Tarik said on 15/Aug/12
5'6 seems right. Anything above 5'7 is ridiculous consider his parents' height. Of course he probably found a way to make himself look taller as have many celebrities. I'm 5'8 and I can look 5'10 with good shoes on. Pretty much anyone can.
Rokie said on 15/Aug/12
@genes He already claim 6 feet.
it's just so sad. the boy who never accept the ruth. i'm boy 18 and 167cm too and i proud of my self. shame on him
rkc_cat said on 15/Aug/12
@Genes: He's always claimed to be about 4" taller than what he really is, just look at his past claims. Another reason to think he's 5'6" in shoes now.
Genes said on 14/Aug/12
His mom is 4‘8, dad is 5‘6. Hes 5‘6 with the boots. 5‘9 is ridiculous. If he was really 1.75 he'd claim 6 feet
David said on 14/Aug/12
Seriously, 168 cm now?? So he did grow about 3 cm from 17 to 18 years old. He can consider himself lucky. If I were him, I wouldn't even complain about being 5'6 because he's already lucky to have gotten this tall considering how short his mother is.
Brad said on 14/Aug/12
I think that 24/7
Vin Diesel big tread action boot or Damon Bourne boots are the logical guess....how bout Michael J Fox normal footwear and accepting it you bozo. 5' 9", that's just pathetic and it proves he really wants to be normal height.
Brad said on 13/Aug/12
What will he wear once the Bieber Boot look wanes like his old doo? Docs with massive wedge? Priestley mountain boots? Stallone Munster action? Cycle boots? The Biebs is looking at the options.
tommie said on 13/Aug/12
Its so funny that this guy a few years ago when he was 15 years old or something, looked like a little kid. when I was that age I had my Adult height 6 ft 3.5, and didtn really look different like now with 21. but he changed his look so dramatically over the last years. never saw something like that before. never the less to claim 5 ft 9 is silly, to say 5 ft 6 and to keep his face, would be a lot better. there a lot of celebs with that height, and they gone they way too.
C10 Tim said on 13/Aug/12
Rob I noticed there's a few pics with jb 's shoes popping off a lot , can this be proof hes wearing lifts and his feet are popping out
Brad said on 12/Aug/12
Claiming to be 5' 9". Who is he trying to fool, 7 year olds?
SAK said on 12/Aug/12
now he is listed as 5ft6, he enters normal short range.
Maximus Meridius said on 12/Aug/12
Rob since he claimed 5ft 7in 5ft 8in in 2011 is it likely he will grow 2 inches and reach 5ft 8in if he also claimed with a late growth spurt he might reach 5ft 9in 5ft 9in was the highest he claimed.
zeD said on 12/Aug/12
Rob, you should change his claims to "5'9 and still growing"...
Click Here But keep him listed as 5'6 ofc... lmao, waiting for the day he claims 6', stumbling around in massive Doc Martens with 5 inch lifts inside.
Picha loca said on 12/Aug/12
I think he is 1.67 - 1.70 No more he is a desproportional guy
® said on 12/Aug/12
5'5 to 5'6.
Gaja said on 12/Aug/12
I don't know if Justin will ever grow to be the height he claims to be, I honestly couldn't care less. But one thing I noticed is how this kid looks totally out of proportion. He has long arms, a long torso and super short legs. His hands also look to big for his height.
Click HereMaybe his legs will catch up with his arms, and he'll end up a regular size guy. Who knows, who cares?
rkc_cat said on 12/Aug/12
@vur: Exactly what I think. Between 165 and 167 cm is the most plausible range in my opinion. It's pretty difficult to be more precise, since there are pics where he barely looks 5'5" flat, and other where he looks 5'6", so IMO he's definitely inbetween, and I think closer to the former, let's say 166 cm.
vur said on 12/Aug/12
It is maximum 167cm, it is between 165 cm and 167 cm. I looked at photos and videos and I concluded that it is not over 167cm but not less than 165 cm.
Parker said on 12/Aug/12
Susanna says on 12/Aug/12
In this Japanese interview Click Here at the 2;00 mark, he claims to be 5'9.
I just don't understand why such a ridiculous claim. IMHO he's 100% 5'5-5'7. Its like a 5'9 guy claiming 6 foot. Even Sly didn't do that. Baffling.
Jack said on 12/Aug/12
5'9" is BS.
Susanna said on 12/Aug/12
In this Japanese interview
Click Here at the 2;00 mark, he claims to be 5'9.
the shredder said on 12/Aug/12
I still think he is under 5'7 and think he could seem about 167 cm ... Its not that I think 5'5 is too low its that some of you guys are bias that it is sick to the point that some are claiming ANYTHING to back up there estimate .
rkc_cat said on 12/Aug/12
@Parker: It's ok, we disagree on the numbers but agree on the form, it's no problem. If we didn't disagree there would be no discussion here! Still, I give 5'5" and change for Justin.
@the shredder: Of course there's a difference. If you want to talk about Sly, it's ok. I'm not one of those who think he's 5'7", I think he's in the 5'8"-5'8.5" range. Just because I disagree regarding Justin and I think he's about an inch shorter than listed doesn't mean I do that with everybody. If someone came here saying Justin is 5'3" I would also say that's stupidity.
Mambo said on 11/Aug/12
About the beach shot...
@the_shredder: No, Justin doesn't lose more than one inch as Selena is in her bare feet and she isn't even standing straight up. Even if you assume that he is losing 2 inches (which he isn't), that still makes him 5'6 at best (!) if you accept that Selena is 5'4.
Even more important, the photo shows that he has about the same body proportions as a tiny 5'4 girl. If he was anywhere near the height he claims (5'7/5'8 or recently OVER 5'9), he would at least somewhat look like it - average. But Justin has never looked average without his 'Bieber boots'. If you claim about 5'9 and don't tower over a 5'4 girl without shoes on, even if you're losing an inch or two due to uneven ground, you're busted. Simple as that.
the shredder said on 11/Aug/12
There is a difference between opinion and stupidity ... Opinion is not agreeing but still open to a realistic option ... 5'8 and 5'9.5 for Sly are opinions and realistic options ... 5'7 for Sly is not an opinion or option ... Flat out stupidity !
Parker said on 11/Aug/12
rkc_cat says on 10/Aug/12
@the shredder: Ehmm, no sorry, I'm not contradicting anything. Just do the maths. If she's 4'8" barefoot and 4'11" with heels, and he's 9" taller than her with heels (and he's on thick soled trainers that give him a whole inch, I didn't mention that, that means 4'11"+9"=5'8"
Its all about opinions. In the first pic of Justin with his parents I posted there looks to be more than 9 inches between them in footwear to me, and I'm not sure his Dad has a 1 inch trainer on.An outer pattern on the shoe can fool people into thinking that's the sole. Irrespective of that, I agree with Tony t in that Justins Dad looks in the 5'8 range to me in other pics i've seen.
There are lots of picture on the net of Justin and his Dad on a beach outing in January this year, and there does look an approximate 2 inch difference between them if you look at them all. Whether justin's grown since then I'm not sure.
5'6 and change for Justin in my opinion.
Shaun said on 11/Aug/12
Parker says on 9/Aug/12
This, in my opinion, is the best recent pic of Selena and Justin for height comparison.
Click Here
He looks about 2 inches taller, just as he looks 2-3 inches taller than Pablo Motos (gives his height at 165) and Grant Deyer (164/165)
More chance of 5'5.5"-5'6" than 5'7". His hair gives the illusion of 2 full inches but he's in Bieber boots too. I think either way though he's somewhere around 5'6"
tony t. said on 10/Aug/12
He had his growth spurt. Dude's 18.5 now. He's 5'6. His dad's maybe 5'8-5'8.5. His mom is tiny. He may put on some weight, but other than that he's done growing. End of story.
rkc_cat said on 10/Aug/12
@the shredder: Ehmm, no sorry, I'm not contradicting anything. Just do the maths. If she's 4'8" barefoot and 4'11" with heels, and he's 9" taller than her with heels (and he's on thick soled trainers that give him a whole inch, I didn't mention that, that means 4'11"+9"=5'8". Minus the inch of this trainers, 5'7" at most, what I said. So without the heels he'd be 11" taller, I didn't say anything about that. And I didn't say anything about Cruise or Stallone, so don't go there. I just think some of you are overestimating Justin's height, that's it, nothing else.
the shredder said on 10/Aug/12
rkc_cat says on 10/Aug/12
@Parker: He's a whole head taller than his mom in heels, that's about 9" supposing he's got an average sized head. That would make him 5'7" at most.
