Anonymous said on 23/Feb/08
She is not 6' with heels on. In her wedding photo she stood about mayby 5'9". She is nearly anorexic and she and old fangy little ****, 6'1" in heels would make her tower over David Beckham and he stood about 2" taller than katie at the Becks party. She is 5'1)" with heels and at lest 5'8" in flats. Making her only 5'7.25" cause there's only and 1/2" difference.
Anonymous said on 26/Jan/08
okay, to the comment below-- those images are photoshopped! lol
Anonymous said on 24/Jan/08
Katie Holmes is at least 6 inches taller than Tom Cruise. To prove this go to Google images and type in Tom Cruise. Then click on the third picture in the first column where Tom and Katie have their hands round each other. TAKE A LOOK AT THE PICS OF THEM TWO ON THAT WEBSITE. YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT...
mf said on 18/Jan/08
In a recent interview, she claims to be 5'9". However, she is about the same size as Latifah in photos taken from their BET appearances (occasionally, looking shorter or slightly taller).
Roe said on 15/Jan/08
She was on the David Letterman show yesterday(1/14/08).Whe she first comes out and shakes his hand(around 21 secs) he says to her "Have you always been this tall?"..She says "Yeah". She has heels on. When she steps up to go sit down, looks like she about 2 inches taller than 6ft1.5 Dave. So I'd guess that she's 5'10 minimum.
Click Here
C. said on 15/Jan/08
I always thought she was in the 5'8"-9" range, but after seeing some of these pics...well, she doesn't look any taller than 5'7" or so. She looks pretty much dead on with Anne Hathaway. If the woman keeps on saying she's 5'7" and then 5'8" or 5'9", she truly must be 5'7". If she was Nicole or Uma's height I could see how maybe she would downgrade, but a 5'7" woman isn't that tall. And it seems like as she gets more and more popular, her height increases.
But perhaps she is 5'9". However, she always wears heels. And as others have said, Tom would have to have huge lifts (especially regarding the 5'6" claims) to catch up with her in heel-height.
Jack says on 28/May/07
I met her in New York and Im pretty much 5'10" exactly and she was my height in maybe 5'8" or even 5'7"
If she's 5'10" in heels, then 5'7 1/2" is more accurate.
Tallgirl said on 28/Dec/07
G-unit said: 8/Nov/06
Jesus, she's a monster.. I would say 5'9, 5'10.
But, you know i'm 5feet 9 inches like Katie Holmes and I'm only 13 years old and you know, I looovvee my height ! I know, some people is small....
Misha Barton, The Actress on That 70's show, Donna, Nicole Kidman, Katie Holmes are tall and those womens are verrryyy beautiful !
So, i can say that no they aren't monster :P
mf said on 27/Dec/07
She lists her height as 179cm on her "offical" myspace page.
mf said on 16/Dec/07
Wondering why my comments aren't being posted?
Andre said on 13/Oct/07
Stephanie if you ever have seen Tom Cruise in action, You will note that he never slouches, always standing maximum straight.
john said on 26/Sep/07
she is only 1 inch taller than tom cruise, so she is at most 5-9.
Anonymous said on 20/Sep/07
My friend served her at a coffee shop in Hollywood.
He told me that she is an amazon. He says she was about 5'11 easy.
You see, tall actresses often lie about their heights to get more work. It is is common knowledge that many do not want the actress being taller than the leading man. She is known to hunch a lot in photos public places too.
I once saw an episode of Dawson's Creek where the show opened up with her jogging towards camera and no hunching over, and there was no disputing, she is a very tall woman.
Ms. Sunshine said on 4/Sep/07
The picture of Tom & Katie at the Berlin Zoo presented by Melvin-notice how thick the soles of his shoes are, so the heels must be high.
Alex said on 2/Sep/07
Katie Holmes is no way under 5'8 if you ask me.
Leung said on 23/Aug/07
I agree dmeyer, Holmes seems 5'9", she is tall for a girl
dmeyer said on 23/Aug/07
i met her she seemed 3 in under me but i had 2 cm advantage shoes i think she is 5 ft 9 at the very least 5'8.5 dont fprget i saw cruise looking 5'9
dmeyer said on 23/Aug/07
i met her she seemed 3 in under me but i had 2 cm advantage shoes i think she is 5 ft 9 at the very least 5'8.5
Melv said on 23/Aug/07
Maybe 5ft 7.5 for both. Cruise lying about his height is predictable. Holmes rounding off her height to 5ft 8 is understandable.
