How tall is Joseph Gilgun

Joseph Gilgun's Height

6ft 0 (182.9 cm)

English Actor best known for appearing in TV shows Preacher, Emmerdale and Misfits. In film, he can be seen in This is England and Lockout. On his management agency he gets listed as 6ft.

How tall is Joseph Gilgun
Photos by PR Photos

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Add a Comment160 comments

Average Guess (34 Votes)
6ft 0.03in (183cm)
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 29/May/20
I keep seeing Joe being in a preview for something or other. Whatever it is, I bet it's good! I haven't seen anything with him in it that's ropy yet...

6ft πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘Œ
Vexacus said on 1/Apr/20
Spot on , 6 ft in Lockout . Cool villain.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Jan/20
Joseph was unrecognisable in 'Harry Brown' yesterday, with his long, greasy hair and wild eyes!

But he was no match for Michael Caine's Harry Brown, who shot him!

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Oct/19
@ Rob - Excuse the old clichΓ©, but 'tell me about it!' πŸ˜†

I've only seen two boxsets advertised, and if you weren't exactly panting for more, then I can't see it to be another 'AHS', 'Boardwalk Empire' or 'House'!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Oct/19
@ Rob - I didn't know Joe starrred in 'Preacher'.

I've just checked it out and it's an 18-rated series. Hmmmmm... looks worth reading up on!
Editor Rob
I watched a couple of seasons, but that was enough for me, there are so many shows out there to watch.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Oct/19
Is it really over 14 months since I was watching 'This Is England' and other films of that nature - hard hitting English films? Yes, I went through a phase of enthusiastically viewing that type of movie, which can be humorous but tragic too, a bit like real life in the working class areas of Britain, where it seems to run in families and peer groups to make money by illicit means.

I bought a copy for my boyfriend a few years back and he watched it.... when I was sound asleep! ☹️ Hence I had to obtain my own copy and did so when the price was πŸ₯œπŸ₯œπŸ₯œ s!

It's an excellent, award-winning film, and Joseph stood out as very tall; there were proper kiddies among the cast. I was bowled over with surprise to find that Joe was an ex-'Emmerdale' star, and now with the showings of all the classic Soaps, one day I will be able to watch him in 'Emmerdale' - and compare him to proper adults.

Six foot.
Editor Rob
I think on Misfits Joseph generally looked around his claim, also on Preacher too...
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Aug/18
Joseph really stood out as the tall one in the cast of 'This is England'. It comes as no surprise at all that he is 6ft. He was in 'Emmerdale' before I ever watched it, but the face is familiar!
Jonny said on 4/Feb/16
Six foot seems to be spot on
ANDREA[ITA] said on 20/Aug/12
Rob, why everybody talks about Mamun here? Where are Gilgun comments? Anyway, i'm watching Misfits and he looks 6'! He looks very tall, also because, except for Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, everyone is pretty short in the show, even the guests!
Haze said on 7/Jul/09
why all the hate on roids? i also wouldnt want them involved in any sports or competitions. but i think for personal use if used corretly and moderately that they can be a positive thing. people may think im crazy.
Daniel said on 30/Jun/09
Thanks, Supermun! :)
Mamun said on 30/Jun/09
Welcome to our club my friend Daniel !


Mamun said on 29/Jun/09
I disagree my friend samson27 ! I am a all natural Body builder and I have
never taken anything ! Not even supplements ! What I think is as the world
sports council are getting more and more tight on drug testing, There will
most certainly be less drug use and athletes would be forced to go all natural
like me . I beleive this will be our time then and we Natural athletes will
take over the world from the " unnatural Drug users " !


Mamun said on 23/Jun/09
My friends Ejel Khan and bob , thank you for all of your kind remarks !
I can't wait to taste that steak bob !


Ejel Khan said on 23/Jun/09
Mamun .... Bangladeshi, or not. I love you anyway. Love your pics! Next time your in Krypton, say salam to the folks!
bob said on 23/Jun/09
well, supermun, i think that could be arranged :)
Mamun said on 22/Jun/09
Your always welcome my good friend Daniel !

OK my friend bob I used to live in North Hollywood , only 12 miles away
from the world famous Kodiak Theater on Hollywood Blvd . and the Famous
walk of fame on the Hollywood strip ! But I have since moved out of there !
Now I live in Rancho Cucamnga which is 65 miles from Los Angeles . Ventura
county is very close by . I will have no problem in meeting you if you do
come over there . But you will have one big problem ! That is anyone who
hangs out with Supermun are required to by him a steak dinner ! And I like
my steaks Big , well done with a lot of cujan rice and potatoes !


Daniel said on 22/Jun/09
Dear Mamun, Thank God I don't suffer from those bad conditions, as far as I know. I aprreciate your kind words that encourage me to go ahead. I hope I can have your advice in the near future to help me improve my physical condition, even though I'm just a modest earthman, not a kryptonian, ha ha ha. Thank you very much my super-friend. :)
bob said on 22/Jun/09
mamum- where exactly in southern california do you reside? im from austria, but i have friends of mine who live in ventura county. i visited them in 2006, maybe i will come again in the future. and perhaps we could meet up?
Mamun said on 22/Jun/09
Dear Daniel ,

I am going to start off by saying thank you for your greetings from this
Beautiful nation called Peru ! please accept my greetings from Los Angeles !

