Robbe said on 1/Dec/24
Same 5'8 fan with Kristian, and Joonas Suotamo
Click Here
Photos taken 5 years ago.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Sep/24
I think he'd still measure taller than Hafthor
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Sep/24
Rob, again this could be a guy who potentially manages a bit more height under stadiometer.....
I think still a good 6ft8.
Darksol64 said on 28/Nov/23
Pretty short neck so he has really high shoulders for his height which makes him look huge. You'd have to be about 6'3 to even see over his shoulders!
Got to be 6'9 in the pic with Rob or dang close. Weak 6'9 at the least.
Leesheff1985 said on 16/Mar/23
Is he 6ft 8 in this photo rob? You look shorter beside him than I did beside mark labbett that's more than a foot

Editor Rob
Thought at that stage he was still over 6ft 8, but over next few years lost height.
Toby Barrett said on 15/Jan/23
6'9.5" - 6'10"
Robbe said on 1/Oct/22
Same 5'9 fan with Kristian and Kobe Bryant
Click Here
Mighty_^ said on 29/Jul/22
More like being too heavy lol
Guy lost height because he ballooned up to North of 400lbs
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Jul/22
Guys like him to walk shorter than what they'd probably measure. May give the appearance of a guy not much over 6ft6 but if he stood for a measurement I doubt under 6ft8
Jimbob_test said on 6/Feb/22
Huge man. think I saw him in a clip for a new horrormystery film
Andrey200 said on 4/Jan/22
Rob, do you think he's lost more at this point? From what I've seen if he really straightens his posture and stands tall he might still hit 202+ cm

Editor Rob
That's the big question, how much he can still stretch up when measured.
Ian Momo 'Questionable 5'10' said on 1/Jan/22
Rob is he close to his peak in the photo with you? cause he look 6'9+ although i recall he's already losing some fraction. But these days he's closer to 6'7
6'10 peak and 6'7,5 today

Editor Rob
At 37-38 he might have been near his peak, but by 40's had definitely lost height.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Dec/21
Rob, walking vs. what he'd actually measure though...certainly two different outcomes?
I reckon he can still hit 6ft8

Editor Rob
That is the question...he may be a guy who you think is 6ft 6-7 but still if measured can breathe in and achieve near 6ft 8.
Really, in person he went from looking taller than Hafthor to a standing/walking height which made him look shorter than Thor, just in space of 5 years.
Robbe said on 23/Dec/21
Looks like 2in taller than Thor compared to Rob
Click Here
V for 1984 said on 21/Dec/21
Looks 6-9 minimum.
Chaoscontrol. said on 15/Nov/21
For someone in his mid forties who’s not a pro wrestler he’s lost loads of height
joec192.5 said on 12/Nov/21
rob could he be shorter than hafthor now?

Editor Rob
He can look shorter than Hafthor up close. I remember at Glasgow Film con a few years ago thinking he was struggling to appear over 6ft 6 standing alone.
Sharuyan said on 14/Oct/21
You think Kristian outweighs The Big Show now??

Editor Rob
Yeah I think that could be possible
King Spattan said on 23/Sep/21
Last time you saw him walking awkwardly how much inches was he dropping compared to the time you met him?

Editor Rob
Went from walking like a 6ft 8-9 guy to walking like a 6ft 6-7 guy
Robbe said on 9/Sep/21
Kristian back to back with a 5'5 guy
Click Here
Keep Walking Tall Like Rop Baul said on 7/Sep/21
oh i see, oh man. he seems got a serious posture problem.
Keep Walking Tall Like Rop Baul said on 4/Sep/21
in your photo with Kristian, he look like impossible to be shorter than hafthor, but he is, why is that , rob?

Editor Rob
It was before Nairn lost over an inch more height. I noticed the change from 2013 to 2019, he visibly looked shorter.
Robbe said on 29/Aug/21
Looked 6'9 range back in 2015 with 6'4 Listed Gary Lightbody, and in 2018 with 6'11 Joonas Suotamo
Click Here
He might not have shrunk, just walks/stands with worse posture nowadays.
Sharuyan said on 20/Aug/21
He is very Unhealthy over the last 8 years his weight has increased. If he does not do anything about it will drastically take over his health and morbidly, he's almost 46 years of age not too old yet but doesn't take care of himself I have family members who lost their feet to severe diabetes and health issues. If this man doesn't look for himself he will face death.
Sharuyan said on 19/Aug/21
Time to downgrade his height to 6'7.5'' he is shorter than Hafthor
ChaosControl said on 5/Aug/21
@Alex he’s got a small head too, that helps. I guessed 6’8.5 looking at the photo.
Alex 6'0 said on 25/Jul/21
Rob, he looks 6'9 here or close. Maybe near his peak here?

Editor Rob
back then I think he probably wasn't far off peak range, but just a few years later he was looking shorter.
Height loss and worsening posture could make him seem like a 6ft 6 guy at times.
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 23/Jun/21
I could see a little over 6’8 here. Maybe he’s got a small head but he looks more than a foot on Rob. Certainly looks taller than someone like a peak Tyler Mane
Canson said on 11/Apr/21
@Editor Rob: when did you reduce him to 6’8?

Editor Rob
Over a year back when I put his peak to 9.5.
Eric W Tam said on 5/Apr/21
listed 7'0 on Google smh 6'9 and change then, 6'8 and change now
Alex 6'0 said on 3/Apr/21
A mountain of a man. He looks a solid 6'9 here. Gotta be lower 400s
Vincent Caleb said on 17/Mar/21
I’d say the listing is accurate.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 15/Mar/21
This guy had really bad spine at a young age. The biggest guy i knew in person is 6'9 and 370 pounds live in Vancouver almost all his 50 years of life as a comic writer and the early last year feb i saw him he still look the same height despite he look 30-40lbs light in weight which is good for him.
berta said on 13/Feb/21
can he have lost 1,5 inches at just a little over 40 years? well he is not a normal dude with normal weight. i can believe 1 inch lost and the other is just bad posture.
Duhon said on 9/Jan/21
At his height he probably cracked well over 400 lbs at some points. Think of how heavy a man of his proportions would be even if he were only 6'.
J2Frenzy said on 23/Nov/20
@JD1996 do you think he cracked 400, or was he a bit lower like 373-380
JD1996 said on 22/Nov/20
@chris Junior Hernandez 1990 definitely more I would say.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 18/Nov/20
Rob, do you think he weigh about 360 pounds?