Stephanie said on 22/Aug/07
I think after looking at pics of Katie without her usual 3" heels, we can conclude that Katie and Tom are the same height: 5ft 8in.
The only way Katie is 5' 9" is if Tom actually told the truth when he said he was 5' 9". This is doubtful but maybe he slouches or is just a man who looks short when he's really about average.
I still think they're both 5' 8"...
Melvin said on 18/Aug/07
I thought Katie Holmes was 5ft 9 too until I saw the photos of her in flats in a Berlin Zoo this week. Cruise was not wearing lifts. His legs and shoes look normal. Katie looks like she is the same barefoot height as him.
Click Here
Alex said on 1/Jul/07
Demeyer, yea she looks 5'9 whenever I see her.
dmeyer said on 28/Jun/07
i met her cnsidering footwear she was 5'9
Kathryn said on 27/Jun/07
yes, i understood.=) from which country r u by the way?
Sam said on 22/Jun/07
My lovely Ladies Kathryn and Sarah, You understood what i mean! i was hoping to say middle- sized, but i could not write my meanings in real words! but in Hollywood, You know, 5''7 is as a woman's Height ideal and lovely!
Sarah said on 21/Jun/07
Um Sam you said "Directors of Films interested in average height women, like Pfeiffer, Garner, Zeta-jones, Bullock."
None of those woman are average height and Garner is about 5"9herself...
Kathryn said on 29/May/07
@ sam: the average height for women in us is 5'4'' or 5'5''....the ones u named in ur comment arren´t average hight in us. they are all around 5'7''...and 5'7'' is average height in germany. so what average height did u mean?..i think katie is 5'9'' but maybe she´s a little smaller. 5'8'' minimum..
Jack said on 28/May/07
I met her in New York and Im pretty much 5'10" exactly and she was my height in maybe 5'8" or even 5'7"
Sam said on 11/May/07
I asked her height, and she said 5 8''. But i must to say now, she looked taller, like 5 10''. She answered me 5 9'' but I think she don't feel ok, when she too much taller than an average women height in States and may be Katie thinking of new Film castings! that all the Directors of Films interested in average height women, like Pfeiffer, Garner, Zeta-jones, Bullock.
Alex said on 30/Apr/07
I was just watching the movie Go yesterday. Who else has seen that? Well if you see it Katie looks at least 5'8 there, possibly 5'9. But with her saying both I don't think she's above 5'8.5 but not lower than 5'8 either.
Alex said on 18/Apr/07
Katie I think can get away with 5'9 plus because of her lean build and the way she carries herself and also her heels can fool some people. I think she looks at least 5'8, maybe 5'8.5. She even said 5'8 one time than 5'9 another. 5'8.5 may be the most accurate.
Anonymous said on 16/Apr/07
anissa : i LOVE katie holmes she is sexy nice sweet and tall and her baby is soo cute katie holmes is alreay 5'7 i LOVE her muah signed brttney spears
Kathryn said on 10/Apr/07
Katie looks 5'9'' definately. because when u look at her with husband tom cruise on pix then u can see she´s really taller than him. so 5'9'' maybe 5'8.5'' but i think 5'9''.
glenn said on 9/Apr/07
can you post that on the colin page dmeyer.thanks.
dmeyer said on 8/Apr/07
i met her i think at her shortest 5'8.5 but likely 5'9 strong
Viper said on 7/Apr/07
She might be 5-7 1/2.
timber said on 6/Apr/07
I don't see her any taller than 5-7
Viper said on 6/Apr/07
Ok, do you want me to say shes 5-3? Now thats downplaying. And If you think she looks taller than 5-8, then you cant judge height very well.
bikagyura said on 5/Apr/07
OMG! What's your problem Viper?! You downplay everyone! For having such an interest you sure ain't got an eye for heights...
dmeyer said on 10/Mar/07
i met her she is between 174 and 176 cm she looked 5'8 but i had big snickers with 1.2 inch and she had 0.25 in heels so she must be 5 feet 9
Viper said on 10/Mar/07
Shes 5-8 Max. Maybe as short as 5-7.
