Canson said on 2/Dec/24
Maybe a guy that was near 6’7 at lunch and dipped to 200 cm or just under it at night. Doesn’t look much taller than someone like Cudnore
Slamo said on 8/May/23
6-7 looks very accurate
Jimmy_ESB_182 said on 29/Jul/22
It's easy to look at this picture and think the other two are like 5'7" and he's 6'2". Nope, they are around 6ft and Krist is a giant!
Andrey200 said on 1/Jan/22
With Grohl looks a consistent 200-201
Ozjs said on 5/Dec/21
Flat 6'6"
Lukiano said on 12/Nov/21
Hahah, Croatinezed Serbs from Dalmatia and Hercegovina claiming how tall they are lol, as expected, there is no difference tbh, and average 185,7 is a pure crap, most of us are like 183 cm, some places does score more, bust most do not, overal I would say
Among Shtikavian speakers in ex Yu, average would be indeed around 183 cm. Serbians and Montenegrins are the tallest on average as whole though. Problem is, average for Serbia was measured in the northern part where there is a lot of Hungarians, and for Montenegro southern Albanian places lowered the average.
FriedChicken said on 8/Sep/21
Just under 6 ft 7 is more likely.
Stinky 186 cm said on 31/Aug/21
Yeah I agree, he’s about 6’ 7”
Philip550 said on 6/Jun/21
Not in all countries.
Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Albania average 5'8-5'9 (173-176 cm)
Serbia, Kosovo and Slovenia average 5'9-5'10 (175-179 cm).
Southern Croatia, Bosnia & Hercegovina and Montenegro average 5'11-6'0 (180-183 cm).
The tallest people on Balkan live in Dalmatia and Hercegovina where the average is 6'0.5 or 184 cm.
Don't worry said on 28/Aug/20
Ya’ll are way too worried about how tall people are why does it matter?

Editor Rob
Krist is a very tall man, so his height stands out in photos and with other band members.. Millions of people every month ask search engines 'how tall is x x'. I don't think people are worried, more just curious as to how tall famous people are.
Canson said on 5/Jul/20
@Hanov: 199 would make him about 2” taller than Barkley or slightly less speaking or a peak Barkley but Barkley has weird footwear. I mentioned Brad Pitt as a guy who is the toughest to gauge. Barkley falls into that category for a lot of people on the internet but I’ve seen enough on the court and people I know who’ve stood next to him to know that the 6’4.5-.75 range he claimed looked right. He measured 6’4 5/8 and it’s very possible he dipped to 6’4.5” before the day ended in his prime being he was so heavy. I don’t completely rule out 200cm for Krist or 199-200 perhaps
xyounge said on 12/Mar/20
@Herve Besides even Italy can have a few of tall classes. I have an Italian friend who is 186, and there were 6 out of 16 guys were 190 cm or taller in his class. Average height of Italy or US is not tall, but they have more population and they have more taller people.
xyounge said on 9/Mar/20
Herve said on 16/Oct/08
I told you two days ago we have to be prudent when it's about getting a height average among a population of pupils or students. In fact, the most intellectual persons are usually the tallest (in France, we have several centimeters of difference between engineers and workers, as everywhere I think). So, if you want to get someting coherent, you have to get statistics in each " high school ". Let me give you one more example. Four years ago, I could obtain these phenomenal stats from a high school of Sinj (above Split, again in Dalmatia) regarding 30 pupils. This time, the average reached 188,53 cm (!), so 190 cm definitely ! Look at that : 177:1 ; 181:1 ; 182:5 ; 184:2 ; 185:2 ; 186:1 ; 188:2 ; 190:2 ; 191:5 ; 192:2 ; 193:3 ; 195:1 ; 197:1 ; 198:1 ; 200:1... Is there another school on earth where you could get such stats ? So, please, even if in Groningen people are quite tall, one must give stats which cover the whole young population, and not such or such school...
@Herve, There are a lot of schools and classes are taller than this one. The average height of this school was only 188 cm, it was not a big deal. Many schools in the Netherlands and Northern European Countries must have some classes are 190 or taller on average. And my nephews' class has two guys are over 6'11(210),the average height of their class is also 188+, they live in US.
edboy said on 18/Dec/19
@Pr0n00b031 Average height is over 186 cm in your class, which means 40% guys are taller tahn 190cm. And some of them are 200 cm+
edboy said on 18/Dec/19
@Pr0n00b031 Average height is over 186 cm in your class, which means 40% guys are taller tahn 190cm. And some of them are 200 cm+
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 26/Jul/19
Does the 186 average came from your classmates officially being measured or is it just your estimate?
Pr0n00b031 said on 24/Jul/19
A lot of people from the Balkans are tall, my high school class had an average 186 cm for men. Genetics is important but also here we love basketball and volleyball so i guess that comes into play too. If you go outside you will notice you cant find a basket court empty the whole day.
Canson said on 20/Jun/19
Agree with QM6’1QM strong 6’6 today or even solid
QM6'1QM said on 18/Jun/19
He looks more like 198-199 cm today.
Damon Blank said on 2/Apr/19
Guy's like a skyscraper next to 97% of the world. I think he's about 6 ft 8 in shoes. But 6 ft 7 without them. About right.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 6/Mar/19
6'4 3/4 Barkley just making Krist look the same height 0:53
Click Here no matter Krist is standing one step behind Barkley but make a step stand forward in line with Barkley there is still no way he could be near 6'7 at most 6'6. Dave Grohl look 6.5" shorter than Barkley on 0:50 in that clip. Lets imagine it is Barkley wear 2" cowboy boots and 3 Nirvana members wear 1" sneakers.
Nik said on 17/Sep/18
He looks very tall and towering! 🎩!
Rocky Balboa said on 13/Sep/18
@Der Titan - Herzegovnian Croats* Most inhabitants of the Herzegovina region are Catholic Croats and not Serbs. Most Croats from there are extremely tall and most Serbs from Montenegro are too. I do believe Krist does in fact originate from Dalmatia, specifically Zadar.
As for his height 6'7" seems fine to me, could potentially even be 6'6.75" but close enough.
Der Titan said on 3/Sep/18
Ok now you can tell this guy is legitimately tall. I wonder if his ancestry is from Dalmatia, Croats from Dalmatia are known to be on average like us Herzegovian Serbs.
Canson said on 8/Jan/18
@Junior: maybe only 198-199.
Junior said on 7/Jan/18
Dave Grohl is not over 182cm maybe lower and so Krist Novoselic is 199.5cm max.
The One123 said on 27/Nov/17
Hey Rob, I dont really know if you have much knowledge regarding the Dinaric Alps region of Croatia but do u honestly believe that their full genetic potential is a whopping 1.90 meters. I read that their height progress has been halted as a result of poor socioeconomic and nutritional standards compared to the Northern European countries, and don't forget the civil wars that have ravaged the region a few decades ago.
Canson said on 28/Oct/17
A bit overlisted. More like 6’6-6’6.5
Junior said on 27/Oct/17
Scottie Pippen = Krist Novoselic = 6'6 3/4.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Jun/17
Funny but Krist now looks more like a Pacific Northwest geography teacher than a rockstar but Duff still looks every inch the stereotypical LA Strip rocker.
Headbanger said on 1/Jun/17
Rob a downgrade is so good for Krist and Dave
Canson said on 31/May/17
@SJH: to be fair he looks 6'6" but not 6'7 I agree on that. But That angle is horrible with Barkley. The pic and video are a complete utter Joke for comparison of the two. If Barkley were say 6'9" he would only look an inch taller than him or 6'3 only maybe an inch or so shorter because they are so close to the camera you need distance to see them clearly. But krist looks 6'6" Barkley 6'4.5 imho which brings Krist to 6'7" in shoes (maybe he was measured in the morning and rounded up) which sounds. Adequate being Barkley would be over 6'5" out of bed by a hair or so. It's just everyone likes to play the Barkley downplays his height to make his axxomplishmaents better or sell a book game when he really was only a 6'4 1/2 guy legitimately in bare feet
S.J.H said on 30/Mar/17
No way Krist Novoselic is 2.25' taller than 6'4.75 charles barkley. Max 6'6 is generous
pjk said on 18/Jul/16
Krist Novoselic has always looked a bit taller than 6'7" to me to be honest, unless Dave Grohl isn't 6 feet ( which i think he is ).
I think he could be 6'8" possibly.
Leo said on 5/Jul/16
Duff McKagan and Krist Novoselic. Rob, why Krist looks shorter than 6'7? What do you think?
Click Here

Editor Rob
not sure what shoes they are wearing, I believe Duff claimed 6ft 3, so he can still look 6ft 6-7 range there.
Sixseven said on 1/Jul/16
At least 2 meters.
Lord Beerus said on 22/May/16
Look 6ft6 when legs aren't together with full posture and leaning back a little.
Jason said on 6/Feb/16
Hervé said on 4/Mar/13
Yes, he's a former attached of embassy in Paris, now back in Croatia. Originally from Drnis (30 km north from Sibenik), a small town where people are extremely tall on average (about 187 cm for the youngsters), he told me once, as a matter of fact, that when being in Dalmatia, he felt himself sometimes a kind of "draw" beside men much taller than him...
@Hervé, I heard the same thing from a Croatian friend, he is 202 cm, but he also told me that he has met many new kids are taller him in his home town. I think that Croatian embassy felt he is dwarf not because the average height of Croatian youths are over 200 cm. But there are still many people reach 200 cm and taller here.
Hardi said on 3/Jan/16
I don´t know, but if you look the way Krist is standing and still looks much taller than Grohl and Smear then I would say that he is a bit over 6feet7 or then very strong 6feet7 definitely not less.
Darwin said on 15/Nov/15
6'7 average height with shoes. Out shoes is 6'6 (NBA)
Armandy said on 16/Jul/15
@ hal
The average height of a croatian player is 6'6 out shoes
hal said on 27/Jun/15
The average NBA player is 6'7".
Daniel said on 6/Jan/15
Daniel says on 29/Nov/14
Herve croatian average height is only 180cm. Basketball players are around of 6'5
Sorry, im wrong. Basketball players are around 6'4 ...6'5 not.
UK said on 7/Dec/14
202 cm is more possible for Krist than 201cm
Arch Stanton said on 7/Dec/14
@Halb Grohl is a text book example of a proper 6 ft guy, virtually always looks it, he made Jimmy Page look 5 ft 10. Above strangely looks shorter than normal. This guy is bloody huge. This is what a proper 6 ft 7-8 looks like,
Halb said on 5/Dec/14
Only 6'7? He's either taller, or the chap in the middle isn't 6".
Daniel said on 29/Nov/14
Herve croatian average height is only 180cm. Basketball players are around of 6'5
Darwin said on 27/Nov/14
Peak 202cm
Now 201cm
Danimal said on 27/Nov/14
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 6/Oct/14
Oh big time...he made Cobain and Grohl look like his kids. Massive dude.
You always have been infatuated with very tall people haven't you? Is that why you want everyone to taller than they really are?
Bruce said on 27/Nov/14
Krist Giantselic
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Oct/14
Oh big time...he made Cobain and Grohl look like his kids. Massive dude.
Arch Stanton said on 30/Sep/14
Rob can you put the Dave Grohl photo up here too and add "Bassist and musician from Nirvana, Sweet 75 and Eyes Adrift".
pjk said on 12/May/14
In his youth he had to be the listed height - 6'7". He was taller than Thurston Moore in photos and i saw Thurston last year and he is still very tall and i think was 6'6" in his youth. they are both older now and we all lose height
Joe in Seattle said on 11/Apr/14
Saw him years ago at a club/bar in Seattle's Capital Hill district. Cant remember the name of the place. I'm guessing it was around 1999-2001. It was dark and he was wearing a hat like a top hat so impossible to measure him lol. My general impression though was very tall. Definitely 6'6". Possibly taller.
Bon_ said on 21/Feb/14
@ issuetall , why are you sure their heights are without shoes ?
Arch Stanton said on 23/Nov/13
LMAO OK Hervé we get it, every Croatian man is well over 2 metres and Novoselic would be considered really short in Croatia!!!
issuetall said on 24/Apr/13
Hervé, I found those Croatians'hights on WK(List of foreign NBA players )
Perhaps the data on wk website is discrepancies with your statistics. But I choose to believe yours. Never post message? I understand, never mind. Thank you for decribing those tall Croats!
Hervé said on 23/Apr/13
I'll never post any more message on this site !
