sobaytransplant said on 25/Jul/08
I can end the arguement, if you like. I chatted with him off and on for about 2 hours at a DVD signing at the Wal-Mart store in Hemet, CA a few years ago. (My daughter is an employee there, so I was one of the few privileged folks who got private time in the back of the store with him.) I'm almost 6' myself and I felt like he was towering over me. So I asked him... "Seriously, how tall are you?" He says he is 6'3." And yes, he DOES seem much taller than that because he's lost so much weight between Hercules and Andromeda. He's VERY long, lanky now... not buff AT ALL like he was during Hercules. Looks like any other guy you'd see walking around in WalMart. (The REALLY good-looking ones, that is!) He's also VERY fair-skinned in person with freckles that "almost" show through the skin. And his eyes are REALLY, REALLY blue. SUPER, SUPER nice guy, and even kind-of shy. If he wasn't married with 3 kids, I would have chained myself to his ankles at that very moment! So, there you go!
John Jay said on 20/May/08
A legitimate 6'foot3er Sorbo is. A big fella indeed perfect for the Hercules role.
Yaspaa said on 6/May/08
235lbs would have been in his Hercules days,does'nt look over 210 now.
Hugh said on 18/Apr/08
Yeah 6ft3 but 235lbs is bull, Looks very wiry on screen.
Yaspaa said on 29/Mar/08
I think he has a 0.5" advantage over Brandon Routh as he isn't standing as erect.
Kunluman said on 26/Mar/08
Joakim Agren, when exactly did you measure Kevin Sorbo? I guess, Sorbo was 6'2 3/4" during your measurement and 6'3" or 6'3 1/4" straight out of bed.
Ridley said on 23/Mar/08
Sorbo is huge. He looks more 6'4", not 6'3".
BlackRay said on 15/Mar/08
He does look around 6 ft 3 in, 6 ft 2.5 in at least. looks the same height as Brandon Routh.
gton said on 3/Mar/08
wow hes a big guys 6-3 looks right
Jake Is Back said on 2/Mar/08
I will agree he can't be less than 6'2" or more than 6'3.5".
Jake Is Back said on 2/Mar/08
Read my whole comment little boy. Thats why I said the difference proves he slouches pretty bad sometimes. And I think that if he's not 6'3", he's close to it. Jeez, I don't know why anyone would respond to a comment that is less than three lines long without reading it!
Cetto said on 1/Mar/08
Well, Sorbo could reach 6'4" but I'd better give him 6'3.5" cuz he really looks that tall.
Little Boy said on 29/Feb/08
Get Real Dude! You are looking at pictures of him slouching! You said..."looks 6'3 on top...6'1 on bottom"...Dude...Use your brain...Kevin Sorbo is no less than 6'2 no more than 6'3.5!
Jake Is Back said on 28/Feb/08
Looks 6'3" on top and 6'1.5" on the bottom. Assuming he's 6'3" (which should be the case within a fraction of an inch unless he wore lifts which I think is doubtful), this height descrepency proves he can slouch pretty heavily.
ChazBadlwin said on 28/Feb/08
he was ONE GORGEOUS HERCULES..but I like his little friend ....
TNTinCA said on 28/Feb/08
For some reason, Sorbo's height always seemed obvious. When I saw him in TV shows, I immediately thought 6'3". Not sure why but I guess his physique and posture leave little ambiguity about his height. Solid 6'3" in my opinion.
Anonymous said on 6/Jan/08
Sorbo is even slouching in the top photo. 6ft 3in. Not a surprise. He could even be 6ft 3.5in if Lucy Lawless was indeed 5ft 10.5in, but 6ft 3in not a surprise.
Raynor said on 20/Dec/07
He looks 6'3 with Rob. And I think he looks better with longer hair.
Anthony said on 19/Dec/07
He's got a mega-slouch in the bottom pic.
lillo thomas said on 19/Dec/07
He look 6-3 to me in the pic above . In the pic below he dont look like a legit 6-3 but I still think that he is a legit 6-3 . He look that height in many pics and videos.
Anthony said on 15/Dec/07
Sorbo actually looks younger and bigger in the more recent photo. And definitely a legit 6'3 in both pics.
C. said on 15/Dec/07
Wow. He's a big guy. In Hercules he even looked taller. Like 6'4". But here, he definitely looks 6'3", the height he says he is. One of the few who doesn't fib about his height. But why would he anyway?
l0ck n l0ad said on 14/Dec/07
Really got picture Rob (the latter), I thought he may have shrunk but he definitely looks 6-3 there!
sf said on 12/Dec/07
I don't know, Rob - you guys are looking a little bit "chummy" there...
Kevin Durant said on 12/Dec/07
Kevin Sorbo is a legit 6'3" and he looks like a bigger guy in the Hercules Television Series in the 1990's.
Excellent picture Editor Rob,I really like this picture compared to the last one.