Editor Rob
I think he could have weighed more than that at some periods of his life...
recapa said on 2/Nov/20
6ft9 peak and around 6ft8.25 now.
6'3 Julian said on 28/Sep/20
What does he weigh? I’d guess 25 stone maybe

Editor Rob
It's tough to say, in person I'd have thought heavier than that.
Kan said on 12/Aug/20
Even without beard his head isn’t less than 10.5
Click Here
If is as big as 11 inch i don’t know, but for sure There are more chance that his head is 10.7 than 10.2. But i think after Rob look This photo
Click Here
He clearly put his head in near 11 inch, considering that is eye-chin seem celarly bigger by over half inch than his eyelevel range (At least 5 inch)
mrtguy said on 4/Aug/20
@Rob in my opinion his head is around 10.25'' just take away the excess skin under the chin and beard it would look smaller than it actually is.

Editor Rob
That is an area in which his head can look like it's more 11 inches, but to tip of chin, it may well measure 10.25 to 10.5
hairlinecel said on 2/Aug/20
How he's 6'8 if he looks shorter than
Hafthor in all pics?
Kan said on 30/Jul/20
I agree... i am in this site for years now. The first times i don’t pay much attention on head size. I measured my head and I tried to measure the heights of others guy based on mine head size. after a while I realized that everyone had a head that could be bigger or smaller than mine. So for a Guy like nairn for example I can't calculate his height based on my head. and then from that moment I started to calculate the head lenght. that's why I often ask It
mrtguy said on 29/Jul/20
Kan you really have head obsession lol
Kan said on 29/Jul/20
I agree
Beside you and consindering in that position he is about 2 inch over your head, but normally if he didn’t rise the eyes up, you were about an inch under his chin. If i adding your 10 inch long head, of course you have 9.5, but in the pic it’s shown as 10 inch.
Click Here
Nairn looks a good 2.5 inch over your head. Take off an inch because your head is an inch under his chin, it makes nairn head as 11.5 inch.
Take off another 1/2 inch because in reality you have 9.5 not 10 and nairn can look real close to 11 inch next to you
Kan said on 27/Jul/20
Editor rob: Nairn might have a little bit bigger than Nash
It seems next to that guy. I don’t know if he has a 11 inch long head, but next to you seems easily an inch bigger.
I even found this pic next to this Guy Who have a similar head to yours
Click Here
Maybe is over 10.5 inch

Editor Rob
It is possible slightly over, when you see photos of Nairn sitting down and a normal bloke/girl beside him, it can look 10.5-11 range..
Kan said on 24/Jul/20
If you compare this 2 photo
Click Here
Click Here
Have Kristian nairn a big head size than nash in your opinion ?
Here next to a normal Guy head size
Click Here

Editor Rob
Nairn might have a little bit bigger than Nash
Kan said on 11/Jul/20
Editor rob: If he is still 6ft 8 today then yeah I'd expect you could look around upper lip...however, it's unknown exactly what he can measure just now.
In your opinion how much nairn can have from the upper lip to the tip chin. Is more likely 2.5 inch or 3 for what you have seen
Kan said on 8/Jul/20
However I don’t know how long is his head. But in my opinion seems similar to Nash and kingma (near 11 inch). maybe in this pic he rises up his eyes respect to kingma and Nash, so it looks smaller. You met all 3 guys in person do you think a guy like Nash and kingma have a 1/2 of an inch longer head than nairn ? Seems a great amount of difference, I can understand 1/4 of an inch at most, but 1/2 of an inch seems really too much
Kan said on 8/Jul/20
If this guy is 6ft8 and i’m 8 inches smaller than him.
Is The top of my head is around nairn upper lip ?

Editor Rob
If he is still 6ft 8 today then yeah I'd expect you could look around upper lip...however, it's unknown exactly what he can measure just now.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Jul/20
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 23/Aug/18
He definitely need to lose at least a 120 pounds to keep his health back and maybe he would gain a 1/2 inch or more up standing straight. He was report to weigh over 360 pounds like 371. That is 168kg. That is truely unhealthy. No offence just stating facts..
and to think that Thor was almost 100 pounds heavier than that recently!
Costa said on 22/Jun/20
He has tremendous dimensions but he looks like he’s more than 6’8” in that photo.
Jkiller said on 29/May/20
Peak was between 6'9.5-6'9.75, nowadays 6'8.5 seem accurate
David Curtin said on 10/Apr/20
I’d love to see how he compares to Andre the Giant
Rocky889 said on 19/Feb/20
Little to over weighted and probably around 6ft7¾
David duFresne said on 18/Jan/20
Just some general height comments as I don't know this actor well. Clint Eastwood at age 52-53 in Sudden Impact already looked to have dropped some noticeable height, in the 1/2 inch to possibly as much as an inch range. I was reading a medical journal and it was saying height loss begins in the 30s although it generally doesn't become noticeable until some years later. It make sense we don't wake up old at 60 or 70.
I am 188cm said on 12/Jan/20
If you measure from the bottom of his chin and not his Turkey neck theres at least 2 inches from the top of Robs hairline. If his head is at least 10.5 inches big then he must be close to 6'8.5" or even 6'9" here. Looks like he slouches a bit too.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Nov/19
#*CK! He's a biggun!! 😲
JesusIsKing4444 said on 3/Nov/19
His head is legit huge. You gotta have to admire the size of it.
I knew a guy who looked like him, about 6'7-6'8, with a massive head on top of it. I couldn't beleive how large it was. Must have been 10.5 inch at the very least. I've never seen a head that big in my life before.
He wasn't what you'd call good looking, but I felt inferior as next to him because of that massive head.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Oct/19
I wondered who the little boy was until I noticed the beard! It's ROB!!! 😃
Kristian get 6ft8.25 and a peak height of 6ft9.5.
sulu2019 said on 16/Sep/19
My dad (who is 12 years older than Kristian) was 5ft 7.5 at his peak, but today, I think he may still be at his peak or no less than a 5ft 7 flat (which means Kristian lost more height for sure even before he turns 44).
heitor said on 10/Sep/19
Rob, the taller the person is the more he loses height with age? I think Kristian Nairn is too young to 4 cm tall, I know many people over 50 who have not lost even 1.5 centimeters compared to when they were 18.

Editor Rob
Some people who are carrying a lot of excess weight might find it takes a toll on back and joints. I think in Kristian's case, that's a reason for earlier height loss than expected.
Canson said on 5/Sep/19
@Rob: wasn’t he listed taller than 6’8” for his current previously?
Nik Ashton said on 26/Aug/19
He’s at least 6’8”!
Demon87 said on 13/Aug/19
Why haftor looks taller than 6ft 8 nairn?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Because like I've said, Nairn looks shorter in person the last few years...though bear in mind the girl on the left is Hannah Waddingham who is 5ft 11 in person.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 6/Aug/19
I wish Kristian Nairn a good health and don't shrunk anymore. Stay 6'8 the rest of his life time.
avi said on 26/Jul/19
At only mid 40s he lost more than one inch?
Some people don't even lose that at 70...
Is it possible he didn't lose this much?
I think this is an example of why being too tall (especially 6'6+ ) can be devastating for the body.
If you are well over 6 foot you need to go the extra mile in taking care of your body and regularly going to doctor.

