American actor, best remembered for appearing in TV series Mannix, The Nurses, Days of Our Lives and The Bold and the Beautiful.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/May/23
This guy had very classic rugged Sicilian good looks. Wouldn't have looked out of place in the Godfather films. Probably one that could've had a bigger career....something kind of sinister looking about him. Would have made a brilliant Solozzo...more imposing
Gerald S said on 25/Feb/23
Maybe a listing for Joseph Wiseman at 6’0.5, Rob?
I guess that 6’0.25”-6’0.75” range for Wiseman could be argued, sometimes he could look just over 6’0”, over times just under 6’1”.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Oct/22
Rob, could Wiseman get a page?
I think he definitely deserves it given his significance to the Bond franchise as the first onscreen villain but also to stop steering the conversation away from this poor man whose height we’ve hardly spoken about. Very dapper, debonair gent who should have had a bigger career. Would’ve been great in The Godfather, IMO
Sinclair said on 4/Oct/22
Wiseman did give the impression of someone closer to 6'1" than Patrick O'Neal in Stiletto.
Sinclair said on 4/Oct/22
Yes, Joseph Wiseman on a few occasions could pass for 6'1" (like in The Streets of San Francisco, The Valachi Papers, Stiletto) but he was very likely a tad under that mark. In fact, before I became so interested in height, while watching The Valachi Papers, I remember thinking: "Surely, Wiseman's too tall for only six feet." I could not go under 6'0.5" and would probably steer most towards 6'0.75". There was little more than an inch between Wiseman and Sean Connery in Dr. No; however, Wiseman seemed more 6 feet than 6 feet 1 with Kirk Douglas in Detective Story. I would thus prioritise 6'0.5" over a full 6'1".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Oct/22
Rob, what made you go with this over just 6ft1?
I think it’s spot on for him though. Could pass for 6ft1½ on Mannix. Edged out Mike Connors

Editor Rob
I think watching a few clips I could see a greater chance of over 6ft 1, although I would say his eyelevel is a bit higher than average for a guy around that height.
Harold Green said on 4/Oct/22
Is this Joseph Wiseman’s page or Joseph Campanella? I wish to give Joseph Campanella 6’1 1/8 as I believe it is closer but I will give him 6’1 1/4 for generosity
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Oct/22
Rob, I think over a flat 6ft for Wiseman but not a solid 6ft1 like this dude. Could’ve been 6ft0½-6ft0¾ range peak, worst case 6ft0¼.
Definitely less than 2in between him and Connery (solid 6ft2 no less in Bond days).
Really good posture helped make him look taller
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Oct/22
@Sinclair: I requested Wiseman a few years ago,
Definitely think 184-185cm zone works better than 183cm. Had almost military-like posture and could look barely shorter than Connery in some scenes. He should’ve been added years ago, the first Bond villain for crying out loud! They have Gert Frobe, Curt Jurgens, Yaphett Kotto etc. All known mainly as Bond villains

Editor Rob
6ft might be closer to the truth than 6ft 1.
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Sep/22
Here are Joseph’s dates:
He was born on the 21st November, 1924 and he passed on on the 16th May, 2018. He had Parkinson’s disease.
RIP Joseph XXX 🕯
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Sep/22
Ah! Another deceased actor here to be immortalised for ever and always!
6ft1.25. 🕯💐
Sinclair said on 29/Sep/22
Rob, this is a good opportunity for me to request a page for an even more famous Hollywood Joseph. Joseph Wiseman/Dr. No!!! A weaker 6’1” range?
w/Sean Connery
Click Here
w/Connery & Ursula Andress
Click Here
w/Kirk Douglas (who could seem 5’11” at times)
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Rob, also important to note Wiseman had 1.5 inches on 5’11.5” Alex Cord in Stiletto at 29:36:
Click Here
Such an iconic Bond Villain (if not the most iconic). Wiseman also acted in Detective Story, The Valachi Papers, The Unforgiven, Lawman, Viva Zapata! He surely deserves a page by now, Rob?