LMAO you failed BIG time ... If he is 9 " taller then someone in HEELS which add INCHES he would be at least a foot taller ... You went as far as to completely contradict yourself to fit your downgrading estimate ...Its guys like you that brain wash magazine readers into thinking CRAP like a 5'5 Cruise and a 5'7 Stallone .
rkc_cat said on 10/Aug/12
@Parker: He's a whole head taller than his mom in heels, that's about 9" supposing he's got an average sized head. That would make him 5'7" at most. In my opinon he looks exactly like a strong 5'6" man would look like. Also, in that pic you posted with Selena, Justin doesn't look 2" taller than her at all to me. It's his hair that makes him look that tall, looking here
Click Hereyou can see where his head ends, and in my opinion, he only looks 5'5" there.
@lol93: Don't let his looks fool you. Look at his upper body in comparison to his legs: it's larger than usual. And also look at his legs, they're exactly the same size as Justin's. He's got the upper body of a 5'8" and the legs of a 5'5", so even if he is about 5'6" he can look taller because of that. That's pretty normal, it happens to me too (though for me it's the opposite, I have longer legs than upper body), and I'm often guessed taller than what I really am because of that.
Parker said on 10/Aug/12
rkc_cat says on 9/Aug/12
@lol93: He is about 5'6" indeed. That's what he's said to be
The only 5'6 reference I've seen to the height of Justin's Dad is on here, given by people trying to justify their guess for Justin's height. I have seen a reference to Justin's Mum saying she is 4'8. Here's some pics taken a couple of years ago of Justin with his parents.
Click HereClick HereJudge for yourselves. I think there is a good 12 inch difference between his parents.
lol93 said on 9/Aug/12
His father looks like at least for a 5'8 guy,and seeing justin with him on the beach justin looks maybe taller than 168.But we dont know exactly jeremy bieber's height
Ajax said on 9/Aug/12
Your Basically right. After your growth spurt which usually occurs between 12-15, you won't grow much after that. My cousin grew 2" when he was 18 and I had 1 acquaintance who grew an inch at 19. I stopped at about 15 at 6'1" then grew to 6'2" at 17. Basically as I said earlier, if your not done
growing by 15-16, you'll still 9 out of 10 times have a good idea what your final height will be unless you get limb lengthening of course.
sdfj said on 9/Aug/12
justin's dad looks 5'9. justin looks 5'6
somedude said on 9/Aug/12
He hasnt even hit puberty yet. so he could grow still ;)
Drew said on 9/Aug/12
You would be surprised how tall someone can look in a photo. My friend thought my dad was 6'4" from looking at a picture of him, but hes only 5'9 lol.
Danimal said on 9/Aug/12
5'6" is very generous. 5'5" guy all the way. Maybe 5'5.5" out of bed.
Danimal said on 9/Aug/12
Jack says on 9/Aug/12
If Justin's 5'6" then his father is somewhere in 5'8"-5'9" range.Looks pretty average in height. 5'6" men can't look that big.
Why, has there been any recent pictures of Justin standing next to his father? The answer is no, therefore all you're doing is assuming and basing your assumptions on how he stood next to his father years ago.
Parker said on 9/Aug/12
This, in my opinion, is the best recent pic of Selena and Justin for height comparison.
Click HereHe looks about 2 inches taller, just as he looks 2-3 inches taller than Pablo Motos (gives his height at 165) and Grant Deyer (164/165)
Robs listing is a good estimate. He could be 167 or 169, 170 is pushing it.
Brad said on 9/Aug/12
Just like Sly on the beach with his wife, Biebs loses the battle in his beach shot, he's exposed.
Jack said on 9/Aug/12
If Justin's 5'6" then his father is somewhere in 5'8"-5'9" range.Looks pretty average in height. 5'6" men can't look that big.
rkc_cat said on 9/Aug/12
@lol93: He is about 5'6" indeed. That's what he's said to be and what he looks like next to most people he's been seen with (the clearest one being with Justin's mom, who said she was 4'8" in an interview and she certainly looks like it). So in my opinion, with these pics it's out of question that Justin is clearly far from 5'6".
lol93 said on 9/Aug/12
rkc_cat good pictures man!!Rob how tall do you thin justin bieber's dad is??I heard about 5'6 but if he really is 5'6 then he is the biggest 5'6 guy I ever shaw haha...

Editor Rob
I don't know about him,
the shredder said on 9/Aug/12
His shoes are not much in that shot and he is losing more then 1 " in the sand , stop being bias people .
rkc_cat said on 9/Aug/12
Just found some pics from last week of Justin and his dad:
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick HereHis dad has a posture and camera advantage on a couple of those pics, but the heights difference between them is too much for them to be supposedly the same height, don't you think? I really thought he could have grown up to 5'5.5" but those pics have made me realize I was wrong, he's still 5'5".
rkc_cat said on 9/Aug/12
@the shredder: He is losing inches, true, Selena has got that advantage there, maybe a couple of inches. But Selena is barefoot, while he isn't, so he's got an advantage there, about an inch. Overall, Selena has got 1" of advantage, and they look the same height, so in the end, Justin looks 5'5" on the dot there.
Maverick said on 9/Aug/12
He is not at all 5 ft 8 inches.....
the shredder said on 9/Aug/12
ARE YOU KIDDING ME ABOUT THE BEACH SHOT ... Whatever his height he is losing INCHES due to the ground .
afjeoi said on 9/Aug/12
Click Here tony hawk is 6'3. how tall does Justin Bieber look here?
Parker said on 9/Aug/12
Grant Denyer is listed at 164/165 on various sites. Justin looks about 2 inches taller here in July this year.
Click HereConsistent with the Pablo Motos pics. Also consistent with looking 2 inches shorter than Alan Carr (listed here at 5'9 and claims it) in June.
The 'lifts' suspicion will always follow Justin, but not withstanding that he looks to me in the 5'6-5'7 range. Never 5'8 or 5'9.
Brad said on 8/Aug/12
That beach shot with Gomez is killer, he's still not 5' 6".
popo said on 8/Aug/12
5'6" is the best calculation.
Mambo said on 8/Aug/12
The thing is, it doesn't even matter if the average guy stops growing at 18, 20 or whatever. This is about Justin Bieber, who clearly did NOT grow that much. Even if it was possible to casually grow 4 inches when you're 18, Bieber didn't. He was 5 ft 5 flat when he was 16. He may have grown an inch at max, but that's it. He suddenly seemed taller because he started putting lifts in his shoes. People who are still in doubt about that, here:
Click Here Pause the video at 2:04. Anymore questions? That's why every interviewer he talks to comments on his height - he was super short all the time and around 2011, he started looking average out of nowhere. Of course people do notice.
And to those saying he had a growth spurt and is 5'8 or 5'9 now:
Click Here This picture is from earlier this year. How tall do you think is Selena Gomez (reasonably listed here at 5'4)? 5'7?
Matt said on 7/Aug/12
@Samantha no way he is 6 foot i met him last year and I'm much taller than him and i'm 6 foot this guy must be 5,5 cause selena gomez is 5 ft 4 and you can hardly tell the difference when these two are standing near each other
V said on 7/Aug/12
I saw Bieber recently im about 5'7.5'' and we were the same height about with him having footwear advantage on me by about an inch or so
Jason said on 7/Aug/12
If justin didnt end up famous he'd probably be 5'5" now. However will all his money he could easy pump himself with growth hormones just to maintain his image. So all of you saying "people dont grow much after blah blah"...growth hormones.
rkc_cat said on 7/Aug/12
@Marie: I know it's possible, but I have only ever met one guy who has grown after 19, and still he didn't grow that much. The thing is, every other single guy I know, myself included, stopped growing around 18, give or take some months. I myself grew until around 6 months after turning 18, but only around half an inch. Everyone else I know has been more or less the same.