Editor Rob
I do think so - 2013 versus 2018 Kristian looks shorter.
berta said on 23/Jul/19
i think he is the one guy on this site that have the biggest head without having acro. it would be interesting to know if he really have lost height or if its all just posture.
cmillzz said on 12/Jul/19
Crazy how massive he looks in this pic, not only height wise.
Nik said on 6/Jul/19
His head looks big!
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 29/Jun/19
Google say Kristian Nairn weight is 168 kg. I doubt it a little more.
Myself said on 20/May/19
Rob, he actually talked about his knee/back issues in this interview starting at about 23:50
Click Here
He says that until 35 he didn't have any problems and only during his filming for GoT he developed chronic back pain because he had to carry Isaac (Bran).
Very strange that in so little time (from 35 to...40?) he managed to lose so much height...I guess when you do something wrong at the weight he is at, your discs get punished hard.

Editor Rob
I wonder what his weight was like 10 years ago compared to last couple of years.
Canson said on 29/Apr/19
I think Rob is close enough. 6’8” today 6’9” peak
George Kaufman said on 24/Apr/19
My guess is 6'8.25 in this pic, 6'7.75 now, and 6'9.5 peak.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 26/Mar/19
6'8 and over 360lbs now.. That is terrible to lose 1.25" of height in 40s, imagine Kristian make it through to his 60s wouldn't he be like 6'5.5" then? Thinking of a peak at 6'9 1/4 becomes 6'5 1/2 in 60s which is the case of Clint Eastwood losing near 10cm after age 80. Which i bet 6'5 1/2 Rory McCann would be like 6'4 3/4 in another 20 years looking close in height with Kristian Narin that sounds scary..
Matt Shannon said on 17/Mar/19
Hey Rob what did he by “depending on the measuring tape”?

Editor Rob
Maybe he got different heights when measured. One stadiometer gave him a different measurement than say a tape measure might? Or it could be, time of day had a bigger difference on his height, given he's over 6ft 7, he might shrink more than an inch in height, like 1.5 range.
rawdshaq said on 15/Feb/19
@Bard It's based off Wikipeida, I think. Maybe the editor wasn't sure of his height but knew he was around 7 feet (which he is) and just rounded up. Once you're past 6 feet though, your height doesn't matter lol, in my eyes at least
James G. said on 30/Jan/19
Peak was 6’9.75.” He is 6’8.5 now.
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Jan/19
Kristian's staggering height looks simply MASSIVE if Rob comes up to below his shoulders!
I'd say 6ft8.5 and an inch more for peak.
Bobby 5'10 said on 10/Jan/19
Big Rob is now Little Rob haha. Is 6'8 at his hairline there?

Editor Rob
I think his hairline is at least 1.5 inches.
Nik said on 12/Nov/18
He towers over you Rob!
Bard said on 12/Oct/18
Google has him at 7 ft lol. Massive bloke for sure, but who's in charge of fact checking these things over at the world's supposedly most reliable search engine?
Kyuss101 said on 4/Sep/18
Min height of 6-9 here
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 23/Aug/18
He definitely need to lose at least a 120 pounds to keep his health back and maybe he would gain a 1/2 inch or more up standing straight. He was report to weigh over 360 pounds like 371. That is 168kg. That is truely unhealthy. No offence just stating facts..
mrtguy said on 10/Jul/18
Being that tall and heavy that he is, it comes more with disadvantages than advantages.
mrtguy said on 1/Jul/18
Rob, his head being 11 inches seems as if your pushing it, if your to compare his head to those of Kingma it's smaller at least by half an inch

Editor Rob
Certainly 10.5 at least I'd say.
tree said on 27/Jun/18
Rob in his peak at 6'9 he would have a full head on a 5'11 guy?

Editor Rob
yes he would, I think with his weight, hair and beard his head has looked 11 inch range in photos, but I'm not sure it's quite that big. Maybe a bit over 10 inches is possible though.
dicksock said on 8/May/18
He looks just under 6'9" next to Rob. I think he should be bumped up to 6'9". He stacks up next to Rob the same as Kevin Nash, and he has a 6'9" current listing.

Editor Rob
The photo is 5 years old now...since then Nairn has lost at least an inch, possibly a bit more. It's hard to tell what he'd measure, but he walks about at 6ft 6 range.
Myself said on 1/May/18
How massive are his hands?!

Editor Rob
Let's just say he'd make a lousy pickpocket.
mrtguy said on 21/Apr/18
Robbe said on 19/Mar/18
Clearly shorter than 6'10 listed Joonas Suotamo Click Here
He has him by 1.5 inches
berta said on 19/Apr/18
he only looks about 195 in thet clip where he is walking with that posture. he cant really be taller than the current listing. the guy must weight about 180 kg mosty fat so in his case i can understand heightlos at this age.
mrtguy said on 5/Apr/18
Rob, do you think his health is catching up to him to the point he may end up with diabetes if he does not lose weight??

Editor Rob
It can be hard for people to control weight. I'd hope Kristian manages.
Certainly his posture and height has been effected in late 30's into early 40's.
Nik said on 20/Mar/18
kristian apoears to be at least his listed height!
Robbe said on 19/Mar/18
Clearly shorter than 6'10 listed Joonas Suotamo
Click Here
mrtguy said on 17/Mar/18
mrtguy said on 13/Mar/18
Rob has higher eye level than Nairn
What I meant to say is the opposite Rob has a lower eye level than this guy
mrtguy said on 13/Mar/18
Rob has higher eye level than Nairn
tree said on 23/Jan/18
His body looks like the cartoon version of Lurch from 1992 he only needs a brown suit and a flatter stomach.
Ian C. said on 17/Jan/18
Wow. This guy is Lurch-sized. He doesn't seem to be a pituitary case though, because his face is normal-looking.
mrtguy said on 25/Nov/17
Rob, if you see him standing next to Big Show, how much do you think Big has him up by??

Editor Rob
Big Show himself can look 6ft 9 at times, but I feel he might look a couple of inches on Kristian, as for the measurement, it would be interesting how much kristian can stretch up these days, similarly Big Show.
berta said on 3/Nov/17
by looking at that video of him walking it could be the case that he havent lost any height yet but rather walks about 5-6 cm shorter than when measured. of course he can have lost this inch in height but if i would walk like that i dont think people woudl think that i was mutch over 190 cm
Matthew Robinson said on 12/Sep/17
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Sep/17
He looks taller than Bjornsson. 6ft8½ today might be closer.
The picture with Rob isn't how he looks today though. He looked 6'8.5" - 6'9" whenever the picture was taken, sure. But now he typically looks more like 6'6". I still wonder if in his 20s to early 30s he couldn't have really been closer to 6'10" than 6'9"? I wouldn't doubt it. But today it's hard to imagine him even stretching for a measurement much beyond 6'7" - 6'8" range.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Sep/17
He looks taller than Bjornsson. 6ft8½ today might be closer.
even said on 16/Aug/17
height : 6'9" , weight : about 400 lbs
BIG N said on 12/Aug/17
I'd say about 210 cm
Andrea said on 3/Aug/17
Hell, I feel bad for him! 😧
He's only 41! Maybe if he lost some weight, he'd be able to stand better...