OK now , a good body fat percentage to be in order to look good is between
15 - 20 % ! Unless you are going to be a competitor for Body Building which
will require you to be around 5 % , I would say at this percentage is enough
for you to be looking good!Above 25 to 35 % fat I would say you are leaning a
bit towards obesity !

I am surprised to see that you find age 34 old ! My friend 44 year old
Randy Cuture knocked out 27 year old Gabriel Gonzaka ! 46 year old George
Foreman knocked out 25 year Micheal Moore ! And did you see the latest Sly
pictures at 64 years old ? So tell me now if 34 years is too old ? The only
restrictions to Body Building is the following : --

1) If you have a messed up back or slip-disc problem , then Body Building
can be off limits for you !
2) Heart condition ! Body Building requires you to be heart disease free !
3) Artridise or joint problems . Body building could be difficult if you
have these conditions .

Please remember age is not a restriction in Body building ! I hope my
insight helped you ?


Daniel said on 21/Jun/09
Dear Mamun, I have aquestion for you. What do you think is a good body fat percentage if I wanna look very good and healthy. I started bodybuilding some months ago, but I haven't been very constant at that. By the way I'm a little too old for a beginner (at 34 years old, 5'6'' height and 173 lbs weight), but I'm decided to work hard and improve myself or die trying. Thanks in advance, and greetings from Peru.
Mamun said on 20/Jun/09
My friend Ejel Khan , Superman needs no green card and I am from krypton !
Where did you get the Bangladeshi part from ?


Ejel Khan said on 20/Jun/09
Mamun you're tall for a Bangladeshi .... average there is 5'5". I'm glad to see you've got your green card, and are now residing in North America.
Mamun said on 20/Jun/09
You are right on the money Brad !


Mamun said on 20/Jun/09
No I haven't Cobra ! But I sure wish I did ! I heard from other people who
had met Scott and Kurt that niether of them are taller than 5' 9" !


Brad said on 20/Jun/09
Mamun is 100% correct. There is no middle class in L.A. County, they fled to San Berdo & Ventura counties. It is rather shocking how close poverty is to the Beverly Hills city limit....just down the 405 by the old L.A. Forum. Those guys with chef hats cooking steaks with the freckle faced kid and puppy on the back of Life Magazine 1965 are long gone. The neighborhood where The Beach Boys Wilson brothers grew up is gang infested joke now. Go to Ray Courts' Hollywood Show in Burbank in a few weeks. Get some pictures.
Cobra said on 19/Jun/09
Hi Mamun, just asking into the blue, you ever met Scott Steiner or Kurt Angle?
Haze said on 19/Jun/09
i understand. i know i wouldnt be walking around compton with a polaroid camera haha. id probaly last 3 minutes before someone tried to rob me lol

my skins a lil to white to be rolling round them parts
Mamun said on 18/Jun/09
My friend Haze , you must know one thing about Loa Angeles . There is no
middle class . In LA you are either the top preditor of the ocean like the
Killer whale or your simply a tiny gold fish ! You see Ice cube , Snoop Dogg
, Arnold , Paris Hilton and their likes all hang around places where a Gold
fish such as myself can not enter ! Every where they go they have body guards
and limos ! The clubs they go to will not let in clowns such as myself !

My only chance to get their photos or autographs would be in a movie Premire
or Comic book convention ! But Just to make you happy , I will certainly
try and take their pictures for you !


Haze said on 18/Jun/09
he mamun wanna arm wrestle haha. just kidding but eh, i was wondering if 5'8.25 is ur morning height or evening?. it seems ur a lil shorter than rob but not by much. might be my eyes playing tricks though.

and also ur in california right? you think its possible to get pics with the game, ice cube or snoop dogg? just wondering if u have ever seen them and if u ever do if it would be possible to snap a shot. ;)
Mamun said on 26/May/09
My friend Wahsay , I will try and answer your question to the best of my
knowledge ! To answer your question fully , I must go back and start reading
my history books . Here is the thing ;-- When India , Pakistan and east
Pakistan ( Now Bangladesh ) were being separated after world war 2 , a lot
of people who were Muslims migrated to west and east Pakistan because they
were muslims from India . Most of them settled in Karachi and are known as
MQM ( Mohajir Quame Movement ) . These races of people who had migrated
from India Have darker skin colour , and are around the average height of
5'4" to 5' 3" . The real tall race you see in the valleys and mountain
regions of Pakistan are of real Pakistani descent and come from the Aryan
race . That should explain their fair skin colour , blue eyes and even
blond hair . I remember reading once that Alexandra the great had a very
tough battle fighting in this region because the men were very tall and
powerful . I hope my answers were of some help to you ?