@Admiral: What you say is true, but if out of, say 200 guys, just one has grown after age 19, you just can't say that most guys grow much, if anything, after 18. There are cases, of course, but it's just not the norm.
Statistically speaking, the average guy grows around 2" between age 16 and 18. I know I did, and you Admiral have grown even more so congrats. But Justin is already pushing it. In March, when he turned 18, he was 5'5" flat (now being maybe closer to 5'5.5", but I'm not very sure), and back in 2009, when he turned 16 he was barely 5'2". Considering his parents' height (5'6" and 4'8") and his growth rate, he's already done VERY well, but I'm not even sure he'll ever reach a full 5'6". We'll see on the next months!
Admiral said on 7/Aug/12
I was 5'5 at the age of 16 and now at 18 I'm just a tad over 5'8. Just because you and the people around you haven't grew after a certain age doesn't mean that it will apply to everybody
I don't think that Bieber it's a full 5'6 at the moment , more like 5'5.5" , but by the time he will stop growing he will be 5'6 , I don't give him more than that.
Drew said on 7/Aug/12
@Danimal, All my friends, including myself, have not grown much of anything since we were 16, and most of us are 19-20 now.
Marie said on 7/Aug/12
I know numerous friends and old high schoolmates that have just spurted since graduation. If you eat healthy food, get daily exercise and sleep well, you will grow until around 19 or 20. Anyways, he's probably barely going to grow a cm after finishing, since he is turning 19 in early 2013.
the shredder said on 7/Aug/12
" The average man stop growing at 18. "
Average , not every ... the average man is 5'9 , so every man must be 5'9 ?
Danimal said on 6/Aug/12
Marie says on 4/Aug/12
Boys grow until they're at least 19 or 20 at a rate of around 1 inch per year. Honestly, I don't really follow JB and I just put this comment out there because my friend actually talked to him and stood next to him so I would guess that she knows better than you most of you who are guessing do. She said he was around 5'9 back in 2010 and that's what I put here. He's not a little boy anymore and nobody really wants to accept that. Kids grow! Also, 5'10 isn't really that tall for a boy, it's average. But maybe I'm just tall myself.
The average man stop growing at 18.
Brad said on 6/Aug/12
I walked through a cosmetics section of Macy's and there was a "life-size" stand up of Biebs in Bieber Boots. I'd say 5' 9" if I didn't know who he was. When Miley Cyrus is in big heels and looks down on him at age 26, he'll accept it.
Hob said on 6/Aug/12
5'6 a hair. JB is a max 5'5
lol93 said on 6/Aug/12
Yeah I dont loose more than 1.2-3 cm on average at the end of the day
Drew said on 6/Aug/12
@shredder, Wow lucky, I usually lose a full 2cm, from 176ish to 174ish at night :(.
Shaun said on 6/Aug/12
Wasn't too long ago Brad than you and Physics Enemy were finding even 5'4" hard to believe!!
Ajax said on 6/Aug/12
I'm afraid to say that most boys on average don't. Actually, growing beyond 18 itself is rare for
boys. Basically, by the time a male is 15 or 16, he is done growing and if he isn't, you'll
usually have a pretty good idea what his final height will be.
the shredder said on 6/Aug/12
Just took my night height , I was just under 5'6.5 !
the shredder said on 6/Aug/12
About 1/2 .
lol93 said on 5/Aug/12
shredder how much cm you lose from waking up?
Antonio said on 4/Aug/12
Ok. Maybe he's not 5'7, but I think anything under 5'5.5" flat is too short for him. 5'6 seems about right. Justin does tend to lie about his height. He's claiming 5'9"
didi said on 4/Aug/12
he looks 170cm to me.i do believe he grow little bit
Godred said on 4/Aug/12
@Marie + Samantha - You are clearly not very good at this.
the shredder said on 4/Aug/12
I was 5'4.5 at 14 and my Doc told me I would be about 5'10 ... at 15 5'5.5 , at about 18 or 19 5'6.5 !
Mike O said on 4/Aug/12
A solid 5'6" looks about right. No more than that. Hope the kid can squeeze another couple inches out and put this height thing to bed for good. He's a slightly short young guy with short parents. Still rich as a Saudi prince and famous as God.
BIg T said on 4/Aug/12
Sure, he wears lifts, is height obsessed etc etc- but there is a ton of good shots of him out there looking 5'8ish of late. I'm from New Zealand and that NZ women who interviewed him and said she is 5'9" IS a tall woman- dunno if she is 5'9" but she's close enough. Assuming he is wearing big lifts 5'6" is a good estimate.
Marie said on 4/Aug/12
Boys grow until they're at least 19 or 20 at a rate of around 1 inch per year. Honestly, I don't really follow JB and I just put this comment out there because my friend actually talked to him and stood next to him so I would guess that she knows better than you most of you who are guessing do. She said he was around 5'9 back in 2010 and that's what I put here. He's not a little boy anymore and nobody really wants to accept that. Kids grow! Also, 5'10 isn't really that tall for a boy, it's average. But maybe I'm just tall myself.
Drew said on 4/Aug/12
@Shredder, I have only grown 1/4th of an inch in a little over 3 years, I am 19 going on 20. I think most guys are done growing at around 16, well seeing as how most of my friends haven't grown either since then. You are one of the lucky ones I suppose:D I personally wouldn't mind another half inch to be 5'9 flat, but we can all dream haha.
leonari said on 4/Aug/12
These fangirls are the worst. Justin Bieber is a mans man! With a body of a tall 12 year old...
the shredder said on 4/Aug/12
I was 5'5.5 at 18 and now 5'6.5 ... I think I Got taller at like 19 . I'm a flat 5'7 in the morning and about 5'6 1/8 at night .
Fiona said on 3/Aug/12
Justin is 5' 5 1/2" that's my estimate of his height, not quite 5' 6" but 5'5.5" sounds more accurate. I am listed 5' 10" on my driver license but I list myself @ 5' 9 3/4" tall.
Nesh! said on 3/Aug/12
@Marie LOL JB at 5'9?! Are you kidding me? And now he's grown an inch so he's 5'10?
Firstly, if you look at pictures of him and his Dad SIDE BY SIDE, you'd notice he's still clearly shorter. I am a freelance photographer, I know all about perspectives. Secondly, you can't just assume that he'd grow another inch just like that. 5'10 IMO is already a "tallish" height for a guy. Believe me without his lifts he's nowhere near 5'6 or 5'10 for that matter.
rkc_cat said on 3/Aug/12
Me too, I stopped growing around 6 months after my 18th birthday. The guy I know who stopped growing the latest is one of my best friends, and it was at around 6 months after turning 19. Another of my best friends, on the other hand, stopped growing a good few months before turning 18.
Danimal said on 3/Aug/12
rkc_cat says on 3/Aug/12
There's not doubt he's grown a bit during the last months, but he's still not 5'6" at all. His dad is 5'6" flat and he's still taller than Justin, therefore the most Justin could be is 5'5"-5'5.5", like Danimal said. He also doesn't look 2" taller than Selena at all. But he's been lucky to reach this height and still grow a bit being 18.
Also, that thing about the average man growing till 22 is just not true. Myself, and every other man/boy I've ever met have stopped growing between ages 17-19. Of course there are cases, but if 22 was truly the average, I think I would've met at least one, out of the hundreds I know, who did grow till then.
Yeah, I stopped growing 2 or 3 months after my 18th birthday (which IS the average) for a male.
rkc_cat said on 3/Aug/12
There's not doubt he's grown a bit during the last months, but he's still not 5'6" at all. His dad is 5'6" flat and he's still taller than Justin, therefore the most Justin could be is 5'5"-5'5.5", like Danimal said. He also doesn't look 2" taller than Selena at all. But he's been lucky to reach this height and still grow a bit being 18.