Hervé said on 22/Apr/13
Hey, issuetall ! Two weeks ago, I posted a message with the exact heights of all Croatian giants 210 cm tall and more I know. So, my friend, why do you mention Mario Kasun at 216, for instance, when it appears on my list at 213 ? I really don't understand...
issuetall said on 20/Apr/13
And Herve, I know some Croatian Centers played in NBA
Dalibor Bagarić 216cm
Mario Kasun 216cm
Dino Rađa 211cm
Bruno Šundov 221cm
Žan Tabak 213cm
Stojko Vranković 218cm
If I remeberred correctly, their heights are barefoot/ without shoes:)
issuetall said on 20/Apr/13
Sorry, I made a mistake, about American players'height
height without shoes height with shoes
Andre Drummond 6' 9.75" 6' 11.75"
Andrew Nicholson 6' 8.5" 6' 9.5"
Anthony Davis 6' 9.25" 6' 10.5"
Arnett Moultrie 6' 9.5" 6' 10.75"
Austin Rivers 6' 3.5" 6' 5"
Bernard James 6' 8.75" 6' 10"
I reversed the order This is right one.
issuetall said on 20/Apr/13
Hi Hervé, Bon, as far as I know, many American basketball players' height is with in shoes.
such as: height with shoes height without shoes
Andre Drummond 6' 9.75" 6' 11.75"
Andrew Nicholson 6' 8.5" 6' 9.5"
Anthony Davis 6' 9.25" 6' 10.5"
Arnett Moultrie 6' 9.5" 6' 10.75"
Austin Rivers 6' 3.5" 6' 5"
Bernard James 6' 8.75" 6' 10"
But when many European basketball players claim their heights, they are usually barefoot heights. Like Donatas Motiejūnas: cliamed height 213cm, he is really 213cm without shoes, Rudy Gobert: cliamed height 214cm, height without shoes: 214cm, Artem Pustovyi: claimed height 216cm, measured height without shoes: 216cm......and so forth
Hervé said on 19/Apr/13
No, Antonio will not stop yet growing up (208 cm in september, 209 today, even maybe 210)... I remember, while in Omis (south of Split) in 2002, the first three men I met was all double meters...
issuetall said on 17/Apr/13
Hi,Hervé! Yep, You are right! 2% of 2 meter men is huge enough for a city. Now, I know Drniš is tallest city in Croatia, interesting! I bet that froeign people may see many tall men in there. And Antonio is already 209! I think that he will be over 210cm when he is adult. I hope he does not stop growing.
Hervé said on 16/Apr/13
@Bon :
I don’t understand your question : who are the basketball players you talk about ? Did I recently mention some of them ?
Anyway, the stats I posted only regarded pupils from a high school, and not at all basketball players, even if maybe some of them play basketball (which besides is not the case of the tallest guy 203 cm tall) !
Of course, I know that basketball players are measured with shoes (false stats coming from the United States to Europe in the 1990’s), but since many years, when I ask someone how tall he is, I ALWAYS add : “WITHOUT SHOES” !
@issuetall :
Yes, I think about 200 boys attend at this high school from Makarska (50, more or less, by class). But, because of the proximity of Split, the main town from Dalmatia, some of young “Makarskian” guys go studying there (or practicing sport at higher level). For instance : Srećko Bokšić (2,02 m, 1995), who could have been registered with the third class if he had stayed in Makarska this year…
No, no, no : the proportion of 2 m tall men in Dalmatia is not (yet) 5%, for sure ! Even if - I tell you once more - you may meet sometimes a bigger, other times a smaller proportion of such guys. But the AVERAGE still remains : 2% or 2,5%, which is huge enough, don’t you think ?
The tallest men in Dalmatia (and therefore Croatia) live in the region of Drniš, a small village 30 km north from Šibenik. Former NBA player Stojko Vranković (2,17 m, 1964) comes from there (his son Antonio is already 209 cm at 16 years old). Many other big men, born in other places (or countries), also have roots from Drniš, among then Marko Krečak (2,18 m, 1984, Split), Ante Tomić (2,15 m, 1987, Dubrovnik), etc., or my friend (2 m, 1968) working in the Croatian embassy in Paris a few years ago…
After Drniš, come Split (and its area : Omiš, Makarska, Sinj, Vrgorac, etc.), then Šibenik, Dubrovnik and Zadar...
issuetall said on 14/Apr/13
And Hervé,which city is tallest in Croatia? Split? Sibenik? Makarska? Drnis? or Dubrovnik?
issuetall said on 13/Apr/13
Hervé, how many boys attend at this high school from Makarska? Given the population in Makarska, I think the number of Croatian boys are no more than 200 in one high school, and 10 of them have already reached 2 meter even taller, approximate 5%? That's high percentage of it!!!
Bon_ said on 13/Apr/13
Herve, do you know that many of these basketballer's heights is measured in shoes? Or you have some reliable stats which show height without shoes?
Hervé said on 13/Apr/13
Hey, issuetall ! No, only boys, of course ! Regarding the girls, they reach 171,5 cm in height... Well, the 203 cm tall boy is now the tallest in his school, but there are some youngers (in other classes, so), who'll be maybe taller than he is at the same age. We'll see. Last year, the tallest one was 204 cm. Don't forget there are only 50 pupils 17 years old in this school. In order to find one guy who is 210 cm tall, you must also find a bigger school, at Split or Sibenik, for instance...
issuetall said on 12/Apr/13
And Hervé, the tallest guy among those 50 pupils, who is 203 already, I don't think he is tallest student in high school, some of his schoolmates may be tower than him?
issuetall said on 12/Apr/13
Hi,Hervé! it's wonderful! the heights of Croatian pupls you introduced are so fascinating! 78% 180+!!! Are those pupils both boys and girls? or just heights of boys?
Hervé said on 6/Apr/13
Here are the present heights of the 50 Croatian pupils (only 17 years old) in the “third class” of a high school from Makarska (Dalmatia), whose average reaches 185 cm (exactly: 184,9) in height (which means about 186,5 - 187 cm at the end of their growth).
Considering that they will be at least 1 cm taller later, you can notice that 13 pupils are 189 cm tall and more (1 out of 4), 5 are 195 cm tall and more (1 out of 10), and 3 are 199 cm tall and more (1 out of 15).
Thus, sometimes you may find in the same class, like here, 3 guys 2 meters tall (and 10 in the same school, even more according to the number of pupils), other times no one (in a class, not in a school). I remember once, in the village of Drniš (Dalmatia), 10 years ago, to have found a concentration of 4-5 guys measuring 2 meters out of 50 pupils ! But whatever are the differences, one must take in count the usual proportion of “giants”, which is incredible anyway : 1 out 40 !
P.S. : the tallest man in town is basketball player Jure Lalić (2,11 m, 1986), while 2 other guys are 2,09 m ; the tallest woman is Ana Bagarić (1,98 m, 1991)…
174 cm : 1 (pupil)
175 cm : 3
176 cm : 1
178 cm : 5
179 cm : 1
180 cm : 2
181 cm : 4
182 cm : 1
183 cm : 1
184 cm : 7
185 cm : 4
186 cm : 5
187 cm : 1
188 cm : 1
189 cm : 2
190 cm : 2
191 cm : 2
193 cm : 2
195 cm : 1
196 cm : 1
199 cm : 1
200 cm : 1
203 cm : 1
From Makarska (only 13 000 inhabitants) also come :
- former boxer Stipe Drviš (incorrectly written : Drews), 2007 WBA world champion (light heavyweight), nicknamed “Spiderman” because of his long arms and tall size (1,97 m, 1973) ;
- former soccer player Alen Bokšić (1,87 m, 1970), 1993 European Champions’ League winner with French club O.M. (Marseille), whose own brother is 2 m tall and nephew is 2,02 m (Split junior basketball player Srećko Bokšić) ;
- former tennis woman junior world champion Mirjana Lučić (1,81 m, 1982) ;
- rower Toni Urlić (2,04 m, 1989) and waterpolo player Alen Vujčić (2,04 m, 1989), who are among the best in their respective sports…
Hervé said on 6/Apr/13
Here are the present heights of the 50 Croatian pupils (only 17 years old) in the “third class” of a high school from Makarska (Dalmatia), whose average reaches 185 cm (exactly: 184,9) in height (which means about 186,5 - 187 cm at the end of their growth).
Considering that they will be at least 1 cm taller later, you can notice that 13 pupils are 189 cm tall and more (1 out of 4), 5 are 195 cm tall and more (1 out of 10), and 3 are 199 cm tall and more (1 out of 15).
Thus, sometimes you may find in the same class, like here, 3 guys 2 meters tall (and 10 in the same school, even more according to the number of pupils), other times no one (in a class, not in a school). I remember once, in the village of Drniš (Dalmatia), 10 years ago, to have found a concentration of 4-5 guys measuring 2 meters out of 50 pupils ! But whatever are the differences, one must take in count the usual proportion of “giants”, which is incredible anyway : 1 out 40 !
P.S. : the tallest man in town is basketball player Jure Lalić (2,11 m, 1986), while 2 other guys are 2,09 m ; the tallest woman is Ana Bagarić (1,98 m, 1991)…
174 cm : 1 (pupil)
175 cm : 3
176 cm : 1
178 cm : 5
179 cm : 1
180 cm : 2
181 cm : 4
182 cm : 1
183 cm : 1
184 cm : 7
185 cm : 4
186 cm : 5
187 cm : 1
188 cm : 1
189 cm : 2
190 cm : 2
191 cm : 2
193 cm : 2
195 cm : 1
196 cm : 1
199 cm : 1
200 cm : 1
203 cm : 1
From Makarska (only 13 000 inhabitants) also come :
- former boxer Stipe Drviš (incorrectly written : Drews), 2007 WBA world champion (light heavyweight), nicknamed “Spiderman” because of his long arms and tall size (1,97 m, 1973) ;
- former soccer player Alen Bokšić (1,87 m, 1970), 1993 European Champions’ League winner with French club O.M. (Marseille), whose own brother is 2 m tall and nephew is 2,02 m (Split junior basketball player Srećko Bokšić) ;
- former tennis woman junior world champion Mirjana Lu
(1,81 m, 1982) ;
- rower Toni Urli
(2,04 m, 1989) and waterpolo player Alen Vuj
(2,04 m, 1989), who are among the best in their respective sports…
Hervé said on 5/Apr/13
Yes, we can say that. Just wait : I'll post some new heights in a high school from Dalmatia in a few days...
issuetall said on 4/Apr/13
Hi Hervé, in other word, perhaps we can say that there are a dozen of young men are tower 2 meter at least at some high schools in Dalmatia and Herzegovina. Or, we can say 2 meter is kinda tall, but not "very tall" in there, Right?
Hervé said on 2/Apr/13
Yes, I know all these teams and guys. Of course, in Dalmatia or Herzegovina, you find plenty of men above 2 m...
Hervé said on 1/Apr/13
Yes, these stats are true, but only for younger generations (18-30 years old) ! This study was made by myself and signed by other people. So I know exactly what it is about... Nowadays, in some high schools, you may find 2 guys about 10 who are now 195 cm, but not yet 4 (on average) ! Just wait some more years, and it'll become thus...
issuetall said on 30/Mar/13
@Hervé, Hi, Hervé! Never mind. I want to ask you one thing. I saw a statistic that is about height of Croatian some years ago. It showed that when a person goes in Split (Croatia) and walk in the street, you’ll meet 1 young man about 4 who is 190 cm tall (6′3), 1 about 10 who is 195 cm (6′5) and 1 about 50 who is 2 m (6′7). Is it right?
According to this study, I estimate the Croatian youthes are very tall in local high schools. Perhaps 4 boys about 10 who are 195cm or taller. Every Class has several tall guys who are 200cm or tower in there. As far as you know, Hervé, do you think my estimation is correct?
Hervé said on 20/Mar/13
I have no intetest for height in France, sorry...
Hervé said on 19/Mar/13
Yes, it seems me right, as the average is France among young men is now 178 cm and still more in the North. But don't forget that Dinaric people did not yet increase their height as much as Western Europeans, which means when the last ones stop (and it's the case in the Netherlands, for instance), they will go on reaching centimeters. So, they'll stay from far the tallest people in Europe...
issuetall said on 18/Mar/13
@Hervé: Hi, Hervé! I heard of Northern French youthes are tall. I have a friend who lived in Northern France, he told me that high school boys are much taller their parents now. The percentage is rough 30% young boys are under 180-, 180-185 :30% 185-188: 20%, 188-190:10%, 190+: 10%, Really? Since you are from Northern France, I hope you can judge that.