Brad said on 26/May/09
I have no idea how tall Bruno was, I was up in the blues at the Garden.
wahsay said on 25/May/09
mamun do u have any info about race naizi pakistan i am 6'1-6'2 tall guy and i m tallest among all my buddies here in karachi they are like 5'6 5'7 ....but when i went to a village called maiwali...i saw average male being 6'5...really shocking:O and i also met a giant who i feel is atleast 7'3 because i was below his shoulder:S:S
TELLEM said on 24/May/09
brad, how tall was bruno?
Brad said on 23/May/09
I saw Bruno about 35 years ago. Bruno was New York's legendary hero. 20,000 people going "Bruno Bruno!". Dick The Bulldog Brower was great also. Brower Power.
MAMUN said on 23/May/09
No my friend , way after ! But before WM3 !


miko said on 23/May/09
Mamun did you meet Hogan before he wrestled Andre?
James said on 22/May/09
Mamun yeah I mean Andra looked a lot bigger than Hogan. Just tossed Hogan around like a rag doll.
MAMUN said on 22/May/09
Your welcome RisingForce !


RisingForce said on 22/May/09
thanks for the answer mamun. i've always guessed 5-9 or 5-10 for snipes. by the way, that's a cool story about hogan.
MAMUN said on 22/May/09
Okay James , the reason I stayed quite all this time regarding my unforgetable
encounter with Hogan was because I was first very young and don't have a photo! I was only 14 at the time and at 169 cm and only 135 pounds . The date
was 13th September ( I don't want to say the year becuase I don't like giving
away my age ) !

It was a Sunday morning at 6.00 am in a Motel near San Francisco Int'l
airport , I was waiting with my whole family , my mom , older brother ,older
sister, my dad and my Aunt's family of three in the lobby ready to be transported to the Airport . Three was a glass wall and a glass door is what
I remember and I was still not fully awake.You KNOW in every body's life time
there comes moments that you will never expect to happen and see things that
was beyond your belief ! This was one such moment in my life ! Because I was
looking at the wall clock above the glass door to see if it was coming near
6.30 am ( The time our Shuttle was supposed to arrive ) and then something
huge covered the entire glass door and a few inches beyound it . " IT WAS
CHAMP !!!!!!!!!!! If I say I couldn't beleive my eyes that would be an
understatement ! Oh My GOD he was Huge and Muscular and those Phytons looked
like Building supports . The last person on earth that I was expecting to walk
through that day was HOGAN ! I had seen the Movie Rocky III and he was every
bit as Gigantic . I ran towards him and said like " Hi there " several times !
He didn't respond but after a moment he said " I AM TIRED KID " ! My Dad and
my older Brother don't like wrestling that much and said in a different
language " This guy is an animal " ! He was wearing two inches of cowboy
boots but he still didn't look to me as tall as my 6' 7" cousin . I am very
sorry guys but I don't remember how tall he was back then . I last measured
him at 6' 7" 6.15 pm barfoot only a year ago . But Hogan was incredibly
massive !

Then the mini bus came to take us to the Airport . To my delight HOGAN was
coming with us too . Here is another Historical moment . There wasn't enough
seats left as the mini bus only was an eight seater . So I gave up my seat
for HOGAN ! Then I will never forget the look at his face ! He stared at me
for a few seconds and said the following " GENEROUS KID " !

I now regret what I did to HOGAN in the Bus for 30 mins ! I had my eyes
glued at him without even blinking . I finaly came to know what he was
ME LIKE THAT " !!!!!!!!!!!! Cause he was like glancing at me for a second
and then looking the other way only to find out I haven't stoped staring at
him ! In my mind I was like thinking , if HOGAN was this Big , than GOD how
big will Andre be ??????????????? Before he left and was droped off at his
terminal he said " BYE HAVE A NICE DAY " I will never forget those moments
in my life ! Hope you liked my story James ?

Kind regards

MAMUN said on 21/May/09
My friend RisingForce , I had seen Wesley Snipes the same day I meet Bruce ,
Cindy , Amitab on 26th May 1998 ! I have seen him from a distance and in my
opinion he seemed like a 5' 10" to 5' 9" barefoot . Maybe he was wearing
thicker shoes than me , but I can't confirm that !


Brad said on 21/May/09
I've never met Hulk. I met the green tongue'd one in Las Vegas at a wrestling convention. My brother met Hulk 25+ years ago at NBC in NYC, said he was 6' 4" easy back then. Just massive, like a building.
James said on 21/May/09
Okay Mamun you don't have to answer my quesiton but what happened when you met Hogan?

Brad since you see Hulk Hogan around in Florida is he 6'4 or 6'3?
RisingForce said on 21/May/09
mamun, i can't remember if you said you met wesley snipes or not. if you met him, how tall did he appear to you?
MAMUN said on 21/May/09
Thank you Brad !


Brad said on 20/May/09
No. he's kinda shy. He's rather big. Very nice man. Lives where Major Nelson and Jeannie live: Cocoa Beach Florida. He still has his "mine" doll. I have a Glenn doll. You pull the string and it swears about being 5 feet 8 and Stallone being 5' 11". I'd like a Supermun doll.
MAMUN said on 20/May/09
I sure did James but that was another big big story !


James said on 20/May/09
Ever met Hulk Hogan Mamun? I am guessing Hogan is quite a grumpy guy nowadays?
MAMUN said on 20/May/09
I sure Wish I had met him Brad ! How was he in person ? Was he really crazy ?


Brad said on 20/May/09
Have you ever met George "The Animal" Steele? I have, he had a green tongue and had his "Mine" doll.
Mamun said on 19/May/09
Thank you Brad for your kind comment ! Yes TELLEM , I did get the shock of
my life when SID was the complete opposite of what I was expecting !