Editor Rob
I think it would help him, in another 5 years he could be struggling to walk.
mrtguy said on 2/Aug/17
Editor Rob said on 2/Aug/17
Here is a brief clip to show how he walks nowadays
Click Here
EASILY looks 6'6'' and I'm sorry but watching him walk is just funny

Editor Rob
that his weight and size has really caused him posture problems...he can still manage to walk, just not as well as he could 5 years ago - believe me, he walked far more upright and looked noticeably taller just that short time ago...for last 3 years he didn't want to stand in photoshoots because it's painful for him now.
Danimal said on 18/Jul/17
The guy is only 41 now and late 30's in that pic with Rob, which is NOT old, yet he looks much older than his age (late 50's at least) and his weight and posture is making him tilt forward. By the time he reaches 50 or even 60 he'll have lost several inches in height from his peak.
even said on 8/Jul/17
as everyone can see in the photo he is 6'9"
miko said on 5/Jul/17
His neck has disappeared, all the weight he is carrying is destroying his posture. If he doesn't sort his weight out he'll be 6'6 flat by the end of the decade or in a wheelchair.
Matthew Robinson said on 10/Jun/17
Maybe he really was 6'10" 20 years ago, and started losing height in like his 30s or something! Would be rare but he looks pretty much 6'9" when he met Rob in the picture here... But now can look only 6'6" walking around!

Editor Rob
you couldn't rule it out. I wonder if he would measure himself today, how much of a surprise he'd get.
mrtguy said on 26/May/17
****sock said on 25/May/17
I don't watch Game of Thrones, but this guy is clearly at least 6'9". I bet he'd be pretty close in size and height with The Big Show.
Have you seen him lately, he barely looks over 6'6''
Click Here with Nate Fillion whom Rob met in person and is 6'1'' range

Editor Rob
he definitely does look shorter the last couple of years...but still, if you measured him, I'm sure he's going to manage to stretch up taller than he is able to when standing alone.
dicksock said on 25/May/17
I don't watch Game of Thrones, but this guy is clearly at least 6'9". I bet he'd be pretty close in size and height with The Big Show.
mrtguy said on 30/Apr/17
Rob, here's a quote you may want to consider adding "I'm 41 and I'm 6ft 10in. Some people say I'm 6ft 11in, some 6ft 9in. I don't want them to shave off an inch, but I don't want them to add an inch either to disappoint people."
Click Here

Editor Rob
ok mrt, it is a long enough quote to put in the wee box under his photo I think!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Apr/17
207-208cm range peak, 205cm looks a bit low
Mathew Robinson said on 15/Apr/17
I believe he was probably right on 6'9" when this photo was taken. The question is: did he used to be just a little higher before this even? Maybe he was 6'9.5" peak, I think he'd be approaching 6'11" if measured in shoes or in the morning if that was the case. Could account for him thinking he was 6'10" - 6'11" range, which is clearly not the case at the moment.
Canson said on 10/Apr/17
As listed both.
S.J.H said on 10/Apr/17
Just notice rob dropping height with Nairn. Rob stance might be 5'7-5'7.25 up here. Nairn is under 6'8
John said on 27/Mar/17
Peak: 6'10"
Now: 6'5 5/8"
John said on 27/Mar/17
Probably around 6'6 now. He was 6'9 in this picture.
S.J.H said on 21/Jan/17
I have no idea how old is Kristian Nairn but he didnt look much older than rob. It's strange that he loss an inch even he had posture issues at age 40s? I know 2 big fellows who were brothers , one was 6'6 350 pounds another 6'5.5 and 345 pounds both in their mid 40s and i have being knowing them over 10 years they still look the same height despite one of them had hip surgery and another had two times knee operation they still manage to keep up their height solid at 197cm and 198cm and only problem was their weight issues keep them hard on breathing. I think Kristian Nairn could have keep up 6'8.5 a chance when get measure.. Maybe..
Strong 5ft9 said on 15/Jan/17
Hey Rob, you think his claims might've been him
Busting a Gut while being measured? He is a bit on the obese side and might be slouching.

Editor Rob
he's standing quite good in this photoshoot, he's certainly not standing worse than me.
rrr said on 29/Dec/16
Rob, am I right if you agree with 5 inches shrinking in 70, then I believe Kristen can be still end up in 6'1-6'2 at 70s, then can be struggle to look even 6 ft and end up in 182 cm or weak 6 ft zone. Rob, am I right? I will be surprised if he lost 7 inches in 80 s.

Editor Rob
He's went from looking taller than big
Hafthor, to looking shorter than fact I saw him in July and thought 'this bloke looks shorter than daniel cudmore'!
BUT, I think he stands lower than he will measure, natural given his size and the impact on his spine, knees etc.
kurts height said on 20/Dec/16
he is kind of leaning I'd say 6'9
josef said on 18/Dec/16
Even if he shrunk a bit, still a giant
Chase Witherspoon said on 12/Dec/16
Reckon he's a pebble higher than The Mountain, though not as upright /posture perfect which gives the illusion of parity~ either side of 6'9" would be my best guess and probably a little taller at peak...
miko said on 7/Dec/16
To be fair Nairn hasn't helped himself by giving himself such a big frame. If he was 100lbs lighter he'd be able to move around better.
Jordan87 said on 5/Dec/16
Shame about his movement.
Large people that are both very tall and Heavy do suffer in their joints and such. Evan shaq said he had bad joint pain already when he was in his mid 30's.
berta said on 30/Nov/16
if he looked 3 cm taller in 2013 than now then he probably was 6 foot 10 8 years back
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Nov/16
I think this guy could end up in a similar situation to David Prowse. It is very sad
mrtguy said on 5/Nov/16
Rob, if you seen Kingma and Nairn in person today, would you think Kingma is 2-3 inches taller than Nairn in person??

Editor Rob
Kingma will look 2-3 inches taller, but it might be a case of Nairn still squeezing out a big 1-2 inches or so more than he can look
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Oct/16
Seems like he's got health problems
Mathew Robinson (190 cm) said on 29/Sep/16
Tough thing to gauge with this guy is how much he could stretch up for a measurement.
Guanzo said on 15/Aug/16
Kevin Nash is still 6'9?

