Allie said on 4/Mar/21
I've always thought Heidi was a weak 5'9.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 11/Feb/21
She once stand next to Heidi Klum in same heels and there is 2.25" between them.
Allie said on 10/Aug/20
@Chris - While I think at times she can appear to be a little over or under 180cm/5'11, I think generally she looks it.
Here she is with Erin O'Connor in similar heels, albeit not the best posture/posing. She measured at 185CM (6'0.75ish) in footwear and claims she's 183.5 (6'0.25) barefoot.
Click Here
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 8/Mar/20
If Karolina is an honest 180cm then all female model who work with her have to go down 1cm listing.
KOLINSpol said on 18/Nov/19
She is so tall and pretty. 5'11 easily. Rob what do you think, how tall is she here with these boots with heels
Click Here ?

Editor Rob
The angle of the heel suggests (and also a long foot) that it might be 3.3-3.4 range of actual height.
Nik said on 24/Jul/19
@ Rob - How tall is the other girl?

Editor Rob
On here I have ambrosio down as 174cm
Nik Ashton said on 24/Jul/19
Itβs very sweet that Karolina and her agency are so honest!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Apr/19
π₯ Correction Time! π₯
That should have read 'I'LL most certainly....' in my comment to Magda.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 29/Apr/19
@ Magda - Send my best to your family too. Thanks! I most certainly mention you to mine! π
Magda said on 26/Apr/19
I believe sometimes she looks 5ft11.25.
Magda said on 26/Apr/19
@ Miss Sandy Cowell - Send my greetings to your family. Have a nice day! π
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Apr/19
Look at the gorgeous legs on both the girls! They are perfection if ever I saw it - goodness grief!
@ Magda - Hello there! Which country are you from, if you don't my asking? I had a German Tante Magda. She was married to my Onkel Alois - which is Arnold Schwarzenegger's middle name BTW - my Mum's brother. They produced five sons of varying heights.
I was born in England and brought up here. Cheers Magda! ππ
Karolina gets 5ft11.25.
Magda said on 25/Apr/19
Seems correct, she is even taller than Gisele who claims 180 cm. Compared to six footers model like Hana Soukupova and Julia Stegner she looks at this tall .
Lara said on 5/Mar/19
I think she is about as tall as me. I guess she is around 1.80 m.
HauteCouture97 said on 15/Feb/19
5'10.25/178.25cm or under: weak
5'10.5-'10.75/179-79.5cm: strong
5'11+/180cm+: weak
Lionel Tan said on 25/Sep/18
She looks 6"
Oliver said on 16/Jun/18
Looks close to 5'11 most of the time. At worst,5'10.5.
Allie said on 27/Dec/17
I wonder how tall her parents are! Her dad apparently played basketball. Rn he looks maybe 6'1-2 could have been taller or maybe not. I'd say her mom is a couple inches shorter. Maybe 5'6-7?
Mistical said on 27/Aug/17
Solid 1.77m height.
knowledge said on 24/Aug/17
1.81 (5'11.5")
even said on 17/Jul/17
5'11" - 130 lbs
Mouse22 said on 24/Jun/17
If she's 180 cm then she's less than 5'11", isn't she?
Allie said on 28/Apr/17
Unlikely. She was around as tall as Karlie Kloss in small heeled boots while Karlie wore Converse.
Markon said on 11/Apr/17
How likely is Karolina to be a true 5'10 "?
M said on 29/Apr/16
@Morning height 5'11.6 I have never been dumped by anybody, because of height..I am female and I am 5'7" (in the morninig 1.72m.). Also, I am not lesbian, so I cannot be dumped by women..I have heard from many people who works in fashion industry, that all female models (and also male) add 2" for their real height.
Morning height 5'11.6 said on 6/Mar/16
Seems like M has been dumped by this this woman now someone with good vision can clearly see that this lady ain't 175 cm.
Ki said on 26/Feb/16
fyi the ideal height of a female model is 175cm-180cm so too tall models like Karlie Kloss can lie about their heights too, to make them easier to work with
M said on 15/Jan/16
@Allie it is not sarcasm..Herzigova has really grown 3 " after age 26..JUt wanted to Know what didi she do to gain theese 3" (I suppose she took HGH to gain these 3" in heihgt).
Allie said on 13/Jan/16
Was that scarcasm M simply because of my observation of Karolina proving that those two aren't as tall as her? I don't what I did since I'm past the Karolina being below 5'11. Jeez.