Realme said on 10/Mar/07
Take a look at this picture. These massive guys make her look tiny and short. Plus she is leaning.
Click Here
ShiaLaBeoufGurl said on 8/Mar/07
yes, Katie is VERY tall when I saw her! She is taller than Tom...and Tom is (to me in the 5'6'' 5'7'' range.)
dmeyer said on 18/Feb/07
i met her very quick i am about 6'0.25 in sneakers and and i was walking behind her and she seemed more than 2 inches shorter than me but she had 0.25 like 0.6 cm heels almost barefeet so even if she was 3 inches shorter that means 5'9.75 in 0.25 heels so 5'9 but from wath i saw she is between 174 and 176 cm no more no less but i think in 4 inch heels like she wears sometimes or 4.5 she can easy apear 6 ft like 6'1 to 6'1.5 in heels
Kathryn said on 16/Feb/07
i would say she´s 5'8.5'' (174 cm) because I stood next to her on a celebrity party and I had sneakers on and she, too and she was definately 3 inches taller than me because I took a photo and you can see it clearly. By the way I´m exactly 5'7.5'' (171 cm).

Editor Rob
I'm not sure on your calculation, any chance you can upload the photo somewhere so we can see it?
sash said on 24/Jan/07
What really strikes me is how short everyone is in showbiz - I'm 179cm barefoot and I don't feel tall at all where I come from (Australia) its always fascinated me so many are so petite! Apparently at my 130lbs in LA I'd be a heiffer (big fat moo cow).
UNK said on 18/Jan/07
In that pic her shoes aren't flat.
dmeyer said on 18/Jan/07
in that pic were they are both wearing flat she lookes nearly 3 inches taller but maybe bad angle so 5 cm so 170.18 to tom and 175.26 for holmes i think 172 is morning height for tom
Realme said on 17/Jan/07
Looking at the picture she appears to be a real 5'9" girl! She is towering over all of the men. It's pretty scary that a woman who is under 6ft is the tallest out of about 7 men! What is happening to the world?
anonymous said on 3/Jan/07
I saw Tom cruise at a chic up-scale bar in NYC hanging out with his guy friends... his friends were not real tall either but taller than him. No Media around. He was short. I would say that he has to be around 5'6 at most and that is pushing it. So if Holmes is 5'9 Tom has got some good shoes on that only money can buy.
jan said on 30/Dec/06
gosh i can't believe you people, she is definitely 5 ft 9 and possibly even more, because she is about an inch taller than Tom ... it is so obvious ...
anonymous2 said on 13/Dec/06
she isn't wearing typical heels there, but notice that the soles of her shoes appear pretty thick, like clogs. she could be getting 1 to 2 inches from them.
dmeyer said on 12/Dec/06
she looked 5'8 but she was wearing 0.25 sleepers and i was wearing 1.2 sneakers so 5'9 or 5'8.75 174 to 175 minimum
Keoini said on 1/Dec/06
I saw her at UCLA during summer of 2003 while filiming "The First Daughter," she seemed like she was 6'2'' WITH HEELS. She was only a lil' bit shorter than those Hollywood mens, which are generally averaging around 6'~6'4''.
kampioen said on 30/Nov/06
I quote the Sunday Times (19 november 2006): "The age difference "never crossed my mind", she said. Nor did the height difference -at 5ft 9 she is 2in taller than Cruise's official height."

Editor Rob
5ft 9 has been Cruise's 'official' height since the 80's.
maggie said on 23/Nov/06
You guys she is 5'8, obviously with 2-3 inch heels on she'll look taller but really, she's about the same height as Tom, I can't remember in what magazine but it was when they started dating and they were holding hands, she was wearing shorts and flip flops and they were the same height...I think they were on a vacation with the other kids, Isabella and Connor, anyways, she's tall but not extremely tall. I'm exactly 5'4, I have a co worker who is exactly 5'8 and she doesn't "tower" over me.
don said on 20/Nov/06
I met katie about 2 years ago when i was on vacation, im about 6'1 and a half in shoes (not special ones) and she seemed about 5'8, my girlfriend at the time was 5'7 and katie was only an inch taller, if that.
