Bee123 said on 10/May/17
John leguizemo is listed as 169cm looked same as Justin Bieber in What do you mean video
If he can't look taller than a guy 5'6 how can he be 5'8 or 172cm?
Peter175 said on 10/May/17
Scooter is probably 179.
Justin is near 5'8 for sure
Warren said on 10/May/17
It doesn't make sense
Cal77 said on 10/May/17
More pictures Scooter & Justin Bieber who still does look to be shorter in 2017
Click Here
Funny thing is Scooter may just be around 5'9 although most sites he's listed as 5'8 2016 pictures
Click Here
For Scooter to be 180cm that's a joke he looks same as Ed Sheeran 172cm
Click Here
Cal77 said on 10/May/17
Google has Scooter Braun at 180cm which is hilarious but most sites have Scooter at 173cm.
Click Here
Scooter Braun and Justin Bieber 2017 on set for DJ Khaled video
Justin's still looks atleast 3 inches shorter both are wearing low cut shoes.
Click Here
Enough evidence that proves he's still stuffing shoes with lifts. 2017 One week he's almost same height as Scooter the week before he's 3inches shorter when both wear vans!
Paul said on 10/May/17
@Wrs567 Scooter is around 5'9.5 (176). Justin is 173-174.
Warren said on 10/May/17
Wow, so impressive.... he is TRULY late bloomer,
I think Scooter is 175/5'9" not 5'8" (but I found a lot of his proof 5'8 and 5'11 anywhere)
Justin was 19 in this photo btw.... how tall u think in this photo Justin was?
Click Here
Warren said on 10/May/17
@The guy
he actually got measured in police for sure but with shoes, just like Louis Tomlinson(ex-1D)
I used to think that they got asked from police and they just answer, but that was wrong
Revisionist said on 10/May/17
"@Johnson said on 5/May/17
@Richardspain I agree with you, he does not look shorter than 173-174 Neymar. El muñeco no miente."
Yet Neymar doesn't look any taller than Lewis Hamilton who is a confirmed, guaranteed 5'7.5. Neither Biebs nor Neymar is taller than very weak 5'8 at best, yet people like you have the audacity to claim 174 for this guy just to present evidence that Biebs is taller? Please try again.
JAMES said on 10/May/17
Bee123 said on 9/May/17
If Scooter is only 5'10 how can Bieber be 5'8?
Bee123 said on 9/May/17
He'a wearing nike air max
Shoes that gives you a good 1.5 inch. Says it in all there ads.
Some like
Air Max 90 gives you 2inches.
Do yeah ofcourse he'll look the frame with lifts
176cm guy said on 9/May/17
@Johnson I don't think there really is a rule of what a certain height looks. Look at
Leonardo DiCaprio for example, he looks like he could be anywhere around 5'8" in appearance with no comparison at all, but in person he is actually very close to 6 feet as what Rob estimated. His big childish head probably makes him look short. He said in a interview himself "That's the number one thing people say to me constantly 'Wow! You're a lot taller than I thought you'd be...They have a perception, I guess, that most actors are gnomes or something". Also Ron Perlman, another guy that people assume that he's a lot taller than he actually is, he has a very big head and has a low voice, so he's got to be like 6 and a half feet right? Well not quite since he looks around 6 feet than 6 and a half feet. He even says everyone thinks he's taller than he actually is. There's literally no rule of how you should look for your height at all. Seen numerous people that have a similar body structure as JB, but are actually shorter than i am, so i'm not tricked that easily. Not all guys who have long legs for their body proportions are tall. Not trying to pick a fight, I'm just saying from experience.
Vin said on 9/May/17
Leonardo Dicaprio is another celebrity who had a growth spurt in his 20s.
Wrs567 said on 9/May/17
@Johnson: I can see what you mean, but do you really think he'd measure that barefoot?
foxparty123 said on 9/May/17
Jaden smith is listed at 5ft6 and heres a pic of him with kanye showing he is potentially 5ft5 (, but anyways here is a picture of jaden and bieber, and bieber clearly has a good 2 or 3 advantage over him, not sure what the footwear situation is though
Click Here
Warren said on 9/May/17
Agreed, actually I used to think that Nick is 171-172 like as Justin but that's not true it seems
now I think Nick is 169-170 and Joe is 170-171, just my estimate
Warren said on 9/May/17
those pics r useless
The guy said on 8/May/17
Hi Rob ,i am very much to things with height .And its an interesting topic . I have seen the police raport which listing him as 5ft9 , is it possible that he hasent actually been messured ? And they just asked how he tall he was ?
Cause when did my Id they just asked how tall are you and i said 170 cm when im actually 168 cm . Sure you cant go on and say im 180 cm when youre 170 cm ,however i do think its possbile to fool the Police with 5 cm or so since its kinda hard tell if some once is 170 or 175 cm .
What you say about this , could he just lied to them or have they actually messured him ?
Wrs567 said on 8/May/17
How tall is Scooter Braun?
Bieber looks almost the same height now
Click Here
Johnson said on 8/May/17
Bieber has the 5'9 frame look
Click Here
HonestSlovene said on 8/May/17
Also Puff Daddy could very well be nearer 5'10.5".
HonestSlovene said on 8/May/17
I don't Khaled but judging by the second pic next to Bieber he looks about 5'7" or the same height as him. With sneakers he seems to have a decent inch on him with that 3 cm style footwear.
TJE said on 8/May/17
Wrs567 said on 7/May/17
@TJE: Everything was left alone.
Nobody was even arguing with each other any more.
Why did you have to sway away from height?
Just to call me an insufferable tw*t?
Who are you? and what have I done to upset you?
Does calling me names like that make you feel more manly?
Does it give you a little ego boost? Does it make your day a lot better huh?
You seem like a shi t stirrer and a little punk
I'm just going to go back to the height now, so even if you and your cronies reply, I'll ignore it
Lol. The doublethink is astounding. Let me guess, you're gonna go on about how I "post under different names" and that you're way more mature than I am and that you're superior to me in every imaginable way. Just stop it, bro; you're clearly desperate for attention and unfortunately for you you won't be getting any more after this.
But if I were you, I'd try going outside once in a while or, at the very least, go back to 4chan where you can be with your own kind.
Tallish89 said on 8/May/17
Justin Bieber & Joe Jonas
Click Here
Click Here
Justin Bieber shoe advantage
Click Here
Joe Jonas shoes
Click Here
Exactly how does he tower Joe Jonas? When he looks the same & only has an slight advantage wearing that thick heeled boots?
