Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Aug/17
A weak 6ft2 is arguable
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Aug/17
Arch, I don't know what to say about Welles. He really could come off like a 6ft3+ guy at times on-screen. I've heard people who met him report as high 6ft5.
Arch Stanton said on 17/Apr/17
Yeah like Coburn he had a look which at times could look easily 189. Tough to see him over this if Welles was 6'.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Oct/16
He does look 6ft2 range in Blueprint for Murder.
Arch Stanton said on 5/Oct/16
It's a fair guess, generally looks about this with Orson Welles, could look both a bit shorter and a bit taller though.
Arch Stanton said on 9/Jul/16
But then you see 17:59 and that's with 5'8 Gary Merrill ;-)
Arch Stanton said on 9/Jul/16
It must be the wideness of the screen in that film because again at 16:55-17:00 he looks like a 6'4 guy! Definitely the tallest I've ever seen him look in that film.
Arch Stanton said on 9/Jul/16
Rob, check him out at 14:20 here
Click Here Funny but if you didn't know his height range there you'd think like 6'4-5 range wouldn't you? Gives the illusion of being buch taller there but not as tall as he looks.

Editor Rob
not sure about 6ft 4-5 illusion, but when standing up at first maybe 6ft 2-3 'look'.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Jun/16
Yeah 186-187cm range is fair. Not convinced he was a quite a true 188cm guy even though he could look it occasionally. But he could also appear 185cm in some movies.
Arch Stanton said on 29/Apr/15
Rob can you add a photo and tweak Sin to Sun haha!
The 6'1.5 looks right next to Gregory Peck in Duel in the Sun too looked about a 4 cm diff.
Arch Stanton said on 17/May/14
Seemed totally out of place in Under Capricorn. I appreciated some of it but it is definitely one of Hitchcock's weakest efforts. Way too much dialogue!!
Arch Stanton said on 16/May/14
Also in Under Capricorn Cotten barely looks 1-1.5 inches taller than 6' listed Michael Wilding. 6'2" looks too high next to him too.
Sam said on 1/Apr/14
If Welles was a flat 6'1" as is the consensus, then I guess this a pretty good shout. That movie name is Duel in the Sun, not Duel in the Sin. I still think a flat 6'1" is too low for Cotten, I don't think he looks a full 2 inches shorter than Gregory Peck.
Click Here
Arch Stanton said on 8/Mar/14
Rob can you add Citizen Kane, The Magnificent Ambersons, Gaslight, Journey Into Fear, Shadow of a Doubt, Duel in the Sin, and Tora Tora Tora?
Arch Stanton said on 8/Mar/14
Also in The Farmer's Daughter he oddly looked a bit shorter than Charles Bickford who was listed at 6'1". I agree that his slender frame and build could even make him look a strong 6'2 at times but in most comparisons honestly I think 6'1" range is more likely.
Arch Stanton said on 26/Feb/14
Actually in Shadow of a Doubt he was barely taller than 6'0 listed Macdonald Carey. Cotten looked about 2 cm taller. Maybe Macdonald was more 6'1 though
Arch Stanton said on 26/Feb/14
Rob can you add Citizen Kane, The Magnificent Ambersons, Gaslight, Journey Into Fear, Shadow of a Doubt, Duel in the Sin, and Tora Tora Tora?
Arch Stanton said on 26/Feb/14
He did look a full 6'2" in Shadow of a Doubt.
Arch Stanton said on 5/Jan/14
I watched Citizen Kane again the other day and Cotten again seemed more 6'1 range to me Sam.
Arch Stanton said on 5/Jan/14
Because he didn't really look it Sam. Cotten was barely taller than Orson Welles. Now compare Welles with a proper 6'2" er Charlton Heston in Touch of Evil. Max 187.
Sam said on 13/Nov/13
What lead to the half inch downgrade from his usual (?) listing of 6'2", Rob? I think he really looked that 6'2" mark pretty much all the time.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Oct/13
This looks about right next to Ingrid Bergman in Gaslight, although strangely people who were supposed to be the same height were taller than her in the film.
Arch Stanton said on 22/Sep/13
Rob are there any other existing pages on here you're really not sure about for some of the older actors?

Editor Rob
with 6000 pages it's hard sometimes to keep track of older pages, as I am going through each one slowly over this year and probably into next I'm sure I'll see some as I go and relook at them.
Arch Stanton said on 22/Sep/13
Looks a better estimate now in comparison, thanks.
Arch Stanton said on 19/Sep/13
Rob, pause also at 77:40 with Orson Welles.
Arch Stanton said on 19/Sep/13
I really think 6'1" range would make more sense.

Editor Rob
yeah I wasn't sure on him, but looking at a few clips just now, he can look 6ft 1-1.5 at most.
Arch Stanton said on 19/Sep/13
Rob, see 59 minutes
Click Here How can he be a legit 6'2" next to 185cm Bernard Lee? Lee was roughly a 6'1 guy in his prime and could look 184 a lot and was no less than 2 inches shorter than Gregory Peck in Purple Plains. I'd downgrade Cotten to 187 at least.
Arch Stanton said on 19/Sep/13
Looks 6'1" range in The Third Man.
Brad said on 26/Apr/13
2 inches shorter than Vincent Price. As legitimate as they come, Rob
Click Here
Shadow2 said on 11/Dec/10
Cotten seemed a legit 6'2" in movies with 6'5" Rock Hudson and min. 6'3" George Sanders. By the late 1960's he appeared to be a min. 6'1" in TV work he did at Universal, with close to 6' Robert Wagner.
George said on 22/Nov/10
I always thought he was 6'3
talker said on 15/Feb/09
i'll go for 6'2" for Joseph Cotten.He looks taller than 6'1" Robert Walker in the movie "Since you went away",Walker looks much taller than Guy Madison who plays a sailor in same movie,this was his first movie.Madison is usually listed as 6' but in this movie he looks no more than 5'11" next to Walker.
adam said on 13/Oct/08
About 6-2 sounds right. What a great performance in "Shadow Of A Doubt". If you have a chance to watch the film, do it! Great film with a great actors including Joseph Cotten.
Mark said on 19/Sep/07
I agree; I don't think Joseph Cotten was quite that tall.
Gonzalo said on 18/Dec/06
he was clearly shorter than Peck in Duel in the sun. 6`1 is my guess.
Joanna said on 19/Jul/06
When I was 14 or 15 years old, Joseph Cotton lived in my neighborhood (albeit in a substantially larger home than the rest of us), and I had occassion to stand next to him once or twice (by the way, a very nice man). I am 6ft tall now; 5'10" back then...and he was at least 4 to 5 inches taller than me. That puts him in the 6'2" to 6'3" range.
Frank2 said on 23/May/06
Cotten was 6'2". Welles wore lifts in Citizen Kane to look taller. You can easily spot them in a couple of scenes especially when the camera is at floor level looking up as Welles shuffles around the room.
Linda S said on 21/May/06
I met Joseph Cotten in the 80's at the Miami Book Fair. He was speaking about his autobio. Had the chance to get up close to him. He was a very tall, broad-shouldered man. I felt that he was 6'4".
Bleemo said on 30/Apr/06
Looks really big in Hitchcock's favourite movie he made, "Shadow of doubt" so I think there's a chance on this one. Wonder if Frank2 ever met him? he was in Citizen Kane too so quite a succesful actor really.