Editor Rob
Nash is taller today than Nairn in person, at least an inch.
mrtguy said on 8/Aug/16
Rob, how about a downgrade for Nairn too from 6'9'' to 6'8'', it's fair to say since guys like Shaq and Big Show got downgraded

Editor Rob
I watched him at film con and really 6ft 8 could be a stretch today, but...he might still manage to stretch up near it, he simply just doesn't look it walking about.
lekuki said on 30/Jul/16
Man, thats a big man

Editor Rob
unfortunately today he isn't quite as tall. He can look more 6ft 6 than 6ft 9.
His back is now more curved than 3-4 years ago.
Alex said on 9/Jul/16
He's huge.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Jun/16
I get the feeling he may have been taller than this at one point
mrtguy said on 13/Jun/16
Rob, recently Nairn has only been looking 6'6 er with numerous people even with a normal posture, but the size of his head is equal to those of an 8 footer. do you think his weight is really starting to take toll in his back and causing him to appear shorter nowadays??

Editor Rob
yes, he looks to have been carrying a fair amount of weight for years now and that could have taken a toll on his joints being the size he is.
berta said on 9/Jun/16
When a guy this big claims 6 foot 10-11 its not a lie. He probably have been measured 6 foot 10`5 but because he is so Heavy he is down to this height by the afternon
mrtguy said on 6/Jun/16
Rob, I can imagine now Nairn probably doesn't even duck on standard 6'6''-7'' doors
Crane said on 1/Jun/16
@Rob This dude or The Mountain ?

Editor Rob
3-4 years ago I'd have said Hodor in a measuring contest would win the battle for the Height Throne, but today The Mountain does give a bigger impression, Hodor's overall posture last year has made him look 6ft 6-7 range!
Slon said on 26/May/16
Rob, what would you reckon the size of his chest??
It looks Huge

Editor Rob
really I couldn't guess that size of chest
mrtguy said on 15/May/16
Rob, guys like Nairn and Kingma show some signs of acromegaly their head size is really huge and look out of proportion compared to Kevin Nash

Editor Rob
yes definitely Kingma shows some more signs and nairn does have a reasonably big head, but some of that in the jowls is of course weight-related.
S.J.H said on 30/Apr/16
He look at least 6'8.25 and look taller than kevin nash with rob
Slon said on 29/Apr/16
Rob, do you believe this girl would be taller than Nairn??
Click Here

Editor Rob
today I think she would, a few years ago they'd be same range.
Jim bob said on 18/Apr/16
Not sure if this has already been posted, but an interesting picture of him with Peter Mayhew
Click Here
Jackson Martinez said on 17/Apr/16
Rob, you've once said that you were only standing 5'7" with Nairn,
Why did you put the line on 5'8" then?
Do you think he could be measured taller than björnsson today if he would fully streched up?

Editor Rob
I think it would be confusing to do it. Today I struggle to see him taller than hafthor, but 3 years ago he could still stand pretty tall, in this photoshoot he managed it with quite a few people.
mrtguy said on 12/Apr/16
If his head was bald he would only appear 6'8''
mrtguy said on 6/Apr/16
Rob, in 15 years time do you believe he will even measure 6'6''??

Editor Rob
I wonder what his knees and hips will be like then...
James B said on 5/Apr/16
Legit 6'9 with rob
A genuine giant sized man
mrtguy said on 30/Mar/16
In that pic, he looks a hair under 6'10'', but I could see 6'9''.
That guy said on 29/Mar/16
6'10 with his hair
Guyster said on 25/Feb/16
Hi Rob with Kristian Nairn struggling to stand at 6"9, would a downgrade of height be on the cards, as he struggles to posture up in more recent pics, regards.

Editor Rob
3 years ago I think in the 6ft 9 range...lately in last year maybe he's heading to 6ft 8 now.
S.J.H said on 20/Feb/16
Nairn look about 6'8 with a 5'7.5 stance rob. I believe he was ever 6'9 but recent pictures he look like 6'7 range and not over 6'7.5
Mathew Robinson (190 cm) said on 6/Feb/16
It's quite instructive, the new height lines you've managed to draw in over photos!

Editor Rob
I'm only testing on a few pages, but the question is, are they worth doing for more...Especially ones with a bigger difference in height...
if you are on a mobile/tablet you can click on the image lines.
120 said on 26/Jan/16
Rob, is his footwear giving more height than yours. It could be why he's giving such a 6'10" impression here.

Editor Rob
14 inches is a fair amount, by comparison
Dinklage is 15 inches smaller than me.
This bloke does cons and isn't taller than me...
I'm standing worse with Nairn than I am with Cudmore. You'd be surprised if you saw nairn and cudmore in person wouldn't think nairn was taller!
Alex said on 20/Jan/16
How tall do you think he might reach straight out of bed?

Editor Rob
more chance a big guy in that range could shrink 3-4cm from straight outta bed
mrtguy said on 1/Jan/16
Rob, the only reason why he can pass as 6'10'', is b/c your dropping a few cm from your actual height and Nairn has a fair bit of chunk of hair, otherwise I think he actually looks like a strong 6'9'' in this pic with you. I have a question, did you list him at 6'10'' before on this page?
mrtguy said on 22/Dec/15
Rob, how many inches do you think there is between Nairn and Whyte?

Editor Rob
based on the angle and their positions, I think there is no less than 4, possibly at times more in that clip, but I think you can see at a point Nairn standing a bit taller - his natural standing height can vary.
I'm glad I got a photo with him back when he was able to stand tall in photos and didn't begin asking to sit on a chair.
Andrea said on 19/Dec/15
It's an old clip, Rob... I wouldn't say Kristian looks under 6'9 there but he's much closer to the camera, so he'll look taller than he is!
Kristian doesn't look taller than 6'8 with you and there's a picture with Peter Mayhew, listed at 6'10, who looks a good couple inches taller than him! 6'8 is much closer to his real height, unless he always stands with bad posture with the others!
And hey before you say he could have lost some height... The picture with Peter was taken before you met him :)
Editor Rob said on 18/Dec/15
You can see a clip from MCM here of Nairn (closer to camera) and Ian Whyte:
Click Here
yeezy said on 10/Dec/15
Rob, I'd discount anything over 6'10'', 6'9" could be his range without shoes, try comparing him to Kingma he looks NO TALLER
mrtguy said on 8/Dec/15
Rob, to end this topic, can you agree that guy is nowhere near 7'1'' (or 6'10") IMO just a tad taller than 6'9'' realistically? I wouldn't be surprised if he loses any height throughout the day he seems bit overweight.