Viper652 said on 20/Nov/06
You really thought she was only 5-4? That is strange. Always looked tall to me. She looks around the same height as Hathaway. She could really be 5-7.
A Girl said on 20/Nov/06
Oh my! I always thought Katie Holmes was completely average, around 5'4'' at best. While trying to watch the news this morning they of course have gone back to 'Tomkat's wedding' about 10 times, and said she is 'a few inches taller' than her husband.
Ya'll are so crazy : P I don't know where people get the idea that women wear 2 inch heels, either. Dressy heels are generally a minimum of 3 inches. People regularly overestimate their heights (if you look at studies- when they are broken into two groups, those who are allowed to report their own heights and those who are measured, people who report their own heights are always the taller group). You're all so unreliable! Gosh.
anonymous2 said on 20/Nov/06
with 5'7 Anne Hathaway:
Click Here
6'2'' JK said on 14/Nov/06
I agree Glenn, She looks barely 5'9'' to me.
Glenn said on 14/Nov/06
I think she really is 5-9 Alex.I think they were 3 inchers.when ever I questioned my friends over her height,they would say "shewas tall" and the other line was "about an inch taller than you Glenn".
Glenn said on 13/Nov/06
She towered over me in heels.
Alex said on 13/Nov/06
Glenn, you say she appeared 5'11 in heels and you're a pretty good judge at height. Were they 3 or 4 inch heels if you saw? What would you estimat her barefoot height.
Alex said on 13/Nov/06
Viper, If she's as low as 5'7 then her heels are fooling me but I see her in the movie Go if you seen it and she was in sneakers and looked 5'9ish in them. I'd go with 5'8 for her barefoot height since she did say it and I'd take the lower height out of the 2 she said. You think she's 5'7 though?
Viper652 said on 13/Nov/06
5-8 at her absolute, absolute Max really.
Alex said on 13/Nov/06
Viper, she looks taller than 5'7. 5'8 minimum to me which is probably her height since she has that both that and 5'9. Thats because 5'8 is probably her barefoot height and 5'9 was calling it in shoes I can bet.
G-unit said on 8/Nov/06
Jesus, she's a monster.. I would say 5'9, 5'10.
dmeyer said on 29/Oct/06
if she was taller than 175 cn i wouldnt have been that mush taller so more 5'8.5 to 5'9
dmeyer said on 29/Oct/06
if she apeared 5'11 in heels it meands she is 5'8 or 9 in barefeet i met her yesterday she looked under 5'9 but ihad advantage in shoes so i think she is 174 to 175 cm no more thats pretty tall for a girl i think she aleast 5'8 ant at the most 5'9 near ton cruise she looks 5'9 atleast but know that i saw her in person even thaugh cruise apeared near 5'9 at 174 in suspicious shoes so i think he is 5'7.5 barefeet no more because even in 1.5 in heels and her in flat he barely looks her height and also i never met cruise with normal shoes he alwais has height cut boots so must be 1 to 1.5 lifts in normal shoes cruise look 171-2 range and in lifts looks 175-6 range
dmeyer said on 29/Oct/06
in the pic he is the same height because he has 2 in and she has 0.25 in
dmeyer said on 28/Oct/06
i met her today she seemed to be in the 5'8 to 5'9 i was very mush taler at about 5'11 but i had 1.25" sneakers and she had 0.25 flip flops type she make tom look so short that i thaught she could be 5'10 she looks like 174 anythyng from 173 to 175 is possible but since she had only 0.25 " shoes i'dsay she is close to 175 but not taller and since ton even with 3.5 cm boots and who knows waths inside steel looks the same or a hair smaller so ton is defenetly no taller than 172 possibly 170 cm only she looked 5'8 but i had shoes advantage so maybe 174 175 zone for katie but anithing fron 5'8.25 to 5'9 is possible
anonymous2 said on 17/Oct/06
This is an imperfect pic, but anyway it shows Katie in flats next to Tom who is wearing chunky shoes. she doesn't look 5-9 here to me, more 5-7 (and Tom may be an inch or so shorter than she without the shoes):
Click Here
Viper652 said on 5/Oct/06
I can beleive she is 5-7.