Also, that thing about the average man growing till 22 is just not true. Myself, and every other man/boy I've ever met have stopped growing between ages 17-19. Of course there are cases, but if 22 was truly the average, I think I would've met at least one, out of the hundreds I know, who did grow till then.
Danimal said on 3/Aug/12
Marie says on 2/Aug/12
He's at least 5'9. My friend met him in 2010 in a mall and said he much taller than her, and she is 5'5. He probably grew an inch since, so now he's around 5'10. You cannot rely on photos, there are so many ways to manipulate your height to make you look shorter or taller. Trust me, I'm a photography student.
Marie Marie Marie... Where to start? Actually, nowhere. 5'5" and change for Bieber.
Danimal said on 3/Aug/12
bill says on 1/Aug/12
Boys stop growing at 22 and some even grow after 24.Justin Bieber is now 168cm and he definitely stop at 171cm,the same as Tom Cruise height.Everyone who commented his height is 5''3-5''5 are lame.
The average man does not stop growing at 22. They stop growing at 18.
ajfei said on 2/Aug/12
actually rob how is he's 5'6"? he's shorter than lil wayne!
ajfei said on 2/Aug/12
antonio, his dad isn't 5'6! he's like 2 or 3 inches shorter than his dad. his dad is 5'8"
ajfei said on 2/Aug/12
Click Here taken today, he's still wearing lifts
Andy 5'11 said on 2/Aug/12
@jojo on that video i think bieber is wearing his custom made 4inch lifts.
Brad said on 2/Aug/12
He can look 5' 8" all the time in big wedge Bieber Boots.
heyhey said on 2/Aug/12
5'7 seems like his exact height
anonUKguy said on 2/Aug/12
just noticed half the reason he probably wears his trousers practically around his ankles is to make his legs look shorter while wearing those lifts. Otherwise it would be so obvious because his legs would look long and freaky looking.
Marie said on 2/Aug/12
He's at least 5'9. My friend met him in 2010 in a mall and said he much taller than her, and she is 5'5. He probably grew an inch since, so now he's around 5'10. You cannot rely on photos, there are so many ways to manipulate your height to make you look shorter or taller. Trust me, I'm a photography student.
bill said on 2/Aug/12
jojo the interview is 5ft4
jojo said on 2/Aug/12
He looks 5'8 5'9 here. The interviewer is 5'5 i think.
Click Here
jojo said on 2/Aug/12
He looks 5'8 5'9 here. The interviewer is 5'5 i think.
colby said on 1/Aug/12
5ft5 seems about right to me.
Antonio said on 1/Aug/12
I honestly think Justin is around 5'7, maybe 5'8. Anything over is pushing it. He's lucky to have gotten as tall as he is now considering his mom is a strong 4'8" and his dad is a strong 5'6".
bill said on 1/Aug/12
Boys stop growing at 22 and some even grow after 24.Justin Bieber is now 168cm and he definitely stop at 171cm,the same as Tom Cruise height.Everyone who commented his height is 5''3-5''5 are lame.
Shaun said on 1/Aug/12
No way is he 5 ft 8 barefoot. A guy of Rob's height is not really that short at all, compared to average its certainly within decent range. Bieber still looks noticeably short and slight of frame compared to the vast majority of people. I would never look at Rob and think "short guy" as I do Bieber. Agreed Drew, the very tallest I could imagine him being barefoot is 169cm. He's grown so isn't as teeny as he was but he's still solid short range in my opinion.
Drew said on 1/Aug/12
@Larc, I completely agree with that. Even in his Bieber lifts, his body still looks unusually short to me. 5'6 maximum.
Larc-186.7cm-188.6cm said on 1/Aug/12
That's why I sayed "if he's lucky", but I guess you're right, it's improbable.
He looks too short to be 5'8, a true 5'8 like Rob looks almost all the time completely average, the Bieber looks always short in everything and everywhere.
5'6 max to me.
Amy said on 1/Aug/12
Samantha - he still wears lifts a lot of the time. No way is he 5'8", nor will he ever be. Deal with it.
John said on 1/Aug/12
yeah.. growing after 18 years of age is not very often. he must accept that hes
not one of the tallest celebs. he cant have anything. If hes really 5 ft 7 or 5 ft 9 he would look like a lot taller next to Selena.
Samantha said on 1/Aug/12
Selena 5'6" Bieber is 5'8"
Samantha said on 1/Aug/12
You guys are so delusional. He's 5'8, he has grown a lot which his good. He doesn't even wear lift in his shoes anymore :D anyways he might grow a few more inches but I doubt it. Stop hating he's not 5'5" or anything under that. Do some research before you go and talk ****.
Brad said on 1/Aug/12
He looks 14 on the cover of the new Rolling Stone. Drives like a 24 year old after watching a McQueen movie. He isn't 5' 6".
Danimal said on 1/Aug/12
Larc-186.7cm-188.6cm says on 31/Jul/12
Does look close enough to 5'6 now, he will probably end up being 5'7 flat if he's lucky. He's claiming 5'9 now, the next year he will be claiming 5'11...lol
He's almost 18.5". He's not growing another inch. He's done growing. MAYBE, he'll squeeze out another .5" at most.
Bogie said on 31/Jul/12
He's over 18 so he's likely done growing.
uygygu said on 31/Jul/12
is it just me or does justins ankle look like its about to pop out of his shoe? lol no doubt he wears lifts, normal ankles in shoes does not do this
Click Hereim still dont think hes hit 5'6 because if you go back to the pictures on the beach with selena and his brother and sister he was still looking around the same height as selena (this is was in feb this year)
Click HereClick Hereif justins been upgraded to 5'6 then selenas height also needs to be upgraded
Larc-186.7cm-188.6cm said on 31/Jul/12
Does look close enough to 5'6 now, he will probably end up being 5'7 flat if he's lucky. He's claiming 5'9 now, the next year he will be claiming 5'11...lol
Andy 5'11 said on 31/Jul/12
Hes using lifts, but he is only 167cm. He is already stopping growing soon.
Brad said on 31/Jul/12
He has you people fooled in the custom huge lifts.
lol93 said on 30/Jul/12
I think 167 would be closer considering that he is barely taller than selena gomez
Click Here Click Here He looks taller its true but I dont think he grew more than 3 cm Rob I think 168 is way too generous for him
ella said on 30/Jul/12
i think justin's height is 5'6
bill said on 29/Jul/12
You should upgrade Selena height to 5''5 Rob,she is exactly 1 inch shorter than Bieber.
Mathew said on 29/Jul/12
Rob you really think 5'6? I thought 5'5.5" was generous enough.

Editor Rob
age 17 I think he did gain a little more height, more often he looks in that range now than 5ft 5 range.
leonari said on 29/Jul/12
With Pablo he uses the old "arm around your shoulder trick" to gain another inch. Pablo is slouching hardcore. Biebs is in lifts. Still look below 5'8". Rob nailed him down. He did grow, there is no doubt about that.
Parker said on 29/Jul/12
Here's a recent pic with Selena Gomez listed 5'4 here. She is closer to camera and has pavement advantage, but he still look's close to 2 inches taller. Consistent with the Pablo Motos pic. As listed is close enough.
Click Here
Shaun said on 29/Jul/12
Welcome back again Rob. 5'6"ish is about right I think.
Ka said on 29/Jul/12
Parker, I see what you mean, it is near 3 inches. Bieber is as listed. I'm just not convince he's higher than that for now. Hair + high top elevator can do him wonders, and it's possible to pull off. Wouldn't surprise me if he's doing HGH injection to get extra growth, the clock is ticking fast for him.
niwakhun.... said on 29/Jul/12
hey...to much left here i think 4inch?his heel
Click Here
beqa said on 29/Jul/12
5'6? no! almost same height.
Click HereClick Here with selena 5'5 is best for him
zeD said on 29/Jul/12
He definitely wears lifts or custom shoes. Just look at his feet in that picture with Pablo Moto. The bulge in the laces area is so obvious, it doesn't pass as a high instep anymore. I'm not entirely convinced Bieber would be visibly taller than him without his lifts. Halfway between 5'5 and 5'6 is my guess for him. Basically looks like he is standing on his toes all the time. No way this is healthy...