Hervé said on 12/Mar/13
Anyway, one of the tallest Croats of the history could be Bosnian Edhem KADUSIC (as muslims from Bosnia are from a huge part from Croatian descent). He was exactly 238 cm and 118 kg (I personnally know one of his nephews), born in 1917 in Domislica (region of Zenica), deceased in 1961. Was a farmer.
Hervé said on 11/Mar/13
Hey, issuetall ! You have all data you need about tall Croats just below (Frano Marasovic is 213 without shoes, Josip Mikulic is 211 and Matej Gaspert was 207 in september 2012)... What about Grgo Kusic, one of his relatives told me he was 237 cm, and another one 218 cm. So, it's difficult to know his exact height... Anyway, tennisman Ivo Karlovic is really 211 cm tall, and not 208 as officially listed...
issuetall said on 9/Mar/13
@Hervé, Hi,Hervé! I know some young croatian basketball player are 210 cm or taller:
Frano Marasovic C 2.16 16.08.1992 Split (CRO)
Josip Mikulic 213 1993 CRO
Petar Madunic C 2.11 23.07.1993 Split (CRO)
LONCAR, MARKUS C 211 CRO 08/04/1996
GASPERT, MATEJ C 210 CRO 05/07/1997
issuetall said on 9/Mar/13
@Hervé : Hi Hervé! I heard of the tallest croatian is Grgo Kusić (1892–1918),According to some accounts,his height reached 238cm.
Hervé said on 8/Mar/13
Not 116, but 119 ! Here they are :
* : still growing up at.: athletics bb. : basketball hb. : handball tn. : tennis vb. : volley-ball
1 ANDRIĆ Lukša 210/1985/Dubrovnik/bb.
2 BARIŠIĆ Danko 210/1985/Osijek/bb.
3 BEČA Bruno * 211?/1994/Zagreb?/bb.
4 BIBER Vjeko 215/1974/Split/bb.
5 BILAN Miro 213/1989/Šibenik/bb.
6 BILIĆ Ante 214/1956/Lovreć
7 BOBANOVIĆ Darko 218/1985/Rijeka/bb.
8 BORČIĆ Branko 210/1973/Mona Val(AUS)/bb.
9 BOTA Marin 215/1979/Ludwigshafen(GER)/bb.
10 BREKALO Kristijan 211/1985/Zagreb/bb.
11 BUDANOVIĆ Vedran 210/1977/Zadar/bb.
12 BULJUBAŠIĆ Mirko 211/1978/Metković/bb.
13 CINGEL Marko 212/1991/Našice/hb.
14 ČEČUK Milan 210/1979/Omiš
15 ČIRKO Ivan 210/1987/Trogir/bb.
16 ČOVIĆ Vedran 210/1978/Makarska/bb.
17 ĆURKOVIĆ Ivica 210/1966/Sinj
18 DELIĆ Nenad 210/1984/Split/bb.
19 DIVIĆ Josip 214/1980/Slavonski Brod/bb.
20 DOGAN Dino 212/1987/Osijek/bb.
21 DOLIĆ Stipe 211/1981/Sinj
22 ÐUGUM Ante 212/1988/Makarska/bb.
23 ÐUGUM Dragan 213/1985/Split/bb.
24 GOJEVIĆ-ZRNIĆ Zvonimir 213/1982/Zagreb/bb.
25 GOVIĆ Hrvoje 210/1988/Šibenik/bb.
26 GRBIN Peđa 210/1979/Pula/bb.
27 GRGAT Ivan 210/1974/Sinj/bb.
28 GUDELJ Mario 210/1984/Split/bb.
29 HENJAK Hrvoje 214/1978/Split/bb.
30 HORVATIĆ Silvio 213/1973/Zagreb/bb.
31 IVANKOVIĆ Danijel’ 210?/1963/Zagreb/bb.
32 JURIĆ Damir 211/1959/Split/bb. [son of Joško JURIĆ]
33 JURIĆ Joško 210/1935?/Split
34 KARLOVIĆ Ivo 211/1979/Zagreb/tn.
35 KASUN Mario 213/1980/Vinkovci/bb.
36 KAŠTROPIL Franko 211/1984/Blato/bb.
37 KODRIN Marko 213/1990/Karlovac/bb.
38 KOPLJAR Marko 210/1986/Požega/hb.
39 KRALJEVIĆ Marijan 212/1970/Pforzheim(GER)/bb.
40 KREČAK Marko 218/1984/Split/bb.
41 KRNČEVIĆ Vlado’ 214?/1952?/Zagreb/bb.
42 KROLO Ivan 217/1983/Osijek/bb.
43 KRSTULOVIĆ Željko 210/1963/Split
44 LAKOŠ Jere 220/1968/Šibenik/bb.
45 LALIĆ Jure 211/1986/Makarska/bb.
46 LIVAJIĆ Dario 211/1979/Split/bb.
47 LONČAR Krešimir 210/1983/Split/bb.
48 LOVRIĆ Josip 213/1968/Split/bb.
49 LOZANČIĆ Jure 211/1983/Split/bb.
50 MADUNIĆ Petar 211/1993/Split/bb.
51 MARASOVIĆ Frano 213/1992/Split/bb.
52 MARIJANOVIĆ Marino 214/1986/Zagreb/bb.
53 MILANOVIĆ Grgo 211/1990/Sinj/bb.
54 MIOČ Ante 212/1992/Zagreb/bb.
55 MOŽAR Igor 211/1984/Slavonski Brod/bb.
56 MUSTAPIĆ Željko 210/1978/Rijeka/bb.
57 NICEVIĆ Sandro 210/1976/Pula/bb.
58 NOVOSEL Darko 210/1989/Karlovac/bb.
59 PAPAC Ivan 210/1987/Vinkovci/bb.
60 PARAVINJA Miloš 210/1979/Pula/bb.
61 PEJČINOVIĆ Davor 211/1971/Altenkirchen(GER) /bb.
62 POJATINA Marijan 213/1981/Zagreb/bb.
63 POLJAK Joško 213/1978/Split/bb.
64 RAÐA Dino 210/1967/Split/bb.
65 RIBARIĆ Mario 214/1959/Sisak/bb.
66 SABLJIĆ Ivan 210/1989/Split/bb.
67 SEDLAR Igor 213/1984/Zagreb/bb.
68 SKELIN Mate 212/1974/Zagreb/bb.
69 SLAVICA Ante 212/1976/Šibenik/bb.
70 SLIVAR Filip 210/1987/Zagreb/bb.
71 ŠODA Toni 212/1988/Split/bb.
72 ŠOLIĆ Vicko 212/1978/Šibenik/bb.
73 ŠUNDOV Bruno 221/1980/Split/bb.
74 ŠVERKO Ivan 212/1992/Rijeka/bb.
75 TABAK Žan 213/1970/Split/bb.
76 TADIĆ Marko 212?/1993/Ðakovo/bb.
77 TOMIĆ Ante 215/1987/Dubrovnik/bb.
78 TONČINIĆ Filip 212/1984/Opatija/bb.
79 VISKOVIĆ Zoran 211/1975/Makarska/bb.
80 VLADIMIR Igor 210/1977/Metković/hb.
81 VLADOVIĆ Nikola 211/1987/Split/bb.
82 VRANKOVIĆ Stojko 217/1964/Drniš/bb.
83 VRSALJKO Denis 212/1982/Zadar/bb.
84 VRŽINA Hrvoje 219/1981/Split
85 VUČIĆ Hrvoje 210/1991/Split/bb.
86 VUJČIĆ Nikola 211/1978/Vrgorac/bb.
87 VUJIĆ Ivan 210/1977/Split/bb.
88 VUKIČEVIĆ Ivan 210/1993/Zagreb/bb.
89 VULIN Šime 210/1983/Šibenik/vb.
90 ZARADIĆ Ivan 211/1988/Šestanovac/bb.
91 ZUBČIĆ Tomislav 214/1990/Zadar/bb.
92 ŽAJA Ivica 210/1956/Aržano/bb.
93 ŽORIĆ Luka 210/1984/Zadar/bb.
00 BRZICA Marin * 209/1994/Split/bb.
00 BULJEVIĆ Lovro * 204/1998/Zagreb/bb.
00 GAŠPERT Matej * 207/1997/Rijeka/bb.
00 MARIĆ Marin * 208/1994/Split/bb.
00 RADUNIĆ Matej * 207/1996/Pula/bb.
00 VRANKOVIĆ Antonio * 208/1996/Minneapolis (USA)/bb. (son of 217 Stojko)
00 VUKIČEVIĆ Josip * 209/1997/Zadar/bb.
1 ARAPOVIĆ Franjo 215/1965/Slipčići/bb.
2 BAGARIĆ Dalibor 217/1980/Munich(GER)/bb.
3 BARAĆ Stanko 216/1986/Mostar/bb.
4 BLAŽEVIĆ Draženko 210/1963/Mostar/bb.
5 BRKIĆ Jozo 210/1986/Mostar/bb.
6 BUBALO Domagoj 211/1991/Mostar/bb.
7 JOVIĆ Antonio 211/1970/Stolac
8 JURKOVIĆ Ivan 210/1990/Čapljina/bb.
9 KALINIĆ Vedran 210/1982/Zenica/bb.
10 KRALJEVIĆ Filip 214/1989/Mostar/bb.
11 LONČAR Markus * 211/1996/Livno/bb.
12 MIHALJ Ivan 210/1990/Odžak/vb.
13 MIKULIĆ Josip 211/1993/Mostar/bb.
14 MILIČEVIĆ Zlatko 211?/1973/Jajce/bb.
15 NOVAK Mario 215/1989/Mostar/bb.
16 PILIĆ Jakov 210/1993/Split(CRO)/bb.
17 PLANINIĆ Darko 210/1990/Mostar/bb.
18 PRIMORAC Mladen 210/1990/Mostar/bb.
19 RIKIĆ Robert 217/1990/Mostar/bb.
20 ŠEKELJA Dragan 210/1991/Livno/bb.
21 VRANJEŠ Nediljko 210/1992/Posušje/bb.
00 ANTOLOVIĆ Stjepan * 206/1997/Zenica/bb.
00 ANTUNOVIĆ Sandro * 204/1998/Sarajevo/bb.
00 BENDER Dragan * 207?/1997/Čapljina?/bb.
00 ČOLAK Mateo * 203/1998/Mostar/bb.
00 JURKOVIĆ Valentin * 209/1994/Metković(CRO)/bb.
00 ZUBAC Ivica * 207/1997/Mostar/bb.
1 BULAT Boris 211/1988/Belgrade/bb.
1 KLEPO Milan 212?/1980/Ljubljana/bb.
1 BOGUT Andrija (Andrew) 212/1984/Mulgrave(AUS)/bb.
2 MARAS Robert 216/1978/Freiburg/Breisgau(GER)/bb.
3 RUBIĆ Denis 216/1975/New-York(USA)/bb.
1 BELIĆ (Josip ?) 210?/1955?/Split?
2 KOLOVRAT Ivan 210?/1945?/Imotski?
3 MEDIĆ Josip 210?/1972?/Šibenik? [brother of Mario MEDIĆ]
4 MEDIĆ Mario 210?/1973?/Šibenik?
5 SAMARDŽIĆ Filip 211?/1977/Zagreb?/bb.
1 BAGARIĆ Damir 210?/1975/Munich(GER) [brother od Dalibor BAGARIĆ (217/1980)]
2 KARAČIĆ Gordon 210?/1981/Sarajevo?/bb.
3 KRALJEVIĆ Željko 211?/1964/Ljubuški?
1 BENČEVIĆ Mato 211/1934/Bicko [+ 1983] [grandfather of Josip DIVIĆ (214/1980)]
2 BILIĆ Jakov 217?/1900?/Lovreć [+ 1969?]
3 BOGUT 220/?/? [+] [ancestor of Australian-Croat Andrew BOGUT (212/1984)]
4 ČERINA Ivan 213?/1964/Split?/bb. [+ 1984?]