Anyways, for Eva H if she was listed at 5'9 then suddenly became 5'11 it could be because her agency never bothered updating her height. Toni Garrn is listed as 5'10 on some sites because started at that height I believe and they kept her at that maybe because thry didn't update it. I guess they assume some models just stop growing becas Em
M said on 11/Jan/16
Kurkova and hrzigova still grow..Just wanted to Know what they did that they stll growing.
M said on 11/Jan/16
@Allie vooow by your estimation these models still grow by 1" every week :)) .You are so 'clever'..It would be sets for you to say they will reach 1.90m in their life :))
Allie said on 7/Jan/16
Karolina destroys both Gisele and Taylor Swift's 5'11 and 5'10 claims. Tbh, Karolina actually looks almost 6 ft with both of them assuming we go by their claimed heights :)
Allie said on 14/Nov/15
Rob, why do you think Karlie Kloss looks so much taller than her in heels, yet when KK's wearing boots (a little thicker than Karlie's shoes) and Karlie's wearing converse, they're about the same height?
Also, anyone who says she's only 5'9 or 5'10, she's taller than Doutzen who no doubt is a solid 5'9 and taller than Adriana and Gisele who are both around 178. I rest my case.

Editor Rob
with lots of models you could probably find selections of photos where differences appear greater than actually are, or even less. That's why I'm trying to take in all I've seen to get an idea.
Janet said on 12/Nov/15
A very spot on listing
M said on 31/Aug/15
@Maryanne my specialties are to think with my own head and have my own ideas, and very sharp mind..I do not need any consultants like you to see the truth.
M said on 27/Aug/15
@Allie egzactely like you showed down Rob and This 6' Michael - differenece is 4" between Rob (5'8") and Michael (6") ..The same difference is between Karlie and Kurkova (on pictures I sent before in my posts) ..You have just supporeted the same thing I have been speaking all the time..Kurkova is supermodel and this fact doesn't bother her.
Maryanne said on 26/Aug/15
@M, Why yould someone steal your nickname? What makes you special?
Allie said on 24/Aug/15
Btw M. I've gone to the liberty of showing you. :). This is what a legit 5'11er looks like with 5'8 Rob. That's about 7-8 cm difference. Rob comes slightly past Michael R's eyebrows.
Click Here
Now in your pic of KK and Toni, KK covers at least 3/4's of Toni's forehead. Assuming that reaching at her eyebrows (Toni) means that you're 5'8ish, is several inches above that mark. Also, where's the footwear M? We can't really see their footwear. And for all we know Toni could have a platform on her heel or someone could be wearing a smaller heel or etc.
I don't know why you bring up heels pictures unless their heels are the exact same, or close to it, we may never know who had the bigger heel, who had a platform? And if you're gonna show that picture, at least show one where there's visible footwear.
Allie said on 24/Aug/15
Oh and btw M. I just checked out the pics of KK and Toni. That is not 3 inches. The top of KK's skull reaches past Toni's eyebrows and covers About 3/4s of Toni's forehead. I think you need your eyes recalibrated or you need to check out what a real 3 inches looks like.
Also, no I don't know Kurkova. I'm just a fan. And you said that last time there before I disporved your Karlie pic. That you were done.
Peace said on 23/Aug/15
I don't get these arguments
People say gisele is 5'10 because KK is 5'11. But people say she is 5'9. Unless you meet them and measure them, then you won't know for sure.
M said on 21/Aug/15
@MaryAnne for me Kurkova is not 1.80m, she is solid 1.75m no more.That is teh end od this discussion, becasue nobody will convince me into different.
MaryAnne said on 19/Aug/15
Rob is pro and he keeps 5 11 listing for Karolina. So there is not much to say at all.
M said on 18/Aug/15
@Allie are you someone very familiar to Kurkova :) ? It seems like you are :) If she is so shure about her height, can you explain me why she constantly bending her legs and tilting her head when she is with the taller person on the pictures?
M said on 18/Aug/15
@MaryAnne I am not interested at all for Paris Hilton, and from now on for Kurkova also..It is not my bussines, any longer.
Allie said on 17/Aug/15
You know what M. Let's agree to disagree. Considering how you think Ireland Baldwin is actually 6'2 even though she's shorter than Karlie. I think KK is 5'11.
M said on 17/Aug/15
@MaryAnne I don't mind for Paris Hilton and how tall is she? Somebody has stolen my nick and from time to time it use it.
Allie said on 14/Aug/15
Lol M. Sokupova is said to be 6 ft to 6'1 and she looks taller than all the 5'11 models. Lol. She comes past her eyebrows but bending her legs and tilting her head. Why don't you go tilt your head in a picture and bend your legs as well and see how much height you lose.