Both are same height. 171cm
heightguy said on 7/May/17
hey rob, how tall would you say DJ Khaled is, do you think the 5'6'' listing on the internet is true? Also, are you going to make a page for DJ Khaled anytime soon?

Editor Rob
I think 5ft 6.5 could be possible, 5ft 7 I'm not sure, and only 5ft 6 I can see him being taller.
Peter175 said on 7/May/17
Not a Jonas brother fan but Joe and Kevin are near 5'7.5. Nick is the only one thats reg/weak 5'7
Leo2001 said on 7/May/17
From comparation:
Diddy(5ft 10) and Khaled
Click Here
Khaled is a fine 5f 6 i think
Khaled and Bieber
Click Here
J5'8 said on 7/May/17
Ok then, if you say so
Wrs567 said on 7/May/17
@TJE: Everything was left alone.
Nobody was even arguing with each other any more.
Why did you have to sway away from height?
Just to call me an insufferable tw*t?
Who are you? and what have I done to upset you?
Does calling me names like that make you feel more manly?
Does it give you a little ego boost? Does it make your day a lot better huh?
You seem like a shi t stirrer and a little punk
I'm just going to go back to the height now, so even if you and your cronies reply, I'll ignore it
edouardo said on 7/May/17
Chance had 2 cm shoes advantage, so Justin would be 173
Click Here
Warren said on 6/May/17
which is u think Chance has? 176 or 177?
I dunoo the details him, but I can see 2 inches taller than Justin it seems
Warren said on 6/May/17
I found Joe and Justin there, I'm not sure whether both what kind of shoes do wear useally
but I'm sure basically NOT both wears lifts and chicker shoes, I'd put Joe is 170 and Justin is 172, period
J5'8 said on 6/May/17
Claims 5'10 but looks 3 inches shorter than Chance the rapper who probably isn't even a full 5'10 lol
Exactly how that makes him 5'8? Or even 5'7.75?
Johnson said on 6/May/17
The Weeknd (169 listed by Rob) is shorter than DJ Khaled.
Click Here
Sorry guys. Bieber is not short anymore

Editor Rob
if they had the same posture Khalid could look taller, but I don't know...Weeknd might be dropping more by lowering his head?
Borats Chicken said on 6/May/17
@Wizo *Clapping*
You got your point,also Justin doesnt even look taller then birdman.
Johnson said on 6/May/17
I think Rob in the page of the Weeknd said DJ Khaled was around 170 taller than The Weeknd
So Bieber should be over 172
HonestSlovene said on 6/May/17
Chances: 172 cm or more: 0%, 171 cm: 30%, 170 cm: 50%, 169 cm: 20%, 168 cm or less: 0%.
HonestSlovene said on 6/May/17
Well I'm a legit solid 5'10" and would not have a problem with Bieber being my height, however I struggle to find any evidence to suggest he is anything over the current listed height of 5'7.5" and he even might be a few fractions under it IRL. Of course saying 5'5"-5'6" for him is deluded, but any claim of him being 5'8"+ is funny aswell. He is most likely about 5'7".
Wizo said on 5/May/17
Click Here
If DJ Khaled is 168cm(5ft6 on the dot) and his shoes give him roughly 1 inch that makes him around 172cm. Justin is forcing his posture out and notice he's not taller than DJ Khaled who's posture is not the greatest.
I think 170-171 is what he would measure during daytime. This listing is close to it.
Click Here
Also Chance has a good 2 inches on Bieber, he's nowhere 5ft8 more likely close to 5ft10.
Johnson said on 5/May/17
@Richardspain I agree with you, he does not look shorter than 173-174 Neymar. El muñeco no miente.
TJE said on 5/May/17
Please stop the hall monitor BS. You're not any of it with good intentions and you're only accomplishing in making yourself look like an insufferable twat. And I understand how cancerous this page gets, but if Rob thought he would need mods for his site then they would already be here.
Warren said on 5/May/17
and after 2011
Warren said on 5/May/17
in the first place Justin and Jonas r never stood eachother after 2010 at the decent angle
RichardSpain said on 5/May/17
I don`t know guys but to me Bieber is 174cm nowadays. I think he could win a bit height.
Height Concious said on 5/May/17
In his recent music video with DJ Khaled they were standing beside each other, JB was barefoot and Khaled had Jordans on and they were the same height. Khaled claims he's 5'5". I'm pretty confident Bieber's 5'6"
Tallish89 said on 5/May/17
So because we posts pictures showing YOU that Justin & Joe Jonas (171cm) are both the same height. When you claimed he towered Joe Jonas that makes us the same person? lol What about the fact that I just posted pictures with Justin & Big Sean (171cm)? FYI the Jonas Brothers don't have fangirls, they aren't even popular anymore you were attempting to downgrade Jonas to upgrade Justin Bieber lol
I am pretty sure no one
trolls the Jonas fan pages
Again Justin Bieber heels at Halo awards
Click Here
He can only be taller than guys 171cm if he has a lift. Whether you admit it or not he's 171cm pictures with
Joe Jonas 171cm, Big Sean 171cm & Ryan Seacrest 171cm prove it.
I swear next you'll go on Big Sean & Ryan Seacrest page and try to get them downgraded to make Bieber taller
Warren said on 5/May/17
I see there's at least 4cm height difference bitween Ellen and Justin with both normal shoes
Wrs567 said on 4/May/17
Rob, can we get a guess from you on DJ Khaled?
Look at him with The Weeknd, IGNORING Weeknds hair, DJ Khaled looks 3 - 4cms taller
Click Here
Is 5'7.5'' a good guess?
By the way Rob, a barefoot Bieber was taller than DJ Khaled in shoes! in the music video

Editor Rob
if they were standing with exact same posture then Khalid could seem a bit taller...though it is hard to tell if they are.
Tallish89 said on 4/May/17
Rob has Ellen at 168cm now... Justin in vans looks same height as Ellen... FYI FANGIRLS THESE PHOTOS ARE NOT old because all these photos are after his PURPOSE ERA WHEN HE 21 & over....