5 ĆOSIĆ Krešimir 211/1948/Zagreb/bb. [+ 1995]
6 ÐUGUM Jozo 210/1886/Vrgorac [+ 1968] [great grandfather of Dragan ÐUGUM (213/1985)]
7 FARČIĆ Ferucijo 213?/1908?/Milna
8 IVKOVIĆ Stojan 210/1915/Bijeli Vir [+] [grandfather of Stojan IVKOVIĆ (207/1966/Dubrovnik)]
9 KOLOVRAT 215?/1920?/? [+] [great granduncle of Milan KOLOVRAT (207/1986/Zagreb)]
10 KUSIĆ Grgo 218?/1892/Grabovac [+ 1918] [also claimed 237 cm tall]
11 MIJOVIĆ Perica 210/1881/Ðurinići [+ 1942] [great grandfather of Perica MIJOVIĆ (209/1961)]
12 PEĆIRKO 220?/1890?/Petrinja [+] [great grandfather of Slobodan PEĆIRKO (207/1958/Zagreb)]
13 PETRIČEVIĆ Zvonko 210/1940/Prizren(KOS)/bb. [+ 2009]
14 SPRČIĆ Nikola 218/1902/Bijeli Vir [+ 1971]
15 TOMIĆ Matija 223/1739/Split? [+]
16 ANONYMOUS 210/?/Sućuraj [+] [exact measure of his skeleton]
1 HRGOVIĆ Petar 210?/1917/Livno [+ 1945]
2 MUSTAPIĆ Perica 210?/1920?/Stolac [+ 1945] [granduncle of Željko MUSTAPIĆ (206/1990/Sarajevo)]
1 BENČIĆ Martin 210?/1979/Bratislava(SLQ)/vb.
2 DABICH Michael 210?/1942/Lander(USA)/bb.
3 MARDESICH Mike 210/1977/Long Beach(USA)/bb.
4 REDIC Larrell 210?/1977/?(USA)/bb.
5 SMREK Mike 210?/1962/Welland(CAN)/bb.
6 STIPANOVICH Steve 210?/1960/Saint Louis(USA)/bb.
7 THOCOLICH John 223?/1982/Watkato(NZL)/bb.
8 TONKOVICH Andy 210?/1922/?(USA)/bb.
Hervé said on 8/Mar/13
At that day, I know exactly 116 (sure there are still more) ! And many youngsters are coming...
Bon_ said on 7/Mar/13
Herve, how much individuals who are 210 cm tall are there in Croatia?
Hervé said on 5/Mar/13
Not "draw", but DWARF (you should have understood anymay) !
Hervé said on 4/Mar/13
Yes, he's a former attached of embassy in Paris, now back in Croatia. Originally from Drnis (30 km north from Sibenik), a small town where people are extremely tall on average (about 187 cm for the youngsters), he told me once, as a matter of fact, that when being in Dalmatia, he felt himself sometimes a kind of "draw" beside men much taller than him...
issuetall said on 27/Feb/13
@Hervé : Hi! Hervé! Glad to see you come back! And you told another story if I remeberred correctly: you have a Croatian friends who is 200cm, and he worded as Croatian ambassador to France. He used to tell you that he usually has met a lot of guys are tower than him in his hometown(belong to Dalmatia). Even if he is 2 meter, he felt not tall in there. Could you tell this story again? I am so interested in it.
Hervé said on 21/Feb/13
@issuetall : Hey, my friend ! The name of the guy was Olivier CABON (2,09 m, 1972). So, he spent some days in the town of Makarska (60 km south-east from Split, Dalmatia) during the summer 2000. He told me his kind of "frustration" when nobody there seemed to notice his height (when elsewhere, he was the attraction in the streets) and the number of men 2 m tall, which seemed to him the same as the ones 1,90 m in France. But his biggest surprise was some evening when, arriving to a night club, he met in the entrance three guys even taller than him ! Quite incredible ! Take care !
M said on 1/Feb/13
In this video, Dave says that Krist is 6' 7 1/2" at 1:04:
Click Here
issuetall said on 29/Dec/12
@Hervé: Hi! Herve, I remeberred you said that you have a French friend who is basketball player, and he is 209cm. When he visited to a small city in Dalmatia, he felt frustrated, cause a lot of Croatians he had met are over 200cm, his height in there is just so so.
Could you describe the interesting story specifially, again?
getting_taller said on 17/Nov/12
Rob, Krist could be 6'8", Dave even mentioned it in a concert. Look at this pic with 6'0" Dave Grohl, he's just an inch above Krist's chin lol Dave looks so small. Rob?
Click Here
Hervé said on 12/Sep/12
The three goalkeepers of Football Club Hajduk (Split, Croatia) for 2012/2013 : Goran Blazevic (2,01 m, age 26), Lovre Kalinic (2,01 m, age 22) and Pavao Vugdelija (2,01 m, age 25)...
pochy said on 23/Aug/12
@ Vlad Yes. Got the same impression as you. In some Montenegrin towns you very rarely stumble across a male under 6'3/6'4....if you have to bet the age of a male shorter than 6'1, you'd better bet an age under 15 years. Of course girls are VERY tall too. Montenegrins are definitely the tallest in Europe. I wonder why someone still insists with the Dutch.
vlad said on 16/Aug/12
i have been to montenegro this summer, as i do to visit my family, and the people by the coast are tall, like you see a lot of 6 ft 10 ppl and the occasional giant lurching at 7 ft, but you have to go to central montenegro to really see the giants, i was driving in a town there, and we saw like 3 7 footers all walking together and a 6 ft 6 girl in a span of 2 blocks, and you see a lot of big guys. they are also very tall in niksic and podgorica, both cities i have been too. if you want the REAL montenegrin experience, go inland to see niksic and podgorica and tara canyon, the second biggest canyon in the world to grand canyon, only 200 meters more shallow then the grand canyon, niksic and podgorica are not attractive cities, as poor apartment blocks lined with run down and abandoned buildings, leaking with water along the sides. but town center is a great experience. dt niksic is the worst place to pick a bar fiht, youll fight 7 foot cowboys every time. montenegrins look unique , and you can tell a local apart from a tourist anytime, even white tourists. having gone to croatia many times, montenegrins are muchhhhh taller, and would tower over croatians
Hervé said on 14/Aug/12
As previewed, Croatian water-polo team won the gold medal at London 2012...
Hervé said on 25/Jul/12
Look at the Croatian water-polo team's heights in London 2012 : 187 cm, 190 cm, 192 cm, 195 cm, 196 cm, 198 cm, 199 cm, 200 cm, 200 cm, 200 cm, 202 cm, 203 cm, 205 cm... Good luck to other opponents !
Hervé said on 24/Jul/12
Hey, issuetall ! In a country with 60 millions inhabitants, it's not so difficult to fond a lot of big men. Of course, young generations in France are taller than olders. But we are still far away from Dinarics, as they are themselves taller and taller...
issuetall said on 8/Jun/12
@Herve: Are you here? Did you hear of a U18 basketball game had been hosted 3 weeks ago, in Germany. France sent a team.
this list of U18 basketball team in France is so tall
Name Born Height Position Club
Alexandre Chassang 22.11.1994 203 cm Forward Centre Fédéral de Basketball
Vincent Couzigou 11.02.1994 197 cm Forward Elan Bearnais Pau Lacq Orthez
Boris Dallo 12.03.1994 195 cm Guard Centre Fédéral de Basketball
Kevin Harley 20.04.1994 197 cm Forward Stade Poitevin Basketball
Mouhamadou Jaiteh 27.11.1994 206 cm Center Centre Fédéral de Basketball
Benjamin Meri 29.11.1994 204 cm Center ES Chalon Sur Saone
Antoine Pesquerel 16.02.1994 213 cm Center Centre Fédéral de Basketball
Guillaume Plas 10.03.1994 200 cm Forward Saint Thomas Basket Le Havre
Anthony Racine 11.01.1994 190 cm Guard Centre Fédéral de Basketball
Louison Thomas 17.01.1994 204 cm Forward Stade Poitevin Basketball
Tristan Toneguzzo 06.05.1994 203 cm Forward OL Antibes Basket Amateur
All of them are born in 1994, no one is under 190cm.The average of height of the team is 202cm, which is even taller the French adult national team(about 200cm). For this point, I think that French young boys are generally higher than their old generations.
issuetall said on 8/Jun/12
@jovan: I believe what you said. Many people who visited montenegro always insist this viewpoint is that the montenegro people are very tall, extremely tall. I don't think each signle one is liar.
Alexander said on 9/Feb/12
He's and head and neck above cobain and a head above grohl. I think he's 6-8
pochy said on 2/Feb/12
@radek. No. I was in Groningen. It should be close to the towns you mentioned. People of Groningen are not as tall as Dalmatians.
who the hell cares said on 18/Jan/12
seriously, who the **** cares about which country has the tallest people? take your arguments somewhere people might care. this box here? it's designated for comments about KRIST NOVOSELIC. not Croatia, or some other Balkan country. has this seriously become a competition over which country has the tallest men? would you all just please drop it? -__- this is not an intriguing topic of debate, nor will it ever be an interesting topic of debate.
jovan said on 15/Jan/12
i go to montnegro-serbia-montenegro every summer, my dad is 6,3- 6,4. he is taller then bessicly 90-95 percent of all torontonians. But when he goes to montenegro he seems SOOO short. OMG, i even hear him talking to his cousin about it,his cousin is like 6,4 6,5. And I went there this year, I am 13 turning 14 in like 1 week and I don't remember more then 5 people being shorter then my dad, and not that much shorther. Everon eis SOOO much taller then my dad there and compared to like 99 percent of Montenegrins he is a dwarf. just saying.
Jay said on 6/Jan/12
Is this even about Krist anymore?
Harry M said on 6/Jan/12
im 6'4 just 14.3 years old and size 14 us in shoe size
radek said on 14/Dec/11
pochy says on 7/Sep/11
No. Dalmatians are taller than Dutch. Go and visit South Croatia + Montenegro, then visit Holland, and then you'll change your mind.
No Its wrong most people who visit holland only go to places like amsterdam and rotterdam, which are around 50% of foreign origin people, and out of the 50% of ethnic dutch the dutch/indo mixed are considered by goverment as natives, therefore real dutch in amsterdam/rotterdam/den haag are below 50%, in comparison montenegro is about 99.9% natives. Go to leeuwarden or sneek in northern netherlands, people there are by far the tallest you can encounter anywhere in the world, montenegrins dont even come close, the ethnic dutch, specially the ones from northern/northeastern regions are not only quite distinctive for their huge average height(as they are by far the tallest in europe) but also for having the regions with highest concentration of natural blond people anywhere in the world, you can find far more extremely tall/extremely blond people in norther-netherlands than you would do in most of scandinavia.
dzeko said on 5/Dec/11
im bosnian and 16 years old and im 1.85m tall and growing fast....
kino said on 25/Oct/11
lithuanians are actually very tall and underestimated here. definitelly not shorter than serbs or croats.
Civis Batavi said on 25/Sep/11
Albanians and Montenegrins are the tallest on the planet i believe.
issuetall said on 14/Sep/11
@Shawn Yeah, he is tallest basketball player in Montenegro. But I don't know whether the new negeration(15-18 years old) are over 210cm in Montenegro. If anybody knows that, please introduce those Montenegro youth giant.
Shawn said on 14/Sep/11
Herve says on 9/Sep/11
Slavko Vranes is 229 cm tall
Herve said on 9/Sep/11
Yes, Vincent Pourchot is exactly 2,22 m, but stopped growing up now...
pochy said on 7/Sep/11
No. Dalmatians are taller than Dutch. Go and visit South Croatia + Montenegro, then visit Holland, and then you'll change your mind.
joe said on 11/Aug/11
The height could be right. He is a head taller than Dave Grohl on photos. I think he lost some height. I would say nowaydays he is 198cm. I dont know why you talk so much about Croatians. There are tall guys everywhere not only in Eastern Europe. By the way Dutchman are the tallest people.
issuetall said on 8/Aug/11
Hi,Herve! Did you know the Vincent Pourchot is chosen in French U20 basketball team. The team is very tall in this year.8 players are over 200CM, and 3 guys in it are above 210CM. Perhaps this line-up is the one of the tallest teams on their age in the all U20 teams in the whole countries,which excludes the Théo who is just 180CM. The rest of official 12 guys are so giant, let's see the list:
Evan FOURNIER 2.00 1992
Rudy GOBERT 2.13 1992
Romain HILLOTTE 1.94 1991
Henry KAHUDI 1.94 1991
Joffrey LAUVERGNE 2.10 1991
Maí«l LEBRUN 1.96 1991
Kevin MENDY 2.02 1992
Vincent POURCHOT 2.22 1992
Ferdinand PRENOM 2.03 1991
Axel TOUPANE 2.00 1992
Leo WESTERMANN 1.97 1992
Wilfried YEGUETE 2.03 1991
The average hegiht of these 12 guys is 202.8cm, I'v never seen any other U20 teams are taller than it.
