Senatorarmstrong1776 said on 14/Jul/22
172 is the most plausible.
khaled taban 175.3cm said on 26/Jul/20
He looks to be 171cm , Is 5'7.25" possible Rob ?
JohnMoore-162cm said on 4/May/20
5ft10 ? What a claim !
He is 171 cm , that's it
Nik said on 1/Sep/19
He's quite tall for someone from a very small family.
Littlelee168cm said on 9/Feb/19
Looked more than half an inch taller than lindy booth in wrong turn either he's taller than listed or she's under 5ft 7
jriggs said on 29/Jan/19
5'10 is silly more 5'7.75
sulu2019 said on 19/Oct/18
My dad is only 5ft 7½, but luckily my maternal grandfather was 6' at his peak which made me feel lucky to be 6' to 6'1".
5ft7Accountant said on 23/Apr/18
This looks right, he looks abput 1" taller than Kim Dickens on Fear the Walking Dead. In fact, they look almost the same height.
MelonMan said on 2/Aug/17
Another guy who claims 2.5 or more inches than their real height. He looks to be almost 5'8.
strangerdnce said on 24/Jul/17
170 seems to low he has got too be 171 min
172.4cm guy said on 2/Mar/17
I just came upon this guy's profile and surprised I haven't gotten to it sooner since I like to review most 171-172cm guys like me. I remember Kevin from Transamercia years ago, which he got praised for, so it might need to get added to his moving listings above. I tried to get a decent internet photo to share my speculation that he is closer to 5'7.25" than 5'7.5", but regardless 171cm is a good listing. Definitely not 5'10" but to @Revisionist's point, I think he had to claim being taller since he was a model, and most models need to be not short than 5'10". But I think he is pretty close to Tom Cruise's height when barefoot.
Revisionist said on 28/Feb/17
Well, when people under 5'8" routinely claim 5'10, and when the masses tend to be so gullible, there's no wonder that the public consider anything below 5'10" a dwarf. In reality, Cruise edges this guy out, but average Joe and Jane would go with this 5'10" lie and believe that he's 3 inches taller than Tom. No wonder most laypeople mock Cruise for being short even when they've never met him!
5'10 is the new 5'7, folks. Get used to it.
Jessica said on 22/Aug/12
5ft 7.5 seems correct for this guy. I don't know how people think zac efron can be taller than him...
Jack said on 23/Jul/11
"commenting on how "cute/sexy/hot/god-like" a male celeb is, and then giving that as their reason as to why height doesn't matter." Haha, while I understan part of your point (it's a height site) in the same vein, I quite like that. It shows any shorter guys who may be here because they feel insecure about their height, that shorter guys are attractive too :-) Which is a good and healthy thing!
reenreen said on 1/Apr/11
hate when people talk abou height..he is perfect.he's cute..and i love kevin zegers than zac efron..
Tony said on 8/Feb/11
Seen on Gossip Girls, he wears lifts.. I give him 5'8"
Skyeler said on 2/Feb/11
Has anyone else thought that Ian Somerhalder and Kevin Zegers look alike a bit?? And if they had a kid together their baby would look like
Zac Efron when he got older. If you don't believe me look at pics off all three and you'll see I'm right.
Clay said on 10/Jan/11
Martin St.Louis said himself he isn't 5'9', he's 5'7.5 just like Arab said.
Moke said on 13/Dec/10
@ yo mind:
There are big differences: some stop growing at 16 and some few late-bloomers at 21. I personally have never seen a dude growing until 21. Most of them have stopped before the age of 18.
Pictureprooof said on 24/May/09
If your 5'9 at 18 you can defiently still grow. But i wouldnt be expecting much if anything at all. Possibly up to 5'10 or so. I was 5'10 when I was 18 and now im 22 and have stopped growing at 5'11. You never know, but most of the time bones fuse around 18-19. Try stretching.
Amitesh said on 27/Apr/09
He looked like 6ft 2 in a boy girl thing never expected him to be so short. by the way i am 18 and even i am 5 '9' will i grow over this? willmy height ever increase?
David said on 23/Mar/09
Wow. I just saw "It's a Boy Girl Thing." I thought this guy was 6ft plus because his characters was a quarterback in the film. Amazing how camera angles can make someone look way bigger than they actually are. By the way, the picture above looks pretty dated...
Ian said on 8/Mar/09
Could be 5ft8 if he straightens and if Mamum is 5ft8.25(evening height according to the contributers page. See Robs page) but is now 5ft8?
waa said on 4/Jan/09
hes hunching
Aimie said on 30/May/08
Felicity Hoffman was wearing huge platforms with Kevin on the Transamerica set. She looked taller than him, and she is about 5'5'' tall. So I am guessing Kevin is indeed 5'7'' tall, 5'6'' with no shoes.
Athena said on 9/Jan/08
Hmmm, that doesn't look like Kevin Zegers...but, he's only 5'7? He used to model...big time, and did some modeling for Calvin Klein... Sometimes because his arms look short, he does look less than model height, but I'm surprised he's noted at 5'7.
brother_h said on 8/Jan/08
wat a creepy pic 0_0
mamun is the only thing that makes this pic look normal and he's wearing a superman shirt, which btw is bloody legendary.
an u guys already sorted out the height at 5'8 in morn and 5'7 at night.
Shawn Jones said on 8/Jan/08
Rob, what is Mamun's posting name on this site? And what about footwear?