Anonymous said on 4/Oct/06
Saw her in Las Vegas this weekend, in the Wynn Hotel. She is not taller than 5'7" and Tom is about 5'6". He really is TINY and she didn't appear very tall (even in 3 inch heels). I am 5'8". And she wasn't quite my height. But BEAUTIFUL in person.
anonymous2 said on 2/Oct/06
yeah, that was obviously a mistake. I meant 170 cm.
Drew said on 27/Sep/06
"in recent pics where she is wearing flats she Iooks 176 cm or 5'7, tops"
176cm is over 5'9"
Emma W said on 24/Sep/06
I think she might be shorter. In heels she looks only about 3 inches taller than Tom, so without she might be the same height
anonymous2 said on 12/Sep/06
in recent pics where she is wearing flats she Iooks 176 cm or 5'7, tops
Glenn said on 25/Aug/06
She appeared 5-11 in heels.turned me month before the whole Cruise,I hear he makes her pose for fans.
Viper652 said on 23/Aug/06
Shes 5-8 Max.
cateline said on 18/Aug/06
i met katie and she was only slightly shorter and im like 178.5 cm so i think she is around 177 cm or something.(non of us were wearing heels)
DMeyer said on 14/Aug/06
i think she is a solid 5 feet9 maybe a tad more since she looks taller than cruise when she wear 0.5 cm shoes and he is in boots so aleast 175-6 range
Steph said on 11/Aug/06
Katie said she was 5' 8" when she was 19. I doubt she grew more after that, but it is possible. MOST girls are done growing by 16-18, but some grow a little longer. By age 25, everyone (men & women) is done growing, but before then you never know. :)
I see her listed as 5' 8", 5' 9" and 5' 10".
Brad said on 6/Aug/06
Katie 5' 9" & Tom 5' 7" and baby 16". Nicole: taller than Katie.
Magnus said on 19/Jun/06
Come on..."as short as 173 cm". Come on!...2 inches more than 1,73 is not much.
Even a genious can figure that out right ?
It`s not like when i stand between her, she feels like mount everest ;). Maybe you don`t even see the difference at all. Because 2 inches...*hah, silly*
Alamut said on 2/Jun/06
Look at this
Click Here or (if this doesn't work):
Click Herekatie slouches, here heels aren't that gigantic and cruise has very suspicious-looking footwear
Mystique said on 29/May/06
Met her at the Batman Begins premiere and I think she's like me without shoes and I'm 5'9". In no case taller, rather smaller.
Alex said on 6/May/06
She has said both 5'8 and 5'9. I'd lean more toward 5'9 but maybe shes 5'8.5 and lies in the middle of 5'8 and 5'9 since she has said both.
J. said on 25/Apr/06
This Parade article with Tom Cruise (
Click Here) informs that Katie Holmes "is about 5 foot 10". The writer then notes that Cruise is 5 foot 7.
nou-nou said on 30/Mar/06
The Holmes family are family friends of mine, and they are a tall family indeed. I'd say Katie is about 5'10 because her mother is 6' and she was just a bit smaller than her.
Leo said on 27/Mar/06
Katie is very tall. Close to 5'10. Her whole family is very tall. My niece goes to the same modeling school Katie went to, and I was told she is as tall as my niece who is 5'10.
Jared said on 7/Mar/06
Im really confused on this whole height topic. 5'7 apparently is tom Cruise's height, but some say hes 5,9, even that tom cruise fan site says hes 5,10 (178cm). Which can't be true because that would mean he's close to George Clooney's height which i believe is 5,11 or 6ft. And at the oscars he was slightly taller than Nicole Kidman who was wearing heels! I think Tom is 5,7 (170) because if you watch in Jerry Maguire, hes about or very slightly shorter than Jay Mohr (Bob Sugar) and Jay is 171 cm tall. As for Katie, 5,9 seems about right. With her slim frame she looks even taller though.