Congratulations France!
Chris said on 27/Jun/11
lol.I didn't know he was so tall.I taught he was like 6'1 or something...
Herve said on 11/May/11
Herzegovinians probably, because they are all at least 185 cm on average (even 186-187 in Trebinje) while Dalmatians are in some areas 183-184, like in Zadar or Dubrovnik...
Bon_ said on 29/Apr/11
Herve, who is taller, Dalmatians or Herzegovinians?
I have Herzegovinians in my family and they are of 'normal' height mostly(~180 cm), and I remember when I was a kid we always used to say that the people from Lika are the tallest. But obviously they aren't.
Herve said on 1/Apr/11
Thanks for this info, Lika... True, Licani are very tall, but not as much as Dinarci...
Lika said on 31/Mar/11
Serb with roots to Lika here. I'm 6'5, some of my cousins reach 6'8", others are only 5'9". Licanje are usually tall, but Dinarac are usually the tallest
pochy said on 28/Mar/11
No. 176 average is totally wrong for Lithuans, also considering the oldest people. I wonder who did such kind of statistics...Maybe at the beginning of 1900. Everyone could check that Lithuans are well above 180cm average. Herve's right.
Herve said on 28/Mar/11
Hey, jsmith230, it's OK, I'll send you soon a message...
Herve said on 25/Mar/11
Hey, Linas ! Everybody knows that Lithuanians are very tall people. I once read the average of young men was there about 1,83 m (176,3 m regards maybe all the generations together or an older one). It seems to me much, but why not ? I'm not a specialist about this country. But according to several testimonies, Lithuanians are not as tall as Dinarics...
Linas said on 23/Mar/11
Herve, what would you say about lithuanians (sub-ethno group of "baltics")? The average male height - 176,3 cm, but here grew so tall basketball players like Arvydas Sabonis 2,23 m (1964), Zydrunas Ilgauskas 2,21 m (1975), Martynas Andriuskevicius 2,18 m (1986), Giedrius Rinkevicius 2,18 m (1983), Ovidijus Galdikas 2,17 m (1987), Eurelijus Zukauskas 2,16 m (1973), Darius Silinskis 2,16 m (1984), Antanas Vilcinskas 2,15 m (1975)... Here the only examples of those, that i personally know equal or greater then 2,15 m. Population of lithuanian - 2,7 millions habitants.
Herve, do you have any data or opinion on this matter. Thanks.)
Damian said on 20/Mar/11
I was shopping in our local Tesco store this afternoon and I saw many guys ffom what I assumed to be Eastern Europe there and some of them were extremely tal. I happen to be much shorter than the average adult male but these guys were especially tall - about 195cm at least, perhaps a lot taller, say 200cm+ It seems they come mainly from Poland and the Baltic countries, but perhaps also the Balkans, where I know for sure many of the males are virtually giants. Maybe it's something in the water there! I think it's great.
Herve said on 15/Mar/11
I agree with you ! But the data I got are true...
pochy said on 12/Mar/11
There are too many posts to read, and I do not trust all these data. I just trust my eyes. Clearly Dalmatians are the tallest in Europe. and second ones are Dutch and Lythuans. In all these three areas the percentage of people above 195cm is impressive. But Dalmatians are the tallest.
Herve said on 11/Mar/11
Yes, the new French generation is tall enough (I'd say 178-179 cm on average for the generation 18/25 years old)? Anyway, young men and women are taller and taller. That's an evidence. An English friend of mine confirmed it by estimating that young Frenchmen are now as tall as Englishmen, which was not the case for the older generations... But I can't believe that French people could be taller than Croats on average !
issuetall said on 10/Mar/11
@Herve: How about the French new generations' height? I guess most them must be tower than their old ones. I've seen some French movies and videos on web, I feel the French youths are also tall(It's just my own eye measure).
Herve said on 10/Mar/11
Igor is his given name (ime), Vladimir his family name (prezime). I know him personnally...
Bon_ said on 8/Mar/11
Igor Vladimir? That's his surname? Because it sounds like two names
Herve said on 8/Mar/11
Yes, Bon, and Croatia has some players this tall : Kopljar, of course, who is really 210, but also Igor Vladimir (2,10 m, 1977, Metkovic) and Goran Gorenac (2,09 m, 1987, Koper). Don't forget either that Robert Rikic (2,17 m) played handball till 16 years old (in the Croatian national cadet team), like Kresimir Loncar (2,10 m, 1983, Split)...
Bon_ said on 4/Mar/11
Herve there is a handball player who I think really is 210 cm as listed - Marko Kopljar. In handball listings are very accurate in fact.
Herve said on 4/Mar/11
Yes, he's a good prospect, still growing up (last year 220, now 222, maybe more, but I am in touch with him)... Sure the centers' height will be still improving more, following the increasing of height average. And I hope Croatia will soon have such a big man about 220 and more...
issuetall said on 2/Mar/11
Thank Herve and Bon_ for your answer.
Herve, you introduced Vincent Pourchot who is the tallest basketball player now, I hope the French basketball club does not waste his hegiht, make sure he will be strong center in the French national team. Nowadays, Height suppression is turnning into a trend in the basketball world, Vincent is a tall talent player, if the coach pays attention to develop him, he will make the French national team will be not afraid of any tall center in other countries. Like in other European countries, we need more 215cm+ and 220cm+ basketball players to face future.
Hervé said on 1/Mar/11
I think that each country has different human heights according to its own geography (this is the case in Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Spain, Italy, etc.). As a Frenchman, I can give you more details : as a matter of fact, people from north and east of France are taller than in other parts, mainly the southern one. Why ? The French people living in the northern and eastern parts have mixed roots, but especially German ones (for example, the Franks settled mainly in the north and the Burgundians in the east). From my mother side (Burgundy), I can say that people are often tall and blond (I am 46 years old and 183 cm tall : my grand uncles were all above 180 cm)... But in the south, you have a lot of Latin people, due mainly (since a century), to Italians, Spaniards, then Maghrebians who came there. When I am there, I also feel tall...
Bon_ said on 27/Feb/11
@ issuetall, here's how it is, I know very good all parts of Croatia:
1)South(Dalmatia) is the tallest, of course, but still the stats show average is 179 cm. What's interesting in Dalmatia you will se many frickin tall men but also the shortest individuals can be found there. For example, I know a guy who is 148 cm tall from there. One my cousin from Dalmatia is 170 cm tall. Short guys there are fairly common, it's a genetic rulet.
2)North-Western part(kajkavians) - statistically the shortest, in Koprivnica and Čakovec counties average for men is only 172 cm. The capital of Zagreb is located in this part of Croatia, and although it's a mix of whole Croatia and many from Bosnia and other from Balkans, still the kajkavian natives prevail.
I would guess the average for whole north-western Croatia is some 174-175 cm.I include Istria and Rijeka in this part also.
3) Slavonia, the north-eastern part. I am from here, so I can tell you here people are mostly of moderate tallish stature, like 178 cm. You'll rarely see very short people( they mostly happen to be of southern German origin), and you'll rarely see people 195 cm+, but they are not a weird thing to see - mostly those extremely tall people have origins in the southern, Dinaric region, there are many people with origins in Herzegovina, and Dalmatia to a lesser extent.
issuetall said on 27/Feb/11
Herve, Thank you for explaining my questionis. I have another theory of my own, there are big difference height among different regions even in the same country. Like people from the Dalmatia are taller than the other counterpart in Ctoatia. Or like in France( I heard of you are French), once one of my colleague visired France, then he told me the Northeast part is tall in France, it is commonly to see many people are 6' or taller in there, but when he moved in the Southern rigions, he saw only a few of guys above 5'11. Please judge if it is the correct?
Bon_ said on 26/Feb/11
I thought i posted a comment here, but it didn't show up? Or maybe my memory doesn't serve me well. I hope it's just that, or Rob is beggining to use some Gestapo methods.If not, then I apologize.
anyway Herve, as you know I'm not quite buying this 'new generation' thing, maybe the new generations grow faster but not particularly taller.
Herve said on 25/Feb/11
I think 185 cm must be a good average for the young Dinaric men today, even if in some places, they are taller (mainly Drnis in Dalmatia, Trebinje in Herzegovina and Niksic in Montenegro). The average height of 176 cm in Croatia seems also very strange to me, even if it comes from an official inquiry. But I say it again, it concerns all the generations, while the one in Germany of 180 cm only regards young people. But "issuetall", don't worry, Croats from Dalmatia and Herzegovina are much taller that Germans or Australians...
issuetall said on 24/Feb/11
Herve says on 18/Feb/11
... Joking more or less...
Even if he exaggeratted, it can aslo proof people can see many guy over 2 meter in Croatia, and the proportion of giant is higher than the most other parts of the world.
issuetall said on 24/Feb/11
To Bon_:
the average height in Croatia is 176 cm,
the average height in Germany is 180 cm,
the average height in Australia is 178cm
But why I always feel most Croats are taller then most Germen and Australian. Even some Germen and Australian I knew who told to me the Croats are very tall.
It's very strange..... I'm confused.
issuetall said on 24/Feb/11
Herve says on 15/Feb/11
The official average in the Dinaric Alps comes from my own investigations in this region that I communicated to a French anthropologist who published them. But it's more an estimation than a sure data (it would be too long to explain that here).
Herve, how to explain this? Please tell me, I want to know that.As far as I'm concerned, 185.6cm is not overevalued the data that the arveage height of youths(male) in the Dinaric Alps.
issuetall said on 24/Feb/11
To Bon_:
I still say maybe you are right. I know the average height never be 190, but it doesn't mean a guy is around 6'4 feel himself is "very tall". Because everyone lives in different surroundings even in the same country, ot even in the same ciry. Perhaps, in the same city,a guy who is 6'5 feels most his friends are the same size as himself, or taller him, he doesn't feel tall, then a guy who is 5'10 finds most of his friends are shorter than him, so he feel tall. I have found everyone has his/her own different "standard of tall", maybe it is the reason that no one lives the same enviorment.
issuetall said on 24/Feb/11
Sorry to Herve and Bon_
because I am a little busy recently, not reply you immediately.
To Herve: Thank you answer my question. I have my own comment:China, which near to Russia, has 1.5 billion people, it is 5 times population more than USA, YES, it has many giants over 210cm,but I don't think the number of giant above 210 in china can be over USA or Russia. I visited those three country, seen a lot of 2 meter guys in USA and Russia, but rarely in china. As far as I' concrened,I assume that the 1st rank that has most number giants may be USA or Russia, china can reach the third one.
BYW: the average height of Russian volleyball team is the NO.1 in all of country ( height is 203cm)
francesco said on 22/Feb/11
yas i am italian but i dont live in italy right now
Anonymous said on 22/Feb/11
Aren't you from Italy, francesco? I remember your comment where you said you from Italy.
francesco said on 21/Feb/11
look anonymous shut up bcs i live in region between dalmatia herzegovina and montenegro and here at 194 cm i dont feel u got? in my region live the tallest men in the whole planet.....we are taller then dutch in northern provinces and even of african tribes (dinka masaai and tutsi) u see many men over 1.90 and 2 metres is common shut up please
Anonymous said on 21/Feb/11
This page for
trolls or something? 2 meter feels like a dwarf? 194cm and average? Stupid
trolls are stupid
francesco said on 21/Feb/11
well bon u are right
Bon_ said on 21/Feb/11
Maybe you don't feel it because many guys are of your height but in the end you are way above average.
francesco said on 19/Feb/11
i am 21 years old and at 194 cm(my height) i would not even considered tall in dinaric alps region between guys age 18-25......incredible....
Herve said on 18/Feb/11
... Joking more or less...
Bon_ said on 17/Feb/11
2 meters and feels like a dwarf? That's fact it's ridiculous and he was probably joking
Herve said on 16/Feb/11
No, I did not measure them of course, but asked them (or father and son for Arapovic) ! What's about your cousin, probably I'll never know him if we have to wait for 3 or 4 years more... but I understand your point of view. When I wrote until 77 years old, it was just an expression for including all generations. So maybe it was until 60, I don't know exactly. Anyway, there must not be a huge height difference between people born in 1950 and others in 1940 or before... One of my Croatian friends working 3 years ago at the Croatian Ambassy in Paris told me once he sometimes felt like a dwarf (!) at home while he's exatcly 2 m tall... So I guess it's not that ridiculous when 6'4-6'7 Croats say they don't feel tall. Sure they are, but not so much in fact...