If Karolina was standing straight, no tilting her head or bending her legs, I can guarantee you that the difference will be much less.
MaryAnne said on 14/Aug/15
@M, Ok. Let's stop the discussion and enjoy the site! You agree?
MaryAnne said on 14/Aug/15
@M, Did someone hire you for upgrading Paris Hilton and downgrading Karolina K?
M said on 13/Aug/15
In that picture with Soupkova height difference is at least 5 cm, so she is like I said 1.76-77m. But it doesn't matter to me,just wanted to point to the truth and how they all lie about their height in Fashion industry (only ver ytall women like Kloss, Garrn and Auerman don't lie).
M said on 13/Aug/15
@MaryAnne and Allie you can sold this lie someone else, but not me..And It is obviously that you just want to persuade me, from some reason that she is 1.80m, but she is not..
Allie said on 12/Aug/15
5'11. She's Not even standing straight in that picture and the difference isn't even that big.
MaryAnne said on 11/Aug/15
Karolina with Hana Soukupova 6 foot plus.
Click Here
The discussion is over. 5'11 for sure.
M said on 7/Aug/15
There are pictures of her and Toni Garrn (Toni is 1.83cm or 6' tall).Is there only 1 " diffrenece betwen Garrn and Kurkova, I wouldn't say so..Kurkova is somewhere between 1.76-1.77m, but not 1.80m.
M said on 6/Aug/15
@Allie compare Toni Garnn (she is 1.83m or 6' tall) with Kurkova. Do you think there is only 1" difference between them? I do not think so, and nobody will veer convionce me until I personaly see it.
Allie said on 5/Aug/15
Also, KK didn't grow, I'm just saying that how could a 5'9 girl reach or be spot on with Karlie who could be almost 6'2 in those shoes.. With just a small heeled boot?
Allie said on 4/Aug/15
@M - Or are you just tired cause I proved you wrong.. Or the fact that I've shown you that you're sole picture on the 5'9 claim has been debunked.
M said on 30/Jul/15
@Allie vow she has manged to grow up!! I don't care how tall is this women any longer.
Allie said on 29/Jul/15
@M - and you keep on ignoring this picture..
Click Here
And the fact that Karolina is taller than 5'10 Tyra Banks in identical heels and similar pose.
M said on 23/Jul/15
@Allie here is the proof that Karolina is max 1.75m tall
Click Here
Allie said on 20/Jul/15
@M - Not every model lies and heels aren't always the best way to judge someone's height. Any other pictures or proof to prove to me that Karolina is shorter than 5'11?
M said on 16/Jul/15
@Allie I do Know that modelling agencis lie very often for 2" for major of their female models (only not for those who are really very tall more then 1.78m).My very good friend told me that they also lie about males heights.
Allie said on 14/Jul/15
@M - I just proved you wrong. That "huge difference" you're talking about was when they were wearing heels. If you'd gladly show me where we can see how big the heels are cause in the photos I saw the heels were never shown. Just a front view and that's not much to go by is it?
I showed you another picture of Karolina wearing a small heeled boot and being almost as tall as Karlie while she was wearing something that looks like either high tops or converse.
I also showed you a pic of her being taller than Tyra whose a solid 5'10 girl if you ask me. And btw, this was during the VSFS and they're wearing identical heels.
Click Here
And here, in that same pic where Karolina's wearing a small heeled boot and posing with Karlie, when Karlie bends her legs a little, Karolina appears to be taller than her. I also showed you that she can't be 5'9 because Taylor Swift was wearing sky high heels in order to be near Karlie's height in trainers.
But you know, keep thinking that Tyra, Gisele and Adriana must be 5'8. Alessandra must be 5'5.
M said on 13/Jul/15
@Allie Kurkova is no more then solid 1.75m, because there is 10cm difference in height between her and K.Kloss..If I was wrong all the time about Kurkova's height, then K.Kloss would be at least 1.90m tall.
Allie said on 12/Jul/15
Btw.. if anyone still thinks that Kurkova is as low as 5'9 or 5'10.. then look at this.. she's wearing boots with a SMALL heel.. I think.. and she's almost as tall as Karlie. Google there names together and see other pics similar to these ones. in other pics together sometimes Kurkova looks taller when Karlie bends her legs a little. I'm not so sure a 5'9 can achieve that effect with only a small heel.
Click Here
And for comparison, Taylor on the other hand.. a strong 5'9 girl imo, needs to wear these heels in order to be almost as tall as Karlie in trainers.