Alex said on 7/Feb/06
here is a gallery of some pics with Tom and Katie but we can't see footwear but say if they are wearing the same type of footwear, Katie appears about 2 inches taller.
Kats said on 4/Feb/06
She must be working the slouching lately... in recent pictures, pregnant Katie looks noticibly shorter than Tom! He must be wearing lifts, while she is in flats. Combined with some possible slouching, we've got quite the illusion going on. I agree, she is about 5'9. Tom--5'7.
Alex said on 2/Feb/06
Tom is no way taller than Katie. Shes at least an inch taller than him and hes 5'7 I'd go with. But yea she has said 5'8 but also has said 5'9. Could be either, maybe she means 5'8 barefoot and 5'9 in shoes?
TNTinCA said on 1/Feb/06
Hey Rob,
Considering she is marrying Tom Cruise, she had better learn to slouch.
ds said on 30/Jan/06
She's 173cm trust me, sometimes she says she's 5'7", 5'8", or 5'9" so 5'8" is best. I met Tom Cruise and he's 169-170. So if she's like 3 or 4 cm taller she's 5'8"...thats what she's always listed...
sianna said on 19/Jan/06
this height is right, a quote from InStyle magazine (Australian edition july 2005) "Her willowy frame (1.75m in flats and, no, she's not self-conscious about wearing heels)..." she diffinately looks taller!
Heightfind said on 4/Jan/06
She's skinny and about 5'8.5 which looks tall on a girl. It's impossible to speculate or imagine Cruise without shoes(and lifts,lol) in a given photograph. He would wear lifts in his coffin.Those pics at the premier are a real eye opener - she is wearing flatties and he is wearing...God knows what in those very big heeled boots,and he is STILL struggling to look eye to eye with her.Cruise is a definite 5'6" barefoot.Just look at the length of Cruise's thighs - very very short - nothing can disguise that.Her legs are like a gazelles compared with his.
175cm16andgrowing said on 3/Jan/06
@Marc: So she's 5'11'' :D. Cruise also doesn't seem to be small in his movies. The thing is the guy stands 201lbs sometimes, is very muscle and wears lifts so he appears to be taller than he really is, just like Jean-Claude Van Damme. Katie is skinny and can look 5'10'' but I'm sure she's 5'9''.
Marc said on 2/Jan/06
I know for a fact that she is 5'8". Tom Cruise commented that she was only an inch taller than him.
Steph said on 24/Dec/05
I am 5' 8" and Katie is almost exactly my height. Give or take 1/4" at the most. I think that she was telling the truth when she said 5' 8", and a lot of fan sites list her as being 5ft 8.
Anonymous said on 22/Dec/05
if shes 5'9" tom is 5'5" because she makes him look like a hobbit
LAAnonyme said on 22/Dec/05
Katie Holmes is 5'8", possibly 5'8.5" but I doubt it. You cannot judge her against Tom Cruise when both are wearing "flats" because it is well known in the industry that Cruise wears lifts in his shoes. He is just under 5'7".
Amanda said on 16/Dec/05
Katie is 5' 8.5" and Tom is 5' 9". That explains:
1) Why Katie said she's "like 5ft 9" and later on said she was 5' 8"
2) Why, when both Tom and Katie are in flats, Tom looks slightly taller than Katie
Katilin said on 15/Dec/05
When I met her we were exactly the same height and I am 5' 8.5" (174 cm).
glow said on 7/Dec/05
I found a few interesting full length shots of TomKat. Supposedly they are both in flats (although a bit suspicious about Tom's!) In this one Katie looks taller:
But suddenly she is dwarfed by him in this next one, perhaps due to the length of her strides as she walks:
In this one they suddenly appear to be the same height, keeping in mind that Katie is close to the camera:
So it's anyone's guess really! What do you guys think?
mika said on 4/Dec/05
Tom Cruise is slightly taller than Katie when Katie is not in heels (or subtracting the 3"-4" from her height if she is in heels. And even if Tom is in elevator shoes, the amount of extra height added cannot be that much because otherwise the heel of the foot would be as tall as the shoe and his shoe would come off as he was walking! I think Katie is 5' 8.5" and Tom is 5' 9" like he says. He just seems smaller because a) the average height for a man is just under 5' 10", and b) a lot of time he works with men who are 6' or taller, so they have 3+ inches on him.