Editor Rob
it's mamun
Realheight 88 said on 6/Jan/08
Ok rob, thanks for replying.In my opinion your listing is very accurate.And i think he is 5-7.5 in the night, so 5-8 morning.
Slh said on 6/Jan/08
i think must list morning height...
Realheight 88 said on 6/Jan/08
Rob, do you list him with his night height?Or his morning height??Please reply, because i really would like to know.Thanks.

Editor Rob
I'm still not totally sure on this guy, but I don't think morning.
Slh said on 6/Jan/08
this guy is 5-8 in the morning?
leonari said on 6/Jan/08
Anonymous: nice. Another random poster who can't gauge height if his life depended on it.incredible. Mamun is a foot behind the guy and still looks a tad taller. 5'9"...nice...
Anonymous said on 5/Jan/08
he looks 5'9 in the picture.
chris175 said on 5/Jan/08
im not sure on this guy, i agree ACG hes not 5-8, but i reckon he is around 5-7, very similar in height to tom cruise..
ACG said on 1/Jan/08
After seeing the pic of him with Tom Savini(from his page) I think even 5'8 is too high!
Dend said on 30/Aug/07
Actually,on the Transamerica DVD extras interview with Kevin and the director, he says that they had Felicity sit taller than Kevin and used other tricks to make it appear that she was taller than him. If you see photos of them together at the premieres, Kevin is taller than Felicity, and she is wearing heels. So I'd say 5'9" is about right.
Jorgensen said on 12/May/07
I just saw Transamerica. 5'8 is clearly a max for Kevin. I think he's closer to 5'7, as he really looked quite a bit shorter than most of the people in this movie.
MD said on 1/Apr/07
A strange assortment of pics:
Not looking much taller than a 5'2" Kelly Osbourne in heels:
Click Here
Looking taller than you'd think next to a 5'6" Stephen Gately:
Click Here
Looking shorter than he should (I think) with a 5'11" Shawn Ashmore:
Click Here

Editor Rob
this one
Confuses me, because with savini the line in background suggests there isn't any tilt...
trueheight said on 13/Mar/06
watch transamerica, he's shorter in some shots compared to 5'5 Huffman who wears ?in heels
bikagyura said on 26/Dec/05
well I think you should reconsider Wellings height in that case. He's probably really 6' 3...
Paul said on 17/Sep/05
the guy's listed as 5'7, and i think that's dead on, no more, no less. theres no way he's 5'9.