Editor Rob
yeah better showing his height and a bit more friendliness.
cantstop25 said on 12/Dec/07
yeah sorbo is a very tall guy definitelly a strong 6'3"
Ash said on 11/Dec/07
@ Erik22224: Soo what's ur point?? Are you trying to say that the neck shouldn't be counted for? What about those freaks who have extremely long legs, or spinal cords? These are all factors of height dude! Atleast he aint artificial like wearing elevator shoes or lifts!
Erik22224 said on 8/Dec/07
Sorbo loooks taller because he has a long neck
Erik22224 said on 8/Dec/07
Hes only 6'3 wow we need a new herculese 6'8 at least
Big Show said on 3/Dec/07
When he played Hercules he was on training programm which required him to train after each day of filming, just for him to stay buffed. Obviously when he quit playing Hercules he also stopped with this draining training programm. He lost about 20 lbs between Hercules and Andromeda.
RobertJ said on 30/Nov/07
hmm maybe because the show is over? c'mon now.
AshnarLynx said on 28/Nov/07
He looks like he's shrunk considerably in physique in the latter years. Does anybody know why? I also once read on a site that he has lost many pounds since his Hercules days.
kenneth said on 18/Nov/07
his a barefoot 190 ~ 191cm most.. he don't looks above this height..
dina raafat said on 1/Oct/07
i read in many sites that kevin sorbo is between 6ft3 and 6ft4 (,193cm) and ireally believe that because in andromeda steve basic is 185 and when he stand infront of kevin to taik with him kevin looked taller than him and also when kevin stands beside tyr anasazy (keith hamillton)who is 6ft4 they approximatelly have the same height and kevin sorbo really weight 235 in hercules then he lost 20 pounds of muscles between the end of hercules and the begining of andromeda in five years (1995,2000)so his weight became 215lbs and iwant to tell you guys that kevin sorbo is taller than any one of us could expect,he is also a very big guy in size that is what the people who saw him said and that is why he was the perfect person for the role hercules as he is very tall,huge,bread and too sexy
Derek said on 9/Sep/07
He doesn't look under 6'3". Agree Rob?
Brad said on 19/Jun/07
Kevin Sorbo and Kevin Smith (Ares God of War, Iphicles) both state their heights as 6'3". Yet Sorbo always looked taller than Smith. So is Sorbo taller than 6'3" or is Smith shorter?
Josh said on 12/Jun/07
He has always looked 6'3 to me.
Anonymous said on 3/Jun/07
where was this photo taken at rob?

Editor Rob
a few years back at an event called Expo
anonymous said on 2/Jun/07
i mean seriously, the dude looks huge next to you. that is what a 6`2 man looks like when he is not leaning next to you. jees the dude is big.
anonymous said on 26/May/07
this is the only time i think someone is taller than their claim. he looks closer to 6`4 to me.
Joakim Ågren said on 19/May/07
I dont like rounding up:). Even though mathimaticly it is okay to round up from 0.5 and above I dont like doing so with height. I try to be as precise as possible hehe:) so to me 6'3" is 190.50CM and 6'4" 193CM.
Regarding the head size. I guess that I have always made the wrong assumption that Sorbos head is 10.25"(26CM)long but I guess I might be wrong about that. Maybe Sorbo dont have such a large head as I thought if so maybe it is 25CM (10")making his upper-eylevel 12.5CM from the top if so the difference in the picture is 14CM because you are exactly at his lower eye level and assuming his eyes are 1.5CM wide that makes it 14CM. I have also layed out a grid over the picture and I can see that both of your heads seems identical in size. If so then we can verify his head size by measuring yours. So Rob exactly how long is your head? :)
Here is the picture I made:
Click Here

