Arch Stanton said on 12/Dec/14
Well she looks like she could be Czech or Yugoslavian to me. Prefer her with long hair.
ginger said on 9/Dec/14
I'am 6.1. I feel like I'm TOO tall. People ALWAYS ask me how tall I am! then - Are you sure? Because i'am
6.1 and looks shorter than you… – Well have you measure yourself sister is 5.7 and everyone thinks she's 5'9-5'9,5... in fact, american people is short. even 5'7 girl seems tall...
so, 6.1 right for karlie...
Nevermind, you are 4'11 or 6'4 , it's all good))) JUST DONT LIE, love yourself and be happy...
Just said on 7/Dec/14
@ Angie I totally agree. I also think Karlie is 185 cm max. But because of the claimed heights of others (her bff Taylor Swift and the VS Angels), she's put at 187 cm. She's very close to Toni Garn's height, so I think Karlie is just 6' tall, max 6'1.
Angie said on 7/Dec/14
Its funny because I think people overstate Karlie's height- I think its because most of the models she is pictured with claim to be in the 5"9-5"10 range and are really in the 5"7-5"9 range. I have a friend who is 6"0.5 with a very similar build to Karlie's and looks the same height as her. Apparently in the fashion world, it is well known that Kloss is no taller than 6"1. Toni Garn and Karlie Kloss can look the same height most of the time, but Karlie looks to be possibly 2cm taller max than Garn, so since Toni claims 183 I would agree with the fashion world and put Kloss at 184-185.
grizz said on 5/Dec/14
@Giuliana, so what is your guess on Kloss' height? 6ft2?
Giuliana said on 2/Dec/14
She looks taller than 6'1.I worked in a model agency years ago and we used to fake the stated height to stay close to what is the 'ideal'(perfect for any job)height (5'10/5'11)
John said on 28/Nov/14
Klum wears nothing less than 5-6 inch heels. She admitted to always wearing the highest heels bc she is not as tall as people think
Just said on 27/Nov/14
@ John btw I think Swift is only 5'8"5. I looked those pictures up and you can't compare Swift with Klum in those. In the pics with Swift, Karlie wears "normal" high heels. In the pics with Klum, Karlie wears PLATFORM high heels, those heels are much higher.
Just said on 27/Nov/14
@ John If you compare pics of Karlie with Blake Lively and Blake Lively with Maria Sharapova, you'll see Karlie is clearly shorter than Sharapova, so Karlie is not taller than 6'1, that's for sure. She looks taller because she is very very slim.
Compare pics of Swift with Karlie and Blake Lively with Karlie, you'll see Swift is clearly the same height as Lively. Very interesting.
John said on 24/Nov/14
did you see the recent wireimage AMA pics of karlie towering over Taylor swift? You guys have Swift at 5-10 on this site. If she is 5-10 than karlie is 6-4. Interestingly, if you compare pics of Swift with Karlie and klum with Karlie, Swift is clearly 2 inches at least taller than klum.
james said on 21/Nov/14
Karlie is indeed 6ft1.5, I think. Toni Garrn, when asked for her height, said in a german tv show, she is actually 1.83 m, so exactly 6ft. Ireland Baldwin is somewhere around 1.83 (6ft) too, I think, according to the images of her next to other women.
Jewel said on 12/Nov/14
Ireland is 6.2
Just said on 1/Nov/14
If Karlie is over 6'1, than so are Ireland Baldwin and Toni Garrn, since they are all pretty much the same height.
Jewel said on 28/Oct/14
Karlie r u visiting this site and pretending to be someone else claiming your only 6.1?
Dont sweat the small stuff you will crush baba. Let it go and let it flow. Tell the truth. Your 6.2 minimum. Its ok. Say with me 'its ok'.