Click Here
Justin's shoes
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
He fine at 171cm.
godofpking said on 4/May/17
justin is between 172cm and 173 that's my guess
Jackson said on 4/May/17
lol at people saying DJ Khalid is 5'5. I'd say closer to 5'7
Justin is 5'8 range, deal with it
Michael Jackson said on 4/May/17
Wow, Such a super late your reply, you don't have any proof? 
no need more talking lol Justin is 172. @Wrs567 and @Warren is right
Justin no lifts more said on 4/May/17
You guys are crazy right? Update this, see the recent video he is without sneakers, look at his size, he has grown
5'9 is real
J5'8 said on 3/May/17
Wrs567 is not a fangirl, yet she obsesses that in 2015 Justin Bieber had another growth spurt at age 21 and deserves a height increase to 5'8 lol
Warren said on 3/May/17
well Celebheights 6'1.5 says a lot of late bloomer in the NBA especially
u care of me about late grow spart lol
Idec of my height I already got taller than Justin and I'll be 18 in this year
Warren said on 3/May/17
That's the only problem between me and Wrs567 brother!
Khaled was the almost same or still a bit shorter?(I'm not sure)
than Justin with Khaled wears jordans 1 in the new video
I would put 169 for him (but the google still said Khaled is 168)
Warren said on 3/May/17
u guess 171-171.5cm/5'7.5? that's not problem to me lol
but ur sentence makes me a sense u ain't read what I posted my photos before
those r barefoot next to his dad
5'7.5 is not short for him ikr
CC said on 3/May/17
@N54, he he doesnt, if you think he has 3 inches, its simply the hat. I mean look at their chin, its pretty much equal.
Johnson said on 3/May/17
@186cm guy I agree. Bieber, Rafinha and Neymar are really similar
Paul said on 3/May/17
Literally no way he is 171, he looks more like 173, again I saw him, I am not a fan, I didn't take any pictures, but he is easily over 171, looks more 173-174 to me MAX.
Realist said on 3/May/17
Bieber is about 5'8 he was barefoot on video and still taller than DJ khaled. Chance is 5'8.5 didnt yall see the pic of him and the Obamas he was same height as the younger sister.
Idk said on 3/May/17
khaled looks 5'6-5'7 range
N54 said on 3/May/17
@CC look at 4:23 of the "I'm the one" video. Chance the rapper has at least 3 inches over JB and he is slouching whilst JB has very good posture.
If you look at pics on google with DJ Khaled and 5'4 Lil Wayne, you can definitely see he is NOT "at least 5'8" as he only looks 1 inch taller than Lil Wayne.
Wrs567 said on 3/May/17
Click Here
Tallish89 said on 3/May/17
2015 Justin was 21!
He must be the only man in the world to be 170 from 18-21 and then suddenly get a growth
spurt at 21-23.
Jackson said on 3/May/17
Let's say DJ Khalid is 5'7 flat in shoes. Bieber looks at least 3/4 of a inch taller, I think he could be just under the 5'8" mark.
N54 said on 3/May/17
Dj khaled isnt even 5'6. He is more 5'5 seeing as he is about the same heught as 5'4 lil wayne. So JB in the im the one music video barefoot next to a 5'5 dj khaled with 1 inch shoes would make JB around 5'6.5-5'7.
Wrs567 said on 2/May/17
Like Warren said for today 172cm is probably the best prediction
I wouldn't be surprised even if was actually 5'8''
I'm cool with the 5'7.5'' opinions too, even though I don't think he's that low
CC said on 2/May/17
Also, there is NO way khaled is 5'6. He is at least 5'8.
CC said on 2/May/17
I love how no one mentions that bieber is pretty much the same as Chance the rapper in their new video. Chance is 5'10 btw. So that makes bieber around 5'9.
Click Here
Peter175 said on 2/May/17
Lol. This guy wears the smallest shoes you can buy frequently or converse and you want to call him out for wearing a fancy boot on two occasions? (The exact same shoes mind you)
He's the only famous sub 5'9 guy who constantly wears modest shoes
J5'8 said on 2/May/17
He's skinny so he looks longer sometimes but he's 5'7.5 and that isn't short, he's not taller than Ryan Seacrest or Joe Jonas he looks same height as both of them.
As for a late burst in height I don't believe it. He's 23 now back in 2015 he was 21 and finished growing.
You don't grow after 21.
2015 are proof he's using insoles to give himself a little lift now.
176cm guy said on 2/May/17
@Johnson Who's Luis Fonsi? Wait! Were you looking up on sites that still have Corey Feldman at 5'8". Well, there's no more reasons to argue with you, i guess.
176cm guy said on 2/May/17
@Johnson Actually i think Neymar and Rafinha are both about the same height as him, since Neymar is leaning in towards Bieber and another photoshoot where Bieber was closer to the camera than Neymar making him look taller than Neymar. But to tell which one is taller is a really tough one. They definitely don't look an inch apart from each other that's for sure.
Click Here. But then again, we have no clue if their FIFA measurements are really that reliable.
J5'8 said on 2/May/17
How can Justin Bieber have a late growth spurt after 2015 he was age 21!
DefinitelyNotCC said on 2/May/17
he can't pull it off like harry does.
Eric said on 2/May/17
Click Here
This photo is perfect. Same height with Dj Khaled. Assuming that Khalid is 168cm, calculate the height increase by Khaled's shoes and you'll know Bieber height. And 168 cm could even be wrong for Khaled.
Warren said on 2/May/17
5'9" is too high 4 him imo, but 5'8" is still higher than I think too
172 is the best prediction ever
Warren said on 2/May/17
I donno I have no idea his dad uses lifts, I just showed a Justin could be late growth spurt until lately 2016
Warren said on 2/May/17
Tallish89 said on 1/May/17
Bieber 22 wearing vans and Ellen
Click Here
Bieber 23 wearing vans and Ryan Seacrest (171cm)
Click Here
Whatever 2nd picture is not age 23, didn't see that? that's a 2015
and 1st picture is not age 22 too, didn't see that URL?? borh r 2015
Warren said on 2/May/17
Tallish89 said on 1/May/17
Does not need an upgrade. Still shorter than dad Jeremy
Justin Bieber in adidas looks same height with dad Jeremy 2017
Click Here
Justin Bieber and Jeremy 2017 drops a couple cms & on higher side of the side walk
Click Here
those r not 2017, those r 2016 lately
but year I think he is completely done his growing at lately 2016, no more got at 2017
Johnson said on 2/May/17
@tallish89 don't try to fool people my friend. The picture with Ryan Seaacrest is from 2015 if you can read
Bieber 5'9. Luis Fonsi 5'7.75
176cm guy said on 2/May/17
@Johnson Well with that "183.5cm" measurement that you're going for with Ivan Rakitic. Well Rob replied to you during that incident he busted a gut in the morning. So 182.6 cm is most likely since Rob is more focused on Afternoon/night heights vs Morning heights. But with that claim he's shrunk, i think he got the thing mixed up between his morning measurement and his afternoon height (well 10am will be like 12-1pm for him). But let's say he really is 183.5 cm. I notice Justin is a little closer to the camera than Ivan is, and Ivan is really not standing that tall. If Ivan is standing straight, he would most likely be up around Ivan's eyelevel. So 5'9" still clearly doesn't add up. I think 5'7.5" is still a good shout. 5'9" is a little too high for him imo.