Parker said on 29/Jul/12
Ka says on 29/Jul/12
Parker, I have the sneaker type that Motos wear, they give an inch. But he does slouch w/ Bieber, who is obvious in military posture. I have to disagree, there's big chance that Bieber is a lift wearer.
Have a look at this clip from the show
Click HereI see a 3 inch difference. Even if Justin's footwear is giving him 3 inches from barefoot (whick I think is ludicrous), that would still put him at 5'5/5'6.
I don't disagree Justin is a bit height obsessed, it probably stems from the fact he was under 5ft at 15, but he is obviously 'proud' to have had significant growth in the last 3 years.
My opinion is he's now 168-170 barefoot.
Jay said on 29/Jul/12
Maybe im crazy but in that last appearence with Ellen, once he hands her that ´girlfriend´´ jacket it looks like he steps on to a platform before he possess with her.
Ka said on 29/Jul/12
Parker, I have the sneaker type that Motos wear, they give an inch. But he does slouch w/ Bieber, who is obvious in military posture. I have to disagree, there's big chance that Bieber is a lift wearer. Sure he doesn't wear them all the time, but w/ being worth million, a trending idol, and white, and obviously under average height, he needs them to fit what he is. Don't blame him though, his stat for his age is very big. Also it's clear that he's insecure about his height, mentioning a lot, "proving" to people that he's not short by measuring up w/ other, twice had he staged the measurement w/ radio hosts to fit his 5'9 claim
Parker said on 29/Jul/12
For those of you thinking he is under 5'6. Pablo Motos claims 5'5 and quite honestly looks it around other celebs who have listed heights here. He's not got much heel on in the pic, so lets give Motos 166 in his footwear, that would put Justin at 173/174 in his.
Click HereI don't care what Justin's got in his shoes (if anything), but he surely can't be shorter than what Rob's got him listed at.
tommie said on 28/Jul/12
@ zeD
yeah absolutely. I think that was arranged with her. my feet would hurt if I would walk all day long with these thick heels. He looks taller now, but his
posture is still weak. for example: Eminem is also in the 5 ft 7 - 5 ft 8 range, but his posture is much better so hes not really looking short. to me
Hob said on 28/Jul/12
rob is way generous given him 5'6. i believe he never grow since 16 above 5'5 2years back
zeD said on 28/Jul/12
He is now claiming 5'9... lol.
Click HereSeems utterly ridiculous, also the interviewer doesn't even look close to the height she claims. He is still 5'5/5'6, can look 5'8 with massive lifts.
sdfj said on 27/Jul/12
rob he says he's 5'9" in 2012. you should change the description. but keep his height at 5'6"
Maximus Meridius said on 27/Jul/12
@Ajax its likely he will end up at 5ft 8in at the most.
Drew said on 27/Jul/12
I saw a life size Bieber cutout which was of him on his toes at the mall and even that was lifted a few inches off the ground. I couldn't stop laughing.
Ajax said on 26/Jul/12
All though he won't be tall when he's finished growing, he's definitely having a late spurt compared to most guys his age.
Brad said on 25/Jul/12
Y'all can't even spell height. Face to face at 5 feet 9. Manda might want to get off the jamba juice and Sammy Hagar's finest.
the shredder said on 25/Jul/12
agree parker
Ka said on 25/Jul/12
As listed, no more. Yes he does have a complex, lift wearer, too much height discussion coming from the guy. Don't blame him though, after all, he's worth millions, and being Caucasian male and short must have driven him crazy. Wouldn't be surprise if he takes HGH or whatever extreme method to grow
tommie said on 25/Jul/12
He looks really small in 2012 barefoot pictues. In his customs he can sometimes give the illusion of an average tall teenager. I think now hes 5 ft 6 barefoot and 5 ft 8 max. in his monster shoes.
Manda said on 25/Jul/12
ALL y'all added are wrong because unjust met justin yesterday and I am TALL. I am exactly 5"9 and just was face to face with and shoulder to shoulder. Ya saying e 5"3 and **** are all dumb as hell and that fact y'all spend y'all time obsessive arguing over celebs hieght makes y'all very pathetic. And just was wearing the same shoes as me. Flat ones so don't even go there .
Witchdoctor said on 25/Jul/12
I'm one of those people that believe he definately has grown and is nearer 5'7 now,Rob as of 2012 he is now claiming 5'9 lol.
Parker said on 25/Jul/12
He looks to have 2 inches on Selena Gomez in recent pictures, and he looked 2 inches shorter than Alan Carr (listed here at 5'9) on a recent uk programme. IMHO, if he ever did wear lifts, and I was never convinced, he doesn't now.
My guess for Justin barefoot is 169, give or take a cm.
Drew said on 24/Jul/12
@zalo, he looks like he will measure 5'8 while wearing his customs. Without them he would likely measure 5'6 max bare feet. I personally think he is the the 5'5 range.
Brad said on 24/Jul/12
The day will come when he hits red carpets in Stallone Munsters. The Bieber Boot customs have to go. He's not 5' 6".
zalo said on 24/Jul/12
I'm curious to know whether he really is 5'7 and or 5'8. I know for a fact that he wears lifts. It's really obvious. Look at his shoes. He never wears flat shoes. He always has boot looking high-tops. I could be wrong though. I think he's 5'6.
sdfj said on 23/Jul/12
lolz i think he is referring to celeb heights here
Click Here or that youtube video exposing his height as 5'6"
Click Here hahahah
John Connor said on 23/Jul/12
I could buy 5 ft 7.5 in shoes for him. The pictures with him and ellen degeneres are perfect for that estimation. he looks slightly taller but definatley smaller than 5 ft 9 will.i.am.
with will.i.am
Click Here
Eddie said on 17/Jun/12
He's 5'3 but with shoes on and with two inch insoles he's about 5'6.
Shaun said on 15/Jun/12
5'6" as his adult height is likely given that's his dad's height and his mother is 4 ft 8. If anything he's lucky given the height of his mother to have got close to 5'6".
anon said on 15/Jun/12
On ellen he looks her height, without shoes he's probably about 5'7. Doubtful that he will grow anymore than that
ashley said on 15/Jun/12
obviously i know he's not 5'9! i meant the description. right now it says "As of 2011 he is now claiming "5-8/5-7""
Jay said on 15/Jun/12
Rob is this the lowest you see him at? Or do you belieb this is his true current height? Also can you see him possibly below 5'5.5" in the evening?
Louis said on 15/Jun/12
Canadian Singer. As of 2011 he is now claiming "5-8/5-7"
she was talking about this
Danimal said on 15/Jun/12
Samantha says on 10/Jun/12
Bieber is actually currently 5'9" in his life story book 18.
Sorry to hurt your feelings Samantha, but someone should break the sad news to you, but your idol is not 5'9". He's not 5'8". He's not 5'7". He's not even 5'6". Hope you don't take this news too hard. Life does invariably go on. Keep your head up high. You will get through it.
Danimal said on 15/Jun/12
ashley says on 14/Jun/12
rob you should update his claim to 5'9 as of 2012
Sorry to hurt your feelings Ashley, but someone should break the sad news to you, but your idol is not 5'9". He's not 5'8". He's not 5'7". He's not even 5'6". Hope you don't take this news too hard. Life does invariably go on. Keep your head up high. You will get through it.
Danimal said on 15/Jun/12
Ruf says on 14/Jun/12
JB's separation from Selena was because Selena wore high heels where ever they went. In the beginning of their relationship she was sensitive to his short stature but lately it seems she's always wearing heels. This infuriated him.
Glad you know this first hand. Uh guess what? You don't. You're projecting your own height obsession onto the situation and claiming your concocted story as though it were fact. Very delusional of you.
Anon said on 14/Jun/12
@ashley: Just because he "claimed" to be 5'9 doesn't mean he's actually 5'9.
ashley said on 14/Jun/12
rob you should update his claim to 5'9 as of 2012
Maximus Meridius said on 14/Jun/12
Rob is there a chance Justin Bieber will reach 5ft 8in.