Editor Rob
I'd discount 7ft range
mrtguy said on 4/Dec/15
Rob, also I don't think that guy too is a legit 6'10''. I just watched one of his videos
Click Here Apparently, he was 6'9'' when he was in 8th grade there's possibility he stopped growing or most likely grew another cm later. I think the older he got it gave him the right to exaggerate his height even more to a ridiculous 7'1'' which is BS.
mrtguy said on 4/Dec/15
Rob, What footwear did Nairn wear? I mean he looks around the same height as this guy you recognize:
Click Here

Editor Rob
didn't think much different from mine, which were 3/4 inch
mrtguy said on 7/Nov/15
This pic is deceiving he actually looks nearer 6'10'', but next to Mayhew he doesn't?
mrtguy said on 22/Oct/15
6'7.75 possible today Rob?

Editor Rob
it can be hard to tell as he definitely walks smaller than 3 years ago, but you can tell he struggles with the amount of weight he is carrying...measure the guy and he might still clear 6ft 8
Ice said on 19/Oct/15
@ Emil 183
lol if you think that 180 - 185 range isnt medium height in Scandinavia youve never been there , or you just have a totally wrong perception . Actually 183 is average there . So 180 would be under the average , so not even medium height . Your not considered tall in any european white country .
mrtguy said on 23/Sep/15
Rob, there was this one time I seen a big guy probably 200 plus lbs heavier than Nairn, his weight was 579 lbs (his height is 6'9'' too)
Click Here

Editor Rob
I can believe that guy is heavier...Nairn this year looked heavier than 2 years ago. All that weight and the knee/hip joints will start taking their toll.
Luke 5'8.25 19 years said on 22/Sep/15
6'8.5 in the photo
Peak 6'9
Kevin Nash 6'8.75 with Rob
Peak 6'9.5
mrtguy said on 5/Sep/15
Rob, do you think that chick who was in WWE, who claimed 6'9" and 245 lbs would edge Nairn today?

Editor Rob
she probably would give a taller impression as nairn at times struggles to look as tall as he probably measures...he's a very bulky guy, I can understand his back/knees have taken a lot and it's why he walks smaller than he actually is.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Jul/15
Easily 6ft8+

Editor Rob
I walked behind him recently and can see he is struggling these days carrying that amount of weight. But he really doesn't look over 6ft 7 when walking about...actually measuring him would be different though.
Emil 182-183 cm said on 19/Jul/15
World average height for a male is 5'7-5'8. Ever been to Asia? South America? Latin America? Many countries where men are below 5'7 on average.. And theres no country where 180-189 range is considered 'medium'. Its fairly tall even in Scandinavia and in Holland.
Matthew said on 1/Jul/15
Rob, you think a peak and current height could be in order for this guy? I know he's young for that, but maybe a 6'9.5" peak and 6'8.5" current might tell a more realistic story for both what he used to be and what in the best case scenario he may be able to stretch himself up to today.

Editor Rob
it is possible an inch of loss, but I'm not certain just how much he might have lost, whether he is more unable to unhinge/stretch up his back as much as he used to.
griver said on 29/Jun/15
Average height is 175.9 cm for males aged 20 and over.
Click Here
Modeus said on 28/Jun/15
Emil 183 cm says on 27/Apr/15
That chart made me lol big time bro.
On a global scale, 180-189 is high.
Average height for a man is 5'7
5ft7 average for a man?? rofl your comment made me laugh aswell
joe 193cm night said on 26/May/15
Rob, did you meet Michael Kingma think it would be higher Kristian Nairn at the time of the peak, I think Kingma slightly higher

Editor Rob
Nairn doesn't stand as tall as he used to, but Kingma has a big head in person and looked about 6ft 9 I feel.
Matthew said on 18/May/15
If I was Rob I think I'd list:
6'9.5" peak, 6'8.5" today.
I think it's pretty likely he's prematurely dropped height, he really doesn't look much more than 6'7" today but maybe he could still measure a strong 6'8" if standing his best. I think he was likely in the 6'9" - 6'10" range until recently.
hal said on 12/May/15
Some people have really weird opinions on what's short, tall, and average. That "G" guy is one of them. And I think 6'9" seems accurate for Nairn. No less.
mrtguy said on 10/May/15
Looks 6'8''and 397 lbs.
pablo77bar said on 30/Apr/15
How a guy of 6ft 2 is mediu if he is taller than 85% of the earth
Bishop said on 28/Apr/15
How is 170-179 cm low? That's average in most countries. And 180-189 cm is considered tall.
Emil 183 cm said on 27/Apr/15
That chart made me lol big time bro.
On a global scale, 180-189 is high.
Average height for a man is 5'7
miko said on 23/Apr/15
What would you say he's looking here Rob.
Click Here

Editor Rob
I think he can still look in that 6ft 8-8.5 zone there, without knowing his exact footwear (just if it's 1-1.25 range).
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Apr/15
Rob, is he taller than Bjornsson?

Editor Rob
I believe he was several years ago, but not recently.
G said on 19/Apr/15
Hello. I heard that to be considered a giant, should be a foot taller than average. In my opinion related to the heights: 149 cm or less: gnome. 150-159 centímetros: extremely low. 160-169 centímetros: very low. 170-179 centímetros: low. 180-189 centímetros: Medium. 190-199 centímetros: high. 200-209 centímetros: very high. 210-219 centímetros: extremely high. 220 cm or more: alien.
Arch Stanton said on 18/Apr/15
I don't know how one can decipher 0.25 diff anyway when they're as big as this anyway!
Arch Stanton said on 16/Apr/15
Rob, how about 6'8.75 seems at Bjornosson is at 6'7.75!
Andrea said on 15/Apr/15
Then, he doesn't even look 6'8 with you... You think he might have lost some height in posture? I could buy 6'8 but 6'9 really seems a stretch!

Editor Rob
I doubt he lost much, I think he was standing reasonably well, but I definitely did drop height because I feel he can be a guy who could for a measurement stand a bit taller
Andrea said on 14/Apr/15
So, would you say this is a 3 inches difference?
Click Here

Editor Rob
about 2.5, but not really 3 in the photo.
Andrea said on 13/Apr/15
First of all, you said he's got more a 11 inches head... You also said you were standing more 5'7 here... In any case, look at Ali's picture! Is that a 6'5 guy vs 6'9? I see maybe 2 good inches, certainly not 4!

Editor Rob
in the photo he can look more 6ft 8 than 9 yes.
Andrea said on 12/Apr/15
Rob, you said when you took this picture he still looked 6'9 range, right? But let's be objective, would you say this how a 5'7 guy would look next to a 6'9? He looks maybe between 6'7 and 6'8... And how the hell do you think he got 6'11 on a measuring tape, it seems absurd!