6' is "not that tall"... for a man. That's like a woman being 5' 6.5". A woman at 6' is tall. That would be the equivalent of a man at 6' 5.5". According to a medical site I went to (for women):
5' 0" is the 4th percentile, 5' 1" is the 9th percentile, 5' 2" is the 19th percentile, 5' 3" is the 32nd percentile, 5' 4" is the 47th percentile, 5' 5" is the 62nd percentile, 5' 6" is the 76th percentile, 5' 7" is the 86th percentile, 5' 8" is the 93rd percentile, 5' 9" is 98th percentile. Anything above 5' 9" or below 4' 11.5" doesn't register (top and bottom 2%)
ds said on 11/Nov/05
Actually Gigy, 5'7" is pretty tall. I'm 5'7"/5'8" and I'm taller than almost everyone in sneakers. it's more like 5'0 and under really short 5'-5'3" short. 5'4" - 5'6" average, 5'7" - 5'11" tall, anything above freaky!!!And Anonymous, 5'8" is tall for a girl (top 95%), maybe you just aren't 6'
ds said on 11/Nov/05
5'8" solid, on the dot. That's what she was always listed before "TomKat".
MissyB said on 8/Nov/05
Tom Cruise is 5'7, so Katie cannot be 5'7!
JUSTMATT said on 1/Nov/05
Ok now Rob the question is...if you go to there are some photos of Katie Holmes with 5.8 Downey Jr. In those photos Downey with shoes on is a max of 5.10 (even if I think 5.9) and Holmes is a max of 2 inches taller so around 5.11. We cannot see her shoes but we can imagine that she has heels, maybe 2 inches, so without heels she is probably 5.9. What I want you to notice is the difference that there is between 5.8 Downey and 5.9 Holmes instead of the difference between Holmes and Cruise: Cruise in elevator shoes is shorter than Downey Jr in trainers so in my opinion CRUISE IS A MAX OF 168 CM!
What said on 1/Nov/05
Sighting: Saw Katie Holmes in the soho Sephora yesterday wearing a pink wool coat, shades and yapping into her cell phone. As I think I’ve read in other gawker stalkers, she is surprisingly tall…5’7” or 5’8” and cute though not much cuter than any other NYC cute girl.
CoolJ said on 31/Oct/05
I think its safe to say Holmes is taller than Cruise by a fair margin. Look at those shoes he has on.. and she's still his height or very close to it
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/05
If Katie says 5'8" and Tom 5'9", that means Katie 5'6" and Tom 5'7". My friend raced with Tom when he was training for Days of Thunder. There are several pictures. which you can find maybe on Bondurant Racing School's site, that prove cruise is 5'6"-7". All that 5'9" stuff is crazy talk.
Anonymous said on 15/Oct/05
what the hell katie holmes 5ft9? no way! she doesnt even look 5ft8 she looks 5ft7.
mcfan said on 30/Sep/05
I really think she's only 5'8. In "The President's Daughter", Michael Keaton was 1-1.25 inches taller than her in his normal shoes while she was wearing two-inch heels. Most likely, she is 5'8 w/o shoes and 5'9 in tennis shoes. Margret Colin, who was wearing a similar heel looked 2.5-3 inches taller than her. Here is a photo from the film that was close to representing the height difference between the two. Keaton is 5'10, not 5'11. If he is wearing 1-1.25 inches of sole and she is wearing 2 inch heels, then she's close to 5'8.
I, too, thought she was taller at 5'9 but when you see her in tennis shoes, you can see she isn't as tall as you might think. She and Cruise are of similar height even though she appears taller with her 4-inch heels.
Bleemo said on 4/Sep/05
Does Katie know something about Christian Bale that we don't?!? will Christian become Christana before the next movie?!? tune into the next exciting installment of Batman to find out!!!