Anonmyous said on 15/Feb/11
herve, are you sure that 176 cm includes 77-year olds...i thought it's for adult men from 18-60, which would be very representative in fact
Anonmyous said on 15/Feb/11
Average will certainly never be 190, unless, I say, women start to radically pick men based on height. There are certain phenotypes, each of them with their fixed heights, if a man is a mix of 3 phenotypes, his height is a mix of those three heights(for example, 180+175+185=180). it works even for my grandfather's generation, so I'm skeptical about this 'new generation' thing...there might be some politics evolved even.
that's a little from physical anthropology what i've researched. the tallest 'unmixed' types are two paleolithic types, you can see them in carleton coon races of europe-phorographic supplement- upper paleolithic survivors in morocco.
the last type and that 'very blond youth' description under the picture. very ancient types i would say, unmixed height over 8 feet i would say, but it's very hard to find them unmixed of course.
6'4'-6'7 Croats not feeling tall is absolutely ridiculous. whoever starts this crap, it should be cut off.
Concerning Rikić and Arapović - have you measured them, Herve?
And about my cousin - I will follow his development still a little, then let you know surely if he clears 210. i don't want to hype things around him in that tender age.
Herve said on 15/Feb/11
OK, I have many questions to answer... First, Bon, if your 15/204 cousin is Croat, let me know his name please (plus birth date and place)... 176 cm on average in Croatia regards all the generations (from 18 to 77...) in all the counties (Slovenia, Istria, Dalmatia...). But if we consider the youngest ones, it must be about 179-180, I think... From my own, I don't believe Croatian people have reached their maximum in height : first it's obvious than younger generations are taller and taller ; secondly, they were not yet "feed" by western products increasing height as it appeard especially in the Netherlands... Many sites give wrong stats about the players' heights, but I can affirm you, as I control it every time, that Arapovic is really 215 and Rikic 217 (217,5). No doubt about that ! Normally, when you are measured in the morning, you are not 1 cm shorter, but taller !... I think the country which has the greatest number of 210 cm tall men should be, proportianally to the population, either the USA or (yes !) China ! All the former countries of Yugoslavia together should appear in a good rank, but I don't think the first one (only 20-25 millions of inhabitants), then Russia, Netherlands and Germany (and sure India, due again to the large population)... The official average in the Dinaric Alps comes from my own investigations in this region that I communicated to a French anthropologist who published them. But it's more an estimation than a sure data (it would be too long to explain that here). The fact that 6'4-6'7 Croats don't feel tall among youngers does not mean that the average should be more than 185,5... Anyway, sure it is not (yet) 190...
Bon_ said on 13/Feb/11
@ issuetall
i doubt they are really significantly taller, you are probably just amazed like 'wow, look at these 15-year olds, they are so tall' and in fact those are probably a few early bloomers who already reach their final height. that is typical clichee crap like that old saying 'look at these youths, they are so spoiled, my generation was so much better'.
I don't know for Eastern Europe proper(Russia, Romania ?) but Central European countries like Croatia, Slovenia and Czech Republic have reached their genetic top long time ago, probably in generations born somewhere in 60-s. I was born in 1989 in Croatia and I think I've never really met a person here who was forced to starve by atleast few days, not talking about the extreme situations like being lost in the mountains of course.
And I sincerely doubt the average in Croatia will ever get anything significantly more than 176 cm, just as in vast majority of European countries.
Those are simply genetic reasons.
issuetall said on 12/Feb/11
To Bon_
Perhaps you are right, but compare to the youths(17-18 years old), I have noticed most of them are taller than my generations(23-25). And look back on the history of NBA or NCAA, for example,2 meter could be centre in baskerball teams before 50 years ago, but now if you want to be a useful centre, you must be 210cm at least.
And I agree that genetic potential in the western and northern Europe has reached it's top. But like Balkan states and other eastern Europe, since they are not devepoled counties, the new generations in those counties still have potential.
I deem the average of Croats will be above 176cm if the Crotian parents pay attention to their children's height.
issuetall said on 12/Feb/11
Thank Herve for intrduceing these information. They are interesting!
Another two questions to ask Herve:
1: Do you think which country has the most numbers of giants above 210CM? USA? Russia? Holland? UK? France? Sweden? Norway? German? or Ex-Yugoslavia?
2: As the acceptable data indicates that the average height in Dalmatia is around 6'1(185cm), but why my some friends who is between 6'4-6'7 from there, they told me they never feel tall when they were among youths? What's the reason, the visual error or others?
Bon_ said on 12/Feb/11
Herve I have a cousin who is 15.4 years old and 204 cm tall barefoot, if he clears 210 cm I will let you know OK?
Bon_ said on 12/Feb/11
No, they new generations are not getting taller and taller, that is absolute bunk, generations born somewhere around in 50's already had proper nutrition.
if this generation is significantly taller, then the next one will be shorter, unless women start to radically pick men based on height.
Genetic potential in western world, including Croatia, has already reached it's top.
Btw the average in Croatia is 176 cm, those are official stats.
Herve, concerning Arapović and Rikić...I've found some sites which state that Arapović is 211 cm and Rikić 214 cm. If they measured it in the morning, they could even be 1 cm shorter.
Herve said on 11/Feb/11
And don't forget Serbian giants who are now at least 167 according to my own stats, from whose 107 in Serbia !!!
Herve said on 11/Feb/11
By the way, the tallest French basketball players are Vincent Pourchot (2,22 m, 1992, still growing up), then Olivier Gouez (2,19 m, 1984)...
Herve said on 11/Feb/11
Besides, I know "only" 35 men in Montenegro 210 cm tall or more (for about 620 000 inhabitants) while they are 80 in Dalmatia (with 845 000 inhabitants). This is just an indication, not a proof, but...
Herve said on 11/Feb/11
What is about Montenegro where I contacted a lot of sport's teachers these lat years, I am not so sure that Montenegrins are taller in average than Dalmatians. For example, if you go to Niksic, the height will be there a little above the one of Split (186 vs. 185). But except Podgorica (185), in the other places such as Pljevlja, Bijelo Polje, Berane, Budva, etc., it will be lower (183-184), excepted for the region of Herceg Novi which was "colonized" after World War II by Serbs from Herzegovina (186)... Herve
Herve said on 11/Feb/11
Yes, of course, in, let's say, 10 or 20 years, the number of Croats 210 cm tall and more will have increased about at least 7 or 8 persons more a year. It could have been much more if (this is a real problem nowadays in Croatia) the demography was not going down so dramatically... Herve.
issuetall said on 11/Feb/11
Hi! Herve, I'm glad to see you back. You are the one of most objevtive in celebheight.
To Bon and Herve. With the younger croatian are taller and taller, they can increase the total, then, I deem that the 150-200 Croatian above 210cm are believable. Perhaps 400 Croats will be above 210cm after 50 years, since most youths are taller than their parents. But now it isn't.
What do you think?
Anonymous said on 9/Feb/11
Yes, I am here, Bon, after a long while far from this site... As I know all these Croatian giants personnally (or more rarely, one of their parents), I can answer to your questions. Franjo Arapovic is exactly 215 cm (without shoes, of course), while his son Marko is already 201 at 14... No, Robert Rikic is not the tallest Croat as he told me three months ago he's "only" 217,5 cm, while Bruno Sundov is 221 (1980), then Jere Lakos 220 (1968)... 400 Croats at 210 cm and more seems to me exagerated. I know exactly 109 of them at that day. So, I'd say maybe 150, but 400 ???
Bon said on 23/Jan/11
Herve, are you here? What about Robert Rikić, he's said to be the tallest living Croat at legit 7'3? How tall is he really do you know?
Bon said on 17/Jan/11
though it may be just like 150 in the end. For example, Croatian basketballer Franjo Arapovic is known to be 215 cm(7'1), but I found that he is also listed at 211(6'11). I wouldn't be surprised if in reality he's even under 210, alot of basketballers seem to exagerrate their heights.
monologue said on 31/Dec/10
Bon says on 20/Nov/10
@ Herve I don't think there are just 150 Croats 210 and taller, in everyday life + famous people I've already seen them about 30. Perhaps 400 is a better estimate.
I agree. I've seen a data says that the number of people growed above 210cm in ex-Yugoslavia(Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina) is 200 times more than the ones in japan. Even if these are 10 men are above 210cm in japan, we still have 2000 people are 210 or taller, and it's just rough estimate.
Now, maybe 500 Croats are 210cm is mostly guessing.
Bon said on 20/Nov/10
@ Herve I don't think there are just 150 Croats 210 and taller, in everyday life + famous people I've already seen them about 30. Perhaps 400 is a better estimate.
BOB said on 13/Jun/09
Come on Herve, this guy (Igor Cukrov) is from Split.He is definitely taller than 175. Maybe 182 is right for him.
Herve said on 12/Jun/09
Hey gfab and other friends, if you want my e-mail, just write Arcuato to : balkan2012 (e-mail hotmail). Bye !
Herve said on 27/May/09
No, Drag, I don't know but, according to some photos, I'd say about 175 cm.
Drag said on 26/May/09
Herve do u know actually how tall he is? i would really appreciate this!
Herve said on 26/May/09
Sure he's not as tall as other Croatian singer from Split, Petar GRASO (1,96 m), or Serbian singer Igor STAROVIC (2,01 m)...
Drag said on 25/May/09
hello guys! does anyone has an idea about how tall is Igor Cukrov, whi represented Croatia at Eurovision 2009? He is from Split, but he does not look very tall....
Arcuato said on 24/May/09
I put my adress to have contact among all the people that are interested in stay in split/dalmatia (job/house helping blablabla). Bye ;)
Arcuato said on 23/May/09
Herve/fgab please write me at balkan2012 (e-mail hotmail)
Vepar said on 19/May/09
Zagreb should be between highest and shortest in Croatia,it's a 'melting pot'
Herve said on 14/May/09
Hey gfab and all friends ! I don't have any sure stats about human height in Bosnia (without Herzegovina), but according to what I could read in the past and notice nowadays, I'd say it should be between 180 and 182 for young men. I asked once muslim Alen BESLAGIC (210 cm, 1972) if people were taller in his native Tuzla or in his hometown Zagreb. He answered me with no hesitation : Tuzla ! If we consider the average to be 180-182 cm in Zagreb, sure it must be higher in Tuzla. But I tell you again, I can't affirm anyhing about that. Bye !
gfab said on 13/May/09
Hi friends! I had an unexpected opportunity to join some friends going to Plitvicka Jezera (sorry if I mispelled) so I was in Croatia again (three days). That area does not seem particularly impressive as to height (whilst it is as to lakes!!). People seem as tall as in Zagreb, I'd say that the average is not over 182-183cm (which is anyway remarkable if we reason on european scale). I guess that in the north of Bosnia, which is quite close to where I was, people should be as tall as I found in Pivlicka J, so confirming Herve's data on Herzegovinans being taller than Bosnians. But this is just a supposition, I never was in Bosnia. Arcuato, thanks for your report, so now you too are in "Herve team" (thinking that Croats are the tallest) :-) Bye
Herve said on 11/May/09
Thanks, Vepar, for your interesting testimony. It's amazing to learn that height difference between Dinarics and Pannonians is decreasing more and more due to what you call exactly " Dinaricization " of Slavonia. Best regards to all my Croatian friends !
Vepar said on 9/May/09
Hi,I am from Slavonia,town called Pozega.I was very interested in height when i was 17 and 1/2.And i knew exactly the height of each male in my class.Here is the list:
199,197,194,190,3 times 188,186,185,2 times 184,183,179,176,174.
My calculator says average is 186.3 .
Of course :),the 5 tallest ones originate from Herzegovina and Dalmatia,to be precise-4 of them from Herzegovina,1 from Dalmatia(town of Sinj).They were at that time mostly exactly 18 years old,some of them 17 and a half.
I also originate from Dalmatia,and I have 25% of original Slavonian ancestry,and i am between 184 and 185-i took 184,not to loose anything.
So yes,the key factor for growing of Slavonia was the 'Dinaricization'.But you must keep in mind that really many Slavonians originate from there-i would say 35-55%,depending on area.If we add Bosnians,who are also close to Dinarics-and many of them have far origins from Dinarics,it is even more.
Concerning other classes,in my generation,i think other classes are not SO tall,but close,let's say 183-184 on average.
That was 2,5 years ago.Concerning newer generations,i know that in my friend's class,who is now 18,out of some 15 boys,there are 2 of them taller than 2m.