Click Here
Kurkova's a strong 5'11 imo. She also reached past Karlie's eyebrows in similar heels. Albeit, she was tilting her head a bit. Just like Constance whose listed at 5'11. She reached past Karlie's eyebrows as well.
Just said on 5/Jul/15
@ Orly, I think standing back to back is the best way for height comparence. And there's definitely more than 1" height difference between Karolina and Gisele.
Allie said on 26/Jun/15
LOL to M and Orly. Saying Kurkova's 5'8 or 5'9. 5'10 seems possible though very doubtful maybe even 179 but anything below that is laughable.
If Kurkova was 5'9 or 5'8, then Tyra and Adriana must be 5'7-5'8, Gisele must be 5'6.75 and Alessandra must be 5'4-5'5. I know Alessandra obviously lies about her height, but I don't think she's as short as 5'4 or 5'5.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Btw, in the Tyra picture, they're both wearing similar shoes and in near identical pose and Karolina is clearly slightly taller.
nema said on 18/Jun/15
I guess 179 is the shortest height that she can be.possibly above it
maryanne said on 17/Jun/15
If K.K were 5'8 then all the other models would be around 5'3-5'6
Orly said on 13/Jun/15
@Just you might be right but in some pics the difference is not that much
Just said on 10/Jun/15
@ Orly, there's barely any height difference between Karlie Kloss and Toni Garnn (if any at all) and still Rob has listed them 1"5 apart. In comparison there's clearly a much bigger height difference between Gisele and Karolina (google their pics), so there must be (at the very least) 2β height difference between Karolina and Gisele. If Karolina is only 5β9 or 5β9β5, then Gisele is just 5β7 or maybe 5β8 max.
Orly said on 7/Jun/15
@Just the height difference doesnt seem that much.i guess she's 1.5 inch shorter than her max
Just said on 5/Jun/15
@Orly If you really think Karolina is 176-178 cm. How short do you think Gisele is since she's 2" shorter than Karolina (Google their pics)?
Bishop said on 21/May/15
Good for you.
M said on 21/May/15
@Bishop I don't mind what you think.
Bishop said on 19/May/15
M, your credibility has been lost. Please stop posting.
M said on 19/May/15
Click Here
@BISHOP differenece in height is more then 10 cm, i would say at least 12 cm.
M said on 18/May/15
If Kurkova is really 1.80m, then K.Kloss is at least 1.95m.
M said on 18/May/15
@Bishop no she is not 1.80m and here is the proof
Click Here
There is a more then 10 cm difference in their heights, so Kurkova is solid 1.73-74m.
Bishop said on 14/May/15
Karlie never had 10 cm on Karolina. More like 7-8 cm. I do agree with you guys that Gisele needs a serious downgrade. Kurkova is a solid 5'11".
M said on 14/May/15
@MaryAnne just find the pictures of Karolina and Kloss standing together..If Kloss is 1.85m and for shure she is, Karolina is more then 10cm shorter than Kloss she - so do the math. In that case She is no more then 1.75m (even shorter than this, but for woman it is not short it is tall).They all lie about their height at least 2" or 5 cm, only very tall models like Kloss don't lie.
Skye said on 14/May/15
Gisele's probably actually only 177 cm given how Kurkova looked more than a cm taller than her in similar heels. 5'11 seems right for Karolina.
Just said on 12/May/15
The reason why people think Karolina is 182 cm or even 187 cm is because she's clearly more than an inch taller than Gisele. But Gisele is listed wrong, she isn't 5'9"5 and Karolina isn't over 6', she IS 5'11.
MaryAnne said on 10/May/15
1.73 m tall? NO WAY!!!!! For sure she is at least 5'11.
M said on 7/May/15
No she is not 1.80m, because standing near K.Kloss who is 1.85m she is more tnah 10 cm shorter than Kloss. Kurkova is for real 1.73m tall.
Bishop said on 20/Jan/15
With Adriana Lima (Ground is slightly tilted):
Click Here
James said on 11/Jan/15
Karolina did a height comparison aTRL a few years ago with Gisele and was an inch taller. Gisele is 5.9/5.10 al most. Next to Karlie Kloss she's 2 or 3 inches smaller. 5.11 is correct for her and Karlie is 6.1.5.
Just said on 3/Jan/15
Maybe Karolina really is 5'11 and Gisele in reality is shorter than as listed.
Bishop said on 8/Dec/14
She looks more than a cm taller than Gisele in pictures.
nip said on 7/Dec/14
No.She is not 1.87 . She is always taller than 179cm Gisele so 182cm for Kurkova
hello said on 19/Nov/14
She is 1.87