TELLEM said on 19/May/09
hey mamun, when you met sid, did it shock you that his tone of voice is COMPLETELY the opposite of his wrestling persona?
Brad said on 19/May/09
You'll never be asked to leave as the site would have a riot.
MAMUN said on 18/May/09
My friend Dylan , I too am sorry to see Glenn gone ! I really have no idea
as to what had happened ? But he was making progress though when he came
back the second time . Don't worry my friend ! I will only leave this site
when the owner will ask me to . I do hope that day doesn't come !

My friend James , I will not argue with you on that one . But Syco SID had
a much intimidating look on his face during his Stare downs and especially
when he would say the following ; -- " I AM THE RULER AND THE MASTER OF THE
WORLD " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I didn't say Kane wasn't friendly my friend ! I only said SID was a more
humble than he was . Kane was a nice guy too . But SID was nicer !
Kind regards

James said on 18/May/09
Mamun I think seeing the Great Khali and the Big Show would be a bigger fright to see in the dead of night lol.

Why was Kane not friendly?
MAMUN said on 18/May/09
Glad to know you are from Austria ! I have always dreamt of visiting there !
I heard Austria is very beautiful !One of my favorite classical music is
" WOODS OF VIENA " ! Our Governor Arnold is also from your country ! That
$ 65 /- or Dhs 200 /- price tag was nothing for the residents of Dubai !
They were still buying them photo opps like hell ! Pro- wrestling is the
most watched sports in the Middle east !

My friend cobra , I am sorry to say but a super hero never revels his ID or info about himself ! I am not from Pakistan but from Krypton ! Please don't tell that to anybody!

Kind regards

Dylan said on 18/May/09
Hello Mamun, I am sorry to see that Glenn has gone, now please tell me that you are staying on this site because I love your page!
Cobra said on 18/May/09
Hi Mamun,

gotta say, I think you are a great person, but since you are in California, I can`t come over to have a drink with you. I am from Austria, half the time in Vienna (studying), the other half at home in the western of Austria, in the country.

Actually I was at a houseshow in Innsbruck, September 2008, SD! and ECW.
Too bad Kane at that time was on RAW, in your pic he looks like he is in character.

65 Dollar would be much, back then even more.

...currently residing in North America.... but you are from Pakistan, I read somewhere, or I am wrong? How old are you?

I am 22. And since this is celebheights, 6ft1,5. Morning, though. ;)
MAMUN said on 17/May/09
MY friend Cobra , I do not know what country you live in but If by any
chance the WWE do come to your town or near it , then don't miss it is
my advice to you . Save in advance so that you can actually go there and
meet your favorite super stars ! You may never forget that day in your life!

Who I was most impressed well I would go with SID ! Because when I met him
in 29th Nov 1996 and 2nd Dec 1996 , He was a bad guy and very widely known
as Syco SID ! He was also the WWF champion when he came to Dubai ! So I
thought my chances of getting a photo with him would be slim first because
he was a bad guy and second they actually had signs posted not to take
pictures of the Wrestlers . A photo-op with SID was like $ 65/- . To my
surprise , he turned out to be very kind , friendly and I had no trouble
at all in asking him for a photo . You can clearly see in his smiles that
he is indeed very friendly . I am sooo sad that they didn't get him into
any movie deals or bringing him back for aonther run ! I am not saying Kane
was a bad guy , but SID was far more kinder !
Even body wise SID was more impressive because his body is more defined and
Lean . But they both were some one that might give you a heart attack if you
see them suddenly in the dark in your house at night !


Cobra said on 17/May/09
MAMUN says on 15/May/09
To my friend James , yes I don't think Andre is stronger than show but I know
for sure he is ! I mean take a look at Show now ? He is as fasr as Andre was
during the last year of his life 1992 !

I don`t think you are objective on that one, Mamun.

I have a question, who impressed you more, Kane or Sid?
I bet both are intimidating as ****. I am a little bit jealous you met all those guys. ;)
MAMUN said on 17/May/09
Thank you Brad !


Brad said on 17/May/09
He's a professor as a "proffesian". He has a degree in Supermun.
MAMUN said on 16/May/09
I am now a car dealer over here in southern california !


miko said on 16/May/09
Mamun what proffesian do you work in if you don't mind me asking?
MAMUN said on 15/May/09
To my friend James , yes I don't think Andre is stronger than show but I know
for sure he is ! I mean take a look at Show now ? He is as fasr as Andre was
during the last year of his life 1992 !

Dylan , I appologize buy I never get the chance to measure my self in the
moring . I have to work ! But I would love to say yes as an answer !

Kind Regards

MAMUN said on 15/May/09
Don't tell me your real ID is Bruce Wayne ! Cause Supermun's going to find
out one way or the other !


Dylan said on 15/May/09
Mamun, you have probably answered this numerous times and if you have I apologise, what is your maximum height on rising? I would hazard a guess and say 5'8.75"
TELLEM said on 15/May/09
I am sorry Mamun, but i'm going to have to keep that confidential.
James said on 15/May/09
Honestly Mamun who would be stronger Andre the Giant or the Big Show Paul Wright?
MAMUN said on 14/May/09
Thank you for your kind comments my friends James and Tellem ! By the way ,
Tellem , what state are you from ?