Wrs567 said on 1/May/17
@Cal77: It's all opinions at the end of the day.
No one has measured him and knows his height for certain.
So be respectful towards others opinions and people will be the same towards you.
Now if you insult people for what they think, then you know what to expect.
Dude by the way most people are only guessing him around 5'8'' which he actually looks near
It's hardly the crime of the century.
Borats Chicken said on 1/May/17
Rob, its so weird, his voice changed at 16 same as mine and he was atleast 5'7 meanwhile I was 5'6.5 then now 19 6'3 to 6'3.25
foxparty123 said on 1/May/17
Have a look at 4:17 in this music video... Bieber even has the camera angle advantage but slightly shorter than DJ Khaled who is supposedly 5ft6 ish
Click Here (link to music video)
Warren said on 1/May/17
@176cm guy
Yeah, there are individual differences at times
Actually I used to the same thing vans slip on 1.3cm heels and I posted on this site for example before
Michael Jackson said on 1/May/17
I mean if really Justin is 170 at his age 20, 2cm grew are huge.
Michael Jackson said on 1/May/17
But the fact it is, he slowly got it and look at that @Warren's posted that pictures with his dad especially.
It just shows that absolutely late broomer he is.
by the way in this picture with Paris Jackson in 2016 (Robs guess is she is 5'8")
Click Here
I wouldn't say Paris is 5'8", I'd say Paris is 5'7", there's a still possibility Justin is 172 next to Paris.
No way is he shorter than 171 these days.
Johnson said on 1/May/17
My friends there are clips of Fonsi and Bieber performing together. Bieber is 5'9 my friends, slightly taller than Rafinha and Neymar
Tallish89 said on 1/May/17
Bieber 22 wearing vans and Ellen
Click Here
Bieber 23 wearing vans and Ryan Seacrest (171cm)
Click Here
Bee123 said on 1/May/17
There is a video on youtube from last week showing Justin in vans and shorter than Jeremy?
Explain that?
Jeremy wears lifts?
Tallish89 said on 1/May/17
Does not need an upgrade. Still shorter than dad Jeremy
Justin Bieber in adidas looks same height with dad Jeremy 2017
Click Here
Justin Bieber and Jeremy 2017 drops a couple cms & on higher side of the side walk
Click Here
RichardSpain said on 1/May/17
He looks around 173 /174 cm nowadays.
Gray said on 1/May/17
Over 5ft8 hehe xddd. I wlould say over 6ft
Cal77 said on 1/May/17
Haha so Justin Bieber got another growth spurt after 2015? When he was already done growing at 20 something lol
The things fans say to upgrade his height.
176cm guy said on 30/Apr/17
For the photos with Bieber and Fionsi. we still don't have any idea, who really is taller in those photos. They are in different spots and plus in a bad angle for height comparisom. None of them were facing toe to toe, so that example was really bad. You haven't proved anything yet.
176cm guy said on 30/Apr/17
*I have a pair of vans slip-ons. Went from 175.9cm to 177.2cm. Gives about a 1.3cm.
Justin height said on 30/Apr/17
What do you think about his weight Rob?

Editor Rob
he's closing in on 10 stones (140 pounds)
176cm guy said on 30/Apr/17
@Johnson the difference between Luis and Obama is about the same as Big Rob standing next with a guy who is around 6'2.5-6'3", so 172cm seems a little much for Luis.
176cm guy said on 30/Apr/17
@Johnson Luis looks smaller than 172 there. Big Rob doesn't look that small next to a 6'1" man. If Obama is 6'1", than Luis is most likely 5'6".
Jose said on 30/Apr/17
I am 5'8.5 and he was barely shorter than me. I'd give him 172.5 cm pretty much a weak 5'8.
176cm guy said on 30/Apr/17
Luis looks smaller than 172. Rob doesn't look that small next to 6'1" men.
CC said on 30/Apr/17
JB is over 5'8, upgradeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Bee123 said on 30/Apr/17
What are the chances that Justin Bieber grew 2-3cm after age 21?
Is it possible, given the fact that there are so much photos from 2015 showing him same or a little less than 171cm?
J5'8 said on 30/Apr/17
Justin was 21 in 2015 😂
But sure he grew from 170cm to 172cm with insoles 😂
Johnson said on 30/Apr/17
Justin Bieber is taller than Luis Fonsi with 2.5 cm disadvantage in shoes
Here we have Luis Fonsi who is 172 with Obama
Click Here
Bee123 said on 30/Apr/17
Bieber stopped growing at years ago.... he is not still growing.
He looked 170cm in 2014 and probably still is...
He just discovered how to stuff a vans/nikes/adidas with an 1.5 inch insole.
Which just fooled fangirls.
Ofcourse he looks tall in the I'm the one video because he's around... lil wayne who is 5'4.5/5'5.
Lets not forget lil wayne claimed 5'8 in 2014 then 5'6 a year ago now he claiming 5'5.
Bieber finished growing about 3-4 years now.
Warren said on 30/Apr/17
Remember, vans gives 1.5cm heels only
jyr said on 30/Apr/17
I say 5'8. he's barefoot and looks an inch taller than khalid in jordan 1s. khalid with the 1s are probably close to 5'7, and justin still looks a good inch taller. So i'll say he is close if not 5'8.