Editor Rob
six three is rare in that the centimetre value lies smack bang in the middle between 190 and 191. The round to nearest function in the programming language means in that case round it to 191. I store everything in inches/feet. Yes, ther isn;t much difference, its same with another one I was checking my head against, brandon routh, not much difference there either.
I'm at an airport on my phone so can't see your grid, but head size varies a bit depending on tilt of course, I can't remember the tilt here I'd have to look at pic, but slight positive tilt upwards goes closer to nine inch, slight down close to ten, but measuring proper head length is harder than the pupil distance. Only thing with pupil distance is if you tilt your head to side and aren't looking dead straight towards camera you have to adjust it a very small amount aswell. Sometimes head length is better, other times pupil distance when there is too much side tilting
Joakim Ågren said on 18/May/07
6'3" is not 191CM but 190.50CM. I have made a qualified estiment of his height by watching almost all episodes of Hercules, Andromeda and also his later appearence in the OC show and I estimate him to be 190CM which is 6'2.75"
He is not 191CM
As for the picture above. I can see that Rob has an unusually big head for his relatively short height. His head is the same lenght as Sorbos. This tells me that Rob never reached his full height potential and was most likely destined to be considerably taller maybe 5'11" or taller but something hindered him during his growth period. Anyway the height difference between the two above seems to be 14.5CM(5.75") but Sorbo is hunching abit so he probably is a full 17CM taller when standing straight making him 6'2.75"
191CM(6'3.25") is out of the question!

Editor Rob
you are correct on not having below average but slight above average head for five eight, a necessary requirement to encase a large brain ;P six three is one of those where the foot and inch is rounded to nearest centimetre, although read the very bottom of the thread.
not quite five point seven five inches in the pic though. You must be using some assumptions about Sorbo's or my head length...the thing is, in a lot of wide angled portrait shots they do illustrate difference, vertical compression is really small. The majority of people overestimate it a little, even I do that with pics. I've posted proof of my pupil distance being about six point four centimetres on the lazenby thread, who incidentally is closer to five eleven and three quarters than people would imagine...
lillo thomas said on 18/May/07
in that pic i dont see more than 4 inches between natasha and sorbo. Her shoes cant be seen clearly because are hidden behind the dress.
Anonymous said on 17/May/07
O.C Guy!!!
Anonymous said on 22/Mar/07
I grew up watching Hercules, and I always thought he was huge, at least 6'5.
ed said on 15/Feb/07
He looks 6'3'' next to 5'10'' Natasha Henstridge:
Click Here
Brucybaby said on 8/Feb/07
Ok guys... I just ran into Kevin in the Ralphs next to my house in Westwood and the scoop is... he is between 6'2" and 6'3". He was wearing sneekers and so did I and I 6'00". at first I thought he was 6'1" but as I got right next to him he looked 6'2"...
Big Show said on 31/Jan/07
When Hercules started they listed Sorbo as 191cm (which is a strong 6'3), and they still listed him at this height when he filmed Kull the Conqueror in 1997.
When I saw the TV-shows that were aired before the series started, I actualy thought Sorbo was somewhere in 6'5, so I was kinda surprised that he was 'only' 6'3 lol.
ice said on 30/Jan/07
Does anybody remember when Hercules was at its peak? I could have sworn they had him at 6'4. I believe the 6'3 (190cm). I just find it funny that they tried to squeeze in even more height for him. If it would have lasted a little longer, they would have had him at 6'5! LOL
Viper said on 22/Jan/07
Yep, Bobby Bonilla is 6-1.
Derek said on 21/Jan/07
Kevin looks a solid 6'3", and Bobby Bonilla is 6'1" tops.
titan said on 10/Jan/07
I think he realy is 6'3. I'm a big Xena and Hercules fan, and he always looked about 3 inches taller than Lucy Lawless. (who you have here at 5'10, but I think she's closer to 5'11)
venus said on 10/Oct/06
He has a great body, but his torso is rather short. His legs make up for his tallness, and his head is rather large. 6'3, I believe him.
guy said on 1/Oct/06
kevin sorbo could be more than 6'3"
TNTinCA said on 22/Sep/06
215 is much more likely based on his physique. Especially in the Hercules days. Nothing more than that.
He was not an avid bodybuilder; he weight trained to stay in shape but he is more ectomorphic than mesomorphic.
But yes, I can see a 43 chest for him. I am 5'10" and an avid bodybuilder and my chest is a 42. Looking at pictures of him, he does have a chest that is larger relative to his other muscles. So based on his larger height and skeletal structure, a 43 chest is likely. Or rather was likely since I don't think he is lifting like he used too.
Big Show said on 28/Jun/06
That baseball player looks 6'1.5. Kevin isn't even standing completely straigth, but is still a good inch taller. He's probably 6'3 in his shoes.

