How tall is Kelly McGillis

Kelly McGillis Height

5ft 9 ½ (176.5 cm)

American Actress best known for appearing in films such as Top Gun, Witness and The Accused. 1n an edition of 'The Hour', June 1989 she said "I may be 5 foot 10, but inside I'm only 5 foot 1" and also "At 18, I was 5ft 10in and 12st 12lb and wanted to act."

How tall is Kelly McGillis
Photo by PR Photos
I'm 5-foot-10 and I have a weight problem. Nobody wants to see me in a leotard.
[On Top Gun] My height was the problem. There were huge discussions about high heels or no high heels on our first 'date.' Tom [Cruise] said he had no problems if I wore heels and thus would be taller than him. But the studio (Paramount) would not hear of it.
I'm told I'm too big. Well, that's what I am. I'm 5'10" and I've never been petite. I don't like the idea that some things are beautiful and some things are not. Who's to say? It becomes a source of infinite frustration. And I have a weight problem that I have to work on.

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Add a Comment22 comments

Average Guess (16 Votes)
5ft 9.39in (176.3cm)
Bradley said on 22/May/22
I saw a production shot of her and Cruise from Top Gun. Kelly is in what looks like flip flops and Cruise in Munsters. Funny!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jul/19
💝🎂🎈🎉 Happy Birthday Kelly! 🎉🎈🎂💝

I have nothing but admiration for Kelly and her films; I know why she fought for the part as Jodie's attorney in the film 'The Accused'. Despite such a hellish personal experience in her early years, Kelly went on to make a success of her life.

I still see her popping up in horrors and thrillers, including the original and highly recommended 'We Are What We Are', which shows on the Horror Channel, plus 'No One Can Hear You' and 'The Innkeepers', to mention a mere three. I believe at least one movie is pending release, which was made last year.

I'm sure Kelly used to measure 5ft11 in her prime, but she still looks tall to me, so I reckon on 5ft9.75 for her height nowadays.

Have a terrific Birthday Kelly! X😁X

tshark said on 6/Sep/17
Kelly is closer to 5'11" but never stands up straight. In Top Gun there are all kinds of stories about how they adjusted the height between Kelly and Cruise for the camera. She went barefoot, walked in trenches, camera angles were fixed, or Cruse just wore high lift shoes or walked on elevated ramps or stood on a box.
borntrip said on 30/Aug/17
charlie, 5 ft 5 inches is beyond a joke as a comment... you would probably say 6 ft 2 inches for danny de vito... oh sorry, you would say that for the early hours of the day...
Sandy Cowell said on 20/Dec/16
I believe implicitly that Kelly was at least 5ft10! I thought this when I saw her in 'The Accused' and compared her to Jodie Foster. (5ft2.5) I even thought she might be 5ft11 at that time in her life!
As she admits to being 5ft10, and she is that much older now, I will put 5ft9.75 for her.
It is lovely to see she is still making some great films!
She looks pretty tall in the above picture!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Oct/16
Rob, really taller than Cruise?
Editor Rob
yes, but her claim could well be a but much. I think it is very hard to argue 5ft 7 and 5ft 10 for them.
charlie said on 23/Jun/16
I saw Top Gun again. I watched the scene where Maverick and Goose are walkign through the hallway just after the scene where Maverick and Goose are explaining the inaccuracy of the Mig to Charlie. Goose is listed at 5 ft 10. He is standing side by side with Maverick where you clearly see he is at least 3 to 4 inches taller than Maverck. Then Charlie comes (Kelly McGillis) and she has heels on and is side by side with him and she stands the exact same height as him. Even if she was 1 inch tallershe would still be shorter than Maverick without heels. I do not believe she is 5 ft 10.Even with heels i do not believe she is 5 ft 10. In my last statement i thought she may be 5 ft 10 in heels but i clearly see it is not true. Remember Tom Cruise is 5 ft 7 inches. Now how can she be close to eye level with Tom Cruise with Heels on and be listed 3 inches taller than Tom Cruise at 5 ft 10? And from reading these comments yes i did hear her say she was a bit further back than he was in certain scenes but in the same scene goose is much taller than Tom by 3 to 4 inches. and she was eye level with heels. I am going to say Kelly is 5 ft 5 inches flat feet. In heels she is 5 ft 8.
charlie said on 16/Dec/15
It could be shes 5 foot 10 in heels. or the male actors flight crew in top gun wore heeled boots to look taller because taller means extra put a tall guy beside a short guy the tall guy is automatically more masculine.. tom cruise was listed as 5 foot 8 for a logng time then he was listed at 5 foot 7. Now if hes 5 foot 8 in the morning hes 5 foot 7 in the afternoon as we tend to shrink throughout the day. 5 foot 10 and 5 foot 8 may seemingly look very close in height but to a tape measure it looks a lot bigger. In Top Gun Tom cruise always walked a little bit ahead of Kelly to give the impression that hes taller than she is. put them side by side you will see a difference. Hollywood magic
leonari said on 25/Jan/13
Good work in Top Gun... Cruise never looks shorter than her. Tall woman.
Carpenter said on 30/Nov/12
In an interview, she said that she towered over Tom Cruise. Click Here
Isabella said on 18/Nov/11
@Murphy: It's called lifts and camera angles. Works wonders.
Murphy said on 17/Sep/11
Cruise was at least 1 inch taller than her
Anonymous? said on 9/Jan/11
If you look carefully, you can see the tricks they use to make Cruise seem taller. Tom's always closer to the camera, and sometimes, he'll step closer to the camera (away from Kelly) in the middle of a shot, i.e. in the scene with the motorcycle and her car outside his house.
Daii said on 21/Apr/09
Wow I thought she was about 5'8 because she was more or less the same height as Tom Cruise in Top Gun. What kind of boots was he wearing to make him the same height as her? During the love scene Tom seems an inch taller but she may have been crouching or he might have had huge lifts. Either way she probably is 5'10
D. Ray Morton said on 30/Jun/08
Man. If she really is 5'10" (which I actually don't doubt), then Tommy Cruise must have been on stilts in Top Gun. The scenes with Kelly and Tom are hilarious, just because you're picturing what must be under Tom's feet the whole time.
gattica said on 1/Apr/08
You movie goers need to keep one thing in mind when it comes to syncing heights between male/female actors--and that is a shorter man (ala Cruise) wears lifts to bring him up to par with a taller female actress.
Belle said on 27/Jan/08
Yeah, just saw Top Gun again. But they only show the top half of them together. Tom could be standing on something to make them equal height.
Paddington said on 22/Oct/07
I just watched Top Gun last night. In a scene where she is seen wearing heels, and then walks towards Tom Cruise, she is marginally taller than him. In other scenes she's about his height. A 5'10" woman looks huge next to a 5'8" man, especially when wearing heels. I would give her 5'7", maybe 5'8".
dmeyer said on 14/Aug/07
cruise was able to look near her height in heels
dmeyer said on 13/Apr/07
cruise looks as tall as her when she is in 3 inches heels i doubt she is that tall
Adam said on 26/Sep/06
She towers over Jodie Foster in the accused by at least 6 or 7 inches, so that makes her 178cm.
ForensicNYC said on 11/Sep/06
"OK Tom, I am removing my already low cut sneakers...I am going barefoot for you..."
Click Here
"Thanks for that,'re a doll!"
Click Here

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

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