And that my friend,which is ironical,is extraordinary short(166) for Croatian standards,although he is of Herzegovinian ancestry .
Herve said on 9/May/09
OK Arcuato, I am glad you realized by yourself what gfab and I told you many times on this forum. Newt time, try to go to Trebinje (Herzegovina) and you'll see people still taller than in Split... Bye !
Doug said on 5/May/09
LOL Split and Amsterdam, land of giants.
Arcuato said on 5/May/09
Hey friends, I come back for my holidays in dalmacia (Split) as I announced before. First to say that still in love with the balkans :). For the conclusions about that we're talking Amsterdam vs Split I have to say that the yourgers in Split that I saw in the discotheque are AT MINIMUN as tall as in Amsterdam, in my opnion taller. If you compare the ranges of ages for me the people in split are taller than the people in Amsterdam. Another thing that I have to say is that in my opinion there are more young people in the streets of Amsterdam than in the streets of Split (included the tourist that visit Amsterdam that are in general youngers than the people who visit Split), and it's may be the cause that the perception would be hard to determine. Respect at the youngers at disco: Split youngers are taller. Respect the city and the people: LOVELY , I will come back to stay long time as I can and I will try to learn croatian. Byez ;)
gfab said on 22/Apr/09
Hi friends. Avg_or_short, it is funny to be in Dalmatia, don't think about dwarfness or giantness, not in such terms. Simply you will look around and you will note that your head must be inclined more than usual in order the cross the eyes of other people :-) Or you will think (such as me, the first minutes I was there) that men and women use shoes with very high heels! After some days one does not note anymore the incredible height of dalmatians, (of course human beings become accustomed to new experiences quickly). But the first hours there are astonishing :-) In this list we are waiting for the impressions of Arcuato, after his trip in Dalmatia, so, avg_or_short, drop us some lines after your visit in Croatia! Herve, I understand totally your position. I am interested in your story since it induces optimism. You give evidence that if one is strongly and honestly interested in succeeding in some goal, then he/she can do excellent things, even though the context is not at all favourable to him/her. In some sense your story is an example and a couple of times I thought of you when I met some difficulties in my everyday life. Beside that, of course, I have fun in discussing these topics related to human height. Bye!
Herve said on 22/Apr/09
avg_or_short, to answer your question, you will not be a dwarf in the Dinaric Alps, not more than a man 2 m tall is a giant there. At 160, you would be thus, not at 172.
But if you go to Split, for instance, just know that you
avg_or_short said on 21/Apr/09
Actually I know it will not be a dwarf height for sure :) I was just amazed seeing the info Herve provided and I was curious about the general perception to a 170 cm young man in those regions. I understand that there are still many young men at around this height there. And it is considered normal. I hope to see it with my eyes this summer. Thanks..
Herve said on 21/Apr/09
I don't have an own site, but I intend to publish my stats in a few years. Well, avg_or_short will not be a dwarf in Dalmatia, but a small guy. And in the little down of Drnis, young females are a little taller than he is on average...
avg__or_short said on 21/Apr/09
varus, glad to hear that there are many people at my height there :) thanks.
anonnymous said on 20/Apr/09
The average height is not 187cm, it's rather 180-182cm depending which city or part of Dinarics you want to vistit. It is average of 185-186cm among specific age group, younger generation, and only in some cities which Herve provided. There are men even those who are younger, and they are as tall as you are or shorter few centimeters and they are not considered dwarfs. You are still taller than average girl from any age group. It's only that there you will see more taller than average guys and girls then anywhere in Europe, probaly in the world.
Question for Herve. Do you have your own site, and if not, are you planning to make one? I just think it would be great to have all of the information you've got regarding Dinaric region and human height on one site. Just my thought.
varus said on 20/Apr/09
I'm from Croatia, avg_or_short,at 172 you won't be considered average,but you also won't be considered a dwarf.I have several friends at that height and nobody calls them dwarfs :)
avg_or_short said on 20/Apr/09
Herve, your data are very interesting. I am 172 cm tall young male, and I am planning a vacation to those areas (Dinaric Alps). If the average height is like 187 cm, and the shortest an a group of young people is almost always over than 174 cm, I am curious how they think about a guy at my height. Do they think like it is a dwarf height or something :) Did you get any impression on this during your search? Thanks for all these information.
Herve said on 18/Apr/09
Gfab, leave me some more time because I have much work these days. More over, I don't like to talk about me, mainly when people are particularly " sick " of seeing too often my comments...
gfab said on 15/Apr/09
Hi Dani. For other vips listed on this site, there are just a few comments on their height. In this list on Krist's height the discussion expanded. We are talking in general of human height, and you can find here a lot of reliable infos. That's good. Dani, if you will introduce some topic related with height, sure you will get some interesting comment. Now: Herve! I'm waiting for the second part of the story. If you are willing, please go on. Bye!
Herve said on 11/Apr/09
When you said once Krist Novoselic's height is 6'7, what do you want to say more ?
dani said on 9/Apr/09
Im sick of this. I come to his post and find only HERVE AND GRAB comments. Is there anyone else who wants to post here and talks about Krist Novoselic's height?
Herve said on 8/Apr/09
Hey gfab ! First I learnt Croatian (and Serbian) thanks to the
gfab said on 8/Apr/09
Hi. "You're wrong", your reported statistics sounds strange with respect to the infos by Herve: Herzegovinans should be taller than Bosnians, according to him. This should hold also for 40-aged people. Moreover, it is rather strange that there is more than 4cms difference between Bosnians and Montenegrins. So, permit me to say this, I do not think that the statistics you reported is reliable, probably they analyze a very restricted amount of men. As a rule, I assume that Herve's statistics are the best ones regarding the Dalmatian area, and does not need any further confirmation by other statistics. Maybe I'm wrong, but now I think so. Bye friends, have a nice Easter period.
You're wrong said on 7/Apr/09
You're right Herve.According to other sources Montenegro isn't the tallest country of former Yugoslavia.People from Bosnia-Herzegovina are taller.(I read in a pdf: the avg of people in Bosnia 180.7, in Herzegovina 179.5 and Montenegro only 176.3-samples living in Vojvodina,Serbia-Avg age: 40 years)
gfab said on 4/Apr/09 anticipated another question of mine. "Learning Croatian". I read in previous messages that you published some papers in Croatian, and wondered if you needed someone for the translation, and wondered if you contacted persons using English for your communications. Now I read you learnt Croatian (a question: you learnt it by yourself, or with some croatian teacher?). I think that I am not alone in understanding the weight of your work (sure Arcuato is another one). Anyone who reads carefully the messages in this list realizes that. When you called by name and surname that girl (Zorana) that states she is 210cm, and she replied "how is it possible that this guys knows me???" I smiled and told myself: either Herve is a diviner or he has in his hands the more impressive "height map" of the Balkans area :-) How many years did it take to collect your data? You said that your interest began early, when you was a teen-ager, but I think you started gathering statistics later on. Bye!
Herve said on 31/Mar/09
Hey gfab ! Sure you are the only person on this site who has realized what kind of (hard) job I made by collecting all the informations I have today (hours and hours of researches, queries, calls, learning Croatian, etc.), more over when it remained a hobby...
I think (with no pride) that nobody in the world never got as many stats as me regarding the Dinaric area. Even in Croatia and Serbia, people are quite surprised by the quantity of data a stranger has gathered out of their own countries. One of them wrote me once :
anonnymous said on 29/Mar/09
You're wrong, believe me that Bosnia-Herzegovina is mixed, and you will find tall and short, or average people in both parts. The tallest Bosnian woman, former basketball star Razija Mujanovic who is 203cm is from northeast Bosnia. There are a lot of tall people in Bosnia just like in Herzegovina, but it is true that there are more tall people on average in Herzegovina. The new Bosnian football goalkeeper Supic who is 197cm tall comes from Gacko, Herzegovina. Some other tall football players like superstar Ibrahimovic who is 193cm was born in northeast Bosnia, Dzeko is 192cm and he was born in Sarajevo, Bosnia. The whole Bosnian football national team average over 185cm, but Ibrahimovic plays for Sweden.
Also, I don't think the whole Montenegro is what is so called Dinaric region, probably only adriatic coast, and northern parts.
You're wrong said on 29/Mar/09
Here testemonies from people of Dinaric Alps And Crotia:
"Well, since I come from Dinaric Alps, from Herzegovina, I can say something about that... I'm not that tall, I'm only 182 cm, but I think it's enough to say that in my class in high school, out of 13 men, only one was smaller than me, and the other one was the same size... Everyone else were higher than us, and 5 of my classmates were above 195 cm... Others were around 188-190 cm... Well, I know why I'm not that tall, my mother is from Bosnia, and the average Bosnian is much smaller than average Herzegovinian (or how ever you say that )... The one that was smaller than me (172 cm) was also from the border of Dinaric Alps, and this one who is my size is born in Sarajevo, which is Bosnia... I know there were scientists coming to our schools, they were examining why are we so taller then the rest (not me ), but I don't know what they concluded...
As far as I know, there are three regions with very tall men: Montenegro, Herzegovina and Dalmatia... Montenegro is a country now, so their average is visible from the stats, while Herzegovina and Dalmatia are regions in their countries..."
"i am 182cm and i live in region who has mixed population from dinaric alps and panonska nizina (don't know is there any english name for that region), border of dinaric alps. and i'm about avrege hight here. when i was in north croatia i was motsley taller than everybody else, but when i was i south (dalmatia) croatia i felt prety small . i also viseted hercegovina where mostley bosnian croat lives almoust everybody where taller then me."
"As such, Montenegro is the only country to lie entirely within the Dinaric Alps as all other lands extend to areas outside the region."
According to this information:Montenegro is the tallest country of the World
Click HereAvg height in Montenegro-Dinaric Alps is 186cm(younger)(scientific research):
Click Here
gfab said on 28/Mar/09
Ok Arcuato! We wait for your comments. I bet you'll change your mind as happened to me :-) Herve: you are a hammer! 120 or more contacts are a HUGE amount, sure they guarantee accurate statistics. By the way with your method one could investigate any area: you could create a "height investigation team" based in France that studies the more interesting areas in Europe: some basket association should be interested in that kind of studies. But on the other hand I think there is a sort of romantic flavour in what you did alone, probably a part of the fun for you is exactly to do everything by yourself together with your dalmatian collaborators. Bye, friends!
Arcuato said on 27/Mar/09
^_^ . As I said before I
Herve said on 26/Mar/09
Hey Gfab ! To get all the results I have today, I contacted personnally (by phone) more than 120 teachers of sport in Dalmatia. It was a very hard way, but the only one possible, as you'll never have one stat by internet. More over, I wanted to be sure of the heights the teachers gave me and every time I asked them if their pupils were measured without shoes (yes, in 95% of the cases). My inquiry lasted for several years and I can affirm that all the stats I received since the beginning are concording. Maybe once a teacher gave me anything, but in most of the times, the measures were very precise (sometimes at millimiter...). Therefore, my sources were truthful and as I went myself in Dalmatia to visit many friends, no doubt about that. But I'll not argue further here if some people want to believe only what they see. They just have to take a ticket plane for Split and then they'll "see" by themselves... Bye !
Danimal said on 25/Mar/09
Where's the pic of Glenn and Krist?
Anonymous said on 24/Mar/09
gFab, Im not disputing your stats which is many cases are inflated. Im talking about what i saw based on my personal experience. I also think most people lie aboout their height and that's a fact of life. It happens everywhere.
gfab said on 22/Mar/09
Hi Herve. Now I understand your method: you exploit your dalmatians friends, that pass you all the informations you need. Nowadays, via internet, you can keep in touch with schools and sports associations. I imagine you would like to verify personally data; anyway if your sources are trustful you can produce very accurate statistics. How many persons help you?
A final remark on the message from Dani. Dani, statistics is not a joke. There is very little arguing on the fact that Dalmatians and Dutch are the tallest. Anyway, if your experience leads you to different conclusions, ok, I will not argue further.
Dani said on 21/Mar/09
Listen people stop arguin' about whether Holland or Serbia is the tallest. I went to the Netherlands and wasn't that impressed. I saw many guys between 5"10-6"1. I saw more 6"3+ in Sweeden and Norway. Im 5"11(181cm) and felt pretty average in the Netherlands. People lie pretty bad about their heights. People lie in Europe, America, everywhere. i CAN'T believe how tall Novoselic is. When i saw his videos of Nirvana, i guessed he was like 6"2.