CelebHeighs Editor said on 3/Sep/05
She's now consistantly saying her height as 175cm: "[Christina Bale] is taller than me and very muscular. I’m not a petite little actress – I’m 5-foot-9 – so I made him sweat a little"
nana said on 3/Sep/05
she is 5'10".. may be she doesnt want to admit it
~Nate~ said on 30/Aug/05
Although I've never met her I saw her on the set of Dawsons Creek when my friend worked on the show for a while as an assitant PR. And lemme tell you I'm over 6ft tall, and Katie is one of the tallest woman I've ever seen she was wearing Sandals and I felt that she was at least 5'10. She was very close to my height
CelebHeights Editor said on 23/Aug/05
From Gawker - "Saw Chris Klein and Katie Holmes at 14th Street and Eighth Avenue. They were both bundled up, and much taller then I thought they would be"
CelebHeights Editor said on 23/Aug/05
Katie - "They always say, "Oh, you're big""
Z. said on 14/Jul/05
In the latest ( August issue) Instyle magazine with Katie on the cover, it says that she is 5'9 in flats, whých means she is probably 5'8 barefoot, right?
Viper652 said on 9/Jul/05
So If shes 5-7, then that would confirm James Vanderbeek's height around 5-9 from Dawsons Creek.
Mr. Klaus said on 9/Jul/05
I saw her at the Batman Begins Premiere. With heels on she is pretty close to my height wich is 6 ft 1. I think that she is really 5 ft 9.
Z2 said on 9/Jul/05
Katie Holmes said she was 5'7" in Rolling Stone magazine. The bigger her stardom got, she was rounded to 5'8". She doesn't look 5'8" to me. She looks dead even with 5'7".
Danny said on 9/Jul/05
She is only 5'7 on my view. she wears big heels. heels don't count to height.
Viper652 said on 28/Jun/05
Vander Beek's real height is 5-10. No way he even comes close to 6 foot. He never looked above 5-9 in the show actually.
glow said on 28/Jun/05
i beg to differ on gigy's comment of height categories. in my opinion, it ought to be: 4'9-5'3 short, 5'4-5'6 normal, 5'7-5'10 tall, and 5'11 and over as extra tall. but maybe i'm just being generous! ;)
Gigy said on 27/Jun/05
Actually, women are usually placed in short, normal, tall and extra tall categories! Generally, 4'9-5'4 is considered realy short to shortish, 5'5-5'7 is considered normal, 5'8-5'11 is tall, and 6'0-6'2 extra tall! Therefore, Katie Holmes does belong in the ´tall´ group, and as for those women who are 6'0 and above, well they belong into the ´extra tall´ group!
Anonymous said on 24/Jun/05
She made Tom Cruise look like a umpa lumpa in the MTV Awards show, even though Tom was wearing his big heeeled boots. She was standing easily 6' feet tall with heels on.
Umm said on 8/Jun/05
Anonymous.. I dont know if you're from the Netherlands or Sweden, but the average height for a girl in America is about 5'4". 5'8" is pretty tall for a girl and 6' is very tall for a girl.
Mr. R said on 6/Jun/05
Katie is pretty tall when you add 2-3 inch heels. Also, have you seen the nickname given to her and her "intended " Tom Cruise? The media is calling them:
Anonymous said on 5/Jun/05
5'8'' is nothing, I would never call her pretty tall. Now if she was 6' then I would say she's pretty tall. I've been told that I'm not all that tall and I have 4 inches on her!
Mr. R said on 9/May/05
Actually, I have discovered that most men in Hollywood tend to round up 1-2 inches, and the taller women, tend to round down. I have met Nicole Kidman twice, and Uma Thurman once, and I think that they are both a little taller than listed. Katie's downgrade of height would be consistent with this practice. Also, if people think that women are "too tall", they will be hard to cast against shorter male actors.
kcq said on 8/May/05
I'm not sure why she would say she is shorter than she actually is--unless she's just excessively modest! She does have a very petite, lanky build which can make someone seem taller. She's probably 5 8 1/2.
Iloveheat said on 30/Apr/05
So did you see the last pictures of Tom Cruise and Katie? If she is 5'9", and I hope so for Tom, then Tom must be at least one inch smaller than her, or, given that she wears high hills, he is as tall as her, bu for sure no way taller than 5"9".
Cooky said on 30/Apr/05
Wow,she's that tall?!?She always looked 5ft 4 or 5ft 5 to me. :)