SaSHa said on 27/Oct/14
she is 6.1 & no more
it's super tall for girl
Josh said on 25/Oct/14
she´s tall but no more than 6'1
SaSHa said on 24/Oct/14
I sitll think shes 6.1 185-184cm 100% not 6.3 190
Kira said on 22/Oct/14
Karlie is 184cm!!! I'm 181cm or 5.11.5 and I saw Karlie & she was taller than me 2cm MAX.
Click Here (Georgia May Jagger is 167 not 170)
Click Here (Selena Gomez 164cm)
tiny said on 17/Oct/14
Will go with Rob on her height. I guess her super long legs must be atleast 45" from hip to heel, what do u guys think
Jewel said on 9/Oct/14
Rob thank you for doing justice at last. 6ft is just too different. Karlie may be 6.2 about. But thnx for adding the extra inch as we on here just had too many questions.
Just said on 30/Sep/14
@marcus If I look at the top of their head, I see a height difference between 2 or 3 inches. The footwear seems the same, both are wearing 3 inches high heels.
tiny said on 29/Sep/14
Ive seen Karlie listed at 6'3" but I guess she is atleast 6'2". Very tall, very good model material but extremely thin. At her height even considering she is a model she weighs only 120 lbs and that is very unhealthy. She sould go upto atleast 135lbs
Cliff said on 26/Sep/14
Glad you finally gave her that inch Rob!
She certainly looks more 6ft1.5, which is what she clearly stated, than 6ft0.5
Andrea said on 25/Sep/14
Rob, you decided to change her listing just basing on her claim? I mean, if she came out with "i measured a bit over 6'2", you'd upgrade her again or there's a limit to it? This make you think about the fact that claimings influence a lot your listings... If a Tom Wellin came out with "i'm 6'3", i doubt you would have given him 6'2.75. Or imagine Arnie coming out with "i shrunked again, my daughter measured me at 181"...

Editor Rob
I thought maybe she could look in that 6ft 1 range and then since she came out with it, maybe it's the truth.
Amaze said on 4/Sep/14
A very very tall woman.. equivalent to a 6'6.5 or 199cm male
marcus said on 3/Sep/14
@Just Looks 3 inches to me. Here, you can see their heels. Might even be more than 3 inches considering Karlie is standing further away. In some pics, they look closer in height with the camera facing straight down instead of facing them on plane level. Were the camera facing up, the height difference would be exaggerated. I think the second pic is a pretty fair comparison with no possible distortion.
Click Here
Click Here
Emmanuelle said on 2/Sep/14
Kloss and Gustavsson are both 6'2"+. Regards - a model who has worked with both of them.
ikura said on 15/Aug/14
I think she is for sure 6'2 if not 6'3 along with Frida Gustavsson.
Just said on 5/Aug/14
There isn't 3 inches height difference between them. I can't see the heels on Wen's shoes, but Kloss is wearing at least 3 inches high heels (see right foot). I didn't say Kloss is upgrading herself. I said that people try to upgrade Kloss' height. I mean the people who claims Kloss is at least 6'2, even 6'3 or 6'4.
Cliff said on 1/Aug/14
Kloss looks about 3 inches taller than Wen. Kloss is also walking a little behind Wen which makes it difficult to nail I exactly. Kloss said she was measured at 6ft 1.5 and she looks it in the photo with Liu Wen (a 3.5 inch difference). it's not a matter of upgrading her, just pointing out that she looks the height she said she was measured at. I see no reason why she'd want to make herself taller.
Just said on 31/Jul/14
If Liu Wen is 5'10 as listed, then Karlie is 6'0"5 as listed.
Click Here There isn't much height difference between them for Karlie to be 6'2 or up. People try to upgrade her height because else she would destroy a lot of height claims of for example Gisele Bundchen and Taylor Swift.
John said on 28/Jul/14
No Chris...look at the tread for her and most people say she is well under 5-9, but thanks for asking..douche
Chris said on 24/Jul/14
@John Are you stupid? Campbell is in flats there. And no, a 5'9 woman is not short.