@warren those are jordan 1s not
Air Force 1s
Warren said on 29/Apr/17
Sorry mistakes it was not for u, I'm sorry
I was just trying to say to @Truestuff
I have to tell u, plz add this exact my opinion
Air Force 1 gives actually only 3cm, drop down at our WEIGHT, I have an
Air Force 1 all red then I measured it with,
btw vans also not gives 2cm, that only 1.5cm gives it cos I measured it with before
and I saw that Justin was taller than Khaled who's wearing typical
Air Force 1 even Justin's barefoot in the new video
Warren said on 29/Apr/17
I have to tell u, plz add this exact my opinion
Air Force 1 gives actually only 3cm, drop down at our WEIGHT, I have an
Air Force 1 all red then I measured it
btw vans also not gives 2cm only 1.5cm cos I measured it
Original said on 29/Apr/17
175 - 0%
174- 5%
173- 25%
172- 55%
171- 14%
170 - 1%
169 - 0%
I would say he is somewhere between 171,5 and 173.
Paul said on 29/Apr/17
Bieber is 171.5 - 172 max. Time for an upgrade.
Johnson said on 29/Apr/17
What model is Khaled's sneakers? No more than 3 cm sneakers?
J5'8 said on 29/Apr/17
He barely looks 5'8 (173cm) in vans but people want a upgrade to 172cm?
That makes him barefoot about 170cm.
Bieber is 23, so photos showing him 5'6.75 / 5'7 is proof that he isn't 5'8 or 5'9!
Bee123 said on 29/Apr/17
How can 2015 photos be old?
Justin Bieber was age 21 in 2015.....
Wrs567 said on 29/Apr/17
Bieber was 3 - 4cm taller than Corden with shoes on yes
If he took his shoes off, they would be about the same height
172 - 173cm is good for both
James Corden isn't 5'9''
The59Shark said on 29/Apr/17
He is definitely not 5'9 or 5'10. I would give him a 5'7.75, because of the latest Video with DJ Khaled(168cm), where Bieber was barefoot and Khaled had approximately 4cm improvement with his sneakers.
jyr said on 29/Apr/17
@truestiff justin is barefoot and looks talle than khalid. never in one place of the vid does khaled look talller. justin has got to be 5'7-5'9 at least
Warren said on 28/Apr/17
Wrs567 knows that James is taller than biebs, stop
Justin 172
James 173
Cool dude said on 28/Apr/17
Rob in the new dj khaled video barefoot Bieber looks slightly taller than
Air Force wearing dj khaled,Bieber has probably reached the solid 5'8 mark, what do you think Rob? Please watch the video and let us know if it's Time for an upgrade
Johnson said on 28/Apr/17
@176cmguy Rakitic was measured in another video 183.5. That is what he looks.
He is as tall or taller than Luis Fonsi in Vans, and Luis Fonsi is in CUBAN heels
He is also as tall or taller than Neymar and Rafinha 5'8.5
171-172 is a joke for Bieber... but you are free to keep embracing 2015 pics and fooling themselves...
Cal77 said on 28/Apr/17
Justin Bieber is shorter than James Corden!
Justin Bieber is same as if not shorter than Ryan Seacrest!
So how can he get an upgrade to 172cm?
Truestuff said on 28/Apr/17
Clear shot of him with no shoes in the new dj khaled video, stands right next to khaled who is unanimously 5'6? khaled has
Air Forces on that give around 4cm. He looks 4cm taller than Justin meaning Justin is is the 5'6-5'7 range
HonestSlovene said on 28/Apr/17
Corden is nowhere near 5'9" and Bieber is nowhere near 5'8".
Tallish89 said on 28/Apr/17
In a few days DJ Khaled will be upgraded from 5'6 on google to 5'9 lol
Bieber barefoor and DJ Khaled
Click Here
Wizo said on 27/Apr/17
Click Here
Justin is wearing some Adidas Ultraboosts which gives you about 3cm from heel. You can easily slip a regular insole in those aswell.
I noticed that he's constantly wearing those type of shoes.
edouardo said on 27/Apr/17
I'd say 173 at best, not less than 172
176cm guy said on 27/Apr/17
@Johnson You do realize he was almost 22 during the time the video was uploaded right?. I have to admit, he probably has that rare gene where he might be gaining an inch by the time he was 20, but i think there is no more growth spurts for him. Also saw a recent pic with him and Ivan Rakitic (who was measured around 182.6 cm/ almost 6ft if I recall). And he looked like he was easily about 4-4.5 inches taller than Bieber since Ivan does have a big head compared to Bieber.
Click Here
Johnson said on 27/Apr/17
Bieber is 5'9
In the performance of Bieber with Luis Fonsi, Luis Fonsi is wearing cuban heels, and Bieber Vans.
Click Here
Any chance for an updgrade? As today, 27th April 2017, I reckon 5'7.5 is not accurate at all, honestly
Warren said on 27/Apr/17
tollors tend to be losers fyi
Justin is almost the same as Neymar and I see 2cm over a fraction James Corden with his dress shoes
that makes Justin is 172 zone, almost correct imo
Michael Jackson said on 27/Apr/17
James Corden makes Justin's look no way that over 5'8" and James is 5'8" strong, not a weak 5'9".
maybe Justin is 172.
SilentFire said on 27/Apr/17
@Johnson but james cordon is not a weak 5'9 he's a fraction over 5'8 at best.
Johnson said on 27/Apr/17
@176cmguy those pictures with weak 5'9 Corden are old for him!! He grew up my friend. Stop justifying Bieber's current height with 2015 pics. It is not the most common case but he looks having grown up until 23 years old
Bee123 said on 27/Apr/17
Those were posted already but when the page is flooded with fangirls trying get him upgraded it gets lost.
CC is saying 5'8 and wrs567 is saying 172cm
Wrs567 said on 27/Apr/17
@J5'8: How deluded can one person be?
Seriously I'm not making fun of you, but how dumb are you?
You say Justin is 171cm, and we say 172cm
So that exta 1 centimeter makes us fangirls? lol
What is wrong with some people on here
176cm guy said on 27/Apr/17
Let's put all the 5'9" claims rest to case, and realize James Corden is roughly or almost as tall as Bieber when he had no shoes on and Bieber himself is wearing Dress shoes that could make him look 5'9" at best.
Click Here
- Is he 5'9" with the dress shoes he had on the Late Night Show with James Corden, Yes or close to it! Is he 5'9" barefeet, Hell no! Wouldn't even consider for a morning measurement either. His thin appearance and good proportions gives him a illusion that he looks taller than he actually is, that's pretty much it. What does 5'9" look like to you? Do i have to be a certain body proportion for me to be 5'9"? Does my body have to look exactly like his in order to be 5'9". No!! I can be 300+ lbs of fat and be a little body disproportionate, but if the measuring tape says i'm 5'9", then i'm 5'9". Let's face it, body proportionate people are not always going to be average or above average of height. There's going to be short and fit people too. JB is not a legitimate 5'9", so get over it.
