How am I playing an orc when I'm six foot four?" then he goes on to talk about the 'new orcs' etc... looks to be about this height
Jason said on 2/Jul/05
He didn't look much taller than Pierce Brosnan in one scene from Die Another Day ... where Pierce was hopping out the car upon arrival at the ice palace.
sam said on 1/Jul/05
I think I've heard referred to as 6'5" several times. I would believe 6'5" from Die Another Day.