Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Apr/22
Rob, between this guy and Joe Scarborough who do you think would measure taller?

Editor Rob
These fella's can be hard to pick apart.
Mickie said on 13/Jun/20
Rough news for Keith if Collinsworth is 6'3.25". Lol
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 8/Oct/19
No, 6'2" for him isn't insane at all.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Oct/19
6ft1 and 6ft2 is insane
viper said on 10/Apr/19
Olbermann 6'1 today going by the Collinsworth pic, and that being generous.
Maybe 6'2 peak.
No way 6-3
Canson said on 9/Apr/19
@Viper: correct. And he’s not as tall as Barkley. 6’4” was even a gift it appears especially if that 6’3 1/4” measurement was in the morning he’s likely not over 6’3” flat if even
viper said on 8/Apr/19
Collinsworth measured 6-3 1/4
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Feb/19
Rob, maybe did get measured at 6ft3½ at 9:00a.m.?

Editor Rob
He might have at peak in his 30's.
Mickie said on 29/Sep/18
@Canson if Collinsworth is only 6'4" than Olbermann looks just over 6'1" there imo.
Canson said on 28/Sep/18
I doubt Collinsworth is a legit 6’5”. That’s his NFL listing and he doesn’t usually look over 6’4”
Mickie said on 26/Sep/18
Cris Collinsworth is 6'5":
Click Here
I think he looks about 6'2", maybe 6'2.5" there. Perhaps 6'2.5"-ish in the Ferguson video, and 6'2" in the Letterman one. Similar range next to Joel McHale.
I think 6'3.5" in shoes suits him perfectly.
Mickie said on 23/Sep/18
With Craig Ferguson:
Click Here
6'3.5" in shoes would seem about right for him once again, no? 6'2" - 6'2.5" range somewhere thereabouts?
Mickie said on 8/Sep/18
Rob - I'm pretty sure he's claiming a shoe height.
He doesn't really look appreciably taller than Letterman here:
Click Here
Joe McHale is a true 6'3.5" guy and here he is with Kieth:
Click Here

Editor Rob
He could have been a guy who was measured in shoes and claimed it.
IRememberWhenRockWasYoung said on 18/Aug/18
Could he have been 6'4 as a young man?
BigT said on 20/May/11
He's a big guy, I was thinking around 6'3" when I saw him standing
Mark D. said on 11/Jan/09
I met Joel McHale recently. I'm 6'4.5" and he was a half inch shorter. So if
he did appear a bit taller than Keith, then 6'3.5" is correct for Olbermann.
Antron said on 22/Dec/08
which has what to do with Keith Olbermann's height Viper?
Viper said on 1/Dec/08
He didnt by the popular vote.
BigT said on 30/Nov/08
Stats dont lie folks. Mccain got his ass kicked.
Tall1 said on 10/Nov/08
Just saw him on the view. With those little bitches he looked like Gulliver.
Tom said on 23/Sep/08
And the "Worst person in the World award" belongs to Keith Olbermann. MSNBC's rating suck compared to FOX. Stats don't lie folks. LOL. Keith is only 5 ft 11 in
anonah said on 9/Aug/08
I have size 14 feet.
but i'm 5'11"
I just saw him with Joel McHale who is 6'3" and I think Joel looked a little taller than Keith
Davey said on 9/Jul/08
all these news anchor tough guys are tall man.
antron said on 5/Jun/07
He keeps tall company, Dan Patrick is 6'3" as well.
MD said on 11/Jan/07
This looks about right. He easily looks in the range of 6'3" to 6'4". Every one of MSNBC's evening show hosts (Joe Scarborough, Chris Matthews, Keither Olbermann), and even Tucker who comes on a little earlier, are over 6'0".
Viper652 said on 10/Sep/06
Olberman is vastly superior to O'reilly on TV it isnt even funny. And I like O'reilly.
Regus said on 8/Sep/06
Funny Olbermann-Bill O'Reilly story. They were at the same function couple months ago, and Olbermann sez he noticed Billo there kept looking over his shoulder at Olbermann, then looking away, real obvious but not wanting to do the eye contact routine. They are close to the same height, for what it is worth---6-3 vs 6-4 or whatever. Bill generally likes to focus in on short people like Franken or Garafalo or whomever, I don't think it's a coincidence that he's clearly been at a disadvantage w/ 'ESPN Keith' here. Olbermann is like Chevy Chase, another guy who is TALL, who I always pictured being 5-11 or so as a kid. He's 6-5(Chase, def. a surprise. To me anyways.
Frank2 said on 19/Apr/06
And zero in the ratings dept.
Mr. R said on 18/Apr/06
For the record, he also claims to have size 14 feet!