176cm guy said on 27/Apr/17
Let's put all the 5'9" claims rest to case, and realize James Corden is roughly or almost as tall as Bieber when he had no shoes on and Bieber himself is wearing Dress shoes that could make him look 5'9" at best.
Click Here
- Is he 5'9" with the dress shoes he had on the Late Night Show with James Corden, Yes or close to it! Is he 5'9" barefeet, Hell no! Wouldn't even consider for a morning measurement either. His thin appearance and good proportions gives him a illusion that he looks taller than he actually is, that's pretty much it. What does 5'9" look like to you? Do i have to be a certain body proportion for me to be 5'9"? Does my body have to look exactly like his in order to be 5'9". No!! I can be 300+ lbs of fat and be a little body disproportionate and i can still be 5'9". Let's face it, body proportionate people are not always going to be average or above average of height. There's going to be short and fit people too. JB is not a legitimate 5'9", so get over it.
CC said on 26/Apr/17
Wat still not upgraded?? He's is over 5'8 for crying out loud.
Sonia said on 26/Apr/17
I'd like to see Selena's "embrace it" line. I don't doubt it, she "had" to take off her heels with him at red carpets a few times upon his temper tantrums I suppose.
J5'8 said on 26/Apr/17
So you're not a Justin Bieber fangirl yet here you are trying get him upgraded to 172cm lol
Justin is 170-171cm
Johnson said on 26/Apr/17
Luis Fonsi and Justin Bieber
Click Here
5'9 for Bieber is not out of the question
Peter175 said on 26/Apr/17
Luis Fonsi is no taller than Daddy Yankee, looks shorter actually.
Rob do you still stand by 170 for Daddy Yankee? If you compare him to Justin it's clear that Justin would edge him by 2-3 cms. My guess is weak 5'8 for the biebs, Fonsi at a big G 5'6.5-75 range and Yankee at 5'7

Editor Rob
not looked at Yankee for a long time really.
Cara said on 26/Apr/17
With Cara Delevigne recently he looks 5.7, 5.8 maximum height for him in flat shoes (like Vans etc) to me.
SilentFire said on 26/Apr/17
@Wrs567 but Bee123 is right, neymar is in the 172-173 range that puts justin in the 171-172 range so this listing is fine, Bee13 just criticized the outrageous 5'8+ claims and pointed out that most people lie about their height which is also true.
Wrs567 said on 25/Apr/17
Hey everybody!
Ignore this goof Bee123
He thinks 172cm is 5'10''! Hahahahaha
Don't let him put you off, keep commenting
Johnson said on 25/Apr/17
@Bee123 Robinho is taller than Marcelo my friend. Robinho is listed 1.75 as an adult
Bee123 said on 25/Apr/17
Robinho is listed as 170cm by medics yet seems taller than Neymar.
Messi use to be listed at 5'5.5/5'6 now he's listed as 5'7.
Point these footballers lie about their height just like celebs. Philip Lahm is listed as 5'7 by his team yet noticebly taller than messi and almost same as neymar.
418 votes people still say 171.1cm.
Good luck trying upgrade him to 5'8 or even 172cm fangirls ;)
Lmeister said on 25/Apr/17
Neymar is 173cm and Marcelo 174cm. That makes Justin 171-173cm.
Nik said on 24/Apr/17
I would say that 5'7.5" is about right for Justin Bieber. On another note there is no way that Neymar is 170 cm, he is 172's or 173's.
Johnson said on 24/Apr/17
@Paul Luis Fonsi is not 169-170. He is the same height as David Bustamante, who claims 1.77 but he is not more than 173 or 173.5. Luis Fonsi, Juanes and David Bisbal are pretty similar. Bieber is around 174 cm tall. And I wish you post recent pics of him and not try to justify his height with 2015 pics...
Bee123 said on 24/Apr/17
He's shorter than his dad 5'8
Michael Jackson said on 24/Apr/17
5'7.5" is nothing too short btw
Warren said on 24/Apr/17
Neymar is 170?? that's too much to saying lol, but yes Neymar is 172-173 zone
and no way Neymar is 170 and 174
Neymar 172-173
Justin 171-172
Johnson said on 24/Apr/17
Juston Bieber is 1.74
@Rob you should check the live video with Luis Fonsi "Despacito". Luis Fonsi has pictures with Juanes. In my modest opinion 5'7.5 feels too short for him
Johan said on 24/Apr/17
Sonia said on 22/Apr/17
Has he said the 5 foot eleven figure yet?
No and I don't think he ever will, he knows full well thats saying you're close to 6 feet. Any guy at 5'7"-5'8" claiming 5'11" would be laughed at.
Paul said on 23/Apr/17
Luis Fonsi height is 169-170 I believe.
Bieber is 172-173.
Ted89 said on 22/Apr/17
Neymar is not 174 cm. Have you ever seen him next to Marcelo (Brazil)? Marcelo is listed everywhere 173-74 cm. Neymar is ALWAYS shorter than him, in every single pic. Don't believe that medicals measure football player, they often simply ask them the height. Del Piero is listed everywhere 173 cm. I saw him. He was probably 170.
Leo said on 22/Apr/17
He is always wearing stilts in his trousers. No taller than 5"5 barefoot
Sonia said on 22/Apr/17
Has he said the 5 foot eleven figure yet?
TMI said on 22/Apr/17
I'll be generous and say he's a weak 5'8"
Cool dude said on 21/Apr/17
Wearing flat shoes with lifts doesn't mean bieber is 5'9 lol, 5'8 at best for bieber
Warren said on 21/Apr/17
I thought someone were gonna say that, u did lol
but I think It's too hard he grew after 21 or 22 imo, no taller than 172 now
Wrs567 said on 21/Apr/17
@Warren: I think about 172cm minimum is fine.
He can look taller than Neymar too, who was barefoot measured at 174cm at Barcelona
They have the same football/soccer shoes
Click Here
Nicholas said on 21/Apr/17
He's literally me. I'm 5'7.5" and I wear cowboy boots to work so that i can seem 5'9" bcs they add around 2 inches. The only difference is i say im 5'7" when im asked not "Five Nine,Five Ten". And in fact this guy may even be a flat 5'7" if hes wearing insoles too
Warren said on 21/Apr/17
Hey guys, how u think this checkerboard, with lifts?