Cliff said on 24/Jul/14
Kloss has stated that she is 6ft1.5 and was measured at this. the fact that she put in that half-inch shows that she is being precise. I see no reason to make her shorter than this.
Click Here
John said on 22/Jul/14
Can we finally agree that Naomi Campbell is short? Look at that pic with kurkova
Just said on 22/Jul/14
@ Harry In that picture I can't see Karlie's footwear. Maybe she's in flats, maybe she's in sandals with heels.
And Nigel Barker is NOT that tall, he isn't 6'4. He's almost the same height as 5'11 Karolina Kurkova in 3 or 4 inches heels without platform.
Click Here
I think Nigel is 6'1 max. Karlie is 6'0"5 as listed. She's tall but not a giant.
Giulio said on 19/Jul/14
considering photos in flats with kushner she must be around 6'2''1/2
Harry said on 17/Jul/14
She is for sure no less than 6'2. Probably in 6'2-6'3 range, I would say 6'2,5.
Click Here
Here she is with Nigel Barker, listed at 6'4. She is on FLATS and this guy got some 1,5in added from his shoes. Still Karlie doesn't look much shorter, for me it's max 2in difference here.
Crash said on 17/Jul/14
@Arch, yes I get that vibe too. In fact she reminds me of Milla Jovovich facially. And since like SAK said, she is of Danish descent, that's not too surprising that she would look somewhat eastern... they would on average be more eastern-looking than for example a British or Irish descent person.
But yes SAK, the natives are the "original" Americans lol. It would be more accurate to say that she looks like a typical white American, even though I think she looks a bit more "exotic" than they typically do.
Jewel said on 15/Jul/14
karlie looks a minimum of 6.2 inches i meant to say
Jewel said on 15/Jul/14
sorry to go on about this
Click Here
but if taylor is even 5.7,
in those heels with a platform she should be 5.10
at the least.
but even in those, and assuming taylor is way shorter at 5.7
karlie is about 4 inches taller in flats than 5.10(with heels) taylor
karlie looks a minimum of 2 inches
don't having a go at her height, she should just call a spade a spade that's all.
John said on 20/Jun/14
Go to wireimage. Most recent pics are at an event for the open heart foundation. Against the background, Petra nemcova, who people think is 5-10 (I am 100% sure she is 5-8 max), would come up to the bottom of Karlie's nose. That would make her at least 7 inches shorter.
Amaze said on 17/Jun/14
@Short one 120 lbs is alright for your height, its perfect. but for someone over a foot taller than you, 13.5 inches to be precise it is unhealthy. i'm a 5'8 boy at 17 with growth left and im 120 and im underweight, still. its unhealthy for my height and alot dangerously for a 6 ft 0.5 woman. i should be 140 ideal, she should be around 160. so yeah tiny is not calling you anorexic.. remember your very short so 120 is fine.
karlie should be proud of being 6 foot 0.5. perfect height
Glen said on 10/Jun/14
She is more than half a foot taller than Taylor Swift. That would mean she's 6'4 if Taylor is 5'10
184.9 on a bad day said on 8/Jun/14
Is funny because her boyfriend in terms of proportion don't looks taller than 6 ft 2. I think he is 6ft2 or maybe a little more 6 ft2.5 and her 6ft 0.5 or 6 ft1. And 6ft1 women + heels= towers everyone.
Doink said on 8/Jun/14
Here's the link for the Into the Gloss article where she says she last measured herself at 6-1 and a half
Click Here
tiny said on 7/Jun/14
Karlie Kloss is easily 6'2" minimum but she is dangerously thin and weighs an anoxeric 120 lbs
Glen said on 5/Jun/14
@John I think she could really be that tall. She absolutely towers over everybody!
James said on 5/Jun/14
In a recent interview in InGloss she said "I'm 6 foot one and a half inchrs- at lest, that wad the last time I measured. myself." She has to be upgraded.
