Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/May/22
I think in those boots he's 6ft2 so this listing is more than fair
Darksol64 said on 6/May/22
He's holding his head/neck/back down quite a bit so I think he comfortably clears 6 ft. No matter how extreme of a low he hits he would break 6 ft by at least a tenth or two.
6'0.5 is definitely possible and a good guess.
ChaosControl said on 3/Aug/21
All things considered I think he’s just 6’0
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jun/21
Honestly a minimum 6ft0½ dude in those thick work boots should be able to clear 6ft2
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jun/21
Baguetteboing, 6ft0½ actually converts to 184.15cm but sure you're more or less on the money
Baguetteboing said on 9/Jun/21
Did the math in paint. Hes 673 pixels tall. Rob is 633. Using 173cm as a base, Joseph here would be exactly 183.93cm. 6'0½.
Mikester said on 28/Mar/21
the top of his head seems taller than 182...
OriginalAnon said on 14/Dec/20
He looks shorter than 184cm in this photo with Rob. He looks like a 182cm max guy. I think he is most certainly an exaggerator and might be conscious about his height considering his footwear.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Nov/20
Rob, would you say in those boots he's hitting 6ft2?

Editor Rob
not too far off it...
houss said on 27/Jun/20
So i think he's no more than 182cm

Editor Rob
In person I don't think Joseph was as short as 182cm.
houss said on 26/Jun/20
@rob 😂😂 i'm sorry hhh this is the pic
Click Here

Editor Rob
It seems close to 4 inches there
houss said on 25/Jun/20
Click Here
The short guy is 174cm barefeet , i'm 182'5cm barefeet, no footwear advantage for anyone of us , i think the difference between us is a little more bigger than the difference between rob and joseph , what do you think rob

Editor Rob
hard to tell with a private instagram 😉 Always best reuploading a photo to something like imgur.com
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/May/20
I wouldn't guess lower than what Rob has him at...looks safely over 6ft flat. In boots I reckon he's easily walking around at 6ft2
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Sep/19
Weak 6ft1 is possible for him I think
berta said on 10/May/19
possible heights from 183,5-185. I think legit 184, maybe 184,5 range
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Nov/18
I agree, 6'0.25"
Zampo said on 22/Nov/18
Doesn't quite look this listing. He looks like he could measure a solid 6'0.25 range (183.5-183.8) possibly. Think he is losing some mm with his slight lean to his left.
Nik said on 26/Jun/18
This listing seems reasonable, he may be fractionally less but not any more!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Dec/17
Rob, is a weak 6ft1 possible?

Editor Rob
6ft 0.75 isn't impossible, though that would have been the maximum I'd guess in person.
John said on 27/Mar/17
He's 6'0.25.
TJE said on 27/Jan/16
If Joey straightened up, he would be very close to looking over Rob's head, but he still won't. Maybe 0.25 inch under.
So let's do the math.
Joey's eyes are at 5'7 7/8. Rob says his eye level is 4.5-4.75 so I'll go with 4.625.
Joey is 6'0.5 when up straight but he has 1/4-1/3 inch more shoes; average of that is roughly 0.3 inch.
Conclusion, Joey is 6'0.2.
6'0.25 would be a fine listing.
iggity said on 24/Jan/16
What height do you think his eyes are Rob?

Editor Rob
I think normal 4.5-4.75 range, but tilt your eyes down a fraction and you get nearer 5 inches.
Andrea said on 21/Jan/16
Dmeyer, where do you see 181?
To me, he does look 4 inches taller than Rob. Rob is 173-174, so you could say this guy looks 183-184 range in the picture above... Of course, you must take a fraction away for the bigger footwear which would make him more 6' flat... But i wouldn't say he looks under 6'!
Dmeyer said on 20/Jan/16
He must be 183-4cm but in the pic looks 181 max as he has more footwear , he looks under 6ft even thaugh more footwear
Andrea said on 20/Jan/16
While i certainly wouldn't go as low as 5'11.5 he looks more 6' flat here...
Rob, do you think 6' is possible or he is over it for sure?

Editor Rob
I do think he'd clear 6ft.
TJE said on 19/Jan/16
6'0-6'0.25 would be fine.
Kourosh said on 19/Jan/16
5'11.5 barefoot and 6'0.5 with shoes on.
downgrade rob

Editor Rob
he never looked that short
Aza said on 18/Jan/16
Looks strong 6ft even if you take way the footwear advantage.
Jim Hopper said on 17/Jan/16
Haha why do 6-0" guys say 6-2"??? Insecurities??? Hes at most 6-0,Id say those shoes have a good insole in them.
Rick said on 17/Jan/16
Take them boots off of his and he would be smaller than rob 5'7 barefoot no more.
Fluffi Fluffsson said on 16/Jan/16
What a liar. He is an adult ffs...
guk said on 16/Jan/16
This is suprising as he's one of the tallest actors on banished quite a bit taller than David Wenham who you have down as 5ft 10. Looks more than 2.5 inches. Maybe Wenham isnt quite 5ft 10?
Andrea said on 16/Jan/16
Yeah, he looks a bit like him... If he has more footwear, i'd say he looks more 6' flat here, though! He looks about 4 inches taller than you, without considering any footwear advantage...
John said on 16/Jan/16
No more than 5'11.5"-6'0" for Millson. He barely has 3.5 inches on Rob, and you also have to take into consideration that Millson has 1/3 inch more footwear advantage with those thick boots of his.
Mat said on 16/Jan/16
Rob, mention the footwear in the description. He does seem taller than your listing in the photo, but I think it's because of his boot.
Andrea said on 15/Jan/16
Rob, i just seen this guy in 24 LAD! He had a small part but he certainly didn't look a big 6'2 guy!
I guessed him somewhere in 6' range!!!
He looks maybe 183-184 with you... Does he have more footwear, right?

Editor Rob
between 1/4 and 1/3. Funnily reminded me of a slightly smaller version of challenger 2 in person. Both thought or claimed 6ft 2 as well...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Jan/16
That's a boots height for sure.
Rick said on 15/Jan/16
I dont see 4 inches here. Looks 5'11 and a half at a push but never 6'. If he was 6' he would tower over rob which he doesn't in the photo.