Kind Regards

James said on 14/May/09
Mamun I am guessing in person you could probably pass for 5'9 a lot of the time?
TELLEM said on 14/May/09
thank you mamun, lol loved the death sentence joke. Yes i'm from the U.s. and you are right, rob's scale IS the most accurate, but you area 5'8 guy regardless, you look it.
MAMUN said on 13/May/09
That height chart is a little further back if you look at the picture
very carefully ! That might explain the .5 inches you say is missing
but I fail to see . I do not know which country you are from but guess
what ? over here in the united states this is one of the main ways they
determine a person's height ! I can even be sentenced to death in a court
of law if the witness said the murder suspect was 5' 8" and had submitted
this photo to the judge . This is how we do it even for offical Government
listings over here in the United states ! Yes ROB's measuring metter is far
more accurate but we don't have this particular scale in my Gym!Only the one
that you see measuring a Boxer before a boxing match ! I trid my best to
get that in a photo but it just wouldn't show the tiny numbers because my
back was against it ! I hope I have answered your question !


TELLEM said on 13/May/09
mamun, can you please explain why you look 5'7.75 in your height chart pic, but you said you were measured at 5'8.25 in the afternoon?
MAMUN said on 13/May/09
This I aggree with you 110 % my friend James !


James said on 12/May/09
Tallest but not the strongest. Andre the Giant could probably snap him in two ;)
MAMUN said on 12/May/09
Thank you all my kind friends , Dural , miko, Dylan for your kind greetings !
And James , I think 7' 6" looks about right but he did wear very larg boots
into the ring . I mean the possibility is very much there that Vince may had
him wear something in those huge boots to boast up his height! He is none the
less the tallest wrestler in recorded History !

Kind regards

Dural said on 12/May/09
Happy birthday Supermun!
James said on 12/May/09
Mamun sorry but how tall do you think Gonzalez actually was?
Dylan said on 12/May/09
Just dropped by to wish you a very Happy Birthday Mamun. Like Glenn you are doing a great job on this site, keep up the good work.
miko said on 12/May/09
Happy 35th birthday Mamun!
MAMUN said on 12/May/09
Thank you James !


James said on 11/May/09
Yeah I agree Mamun it does say on other websites as well that his actual height was 7ft6? I mean was he even that tall? Also he didn't look like an 8ft guy next to the Undertaker thats for sure!
MAMUN said on 11/May/09
My friend James , No way he was near 8 ft ! I will tell you why ? If you
look carefully at the staredowns he had with 6' 8" ish UT or 6' 7.5" SID,
you will notice very clearly that both these gentle men had the the top of
their heads couple of inhes above Gonzalez's shoulder level ! My friend if
Gonzalez was really 8 ft , we are talking about more than 16 inhes of height
difference here . That means both SID and the UT would have been below Giant
Gonzalez's shoulder level ! To state my point even further , the difference
between my height and Shaq's is near about 16 inches . If I were to have a
stare down with him , Don't you think I would be below his shoulder level
and nothing above it ? I hope you can see my point James ?


James said on 10/May/09
Mamun do you believe Giant Gonzalez was ever 8ft?
MAMUN said on 8/May/09
Your always wellcome my friend Greg and I am very humbled that you find our
site celebheights very interesting . Because I feel the same way too . I am
going to tell you something as a friend Greg !

I know 100% the way you feel because I too was in this kind of situation .
You see when I was 17 I was only 170 cm tall . There were two boys aged 12
and 13 who were 190 and 195 cm tall in my same school. Also I was the shortest
17 year old in my school . Other boys , including the 12 & 13 year olds,would
make fun of me and bully me . It was in these times that I wish I was Andre
the Giant so that I would tower over every one and no one would have the guts
to Bully me . But then the strongest and most powerful wrestlers weren't
always the tallest ones . look at Bob Buckland , Ivan Putski,Shawn Micheals,
and look at Sly ! Do they look to you like they are over 180 cm tall ? They
inspired me in a different way . Bodybuilding and powerlifing !

My friend if you can't impress your 200 cm tall friends with your height ,
you can certainly do a much better job in being much stronger then them .
Or even have a much nicer and muscular body than they will ever have .

Amazingly , I now see all the friends who used to tower over me my school
days as much shorter than before because they all have terrible posture
and is nowhere near my kind of body or strength . BodyBuilding has changed
my life ! When you look at my picture with other celebs who are known world
wide as men of legendary stature , Do I look that small when you compare
me with them . Do I look Tiny standing next to 255 pounds Steve Austin ,
or 333 pounds Ronie Coleman , or 285 pounds jay cutler or 245 pounds
Bret Hart ? ONly Kane , Kavin Nash and Sid may tower over me by a lot
but then they would also tower over the avarge German people .

I hope I gave you some comfort my friend . Give all of the above a good
thinking !

Kind regards

Mamun said on 18/Apr/09
My friend yoyo , a superhero never reveals his identity ! I think I may go
down as low as a solid 5' 8" at night although I never actually got the chance
to measure myself . I measured my self at 5' 8.25 at 2.00 pm on 12th july 2008
after two hours in the gym doing very heavy weights . I hope I had answered
your questions !


yoyo said on 17/Apr/09
mamun are you native american or a mexican? glenn peak at 5ft8 in morning but his lowest was 169.3(5ft6.5)at evening or 170.3(5ft7.0), so were you 5ft7 at night too?
Mamun said on 13/Apr/09
The date of this picture was 12th july 2008 and I weighed in at 226 pounds !
I now weigh only 215 pounds .