James said on 5/Jun/14
I don't get guys who's saying she is max 6'1 or even max 6'0. It's ridicuolus. Someone who is 6'0 wouldn't tower over 5'10, 5'11 (Kurkova) with so much difference. I'm absolutly sure that Karlie is in 6'2-6'3 range when more possible is that she is 6'2.
John said on 3/Jun/14
The model next to her is listed as 5-10. What the F? Either Karlie is 6-5 or all other models lie
Click Here
Sam said on 28/May/14
Tall middle class guys wouldn't stand a chance with her but at least she's dating a member of the tribe, Josh Kushner :=)
green said on 27/May/14
6''1.Her billionaire boyfriend is taller than her.
Hypado said on 15/May/14
Looks 183/184 next to Chloe:
Click Here
Pinky said on 8/May/14
@John: Eugenia Silva when she was 16 yo and won the 1992 Elite Look of the year Spain was listed as 1'78 m (look at the right botton corner):
Click Here
In her Milan agency they have her as 5'11":
Click Here
Saw photos with David Gandy and Clive Owen and she looks 5'11 for me. But maybe you're right, model's heights are crazy.
John said on 7/May/14
Toni garrn is 6-1 not 5-10
John said on 7/May/14
Eugenia silva is listed on every site as 5-9 1/2. I agree she looks taller but that is what she is listed as
Pinky said on 7/May/14
Karlie with model Eugenia Silva (5'11):
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Karlie is wearing Coach Leigh heel, described as 1 3/4" heel (
Click Here) for Karlie's size they are probably 2" or a little more.
Eugenia is wearing Christian Loubitn Bibi pumps with 3 cm platform and 14 cm heel. And Eugenia looks less taller than Karlie.
For me Karlie is at least 6'1 and probably 6'2.
Just said on 6/May/14
Karlie Kloss didn't tower over 5'10"5 Jourdan Dunn.
Click Here
Karlie Kloss also didn't tower over 5'10 Toni Garn.
Click Here
So this height is accurate for her.
But she did tower over Taylor Swift, so I think Taylor Swift needs to be downgraded.
Andrea said on 22/Apr/14
5'11 is as crazy as 6'2-6'3... She "destroys" Taylor Swift's claims, since she does look at least 4 inches taller to me. But then again i doubt Taylor is over 5'9 and i'm being generous... She also looks at least 1.5 inch taller than Will Smith, in small heels. So yeah, she can give a 6'1 impression for sure and her body helps in that but i wouldn't go over it. Always a chance she rounded down a bit, maybe she measured a bit over 6'0.5 and just went with that, just not to say 6'1!
Just said on 21/Apr/14
I think people want to put Karlie Kloss at 6'4 so other celebrities will look less short.
Karlie Kloss looks 6'1 to me and not an inch taller. Compared to her other celebrities and models look a lot shorter than they claimed to be. Karlie Kloss is really tall but nothing over 6'1.
Andrea said on 20/Apr/14
Rob, you think she's downplaying her height a bit? Maybe she's 6'1? I doubt she's 6'2-6'3 or even 6'4 as some people are trying to say, though...

Editor Rob
she can look 6ft 1 range yes. An agency she is with now has her down as 180cm...
A 184 women with solid heels suddenly will appear against a man as near 6ft 2-3, more even because of the illusion (like the Muller Lyer idea) to do with your frame and head size.
tiny said on 19/Apr/14
Would put karlie at 6'1" & 130 lbs....very tall, very thin and very stupid too for denying her fabulous height. She isnt 6'3" cos there is easily a 1" difference between her and the late L'wren Scott who is a leguit 6'3" even when Karlie's heels are 1" bigger than l'wrens.
Yoyo said on 19/Apr/14
I am 5'11" stood next to Karlie. She TOWERED over me in flats. She is a legit 6'3 maybe 6'4. And she is so hot too!
