Elene said on 4/Sep/21
JohnMoore-162cm said on 16/Jun/20
weak 5ft5 ?
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Feb/20
I really must take that back. Laurie wasn't dysfunctional in the film 'Pyewacket'. She was merely drinking a bit to assuage her pain.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Feb/20
I thought I knew her face from somewhere, and now I know: Laurie has been in the 'X' Files!
I am watching her film, a horror called 'Pyewacket', in which she plays the Mum of a daughter who is interested in the black arts. Laurie has just lost her husband, her daughter Leah's father, and on hearing from her Mum that plans are underway to move from the home they all shared, Leah is hell bent on enacting some kind of spell to prevent this from happening, as she loved her father more than her mother, who is somewhat dysfunctional.
This is the first time I've properly sat and watched this film through and, as I have been re-aroused by good write-ups, I don't think it'll disappoint. Laurie sits around sozzled for much of the time, so I will have to go by the above picture to establish how tall she is and I certainly don't think she's any smaller than the 5ft5 that Rob has written up for her.
So it's back on with the film then....
If it's particularly good, I'll report back!
5ft5. 😁👍
Nik said on 6/Oct/19
She's slightly above average!
Nik Ashton said on 27/Sep/19
@ Rob - What difference is there in footwear?

Editor Rob
About .2 inch
Nik said on 11/Apr/19
I think she is a convincing five foot fiver to be truthful!
R-A-N-D-O-M C-E-L-E-B!
Nik said on 20/Feb/19
5'5" is very believable!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 18/Feb/19
That's a bit more than 3". She has thicker hair than Rob. More like 3.5"
Bobby 178cm said on 17/Feb/19
That looks around 3 inches of a difference. So, 5'5 is a good listing, she may even measure a fraction over 5'5 because of Rob's footwear advantage.
Nik said on 5/Jul/18
She can have 5'5"!
Nik said on 25/May/18
I would say that Laurie is slightly south of 5'5" when footwear is considered!
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 4/Jan/18
Her eyelevel's barely around 5'0" with some footwear disadvantage so I give her 5'4.75"
Canson said on 2/Jan/18
Given the footwear advantage Rob has her correct. 5’5” flat
Kreelee said on 9/Oct/17
Perfect height for a woman.
even said on 20/Jul/17
165 morning , 164 night
DirectorKrennic said on 19/Mar/17
She looks 5'5" to me.
Shredder said on 13/Jan/17
I would have guessed late ish 30's. She does look her age but she doesn't look 20's.
HonestSlovene said on 13/Jan/17
Before I knew her age, I've guessed that she is about 50 y.o. . Once again, I was quite close. Oh and she looks pretty close to 5'5", I'd say 5'4.75" and 5'5.25" peak height since women can loose around 1 cm around the age of 50, men practially nothing.
Mathew Robinson (190 cm) said on 4/Jan/17
She looks more 5'4.5" here to me, but I'll put 5'4.75" down as my guess.
Sarah said on 29/Dec/16
5'5 or a bit under that. She does look pretty young for 47
Shredder said on 27/Dec/16
Yeah , she does look great for 47. So does Jared Leto.
Andrea said on 26/Dec/16
This is a bit surprising... I thought there was more chance she was over 5'5 than just 5'5 flat but she certainly doesn't look a mm over 5'5 with you and, if anything, she looks more a weak 5'5!!!

Editor Rob
Andrea, I had a little bit more footwear, I would guess she is right around 5ft 5 range, but not less.
One thing - Laurie in person still looks in remarkably good shape for 47!
MSA said on 18/Apr/16
I met her at the MCM Birmingham Comic Con in 2015. I think 5'5.5 is her relaxed afternoon height. I should say that in the morning and standing up straight 5'6 would be correct. Johnnyfive and domon make excellent observations though, Laurie can look taller on TV. She is a really good actress.
domon said on 7/Dec/12
Yeah she looks pretty tall next to governor actor
Johnnyfive said on 17/Oct/12
Thought she was at least 5'8
James said on 7/May/11
Andrew Lincoln (the cop) had a good 4' on her at a recent red carpet ceremony and he's 5'10.
She can't be 5'6.5. More likely that she's 5'4
Walking dead fan said on 10/Apr/11
I dont think so, she should be between 1'63 and 1'65cm, you should be blind rob.
Take a look at the waking dead series