Editor Rob
that's why I wonder about some of the baseball heights out there, can they be trusted...
Big Show said on 20/Apr/06
During Kull the Conqueror Kevin weighed 215 lbs. He was at his peak back then, so I don't think he ever weighed more than that. I could definately see him at that weight, he's a pretty muscular guy.
A 43" chest is possible, his chest was probably his most impressive bodypart. I'm a pretty fanatic powerlifter myself, but my chest is not as huge as his. Mine's about 37 inches. Seeing the fact that he's taller than me and his chest is bigger, I think that a chest of 43" is possible.
Mr T said on 31/Mar/06
Mmm Rob if u are 1.73cm he looks more like 1.85cm , if he really is 1.91 hes head should be almost above you.

Editor Rob
yes, I agree that in this picture, visually this is what a 186, maybe 187cm man looks like beside me...if he was standing with same stance, but he leaned a little down for the pic, that accounts for some cm...
ice said on 24/Mar/06
Maybe you're right. But a 43" chest on TV? Tv really does make people look bigger. For example Mia Tyler always looked HUGE, but come to find out she wears a 11/12. So his 43" chest would look like a 45". I was thinking the 41" range.
Jason said on 22/Mar/06
I can believe the 43'' chest, but not the 235lbs. A 43'' chest won't look as big on a guy as tall as him (he's at least 6'2 1/2''). I reckon he really weighed about 205 yeah, when he was in Hercules. He was friggin' Hercules, so of course they were gonna embellish his weight.
ice said on 21/Mar/06
LOL, he was not 235. ON CAMERA he would either look fat, or like a body builder. He was neither. he appeared to be a medium sized muscular guy. I don't even think the 215 fits. I say 200-205. That on screen would look like 215 to us... oh yeah, he also claimed to have a 43 inch chest on a few websites. Embellishment? yes? no?

Editor Rob
probably most surprising thing about him was he just wasn't anywhere near his hercules days, maybe the camera literally added another 10lbs to his idea about chest sizes really
Jason said on 5/Jan/06
Arnold (although I've indeed seen 257lbs listings for him on the internet) said in one of his books, forget which one - may have been education of a bodybuilder - that he's never weighed more than 245 - 250lbs in his life. He used to compete at 225 - 235lbs.
Cobra said on 5/Jan/06
Sorbo is 6ft3, that`s clear, he always looked, taller than The Rock if I compare (but maybe because of the built, he is not so massive), but 235 pounds never.
In the Hercules days Sorbo was a well defined, 6ft3 215 lbs guy.
In Hercules 215 puounds
ester said on 4/Jan/06
apparently arnold weighed up to 257 lbs. could it by any chance be possibe that kevin did weigh 235 after all? i've read in a couple of sites where he weighed 215 since the age of 22, and adding 20 pounds at that height isn't overly visible, so it's possible. and i also believe he's 6"3
CelebHeights Editor said on 22/Aug/05
From, "I kind of had a movie that looked like it was going to happen. I got okayed by the studio. I got okayed by the director, okayed by the producers, by everybody, and then the star nixed me at the last minute. I won't say his name, but suffice it to say I wasn't surprised, because there are a lot of insecure people in this business, and I think he was afraid I might upstage him to some degree on the set. [That's] my opinion and my agent's opinion. It's the business. A lot of actors don't want to work with me because I'm 6'3" and they're 5'7". That's the way it is."
Jason said on 12/Jun/05
I belive he's around 6'3'', but if he was 235 pounds in Hercules I'm the Crown Prince of Sheba lol!