Hugh 190cm said on 11/Apr/09
Wow. Mamun you are pretty ripped. How much do you weigh in that pic?
wahsay said on 14/Mar/09
ya he is taller then most celebs and has been given label of lambu so 6 may be bit low for him:)......
Mamun said on 13/Mar/09
I can see your point my friend Wahsay and based on the pictures that you
have posted here I will not argue with you ! I had only based my opinion
on one picture taken during Abhi's wedding when the two were standing
together barefoot and amit jee did look slightly taller . But that was
just one picture and I wish I could dig it out . But I would also go
for 6' 1" for Lambu jee because in the party in Dubai where I met him ,
he was the tallest celeb ! He was taller than Sly , Cindy , Wisely snipes
and so on . I wouldn't go as low as 6' .75 " for him . I will get back to
you for c.ronaldo .

kind regards

wahsay said on 13/Mar/09
hello mamun what do u estimate for c.ronaldo???
and also my friend i feel abhi is taller then his dad my .5-1 inch most pics amit jee seems to be his height or shorter and with actors like john and akhsay abhi seems to be much taller then amit jee
to me
abhi 6'1.5
amit jee 6'.75
see these pic my friend:)
but u r better estimator i guess but i have done many estimations on both ...
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Mamun said on 13/Mar/09
Thank you D. Ray Morton and she is doing fine Comets .


Comets said on 12/Mar/09
haha, well..How is Lois doing? :D
Mamun said on 10/Mar/09
My friend comets , Tom Welling is a guy trying to act as if he was "SUPERMAN"!
Brother , I was born on Krypton and is SUPERMAN ! Please don't forget these
facts . And yes , I promise to try my best to get a picture with him and make
posters like you happy ! You see , the financial crissis has even hit these
events where they are likely to show up ! The Wizard World comic- con has
cancelled this year's event in Long Beach California due to economic costs!
It's events like these that people like Tom Welling and other celebs show up.


D. Ray Morton said on 10/Mar/09
Very cool pic Mamun! Glad to see you have your own page.
Comets said on 10/Mar/09
Hey Mamun, get a picture taken with Tom Welling, and remember to wear your Superman costume..we'll see who looks more like a superman..hehe :D
Comets said on 9/Mar/09
Actually in India I think the average is under 5'8 so somewhere around 168-170cm
Mamun said on 9/Mar/09
For Pakistanis it is a bit higher because of the race called Pattans , who
happen to be very tall and Gigantic ! And the people of Lahore are also very
tall and big built . I would go for 5' 9" or even 5' 10" ! Bangladeshis are the smallest at maybe only 5'4" to 5'5" but there are also many very tall people out there too . For example the tallest man in the world in the year 1992 was Parimail who according to Guiness Book was 8' 3" . He died the same year and Alam Channa took over the title again for the 3rd time !


Slipknot said on 7/Mar/09
Hi mamun,bro u said average in India for male is 5'8 can u also tell me whats an average height in Bangladesh and Pakistan if u visited these two countries.I think there average is lower than India.
Mamun said on 26/Feb/09
Yes my friend there sure is ! But it won't be that easy . The good news is
you won't have to take any of them pills . Try lying on a hard floor on your
back for several hours a day with your hands strectched out just like the
cross . Then try touching your toes after a long hours of sleep on the hard
floor once you get up . You can either try touching them while still on the
floor or after standing . Do not sleep on very soft matresses ! These are
back killers . There is this special instrument in the gym called the back
stretcher ! Try doing some sets there . You see the human back bone is more
curved like an " S " than stright ! So if you could just make your back a
bit more stright you will gain height for sure . I am very sorry my friend
this is all I can say while I am still behind the computer . I could have
shown you much better excersies if you were infront of me !


mamun said on 21/Feb/09
I am soo happy that I was able to boast up your confidence . That's the way
to do it anon , self determination 1


anon said on 20/Feb/09
Thanks Mamun for giving me confidence now iam doing these stretches every day.I hope i will make it to my desire height.
Mamun said on 19/Feb/09
Cool find anon ! Some of these stretches I still do myself like the one lying
down !


anon said on 17/Feb/09
Thanks Mamun now i find this great site Click Here by doing these stretches its possible to gain few inches bcz iam 5'7 inch and i want to be at least 5'8 inch tall.
anon said on 16/Feb/09
hey Mamun do stretching really increase your height and height gain by stretching is permanent or temporary.I want your advice iam only 19.
Mamun said on 15/Feb/09
I have never even seen elevator shoes my friend George so I have no idea
about them !


anon said on 15/Feb/09
hey Mamun do stretching really increase your height and height gain by stretching is permanent or temporary.I need your advice iam only 19.
George said on 14/Feb/09
Thanks Mamun! Do you know if they make cheap elevator shoes in India?
Mamun said on 13/Feb/09
Thank you all Brad, George , Lmeister and James for your kind and humble
remarks ! My point is my friends , if you are only between 5' 7" -- 5' 8" ,
then don't feel small !!!!!!!! Trust me , there are a lot more people who
claim to be big and are also to world figures lurking around this height
and are denying it big time ! And 5' 7" or 5' 8" is what I think Sly's
barefoot height to be . But Glenn has the picture so what he says is right !