Sam said on 17/Apr/14
I don't think there's been an appreciable height loss for Smith, what is he 46 y/o? Karlie is closer and in heels so that throws off the comparison as stated.
Keon said on 16/Apr/14
Its very hard to judge how tall someone actually is. Especially if they wear heels and such.
Just said on 15/Apr/14
I don't think Karlie is 6'3, because
1. she stands closer to the camera;
2. she wears higher heels than Will Smith;
3. Will Smith is a lot older and maybe already shrinking.
James said on 12/Apr/14
Karlie with 6'2 Will Smith:
Click Here and
Click Here
Anyone still doubting that she is 6'3?
Adiaino said on 6/Apr/14
Too many exaggerations here.Not even close to 6'0.If Kate Upton is 5'10 than Karlie Kloss definitely looks 5'10 in the picture.
SeanRt said on 3/Apr/14
Strongly think she's taller than what she says - 6'2
Jewel said on 1/Apr/14
John I see a minimum of 3 inch diff with Kurkova.
Drift said on 19/Mar/14
At least 6'3 in my opinion
John said on 18/Mar/14
I agree with you tht she is at least 6-2
James said on 18/Mar/14
Click Here Here is Karlie with 5'11 Joana Smalls and 6'0 Ana Barros. Even if here heels are let's say 1-2 inches higher, she still looks like legit 6'2-6'3 for me
John said on 17/Mar/14
Karlies heels are much higher in the pics
James said on 17/Mar/14
Even if L'wren is really 6'3 then still Karlie doesn't look shorther for me at these photos and they have even about same height heels
John said on 15/Mar/14
I'm not disagreeing with anyone that she is a minimum 6-2, but l'wren Scott has admitted in many articles that she is 6-3, not 6-4
Jewel said on 13/Mar/14
Looks about right, considering Kloss is also leaning on one hip.
steven said on 10/Mar/14
and more proof that Taylor Swift is only about 5-8 (she's shorter than 5-8 Jamie King)
James said on 10/Mar/14
Another proof that she is 6'3. Taller than 6'2 (188) Ireland Baldwin:
Click Here
Jewel said on 3/Mar/14
with 6.4 L'Wren Scott
Click Here
Karlie is 6.2 at the least. I would say 6.3 is right for her, who knows - 6.3 and a half.
I don't think she would have towered over so many people by so much if she were only 6.1
SK said on 2/Mar/14
(S)aint, you wrote "SK- Her face is not average and you know it. She has good porportions for someone so tall." Everyone has different tastes and beauty standards. No doubt, Karlie Kloss stands out because she is so tall and towers over other models, but to me, her facial features are nothing special (thin lips, small eyes, odd nose). Other Victoria's Secret models like Candace Swanepoel and Alessandra Ambrosio have much prettier faces.
Pinky said on 1/Mar/14
As Nancy said model Frida Gustavsson said in her twitter that she is 6'1 just like Karlie:
That was in 2010 when Frida was 16 yo and Karlie was 17 yo. Maybe they are even taller now, but not less than 6'1.
J.J, said on 27/Feb/14
Rob to be honest I think you should revisit her height. And also some models you should check out is Jourdan Dunn who I think is listed 5'10.5" but likely to be 5'11" Rosie Huntington-Whitely is definitely 5'7" or 5'7.75" not 5'9".
Please revisit if you can Karlie is definitely 6'1" or wouldn't be surprise if she is 186cm.
Derp Herp said on 24/Feb/14
Click Here
Furthermore, Jourdan has stated she's 6'0 on her Twitter meaning she's probably 182.5-184cm range, Karlie looks about 2 inches taller making her in the 188-189cm range
Derp Herp said on 23/Feb/14
She's stated as being 6'2 by A Model Anonymous on Twitter
Alex said on 1/Feb/14
She said herself that she is "freakishly tall, 6'1. I think she might be closer to 6'2. Don't believe her billing cards, they are always 5'9-6'0 for any model.