Editor Rob
if his head is in 10.5 inch range then a 5ft 8 can look about this with 6ft 9.
Bishop said on 12/Apr/15
Maybe 6'8.5" today and 6'9" peak.
Emil 183 cm said on 11/Apr/15
He could suffer with knee/back problems these days which won't make him able to stand tall. I have an injury in my left knee at the moment and if I exercise with high intensity it gets so tense that I cannot straighten it fully.
I measured 1.5 cm shorter the other day because of that, though I measure my normal height again now.
Freaking scary. Fortunately I'm having an X-Ray soon
Lorne said on 10/Apr/15
Of course I forgot about Nairn's longer massive head until just now... He is a huge fellow.
I wonder why he's claiming 6'10/6'11 though... I mean it's odd, it would seem he has no reason to lie, yet he's clearly not that height. I can believe 6'9, no more.(Though a guy his size could certainly lose height faster than a typical man, not to mention he probably varies at least 3cm from morning to night.
Lorne??? said on 15/Mar/15
176,2Tunman says on 6/Jul/14
I liked the expression "G'ing"
Maybe one day we would read on dictionaries something like
To G:to act like Glenn Cunningham (known as G),to boost one's height,against all sense and under all circumstances.(By extension:all people claiming 5'8)
Lol,That would be the ultimate tribute to G's long career as a 5'8,what do you think?
Who knows if the site becomes very famous,this could happen.
Lol. I am just now seeing that. As far as Nairn is concerned, he was always 6ft8.5, and maybe a fractional loss combined with poor posture makes him look even less today.
6ftMagician said on 11/Mar/15
Rob he looks much shorter today. Do you agree he looks struggles to look over 200cm today?
Still a big dude, but needs to lose 100 pounds or his spine will only further degenerate under that immense load. Sickening loss.

Editor Rob
I think his back and knees have taken a toll, maybe with the extra work he did through GOT/DJing and all the travel for conventions etc - while carrying a lot of weight - he's now lost a bit...
joe 193cm night said on 3/Mar/15
6´9 (206 cm)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Feb/15
There's no way that this guy is only 6ft6-7! I've got people in my family that range and up close they do not look anything like that next to a 5ft8.
Anywhere from 6ft8 up to 6ft10 is arguable though. He'd easily clear out Daniel Cudmore...
joe 193cm night said on 16/Feb/15
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover he looks like a shorter cm than this guy aquihttp: //
Tunman said on 16/Jan/15
Rob,how can he look only 6'6-7 when you said he looked near 6'9 only 2 years ago?
and he's only 39,maybe he could measure 6'8 assuming he could already have lost a fraction due to weight,but 2-3"?

Editor Rob
he wasn't much taller than Clive Russell the day I seen them last year in glasgow...whether it is a compressed spine or he's now got disc damage and lost height is harder to say.
He was taller in 2013, or at least able to stand taller I feel.
meditate on bassweight said on 13/Jan/15
Click Here taller than kevin nash also listed at "6'9"
Andrea said on 1/Dec/14
Talking about Nairn looking only 6'6, here's a picture with a 5'11 guy:
Click Here
Do you agree he doesn't look over 6'6 there?

Editor Rob
that's the kind of range he was looking this year...6ft 6-7. But it could be due to his weight and the toll of work and travel for cons etc maybe he's struggling a bit more this year and walks or stands shorter now than he used to.
Andrea said on 29/Nov/14
Rob, how tall you think this guy looks with Nairn?
Click Here
180 range? You said he's got about 11 inches head and that guy is about an inch above his chin...

Editor Rob
he could be 5ft 10. Really Nairn can look from 6ft 6 to 6ft 9...depending on how well he stands. His size might be catching up with his joints these days.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Nov/14
207cm, Rob?

Editor Rob
not last time I seen him, he looked shorter, maybe his bulk has indeed began to effect his height a bit or at least his posture, I think I managed to get him back when he was still looking near 6ft 9...
Oanh said on 22/Oct/14
Rob, on Wik it says he is 6'10 3/4". Do you think that's possible out of bed height? When this photo was taken, what would you estimate his size(weight) at? I think he looks around 425lbs.

Editor Rob
that photo was from july 2013. I'd be stunned if he measured that tall, he looks shorter than that. Although imagine if you shrink nearly 2 inches from out of bed to night, that would cover a bigger possibility of being 6ft 10 out of bed...
Sam said on 20/Oct/14
Yeah, I imagine his weight would catch up with him at his height easily, I wouldm't blame him for sitting.
mike said on 16/Oct/14
Looks about 6ft 9 could be 6ft 10 out of bed.
Halb said on 7/Oct/14
Is funny, I thought of, André when looking at the above picture.
Jimbob said on 23/Sep/14
Shades of Andre sadly - very heavily built with his joints bound to suffer.
Clay said on 22/Sep/14
6'9-6'10. How some see 6'8 is beyond me, but whatever maybe it makes you feel better. He has 13-14 inches on Rob easily.
Ali Baba said on 19/Sep/14
Perhaps he's having some health issues and that's the reason for the chair. That would make sense with the way you described his issues with walking.
Danimal said on 18/Sep/14
Can't believe this man is only 38 years old (all the white hair). Easily 440-470 pounds imo.
Emil 182.5-184.5 cm said on 14/Sep/14
How was he in person, Rob
Seems nice judging from interviews

Editor Rob
he seems nice enough with fans, although I have to question why he is sitting down for some photos.
There were like 30 people wanting a photo at a last con I seen him at (takes about 5-10 minutes max) yet he asked for a chair again. One of his traits that got him GOT is his size, so I didn't quite understanding why he's been wanting to sit down....
Would be a bit like me having a celebheights event and for 'photos with rob' me sitting on a chair. Pointless.
Josh b said on 3/Sep/14
Click Here
Unfortunately he sat down :( huge fella though.
miko said on 27/Aug/14
Rob, if you put Nash and Nairn under the stadiometer who do you think would come out taller?

Editor Rob
Nairn struggles a bit with walking, as I say the guy this year can look like a 6ft 6er, but I've seen him stretching up and he can still be near 6ft 9 I believe under the device, both probably close enough it is hard to pick.
Editor Rob said on 26/Aug/14
Actually his posture last few shows is up and down, he goes from looking more 6ft 6 up to 6ft 9. Nash and Tyler Mane can give a bigger impression as they have better posture and can hold the 6ft 8 range easier than this guy.
As a side note, even with only 25 people at last event wanting a photo (about 5 minutes really) he still asked to sit on a stool for the shots.
Concerned 181 cm said on 2/Aug/14
Why would a person who's already over two meters tall lie about their height, and paint themselves as even taller? Especially by two whole inches?
Kostas said on 29/Jul/14
He looks taller than Kevin Nash.
176,2Tunman said on 6/Jul/14
I liked the expression "G'ing"
Maybe one day we would read on dictionaries something like
To G:to act like Glenn Cunningham (known as G),to boost one's height,against all sense and under all circumstances.(By extension:all people claiming 5'8)
Lol,That would be the ultimate tribute to G's long career as a 5'8,what do you think?
Who knows if the site becomes very famous,this could happen.
Bryson said on 6/Jul/14
Being that talk does not look appealing. You look much better than that guy rob
Jimbob said on 4/Jun/14
What type of footwear was he in?

