Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Jan/22
I used to listen to Keith's DJ sister, Janice Long's show on Sunday afternoons.
She passed away on Christmas Day just gone.
RIP Janice
5th April 1955 - 25th December 2021
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/May/21
I can't see Keith willfully lying as such, so I think that he measured the 5ft6 when he got up.
⭐ Why on Earth do hospitals only ever weigh their patients first thing in the morning? I've never known it to be any different, and I've neither have I been privy to a decent discussion about the subject, even when I've asked questions, which simply isn't good enough! 😛
5ft5 for the tragically late Keith, who was always so infectiously happy.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Dec/19
Thinking of the late Keith Chegwin at this happy time of year. Keith leaves two children, a daughter, Rose, by co 'Swap Shop' presenter, Maggie Philbin, and a son, Ted, from his second marriage. His older sister is DJ Janice Long. She hosted an excellent prog rock show on Radio One, which I used to listen to as a youngster.
Keith gets 5ft5. He might have been dinky but he had an enormous personality. 😀👍
RIP Keith. XXX 🕯️
Nik said on 15/Dec/17
Sandy Cowell - Hi!
It was terrible to hear about the passing of Keith Chegwin. I think what you have written about Keith is really fitting for him and his success with the glam rock group "Kenny" was a fine achievement and they are a group he will have been proud to represent, also every member of this group will be enormously proud to have been a part of "Kenny" with Keith Chegwin. Also Keith will have been honoured to open Noel Edmunds's "Multi Coloured Swap Shop" and Noel Edmunds will have felt the same about Keith Chegwin. He will be sadly missed by everyone. Cheers, my friend!
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Dec/17
@ Nik - Hi! What a shame that Keith has finally bowed out at just 60.
I first watched him at 15, with the launching of Noel Edmunds's 'Multi Coloured Swap Shop'! He had so much energy, and was always laughing and up for anything. His life was fraught with hard patches, but he was the sort to always bounce back again. Such a friendly little fellow, he enjoyed success with the glam rock group 'Kenny' in the first half of the seventies.
He will be sadly missed. Thank you, Nik, for writing him a dedication. How very thoughtful of you. Cheers, my friend!
Nik said on 12/Dec/17
R.I.P Keith Chegwin.
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Dec/17
Today there has been a heading of merely 'Keith Chegwin' in and among my internet snippets. I investigated to discover that the friendly little guy has died. Absolutely gobsmacking news and I feel very sad. He was 60.
RIP Keith xxx
Sandy Cowell said on 23/Jan/17
Keith says 5ft6ish. I think that translates into 5ft5ish at the very most! So I will give him 5ft4.5! 😞 😜
tim said on 31/Dec/11
i am 5.6 measured at the doctors, Chegwin came to my place of work, I was next to him, he is 5.4 at best
Middle-sized Cat said on 5/Oct/06
Poor old Cheggers! He told my friend (when he was about 12) to "bugger off" when he said, "Are you Cheggers?" Trouble was, my mate was taller than KC even at age 12!

Editor Rob
cheggers...timmy mallot...pat sharp...those were the days!