Editor Rob
doubtful, he's at an age any more growth (of significance) is in the minority
Ruf said on 14/Jun/12
JB's separation from Selena was because Selena wore high heels where ever they went. In the beginning of their relationship she was sensitive to his short stature but lately it seems she's always wearing heels. This infuriated him.
Dwieber said on 14/Jun/12
Justin obviously can't tighten his shoes up properly because of the lifts, he was apparently in a fight with the paparazzi recently and lost his shoe.
Check out this shot:
Click Here
the shredder said on 14/Jun/12
anything shorter is BS , yea we know he is not 5'7 or 5'8 or 9 has he claim but this whole , " he 5'4 in big boots is just junk .
Brad said on 14/Jun/12
He's not going to be measured in barefeet. He'd never allow it much like Stallone, he'd be exposed for his height lies.
Shaun said on 13/Jun/12
Granted Haye looks 6'3" next to Craig David though.
Shaun said on 13/Jun/12
David Haye often looks like a 6'1" er. It is possible he is 6'1.5" barefoot and 6'2.5" in sneakers and rounded up his measurement to 6'3". I strongly doubt Bieber was wearing lifts in the gym with Haye. Haye would have noticed as he was wearing shorts.
Rikashiku said on 13/Jun/12
Shaun, David Haye also says that his own height is 6'3"... The video says Bieber is 5'6", but he most likely isn't.
I'd say Pablo Moto is more 5'4".
Click HereI'd say the 166cm listing is accurate as of now. There's a small chance that he will see more than 5'6". He could stop at 5'6" by the time he is 21.
Shaun said on 13/Jun/12
Click HereYeah 1:50 5 ft 6. This is from one year ago, June 2011. Possible he was measured back then at 5'6" in sneakers.
Shaun said on 13/Jun/12
Rob, Jimmy's video says he was measured 5 ft 6 at a boxing gym or something when he met David Haye.
ali said on 13/Jun/12
I thinks salman is 5'7'', bcoz i met him and found he is smaller than me, his eyes, ratina is up to see me. And my ratina is down to see him. My height is 5'8.5''
Jimmy said on 12/Jun/12
Proof he's wearing lifts:
Click Here
Brad said on 12/Jun/12
His latest red carpet/awards appearances are rockin' in his biggest custom Bieber Boots ever, he knows the gals in 4-5 heels are still killin' his mindset.
Dr JJ said on 12/Jun/12
I think if you look at Biebs trainers in the Motos picture, there is a suggestion of lifts. I think Biebs will make it to an honest 5' 6". His advantage is that he still clearly pubescent and late pubescence often permits a growth spurt in the late teens. Rob is spot on I think, and he will also have to upgrade the Biebs at a later stage.
Stoodnext2 said on 12/Jun/12
He should just claim 5'10 and stop there. Honestly I think he's 5'6 out of bed but yeah, he better stop at 5'10 with the claims. 5'9 is pushing it a lot.
Parker said on 12/Jun/12
Here's Pablo Motos with 5'6 listed Martin Sheen and 5'4.5 listed Emile Estevez. Not a great pic, but 5'5 seems reasonable for Motos.
Click Here
??? said on 11/Jun/12
Two words: Bieber boots.
Mike said on 11/Jun/12
Selena Gomez is only 5'5 yet they are the same height in all their pictures. He's 5'5, but obviously he would lie about it.
Shaun said on 11/Jun/12
Click HereRob see 4:45-5:15. How do you think he compares to 5'7" Ellen? He's wearing Bieber boots, she's wearing her usual standard sneakers I think

Editor Rob
he's got a fair amount of hair, I think he still could be near an inch smaller than her.
Larc-186.7cm-188.6cm said on 11/Jun/12
He will start claiming 5'10-5'11 by 21, ridiculous, seems still struggling to look 5'6 now at 18, 5'7-5'8 are jokes.
Samantha said on 10/Jun/12
Bieber is actually currently 5'9" in his life story book 18.
Ben said on 10/Jun/12
I'm thinking a weak 5'6" for Bieber.
ken said on 10/Jun/12
I am 11 and I am 5-5 and I am a girl you are short justin
Stephanie said on 9/Jun/12
@Taylor: I think you need to measure yourself again; there is no way you're 5' 8" if Justin Bieber was four inches taller than you are. Maybe you messed up your conversion from cm to inches, and you're actually 5' 2" (157 cm)? Justin Bieber is only slightly taller than Selena Gomez, who is average female height (5'4"-5'5"). Although he might grow a little more, being 18 and having short parents, it's hard to say how much height he'll gain, if any. But if it's true that his voice didn't break until last year (late puberty), he might still grow a bit after all.
Maverick said on 9/Jun/12
given the photo with one shoe off, he looks to be the same height as selena, so that is 5'4. also, he had a growth spurt like about 2 years ago. hes 18, so hes done growing
Andy 6'1 said on 9/Jun/12
Im 6'1 and i saw justin 5 meters away from me in the hotel. I was a head taller than him, and i had sneakers on while he used lifts
Shaun said on 9/Jun/12
Nah, he consistently looks to short to be anything over 5'6". I reckon Rob's very close with this.
Sam said on 9/Jun/12
@Taylor, there is no way he is 6 foot. 6 foot is actually quite tall.
Zim said on 9/Jun/12
He looks like a weak 5'6.5". I think 5'5.5" is a little too small.
Taylor said on 8/Jun/12
I met Bieber last year here in Canada and he was taller than me and that's saying something considering I'm quite tall for a girl (5'8), I'd say he's solid 6 foot. He's a cool & funny guy and extremely attractive in person which came as a shocker to me lol, I can't believe i spent a year of my life hating him lol smh
Docta jones said on 8/Jun/12
i saw him in the hotel , he was just as my height , but he had big supra boots on , i'm 5.6
jjooooo said on 8/Jun/12
he's 5'7.5
lol93 said on 7/Jun/12
we caught him, with one shoe off and selena gomez with flats looking the same height
Click Here Click Here .165cm for justin bieber.Too bad though those paparazis annoy him by taking pictures everywhere he goes.
Maverick said on 7/Jun/12
Rob, do you think that the 5'7 claim is a fallacy or are you going to stick to your claim? given the photos we have...

Editor Rob
I don't see him as 5ft 7
Maverick said on 7/Jun/12
there is no way in hell that he is 5'5.5''. obviously he uses 1 inch insoles in his shoes, and maybe a bit more in the surpa high tops. this may give the illusion that he is 5'6 or so. take the insoles into account, and you get 5'5 flat to a weak 5'5
Drew said on 7/Jun/12
This is wrong, the Biebs is obviously 5'9" along with Sly's 5'11" :D.
Shaun said on 7/Jun/12
Of course he can sometimes give the illusion of being a few inches taller when he's by himself or next to really short women because he still has the frame of ten year old which makes him at a weak 5'6" still quite gangly looking. He must weigh 115 pounds tops.
Click HereBTW Rob he's now claiming 5 ft 9 I think and a few sites have him at 5 ft 9 LOL!!!
Shaun said on 7/Jun/12
Yeah I think you're close. Of course Selena could be 5'3.5", not impossible. I'd have to say though that anything er 5 ft 6 barefoot is unlikely. He still looks really short next to most blokes. That pap is Hispanic looking so is probably no more than 5'5" anyway.. I mean to be beaten by Bieber, the shame LOL.. I'd guess 167cm and I'd imagine he's pretty much done growing.
Stoodnext2 said on 6/Jun/12
@a - After watching the video again, I agree with you, he has some footwear advantage going on surely.
John Connor said on 6/Jun/12
@ belieber
your english is not that bad! :)
I cant really estimate the other guys here, but I think, here are not so many dudes who really hates the bieber. we just love it to discuss about heights and all that stuff.
Drew said on 6/Jun/12
He looks 5'6 max, so 5'5 is more likely.
Shaun said on 6/Jun/12
Click HereHere's the paparazzi guy he was supposed to have hit. He has one Bieber boot on and one off but in all fairness by his proportions he looks at least an inch or two taller than 5'5". I would guess he is 5'6" ish nowadays.