Kind regards

Brad said on 13/Feb/09
He may be 5' 8.25" but Mamun is super and that makes him 6 feet tall and a legend.
George said on 12/Feb/09
Thanks Mamun! Is Sly only 5'7?
Lmeister said on 12/Feb/09
I'm also 5ft8, sometimes I have felt short, but never ever would wear lifts. Actually I prefer low cut sneakers during my freetime. Just be yourself. Selfconfidence isn't about height it is about the whole package. Mamun, Rob and Glenn you guys rock!!!
Mamun said on 12/Feb/09
George , at only 5' 8.25 " I am not too happy about my height either. But you
know what ? I never wore elevators for the same kind of embarassing moment
that you faced . I had faced one too . Astonishingly , some of the world's
most famous actors , WWF champions and leagends are not exactly that much
taller than us . Take for example the British Bulldog ! only 5' 9" .
Chriss Bentioa , only 5' 7" . Sly and Capt Kirk , only 5' 7" . If these super
legeands rule the world of entertainment by only being our height , we should
never feel small about our selves ! I hope I have given you some short of
comfort . Take care !


George said on 12/Feb/09
Hi Mamun, I am 5'7.5 but I wore 4'' elevator shoes that make me almost 6 feet tall and I know celebrities inflate their height by 2 inches so I would say I am 6'2 and I listed that as my height on many dating websites. I also like basketball and some players in the NBA inflate their height by 3 inches so I started telling people that I am 6'3. Everything was going according to plan until I went to a party with friends from work and we had to take off our shoes and my cover was blown. I went from being 6'3 to 5'7.5.
Mamun said on 9/Feb/09
Thank you George ! And my friend unknown , ROB is the owner of this site .
So you may have to request him to open the pages that you would like to see
as a fan .
I still think Abhi is shorter than his dad and I would go for only 6' for him
and 6' 1" for Amitji .


George said on 9/Feb/09
Hey Mamun, are you my best friend?
anonymoose said on 9/Feb/09
@ Mamun....Khali is a Rajput Hindu not a least thats what I've heard..
on theAmitji page sum1 had posted a pic of Abhi n Amitji n they looked almost same..but still I think Abhi has an inch on Amitji
unknown said on 9/Feb/09
hey Mamun why sachin's height is not added here he is more popular than amitabh.
Also their is no other cricketers height even glenn macgrath , courtney walsh , andrew flintoff.
Mamun said on 9/Feb/09
You are are always welcome my very good friend George !

And to my friend anonymoose , I think Abhi should be around 6 to 6' 1" max
barefoot . I say this because he barely looks taller or as tall as his famous
dad Amitab . I think I may have seen a photo of them standing together without
shoes and Amitab did look taller . I may be wrong my friend but if you could
kindly find and post that picture again here I could give you a much better
estimate .


George said on 8/Feb/09
Thanks my best friend Mamun. I thought you were from India because I remember seeing an Indian movie in which one of the characters had the name "Mamun". Thanks again for the detailed explination. I am very happy that you are my best friend in the whole world.
Mamun said on 8/Feb/09
Hello to you my very good friend George . First I must tell you that I am
not of Indian Origin but I can answer your question with a very good amount
of accuracy . 173 ( 5' 8.25 " ) is regarded in some places in India as all
three ; Short , tall and average . You see India is a very big country and
has the second largest population on the planet after China & without doubt
has the most extensive and divarse people of all different cultures, religion
and ethnic background ! If you are in the south , let say in Tamil or Kerala,
you would be regarded as quite tall if you are 173 cm . But if you are in the
State of Punjab ( Great Khali country ) 173 cm would be short . In the Capital
city of Mumbi , 173cm would just be average . I have reasons to beleive that a
173 cm would just be an average height for the Indian nation . I hope I have
answered your question my friend George .


anonymoose said on 7/Feb/09
173cms is 5"8 in India :p

Mamun at what height do u estimate Abhi?? I think he is 6"1
George said on 6/Feb/09
Hello Mamun my best friend, I was just wondering what 173cm is in India?
Mamun said on 6/Feb/09
You have no idea how many times a day I am asking my self the same question
my friend ?


anonymoose said on 5/Feb/09
Mamun when r u meeting Ash and Abhi??
Mamun said on 3/Feb/09
I didn't quite understand your question my friend george ?


Mamun said on 2/Feb/09
Thank you TELLEM for your kind remarks !


George said on 2/Feb/09
Hey Mamun, how much is that in India?
TELLEM said on 1/Feb/09
mamun, those guns of urs remind me of harvey keitel's from "the duellists". the scene where he is arm wrestling. cool.
Mamun said on 1/Feb/09
Welcome to Celeb heights my friend . You will find lots of friends here just
like I did !


Dr Almonds said on 31/Jan/09
Wow your disel Mamun you look like a broad framed guy in your other pictures but I didnt realise you were this disel, you have arms like Heman cool, keep up the good work my friend, Iam also obssesed with height just like you and glen are.
RisingForce said on 29/Jan/09
I agree Mamun look at this picture of Sly from about a week ago.
Click Here

It's hard to believe he's almost 63, you're right he must be an alien.