I think his insteps position r a bit higher, but I don't even care if he added lifts in this checkerboard
Click Here
Kevan said on 21/Apr/17
I walked right past Bieber in New York last May for when he was doing a concert for purpose tour. Wearing flat footwear, specifically Vans, he stands at exactly 5'7. I stand a solid 5'9 to 5'9.5 and I was shocked to see that he was noticeably shorter than myself. Obviously, his height can vary 1 to 2 inches depending on his choice of footwear. To guess that he is in the 5'7 to 5'9 range would be correct. But, consequently, his real height is 5'7.
robertven8 said on 21/Apr/17
upgrade Rob, for me this guy is 1.75 m
Eyad said on 20/Apr/17
PLease Rob respond
how much do you think is Luis Fonsi height is

Editor Rob
Eyad, Bieber certainly looks like he'd be taller barefoot than Luis, how much I'm not exactly sure of.
Leo2001 said on 20/Apr/17
@Johnson Grow after 21?hmm
Mark(5'9.25") said on 20/Apr/17
Again, Bieber being 5'9"-5'10" would put me at 5'11"-6'0" which happens to be my boots height.
HonestSlovene said on 20/Apr/17
Beiber is 100% in the 5'7"-5'7.5" zone.
Johnson said on 20/Apr/17
@Wrs567 @Leo2001 my friends, the pictures with Ryan Seacrest are OLD!! April 2015. Bieber grew up since then!! He could grow up
Tallish89 said on 20/Apr/17
Wore massive heels at halo awards still shorter than 5'10 Nick Cannon.
Bieber could never be 5'8 or 5'9 barefoot. Do the math.
Click Here
Click Here
He's 171cm and loves heels
Sonia said on 19/Apr/17
Same as Ryan, same shoes. As listed.
Johnson said on 19/Apr/17
Neymar in the medical test gets 174-175 (I know their figures) in the morning and
Busting a Gut. If he does not force posture and measuring later he can be 173.5. So Bieber is around that height too
Eyad said on 19/Apr/17
Rob what do you think of Justin bieber and Luis Fonsi who is listed as (5"8)
Justin seems taller even with less footwear compared to Fonsi
Click Here to see the photo
Jameson_Cooper said on 19/Apr/17
No people!, Bieber isn't 5'10 or 5'10.25, he is shorter, approximately 5'8, and yes, he is a little bit shorter than Neymar. Hahaha
DefinitelyNotCC said on 19/Apr/17
we can't see the surface or footwear and justin appears to be the same height as ryan there, i think the hat is fooling you.
Warren said on 19/Apr/17
can I ask u once again @Wrs567, how u think Justin's height now?
Wrs567 said on 19/Apr/17
@Leo2001: No my friend. When standing side by side, when the camera isn't favoring Seacrest
Bieber is taller... with less footwear!
Click Here
Francis said on 19/Apr/17
He wears lifts most of the time now
Lifts standing with Tyga (5 ft 7) :
Click Here
No lifts standing with Tyga :
Click Here
JayDen said on 18/Apr/17
Bieber is solid 5'10
edouardo said on 18/Apr/17
@Deeznuts Justin is not smaller than Neymar
Wrs567 said on 17/Apr/17
DefinitelyNotCC: Do you understand how camera angles work?
Can't you see how much closer that other guy is towards the camera??
They are not even standing side by side
plus DJ Khaled has way less footwear too
If DJ Khaled was 5'6.5'' then that would make Drake 5'10''
Michael Jackson said on 16/Apr/17
@Quoter 987
you can pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars,
you can really use a wish right now wish right now wish right now for that
Warren said on 16/Apr/17
Khaled and Drake both r not straight and Drake is closer to the camera than Khaled and Rob seems claim Drake is 5'11.75",
It's hard to judge that picture only, if u said Khaled is 5'8", u rephrasing that Justin is 172 to 175 or something?
Warren said on 16/Apr/17
I don't know the details him, but the google said DJ Khaled is 5'6"
the Slav said on 16/Apr/17
lol, DJ Khaled sure as hell isnt 5'8. 5'6 on the dot seems pretty accurate though
CC said on 16/Apr/17
Also, Fousey looks like hes at least 5'11.
CC said on 16/Apr/17
Khalid is at least 5'8.
DefinitelyNotCC said on 16/Apr/17
DJ Khaled with 5'9.5-5'9.75 fousytube,
Click Here
dj khaled is 5'6 or 5'6.5'
HonestSlovene said on 16/Apr/17
@Quoter987 Thanks for the laugh bro.
Wrs567 said on 16/Apr/17
Who are these ridiculous people that keep saying DJ Khaled is 5'6''? What a joke
DJ Khaled is around 5'8'', here he is with a near enough 6ft Drake
Click Here
And now Justin is standing behind DJ Khaled but still looks 2 inches taller
Click Here
DefinitelyNotCC said on 16/Apr/17
@Quotor 987
Neymar is 172-173, i doubt he'd measure over 5'8.
Quoter 987 said on 15/Apr/17
Solid 5'9.5" guy. An inch taller than 5'8.25" measured Neymar and 2 inch taller than 5'8 father. Anyone who thinks he is below this needs to examine the evidence.
Warren said on 15/Apr/17
she can't be 5'8", shortest looking 5'8" I've ever seen lol
Wizo said on 15/Apr/17
@Tricia Ellen is not 5ft8, she's about 5ft6, but not sure if a solid one, could be 167-168cm.
andy said on 15/Apr/17
He looks 173.5/174 cm now, around Neymar's height
Michael Jackson said on 15/Apr/17
Ellen Degeneres is 167 at the best. doensn't look taller than 5'6",
Bieber doesn't look as tall as Ellen as well even without thicker shoes.
Tricia said on 14/Apr/17
Ellen Degeneres is 5'8 and when Justin stands next to her he looks to be the same height or a little taller (depending on the shoes they're wearing). I'm guessing he's 5'8.5
godofpking said on 14/Apr/17
He is taller then neymar all said.
Megrace said on 14/Apr/17
Not tall in piture at All 5ft 7
pupot said on 14/Apr/17
Spot on 5'7 or less
Gray said on 13/Apr/17
He looks more 5ft7 than 5ft8. That's good listing
Rober said on 13/Apr/17
He is about 174 tall
Mark(5'9.25") said on 12/Apr/17
5'8" isn't far off, but he's only near it at best.