Editor Rob
nothing much different
pjk said on 3/Jun/14
Kristian is an awesome looking big lad. I recon he looks 6'9" but i wouldn't put 6'10" out of the question too if he stood as straight as possible. Either way, a great giant from a great show !
Arch Stanton said on 30/May/14
@lorne. To be fair a lot of people aren't going to argue with him at claiming that! Guys this big can get away more with exaggerating their height!
Lorne said on 26/Apr/14
6ft11ish!?! Ha! A 6'9 range guy is G'ing it up!!!
Chaz said on 14/Apr/14
there are only 28 people in the UK that are claming to be 7+ that is out of 63,000,000,people all men,and you can bet some are not 7'
176,2Tunman said on 13/Apr/14
LOL at 20 million over 7' maybe 10,000 tops. 1 out of 200,000 adult men seem reasonable.Outside BB fields you will almost never see someone that tall.20 million at 6'3 and 200,000 at 6'6 is possible.Wonder where this guy got his source.
Samsont said on 18/Mar/14
I just stood next to Kristian tonight. His head is massive. I am nearly 6'2" and he easily had 9 inches on me. He is a really jovial and nice guy. Stood and took pictures and selfies with fans far longer than any of the other cast outside NYC hotel in the cold. Laughing and enjoying the folks the whole time.
Arch Stanton said on 8/Mar/14
Of course certain people earn a living chasing celebrities around..... :-]

Editor Rob
yeah, it can be lucrative...good when child support come calling!
Lillo thomas said on 24/Feb/14
Kristian look 6'8 easily with rob. I see 1 feet difference the two.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Feb/14
For me your photographs of ageing celebs are the most valuable on here in that they give an indication of much height they've lost like David Prowse and John Rhys Davies. Of course a photo with Cruise or Stallone would be the holy grail of celeb height photographs but you're unlikely going to meet them and have a photo, it could set you back a mint!!

Editor Rob
I can't chase celebs around, I only want to meet them when they want to meet fans...of course the one time sly did his convention he charged over 300 bux! insane...
Arch Stanton said on 22/Feb/14
It seems that way, which makes it difficult to judge height!!! In all honesty a lot of your photos Rob cause half the arguments here because they see a celeb in a photo with you at a dead cert 5'8.25 with a certain posture or camera angle as it was taken and assume that it is exactly how it looks in person. Of course it's great to have the photos taken with celebs but you see what I mean about how some photos can convince some of the posters here that you're too generous or whatever.

Editor Rob
or some photos can make celebrities look a bit taller.
believe me I want to get the best photo I can...ultimately adding these photos is part of the site, and if sometimes it's not quite showing the difference exactly as I thought, it still shows I've been there and seen them...not just beside myself but with other people.
Ali Baba said on 22/Feb/14
[Editor Rob: it depends on the photographer's height, the lense, you could appear at the chin of a 6ft 6 man, above it or a few inches below it!]
Rob, if they were side by side that shouldn't make a difference. Of course if you move one or the other forward or back, even slightly, it can make a pretty big difference. Camera perspective is a tricky thing.
Arch Stanton said on 20/Feb/14
OK yeah, slight misjudgement, lip level for a 5'8" range vs 6'4 range. At 6'6" Rob would be maybe a fraction under your chin Ali?

Editor Rob
it depends on the photographer's height, the lense, you could appear at the chin of a 6ft 6 man, above it or a few inches below it!
Arch Stanton said on 20/Feb/14
Not in the pics I've seen like George Romero, Ryan McPartlin etc Ali Baba. I also think if Nairn stood next to a stadio 6'5" would come lower than where you think. You don't honestly think he's only an inch taller than you Ali?
Ali Baba said on 20/Feb/14
Since tinyrul doesn't seem to work anymore I'll try again
Click Here
Lillo thomas said on 14/Feb/14
5'10 guys are around my upper lib level and I'm 6'5.
Ali Baba said on 11/Feb/14
Arch Stanton says on 9/Feb/14
Rob generally comes to the bottom of the nose of legit 6'4" range guys
If they're legit 6'4 he doesn't. More around the lower lip of a legit 6'4" guy.
avi said on 10/Feb/14
@Arch Stanton
Remember rob is dropping over an inch here...
6'8 range is totally possible even rob didn't rule out that. I personally think he's 6'8.75 or so but rob already dropped him from 6'10 so he may anger him if he drops more off!
Arch Stanton said on 9/Feb/14
Rob what would you guess for his out of bed height? I could actually buy 210-11cm, as I say a guy like him could lose as much as 2 inches I think. I think the position of the photograph hiding the legs and his head is fooling a lot of people here. I'm sure in person he actually looks easily 6 ft 9. His head length and shoulders are surely markedly longer than average. If you consider that Rob generally comes to the bottom of the nose of legit 6'4" range guys look at the height gap between the end of the nose and where Rob's head comes on him. 6'7"-6'8" is ridiculous.

Editor Rob
6ft 10-10.5 is possible out of bed...from seeing nairn and nash this year, it's tough to say who would win in a height staredown
Arch Stanton said on 9/Feb/14
LG69 says on 3/Nov/13
@5ft10 guy, Nah, he's at least 6'8.5". Probably 6'9" right out of bed.
I'd dispute that, I think he could actually be 6'10" range out of bed. A guy as big as him could possibly lose as much as 2 inches in a given day.
Arch Stanton said on 9/Feb/14
I'd hate to be the guy the guy who deal with the Game of Thrones pay roll LOL!! That show has the largest (in both senses of the word) cast that I've ever seen!! Makes you wonder how they make a profit after paying the wages....
Arch Stanton said on 9/Feb/14
I'd hate to be the guy the guy who deal with the Game of Thrones pay roll LOL!! That show has the largest (in both senses of the word) that I've ever seen!! Makes you wonder how they make a profit after paying the wages....
avi said on 8/Feb/14
is dropping over an 1.2 inches here...
Balrog said on 5/Feb/14
Sam not only Nairn, McCann and Whyte. You have Waldau and Dance over 6'1'' also Sophie Turner is a pretty tall girl and what about
Gwendoline Christie at 6'3''? Clive Russell is 6'6'' same as Nonso Anozie and Ian Glen is also at least 6'0''. In general it is indeed a tall cast.
sigge said on 5/Feb/14
He has at least a foot on Rob, def not under 6'8 and probably around the listing.