RobertJ said on 29/May/06
Yep, looks like it was just the angle.
RobertJ said on 28/May/06
Now this is odd, check out these two pics below, it apears kevin is atleast 6'1'' next to Brandon Routh who's atleast 6'2 1/2''. His footwear looks normal.
Click HereClick Here
Editor Rob
J. said on 27/May/06
Oh yeah, Glenn, I heard all about Lance Bass ....and JC Chavez. Although they weren't 'together'. lol.
Glenn said on 26/May/06
All 3 5-9 and lying on the height.true that.though spacey can look it.
Glenn said on 26/May/06
Another exclusive that night in 1999,was Omar Epps and Lance Bass all telling me 5-10.all 3 hang out buddies of mine.2 out of the 3,queerer than a 3 dollar bill.true story.
Glenn said on 26/May/06
Plain 5-10.of course he could be lying.
Glenn said on 26/May/06
He told me 5-10.and Im glad Im not the only one that senses bonesmuggling on him.

Editor Rob
so this is an 'exclusive glenn obtained' 5ft 10, I shall then add this to top of page. BTW, did he use any of the following words preceding it: almost, nearly, about, roughly ;=)
Glenn said on 26/May/06
Which 3? true on what you say,though there is qualities I can do without.
Frank2 said on 25/May/06
All three in that photo are known smugglers. Now whether that makes them bad people is another matter. I have many gay friends as well as a gay brother and I'd rather be with them any day than with some straight people I know.
J. said on 25/May/06
Glenn, you called him bonesmuggling! LOL! I always did get that impression from him.
dmeyer said on 25/May/06
since he dosnt have good posture 5'10 is possible thank rob
dmeyer said on 24/May/06
clooney is alaest 1.5" taller 5'9.5" is more realistic

Editor Rob
dmeyer said on 24/May/06
hey rob were do you get him that tall 5'9 to 5'10 yeah but not over or clooney is near 6'1"
Glenn said on 30/Apr/06
Thanks Elio.
Elio said on 30/Apr/06
Spacey seemed roughly about the same height as Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder in 'See No Evil, hear no evil' (before Spacey was 'famous'). He's no less than 5'9" and no more than 5'11". I think 5'10" (at least in his peak) is a good guess. Whether or not he's aided by magic shoes is another matter.
Perhaps he played Bobby Darin out of 'shoe empathy'.
Frank2 said on 29/Apr/06
If Spacey is 5'10" then I'm 6'1"!
Glenn said on 29/Apr/06
Your not looking at that carefully.he is slouched and not with back up against chart.he is around 5-10.maybe a hair of the few celebs I partied with many times.and and he's bonesmuggling.
John said on 28/Apr/06
Can't be 5'10.5, no way. Look at the "Usual Suspects" cover, where they show all the actors against the height chart background. 5'7, tops.
Jane said on 12/Mar/06
I met him in September 2005 and no way is he 5' 10'' he does slouch but still not that height.
Gotxo said on 6/Mar/06
The problem is that Tony Blair is not a full 183cm (but near), he's smaller than 184 cm Zapatero president of Spain. Tricky photos at the Moncloa's stairs try to conceal that, but when they are in even ground it's clear that ZP is a lil taller :
Parky said on 5/Mar/06
On Parksinson last night he looked maybe just over an inch shorter than 183cm Tony Blair when the two shook hands. So 179cm is about right.
kevin(not spacey) said on 3/Mar/06
well u reckon ed wrong rob, check "see no evil hear no evil" hes shorter than both pryon and wilder, and they were both a lot older and one of them had MS!
mcfan said on 8/Jan/06
I'm in total agreement that Spacey is around 5'10.5. He slouches a lot but he does appear taller than you might think. I think people get "Usual Suspects" wrong when they see the lineup of the group of characters. He's slouching, but I don't see any difference with him and Gabriel Byrne when he stands straight.
stAs said on 19/Dec/05
i think he's maximum 178cm, i don't see any reason of making him taller
JB said on 13/Dec/05
I met Kevin some years back in NYC Tribecca - I'm only 5'9" and this guy looked shorter by about 2".
Zach said on 29/Nov/05
Parkinson and Spacey, although neither's posture is particularly good...
Viper652 said on 29/Nov/05
This guy is a real mystery. A lot of the time I think he is a 6 footer. Then some sightings list him as short as 5-7, which is odd. Id say he is at least 5-10 judging by some pics.
me said on 4/Nov/05
I saw Spacey barefeet (he came out of a shower, the circumstances are a long story but no, I'm not kidding) and although I find it hard to judge his exact height, he definitely is taller than I am and I'm 5ft 7.
CelebHeights Editor said on 26/Aug/05
From movies newsgroup: " met Spacey on the set of The Shipping News, and he was a bit shorter than me, and I'm 5'10"
Mr. R said on 19/Jul/05
I met Clinton twice, and he is between 6-2 and 6-3. I have seen Spacey twice and he seems between 5-9 and 5-10.
McFan said on 8/Jul/05
Photographs can totally be deceptive especially when it comes to a person's height. You ever notice how you can stand straight next to someone and appear the same height then have another photograph taken and appear two inches shorter or taller than this same person? It's all due to the angles and who is closer to the camera...and of course heels. Kevin Spacey is one actor I have no idea how tall he is? He always looks to have very bad posture. I would say 5'9, but maybe if he stood up straight he would be taller. He probably is 5'10.
RR said on 27/Jun/05
I met him at a premiere for American Beauty and he was no taller than 5'7". I'm 5'6" and he was very close to my height.
Mr. R said on 13/Apr/05
Okay, just to be ornery, I'll go in the opposite direction. I met Kevin in New York when he was doing Iceman Cometh on Broadway. I walked past the theater as he came out. He was slouching and tired, but he signed autographs anyway. From where I was standing he seemed to be about 5-10 to me. Of course, I have no idea if he had lifts. Next time I see him I'll ask him.
Lmeister said on 13/Apr/05
J. I have to agree with you. I really do believe that Kevin Spacey is the "überliftmeister". Here he is standing next to Michael 5'9''Stipe. I think Kevin is around 5'8'' without lifts.
J. said on 12/Apr/05
I must say that I think he's a great actor but I've noticed that he's not really the tallest guy. Yet in true Hollywood tradition, Spacey's height seems to flucates from picture to picture! Sometime he truly does look 5'10", then he'll look to be struggling with 5'9", then he's look like a strong 6 footer! Yet, this intresting little tidbit says something a little different:
"By the way, I am 5 foot 7 and I was wearing 2 inch heels and KS appeared to be my height with heels, give or take an inch at most... "
I wonder if Kevin and the other top male Hollywood stars stand around and argue over who has the biggest lifts when at the all fancy galas!
snakeman said on 11/Apr/05
He walked passed me when I worked downtown Manhattan in Tribeca. I'm 5'9", my business shoes had at most 1/2" heels - he seemed a couple of inches shorter than me (in flat shoes). Figure he's about 5'6", 5'7" at most.
Mr. X said on 31/Mar/05
I still find hard to believe he's the 5 ft 10 or 11 in he's reported to be. Take a look at his films. In L.A. Confidential you could easily see he's shorter than his 5'11" costars Russell Crowe and Guy Pearce. In The Life of David Gale 5'6.5" Kate Winslet stands about as tall as he does in the prison scene. Noted Winslet's shoes were obviously thicker than Spacey's tennis shoes, but she wasn't wearing high heels. And in The Shipping News he is no way 5 to 6 inches taller than Julianne Moore. 5 ft 9 in seems more fitting.