English actress, known for roles in films The Living Daylights, The Fifth Element and mini series The Life and Loves of a She-Devil.
I put on 3 stones (42 pounds) to capture Ruth [in The Life and Loves of a She-Devil]...that's a lot of weight up from 12 stones (168 pounds) but like DeNiro in 'Raging Bull', to capture people's emotions I had to be believable...
I don't really feel that restricted. I'm only 5 feet 11 so my height wouldn't be a drawback. At least it's not a drawback now. besides, you have to be positive.
- 1987
ConRed said on 5/Jul/22
Could you add Julie to the 5ft 11 section Rob?

Editor Rob
a missing letter meant she never appeared, so fixed now thanks!
Lee Parker said on 2/Sep/21
In mjkops pist in 2017, in a photo she doesn't look any shorter than 6ft 0 1/2 Janet mcteer and I don't think either would be wearing heels in the photo
Arch Stanton said on 16/May/20
What the heck was with the 6 ft 2 thing, I thought she was that too.

Editor Rob
I believe it originates from The Life and Loves of a She-Devil, which the character was 6ft 2 in the novel, I don't know if it was mentioned in the mini-series either, but it's likely how the 6ft 2 came about.
Nik Ashton said on 16/Jan/20
She’s very tall!
Paul Wood said on 2/Jan/20
Was reported as 6ft 2in for many years by the British press. I'm surprised to find out she's actually under 6ft.
ERIC PLEASANT said on 21/Apr/18
They keep stating that Julie is 6 foot 2 and she is towering and intimidating I can't figure out what her real height is.
5'2 said on 19/Oct/17
should have a present height of 5'9.5" or 5'10". 5'11" i beleive is her peak height
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Oct/17
If she was 6ft2 then Timothy Dalton was 6ft4
anyonmious said on 18/Oct/17
5'10" peak height. 5'9" present height
Danimal said on 18/Oct/17
She's 56 years old. If she claimed 5'11" 30 years ago, she's mostly likely 5'9.5" at best today.
MJKoP said on 18/Oct/17
@Rob, yeah 6'2" is probably her heel height. She looks nowhere near that tall next to Dalton(picture included in the article).

Editor Rob
she was a couple of inches shorter in The Living Daylights, although the scenes weren't the best.
MJKoP said on 18/Oct/17
She claims 6'2", here which is what she is listed as elsewhere. Might want to add the quote to the top, she could've downplaying her stature in '87.
Click Here

Editor Rob
I read that as a paraphrase of what her friend said, not necessarily what she is.
With a guy who is
no taller than me and with
Malky the photographer, who knew about celebheights and was around 5ft 11.5 in person.
Shredder said on 18/Oct/17
I remember her in The Fifth Element , one of my favorite 90's flick.
Nona said on 17/Oct/17
An imposing lady indeed at 5'11" & 210 lbs