Again, if he was the 5'10" he claims, I could claim 6'0" going by timberland rules.
Bobby said on 12/Apr/17
I'm actually 5'10 barefoot, but if Bieber is claiming 5'9 or 5'10, that makes me either 6ft or 6'1.
Wrs567 said on 12/Apr/17
@Sonia: No they're not. You are not going to discourage people from commenting
I don't think he's quite 5'8'' myself. I'll settle for 172cm
And if people think Bieber is 5'10'' like he claims, then that's what they're going to say
Sonia said on 11/Apr/17
These 5 foot 8 guesses are ridiculous.
John said on 10/Apr/17
He's 5ft 8in, maybe 5ft 8.25in.
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 10/Apr/17
170-171cm is my guess for Bieber.
Johnson said on 10/Apr/17
Rafinha and Neymar in football cleats proof Justin has their same height. 5'8.25 minimum
didi said on 10/Apr/17
He looks 5.8 next to Bob Wow
Toga said on 10/Apr/17
I think the is 5"8
Wizo said on 10/Apr/17
Don't be so conviced of Justin being near 5ft8 range.
Click Here
Next to 5ft6(168cm flat) DJ Khaled he doesn't look that much taller. Plus Khaled is slouching as you can see, and Justin always has the best posture in photos. I think this listing is fine. I guess this is what he would measure around afternoon.
Michael Jackson said on 10/Apr/17
JayDen said on 3/Apr/17
How was he only 5'5 at 17? I was 5'8 at 14 and im 20 now and 5'9.5,
is still possible for me to grow btw? both my parents are 5'8 flat, and im only 1 inch taller than them, been same height for a few yrs
There is not taller than only 1 inch by the way, you got 1.5 inches taller than your parents.
I hope that you are late bloomer but you can't cos you already got 5'8 at 14 it's finished sorry.
Michael Jackson said on 10/Apr/17
Warren said on 1/Apr/17
Hi Rob may I ask u, how u think "Rob Dyrdek" height? yes he is the same as your name, and I know this is off this topic but
I wanna get some answer from u, and his listed is 5'7", but I feel like he is like only 168 or 167 or something...
and yes he worked with Justin 5 years ago
Rob Dyrdek with Ryan Sheckler who's 170/5'7" so Ryan makes that Rob is around 167 to 168,
Bieber also was the same height as Rob Dyrdek at Ridiqulousness show when Bieber was 18.
so your opinion seems correct.
Click Here
Brad said on 9/Apr/17
He's never seen 5' 8" in his life.
HonestSlovene said on 9/Apr/17
Biebs can be anywhere between 170 cm to 172 cm to me. Never the full 172 cm or more though. Tom Cruise range.
CC said on 8/Apr/17
This man is 5'9, upgrade plz
Warren said on 8/Apr/17
Justin is 171 at the night and he is far from being ur height
I donno why u tend to claiming much lower than they actually have, and u posted from anywhere like dat...
Warren said on 8/Apr/17
Justin is 171 at the night, he is far from being your height
I donno why u tend to claiming much lower than they actually have, and u from anywhere...
Realist said on 6/Apr/17
@Sonia I think he will skip straight to 6'2".....and his foolish fangirls will believe him
There's an epidemic of 5'7" celebrities claiming to be 5'9-5'10 (Justin Bieber, Zayn Malik, Martin Garrix...the list goes on)
I mean, do they really think people won't notice?!?
Tallish89 said on 7/Apr/17
If Justin TImberlake is 5'10/5'11 how on earth is Justin Bieber close to 5'10?
andre said on 7/Apr/17
Justin is 168cm 169cm barefoot at night he was the same height as ryan sheckler and ryan is measured in google 5ft7
Warren said on 6/Apr/17
Guys his 173 is morning height, but it would be okey he can claim it
Warren said on 6/Apr/17
well how u think Justin's height btw, and there's nothing jokes by Rob Paul
Johnson said on 6/Apr/17
@JayDen I totally agree. Also I think Beck Hansen is taller than 171
Revisionist said on 6/Apr/17
I'm OK with Bieber being upgraded to 5'10 if that means everyone else in the world gets the same 2.5" lift.
VeryShortRussianDude said on 5/Apr/17
To be fair Bieber could be near 5'10....right out of bed in timberland boots after a 12-hour sleep.
JayDen said on 5/Apr/17
Btw bieber is not shorter than 173 lol... 171 is honestly a joke for bieber
Jordan87 said on 5/Apr/17
I mean Granted alot of younger girls like him but he almost seems to have the build of a 15 year old. Odd.
Peruano 1.68 said on 5/Apr/17
I hope to see him, I'm at his concert and I hope I can see him by my side, I'm 5'6 -peru
HonestSlovene said on 5/Apr/17
If he is 5'10", then I am at least 6'1".
Mark(5'9.25") said on 5/Apr/17
If he was 5'10", I would have been 6'0".
Gray said on 5/Apr/17
How tall he actually was in his 16, Rob? 167?
JayDen said on 4/Apr/17
@Warren No brother. Yeah im only 1 inch taller than mother.
But my cousins who are girls grew 1.5 inches at 19 so that's something
Maybe thyroid issue caused it
Jack said on 4/Apr/17
Well remember, he didn't hit puberty till he was 16 or so.
Adam said on 4/Apr/17
5'10"is the correct height for this guy...he also claimed 5'10" in an interview recently.
Warren said on 4/Apr/17
Is there brother in your family btw? and I'm surprised your mother's taller, maybe u can get a bit more taller if ur true story
but u r already got 5'8 at 14
Wrs567 said on 3/Apr/17
@JayDen: I'm sorry to say, but in my opinion you are completely done growing
you only gained 1.5 inches in 6 years max. You are 100% finished growing.
You are not short though, you are a tad above average height so it's all good.
Sonia said on 3/Apr/17
When will he claim 5 foot 11?
JayDen said on 3/Apr/17
How was he only 5'5 at 17? I was 5'8 at 14 and im 20 now and 5'9.5,
is still possible for me to grow btw? both my parents are 5'8 flat, and im only 1 inch taller than them, been same height for a few yrs
Warren said on 3/Apr/17
That means u bet at least he has 173, and same as Rob Paul