Shaun said on 6/Jun/12
Click HereRob do you think he looks taller than a flat 5'5" here even accounting for Bieber boots? He looks a lot taller than than woman and a a few inches on Selena even accounting for footwear.

Editor Rob
I think another half inch could be nearer the mark now.
Shaun said on 6/Jun/12
Biebs should be done growing now. From what I've seen of him recently he appears to be 167cm range.
belieber said on 6/Jun/12
First of all Justin's 5'6.
Secondly how can you guys judge him for wearing lifts? He got soo much hate and bully for looking and sounding younger than his age. Have you ever come in his position?? He was just born smaller than average people so what's really so wrong with that?! People called him gay and a girl just because of that and he couldnt do anything cuz he was born that way! What's really wrong with being different?
(Excuse my bad english :p)
a said on 6/Jun/12
@stoodnext2 - he's obviously in lifts.... look at his shoes
John Connor said on 6/Jun/12
Rob.. so much thanks for coming back. :) its a great pleasure..
yeah the Ellen pictures are interesting. JB seems a little bit taller in his monster shoes. I dont know. 5´9 is impossible, but maybe 5´7.5 ?
Click Hereanother great picture. I think he has no lifts in his chucks. definatly not the body of a 5 ft 9 guy. never ever :D
Click Here
Stoodnext2 said on 6/Jun/12
He's taller than Ellen here at 0:37 seconds we they stand up
Click Here
cyxos said on 5/Jun/12
so true!!! he will never ever reach 5'9.. i think he will reach 5'6 MAX
l said on 5/Jun/12
Click Here here's solid proof of justin bieber's height. no way anyone should believe he's 5'9.... he's a liar!!!
a said on 5/Jun/12
Rob why did you block the comments off for 4 months? btw justin is claiming 5'9 now and he is still 5'5 lol

Editor Rob
I took a short break which became a long break...the time I spent on comments was taken up with other stuff.
sparshiktangent said on 5/Jun/12
justine biber does not seems to be 5-8 ft
hes just 5-5 or almos 5-6 but is he really 5-8 no way he does not really .
Dave said on 14/Feb/12
to people saying Bieber is taller than Selena in heels
Click Heremaybe the camera angle isn't the best but u can tell the height difference
Henkka said on 14/Feb/12
@Yitzhak: I think you overdid it a bit with that comment, but yes, I get your point. Still, I think no one's making fun of him here. At least I can talk for myself, and sure, I can't stand his music, but I'm not making fun of him for being short at all. In fact, maybe no one remembers it anymore, but last year I said that it would be very hypocritical for me to laugh at him for that, when my favourite singer of all times is barely 5'4". So maybe someone else likes to make fun of him because of that, but not me.
And regarding Karen's pics, you got it right, they can't be used for gauging height because of the hat, the boots, the angle... Still, I think he's between 164 and 165cm. Appart from all the other pics seen here, his proportions don't look like those of a 5'6" guy at all to me.
runt said on 14/Feb/12
@Yitzhak: he's being ripped for wearing lifts and claiming taller heights, not for being short. You won't see all this ridicule on the Michael J Fox page...
CK said on 13/Feb/12
@Karen: His boots are loaded with wedge...
Dean 5ft 9.25 said on 13/Feb/12
Its clear hes grown but not as much as he claim. If he was what he claimed then his lifts would make him look even taller than that.
IMO hes possibly a bit taller than robs listed him but not by much.
Id say around a weak 6'6 for Justin
Yitzhak said on 13/Feb/12
@Karen You can't judge based on that picture. They aren't standing anywhere close to straight, the angles are off with them at varying distances from the camera, he's wearing a beanie which distorts perception, and we don't know what he's wearing under those boots. However I do think he is abut 167 cm, maybe 5'6 at most.
niwakhun said on 13/Feb/12
Karen says on 13/Feb/12
Look at these pictures from jelenas date Click Here . If selena is 163 normally, then justin is taller than 165. Selenas heels are probably like 5cm or something..? 163+5=168, so I think justin is about 168cm.
I wish he was taller..
he probably wearing lift there....3inch and half...
maisie said on 13/Feb/12
justin MUST have grown.
Click Here look at these pics- Selena is 5'4 without heels and she is wearing lets say 2 inch heels here (5'6) and justin still looks quite a bit taller than her. Justins shoes probably lift him say 1 inch 1/2 so i think hes about 5'7 1/2 now
Shaun said on 13/Feb/12
The thing that always amazes me about Bieber is how clean cut he is around the jaw. Its almost as if he hasn't started shaving yet!! Karen, in some of those pictures Bieber is on higher ground and is wearing a hat and still doesn't look much taller..
Yitzhak said on 13/Feb/12
Hah, seriously though. It is ridiculously hypocritical. I don't care how ****ty his music is, rip on him for that, sure (or don't, even better). But Making fun of him for being short is just petty.
Karen said on 13/Feb/12
Look at these pictures from jelenas date
Click Here . If selena is 163 normally, then justin is taller than 165. Selenas heels are probably like 5cm or something..? 163+5=168, so I think justin is about 168cm.
I wish he was taller..
Melanie said on 12/Feb/12
He's short, people need to stop acting like he's growing. He's not. His parents are short, obviously he's going to be short too. He'll never reach 5'8", only in his dreams. He'll be 5'6" at the MAX. But since he's in the industry, and being short isn't sexy, of course he'll be wearing lifts. Notice how he almost never wears normal dress shoes when he goes to award shows, and if he does they have a thick bottom.
Parker said on 12/Feb/12
Alyssa says on 9/Feb/12
But I still think 5'5-5'5.5 is perfectly reasonable, with him possibly reaching a weak 5'6.
Spot on.
Henkka said on 12/Feb/12
@Parker: Sure, I'm a bit busy these days but when I have a bit of spare time I'll look for it. On a quick search I found the data from the detention, which as CK said, puts him at 5'5" and 130 lbs. But I haven't found the pic with the tape yet, I've only found close-ups. If someone else posts it before me they're welcome too, of course.
@Yitzhak: LOL comment of the week
@Dom: Yeah, you posted pics where Selena was roughly taller than them... where she was wearing heels and they were on flats, in all of them. Might as well post a pic of her standing on heels next to Shaquille O'Neal sitting down in a chair and she'd be taller too LOL. And the pics with Lil Wayne are perfect, in both of them you can see they're on equal footwear, and from both angles Wayne is still taller.
Dom said on 11/Feb/12
The pic with little Wayne is not even a good one to gauge height. Little Wayne is listed at 5'5,5" and Justin looks roughly the same height.
Dom said on 11/Feb/12
@Henkka I've already shown pics that prove Selena is taller than ALL these ppl, If you wanna be blind and biased on purpose, what else do you want me to do??
Yitzhak said on 11/Feb/12
I love it. All of these guys who are under average height and complaining about heightism and being shortish ripping on Bieber for being short.
Henkka said on 11/Feb/12
@Gemma Louise: From age 14 to age 16 he went from ~4'8" to ~5'2", so yeah, he had a pretty big growth spurt then. He's grown around 9" in 4 years, more than the average.
Parker said on 11/Feb/12
Henkka says on 10/Feb/12
@Parker: I don't know man, if you're photographed with a tape next to your head that reads 5'5" you can claim what you want, but you're 5'5".
Apologies, I didn't realise there was a photograph taken. I thought the height measurement had been based on rumour and supposition. My mistake. Can you post the pic please?
Gemma Louise said on 10/Feb/12
Hasn't he had his growth spurt yet?
Henkka said on 10/Feb/12
@Max: Hahahaha thanks for the compliment!
@Alyssa: He was definitely wearing lifts there, as usual. It was from when he started wearing them. If that's from mid 2010, he was 5'2" back then. If it's from late 2010, he was 5'3".
Right now, in my opinion, 5'5" is the absolute max he could be. 5'4.5" is much more reasonable.
@Parker: I don't know man, if you're photographed with a tape next to your head that reads 5'5" you can claim what you want, but you're 5'5".