Herve said on 17/Mar/09
Gfab, you don't bore me with your questions, don't matter. In fact, I have been only twice in Dalmatia (the last time in 2003). I have a lot of friends there, but not the opportunity to travel too often. Anyway, with my map of Dalmatia under the eyes and plenty of photos, I " travel " in this area more than once a year, be sure... You'll not be surprised to read that my dream is to live there one day, among my dear Croats. Bye !
gfab said on 16/Mar/09
Herve, I am surprised. Your studies are precious, being done with such difficulties. The funny thing is that probably you are much more informed than those who are paid for studying height matters in the Balkans. How many times a year do you go to Dalmatia? And how much time your visits take? (I hope not to bore you with such questions...) Bye.
someGRANDguy said on 14/Mar/09
In the book Come As You Are The Story of Nirvana by Michael Azerrad, it says that Chris (Krist) is six foot seven on page 7.
Herve said on 6/Mar/09
Yes, I got (only twice) some fund from the National Centre of Scientific Research (Paris), but usually I did all by myself, which is, believe me, very, very hard. My knowledge of Dinaric Alps also concerns sport, mainly basketball. Besides, I am preparing a history of Yugoslavian Basketball from 1945 to 1991. But this is just one of the many projects I have and it still remains, yes, a hobby... Bye !
gfab said on 5/Mar/09
Herve, your remark is sound, Arcuato too should be impressed by a uniform 185cm average height. So we have to wait that our friend go again to Dalmatia and we will see if he will change his opinion. An offtopic question for you: have you got some fund for your research, or do you work for some project? Your knowledge of Dalmatian area in reference to height matters is impressive, it seems much more than a plain hobby! Bye.
Herve said on 2/Mar/09
Hey gfab ! As you wrote yourself, I am not sure your last remarks would be that decisive... When a male average is 185 cm as in Split, people seem you tall, even if you are smaller (183) or taller (187) than most of them. All the men 2 m tall I talked with in the Split area never told me that people were "not so tall here". At the contrary, they all say they feel themselves "normal", when it's not "small"... Another phenomenon interesting in Drnis and surroundings, is the incredible average of some family names. For instance, you can be sure, when you meet someone whose name is VLAIC that he's at least 190 cm tall. This surname is tipycal from the village of Miljevci (south west of Drnis). I am trying to know how tall are all the VLAIC. For the moment, the average is above 1,90 m tall... Bye !
gfab said on 26/Feb/09
Hi friends, I was out of reach for a while. Arcuato, in Belgrade I had a perception less impressive than in Split, in the sense that in Belgrade you find a good amount of short people (say below 175cm) while it is REALLY difficult to find them in Split (that is what I observed, of course). On the comparison Amsterdam/Split, it is interesting that you perceive things differently from me. Note that you're taller than me (187cm's vs 183) so it is possible that the mass of people in that range (183-187) leads us to different conclusions: I classify them as tall, you classify them as short. I'm reasoning on the following example: if in a town all people are exactly 185cm tall, I would think:" My God, here I'm really short", but you would think:"not so tall people, here". So this 4cm's of point of view which separate us could be decisve for our remarks. I have to add that in Split I recognized a lot of VERY tall people, so I am not so sure that what I stated above makes much sense. Herve, this is a question for you :-) Bye!
Herve said on 24/Feb/09
Last " anonymous " was Herve, you must have understood...
Anonymous said on 23/Feb/09
No, Arcuato, never heard about Chroro Skafion, but it's not surprising that we meet tall people in the whole Balkans, in some specific " islands ". For example, some Albanians (maybe from Croatian descent) are reputated tall. What about Split, as live there 200 000 inhabitants, you can find all that you need in a big city. Besides, if you really want to apreciate the autochtons' height, it's better to go there during the non-touristic season (especially summer). Bye !
Arcuato said on 21/Feb/09
Herve, did you heard about the tiny village (2500 inhabitants) of Choro Sfakion (is in the south west region of Creta (Greece))? I read that they are direct descendents from Dorians and they are as Montenegrins (also very tall),
Click Here and another question ... how is the normal live in Split (not in the high season)? Is a big city with its commercials, theaters, discotheques, officces ... ?
Herve said on 21/Feb/09
Something else about tall people from Belgrade. That
Herve said on 19/Feb/09
Arcuato, regarding Belgrade, I can't be as affirmative as in Split, for instance. But I don't think the heights I put off on this meetings' site were this point surestimated (182 cm or less, instead of 184). All the testimonies of strangers visiting Belgrade note the impressive height of autochtons. Would it be the case if the young male population there was " only " between 180 and 182 tall ? Let me give you once more the one of the American Chad Ford in 2002 :
Arcuato said on 19/Feb/09
For me that you write (Herve) have absolutely sense, and I agree with you that in Amsterdam the average height is 183. In the only point that I dont agree with you is that in Belgrade the average height is more than in Amsterdam (honestly I thought that you put like 182 more or less), also if you take heighst from meetings webs from netherland they grow it, its about that that I wanna heard another opinion, but dont take it at bad ;)
Arcuato said on 19/Feb/09
Hey Herve, in my opinion the average height in Amsterdam is 181-182 cm, all the population (if there is only the university students it would be 184) and in Belgrade its about 179-181 cm (opinion, not scientifically) for among all the people, have no idea about university students
Herve said on 18/Feb/09
Arcuato, if you are " absolutely sure that the people in Amsterdam are taller than in Belgrade ", tell me please which average did you find in Amsterdam ? From my own, I found 183 cm. Do you see some kind of non-sense when I write that in Split, with 185 cm, or in Belgrade (184 or 185), the average is above the one of Amsterdam ? But if you want now to talk about Groningen, I also wait your precious data in order to recognize the superiority of Dutch people. Let me tell you that you have to find more than 186 cm, the average in Drnis, Trebinje or Niksic. Good luck ! Anyway, you must also know that Dutch people don't grow up any more, according to last statistics, when it's not at all the case in the Dinaric Alps. Which means that if the Dinaric people are not currently the tallest men in Europe (as they were since the Middle Ages until the 1980's), sure they will soon take back home their title. What do you think about that ?
Arcuato said on 17/Feb/09
GFAB, what do you think about that? Im absolutely sure that the people in Amsterdam are taller than in Belgrade, you agreed with me before, and Herve and many croatian/serbians said that in Belgrade the people are as tall than in Split, and the people in Split are taller than the people in Amsterdam (and we're not talking about Groningen that sure that are taller than in Amsterdam)...
Herve said on 16/Feb/09
Hello Arcuato ! First thanks for the article I'll take time to read attentively. Regarding the average height about (young) male population in Belgrade, I took off a few months ago about 200 heights of men 20 years old from Belgrade in a serbian site of meetings. I found an average of 184 cm. But it can be a little more, maybe like in Split (185 cm). One of my Croatian friend who is from Split told me as a matter of fact that people seem as tall in Belgrade as in Split. But if you really want to meet next time you travel by there the tallest men, you have choice between these three towns : Drnis (Dalmatia), Trebinje (Herzegovina) and Niksic (Montenegro). Bye !
Arcuato said on 15/Feb/09
Herve, sorry for response later... The article is "Common variants in the JAZF1 gene associated with height identified by linkage and genome-wide association analysis" ...
Click Here (that saz that the average height in Dalmatia are the highest. Another question Herve ... what is in your opinion the average height for male population in Belgrade, how many cms less than the population in Split?
Herve said on 10/Feb/09
Gfab, you can still add on your list Croatian center forward Tomislav STANIC (202 cm, 1981), from Tomislavgrad (BIH), who played also for HNK HAJDUK SPLIT... Among the not-dinaric football players 202 cm and more, there is also a German one who is 203 cm. But I heard too about some guys from low leagues in Dalmatia who are at least 2 m tall, which is all except surprising when 1 man about 40 is this tall in Dalmatia...
Adam said on 7/Feb/09
Aaron: while I don't know Krist's actual weight, I will tell you this: I am 6'6 and around 190 lbs. While I am thin, it is not to an abnormal degree, and I have a relatively similar build to Krist's.
Hope that helps!
gfab said on 7/Feb/09
Sorry, I gave a misleading info. As to reliable and informative messages, I had to mention Herve and Glenn2007, not Evlekis (I swapped the correspondence name/message). Football: sure, Herve, the tallest players are again in dinaric area. I knew the "second ones" or so: Zeliko Kalac, and Nikola Zigic, both 202cm. The question is how many not-dalmatian football players are over 202cm. For instance Mertesacker and Naldo, the two Werder Bremen towers, are "just" 198cm. Peter Crouch is 201cm. I do not know other football players taller than them around Europe. Bye.
Herve said on 4/Feb/09
OK gfab, but we don't have many sites about Croatian football clubs... Anyway, the tallest soccer players I found are 2 ... Croatian goal-keepers, Vanja IVESA (2,05 m, 1977) and Nikola DRKUSIC (2,05 m, 1975), now Slovenian. Bye !
Aaron said on 3/Feb/09
Hmm... kind of a dumb question, but how much does Krist weigh? Specifically how much did he weigh in oh say... 93'? I saw somebody say 185 pounds, but that sounds so off... my sisters boyfriend is 5'7" and weighs about 190-200 and he doesn't look overweight at all, so I mean Krist being 6'7"-6'8" an all 185 pounds seems horribly thin. If I had to guess I'd say at the least 200 pounds, does anybody know?
ARC said on 3/Feb/09
Arcuato is right, Groningen and Friesland have so much tall people
Herve said on 3/Feb/09
OK, gfab, for the moment, maybe it is this German team, but we don't have many precise stats about Croatian clubs. Anyway, the tallest players I found are 2 Croatian goalkeepers : Vanja IVESA (205 cm, 1977) and Nikola DRKUSIC (205 cm, 1975, who is now Slovenian). Bye !
gfab said on 1/Feb/09
Arcuato, don't worry. You're right to be suspicious on everything you find on web. In this list I tend to trust some guys, Herve above all; there are other detailed data (probably correct) from another guy named Evlekis, with lot of infos on other parts of Europe. As to myself, I was close to your position, and laughed when reading the claims of Croats to be the tallest, since I was in Holland several time and though it was not possible to find people even taller than Dutch. But when I started visiting Dalmatia, I had to change my mind...Ah, by the way, I found the the tallest football team in Europe is not croatian nor dutch, but german: Werder Bremen, with a remarkable 1.86cm average height. Of course this does not mean anything, just that the coach prefers tall players. Bye.
Herve said on 30/Jan/09
Arcuato, another question : where can we find the stats you gave us ? Also do you know when were they taken off, because if it was for example 20 years ago, the men 55 years old in this inquiry would be in fact 75 today ?... Thanks for the answer.
Herve said on 30/Jan/09
OK Arcuato, don't matter for your suspicion, I'd say this was a normal attitude, mainly on a forum where anybody can write anything... I am glad you could find the latest stats and I notice that males from Split are the tallest while also the oldest on this average. Sure if we could get males 45 years old (instead of 55), the average would be maybe (I think) 1 cm more (177 instead of 176).
But, the most impressive is that young people from Split are still taller and taller, while other nations like Netherlands or Sweden seem to have stopped growing up. What will be the difference in 10 years ? We'll see. But even if you did not have found these datas, I would have still mine to proove the genetical superiority of Dinaric people in Europe.
By the way, did you notice that the tallest player in the actual World handball championship in Croatia is a Croat (Marko KOPLJAR, born in 1986), with 210 cm (Serbs are probably second in this ranking with 207 cm Nenad MALENCIC) ? Bye !
Herve said on 27/Jan/09
As a former basket-ball player (in low division), at age 14, I was admirative of the incredible number of players 2 m and more from Yugoslavia. Today, 30 years later, it did not change...
Arcuato said on 24/Jan/09
Hey guys, now I have to trusth in you a little bit more ;) (don't take it bad ;) but I was suspecious that it was a joke between Herve and gfab because I was personally in Split). I found this interesting article, I resume if you cannot see... they compared 5 regions (among the tallest people): north italy, scottist, croatian (around split), swedish and dutch. And they put that the highest average was in region of dalmacia whit 176 cm (7.2 as standart desviation) AMONG MALES PEOPLE OF AVERAGE OF 54.9 YEARS, 173.5 (7.1) for dutch whit avg age 50.1, scottist 174.8 / (avg age 54.2), swedish 174.7 / (avg age 43.2), south tyrolean (north italy) 173.1 / (avg 45.6). I have a lot of curiosity and I really want to come back (AGAIN) to check it when I have time. Thanks for all ;)