Hannah said on 28/Jan/14
Legit 6'1"
James said on 20/Jan/14
She is definitely 187 or 188 even. I'm 191, walked close to her when she was wearing about 12cm platforms and top of my head was at about her eyes level
Hypado said on 9/Jan/14
She is 185, same height of me.
John said on 19/Dec/13
Taylor swift is 5-9.
cornaneybladderwort said on 17/Dec/13
she recently went out w/5'8 Joe Jonas. So, what does that tell you?
skinno said on 16/Dec/13
She is a lot taller than Taylor Swift who is 5'11 here:
Click Here I bet she is 6'2 or 6'2.5 even.
James said on 8/Nov/13
Towers over Gisele Bündchen too; she can't be taller than 5'9 of 5'8.
Click Here
(S)aint said on 3/Nov/13
SK- Her face is not average and you know it. She has good porportions for someone so tall.
James said on 22/Sep/13
Conclusion: Cameron Diaz 170/171 cm
Alessandra Ambrosio: 174 cm
Karolina Kurkova: 178 cm
Heidi Klum: 170/171 cm
James said on 16/Sep/13
Towers over Heidi Klum too:
Click Here
Jenna said on 13/Sep/13
I think she's even taller than 6'0.5''. On Twitter she recently said that she was 6'1 at 16. Women still grow at 16 so... I bet she's around 6'2''.
She really looks like giant!
SK said on 26/Aug/13
I think she's too tall and skinny even for a model. The only thing that stands out about her is the fact that she towers over other models. Her face is average (strange nose, thin lips), and I don't think she would have made it this far if she were a few inches shorter. I think runway models look best when they're 5'9-5'10". Once they're over 5'11", they're just too gangly.
Arch Stanton said on 12/Aug/13
Rob how tall is her boyfriend
Click Here Looks similar height to Brandon Routh I'd 189-190?

Editor Rob
not sure he's that tall, 188 maybe
Sam said on 9/Aug/13
Yeah, she's the perfect height for me LOL...I like the sarcasm implied in her quote.
Sain't said on 8/Aug/13
In those heels she must be extremely tall. I wonder how tall her husband/bf is.
SW said on 7/Aug/13
Karlie is a giantess (and very hot too!)...I'd say 6'2 at least
Nancy said on 28/Jul/13
I met her last year in New York, I'm 5'8 and i was wearing 2in booties and she absolutely towered over me. Another model named Frida said that they were both 6'1 but I think Karlie is taller by at least and inch. Again I've been lucky enough to meet her and she was taller than me by a lot and my brother is 6'3 and there wasn't much of a difference. Either way she's amazing
tiny said on 26/Jul/13
Nice height, nice toned legs but way too thin for her height. Guess she weighs about 110 lbs.
SAK said on 26/Jul/13
Arch Stanton says: Looks eastern European. Nice looking but way too thin for my liking.
Roc says : she doesnt look like eastern European lol. Typical American apperance.
Well all white americans are from some part of Europe. Typical Americans are in fact the natives.
Karlie is of Danish ancestry. She has always tried to downplay her height, as being above 6ft can actually be too tall. Typical models are between 5f9-5f11.5.
Roc said on 25/Jul/13
Arch Stanton says on 23/Jul/13
Looks eastern European. Nice looking but way too thin for my liking.
she doesnt look like eastern European lol.Typical American apperance
me said on 24/Jul/13
She isn't a cm under 6 ft, she's known for being extremely tall even for model standards. She's great though, about time she had a page here lol!
Arch Stanton said on 23/Jul/13
Looks eastern European. Nice looking but way too thin for my liking.
Emily said on 21/Jul/13
It's so ridicilous when girls above 6ft claim 5'12 or 5'13 just to have that 5 in front and think that this makes it sound like they aren't too tall. I think 5'12 sounds even biggerish than 6ft.
KK said on 21/Jul/13
I think she's taller. She always towers over other models.