CK said on 10/Feb/12
@Alyssa: Honestly, that girl looks shorter than 5ft, she looks similar to a few girls I know who are around 4'10". Also, considering that picture was taken in 2010, the majority of regulars here pretty much all agreed that Justin was 5'3" range during that year and didn't reach 5'4" till sometime in early 2011.
CK said on 10/Feb/12
Parker says on 9/Feb/12
LOL - Police guess or even ask an individual how tall they are.
Lil Wayne claims 5'6, is listed 5'5.5 on this site, but of course you need him at 5'5 to match your Bieber estimate.
And you need a 5'6" Lil Wayne to match your Bieber estimate lol. Sometimes they do measure people against a height chart marked on the wall. He claims 5'6" in his songs, but he's also cliamed 5'7" in songs before aswell, he just says anything that will rhyme. And how do you know he isn't lying about his height like the majority of other Celebrities do? That's why we have this site in the first place...
I'll say it again:
Selena is 5'4", Justin is 5'4.5", and Lil Wayne is 5'5". It's over. :)
Jamie said on 9/Feb/12
@Max says on 9/Feb/12
Henkka the best. Dom oh man. you funny
Couldn't agree more.. Its over guys, the pic with lil wayne proved it all!
Parker said on 9/Feb/12
CK says on 9/Feb/12
who's been listed 5'5" by the police
LOL - Police guess or even ask an individual how tall they are.
Lil Wayne claims 5'6, is listed 5'5.5 on this site, but of course you need him at 5'5 to match your Bieber estimate.
Alyssa said on 9/Feb/12
I came across this picture of Justin and a girl.
Click HereI wasn't sure who she was at first but I did some research and I found out that she is Avery (unknown last name) & she is roughly 4'11-5'0 flat. I worked out Justin to be 6-7" taller than her, making him in the 5'4 to 5'6 range. I'd think the 5'6 was more reasonable.
They both have the same type of shoes on, but I reckon that Justin could easily have a 1" lift in his shoe. This would take him down to 5'5 flat.
Obviously this is a rough estimate, I reckon he could be anywhere from 5'4.5 to a weak 5'6. But I think 5'5 is a perfectly reasonable guess. Anyone saying he is shorter than 5'4.5 is having a laugh, along with those who think he is taller than 5'7 flat.
I'd like to point out that this picture was taken in 2010, so Justin could easily have grown an inch or two since this picture. So then again, this could take him to 5'5.5 - 5'6.
But I still think 5'5-5'5.5 is perfectly reasonable, with him possibly reaching a weak 5'6.
What do you guys think? :)
CK said on 9/Feb/12
@Dom: Selena can't be 5'5" because she's shorter than Justin and Lil wayne who's been listed 5'5" by the police is a bit taller than Justin... 5'5" for Selena just doesn't add up. Selena is 5'4", Justin is 5'4.5", and Lil Wayne is 5'5". It's over.
anon says on 7/Feb/12
Bieber is close to 5.9 as of 2012, hard to accept he's grown past you Rob? :)
5'9" for Bieber is a complete joke, he doesn't even reach 5'9" in his custom wedged up Bieber Boots. If Bieber is 5'9", I guess Rob is approaching 6feet.
Max said on 9/Feb/12
Henkka the best. Dom oh man. you funny
Lolita said on 9/Feb/12
selena look like she is 1,63 and bieber is 1,61 or something like that. poor selena has to wear complet flats when she is around him): but i love them as a couplee. they are so cute togetherrr(:
Henkka said on 9/Feb/12
@Dom: If you think Selena is 5'5" then all the other heights have to change too, because she's shorter than them. You said my estimate wasn't valid because I didn't agree with 2 listings on this site (Justin and Demi Lovato, both listed 0.5" higher in my opinion). But then your theory doesn't work either, because you're disagreeing with at least 7 listings (Justin, Selena, Kim Kardashian, Lil Wayne, Jennette McCurdy, Miley Cyrus, Leighton Meester... all of them listed between 0.5" and 1.5" lower in your opinion). Be coherent, man. It's okay if you don't agree with me, but don't say my reasonings aren't valid when you're doing the same but taken to the next level and without visual proof.
Dom said on 9/Feb/12
@Henkka Yes except that I don't think Anybody is as tall as what you said except Selena Gomez you are So full of crap lol
Godred said on 8/Feb/12
@anon - Beiber is close to 5`9 - funny.
Like the earth is close to the moon.
Shaun said on 8/Feb/12
The lowest I can see for Biebs is 5'4.5". The highest I can see is 5'5.5". I think 5'5" ish is fair if you were to measure him without his Bieber boots but its difficult to assess exactly how tall he is but I doubt he's 5'6" or over.
Sol said on 8/Feb/12
U can tell that the photo of justin ryan and alfredo.. alfredo is leaning on the wall.. i say Alfredo 5.4 or 5.5 and justin 5.6....
Henkka said on 8/Feb/12
@Parker: Like I said, I can live with that, looking at what the regular posters say. I trust them and my eyes more, sorry.
If you read my posts, I said I still think he's not much over 5'4.5", if any, but there's a chance he's 5'5" maximum, so even if I don't agree with the current listing, it's believable so nothing wrong with it. What I think there isn't a chance for him to be over that, simply because he's never looked over 5'5" to me, next to anyone at anytime. And if he hasn't looked over 5'5" after all the hundreds of pics posted here, maybe it's because he isn't. At least I think so.
Oh and at least Shaun doesn't spend his time trying to downplay me or upgrade everyone else, I've already talked with him in other articles and know he's a nice guy (and we even share some interests), so even if we don't completely agree here you won't see me arguing with him.
Also, look at these too. Other posters from the last few weeks:
Brad says on 7/Feb/12
He'll be done at 5 feet 5 for life. Deal with it like Michael J. deals with his vertically challenged life.
tk says on 6/Feb/12
Isn’t he 18 now? At this age, he’s probably done growing. He still looks like a kid and, surely, he has the proportions of one. I haven’t noticed him a lot before, as I really hate this kind of pop music, but IMO he looks around 5’4’’ barefoot.
the shredder says on 6/Feb/12
Lil Wayne is from my home town , Ive seen him ... 5'5
Jamie says on 5/Feb/12
This proves everthing.. End of discussion, biebs is still 5.5!
Dave says on 2/Feb/12
he seems same height as wayne who was listed as 5'5 by the police. bieber is 5'5
CK says on 2/Feb/12
Floyd Mayweather use to get listed at 5'7.25". I always thought Lil Wayne was 5'4.5"-5'5".
Godred says on 29/Jan/12
LIFTS! - he`s either 5`4 or 5`5 still.
Rofl says on 26/Jan/12
Rofl, i actually thought JB had grown to 5'6 close to 5'7 on the first picture here (dont got the link), but after all yours pictures it looks like he is about 5'5 after all.
Dave says on 26/Jan/12
@Parker. are you saying Bieber grew up to 4 inches in 6 months? at 17 I doubt so
I didn't even copy all the comments, but you get the idea. This can keep going on for ages and we both know it. There's people here who think he's under 5'5" as well as people who think he's over 5'5", I can deal with it and you should too.
But even if you don't agree with my estimate I think we can agree that right now saying he's under 5'4" is just as stupid (no offense to anyone, of course) as saying he's over 5'6", it's plenty obvious he isn't any of those heights. And out of the 7 comments you posted, 6 say he's over 5'6", so they don't agree with you either then. I mean, there's people that keep saying he's 5'7"-5'9". Why do you think my "about 5'4.5"" estimate is so outrageous (when if you trust so much all the listings here, it's only 0.5" less at most than what he's listed at), but those estimates aren't? I just want an honest answer.
And sorry for the long post :P
@anon: Close to 5'9"? Here's your close-to-5'9" Bieber somehow being a bit shorter than a measured 5'5" Lil Wayne ;)
Click Here
CK said on 8/Feb/12
I still agree with Henkka. Lil Wayne was booked and billed at 5'5" 130 lbs when he got arrested. Lil wayne is leaning and looks the same height as Justin but if he were to stand straight, he'd be a bit taller making Justin still a bit under 5'5", like 5'4.5"
Click Here