Cazzie/mileven enthusiast said on 10/Nov/19
He looks 5’6 imo
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Sep/19
🎁🎂🎉🎈 Happy Birthday Keir! 🎈🎉🎂🎁
Keir turns 27 today, young enough now and for many years to come, to look forward to his Birthdays!
I wish him a fantastic, fun-fuelled time today, with his mates and family.
Yes, this youngster is one of only a few of the younger celebrities I managed to recognize when I look through the listings of birth anniversaries on the Famous Birthdays app. I enjoyed his film 'It Follows' very much.
5ft5.5. 😉👍
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Feb/19
Well, I wasn't wrong about seeing plenty more of him in the near future! I just saw 'The Good Neighbour', which I bought because James Caan is in it.
It's about two young scamps who break into the house of a sad and lonely old man - played by James Caan, set up equipment and proceed to spy on him. They criticise his every weakness, not realising that he's mourning his wife, who died of an illness not long before.
Keir plays alongside Logan Miller, who is of similar height to him; sometimes Gilchrist looks taller and at other times Miller does, so they are likely to be neck-and-neck.
I will again go for 5ft5.5.
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Nov/18
I KNEW I'd seen Keir in another film - I am watching 'It Follows' now and I recognised him from 'Dark Summer', which I saw recently.
I was checking out the cast and found Keir is meant to be 170cm, but he is only a fraction taller than Maika Monroe, who plays his blonde-haired girlfriend and is 5ft5, but written up at 168cm on the very same (unreliable!) source.
I will plump for 5ft5.5 for this impressive young star, Keir Gilchrist. I'm sure I'll be seeing plenty more of him in the near future! 😁👍
jonas said on 4/Oct/18
Listed at 5"7 om google, but is almost a fot Shorter then Rapabort. One of the smallest american males I have seen, looks 5"4
Nik said on 6/Aug/18
Nice photograph!
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Aug/18
@ Rob - So can I, and I saw that he was also starring in the thoroughly original horror/thriller 'It Follows', which I have upstairs!
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Aug/18
Good grief, this is scary! There is a revolting song sung by a ghostly female presence which caused me to nearly 💩 myself!
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Aug/18
Oh, he IS here! Nice one Rob, I didn't know whether he would be, seeming as I'd never heard of him!
Well, I'm watching him in a film called 'Dark Summer', in which he plays a somewhat undernourished 17-year-old, who could pass for 15 or 16. I thought he might be around 5ft5/5.5, but I will give him the higher option because he really rather needs it! (Don't worry Keir - I know what it's like to be short, and if you get parts through it, then bully for you!👍)
I wonder how old he was when he played this role?

Editor Rob
he'd have been 21-2 for that film. I can see Keir having a good career ahead of him.
Lee168cm said on 29/Aug/17
Shorter than logan Miller whose listed 5'6"
Peter175 said on 29/Aug/17
Looks a flat 5'5" and nothing more to me. Galifianakis had him by 2 inches
Junior said on 28/Aug/17
He looks it about this listing with 5'7 Zach Galifianakis in It's Kind of a Funny Story.