5'11" seems very possible for Arnold. Glenn said he looked 5'11" a couple of years ago too.
Mamun said on 27/Jan/09
Yes my friend Gary Coleman did run for Governor and did pretty well actually!
He was ranked an impressive No. 15 . I would go 5' 11" for Arnie my friend
but what is really very amazing in the picutres you have posted is that Sly
is older than Arnie but looks 10 years younger . I don't think Sly is human?
I think he is an Alien ?


RisingForce said on 27/Jan/09
That's a great historic event Mamun. I was shocked when I first heard he was running for Governor back then, it seemed like everyone was running that election, even Gary Coleman I think!

Arnold had likely shrunk a lot by then. I think he was 6'0" max by the time of Terminator 3. Even Arnold's 5'11' co-star in Terminator 3 Kristanna Loken said that Arnold was "just a bit taller" than her.

Arnold's peak height was confirmed though in 1969 when Vince Basille(who didn't like Arnold) measured him 6'1.5" in the evening. He seemed around that height until the mid or late 90's. After that he had many injuries and surgeries in the late 90's and he was getting older.

Look at how short Arnold(in 1" sneakers) seems in these pictures next to Sly(in 1.75" boots).
Click Here
Click Here

I'd guess that he's max 6'0" today and maybe a bit under based on all of the evidence. I believe he is like Hulk hogan and has lost atleast 2 inches.

So what was your best guess for Arnold's height? More 5'10" or more 5'11"?
Mamun said on 26/Jan/09
No James I couldn't even though I had a full two hours with him . If I did ,
brother it would have settled half the dispute going on those pages .


Mamun said on 24/Jan/09
I have met Arnie on the 17th Oct 2002 at the Santa Monica Hilton Hotel ,
California ! It was a very historic day because it was in that event he
gave a little bit of a hint that he would be running for Governor .


RisingForce said on 23/Jan/09
What year did you meet Arnold Mamun? If it was in the 90's then that makes the Planet Hollywood pictures more confusing, but if it was this decade then that makes more sense. Arnold has lost a lot of height since the mid 90's.
Mamun said on 23/Jan/09
Thanks miko and your always wellcome RisingForce .

James , I am more like 25 times more confused looking at those photos of
Planet Hollywood than you because I did see both men face to face and for
a very good amount of time . The only way we can end this dispute about
thier heights is if they will ever take a picture together barefoot . I
don't see that happening !


miko said on 22/Jan/09
Your a fantastic estimator of heights Mamun!

Keep up the good work!
RisingForce said on 22/Jan/09
Thanks Mamun.
Mamun said on 22/Jan/09
Five eleven is my impression my friend and I had on my half inche soled Clrecks
shoes . I didn't see Bruce wearing anything more than one inche .


RisingForce said on 21/Jan/09
Mamun, how tall did Bruce Willis look to you and what kind of shoes were each of you wearing?
Mamun said on 20/Jan/09
Yes he was James !


Mamun said on 16/Jan/09
Wow !!!!!!! That would be awesome indeed !


wahsay said on 16/Jan/09
and mamun get a pic with some footballers too c.ronaldo;)
Mamun said on 13/Jan/09
It's been my dream picture for years now ! God willingly I might become
lucky very soon !


anonymoose said on 12/Jan/09
Mamun go get a pic with Dalip 'Khali' Singh
Mamun said on 10/Jan/09
I am sorry for my late response miko but yes my biceps are 17 inches !

Kind regards

Mamun said on 10/Jan/09
Thank you very much for your kind comments ! In my opinion and also the Int'l
standard height for male models would be 6' 2" ! But internationally the avarage height for a man which I think would be near around six foot . I have
based my observations from the twelve different countries that I had lived in
and visited . But do you really know what's funny my friend . The best height
for someone contributing to this site such as celebheights is really 5' 8" .
Any taller would do no good to many many celebs who claim to be six feet or
more . Just think for one second if I was like 6' 2" ( which I really wished
I was ) ?


wahsay said on 7/Jan/09
kool bisceps mamun.....btw whats ur ideal male height?can u tell me ideal male model height too u must have met many models???
yoyo said on 27/Dec/08
so possibly his a solid 172ish. thanks rob!
yoyo said on 24/Dec/08
rob, honestly does mamun measure his height as 5ft8? Compare of you and Glenn taken photos with celebrities mamum seens to be a little shorter than 5ft8 claim. i guess his more like a solid 170ish or 171.

Editor Rob
Mamun has said he can measure 5ft 8.25 in the afternoon on a stadiometer, I think at the gym. That's good enough for me.
Mamun said on 22/Dec/08
Thanks ROB !


miko said on 22/Dec/08
A 16-17" bicep Mamun?
Mamun said on 22/Dec/08
ROB my friend I can't see my picture here !



Editor Rob
I fixed it now.
Ejel Khan said on 28/Nov/08
Mamun is a good, Bangladeshi lad!
Ball-A-Hallic said on 23/Jul/06
Idk in that old ludacris video next to the 5'8 luda he seemed like he was maybe 5'10

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.